Article 20
Article 20
Article 20
– Bulletin of Engineering
Tome X [2017]
Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067 – 3809
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to review 3D body scanning systems currently available in the market. 3D human
scanning is a process of capturing and subsequent digitization of the full body or the body parts into their three-dimensional
graphical representation. As 3D human body scanning techniques are becoming ubiquitous, we give an overview of the
different technologies of 3D body data digitization such as techniques based on photogrammetry, depth sensors, and laser
scanning as well as few more promising techniques. Also, the underlying principles that allow these systems to work are
determined and explained. In order to provide directions for further integration of digitized 3D human bodies, specifications
of 3D body scanning systems are compared, and a variety of commercial scanners available in the market are presented in the
Keywords: 3D human body scanning, 3D body scanning techniques, 3D body scanning systems, 3D body data digitization, 3D
scanners commercial products
to arrive at the 3D information. Active lighting returning to the sensor at, and therefore the distance
incorporates some form of temporal or spatial from the laser source to the object’s surface. Process
modulation of the illumination. This can be a laser light requires precise mechanical apparatus (e.g., by steering
technology or a visible light pattern projective rotating mirrors that reflect the laser light into
technology. With passive techniques, on the other hand, controlled directions), as well as very precise laser
light is not controlled or controlled only with respect to beam. One would also not want the system to take a
image quality. Typically, passive techniques work with long time for scanning. Hence, one ends up with the
whichever reasonable, ambient light available, as is conflicting requirements of guiding the laser spot
often the case in stereo-vision and image processing precisely and fast. These challenging requirements
methods. have an adverse effect on the price. Moreover, total
As this is an overview of relevant 3D acquisition time needed to take one image per projected laser spot
methods, it is not intended to be in-depth nor can be up to seconds or even minutes of overall
exhaustive. The techniques that will be presented are acquisition time. There are faster, special methods,
are widely studied and used for decades. using super-fast imagers, but again at an additional
The organization of the paper is as follows. Section 2 cost.
gives a brief description of the 3D scanning methods In order to remedy this, substantial research has gone
belonging to the three aforementioned groups. Section into replacing the laser spot by more complicated
3 discussed and compares their characteristics. Section patterns. For instance, the laser ray can without much
4 lists some of the commectialy available products.. difficulty be extended to a plane, e.g., by putting a
Section 5 concludes the paper. cylindrical lens in front of the laser. Rather than
OVERVIEW OF 3D SCANNING TECHNIQUES forming a single laser spot on the surface, the
Active range sensors acquire distance measurements intersection of the plane with the surface will form a
from a well-known reference coordinate system to curve (Figure 3). Variant of the scanner with several
points of the object to be reconstructed [1']. They are (usually up to four) scanning pillars have been
very common when highly detailed models are common, without the need to rotate the subject.
required and have been used widely in the industry for Structured Light 3D Scanners
decades. In the past ten years there have been an Structured light scanners also use trigonometric
inrush of low-priced products based on scanning triangulation, but instead of looking at laser light, these
techniques to be described in the following section. systems project a series of linear patterns onto an
Laser Triangulation 3D Scanners object (Figure 4). Then, by examining the edges of each
These scanners use either a laser line or single laser line in the pattern, they calculate the distance from the
point to scan across an object. A sensor picks up the scanner to the object’s surface. Essentially, instead of
laser light that is reflected off the object, and using the camera seeing a laser line, it sees the edge of the
trigonometric triangulation, the system calculates the projected pattern, and calculates the distance similarly.
distance from the object to the scanner(Figure2).
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The former method allows for the exact and easy Time-of-flight (ToF) scanners
generation of very fine patterns with unlimited depth of Laser pulse-based scanners, also known as time-of-
field. Disadvantages are high cost of implementation flight scanners, are based on a very simple concept: the
and difficulties to provide the ideal beam geometry. The speed of light is known very precisely, so if we know
projection method uses incoherent light and basically how long a laser takes to reach an object and reflect
works like a video projector. A typical measuring back to a sensor, we know how far away that object is
assembly consists of one stripe projector and at least (Figure 5). These systems use circuitry that is accurate
one camera. to picoseconds to measure the time it takes for millions
of laser pulses to return to the sensor, and calculate a
distance. By rotating the laser and sensor (usually via a
mirror), the scanner can scan up to a full 360 degrees
around itself.
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that it can achieve relatively high spatial (X-Y) in order to prepare the file for the 3D printer. Scanning
resolution by using off-the-shelf DLP projectors and HD sessions themselves can take several minutes and often
color cameras. must be repeated in order to properly capture the
In image based methods feature extraction and complete geometry or form[14'].
matching also require sufficient intensity and color Many of the modern scanners use these techniques in
variation in the image for robust correlation. This combination. For example, there are cases of scanners
requirement renders stereo vision less effective if the which provide laser scanning precision with
subject lacks these variations i.e. when the local photogrammetric texture extraction component. Also
appearance is uniform within the neighborhood of each as the state of these technologies is in constant
candidate point to be matched. Clothing can have a lack movement it is impossible to make definite conclusion.
of significant local variation in their appearance or Wide range of available commercial 3D scanners can be
present a repeated pattern. This can, however, be reme- seen in [12']. Table 1 shows the empirical comparison
died to some extent by placing artificial fiducial of scanningtechniques, in terms of speed and precision,
markers on the subject. ToF sensing does not have this of the same price category. In Table 1, 5 stars represent
limitation because it does not depend on color or the best empirical value.
texture to measure the distance. Secondly, occlusions in
Table 1. Rough comparison of 3D scanning techniques
the scene make the correspondence between images Scanner type: Speed (5 stars) Precision(5 stars)
ambiguous or even impossible, e.g. articulation of the
Multi-view ***** **
body which leads to self-occlusions.
