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This document may be called Participant's Membership Document (PMD)
(Hereinafter referred to interchangeably as "contract”, or “Scheme”, or "policy")
exceed Rs.1,500/-;
Preamble: (b ) the Company is furnished forthwith with a detailed
estimate of the cost; and
This is to acknowledge that the applicant (herein after called (c) the Participant shall give the Company every
the‘Participant’), as more fully described in the schedule assistance to see that such repair is necessary and the
hereto: charges are reasonable.

1. is accepted as a member of the Participant s' Takaful Fund

also known as W aqf Fund (hereinafter called the 'Fund')
operated by Takaful Pakistan Limited (hereinafter called 2. The Participant shall be indemnified in the event of an
the accident caused by or arising out of the use of the Motor Car,
‘Company’); against all sums including claimant's costs and expenses
which the Participant shall become legally liable to pay in
2. being a member of the Fund, he/she is acknowledged as respect of:
a beneficiary under the attached Indemnity Policy
of the Fund, and of the benefits declared by the Fund from (a ) death of or bodily injury to any person but except so far
time to time und er this Policy, in accordance with the as is necessary to meet the requirements of Section 95
governing rules of the Fund which include the Waqf Deed, of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, the Company shall not
Waqf Rules and Takaful Rules 2012; and warrant liability where such death or injury arises out
3. subject to the Participant continuing as a member of the of and in the course of the employment of such person
Fund and complying with his/her undertaking under his/her by the Participant; and
declaration made in the proposal form, he/she is (b ) damage to property other than property belonging
indemnified by the Fund as one of its beneficiaries against to the Participant or held in trust by or in the custody
the perils/events described, in the manner and to the or control of the Participant, subject to annual
extent as stated hereunder. aggregate limit of Rs.100,000/-
Conditions Precedent: 3. All costs and expenses shall be paid, provided the same
are incurred with the written consent of the Company.
1. No payment in respect of any Contribution shall be deemed
to be paid to the Company unless a printed form of receipt 4. In terms of and subject to the limitations and for the purpose
for the same, signed by an authorized official of the of the indemnity which is granted by this section to the
Company, shall have been given to the Participant. Participant, the Participant’s driver who is driving the Motor
Car on the Participant’s order or with his permission shall be
2. Notwithstanding anything above, cover under this Policy duly indemnified provided that such driver:
shall not commence until th e Contribution, as stated in the
schedule hereof, has been paid. (a ) is not entitled to indemnity under any other Takaful
or insurance Policy; and
Therefore, these Policy Witnesses that subject to the Terms,
Conditions and Exceptions contained herein or endorsed or (b ) shall, as though he/she was the Participant, observe,
otherwise expressed hereon: fulfil and be subject to the terms, conditions and
exceptions of this Policy in so far as they can apply;

The Participant shall be indemnified against loss of or damage 5. In terms of and subject to the limitations of the indemnity which
to the Motor Car and /or its accessories whilst thereon by; is granted by this Section in connection with the Motor Car
the Participant shall also be indemnify insured whilst
(a ) accident external means; personally driving a PAYD private Motor Car (but not a
Motorcycle) not belonging to him and not hired to him under
(b ) fire external explosion, self-ignition or lightning a hire purchase agreement.

(c) or frost; (c)burglary, house-breaking or theft; 6. In the event of the death of any person entitled to indemnity
under this Policy, his personal representatives shall be
(d ) malicious act; indemnified in respect of the liability incurred by such
(e ) riot, strike; person in term of and subject to the limitations of this Policy
provided that such personal representative shall as though
(f ) flood, hail, wind, hurricane, cyclone, tornado or typhoon; they were the Participant’s observe, fulfill and be subject to
the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy in so far
(g ) earthquake volcanic eruption or other as they can apply.
convulsions of nature;
7. The Company may at its own option:
(h ) whilst in transit by air, road, rail, inland waterway, liftor
elevator. (a ) arrange for representation at any Inquest or Fatal
Inquiry in respect of any death which may be the
No payment will be due in respect of; subject of indemnity under this Section; and
(a ) consequential loss, depreciation, wear and tear, (b ) undertake the defense of proceedings in any Court
mechanical or electrical break-down, failure or breakage; of Law in respect of any act or alleged offence causing
and or relating to any event which may be the subject of
(b ) damage to tyres and battery. Unless the motor car is indemnity under this Section.
damaged at the same time when the coverage is limited
to 50% of the cost of such replacement. SECTIO N III - MEDICA L EXPENSES

