Eisenstein Classes and Generating Series of Modular Symbols in
Eisenstein Classes and Generating Series of Modular Symbols in
Eisenstein Classes and Generating Series of Modular Symbols in
arXiv:2411.08690v1 [math.NT] 13 Nov 2024
We define a theta lift between the homology in degree N −
1 of a locally symmetric space associated to SLN (R) and
the space of modular forms of weight N . We show that
the Fourier coefficients of this lift are Poincaré duals to
certain modular symbols associated to certain maximal
parabolic subgroups. The constant term is a canonical
cohomology classes obtained by transgressing the Euler
class of a torus bundle. This Eisenstein lift realizes a
geometric theta correspondence for the pair SLN × SL2 ,
in the spirit of Kudla-Millson. When N = 2, we show
that the lift surjects on the space of weight 2 modular
forms spanned by an Eisenstein series and the eigenforms
with non-vanishing L-function.
1. Introduction 2
1.1. The work of Kudla-Millson 2
1.2. Special cycles for SLN (R) 3
1.3. The Eisenstein class 4
1.4. Theta lifts 6
1.5. Evaluation on tori 6
1.6. The case of the modular curve 8
1.7. Outline of the paper 9
1.8. Acknowledgements 9
2. Locally symmetric spaces and special cycles 9
2.1. Locally symmetric space of SLN (R) 9
2.2. Special cycles in S 10
2.3. Quotients 12
3. Thom forms and the Mathai-Quillen formalism 15
3.1. Thom isomorphism 15
3.2. Mathai-Quillen construction 17
3.3. The form ϕ 21
3.4. The form ψ 26
3.5. The transgression form 28
4. Theta lift 30
4.1. Weil representation, intertwiners and theta series 30
4.2. Computation of the partial Fourier transforms 38
4.3. Differential forms as theta series 40
4.4. The Eisenstein class 41
4.5. The Fourier coefficients of the Eisenstein class 43
4.6. The constant term 50
4.7. Holomorphicity of the theta lift 53
4.8. Span of special cycles 55
4.9. Periods over tori 56
5. The case N = 2 60
5.1. Hecke operators 61
5.2. The Eisenstein lift when N = 2 62
References 65
1. Introduction
1.1. The work of Kudla-Millson. In a series of influential papers [KM86;
KM87; KM90], Kudla and Millson construct (in greater generality) a geo-
metric theta lift relating the cohomology of orthogonal locally symmetric
spaces DΓ := Γ\D of signature (p, q) to holomorphic modular forms of weight
2 . The symmetric space D ≃ SO(p, q)/SO(p) × SO(q) is the Grassma-
nian of negative q-planes in a real quadratic space of signature (p, q), and
Γ ⊂ SO(p, q) is a torsion-free subgroup preserving an integral lattice in Rp+q .
The central ingredient of their construction is a suitable differential q-form
ϕKM ∈ Ωq (D)⊗S(Rp+q ) valued in the space of Schwartz function in S(Rp+q ).
The theta machinery introduced by Weil [Wei64] produces a theta kernel
ΘKM (z, τ ) ∈ Ωq (D)Γ ⊗ M p+q (Γ′ ), z ∈ D, τ ∈H
where M p+q (Γ′ ) is the space of modular forms of weight (p + q)/2 and a
certain level Γ′ ⊂ SL2 (Z) depending on the choice of the lattice. This theta
kernel can be used to define two lifts. Let S p+q (Γ′ ) be the subspace of cusps
forms. On the one hand, the Petersson inner product of a cusp form f with
the theta kernel is a closed form, which defines a lift
ΛKM : S p+q (Γ′ ) −→ H q (DΓ ; C).
The main feature of this lift is that it has the Fourier expansion
Z Z X∞
ΘKM (z, τ ) = c0 + [C, Cn ]q n
C C n=1
where the special cycles
Cn ∈ Zpq−q (DΓ ; Z)
are locally finite cycles of codimension q in DΓ , and [C, Cn ] is the intersection
number in DΓ between the two cycles C and Cn .
In fact, Kudla and Millson constructed a more general lift between the co-
homology of orthogonal locally symmetric spaces and Siegel modular forms,
corresponding to the dual pair SO(p, q) × Spn (R). They also provided an
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 3
analogous lift for locally symmetric spaces attached to unitary groups. Re-
cently, Shi [Shi23] has considered generalized special cycles on Hermitian
locally symmetric manifolds, thus extending the work of Kudla and Millson
to new dual pairs. The Kudla-Millson lift has become an important tool in
arithmetic geometry, and there is an extensive literature on generalizations
and applications of these lifts by many authors.
The aim of this paper is to construct a theta lift for the pair SLN (R) ×
SL2 (R), in the style of the Kudla-Millson lift. It is also motivated by the con-
struction of a similar lift by Bergeron-Charollois-Garcia [BCG20]. Although
the construction is different, we believe that the two lifts are the same. (As
we will show, the two lifts agree on cycles attached to tori, which suggests
that they are indeed equal.) In any case, the main novelty of the construction
in this paper is that its Fourier coefficients have a geometric interpretation,
which is not present in the work of Bergeron-Charollois-Garcia.
1.2. Special cycles for SLN (R). We consider the symmetric spaces
X := GLN (R)+ /SO(N ), S := SLN (R)/SO(N ),
where GLN (R)+ is the group of invertible matrices with positive determi-
nant. The space X can be seen as the space of real positive-definite symmet-
ric invertible matrices, and S ⊂ X as the subspace of matrices of determinant
one. Throughout this paper, we will denote by
v = (v, w) ∈ RN ⊕ RN
a pair of vectors in RN . Let ρ the representation ρ : GLN (Q) −→ QN ⊕ QN
given by ρg v := (gv, g −t w). Consider the quadratic form
B : RN ⊕ RN −→ R, B(v) := v t w,
of signature (N, N ), that we can also see as a pairing on RN × RN . Let
L ⊂ RN be an integral lattice, in the sense that L ⊂ L∗ := Hom(L, Z), and
L := L ⊕ L ⊂ R2N .
The dual with respect to the quadratic form is L∨ = L∗ ⊕ L∗ . Let DL :=
L∨ /L be the discriminant of the lattice, and χ ∈ C[DL ] a test function. We
will also view it as a function
χ : Q2N −→ C
that is supported on L∨ and invariant under translation by L. Let us assume1
that χ(0) = 0, and let Γ ⊂ SLN (R) be a torsion-free subgroup that preserves
χ in the sense that χ(ργ v0 ) = χ(v0 ). (Note that the groups Γ, Γ′ that we
will use from now on have nothing do to with the subgroups that appear in
We will be interested in the cohomology of the (N 2 +N −2)/2 dimensional
locally symmetric space
SΓ := Γ\S.
1This assumption is not necessary in most parts of the paper, but is required for the
expression of the constant term.
4 Romain Branchereau
Remark 1.1. The classical modular symbols {α, β} in H are associated to two
lines α, β ∈ P1 (Q) and generate the relative homology of the modular curve
Y0 (p). These modular symbols can be generalized to S in different ways. The
modular symbols Zn (χ) considered in this paper are associated to maximal
parabolic subgroups. Similar modular symbols have been considered in pre-
vious work [KMS00; Sch93]. On the other hand, Ash and Rudolph [AR79]
consider generalized modular symbols ZQ associated to Borel subgroups and
show that these modular symbols generate the relative homology of SΓ . We
will compute the period of the Eisenstein lift on such modular symbols in
1.3. The Eisenstein class. Using the Mathai-Quillen formalism, we con-
struct a closed and GLN (R)+ -invariant form ϕ ∈ ΩN (X) ⊗ S(R2N ). We
define the theta series
Θϕχ (z, τ ) := j(hτ , i)N ω(hτ )ϕ(z, v)χ(v) ∈ ΩN (X)Γ ⊗ C ∞ (H),
µσ := µd11 · · · µdNN ,
in the variables (g1 , τ ) ∈ SLN (R) × H converges for Re(s) > N , where
s (−1)N −1 iN
Λ(s) := Γ N + s
2 2π N + 2
and F2 (χ) is a partial finite Fourier transform in the second variable. Let
u := det(g)1/N be the determinant function and let du/u be the GLN (R)+ -
invariant form. The form ιu ∂ λ(σ) is an (N − 1)-form on S. The following
follows from Poisson summation.
1.4. Theta lifts. The Kudla-Millson theta correspondence has proved use-
ful for deducing results regarding the span of the homology by special cy-
cles. There are striking applications (amongst others) of these results due to
Bergeron-Millson-Moeglin [BMM16] and Bergeron-Li-Millson-Moeglin [Ber+17].
Similarly, it is natural to wonder2 what part of the homology is generated
by the modular symbols Zn (χ).
The form Eϕχ (z1 , τ ) can be used as a theta kernel to define two lifts. On
the one hand, we have a lift
(1.3) Eϕχ : HN −1 (SΓ ; C) −→ MN (Γ ), Eϕχ (Z, τ ) := Eϕχ (z1 , τ )
analogous to the Kudla-Millson lift (1.1). Note that by Theorem 1.1, we
Z Z ∞
N(N−1)2 X
Eϕχ (z1 , τ ) = z(χ) + (−1) 2 [Z, Zn (χ)]q n ,
Z Z n=1
where [Z, Zn (χ)] is the intersection pairing on SΓ between the two cycles Z
and Zn (χ). On the other hand, by taking the Petersson inner product of a
cusp form with Eϕχ (z1 , τ ) we also get a lift
Λϕχ : SN (Γ′ ) −→ H N −1 (SΓ ; C).
