Deployment Guide - Mexico - Financials First - STD - EN
Deployment Guide - Mexico - Financials First - STD - EN
Deployment Guide - Mexico - Financials First - STD - EN
This document contains confidential information which is proprietary to Oracle|NetSuite. No part of its contents
may be used, copied, disclosed, or conveyed to any party in any manner whatsoever without prior written
permission from Oracle|NetSuite.
Document Version
October 2020
© By Oracle, 2024
2. Support 6
3. Installation Prerequisites 7
SuiteTax Instructions 8
4. Edition Prerequisites 10
SuiteApps List 12
6. Edition Setup 19
Overview 19
7. Additional SuiteApps 21
Add On SuiteApps 21
Dashboard Updates 22
SuiteTax Engine 32
Workflows 39
SuiteTax Setup 43
Feature Update 44
11. Appendix 45
Next Steps 87
This document is a guide for the deployment of the Mexico Financials First Standard Edition also known as
MX FF STD Edition.
The table below lists the deployment sequence and the expected time for completion for each phase.
This time estimates the total duration of the activities, not active time spent.
1-3. Request all Bundles and Instructions for requesting shared Bundles and 0.5h
SuiteApps SuiteApps
5. Install all Bundles and SuiteApps Sequence of Bundle and SuiteApp installation 3-8h
7-10. Complete Additional and Instructions for Additional and Customer 2-4h
Customer Setup Specific Setup
It is critical to follow the installation sequence exactly as laid out in this guide. Deviations will
result in an incomplete installation
Do not uninstall any SuiteApp (unless specifically instructed)
Complete all tasks from the Administrator role unless otherwise noted
Finish the edition’s SuiteApps installation prior to creating subsidiaries
Read the Getting Started Session Presentation before beginning the edition’s installation process
Install Add Ons after completing the edition’s installation process
To report issues related to SuiteSuccess during the implementation contact the SuiteSuccess team by following
the steps below.
Report SuiteSuccess related issues in NSCorp via a UTS Ticket by navigating to: Support > Custom >
Unified Ticketing System > New > SuiteSuccess
Join the NetSuite Support Community! Ask questions, collaborate and trade tips with NetSuite
customers, partners, employees and other NetSuite professionals. Visit SuiteAnswers ID: 103704 for
more information.
Customers must click the "Accept" buttons themselves within their own user account. An Oracle|
NetSuite employee cannot accept the Terms of Service on behalf of the customer.
Some of the features listed below may already be enabled in the account
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features
Currency Exchange Rate Integration Company Applicable only if multiple currencies will
be used
Bill Costs to Customers Transactions Must enable this feature to enable SuiteTax
SuiteFlow SuiteCloud
SuiteTax Instructions
A pop-up message may appear when enabling the SuiteTax feature. Follow the instructions below to enable the
SuiteTax is a hidden feature by default on all newly provisioned accounts. Please refer to the SuiteTax
documentation on how to get it provisioned to a new account. To raise a Case related to SuiteTax follow this link.
Determine if SuiteApps are shared or public by referring to the SuiteApps List table. Public Bundles are
available for installation immediately unless otherwise stated. Shared SuiteApps must be requested in advance
by following the steps below.
3. PSG Shared - PAID Shared bundles require provisioning, contact Team Bill and Provision (nsgbu-
NetSuite Partners: Submit a UTS ticket via your APC role in NSCorp (Support > Custom > UTS - Unified
Ticketing System > New)
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features
Multi-Language Company
2. Click “Save”
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Company > General Preferences > Languages
1. Click the "Language" drop down list located under the "Localization" section
2. Select English (U.S.) from the list
3. Enable the following option located under the "Defaults" section
4. Enable the following options located under the "SuiteCloud Development Framework" section
5. Click “Save”
Instruct the customer to accept the Terms of Service for required Bundles by following the steps below.
The customer must click the "Accept" buttons themselves within their own user account. An Oracle|
NetSuite employee cannot accept the Terms of Service on behalf of the customer
For more information on current PSG SuiteApp ID’s, please refer to - SuiteAnswers ID 25038
SuiteApps List
Install the Mexico Financials First Standard Edition SuiteApps by strictly following the sequence.
If a SuiteApp on the below list is pre-installed, continue to the next SuiteApp. If it is not included in the list
below, uninstall the SuiteApp
In the Administrator role, navigate to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles to begin
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Bundle Deployment > Wizard
The word “Automatic” in the “Check Type” column indicates steps that are systematically checked.
For SuiteApprovals, make sure the following SuiteAnswer article is reviewed for Features and Accounting
Preferences that need to be enabled before installing the bundle. Preferences should only be enabled for the
transactions needing SuiteApprovals.
NOTE: It is suggested to review limitations of using SuiteApprovals for certain transactions with additional
bundles to be installed.