In the event of the Motor Car being disabled by reason of loss The Participant shall be paid the reasonable medical expenses not
or damage covered under this Policy the Participant shall be paid exceeding Rs.2,000 in respect of any one accident incurred in
the reasonable cost of protection and removal to the nearest connection with any bodily injury by violent, accident, external and
repairer(s) and of redelivery to the Participan t but not exceeding visible means sustained by the Participants or any occupant of
Rs.1,000/- in all, in respect of any one accident. The Participant may the Motor Car as the direct and immediate result of an accident to
authorize the repair(s) of the Motor Car necessitated by damage for the Motor Car.
which coverage has been granted under this Policy provided that:

(a ) the estimated cost of such repair(s) does not

UAN: +92-21-111-875-111
This Policy and the Schedule shall be read together and any word
Nothing in this Policy or any endorsement hereon shall affect the or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in
right of any person indemnified by this Policy or any other person to any part of this Policy or of the Schedule shall bear the same
recover an amount under or by virtue of the provisionsof the Motor meaning wherever it may appear.
Vehicle Act, 1939, Section 96. But the Participant s shall repay to
the Fund all sums paid which would not have been liable to pay 1. Notice shall be given in writing to the Company immediately
but for the said provisions. upon the occurrence of any accident or loss or damage and
in the event of any claim and thereafter, the Participant
GENERAL EXCEPTIONS shall give all such information and assistance as the
Company shall require. Every letter, claim, writ, summons
No payment will be made in respect of: and/or process shall be forwarded to the Company
immediately on receipt by the Participant. Notice shall also be
1. any accident, loss, damage and/or liability caused, sustained given in writing to the Company immediatelythe Participant
or incurred outside the Geographical Area as described in the shall have knowledge of any impending prosecution , Inquest
Schedule. or Fatal Inquiry in respect of any occurrence which may give
rise to a claim under this Policy. In case of theft or other
2. any claim arising out of any contractual liability.
criminal act which may be the subject of a claim under this
3. Any accident loss damage and/or liability caused, sustained Policy, the Participant s shall give immediate notice to the
or incurred whilst any Motor Car in respect of, or in Police and co-operate with the Company in securing the
connection with which cover is granted under this Policy is: conviction of the offender.