There is a pairing
(1.4) HN −1 (SΓ ; C) × H(N 2 −N )/2 (SΓ ; C) −→ C.
also have
im(Λϕχ ) ≃ span{Zn (χ) | n ∈ N>0 }.
Remark 1.3. If χ is a test function such that χ(−v) = (−1)N −1 χ(v), then
the lift Eϕχ vanishes.
1.5. Evaluation on tori. Suppose that L = pZ2N and let χ ∈ C[DL ] be
a test function on DL = p−1 Z2N /pZ2N . Let us assume that it splits as
χ(v) = χ1 (v)χ2 (w), and let Γ ⊂ SLN (Z) be a congruence subgroup that
preserves χ. Ash and Rudolph [AR79] prove that the relative homology of
the Borel-Serre compactification S Γ is spanned by modular symbols
ZQ ∈ ZN −1 (SΓ , Z),
Theorem 1.4. If ZQ is a modular symbol that is good for χ, then the period
over ZQ converges and we have
(−1)N −1 iN a m τ + bm
Eϕχ (z1 , τ ) = F2 (χ)(Qv0 ) E1 τ, ,
ZQ π N pN p
v0 ∈Q2N /L m=1
On the other hand, one can evaluate the lift on a torus attached to a
totally real field F of degree N . Let m ⊂ O be an integral ideal and let
L = m ⊕ m, that we view as a lattice in R2N via the embeddings of F . By
restriction of scalars we obtain a compact cycle
Zm := U (m)1,+ \(F ⊗ R)1,+ ∈ HN −1 (SΓ ; Z)
where (F ⊗ R)1,+ are the totally positive elements of norm 1 and U (m)1,+
are the units that are congruent to 1 modulo m.
Theorem 1.5. The evaluation of the lift (1.3) on Zm is the diagonal restric-
tion Eχ (τ ) of a Hilbert-Eisenstein series Eχ (τ1 , . . . , τN )) of parallel weight one
for a subgroup of SL2 (O). Hence, it has the Fourier expansion
Z ∞
N(N−1)2 X
Eχ (τ ) = z(χ) + (−1) 2 [Zm , Zn (χ)]q n .
Zm n=1
(N −1,0,N,0)
Eψ,x in [BCG20, Lemma. 28] is exactly the form Eϕχ considered in
this paper, in the case where χ is the characteristic function of a non-zero
torsion point x.
1.6. The case of the modular curve. In the special case where N = 2,
the symmetric space S is the upper half-plane H. Let p be a prime and
let L = pZ4 . For a suitable test function χ we can take Γ = Γ′ = Γ0 (p)
so that SΓ = Y0 (p) = Γ0 (p)\H. Let f1 , . . . , fr be a basis of normalized
newforms of S2 (Γ0 (p)), and E2 is the normalized Eisenstein series needed
to span M2 (Γ0 (p)). We define ωE := E2 (τ )dτ and ωf± := ωf ± ωf where
ωf = f (τ )dτ .
The Eisenstein lift specializes to
Zn (χ) = Tn {0, ∞}
are the Hecke translates of the modular symbol {0, ∞} from 0 to ∞, and we
deduce the following from Theorem 1.1.
Corollary 1.5.1. For Z ∈ H1 (Y0 (p); Z), the weight 2 modular form Eϕχ (C)
admits the Fourier expansion
Z X ∞
Eϕχ (Z, τ ) = ωE − [Z, Tn {0, ∞}]q n .
p−1 Z n=1
Remark 1.5. The constant term is obtained by comparing the constant term
in the spectral expansion below.
Corollary 1.5.2. For Z ∈ H1 (Y0 (p); Z), the modular form Eϕχ (Z) admits
the spectral expansion
Z X r Z
24 (p) L(fi , 1) +
Eϕχ (Z) = ωE E2 − ω fi f i .
p−1 Z iπkfi k2 Z
Let M02 (Γ0 (p)) ⊂ M2 (Γ0 (p)) be the subspace spanned by the eigenforms E2 ,
and fi for which L(fi , 1) 6= 0. The lift (1.6) is a surjective map
Moreover, the lift is Hecke equivariant in the sense that Eϕχ (Tn Z) = Tn Eϕχ (Z)
when (n, p) = 1.
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 9
Proof. Recall that for any matrix g ∈ GLN (R)+ we have gX(v,w) = X(gv,g−t w) .
1 −wt /w1
g :=
0 1N −1
be the matrix such that g −t w1 e1 = w. If z ∈ X(v′ ,w1 e1 ) , then gz ∈ X(gv′ ,w) =
X(v,w) where
′ −1 n/w1
v := g v= ∈ R × RN −1 .
For v′ = (v ′ , w1 e1 ), with v ′ as above, the submanifold Xv′ consists of
positive definite invertible matrices of the form
n/w12 v t /w1
v/w1 z′
12 Romain Branchereau
is finite.
where g0−1 Γg0 ⊂ SLN (Z) is of finite index. Hence, the proposition follows
from the finiteness of
v ∈ SLN (Z)\Z B(v) = n .
By the Hermite normal form, we can find γ ∈ SLN (Z) such that
γv = ∈ De1 ,
0N −1
where D = gcd(v1 , v2 , . . . , vN ). Thus, every orbit can be reduced to
D w1
SLN (Z)(v, w) = SLN (Z) , .
0N −1 w′
We have Dw1′ = v t w = n, so w1′ must be one of the divisors of n.
Reducing w2′ modulo w1′ we can write w2′ = qw1′ + r2 for some r2 ∈ Z/w1′ Z.
Then, for
1 q 0
γ = 0 1 0 ∈ SLN (Z)
0 0 1N −2
we have
′ ′
D w1 D w1
ργ 0 , w2 = 0 , r2 .
0N −2 .
.. 0N −2 .
14 Romain Branchereau
2.3.1. Special cycles in the quotient. The stabilizer of v under the action ρ
is the subgroup
Γv := γ ∈ Γ | γv = v, wt γ = wt .
√ √
Recall from (2.4) that mv satisfies mv e1 = v/ n and m−t v e1 = w/ n. If
γ ∈ Γv then (m−1 t −1 t
v γmv )e1 = e1 and e1 (mv γmv ) = e1 . Thus, we have
−1 1 0
mv γmv = = j(γ ′ )
0 γ′
ev ⊂ SLN −1 (R) be the subgroup such that
for some γ ′ ∈ SLN −1 (R). Let Γ
e v )m−1 .
Γv := mv j(Γ v
N 2 −N
of dimension 2 (and codimension N − 1) that depends only the equiva-
lence class v ∈ Γ\L /Z× . We then define for n ∈ N>0
Zn (χ) := χ(v)Zv ∈ Z BMN 2 −N (SΓ ; C) .
fv : X −→ RN , z 7−→ zw − v.
The differential is dz fv (A) = Aw and the function is regular when B(v) > 0
(since it implies w 6= 0). At a point z ∈ Xv the tangent space splits as
Tz X ≃ Tz Xv ⊕ Nz Xv
3.1. Thom isomorphism. Let Ωicv (EΓ ) be the space of i-forms with com-
pact vertical support i.e., with support contained in the disk bundle DEΓ ⊂
EΓ . The cohomology of this complex is the relative cohomology H i (EΓ , EΓ r
DEΓ ). Note that the relative cohomology H i (EΓ , EΓ r DEΓ ) is also the
cohomology of the complex Ωi (EΓ ) ⊕ Ωi−1 (DEΓ ) with boundary operator
δ(ω, α) = (dω, α − dω). Combining with the long exact sequence in relative
16 Romain Branchereau
The integration along the fibers of the bundle EΓ induces the Thom isomor-
H i (EΓ , EΓ r DEΓ ) −→ H i−N (XΓ ).
The preimage of 1 ∈ H 0 (XΓ ) ≃ Z is a class
Th(EΓ ) ∈ H N (EΓ , EΓ r DEΓ )
called the Thom class. It can also be seen as a Poincaré dual of the zero
section (EΓ )0 in EΓ . It is represented by a closed differential form U ∈
ΩNrd (EΓ ) on EΓ , that has integral 1 along the fibers. The Mathai-Quillen
formalism is a canonical way to produce such a representative, that will
depend on the choice of a connection on the bundle that is compatible with
the metric.
If s : XΓ −→ EΓ is a smooth section such that s(XΓ ) is transversal to
the zero section, then by [GP74, p. 28] its zero locus s−1 (0) is a smooth
submanifold of XΓ of codimension N . The pullback s∗ Th(EΓ ) is the Poincaré
dual to the class [s−1 (0)].