Triangulation *** *****
In stereo vision, the depth resolution error is a
ToF ** ****
quadratic function of the distance while other two
methods are much better in this respect. The main After creation of the point cloud, by some of the de-
advantage of stereo vision is a very low cost of scribed techniques, discarding of erroneous points (i.e.
implementation as off-the-shelf cameras can be used. outliers) and noise removal by various statistical
The main benefit of 3D laser scanning is that it provides methods can be performed. Some of these outliers can
higher resolution and detail than photogrammetry. be filtered by performing a statistical analysis on each
Therefore, facial details and even details on clothing are point's neighborhood, and trimming those which do not
potentially captured more intricately with a 3D meet a certain criterion. The sparse outlier removal
scanner, making the resulting 3D printed figurine more implementation in the publicly available Point Cloud
detailed and realistic as well. Scanning can be Library is based on the computation of the distribution
accomplished in a scanning booth, most often found in of point to neighbors distances in the input data-set.
retail locations, or by using a 3D scanner in virtually For each point, the mean distance from it to all its
any type of indoor or outdoor setting. A number of 3D neighbors is computed. By assuming that the resulted
laser scanners are available as portable handheld distribution is Gaussian with a mean and a standard
devices, offering quick and easy set up and flexibility in deviation, all points whose mean distances are outside
the location of the scan session. Structured light an interval defined by the global distances mean and
scanners can offer greater speed and accuracy than standard deviation can be considered as outliers and
laser scanners when setup with large fields of view, trimmed from the data-set.
approaching that of photogrammetry, but usually
require several scanners to be synced together in order
to capture the required angles without any
“shadowing” due to “line of sight” and binocular vision
restrictions. These multi-sensor systems, while very
effective once set up, can be difficult and sensitive to
The downside of using laser scanners for body form
applications is that they take a second or more to
capture data on any part of a subject during a scan.
While that might not seem like much, the living body
will move ever so imperceptibly during that second.
Even if the movement is only a millimeter, the result
will be a double layer of scan data in the same area of
the geometry, which will cause problems when creating
a mesh. Labour-intensive and often complex
adjustment of the scan data is required after scanning Figure 9. Typical 3D mesh model
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Then a dense point cloud is generated using High-end, metrology-grade, portable scanners like
appropriate interpolation algorithm followed by those by Artec 3D (Eva and Space Spider) and Nikon
filtering of the points from the result to adjust it and (ModelMaker MMCx on Fig. 12) offer less than 0.5mm
eliminate bad points. After that, creating polygon mesh resolution, depending on the scanning distance. They
model can be done for the model to be used in other 3D are rarely used in full body scanning as the process can
modeling software. An example of a generated mesh take minutes and the obtained level of details is
model without added texture is shown below (Fig. 9). excessive for non-special purposes.
There are numerous commercial scanners on the
market today, with the number and variety constantly
increasing. Hand-held 3D scanners are gaining
popularity due to the ease of use and portability. Their
pricesrange from 100 euros up to 20000 euros.
Some commercial solutions and the techniques they
Ξ Microsoft Kinect 1 uses a pattern of projected
infrared points to generate a dense 3D image.
Ξ Microsoft Kinect for Xbox One uses a wide-angle
time-of-flight camera.
Ξ Intel RealSense camera (Fig. 10 ) projects a series of
infrared patterns to obtain the 3D structure. Figure 12. Nikon ModelMaker MMCx 3D laser scanner
Low cost models like Intel RealSense 3D cameras are Structured light scanners also havewide price
quickly finding their way in people’s everyday lives. spectrum. In the price range of 3000euros structured-
They are becoming a part of notebooks, phones and light scanners products have superiority. An example is
handheld devices, replacing the old 2D cameras, or as shown on Fig. 13. Submilimeter resolution and high
an add-on accesory These devices are mainly used for mesh density for scans that last only several secons has
the scanning of parts of human body (facial made them videly used. For full body scanning, either a
expressions, hand gestures, etc.) for entertainment turntable has to be used or a set-up of several scanners.
purposes as their resolution and texture detail tends to
be low.
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3d-scanners-2015.html[Accessed 20June 2016].
[13.] Ν. D’Apuzo, “State of the art of the methods for
static 3D scanning of partial or full human body “,
Proceedings of Conference on 3D Modelling, June
13-14, 2006, Paris, France, pp. 1-8.
[14.] Julie Reece, “The Pros and Cons of
Photogrammetry vs. 3D Scanning for 3D Printed
Figurines”, Available at:
printed-figurines-blog/[Accessed 20June 2016].
[15.] Miroljub Arbutina, Dinu Dragan, Srdan Mihic,
Zoran Anisic, Review of 3D body scanning
systems, The 7th International Conference on
Mass Customization and Personalization in
Central Europe – MCP–CE 2016 – Mass
Customization and Open Innovation, Novi Sad,
SERBIA, 2016
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
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