Hindu Literature
Hindu Literature
Hindu Literature
MAHABARATA (Ganesha, Vyasa)
In the ancient epic Mahabharata, there is a fascinating
The Mahabharata is indeed one of the two major story involving Guru Ved Vyasa and Lord Ganesha.
Sanskrit epic poems of ancient India, the other being According to Hindu mythology, Ved Vyasa, the sage who
the Ramayana. The Mahabharata is considered a composed the Mahabharata, sought the help of Lord
significant source of information on the development of Ganesha in transcribing this great epic. When Vyasa
Hinduism between 400 BCE and 200 CE. It is indeed decided to write the Mahabharata, he needed someone
regarded by Hindus as a text about dharma (Hindu to assist in writing down the epic tale as he narrated it.
moral law) and as a historical account (itihasa, meaning Upon meditation, Lord Brahma advised Vyasa to seek
“that’s what happened”). the help of Lord Ganesha for this monumental task.
“MAHABHARATA” Ganesha: Vyasa, I understand you wish to narrate the
Book One – Adi Parva epic tale of the Mahabharata. Why do you seek my
Book Two – Sabha Parva
Vyasa: Ganesha, I seek your wisdom and skill. The story
Book Three – Vana Parva is vast and intricate, filled with dharma, conflict, and the
struggles of humanity. I need a scribe who can capture
Book Four – Bhishma Parva
its essence.
Book Five – Udyoga Parva
Ganesha: I will gladly assist you. But tell me, what is the
Book Six – Bhishma Parva heart of this tale?
Book Seven – Drona Parva Vyasa: It is the struggle between good and evil, the
quest for truth, and the complexities of duty. Each
Book Eight – Karna Parva character embodies a lesson.
Book Thirteen – Anusasana Parva Ganesha: Then let the ink flow, and may the wisdom of
the ages shine through our work.
Book Fourteen – Aswamedha Parva
The Kurukshetra War is the central event of the
Book Fifteen – Asramavasika Parva Mahabharata and lasted for 18 days. It was fought
between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, two branches
Book Sixteen – Mausala Parva
of the Kuru dynasty, over the throne of Hastinapura.
Book Seventeen – Mahaprasthanika Parva
Panchantantra collection of fables by Vishnu Sharma
Book Eighteen – Svargarohanika Parva
The Panchatantra is a collection of folktales and fables
that were believed to have been originally written in
Sanskrit by Vishnu Sharma more than 2500 years ago.
Who is Vishnu Sharma? One of the carpenters was sawing a huge log of wood.
Since, it was only half-done; he placed a wedge in
Vishnu Sharma also known as Vishnu Sharma (Sanskrit) between to prevent the log from closing up. He then
was an Indian scholar and author who is believed to went off along with the other workers for his meal.
have written the Panchatantra collection of fables.
When all the workers were gone, the monkeys came
The exact period of the composition of the down from the trees and started jumping around the
Panchatantra is uncertain, and estimates vary from site, and playing with the instruments.
1200 BCE to 300 CE. Some scholars place him in the 3rd
century BCE. Vishnu Sharman is one of the most widely There was one monkey, who got curious about the
translated non-religious authors in history. wedge placed between the log. He sat down on the log,
and having placed himself in between the half-split log,
He used to live in Varanasi in the 3rd century BC. He was caught hold of the wedge and started pulling at it.
also the official guru of the prince of Kashi. To teach
political science to his royal disciples in a creative way, All of a sudden, the wedge came out. As a result, the
he wrote the Panchatantra, which is one of the oldest half-split log closed in and the monkey got caught in the
collected works of Indian fables existing today. gap of the log.
The Panchatantra was translated into Pahlavi in 570 CE As was his destiny, he was severely wounded.
by Borz ya and into Arabic in 750 CE by Persian scholar
Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa as Kal lah wa Dimnah (Arabic). The wise indeed say: One, who interferes in other's
work, surely comes to grief.
• Loss Of Gains (The Monkey and the Crocodile) Despite being shattered, the vacant houses of this
village had become homes for a large number of mice.