On the other hand we have sup v∈RN |v m φ(v)| < ∞ since φ is continuous.
that is closed, GLN (R)+ -invariant and with integral 1 along the fiber. In
particular it will be Γ-invariant and descends to a form
U ∈ ΩN
rd (EΓ )
3.2.1. Some operations on vector bundles. The tautological bundle Etaut over
E is the pullback of E along the projection map E → X. More concretely,
we have
Etaut = GLN (R)+ ×K (RN × RN )
where the equivalence relation is [g, v, w] = [gk, k −1 v, k −1 w]. Let us consider
the exterior product j Etaut = (GLN (R)+ × RN ) ×K j RN of the tauto-
logical bundle over E, where K acts by (gk, k−1 v) in the left factor and by
18 Romain Branchereau
^ ^ j
+ N N
Etaut = (GLN (R) × R ) ×K R = ⊕N
j=0 Etaut .
A differential i-form on E with values in j Etaut is an element in Ωi (E, j Etaut ).
It can also be seen as a basic form (K-invariant and trivial on vertical vec-
tors, see [BGV03, Proposition 1.9]) on GLN (R)+ ×RN with values in j RN .
Let us define
^ h ^j i
i,j i
Ω := Ω (E, Etaut ) ≃ Ωi (GLN (R)+ × RN ) ⊗ RN
and Ωi,• := j=0 Ωi,j . We define Ω•,j and Ω•,• similarly. We can equip Ω•,•
with the multiplication
Ωi,j × Ωk,l −→ Ωi+k,j+l
defined by
(ω ⊗ ν) ∧ (ω ′ ⊗ ν ′ ) := (−1)jk (ω ∧ ω ′ ) ⊗ (ν ∧ ν ′ ).
This makes Ω•,• an associative bigraded algebra over the ring of differential
forms on E. We define a positive definite bilinear form on ∧RN by
0 if j 6= l
B(v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vj , v1′ ∧ · · · ∧ vl′ ) = t ′
det(va vb )a,b if j = l.
Hence, we have
α∧β = (−1)k|I1 | αI1 ∧ βI2 ⊗ eI1 ∧ eI2
I1 ,I2 ⊂{1,...,N }
= ǫ(I1 , I2 )(−1)k|I1 | αI1 ∧ βI2 ⊗ eI1 ∪I2 .
I1 ,I2 ⊂{1,...,N }
Taking the J-th component will kill all the terms except when I1 and I2
satisfy I1 ∪ I2 = J.
N(N−1) N √ GLN (R)+
U := (−1) 2 (2π)− 2 exp −2πkvk2 − 2 π∇v + R ∈ ΩN
rd (E) .
Proposition 3.3. The form U is closed, GLN (R)+ -invariant and of integral
one along the fibers.
Proof. See Lemma 3.4 and Proposition 3.5 of [Bra23]. The fact that it is
closed come froms the fact that
d exp −2πkvk2 − 2 π∇v + R
= ∇ exp −2πkvk2 − 2 π∇v + R
Z B √ √
= (∇ + 2 πι(v)) exp −2πkvk2 − 2 π∇v + R
√ √
and that −2πkvk2 − 2 π∇v + R is annihilated by ∇ + 2 πι(v), where
ι(v) : Ωi,j −→ Ωi,j−1 is a contraction along the section v.
Proposition 3.4. Let E0 be the image of the zero section and let ω ∈
(N 2 −N )/2
Ωc (E) be a compactly supported form. Then
ω∧U = ω.
E E0
Proof. Let Ut be the pullback of U by multiplication by t in the fibers, so
that U1 = U . By [MQ86] (see also Proposition 3.11) there is a transgression
form δt ∈ ΩN −1 (E r E0 ) such that
dδt = Ut .
We can write
ω ∧ Ut = ω ∧ Ut + ω ∧ Ut .
E E0 ErE0
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 21
Since the domain of the second integral is ErE0 we can use the transgression
form to show that the second integral is independent in t since
Z Z Z Z t1
ω ∧ Ut1 − ω ∧ Ut0 = ω∧ Ut dt
ErE0 ErE0 ErE0 t0 ∂t
Z Z t1
= ω∧d δt dt
ErE0 t0
= 0.
In particular, we can take the limit as t goes to ∞. It follows from the rapid
decrease of Ut on E r E0 that
lim ω ∧ Ut = 0.
t→∞ ErE
3.3. The form ϕ. For v = (v, w) ∈ R2N let us define the section by
g−1 v − g t w
sv : X −→ E, z 7−→ sv (z) := g, √
where z = gg t ∈ X. We define the form
ϕ0 (z, v) := s∗v U ∈ ΩN (X) ⊗ C ∞ (R2N ).
Since the section satisfies sv (gz) = gsρ−1
g v
(z) for any g ∈ GLN (R)+ , it is
Γv -equivariant and descends to a section
sv : Γv \X −→ Γv \E.
Hence, for fixed v ∈ R2N we have ϕ0 (z, v) ∈ ΩN (X)Γv .
(N 2 −N )/2
Proposition 3.5. Let ω ∈ Ωc (Γv \X) be a compactly supported
form. Then
Z √ Z
lim ω ∧ ϕ (z, tv) = ω.
t→∞ Γ \X Γv \Xv
Proof. Let Ut be the Thom form as in Proposition 3.4. It satisfies ϕ0 (z, tv) =
s∗v Ut . Let Ev ⊂ E be the image of sv . Using Proposition 3.4 we find that
ω ∧ sv Ut = s∗v (π ∗ ω ∧ Ut )
Γv \X Γv \X
= π ∗ ω ∧ Ut .
Γv \Ev
We take the limit as in the proof of Proposition 3.4 and find that the latter
integral is equal to
π ω= ω.
Γv \Ev ∩E0 Γv \Xv
Proof. For I = {1, . . . , N } this is [Bra23, Lemma. 4.4]. Note that d(g−1 )g =
−g −1 dg = −ϑ and d(gt )g −t = ϑt . Hence
ϑg−1 v + ϑt g t w
dsv = − √
g−1 v + g t w
∇sv = dsv + θsv = −λ √
where λ = 12 (ϑ + ϑt ). We write (g −1 v + gt w) = m (g−1 v + gt w)m ⊗ em to
(g−1 v + g t w)m
∇sv = − √ λm ,
λm := λlm ⊗ el ∈ Ω1,1
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 23
and λlm = 21 (ϑlm + ϑml ). The curvature is the 2-form R ∈ [Ω2 (GLN (R)+ ×
RN ) ⊗ k]K given by R = dθ + θ 2 . Note that
1 1
θ 2 = (ϑ − ϑt )(ϑ − ϑt ) = (ϑ2 − ϑϑt − ϑt ϑ + (ϑt )2 )
4 4
R=− Rkl ek ∧ el
1 XX
=− λkm λml ⊗ ek ∧ el
m=1 k,l
! N
1X X X
=− λlm ⊗ el ∧ λlm ⊗ el
m=1 l=1 l=1
=− λ2 .
2 m=1 m
For t ∈ R, we have
√ 2 2−d/2 √
exp( 2πtλm − λm /2) = Hd ( πt)λdm .
√ √ −1 t 1 2
exp −2 π∇sv + R = exp 2πλm (g v + g w)m − λm
N ∞
Y X 2−d/2 √
= Hd ( π(g−1 v + g t w)m )λdm
m=1 d=0
X 2−(d1 +···+dN )/2 Y √
= Hdm ( π(g−1 v + gt w)m )λdmm .
d1 ! · · · dN !
d1 ,...,dN m=1
dm ≥0
24 Romain Branchereau
The I-th component of λd11 ∧· · ·∧λdNN is only nonzero when d1 +· · ·+dN = |I|.
In that case, we have
^ N
(λd11 ∧ · · · ∧ λdNN )I = λlm ⊗ el
m=1 l=1
^ X
dm ! (λl1 m ⊗ el1 ) ∧ · · · ∧ (λldm m ⊗ eldm )
m=1 Im ⊂I
|Im |=dm I
where the sum is over subsets Im = {l1 < · · · < ldm } ⊂ I of size dm and the
factorial comes from reordering the terms. Expanding the product shows
(λd11 ∧ · · · ∧ λN )I = d1 ! · · · dN !(λI1 ⊗ eI1 ) ∧ · · · ∧ (λIN ⊗ eIN )
I1 ,...,IN
I=I1 ∪···∪IN
|I|(|I|−1) X
= (−1) 2 d1 ! · · · dN !
I1 ,...,IN
I=I1 ∪···∪IN
× (λI1 ∧ · · · ∧ λIN ) ⊗ (eI1 ∧ · · · ∧ eIN ).
To every partition of I into subsets I1 , . . . , IN corresponds a unique function
σ : I −→ {1, . . . , N } determined by σ(i) = m if and only if i ∈ Im . Note
that |σ −1 (m)| = |Im | = dm . Recall that ǫ(I1 , . . . , IN ) = ±1 is the sign that
appears when we reorder
eI1 ∧ · · · ∧ eIN = ǫ(I1 , . . . , IN )eI .
The same sign appears when we reorder
λI1 ∧ · · · ∧ λIN = ǫ(I1 , . . . , IN )λ(σ).
Hence, we conclude that
|I|(|I|−1) X
(λd11 ∧ · · · ∧ λdNN )I = (−1) 2 d1 ! · · · dN !λ(σ),
|σ−1 (m)|=dm
where the sum is over all functions σ such that |σ −1 (m)| = dm for all m.
