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Consular Electronic Application Center - Print Application - MATEO

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12/6/23, 20:04 Consular Electronic Application Center - Print Application

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)

Application - Sensitive But Unclassified(SBU)

We do not need a printed copy of your application at any point during your interview process. Only print this
application if you want a copy for your own records. If you print your application, please keep it secure.

Photo Provided:

Confirmation Number:

Your Personal Copy -- Do Not Bring to Interview

Personal, Address, Phone, and Passport/Travel Document Information

Full Name in Native Language: DOES NOT APPLY

Other Names Used: NO

Telecode Name Used: NO


Marital Status: SINGLE

Date of Birth: 31 MARCH 2022



Country/Region of Origin (Nationality): MEXICO

Do you hold or have you held any nationality other than the one NO
indicated above on nationality?

Are you a permanent resident of a country/region other than your NO

country/region of origin (nationality) above?

National Identification Number: MOLM220331HBCNDTA5

U.S. Social Security Number: DOES NOT APPLY

U.S. Taxpayer ID Number: DOES NOT APPLY

Home Address: CHAPARRAL H1



Your Personal Copy -- Do Not Bring to Interview

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Your Personal Copy -- Do Not Bring to Interview


Postal Zone/ZIP Code: 22263

Country/Region: MEXICO

Same Mailing Address? YES

Primary Phone Number: 6643418047

Secondary Phone Number: 6645833607

Work Phone Number: DOES NOT APPLY

Do you have any additional phone numbers? NO

Email Address: ivan.montoya2018@outlook.com

Do you have any additional email addresses? NO

Do you have a social media presence?

Social Media Platform: (1): NONE

Social Media Identifier:

Do you have any additional social media presence? NO

Passport/Travel Document Type: REGULAR

Passport/Travel Document Number: N09017662

Passport Book Number: DOES NOT APPLY

Country/Authority that Issued Passport/Travel Document: MEXICO

City Where Issued: TIJUANA

State/Province Where Issued: BAJA CALIFORNIA

Country/Region Where Issued: MEXICO

Issuance Date: 07 JUNE 2023

Expiration Date: 07 JUNE 2026

Have you ever lost a passport or had one stolen? NO

Travel Information
The List of Purposes of Trip to the U.S.

Purpose of Trip to the U.S. (1): TEMP. BUSINESS PLEASURE VISITOR (B)



Intended Date of Arrival: 01 JULY 2023

Intended Length of Stay in U.S.: LESS THAN 24 HOURS

Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip: OTHER PERSON

Person Paying for Your Trip: MONTOYA PATINO , IVAN

Telephone Number: 6643418047

Email Address: ivan.montoya2018@outlook.com

Relationship to You: PARENT

Is the address of the party paying for your trip the same as your Home YES
or Mailing Address?

Are there other persons traveling with you? YES

Are you traveling as part of a group or organization? NO

Persons Traveling with You:


Your Personal Copy -- Do Not Bring to Interview

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Your Personal Copy -- Do Not Bring to Interview

Relationship to You: PARENT


Relationship to You: PARENT


Relationship to You: OTHER RELATIVE


Relationship to You: OTHER RELATIVE

Have you ever been in the U.S.? NO

Have you ever been issued a U.S. visa? NO

Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, or been refused admission to NO
the United States, or withdrawn your application for admission at the
port of entry?

Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition on your behalf with the NO
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services?

Family Information
Father's Surnames: MONTOYA PATINO

Father's Given Names: IVAN

Father's Date of Birth: 02 MARCH 1971

Is your father in the U.S.? NO

Mother's Surnames: LEDEZMA RODRIGUEZ

Mother's Given Names: ROSALVA

Mother's Date of Birth: 20 MAY 1980

Is your mother in the U.S.? NO

Do you have any immediate relatives, not including parents in the U.S.? NO

Do you have any other relatives in the United States? NO

Security and Background Information

Do you have a communicable disease of public health significance? (Communicable diseases of public significance NO
include chancroid, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinale, infectious leprosy, lymphogranuloma venereum, infectious
stage syphilis, active tuberculosis, and others diseases as determined by the Department of Health and Human

Do you have a mental or physical disorder that poses or is likely to pose a threat to the safety or welfare of NO
yourself or others?

Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict? NO

Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon, amnesty, or NO
other similar action?

Have you ever violated, or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances? NO

Are you coming to the United States to engage in prostitution or unlawful commercialized vice or have you been NO
engaged in prostitution or procuring prostitutes within the past 10 years?

Have you ever been involved in, or do you seek to engage in, money laundering? NO

Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the NO
United States?

Are you the spouse, son, or daughter of an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a human NO
trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States and have you within the last five years,
knowingly benefited from the trafficking activities?

Have you knowingly aided, abetted, assisted or colluded with an individual who has committed or conspired to NO
commit a severe human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States?

Do you seek to engage in espionage, sabotage, export control violations, or any other illegal activity while in the NO
United States?

Your Personal Copy -- Do Not Bring to Interview

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Your Personal Copy -- Do Not Bring to Interview

Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities while in the United States or have you ever engaged in terrorist NO

Have you ever or do you intend to provide financial assistance or other support to terrorists or terrorist NO

Are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization? NO

Are you the spouse, son, or daughter of an individual who has engaged in terrorist activity, including providing NO
financial assistance or other support to terrorists or terrorist organizations, in the last five years?

Have you ever ordered, incited, committed, assisted, or otherwise participated in genocide? NO

Have you ever committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in torture? NO

Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in extrajudicial killings, political killings, NO
or other acts of violence?

Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers? NO

Have you, while serving as a government official, been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, NO
particularly severe violations of religious freedom?

Have you ever been directly involved in the establishment or enforcement of the population controls forcing a NO
woman to undergo an abortion against her free choice or a man or a woman to undergo sterilization against his or
her free will?

Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs or bodily tissue? NO

Have you ever sought to obtain or assist others to obtain a visa, entry into the United States, or any other United NO
States immigration benefit by fraud or willful misrepresentation or other unlawful means?

Have you ever been removed or deported from any country? NO

Have you ever withheld custody of a U.S. citizen child outside the United States from a person granted legal NO
custody by a U.S. court?

Have you voted in the United States in violation of any law or regulation? NO

Have you ever renounced United States citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxation? NO

Location Information
Location where you will be submitting your application

Current Location: TIJUANA (ZONA RIO), MEXICO

Preparer of Application
Did anyone assist you in filling out this application? YES

Preparer Surnames: MONTOYA PATINO

Preparer Given Names: IVAN

Organization Name: DOES NOT APPLY

Street Address: CHAPARRAL H1




Postal Zone/ZIP Code: 22263

Country/Region: MEXICO

Relationship to You: PARENT

Your Personal Copy -- Do Not Bring to Interview

Usted firmó su solicitud de manera electrónica el 12-Jun-2023 09:04:07 (GMT-05:00). Se le requirió firmar su solicitud
personalmente y de manera electrónica al menos que por reglamento quede exento de ello y aún si el formulario fue elaborado a su
nombre por alguien más. Su firma electrónica certifica que usted ha leído y entendido las preguntas en su solicitud de Visa de No-
Inmigrante y que además todas sus respuestas son verdaderas y realizadas a su mejor entender y convicción. La entrega de una
solicitud conteniendo declaraciones falsas y engañosas pueden resultar en la negativa permanente de una visa para entrar a los
Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Todas las declaraciones hechas en esta solicitud no están sujetas a juramento pero deben ser
hechas bajo protesta de decir verdad. (28 U.S.C. 1746).

La información que usted ha proporcionado en su solicitud y alguna otra enviada junto con ésta, puede ser puesta a disposición de

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otras agencias del gobierno con el derecho y la autoridad legal que les confiere para usar dicha información, incluso para propósitos
del órden público y leyes de inmigración. Si se obtienen huellas dactilares como parte de su proceso de solicitud, éstas pueden ser
usadas con el propósito de compararlas con otras huellas dactilares en el Sistema de Identificación de Siguiente Generación (Next
Generation Identification System) NGI por sus siglas en inglés, de la Oficina Federal de Investigación (Federal Bureau of
Investigation - FBI por sus siglas en inglés) o por sus sistemas subsecuentes (incluyendo civiles, criminales y archivos existentes de
huellas dactilares). La fotografía que proporcione junto con su solicitud puede ser utilizada para verificación de empleo u otros
propósitos competentes a la legislación de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.

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