• “Apariksitakarakam: Irresponsible Behaviour/Rash The mice found the place very comfortable and grew in
Behaviour” (The Brahman and the Mongoose) numbers after some time.
The Monkey and the Wedge But as the herd of elephants travelled through the
abandoned village, everyday many mice got trampled.
One day, a group of monkey arrived at the site of the
This posed a problem for the mice. So, the king of mice
building and watched the workers leaving for their mid-
decided to confront the elephants and request them to
day meals.
act accordingly.
Next day, as the herd of elephants approached, the king Book 3: Kákolùkïyam: Of Crows and Owls
of mice met the elephants cordially and said, "O Sirs, we
live in the ruins of this abandoned village and as you The Cave that Talked
travel through this village, everyday many mice get Kharanakhara was a lion who ruled over a certain part
trampled. Therefore, I request you to change your route of a jungle.
to the lake. If you do so, I shall remember to return the
favour in your time of need." One day, he could not prey upon a single animal after
wandering around the jungle in search of food. It was
At this the king of elephants laughed, "O king of Mice, almost sunset, and the lion started returning in spite of
there will be no such favour that we, the giant being very hungry.
elephants, will require from you, small mice. However, I
will honour your request and we will change the route On his way, he saw a big cave, and thought to himself,
to the lake from today. You will not have to worry about "It is for sure that some animal must be living in this big
any danger caused by us anymore." cave. Such a nice cave cannot be un-inhabitated. At
sunset, whatever animal lives here is bound to return. I
The king of mice thanked the king of the elephants for shall hide inside the cave and wait for my dinner to
his consideration, and the herd of elephants never arrive."
entered the village anymore.
The cave was the home to a jackal, who arrived a while
After some time, the herd of elephants fell into traps set after the lion had hidden himself inside. While entering
by elephant-hunters. Many of the elephants, including he noticed the footprints of the lion leading into the
their king, got entangled in the nets. They struggled cave, but could not find any footprint coming out.
hard but could not set themselves free from the strong
nets. He thought, "If a lion is indeed entered, I will be dead as
soon as I enter. But, how can I be sure? There is no
Suddenly, the king of the elephants remembered the reason for me to stay away from my home if there is no
promise of the king of mice. He summoned another lion inside. I must find out a way to confirm if the lion is
elephant who had not got trapped to remind the king of still inside."
mice of his promise and plea for help on his behalf.
The jackal thought of a plan, and standing in front of the
As soon as the elephant informed the king of mice of cave, began to shout, "Hello Cave! Hello Cave! Can I
the situation, the king of mice summoned all mice at come inside?"
once. He said, "Now is the time for us to return the
favour of the elephants. We should go immediately" For some moment, he waited in silence and shouted
again, "Hello Cave! Have you forgotten our
And so, the elephant brought the mice to the place understanding of all these years? I always wait for your
where the other elephants had been trapped. All the reply before I enter. Why are you silent today? I shall
mice started nibbling on the strong nets and cut them then go to some other cave if you do not reply."
On hearing this, the lion thought, "The cave must reply
The elephants broke loose from the nets and were to the jackal when he returns at sunset. It is because I
grateful to be free again. The king of elephants thanked am inside that the cave is not replying today. I must
the king of mice for his timely help, and became great invite on behalf of the cave, or the jackal will go away."
friends thereafter.
So, the lion replied from inside the cave, "Hello Jackal,
The wise indeed say: Never underestimate anybody by you may enter. It is safe inside."
their appearances.
The reply was even more frightening due to the echo
from the walls of the cave. The jackal at once knew that
the lion was waiting for him to enter and make a meal One night, as he was feeding on the fresh barley crops
out of him. He ran off, as fast as he could and saved in the fields, he heard a sound. It was a female donkey
himself. braying from a distance. He was attracted and brayed in
The wise indeed say: Use your tact to protect yourself
from destruction. The farmers, who were watching him from inside for
fear of the tiger, heard this and realized that it was a
donkey and not a tiger. They came out to observe, it
Book 4: Labdhapranásam: Loss of Gains was indeed a donkey dressed in tiger's skin. They
chased the donkey with sticks, and killed him.