Since we sum over all nonnegative dm such that d1 + · · · + dN = |I|, we have
= .
d1 ,...,dN −1 σ σ
dm ≥0 |σ (m)|=dm
N(N−1) N
After multiplying with the exponential term and the constant (−1) 2 (2π)− 2
we get the following closed formula for ϕ0 .
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 25
= 2−N π − 2 φσ (ρ−1
g v) ⊗ λ(σ)
φσ (v, w) := φ0σ (v, w)e2πB(v)
= Hσ − π(v + w) exp −πkvk2 − πkwk2 .
3.3.2. Relation to the Kudla-Millson form. We refer to [Bra23] for more de-
tails on the construction of the Kudla-Millson form via the Mathai-Quillen
formalism. Let D ≃ SO(N, N )+ /SO(N ) × SO(N ) be the Grassmannian of
negative planes in the quadratic space R2N with the quadratic form B(v) of
signature (N, N ). The representation ρ induces an embedding
g 0
ρ : X ֒−→ D, g 7−→ .
0 g−t
The Kudla-Millson form is an N -form
ϕKM ∈ ΩN (D) ⊗ S(R2N ).
Let E ′ be the tautological rank N bundle E ′ = SO(N, N )+ ×SO(N )2 RN over
D, and let U ′ ∈ ΩN (E ′ ) be the Thom form. By [Bra23], there is a section
sev : D −→ E ′ such that ϕKM (v) = se∗v U ′ . Moreover, the pullback of E ′ by ρ
is precisely E and the following diagram is commutative:
E E′
sv sev
X ρ D.
Thus, we have
ϕ = ρ∗ ϕKM .
26 Romain Branchereau
with inverse
S × R>0 −→ X, (z1 , u) 7−→ uz1 .
Proposition 3.8. For η ∈ Ωkrd (X) and ω ∈ Ωc (S) we have the
projection formula
(p∗ η) ∧ ω = η ∧ p∗ ω.
More generally, we can consider the pushforward of any form that is inte-
grable along the fiber.
∂ du
dη = d1 ηe + ηe du + d1 η ′ .
∂u u
Hence, we have
Z ∞ Z ∞
∂ du du
p∗ dη = u ηe + d1 η ′ = d1 η′ + lim ηe − lim ηe.
0 ∂u u 0 u u→∞ u→0
Let ψ(z, v) be the form
ψ(z, v) := (−1)N −1 ιu ∂ ϕ(z, v) ∈ ΩN −1 (X) ⊗ S(R2N )
λ = λ(1) + .
By taking the product we can then write
λ(σ) = λ(1) (σ) + (−1)N −1 ιu ∂ λ(σ)
∂u u
where ιu ∂ λ(σ) ∈ Ω N −1 (S).
Remark 3.1. Note that λij = λij + δij du
u . Hence, we have
ιu du λ(σ) = bmσ(m) · · · λN σ(N ) ,
(−1)m λ1σ(1) · · · λ
3.5. The transgression form. We have seen that the form ψ already sat-
isfies the transgression formula (3.2) with respect to R>0 acting on v by ρ.
We will need a transgression form with respect to the action of R>0 given
by rescaling the vector.
As in Proposition 3.4 we define
√ √
Ωt := −2πtkvk2 − 2 π t∇v + R
for t > 0, and the Thom form
N(N−1) N +
Ut = (−1) 2 (2π)− 2 exp(Ωt ) ∈ ΩN
rd (E)
obtained by rescaling by et be
t in the fiber of E. Note that U1 = U . Let U
the form defined by
et := −(−1) −N − N−1 N −1 +
U 2 22 π 2 v ∧ exp(Ωt ) ∈ Ωrd (E)GLN (R)
Proof. We have
1 X B √
sv (z) ∧ exp(s∗v Ω1 ) =√ ((g−1 v − gt w)l ⊗ el ) ∧ exp −2 π∇sv + R .
2 l=1
(−1)N −1 X
sv (z) ∧ exp(s∗v Ω1 ) = √ (−1)l−1 (g −1 v − gt w)l exp(s∗v Ω1 ){1,...,N }r{l} .
2 l=1
3Note that here ǫ({l}, {1, . . . , N } r {l}) = (−1)l−1 and (−1)k|{l}| = (−1)N−1 .
30 Romain Branchereau
√ (N−1)(N−2) N−1 X √ −1
exp −2 π∇sv + R I = (−1) 2 2− 2 Hσl π(g v + g t w) ⊗ λ(σl ),
where the sum is over all functions σl : I −→ {1, . . . , N }. Combining the two
N(N−1) N
sv (z) ∧ exp(s∗v Ω1 ) = (−1) 2 2− 2 (−1)l−1 φ0σl (ρ−1
g v) ⊗ λ(σl ).
l=1 σl
N(N−1) N N−1
The result follows by multipliying by the constant (−1) 2 2− 2 π − 2
4. Theta lift
4.1. Weil representation, intertwiners and theta series. We consider
the Weil representation of GLN (R)×SL2 (R) on the space S(R2N ) of Schwartz
functions in two different models. Let e : R× −→ U (1) be the character
e(t) := e2iπt .
In the first model the representation ω : GLN (R)×SL2 (R) −→ U (S(R2N ))
is defined by the formulas
ω (g, h) φ(v) = ω(h)φ(ρ−1
g v),
a 0
ω 1, φ(v) = |a|N φ(av), a ∈ R× ,
0 a−1
1 n
ω 1, φ(v) = e (nB(v)) φ(v), n ∈ R,
0 1
0 −1
ω 1, φ(v) = φ(v′ )e −B(v ′ , w) − B(v, w′ ) dv′ ,
1 0 R2N
where v′ = (v ′ , w′ ) and v = (v, w). In this orthogonal-symplectic model, the
quadratic form is Q(v, v′ ) = B(v ′ , w) + B(v, w′ ).
A second model ω ′ : GLN (R) × SL2 (R) −→ U (S(R2N )) for the Weil rep-
resentation is given by by
ω ′ (g, h)φ(v) := | det(g)|−1 φ(g−1 vh)
where h acts on the columns. The two representations are intertwined by
partial Fourier transform. The partial Fourier transform in the second vari-
F2 : S(R2N ) −→ S(R2N )
is defined by
F2 (φ)(v, w) := φ(v, w′ )e(B(w, w′ ))dw′ .
Similarly, we define the Fourier transform in the first variable
F1 (φ)(v, w) := φ(v ′ , w)e(B(v, v ′ ))dv ′ .
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 31
The result follows by taking the sums over all v0 ∈ DL twisted by χ, and
the fact that F2 intertwines the two representations. The second equality is
obtained in the same way, by applying the Poisson summation formula to
the first variable.
Proposition 4.3. The theta series converges absolutely and uniformly for
(g, h) in a compact set A ⊂ GLN (R)+ × SL2 (R). Moreover, we have
for every M ∈ N.
Proof. Since A is a compact set we can uniformly bound the Schwartz func-
tion ω(g, h)φ(v). More precisely, for any positive integer M there exists a
positive constant CM,A such that
|ω(g, h)φ(v)| ≤ CM,A
(1 + kvk)M
where the sum converges for M large enough (M > 2N ). This shows the
absolute convergence of the theta series. For M > 2N and any u ∈ R>0 we
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 33
converges absolutely and uniformly for (g1 , h) in a compact set A ⊂ SLN (R)×
SL2 (R).
which converges for ν > N . We deduce that the sum converges absolutely
and uniformly on compact sets for Re(s) > N . The same holds for the
derivative of F2 (φ) in g1 and h so that the fuction is smooth.
4.1.2. Regular and singular terms. In order to compute the Fourier expan-
sion we will need to split the sum into regular and singular terms. We will
say that a vector v = (v, w) is regular if v and w are both nonzero, otherwise
we will say that v is singular. We will suppose in this section that φχ(0) = 0,
so that the vector 0 is removed from the summation. We write
L∨ r {0} = L∨ ∨ ∨
sing,1 ⊔ Lsing,2 ⊔ Lreg
L∨ ∨ ∨ ∨
sing,2 := v ∈ L | v = 0, w 6= 0 , Lsing,1 := v ∈ L | v 6= 0, w = 0 ,
L∨ ∨
reg := v ∈ L | v 6= 0, w 6= 0 .
4If we set t = α/(1 + α) then we have the usual expression β(x , x ) = R 1 tx1 −1 (1 −
1 2 0
t)x2 −1 dt.
5By Proposition 4.9, the Schwartz functions that we will consider all satisfy F (φ)(0) =
F2 (φ)(0) = 0, and we have assumed throughout this paper than χ(0) = 0.
36 Romain Branchereau
Proof. Since 0 is removed from the summation and since the theta series is
absolutely convergent, we can split the theta series as
Θφχ (g, h) = ω(g, h)φχ(v) + ω(g, h)φχ(v) + ω(g, h)φχ(v).
sing,1 v∈L∨
For the first part, the convergence of the two singular integral follows from
Proposition 4.3. The change of the order of summation and integral for
the regular term is justified by Lemma 4.7. For the second part of the
proposition, the order of the integral and sum in the singular terms can be
changed for Re(s) > N by Lemma 4.8.
converges uniformly for (g1 , h) in a compact subset of SLN (R) × SL2 (R).