(a ) being used otherwise than in accordance with the 2. No admission, offer, promise, payment or indemnity shall be
limitation as to use as described in the schedule; made or given by or on behalf of the Participant without
or the written consent of the Company, which shall be en titled
if it so desires to take over and conduct in the name of
(b ) being driven by any person other than a driver the Participant, the defense or settlement of any claim or to
asdescribed in the said schedule. prosecute in the name of the Participant for its own benefit,
any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise, and shall
4. any liability of whatsoever nature, directly or indirectly caused have full discretion in the conduct of anyproceedings or in the
by or contributed to or arising from ionizing, radiations or settlement of any claim and the Participant shall give all such
contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from information and assistance as the Company may require.
any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the
purposes of this exception combustion shall include any self- 3. The Company may at its own option, arrange to repair,
sustaining process of nuclear fission. reinstate or replace the Motor Car or part thereof and/or
its accessories or arrange to pay in cash the amount of the
5. Any accidental loss, damage or liability, directly or indirectly loss or damage. However, such amount shall not exceed the
caused by or contributed to or arising from nuclear weapons actual value of the parts damaged or lost plus the
material. reasonable cost of fitting and shall in no case exceed the
6. any accidental loss, damage and/or liability caused, sustained Participant 's estimate of the value of the Motor Car (including
or incurred after any variation in termination of the Participant accessories thereon) as specified in the Schedule or the
’s interest in the Motor Car. market value of the Motor Car (including accessories thereon)
at the time of the loss or damage, whichever is less.
No payment will be made in respect of any accident loss damage
and / or liability directly or indirectly proximately or remotely 4. The Participant’s shall take all reasonable steps to safeguard
occasioned by, contributed to or traceable to or arising out of or the Motor Car from loss or damage and to maintain it in an
in connection with war, invasion, the act of foreign enemies, efficient condition and the Company shall have at all times,
hostilities or warlike operations (whether before or after free and full access to examine the Motor Car or any part
declaration of war), civil war, mutiny, civil commotion assuming the thereof or any driver or employee of the Participant. In the
proportions of or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, event of any accident of break- down the Motor Car shall not
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or be left unattended without proper precautions being taken to
any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with prevent further damageor loss and if the Motor Car be driven
any organization with activities directed towards the overthrow by before the necessary repair are affected, any extension of
force of the Government de jure or de facto or to the influencing the damage or any further damage to the Motor Car shall be
of it by terrorism or violence or by any di rect or indirect covered under this Policy.
consequences of any of the said occurrences and except
under Section II - 1 of this Policy , whilst the Participant or any 5. If, at the time of claim under this Policy, there is any other
person driving with the general knowledge and consent of the existing Takaful or insurance Policy covering the same loss,
Participant, is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs and damage or liability, no payment shall be made or contributed
in the event of any claim hereunder the Participant shall prove that more than the ratable proportion under this Policy, of any loss,
the accident, loss, damage and/or liability arose independently of damage, compensation, cost or expense. Provided always
that nothing in this condition shall impose any liability from
and was in no way connected with or occasioned by or contributed
to or traceable to any of the said occurrence of any consequence which, but for this condition, it would have been relieved
thereof and in default of such proof no payment will be madeto under proviso (a) of Section II - 3 of this Policy.
the Participant .
UAN: +92-21-111-875-111
6. Where any dispute arises under a Policy or over a claim under based on the Wakala principle since the Company hereby acts
a Policy issued by the Company the party to the dispute as a Wakeel of the Fund.
may take-up the case before the Insurance Tribunal in
accordance with the provisions of Insurance Ordinance The Wakala fee shall be credited to the Operator Fund and
XXXIX of 2000. This shall be a condition precedent to any remaining portion shall be remained credited in the Fund. The rate
legal proceedings to be resorted to by either party. of Wakala fee shall be approved by the Shariah Advisor based on
the Rating and Risk Management Guidelines of the Operator for
7. The Company may cancel this Policy by serving seven days’
each type of risk.
notice by registered letter to the Participant at his last known
address and in such event, the Participant shall be given an INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SHARE
amount equivalent to the Contribution paid less pro-rata portion
thereof for the period the Policy has been in force; or this The Company shall act as a Mudarib for the purpose of managing
Policy may be cancelled at any time by the Participant on giving the investment of the Fund. As such, the Company stands entitled
seven days’ notice in writing and Participant shall be given an to a share in the investment income thereof as Mudarib. The rate of
amount equivalent to Contribution less Contribution at the Mudarib share shall be approved by the Shariah Advisor and shall
Company's short period rates, as give below, for the period be stated on the company’s website.
this Policy has been in force:
Short period rates as Proportiono f
Period not exceeding Annual Contribution The Contribution recognized under this Policy, net of any
Government levy, shall be credited to the Fund.
1 week 1/8 or 12.5%
All Contribution into the Fund shall be deposited in a bank account
1 month 2/8 or 25% designated as belonging to the Fund or be paid across to such an
2 months 3/8 or 37.5% account within seven days of the receipt.
3 months 4/8 or 50%
All income received on assets of the Fund and receipts from
4 months 5/8 or 62.5% Re- Takaful operators relating to the Fund shall be deposited in
6 months 6/8 or 75% bank accounts designated as belonging to the Fund or be paid
across to such account within seven days of the receipt.
8 months 7/8 or 87.5%
Over 8 months Full annual contribution. All assets, liabilities, income and expenditures of the Operator
which do not relate to the Fund shall be deemed to be part of
the Operator’s Fund.
However, no payment shall be given if any claim has SURPLUS DISTRIBUTION
arisen during the period of this Policy has been in force.
In case the surplus is obtained, it may become distributable in a
manner deemed fit by the Management and the Shariah Advisor of
8. The due observance and fulfillment of the terms conditions and
the company on behalf of the Participants in accordance with
Endorsement of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything Takaful rule 2012, for the betterment of the Waqf fund( PTF).
to be done or complied with by the Participant and the truth of
the statement and answers in the said proposal shall be UNDERTAKING FOR SUBROGATION
conditions precedent to the Participant being indemnified
under this Policy. The Participant hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authori zes
the Company, the transfer of all his/their rights, title and interest in
TAKAFUL OPERATOR’S FEE the asset(s) listed in the Schedule and all the right(s) and claim(s)
against any person(s) in respect thereof to the Fund upon being
indemnified by the Company from the Fund as p er the Waqf Deed
The Company shall deduct Takaful Operator’s fee as per defined
and the Waqf Rules, and further undertakes to sign all necessary
proportion approved by the Shariah Advisor out of the Contribution
received under this Policy. Such fee shall be documents in this regard.

1: The amount of Rs. 3,000/- of contribution will be charged/adjusted
in Wakala Fee and Participant Takaful Fund charges for early termination
/cancellation of PAYD policy.
2: Claim will be entertained subject to received remaining Contribution/
Payment of the policy period.
3: Payment should be made within 7 Days from the date of billing issuance.
4: The amount of Rs. 5,000/- for PAYD product will be considered the
contribution of the Participant Takaful Fund that will be settled/adjusted on
completion of the complete 1 year of the PAYD policy.