The Donkey and the Washerman
The wise indeed say: Do not pretend to be what you
Shuddapatta was a washerman, who had a donkey to are not.
help him with his chores.
One of the Brahmins collected the bones of the lion and It starts with the death of Bharata’s king. Two camps
using his scholarship, created a skeleton of the lion. form around his potential successors. On one side is the
king’s younger brother, Pandu; on the other, his older
Another Brahmin used his scholarship to cover the brother, Dhritarashtra. Dhritarashtra relies on his
skeleton with flesh and skin. counselor Sanjaya to tell him about a battle that took
As the lifeless lion stood in front of them, the third place nearby. He is not the rightful king but he wishes to
Brahmin initiated the rituals to put life into the lion. keep the kingdom for his son, who is part of the
Kauravas. Sanjaya tells Dhritarashtra about Arjuna, the
The fourth Brahmin was alarmed, "O friends, if the lion leader of the Pandavas. Arjuna is being advised by the
comes to life, he will kill all of us! Please stop what you god Krishna, who has taken human form and acts as
are doing!" Arjuna’s charioteer and advisor. Sanjaya recounts the
conversation that took place between Arjuna and
The Brahmins ridiculed him, "After reaching so far, are
Krishna. This conversation is the foundation of the
we going to waste our knowledge? You say so, because
Bhagavad Gita.
you are jealous of our scholarship!"
Arjuna patrols the battlefield. He recognizes familiar
The fourth Brahmin knew there was no point in arguing
faces in the ranks of the opposing army and realizes that
with them. He pleaded, "Please give me a moment. I
he cannot fight them. The kingdom is not necessarily
wish to climb a tree before you make use of you
worth the deaths of so many people. He worries that
killing is a sinful act, especially if he is killing members of
He started climbing up a big tree, and could see from his own family. As he is about to give up on the battle,
above the third Brahmin use his scholarship, to put life Krishna provides guidance. Krishna explains the nature
into the lion. of existence and its relation to religion and theology.
There is no real death for people’s souls, as the cycle of
As soon as the lion became lively, he noticed the three reincarnation means that people are reborn in another
Brahmins, who were celebrating their successful life. This cycle repeats endlessly until a person reaches a
implementation of their scholarship. stage of enlightenment, which is akin to a true
understanding of god. A person’s deeds affects their
The lion immediately pounced on them, and killed
karma, and this karma is accumulated throughout a
person’s life.
The fourth Brahmin could do nothing but wait till the
At the end of their life, their soul is reincarnated into
lion had gone. Then, he climbed down the tree and
another body, and the quality of this rebirth depends on
returned home alone.
how they lived their life. A person who lives well will be
The wise indeed say: Common sense is preferable to born into a good life and able to move closer to
knowledge. enlightenment. Those who do not live a good life will be
reborn in increasingly worse situations and will move
further away from god and enlightenment.
Popularly known as "Gurudev.“ • Best known for being “Jana Gana Mana”, the national anthem of India, was
the first non-European to be awarded the Nobel Prize one of the works of Tagore.
for Literature in 1913 with his book Gitanjali, Song
“Amar Shonar Bangla”, the national anthem of
He was highly influential in introducing Indian culture
“Sri Lanka Matha”, the national anthem of Sri Lanka, the
to the West and is generally regarded as the
Bengali version of which was written by Rabindranath
outstanding creative artist of modern India.
Tagore, and was later translated into Sinhala by Ananda
Early Life Samarakoon, his student.
Abhilaash/Abhilasha (Desire)
Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability
to deal with them
1st ever poem written by Tagore
GITANJALI by Rabindranath Tagore
This poem is written by Tagore at the age of 12 in the
year 1874. "Gitanjali" is a collection of poems written by
Rabindranath Tagore, the renowned Bengali poet,
Abhilash is derived from Hindi word Abhilasha which philosopher, and Nobel laureate. Originally published in
means intense desire or aspiration. 1910, "Gitanjali," meaning "Song Offerings," is a
Theme profound and deeply spiritual work that explores
various themes such as love, devotion, nature, and the
The word “abhilaash” is a Sanskrit term that can be human experience.
roughly translated to “desire” or “aspiration.”