Let A ⊂ SLN (R) × SL2 (R) be a compact set. For any integer M we can
uniformly bound for any (g1 , h) ∈ A
|ω(g1 , h)φ(v)| ≤ CM,A
(1 + kvk)M
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 37
≤ CM,A p
(1 + u kvk + u2 kwk|)M
≤ CM,A −2
(u kvk + u2 kwk2 )M/2
where v = (v, w). Let ν = Re(s) and let M be large enough so that M ≥ |ν|.
We can bound the integral by
Z ∞ Z ∞
du u−ν du
ω(g, h)φ(v)u−s ≤ CM,A −2 kvk2 + u2 kwk2 )M/2 u
0 u 0 (u
Z ∞
CM,A 1 α−ν/2 dα
2 kwk(M −ν)/2 kvk(M +ν)/2 0 (α−1 + α)M/2 α
CM,A 1 M −ν M +ν
≤ β , ,
4 kwk(M −ν)/2 kvk(M +ν)/2 4 4
where we used the substitution u2 = αkvk/kwk, and the right-hand side
converges since M − ν and M + ν are both positive.
Recall that the Weierstrass M -test [Rud76, Theorem. 7.10] asserts that
if a family of function Fd (g1 ,P
h) is uniformly bounded P by |Fd (g1 , h)| ≤ Md
by a sequence Md such that d Md converges, then d Fd (g1 , h) converges
uniformly (and absolutely). When (g1 , h) is in compact set A we have
X Z ∞ du
Fd (g1 , h) := ω(g, h)φ(v)u−s
v∈Nd 0
CM,A M −ν M +ν |Nd |
≤ β , M −|ν|
4 4 4 d 2
Nd := v ∈ L∨ reg d ≤ kvkkwk ≤ d + 1 .
The cardinality |Nd | is finite and grows polynomially in d. Hence, the sum
X Z ∞ du
|ω(g, h)φχ(v)| ≤ max |χ| Fd (g1 , h)
∨ 0 u
v∈Lreg d=1
converge uniformly for (g1 , h) in a compact sets A ⊂ SLN (R) × SL2 (R) for
Re(s) > N when i = 1 (resp. Re(s) < −N when i = 2).
38 Romain Branchereau
Z ∞ Z ∞
du u−ν du CM,A
|ω(g, h)φ(v)| u−ν ≤ CM,A = β(ν, M − ν).
0 u 0 (1 + u−1 kvk)M u kvkν
The β-function β(ν, M − ν) converges, since M − ν > 0 and ν > 0. Hence,
the sum
X Z ∞ du X 1
|ω(g, h)φχ(v)| u−ν ≤ CM,A β (ν, M − ν) max |χ|
∨ 0 u ∗
v∈Lsing,1 w∈L
X Z ∞ X
du 1
|ω(g, h)φχ(v)| u−ν ≤ CM,A β (−ν, M + ν) max |χ| ,
0 u ∗
µσ := µd11 · · · µdNN
where dm = |σ −1 (m)|.
" #
N N −1 N−1 2π|vl i + wl |2 + |σl−1 (l)|
F2 (φσl )(v) = −i 2 π 2
2π(vl i + wl )
× (vi + w)σl exp −πkvk2 − πkwk2 .
Proof. The proposition follows from the computation of the partial Fourier
transform of
φσ (v, w) = Hσ π(v + w) exp −πkvk2 − πkwk2
Y √ 2 2
= Hdm π(vm + wm ) exp −πvm − πwm .
For x, y ∈ R we have the generating series
√ X √ 2 2t
exp −πx2 − πy 2 + 2 π(x + y)t − t2 = Hd ( π(x + y))e−πx −πy .
A direct computation shows that
Z √
−πx2 −πy 2 +2 π(x+y)t−t2 ′
e e2iπyy dy
Z √ √ 2
=e −π(x2 +(y ′ )2 )+2 π(x+iy ′ )t
e−( πy−t−iy ′ π )
−πx2 −π(y ′ )2 ) √ d td
=e 2d π (x + iy ′ )d
where the integral is a Gaussian integral equal to 1. Hence, the partial
√ 2 2
Fourier transform of Hd ( π(x + y))e−πx −πy is
√ d 2 ′ 2 √ d d 2 ′ 2
2d π (x + iy ′ )d e−πx −π(y ) = id 2d π (ix + y ′ ) e−πx −π(y ) ,
and the partial Fourier transform of φσ (v) is
N Y dm
F2 (φσ )(v) = iN 2N π 2 exp −πkvk2 − πkwk2 (ivm + wm ) ,
where N = d1 + · · · + dN .
Recall that
φσl (v) = (vl − wl )Hσl ( π(v + w)) exp −πkvk2 − πkwk2
Y √ 2 2
= (vl − wl ) H|σ−1 (m)| ( π(vm + wm )) exp −πvm − πwm ).
The partial Fourier transform is computed separately for each factor of the
product. For the factors m 6= l, we use the previous computations for φσ .
For the factor m = l, we need to compute the partial Fourier transform of
√ 2 2
(x − y)Hd ( π(x + y))e−πx −πy . In general, the transform of function of the
form (x − y)f (y) is
′ 1 ∂
F2 ((x − y)f )(y ) = x + F2 (f )(y ′ ).
2πi ∂y ′
One can check that the partial Fourier transform of (x − y)Hd ( π(x +
2 2
y))e−πx −πy is
" #
√ 2π|ix + y ′ |2 + d
d d 2 ′ 2
−id+1 2d π (ix + y ′ ) e−πx −π(y ) .
2π(ix + y ′ )
40 Romain Branchereau
4.3. Differential forms as theta series. Let us now consider the theta
series for the Schwartz function constructed in Section 3. As previously we
let χ ∈ C[DL ] be a test function preserved by a torsion-free congruence
subgroup Γ.
Using the Weil representation, we can write φσ (ρ−1
g v) = ω(g, 1)φσ (v) so
ϕ(z, v) = 2−N π − 2 ω(g, 1)φσ (v) ⊗ λ(σ) ∈ ΩN (X) ⊗ S(R2N )
and similarly
α(z, v) = −2−N π − 2 (−1)l−1 ω(g, 1)φσl (v) ⊗ λ(σl ).
l=1 σl
ω(1, k)φσ (v) = j(k, i)−N φσ (v), ω(1, k)φσl (v) = j(k, i)−(N −2) φσl (v)
for k ∈ SO(2).
Proof. Recall the partial Fourier transform intertwines the two representa-
tions ω and ω ′ . Thus, it is equivalent to show that φσ satisfies ω ′ (1, k)F2 (φσ )(v) =
j(k, i)−N F2 (φσ )(v). Let
c −s cos(θ) − sin(θ)
k= := ∈ SO(2).
s c sin(θ) cos(θ)
We have
(cv + sw)i + (−sv + cw) = (c + is)(vi + w) = j(k, i)(vi + w).
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 41
Since (vi + w)σ is a polynomial of degree N in the entries of the vector vi+w,
we see that
ω ′ (1, k)F2 (φσ )(v, w) = F2 (φσ )(cv + sw, −sv + cw) = j(k, i) F2 (φσ )(v, w).
The result for φσ follows from the fact that j(k, i) = c − is = j(k, i)−1 . The
computation is analogous for the function φσl , noting that (vi + w)σl is of
degree (N − 1) and that |j(k, i)|2 = 1.
Following the construction of theta series seen in 4.1, we consider for any
h ∈ SL2 (R) the form
ω(1, h)ϕ(z, v) = 2−N π − 2 ω(g, h)φσ (v) ⊗ λ(σ)
which also transforms like a modular form of weight N for Γ′ . On the other
hand, the transgressed theta series
√ X
(4.3) Θαχ (z, τ ) := y−(N −2) χ(v)ω(1, hτ )α(z, v)
Proof. Since Θϕχ (z, τ ) is closed and is rapidly decreasing at 0 and ∞, Propo-
sition 3.9 implies that
d1 Eϕχ (z1 , τ ) = d1 p∗ (Θϕχ (z, τ )) = p∗ (dΘϕχ (z, τ )) = 0.
We can view Eϕχ (z1 , τ ) as the value at s = 0 of the integral
Z ∞ du
Eϕχ (z1 , τ, s) := p∗ Θ′F2 (ϕχ) (z, τ )u−s = Θ′F2 (ψχ) (z, τ )u−s .
0 u
It converges absolutely for every s ∈ C, and as in Proposition 4.5 it converges
termwise absolutely for Re(s) > N .
s (−1)N −1 iN
Λ(s) := Γ N + s .
2 2π N + 2
Proof. Since the integral converges absolutely for Re(s) > N , we can use
Poisson summation to write
Z ∞
Eϕχ (z1 , τ, s) = Θ′F2 (ψχ) (z, τ )u−s
0 u
X Z ∞
N du
= j(hτ , i) F2 (χ)(v) ω ′ (1, hτ )F2 (ψ)(z, v)u−s .
