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35 Operating Systems - April May 2021 (F+R CBCS Y2K14)

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IffilillltililriltilIililllltllll QP - 458

lll Semester B.C.A. Examination, April/May 2O21
(CBCS) (Y2K14 Scheme) (F+R)
BCA 305 : Operating Systems

Time:3Hours Max. Marks : 100


lnstruction : Answer all Sections.


l. Answer any ten questions : (10x2=20)

'| i

1) What is an operating system ? Mention any two functions of operating

2) Define scheduler and dispatcher.
3) Discuss race condition.
4) Mention the necessary conditions for deadlock.
5) What are overlays ?
6) Explain paging.
7) Discuss Belady's anomaly.
8) What is externdl fragmentation ?
9) What is rotationaf latency ?

10) What do you mean by Trojan Horse ? Give an example.

1 1) Define hit ratio.
12) Mention any four types of files.

; secroN - B

ll. Answer any five questions : (5x5=25)

13) Explain real time operating system.
14) Discuss about process control block.
1 5) Explain Readers-Writers problem.
QP - 458 .2_ ilflilflilillil]ilililtilililt

16) Explain PCB with a neat diagram.

17) Explain first-fit, best{it and worst-fit schemes for allocation of memory. With
the help of an example compare their performance.
18) What is thrashing ? Discuss different techniques to handle thrashing.
19) With a neat diagram explain linked allocation.
20) Describe user authentication.


lll. Answer any three questions : (3x15=45)

21) Consider the set of 5 processes whose arrival time and burst time are
given below : 15
Process lD Arrivaltime Burst time
P1 09
P2 14
Let the time quantum = 3 units. Draw Gantt,s chart and then calculate
average waiting time and turn around time for FCFS, SJF (preemptive) and
Round Robin algorithms.
22) a) Explain deadlock avoidance using Banker's algorithm. g
b) what is semaphore ? Discuss different types of semaphore. T
23) a) Consider the following page reference string : g

1,2, 3, 4,2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2,3,7, 6,3, 2, 1, 2, g, 6

, How many page faults would occurfor LRU and optimal page replacement
algorithms assuming three frames and all frames are initially empty ?
b) Describe how demand paging technique is used to implement virtual
memory. 7
rrlllill]iltiltil]iltliltil QP - 4s8

24) a) Explain different file access methods. 8

b) Discuss about single level andtwo level directory structure. 7
25) a) Compare SCAN and CSCAN disk scheduling algorithms. I
b) What is virus ? Explain different types of viruses. 7


lV. Answer any one question : (1xI0=10)

26) Write short notes on :

a) lnter-process communication. 5
b) Resource allocation graph. 5
27) Describe:
a) Security mechanism in Linux. 5
b) Segmentation technique for memory management. 5

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