PSG Public NetSuite SuiteApps License Client 24 Ensure this is installed before
EBP and/or Electronic
Invoicing, as applicable
PSG SuiteApp (Public) Mexico Bill of Lading 30 Review Shipping and Handling
(Complemento Carta Porte) Cost Error Message When
(com.netsuite.mexicocartaporte) Installing
For questions or issues with a PSG SuiteApp installed in this edition, please refer to the below table (submit
additional questions via a Support Case with NetSuite Support).
The Bundle Deployment Wizard (BDW) automates the configuration of edition’s objects. Once the BDW is
completed, the results are displayed to the end user within the NetSuite user interface.
The below prerequisites are necessary when using the BDW. See the Appendix at the end of the
document for a manual deployment process.
5. Click "Next"
6. Input ‘Customer Name’ and 'Customer Abbreviation' to be used on all BDW created objects
7. Click "Next"
Add On SuiteApps
SuiteApps that are not part of this SuiteSuccess Edition (Add Ons) are available for purchase at additional cost
to the customer. These SuiteApps or other additional SuiteApps must be installed after successful installation of
all SuiteApps listed in the SuiteApps List above.
After SuiteApps installations are complete, continue with the edition setup tasks below.
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
Dashboard Updates
Custom dashboards are delivered for each role in this edition. Edit the [Customer] role’s dashboard by following
the steps below.
The Deployment Guide references the base roles of the edition throughout the document. Always use the
customer’s version of the base roles.
1. Click Access
2. Add the following Roles:
FF STD - Controller
FF STD - A/P Analyst
FF STD - A/R Analyst
FF STD - Executive
SuiteSuccess Admin Dashboard Publishing Role
3. Click Save
Administrator Dashboard
Log in as the SuiteSuccess Admin Dashboard Publishing Role and modify the Center Tabs by following the
steps below.
1. Click Layout
2. Select the 3-column layout
3. Select Personalize
4. Click the following icons to add to the dashboard:
Standard Content:
Custom Portlet
Trend Graphs (3 times)
5. Setup and Position Portlets
Custom Portlet
Click Set Up
Set the Source field to Navigation Portlet
Click Save
Click Edit
Set the Default Category to Accounts Payable
Click Save
The Accounts Payable category is not available in all Editions. If it is not available in the drop-
down list, set the Default Category to Controller.
The final Payments Center Tab should look like the snapshot below:
1. Click Layout
2. Select the Single column layout (if not already configured that way)
Publish Dashboard
Log in as the Administrator Role and inactivate the SuiteSuccess Admin Dashboard Publishing Role by
following the steps below
Controller Dashboard
Log in as the [Customer] Controller role and modify each of the Center Tabs by following the steps below.
Home Dashboard
1. Click Personalize
2. Click the following icons to add to the dashboard:
Standard Content:
Electronic Documents
3. Setup and Position Portlets
Analytics Portlet
Click on the setup icon of the portlet
Search for and select “Pivot de impuestos diferidos para México” workbook
Rename the workbook to “Informe de impuestos diferidos para México”
Click Save
Position in the bottom of the middle column on the dashboard.
Reminders Portlet
Click on the setup icon of the portlet.
Remove the Transactions Missing Taxes Reminder from Current Selections
Click Save
Electronic Documents Portlet
Position just below the first Key Performance Indicators portlet in the middle column on the
1. Click Layout
2. Select the Single column layout (if not already configured that way)
Payments Tab
1. Click Layout
2. Select the 3-column layout
The final Payments Center Tab should look like the snapshot below:
Publish Dashboard
Home Dashboard
1. Select Personalize
2. Click the following icon to add to the dashboard:
Electronic Documents
3. Setup and Position Portlets
Electronic Documents Portlet
Position just below the Key Performance Indicators portlet in the middle column on the
Payments Tab
1. Click Layout
2. Select the 3-column layout
3. Select Personalize
4. Click the following icons to add to the dashboard:
Standard Content:
Custom Portlet
Trend Graphs (3 times)
5. Setup and Position Portlets
Custom Portlet
Click Set Up
The final Payments Center Tab should look like the snapshot below:
Publish Dashboard
Home Dashboard
Reminders Portlet
Click Set Up
Remove the Transactions Missing Taxes Reminder from Current Selections
Click Save
Billing Tab
1. Click Personalize
2. Click the following icon to add to the dashboard:
Standard Content:
Custom Search
3. Setup and Position Portlets
Custom Search
Click Set Up
Select Billing Operations From Last 5 Days
Click Save
Move the portlet in the Center after Key Performance Indicator
Publish Dashboard
Executive Dashboard
Log in as the [Customer] Executive role and modify the Home Dashboard by following the steps below.