2N 0 u
Using the explicit formula for ψ in Proposition 3.10 and for F2 (φσ ) in
Proposition 4.9, we find that
j(hτ , i)N ω ′ (1, hτ )F2 (ψ)(z, v)
(−1)N −1 iN X g1 (vτ + w) σ − yuπ2 kg1−1 (vτ +w)k2
= e ⊗ ι ∂ λ(σ)
u ∂u
yN σ
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 43
For suitable test functions we obtain the coherent or incoherent weight one
Eisenstein series [KRY99], and more generally in [Kud97].
so that
X √ ′
Θϕχ (z, τ ) = χ(v)ϕ0 (z, yv)q B(v) ∈ ΩN (X)Γ ⊗ C ∞ (H)Γ
X √ ′
Θψχ (z, τ ) = χ(v)ψ 0 (z, yv)q B(v) ∈ ΩN (X)Γ ⊗ C ∞ (H)Γ .
whereas for the singular vectors one needs to add u−s to change the order of
integration and summation. Thus, the n-th Fourier coefficient of Eϕχ (z1 , τ )
is given by
an (Eϕχ (z1 , τ )) = χ(v)Ev (z1 , y).
For the constant term, we will consider the regular and singular vectors
separately and write
a0 (Eϕχ (z1 , τ )) = χ(v)Ev (z1 , y) + χ(v)Ev (z1 , y)
sing,1 v∈Γ\L∨
(4.4) + χ(v)Ev (z1 , y).
In the next section, we will show that the regular isotropic terms, and the
regular negative terms Ev (z1 , y) with B(v) < 0 are trivial in cohomology.
(N 2 −N )/2
On the other hand, by Poincaré duality we have Hc (SΓ ; C) ≃ HN −1 (SΓ ; C).
Hence, the pairing is
HN −1 (SΓ ; C) × H N −1 (SΓ ; C) −→ C,
[Z, ω ] = (−1) 2 ω′.
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 45
(N 2 −N )/2
The Poincaré dual ωZ in Hc (SΓ ; C) of a class Z in HN −1 (SΓ ; C) is
such that
′ ′
[Z, ω ] = (−1) 2 ω = ωZ ∧ ω ′ = [ωZ , ω ′ ].
for any ∈ H N −1 (S Γ ; C). Similarly, by Poincaré duality we have H
N −1 (S ; C) ≃
H(N 2 −N )/2 (SΓ ; C), where the Borel-Moore homology is the homology of lo-
[ω, Z ′ ] = ω.
Finally, combining the two gives the intersection pairing in homology
HN −1 (SΓ ; C) × H(N 2 −N )/2 (SΓ ; C) −→ C,
[Z, Z ] = (−1) 2 ωZ ′
= ωZ = ωZ ∧ ωZ ′ = [ωZ , ωZ ′ ].
Note that we have [Z, Z ′ ] = (−1) 2 [Z ′ , Z].
4.5.2. The negative and regular isotropic orbits. Recall from (3.3) that α0 (z, v)
is an (N − 1)-form on X satisfying
√ ∂ √
dα0 (z, tv) = t ϕ0 (z, tv).
The form α0 is not rapidly decreasing on R2N , since
α0 (z, v) = pz (v) exp(−πkg−1 v − gt wk2 )
where z = ggt and pz (v) is a differential form that is polynomial in v. For
z ∈ X r Xv , the integral
Z ∞ √ dt
ξ 0 (z, y, v) := α0 (z, tv) ∈ ΩN −1 (X r Xv )
y t
converges and satisfies dξ 0 (z, y, v) = ϕ0 (z, yv).
For M ≥ 1 we have
Z ∞ Z ∞
−1 ′ M 0
√ ′ dt kρ−1
g vk
′ M
kρg v k |α (z, tv )| ≤ CM (z1 ) √ −1
y t y (1 + tkρg v k) t
′ M
Z ∞
≤ CM (z1 ) M dt
y t 2
2CM (z1 )
= √ =: DM (z1 , y).
M yM
Since v′ 6= 0, the integral is bounded by DM (z1 , y)/kρ−1 ′ M and the sum
g vk
By the binomial formula and the sub-multiplicativity of the operator
norm6, we have for M, M ′ ∈ N the inequality
u−2(M −M ) ′ 2M ′ 2M ′ ′
kv k kw k ≤ kg−1 v ′ k2M kgt w′ k2M
′ ′ 2(M +M ′ )
≤ (kg−1 v ′ k2 + kg t w′ k2 )M +M = kρ−1
g vk
where K := supg1 ∈A kg−1 kM kgt kM . Thus, for any M, M ′ and v′ ∈ Γv we
get the bound
Z ∞ ′
√ dt DM +M ′ (z1 , y) u(M −M )
α0 (z, tv′ ) ≤ .
y t K2 kv ′ kM kw′ kM ′
Note that v ′ and w′ are both nonzero since v is regular. Hence, for u ∈ R>0
and any m ∈ Z we can take M large and set M ′ = M + m so that
X Z ∞ √ dt DM +M ′ (z1 , y) X 1
u α0 (z, tv′ ) ≤ 2
′ y t K ′
kv k kw′ kM +m
′ M
v ∈Γv v ∈Γv
D2M +m (z1 , y) X 1
≤ 2 ′ ′ min(M,M +m)
K ′
(kv kkw k)
v ∈Γv
D2M +m (z1 , y) |Nd |
K2 dmin(M,M +m)
where Nd := {v′
∈ Γv | d ≤ kv ′ kkw′ k
≤ d + 1} is finite and polynomial in d.
The sum on the right hand-side converges for M large enough.
Moreover, we have
X X √
d ξ 0 (z, y, v′ ) = ϕ0 (z, yv′ ).
v′ ∈Γv v′ ∈Γv
4.5.3. The positive Fourier coefficients of the Eisenstein class. The special
cycles Zv are not embedded submanifolds (they are only images of proper
immersions). If ω is a compactly supported form, then the pairing is given
[ω, Zv ] = p∗v ω
Γv \Sv
(N 2 −N )/2
for every compactly supported form ω ∈ Ωc (SΓ ) we have
[ω, Ev (z1 , y)] = [ω, Zv ] = ω.
We have to show that for a form η ∈ Ω(N −N )/2 (Γv \SΓ ) that has compact
support in Γ\S, we have
η ∧ p∗ ϕ (v) = η.
Γv \S Γv \Sv
This is similar to [Gar18, Proposition. 4.8] and we follow the proof. Let us
denote by I(t) the integral
Z √
I(t) := η ∧ p∗ ϕ0 ( tv) , t > 0.
Γv \S
By the transgression formula (3.3), we have
Z t2 √ dt
√ 0
ϕ ( t2 v) − ϕ ( t1 v) = d α0 ( tv) .
t1 t
Since v is regular
√ and the exponential term of α0 (v) is exp(−πku−1 v−uwk2 ),
the form α0 ( tv) is rapidly decreasing as u goes to ∞ and we have
Z t2
√ 0
√ 0
√ dt
p∗ ϕ ( t2 v) − p∗ ϕ ( t1 v) = d1 p∗ α ( tv) .
t1 t
It follows that the integral I(t) is independent of t and that
I(1) = lim I(t).
Suppose that the support of η in SΓ is contained in a contractible relatively
compact open set U ⊂ SΓ . Otherwise, we may cover supp(η) by a finite
union of such open subsets. Let us denote by ̟ : S −→ SΓ the projection
map and let K ⊂ S be an open subset that is diffeomorphic to U under
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 49
(N 2 −N )/2
̟. Let ηK ∈ Ωc (S) be the form supported on K that is obtained
P by
restricting the pullback of η to K so that the pullback of η to S is γ∈Γ ηγK .
Z X √
I(t) = ηK ∧ p∗ ϕ0 (ρ−1
γ tv)
S γ∈Γv \Γ
X Z √
= ηK ∧ p∗ ϕ0 (ρ−1
γ tv).
γ∈Γv \Γ S
Note that given a compact K ⊂ S, there are only finitely many v′ ∈ Γv such
that Sv′ intersects K. Indeed, suppose that z1 ∈ Sv′ ∩ K and let v′ = (v ′ , w′ ).
Then z1 w′ = v ′ implies that (w′ )t z1 w′ = B(v ′ , w′ ) = n. There are only
finitely many w′ that satisfies this condition for a fixed z1 , and the same
holds if z1 is in compact set. Similarly, we have (v ′ )t z1−1 v ′ = B(v ′ , w′ ) = n
and only finitely many v ′ can satisfy this. We can split I(t) as a sum over
the two sets
n o n o
S1 := γ ∈ Γv \Γ | Sρ−1
γ v
∩ K 6
= ∅ , S2 := γ ∈ Γv \Γ | Sρ−1
γ v
∩ K = ∅ ,
where S1 is finite. For the sum over S2 , since the terms are rapidly decreasing
(since z1 6∈ Sρ−1
γ v
) and we exchange the sum and we can apply the dominated
convergence theorem to change the order of the limit and the sum. It follows
that the integral
XZ √
lim ηK ∧ p∗ ϕ0 (ρ−1
γ tv) = 0
t→∞ S
50 Romain Branchereau
4.6. The constant term. In this section, we show that the constant term
is given by the Eisenstein classes constructed by Bergeron-Charollois-Garcia.
Let L be a lattice in RN as previously. The quotient
T := Γ\(S × T ) −→ Γ\S
is a torus bundle with fibers T := RN /L, where Γ acts by γ(z, v + L) =
(γz, γv + L).
