P1-3 Criteria Evaluation Form
P1-3 Criteria Evaluation Form
P1-3 Criteria Evaluation Form
1. Individual speaking
Prathom 1-3 Individual speaking
No. Content Pronunciation Fluency Stage Tota
Presence l
4 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 10
Pronunciation (2 scores):
- Near native-speaker stress/timing, rhythm and placing of stress, intonation pattern and
pitch range within sentence; natural linking of phrases. (2)
- Stress/timing, rhythm and placing of stress, intonation, sufficiently native-like as to make
comprehension easy and listening pleasurable. (1)
Fluency (2 scores):
- Near native-speaker speed and rhythm. (2)
- Good fluency with minimal hesitation. (1)
Pronunciation (2 scores):
- Near native-speaker stress/timing, rhythm and placing of stress, intonation pattern and
range of pitch within a sentence; natural linking of phrases. (2)
- Stress/timing, rhythm and placing of stress, intonation, sufficiently native-like to make
comprehension easy and listening pleasurable. (1)
Fluency (2 scores):
- Near native-speaker speed and rhythm. (2)
- Good fluency with minimal hesitation. (1)
Interaction (2 scores):
- Very good interaction and flow of dialogue with each other. (2)
- Poor interaction with each other and the flow of dialogue could be clearer. (1)
3. Writing
Prathom 1-3 Writing
4. Reading out loud
Prathom 1-3 Reading Out Loud
No. Pronunciation Fluency Voice Poise Total
3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 10
Fluency (3 scores):
- Near native-speaker speed and rhythm. (3)
- Good fluency with minimal hesitation. (2)
- Insufficient fluency.(1)
Voice (2 scores):
- Have a modulated voice that is clear for the audience to listen to. (2)
- The sound isn’t clear to some of the audience. (1)
Poise (2 scores):
- Have proper posture and maintain grace on stage. (2)
- Inconsistent good posture and grace on stage. (1)
5. Group presentation
Prathum 1-3 Group Presentation
No. Content Delivery Teamwork Total
4 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 10
Delivery (3 scores):
- Familiar with the content and confidently perform on stage. (3)
- Familiar with the content with few mistakes. (2)
Teamwork (3 scores):
- All members contribute equally to accomplish the activity while managing time wisely.
- Not all members contribute equally to accomplish the activity but still manage the time
wisely. (2)
- Some members don’t contribute equally to accomplish the activity and can’t manage time
wisely. (1)