The Participant should, in his own interest, examine this policy to ascertain
whether it is in accordance with his specific requirements and is correctly
described. If any error or misdescription is found, the same should immediately be
intimated to the Co mpany for amendment.
UAN: +92-21-111-875-111
WARRANTIES : Warranted that in case the vehicle(s) covered under the within mentioned Policy is/are stolen / snatched, the incident should
immediately be reported to the Police Helpline at '15' and an F.I.R. should immediately be registered with the police authorities
mentioning clearly, that the vehicle(s) is/are covered with Salaam Takaful Limited(Formerly Takaful Pakistan Limited), 6th
Floor, Business Centre, Plot No. 19-1-A, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi UAN No. 111-875-111, Fax: +92 21 34373195.
Furthermore, the incident must imperatively be reported within 24 hrs from the time of its occurrence to all the relevant
authorities including:
1. The Company.
2. Anti-Car Lifting Cell (ACLC)
3. Citizen Police Liaison Committee (CPLC)
4. Excise and Taxation Department.

SALAAM TAKAFUL LIMITED HEAD OFFICE: 6th Floor, Business Center, Plot No. 19-1-A, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi Pakistan

UAN: (+92-21) 111-875111 | Fax: (+92-21) 34373195 | www.salaamtakaful.com

KARACHI(AKBAR ROAD) Lahore Islamabad Faislabad Multan HYDERABAD OFFICE

Office No.2/7, Akbar Road, High-Q Tower, Plot No. 1, 5th Floor, Office # 507, ISE Electro City Plaza, 1st 1st Floor Plaza 123/ABC, Shop No. G-10, Signature
6th Floor, State Life
KMC Market,Opposite Floor No. 09, Office No. Tower, 55-B, Jinnah Floor, P-5, Wahab Centre, Old Bahawalpur Road Towers & Mall, Opposite
Building 34-The Mall,
Aqsa Masjid, Karachi. 901/902, Gulberg-V, Jail Avenue, Blue Area, Main Susan Road, Madina Nishtar chowk, Multan. Rajputana Hospital,
Peshawar Cantt, Peshawar.
Tel:+92-21-32778820 Road, Lahore. Islamabad. Town, Faisalabad. TEL : +92-61-4580946-48 Hyderabad,Pakistan
TEL : +92-91-5254186
TEL : +92-42-36400736, TEL : +92-51-8318368 TEL : +92-41-8720062-63 TEL : +92-22-2117120
FAX: +92-42-5716790
This Certificate is not transferable to a new owner of the vehicle.

If for any reason this Policy is term inated its currency,

the Certificate must be returned to the Company, or if the
Certificate has been lost or destroyed, an a ffid a vit to that
effect must be made. Failure to comply w ith this Obligation is
an offence under the Motor Vehides' Act 1939.
Certificate of TakafulTAKAFUL
Any term ination or Suspension of this cover, to which the
Company may agree on request from the Participant w ill
S A L A A M T A K A F U L L IM IT E D www.salaamtakaful.com
operate only from the date of receipt of this Certificate by
the Company
Business Centre, 6 th Floor, Plot No. 1 9 -1 -A , Block-6, P.E.C.H.S.,
It is hereby declared and agreed that in case of any claim or dispute arising hereunder the same shall be decided in Karachi and
further that legal proceedings in respect of any such claim or dispute shall be instituted in a competent court in the city of Karachi
only and the courts of law at Karachi shall have exclusive jurisdiction to which the parties submit.
Subject otherwise to the Terms, Exceptions, Conditions and Limitations of this policy.

__ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __

Endorsement No.7

This policy is not transfer to any other person or persons unless the Company’s written consenthas been obtained.

If the Motor Vehicle is disposed off, you must retum the Certificate of Insurance at one, failure todo soisapunishable offence under
the Motor VehiclesAct, 1939.

If the Certificate has been lost, immediate notice must be given to the Company which advise you what to do.

Subject otherwise to the Terms, Exceptions, Conditionsand Limitations of this policy.

__ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __

Endorsement No.4

In the event of a total loss the amount of indemnification under the within mentioned policy is limited to the market value of the
vehicle immediately prior to the loss or the participant’s estimated valye shown in the policy whichever is less

The Company shall not arrange payment under this policy for loss or damage to the following unless specially declared for Takaful
and additional Contribution is paid thereon:

Tape Recorder /CD Player and/or DVD Player / Speakers/Woofers
Air Conditioner
GD Changer/Amplifier /LCD Screen
Clock /Timer
Fan and:
A ny other items not factory fitted by the manufactures.
Subject otherwise.to the Terms, Exceptions, Conditions and Limitations ofthis policy

__ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __


The attached clauses shall be deem ed to have been incorporated and forming part o f this policy. Accordinglv, wherever the
following terms appears in the clauses, the same shall be deemed to have been replaced by, or refer to the terms appearing
It is hereby ünderstood and agreed not with Standing anything to the contrary contained tn this policy that in the event of loss or
damage to the vehicle and/or its accessories for which the participant shall be indemnified necessitating the supply of a part, the
amount o f indemnification in respect o f any such part shall be limited to.