The theme of “abhilaash” often relates to one’s inner
desires, ambitions, and the pursuit of goals. Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. This
frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it
Verse 8 ever with fresh life.
In your path, evil lust, People have left for satisfaction. This little flute of a reed thou hast carried over hills and
They don’t know it, they don’t know it. There is no dales, and hast breathed through it melodies eternally
satisfaction in your path. new.
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, Drunk with the joy of singing I forget myself and call
not by the desire to beat others. thee friend who art my lord.
I know not how thou singest, my master! I ever listen in Kālidāsa was a Classical Sanskrit author who is often
silent amazement. considered ancient India's greatest poet and playwright.
His plays and poetry are primarily based on Hindu
The light of thy music illumines the world. The life Puranas and philosophy. His surviving works consist of
breath of thy music runs from sky to sky. The holy three plays, two epic poems and two shorter poems.
stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles Born: Gupta Empire
and rushes on.
Died: Gupta Empire
My heart longs to join in thy song, but vainly struggles
for a voice. I would speak, but speech breaks not into Plays: Abhijnanashakuntala (“The Recognition of
song, and I cry out baffled. Ah, thou hast made my heart Shakuntala”), Vikramorvashi (“Urvashi Won by Valour”),
captive in the endless meshes of thy music, my master! Malavikagnimitra (“Malavika and Agnimitra”)
I shall ever try to drive all evils away from my heart and -Abhijnanashakuntala is a timeless classic written by
keep my love in flower, knowing that thou hast thy seat Kalidasa. It narrates the story of King Dushyanta and
in the inmost shrine of my heart. Shakuntala, a hermitage girl.
And it shall be my endeavour to reveal thee in my -The drama unfolds as Dushyanta, on a hunting
actions, knowing it is thy power gives me strength to expedition, encounters Shakuntala in an ashram and
act. falls deeply in love with her. After a secret marriage
following the gandharva ritual, a curse from Sage
GITANJALI 5 Durvasa causes Dushyanta to forget Shakuntala.
I ASK for a moment's indulgence to sit by thy side. The -The climax comes when the curse is lifted, triggering his
works that I have in hand I will finish afterwards. memory, leading to the lovers’ reunion, symbolizing the
Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest triumph of love and destiny over challenges and time.
nor respite, and my work becomes an endless toil in a 2. Vikramorvashi
shoreless sea of toil.
-Vikramorvashi is a five-act Sanskrit drama by Kalidasa
To-day the summer has come at my window with its based on the love story of King Vikrama (or
sighs and murmurs; and the bees are plying their Vikramaditya) and celestial nymph Urvasi.
minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove.
3. Malavikagnimitra ("Malavika and Agnimitra")
Now it is time to sit quiet, face to face with thee, and to
sing dedication of life in this silent and overflowing -Malavikagnimitra, Kalidasa's first play, is a romantic
leisure. tale set in a harem. It revolves around the love story of
King Agnimitra and the maiden Malavika.
Raghuvamsha," or "Dynasty of Raghu," is a Sanskrit The yaksha vividly describes his love and the beauty of
epic poem by the ancient Indian poet Kalidasa. It his homeland, urging the cloud to convey his longing
narrates the lineage of the solar dynasty (Suryavansha) and sorrow. As the cloud journeys through various
through the life and exploits of its most celebrated king, landscapes, it witnesses the beauty of nature and the
Raghu. The poem explores themes of valor, duty, and changing seasons, serving as a backdrop to the yaksha's
righteousness, portraying the virtues of kingship and emotional turmoil. The poem is celebrated for its rich
the ideals of dharma (moral order). imagery, lyrical quality, and exploration of themes like
love, longing, and the connection between nature and
The narrative begins with the origin of the Raghu human emotions.
dynasty, tracing its roots back to the sun god, Surya. Key
figures in the lineage include Raghu, whose bravery and
generosity are highlighted, and his descendants, notably
King Dasaratha, father of Lord Rama. The poem also
touches upon the challenges faced by these kings, their
conquests, and their deep connection to divine