H N −2 (T r T [m]) H N −1 (T , T r T [m]) H N −1 (T )
H N −1 (T r T [m]) H N (T , T r T [m]) H N (T )
Since the exponential factor of Ψ is of the form exp(−u−1 kv ′ +vk2 ), the form
ΘΨ (z, v ′ ) is rapidly decreasing as u → 0 if v ′ is not in L. Hence, the integral
Z ∞
′ du
EΨ (z1 , v , s) := ΘΨ (z, v ′ )u−s ∈ ΩN −1 (T − T0 )
0 u
converges for Re(s) > 0 and away from the zero section. It has a meromor-
phic continuation, with at most a simple pole at s = 1. This is the form
defined by Bergeron-Charollois-Garcia in [BCG20, section. 8.5].
Let v0 be a vector in L∗ and suppose that Γ ⊂ SLN (Z) preserves the class
of v0 ∈ DL . Let us also denote by v0 the corresponding section
SΓ −→ T r T0 , z 7−→ (z, v0 ).
The pullback defines a closed form
EΨ,v0 (z1 , s) := v0∗ EΨ (z1 , v ′ , s) ∈ ΩN −1 (SΓ ).
The relation between the topological construction of the Eisenstein class and
the forms is the following theorem [BCG20, Theorem. 23].
52 Romain Branchereau
Let χ
b2 be the finite Fourier transform of χ2 and set
z(χ) := −z(χ1 ) − z(b
χ2 ).
X × RN G ×K RN
where the top arrow is the map (4.5) and sv (z) = [gz , gz−1 v − gzt w] is the
section used to construct ϕ0 (v) = s∗v U . Hence, we have v ∗ Φ(z, v ′ ) =
ϕ0 (z, (v, 0)). It follows that
v0∗ ΘΦ (z, v ′ ) = v0∗ t∗v Φ(z, v ′ )
= (v0 + v)∗ Φ(z, v ′ )
= ϕ0 (z, (v, 0))
v∈v0 +L
= ϕ0 (z, (v ′ , 0)).
v∈Γ\(v0 +L) v′ ∈Γv
Hence, taking u components gives
v0∗ ΘΨ (z, v ′ ) = ψ 0 (z, (v ′ , 0))
v∈Γ\(v0 +L) v′ ∈Γv
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 53
Finally, note that the function E(v,0) (z1 , y) satisfies the homogeneity property
E(v,0) (z1 , y, s) = y s E(v,0) (z1 , 1, s),
which can be seen from the change of variable t = uy, and shows that
E(v,0) (z1 , y) = EΨ,v0 .
[v]∈Γ\(v0 +L)
It follows that
χ(v)Ev (z1 , y) = χ(v, 0)E(v,0) (z1 , y)
sing,1 v∈Γ\L∗
= χ1 (v0 ) E(v,0) (z1 , y)
v0 ∈DL v∈Γ\(v0 +L)
= χ1 (v0 )EΨ,v0
v0 ∈DL
represents −z(χ1 ), and the second singular term follows from Poisson sum-
4.7. Holomorphicity of the theta lift. The form Eϕχ (z1 , τ ) transforms
like a modular of weight N . To obtain a lift to holomorphic modular forms,
we haveto show that
the forms vanishes (in cohomology) under the operator
∂ 1 ∂ ∂
∂τ = 2 ∂x + i ∂y .
Recall that we defined in (4.3) the theta series
X √
Θαχ (z, τ ) = y χ(v)α0 (z, yv)q B(v) .
Theorem 4.19. The form Eαχ (z1 , τ ) transforms like a modular form of
weight N − 2 and
2iy 2 Eϕχ (z, τ ) = dEαχ (z1 , τ ).
In particular, the lift Eϕχ (C, τ ) is holomorphic.
54 Romain Branchereau
(N 2 −N )/2
By Poincaré duality, we have Hc (SΓ ; C) ≃ HN −1 (SΓ ; C). If ω = ωC
(N 2 −N )/2
is a form in Ωc (SΓ ; C) representing the Poincaré dual of a cycle C,
then we write
Eϕχ (C, τ ) := (−1) 2 Eϕχ (ωC , τ ) = Eϕχ (z1 , τ ).
For a subspace W ⊂ H(N 2 −N )/2 (SΓ ; C) we denote its orthogonal complement
W ⊥ := Z ∈ HN −1 (SΓ ; C) | [Z, Z ′ ] = 0 for all Z ′ ∈ W .
The following theorem is analogous to [KM88, Theorem. 4.5]. Note that here
we extend the coefficients to C to get a lift
Eϕχ : HN −1 (SΓ ; C) −→ MN (Γ′ ).
we also have
im(Λϕχ ) ≃ span{Zn (χ) | n ∈ N>0 }.
Proof. The first follows from the definition of the theta lift. The lift Eϕχ (Z)
vanishes if and only if all the Fourier coefficients [Z, Zn (χ)] vanishes, i.e.
Z ∈ {Zn (χ) | n ∈ N>0 }⊥ .
When N > 2, let us show that we have im(Λϕχ ) ≃ ker(Eϕχ )⊥ , or equiva-
im(Λϕχ )⊥ ≃ ker(Eϕχ ).
For any N we have ker(Eϕχ ) ⊂ im(Λϕχ )⊥ . Indeed, if ω is an element of
ker(Eϕχ ), then for η = Λϕχ (f ) in the image of Λϕχ we have
[ω, η] = [ω, Λϕχ (f )] = [Eϕχ (ω), f ] = 0.
For the other inclusion, let Γ′∞ ⊂ Γ′ be the stabilizer of ∞ in Γ′ . For n ≥ 1
we define the Poincaré series Pn ∈ SN (Γ′ ) by
X exp(2iπγτ )
Pn (τ ) := c ,
′ ′
j(γ, τ )N
γ∈Γ∞ \Γ
56 Romain Branchereau
where the sum converges for N > 2 and the constant c is chosen such that
for a modular form f ∈ MN (Γ′ ) we have
hPn (τ ), f ipet = an (f ).
If ω ∈ im(Λϕχ )⊥ , then for any n ≥ 1 we have
0 = [ω, Λϕχ (Pn )] = [Eϕχ (ω), Pn ] = [ω, Zn (χ)],
since [ω, Zn (χ)] is the n-th Fourier coefficient of Eϕχ (ω). It follows that
Eϕχ (ω) = 0.
Remark 4.2. Equivalently, we have ker(Λϕχ ) = im(Eϕχ ) ∩ SN (Γ′ ).
4.9. Periods over tori. Let T (Q) ⊂ GLN (Q) be a torus. We first consider
the split torus
. ×
T0 (Q) = .. , Tm ∈ Q ≃ (Q× )N .
After the change of variables (T1 , . . . , TN ) = ( tu1 , . . . , 1
u , ut1 ···tN ) we see
(1) (1)
that we have a diffeomorphism T0 (R) ≃ T0 (R) × R>0 where T0 (Q) ⊂
SLN (Q) is the torus
(1) . . ×
T0 (Q) = Tm ∈ Q ≃ (Q× )N −1 .
tN −1
(t1 · · · tN −1 )−1
The intersection T0 (R) ∩ SO(N ) is the maximal compact {±1}N −1 ⊂ T0 (R).
Hence the quotient
(1) (1) N −1
T0 (R)/T0 (R) ∩ SO(N ) ≃ R>0
can be embedded in S. Let ϑT0 ∈ Ω1 (T0 (R)) ⊗ End(RN ) be the pullback of
the Maurer-Cartan ϑ to T0 . Then
dT1 /T1
ϑT0 =
dTN −1 /TN −1
dTN /TN ,
and λT0 = 12 (ϑT0 + ϑtT0 ) = ϑT0 . Since (λT0 )ij = 0 if i 6= j, it follows that
(4.6) λT0 (σ) = (λT0 )1σ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ (λT0 )N σ(N )
can only be nonzero if σ is the identity function σ(i) = i. For this function,
we see that (4.6) is equal to
dT1 dTN
λT0 (σ) = ∧ ··· ∧ .
The contraction along u ∂u is
dT1 dTN dt1 dtN −1
ιu ∂ ∧ ··· ∧ =N ∧ ··· ∧ .
∂u T1 TN t1 tN −1
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 57
N −1
Hence, the restriction of Eϕχ (z1 , τ, s) to R>0 is
N −1
!N +s/2
X |vm τ + wm |2
−1 2N +s
kt (vτ + w)k = + (t1 · · · tN −1 )2 |vN τ + wN |2 .
Using that
1 s −N + s ∞
2 du
Γ N+ α 2 = e−αu u2N +s
2 2 0 u
(for α = kt−1 (vτ +w)k2N +s ) and the change of variable (T1 , . . . , TN ) =
( tu1 , . . . , tuN , ut1 · · · tN ) we find that
1 s 1 dt1 dt
Γ N+ −1 2N +s
N ∧ ··· ∧
2 2 RN−1 >0
kt (vτ + w)k t1 tN −1
YN Z ∞
2 2 2+s/N dTm
= e−Tm |vm τ +wm | Tm
m=1 0
1 s N Y
= Γ 1 + .
2N N |v m τ + w m |2+s/N
s N
′ (−1)N −1 iN Γ 1 + N
Λ (s) = s .