(a) (i) the price quoted in the latest catalogue or price list issued by the Manufacturer or his agents for the couritry in which the
vehicle is held for repair or.

(ii) If no such catalogue or price list exists the price list obtaining at the Manufacturer works plus the reasonable cost of
transport otherwise than by air to the country in Which the vehicle is held for repair and any other import duties and/or charges
which may be compulsorily incurred and
(b) the reasonable cost o f fitting such.part.
It is further declared and agreed that if in the'event o f any-claim for loss and/or damage, the Participant’s estimate o f value stated
in the
sehedule- hereto is tess than the full market value (w h ich includes such com ponents as custom s duty and sales tax), the am
ount of
indemnification-tor such loss or damage to the vehicle or parts thereofwill be reduced in the same proportion which the Participant's
estimate of
walue stated in the sehedule hereto bears to the market value at the time of loss.
Nothing in this endorsement shall affect the allow ance for depreciation of the vehicle or parts thereof as is norm ally
made.on used vehicles.
Subject otherwise to the Terms, Exceptions. Conditions and Limitations ofthis policy.
__ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __

It is a condition of this Takaful that in the event of claim following rates of depreciation will be applied on all replaceraents including
glass and plastic items

Subject otherwise to the Terms, Exceptions, Conditions and Limitations of this policy
__ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __
Complaints in respect of Insurance Policy
“If you have any complaint or grievance against the insurance company, agent, or bank representative in
respect of your insurance policy, you may file your complaint directly with the insurance company at the
following address:
Salaam Takaful Limited (Formerly Takaful Pakistan Limited)
Mr. Faheem Darss
Head of Claims (South)
Landline Number: 111-875-111 (Ext. 111)
Cell Number: 0301-8236633
Postal Address: Salaam Takaful Limited (Formerly Takaful Pakistan Limited)
Business Center6th Floor, Sharah-e-Faisal,
However, in case if the insurance company fails to address your grievance, you may file your complaint
with other external independent forums at the following addresses: -


2nd Floor, Pakistan Red Crescent Society
Annexe Building, Plot # 197/5
Dr. Doud Pota Road
Phone: 021-99207761-62
Website: www.fio.gov.pk/
Note: Policyholders from any part of Pakistan, AJK/Gilgit Baltistan may approach FIO

(2) Official Coordinator, Small Disputes Resolution Committee -Karachi

Specialized Companies Division, 5th Floor, State Life Building No. 2,
Wallace Road, Off. I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi.
Phone: 021-32414204
Email: sdrc.khi@secp.gov.pk
Note: Policyholders belonging to provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan may approach this Committee.

(3) Official Coordinator, Small Disputes Resolution Committee -Lahore

Company Registration Office - Lahore, Associate House, 3rd & 4th Floor, 7-Egerton Road,
Phone: 042-99204962-66
Email: sdrc.lhr@secp.gov.pk
Note: Policyholders from all districts of Punjab except Bhakkar, Khushab, Mianwali, Jhelum,
Chakwal, Rawalpindi and Attock may approach this Committee

(4) Official Coordinator, Small Disputes Resolution Committee-Islamabad

Insurance Division, 3rd Floor, NIC Building, 63-Jinnah Avenue,
Blue Area, Islamabad.
Phone: 051-9207091-4
Email: sdrc.isb@secp.gov.pk
Note: Policyholders belonging to Islamabad Capital Territory, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit
Baltistan, Azad Jammu & Kashmir and the western side of the province of Punjab (i.e. Bhakkar,
Khushab, Mianwali, Jhelum, Chakwal, Rawalpindi and Attock districts) may approach this
Complaint against an insurance company may also be filed with Securities and Exchange Commission of
Pakistan (insurance regulator in Pakistan) at the following address:

Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP)

NIC Building, 63-Jinnah Avenue,
Blue Area, Islamabad.
Phone: Toll free 080088008 / 051-9207091-4
Email: complaints@secp.gov.pk
https://sdms.secp.gov.pk/ (for online filing of complaints)
Note: Policyholders from any part of Pakistan, AJK/Gilgit Baltistan may approach SECP

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