πN + 2
58 Romain Branchereau
Remark 4.3. Since χ splits, we have F2 (χ) = χ1 χb2 where χ b2 is the Fourier
transform of χ2 in C[DL ]. Hence, such a test function χ is good if and only
F2 (χ) is good.
Ash and Rudolph [AR79] proved that the relative homology of S Γ is gener-
ated by modular symbols ZQ attached to an invertible matrix Q ∈ MatN (Z)
(if det(Q) = 0, then the modular symbol is trivial in homology). First, let
Z∞ ∈ ZN BM (S ; Z) be the image of T (1) (R)T (1) (R)t ≃ RN −1 in S . The
−1 Γ 0 0 >0 Γ
7 t
modular symbol ZQ is the image of SQ := QS∞ Q in SΓ and defines a class
ZQ ∈ H N −1 (SΓ , Z).
′ −N am τ + bm s
= Λ (s)p F2 (χ)(v0 ) E1 τ, , ,
p N
v0 ∈DL m=1
Definition 4.23. Let χ ∈ C[DL ] be a test function. We say that the matrix
Q is good for χ if Q∗ (χ1 )(v) := χ1 (Qv) is good.
Remark 4.4. Note that since Q has integral entries, we have QL∨ ⊂ L∨ and
QL ⊂ L. Thus, the map v 7→ χ(Qv) can be viewed as a test function in
C[DL ], supported on QL∨ ⊂ L∨ and L-invariant.
Using the equivariance of the form ϕ, we find that
Q∗ F2 (ϕχ)(v) = F2 (ϕ)(Q−1 v)F2 (χ)(v).
when det(Q) 6= 0. If follows that along the modular symbol ZQ with
det(Q) 6= 0, we have
Z X s
Eϕχ (z1 , τ, s) = Λ′ (s) F2 (χ)(Qv)
n(vτ + w)|n(vτ + w)|s/N
′ N a m τ + bm s
= Λ (s)p F2 (χ)(Qv0 ) E1 τ, , .
p N
v0 ∈Q2N /L
(−1)N −1 iN a m τ + bm
Eϕχ (z1 , τ ) = F2 (χ)(Qv0 ) E1 τ, .
ZQ π N pN m=1
v0 ∈Q2N /L
Remark 4.5. For an N -tuple γ = (γ1 , . . . , γN ), one can consider similar pe-
riods over ZQ(γ) . Similar computation show that obtains the homogeneous
cocycle valued in meromorphic functions H × CN considered in Zhang’s the-
sis [Zha20, Section. 4.1.1] and by Bergeron-Charollois-Garcia in [BCG23,
Theorem. 2.10].
4.9.2. Tori attached to totally real fields. Let F be a totally real field of
degree N with ring of integers O. Let m ⊂ O be an integral ideal, that
we view as a lattice L = m in RN using the N real embeddings of F . Let
L = m ⊕ m. Note that with this embedding, we have
B(α, β) = trF |Q (αβ).
Hence, we have m∗ = m−1 d−1 and L∨ = m−1 d−1 ⊕ m−1 d−1 , where d−1 is
the inverse different ideal. Let χ be a test function in C[DL ]. The totally
positive elements F 1,+ of norm in F can be diagonally embedded
(F ⊗ R)1,+ ֒−→ SLN (R)
and the image is the split torus T0 (R). Let
U (m)1,+ := x ∈ O 1,+ | x − 1 ∈ m
60 Romain Branchereau
be the totally positive units O 1,+ that are conguent to 1 modulo m. Since
U (m)1,+ preserves the discriminant module, it preserves χ and is contained
in Γ, the stabilizer of χ. The quotient
Zm := U (m)1,+ \(F ⊗ R)1,+ ∈ HN −1 (SΓ ; Z)
is compact and defines a homology class in SΓ . It follows from the above
computations that
Eϕ (z1 , τ, s) = E (τ, s)
is the diagonal restriction of a Hilbert-Eisenstein series of parallel weight one
iN Γ 1 + Ns X
Eχ (τ , s) = s F2 (χ)(v0 )E (τ , v0 τ + w0 , s)
πN + 2 v0 ∈D L
5. The case N = 2
Let X be the space of positive definite symmetric 2 by 2 matrices and
S ⊂ X the matrices of determinant 1. We have
H ≃ SLN (R)/SO(2) ≃ S.
Let z1 = a + ib be the coordinates on H. The first map sends z1 ∈ H to
g1 SO(2) where
√ √
b a/√b
g1 = .
0 1/ b
The second map sends it to the positive definite quadratic form
t 1 a2 + b2 a
g1 g1 = ∈ S.
b a 1
We extend it to
u a 2 + b2 a
H × R>0 −→ X, (z1 , u) 7−→ z1 u = .
b a 1
Generating series of modular symbols in SLN 61
5.1. Hecke operators. For two points α, β ∈ P1 (Q) let {α, β} be the geo-
desic joining the two points on the boundary of H. For n > 0 we define
(n) a b
∆0 (p) = M = ∈ Mat2 (Z) det(M ) = n > 0, (a, p) = 1 .
pc d
The congruence subgroup Γ0 (p) ⊂ SLN (Z) acts on the left and the right
on ∆0 (p)(n) and the double coset
R0 (p)(n) = Γ0 (p)\∆0 (p)(n)
is finite. We will also denote by {α, β} the image of {α, β} in the modular
curve Γ0 (p)\H. The modular symbol {α, β} represents a 1-cycle relative to
the cusps of Γ0 (p)\H. An explicit set of representatives for R0 (p)(n) is given
G dG
′ −1
(n) d b
∆0 (p) = Γ0 (p) .
0 d′
dd =n b=0
In particular, we have
X dX
Tn {0, ∞} = ,∞ .
dd′ =n b=0
The Hecke operators act on the homology H1 (Y0 (p); Z) in a similar way.
The Hecke operators also act on differentials forms as follows. If ω ∈
Ω1 (H)Γ0 (p) is a Γ0 (p)-invariant form on H, then
Tn ω := X ∗ω
X∈R0 (p)(n)
We define ωE := E2 (τ )dτ and ωf± := (ωf ± ωf ) where ωf = f (τ )dτ .
Corollary 5.1.1. For ω ∈ Hc1 (Y0 (p); C) we have the Fourier expansion
Eϕχ (ω, τ ) = [ω, ωE ] − [ω, Tn {0, ∞}]q n ∈ M2 (Γ0 (p)).
In particular, we deduce that the image of this lift is precisely the space
M02 (Γ0 (p)) spanned by E2 and the forms fi for which L(fi , 1) 6= 0. More-
over, the lift is Hecke equivariant i.e., satisfies Eϕχ (Tn ω) = Tn Eϕχ (ω) when
(p, n) = 1.
Proof. The first part follows from Proposition 5.1 and the Fourier expansion
of Eϕχ . The winding element Gw ∈ H 1 (Y0 (p)) is such that
Z ∞
[ω, Gw ] = ω.
We follow the proof of [DPV21, Lemma. 3.4] with sligthly different normal-
izations. We write the winding element as
Gw = αE ωE + (α+ + − −
fi ωfi + αfi ωfi ).
1 1
If ω0 denotes the homology class represented by , then we deduce
0 1
from [ω0 , ωE ] = a0 (E2 ) and [ω0 , Gw ] = 1 that
αE = .
Using the following properties
[ωf+i , ωf+j ] = [ωf−i , ωf−j ] = 0,
[ωf+i , ωf−j ] = −[ωf−j , ωf+i ] = −2hfi , fj i
L(f, 1)
(5.2) [ωf− , Gw ] = − ,
[ωf+ , Gw ] = 0,
we find that
L(fi , 1)
fi = 0, α+
fi = − ,
iπkfi k2
X L(fi , 1) r
Gw = ωE − ω+ .
p−1 iπkfi k2 fi
64 Romain Branchereau
Since fi is a newform and has real Fourier coefficients, the n-th Fourier
coefficient of Eϕχ (ω) is
X L(fi , 1)r
24 (p)
[ω, Tn Gw ] = [ω, ωE ]an (E2 ) − [ω, ωf+i ]an (fi ).
p−1 iπkfi k2
Thus, we have
X L(fi , 1) r
24 (p)
Eϕχ (ω) = [ω, ωE ]E2 − [ω, ωf+i ]fi .
p−1 iπkfi k2
The surjectivity follows from the fact that
Eϕχ (ωE ) = E2
2L(fi , 1)
Eϕχ (ωf−i ) = fi
Eϕχ (ωf+i ) = 0.
Finally, since the Hecke operator Tn is self-adjoint when (n, p) = 1 [Miy89,
Theorem. 4.5.4], we have
(p) (p)
[Tn ω, ωE ] = [ω, Tn ωE ]E2 = an (E2 )[ω, ωE ].
Similarly, we have [Tn ω, ωf−i ] = an (f )[ω, ωf−i ] and this proves the Hecke equiv-
Remark 5.1. It follows from the proof of the the previous corollary that the
kernel of Eϕχ is spanned by all the forms ωf+i , and the forms ωf−i for which
L(fi , 1) 6= 0. Moreover, by Theorem 4.21 we have
ker(Eϕχ ) ≃ span{Tn {0, ∞} | n ∈ N>0 }⊥ ⊂ Hc1 (Y0 (p); C).
It follows that
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