Home Dashboard
1. Select Personalize
2. Click the following icon to add to the dashboard:
Standard Content
3. Setup and Position Portlets
Analytics Portlet
Click on the Set Up icon of the portlet
Search for and select “Pivot de impuestos diferidos para México” workbook
Rename the workbook to “Informe de impuestos diferidos para México" by adding the name
to the Custom Name field
Click Save
Position in the bottom of the middle column on the dashboard.
Publish Dashboard
This process should be replicated for each role/center tab that requires a 2-column dashboard layout.
While logged in as the Customer role, navigate to each center tab and perform the following where a 2-column
layout is preferred:
Publish Dashboard
FF STD - Controller
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Tax Reporting > Manage Tax Reporting Framework Roles
SuiteTax Engine
Grant access to the SuiteTax features by assigning to the Customer roles the permissions below. Other roles
might be given access following the personalization session with the customer.
FF STD - Controller
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > SuiteTax Engine > Manage SuiteTax Engine Roles
Leading Practices for this SuiteSuccess edition indicate that Financial Reports should be configured in the
customer account. Please refer to the Configuring Financial Reports for Mexico SuiteAnswers Article for
mandatory setup instructions.
In the Administrator role, navigate to Reports > Mexico Localization > Balance Sheet | Mexico Trial Balance |
Mexico Income Statement > Click Customize
Leading Practices for this SuiteSuccess edition indicate the Mexico Bill of Lading (Complemento Carta Porte)
SuiteApp should be installed in the customer account to generate and process CFDIs together with a bill of
lading document. All steps are mandatory and should be completed before proceeding with the next steps.
For more information on how to update XML templates for Mexico Localization, please refer to the below table:
Mexico Localization Forms’ Instructions
The Mexico Localization bundle delivers Custom Forms. Make copies of the delivered forms to be customized as
part of the Personalization Session.
In the Administrator role, navigate to Customization > Forms > (Entry Forms OR Transaction Forms)
Entry Forms
Transaction Forms
Mexico - Foreign Trade Item Fulfillment [Customer] - Mexico - Foreign Trade Item Fulfillment
Mexico Foreign Trade Cash Sale [Customer] - Mexico Foreign Trade Cash Sale
Mexico Complemento Carta Porte Item [Customer] - Complemento Carta Porte Item
Fulfillment Fulfillment
Rename the Form Names to meet Leading Practice expectations for Mexico Financials First Standard Edition
customers by following the steps below.
In the Administrator role, on the Home dashboard scroll down to the Settings portlet to select Set Preferences.
After translating the forms, navigate back to Set Preferences to change the language to English (U.S.)
Transaction Forms
Mexico - Foreign Trade Item Fulfillment [Customer] - Ejecución de Pedidos para Comercio
Mexico Foreign Trade Cash Sale [Customer] - Venta en Efectivo para Comercio
In the Administrator role, navigate to Customization > Forms > (Entry Forms OR Transaction Forms)
Add Fields
Save Form
1. Once all of the changes for a particular form are made, save the form.
Entry Forms
Transaction Forms
This edition comes delivered with custom Workflows. Activate (Release) SuiteSuccess delivered workflows as
required by the customer by following the steps below.
1. From the Workflow list, click Edit next to the name of the Workflow
2. Set Release Status to “Released”
3. Click Save
In the Administrator Role, navigate to Documents > Files > File Cabinet
FF STD - Controller
FF STD - A/P Analyst
FF STD - A/R Analyst
FF STD - Executive
This process will need to be replicated for each [Customer] role
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
In the Administrator role navigate to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles > List
1. Click Criteria
2. Edit the Account filter
3. Add the Customer specific accounts as identified during the personalization sessions
4. Click Set
5. Click Save
SuiteTax Setup
SuiteTax Subsidiaries
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries
1. Click Edit on all the customer’s subsidiaries that will be using SuiteTax Engine
2. Under the “Tax Registrations” subtab, select “SuiteTax Engine” under the Tax Engine dropdown
3. Click “Save”
Feature Update
The features listed below are included in the Mexico Financials First Standard Edition.
Once enabled, these features cannot be disabled; they must ONLY be enabled based on the Customer's
In the Administrator role navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features
The Bundle Deployment Wizard (BDW) automates the configuration of edition’s SuiteApps. In the unlikely event
that there is an error when running the Bundle Deployment Wizard, follow the manual steps outlined below:
Feature Update
In the Administrator role navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features
Customer Support and Service CRM Disable It was required for CRM SuiteApp
Role Creation
This edition comes with delivered custom Roles. Customize the role as required by the customer following the
steps below.
Do not save the role until the dashboard is selected. The dashboard cannot be selected or changed
after the role has been created.
It is extremely important to follow the same steps below for each role.
If a role is created without a selected dashboard, the role must be deleted and re-created.
In the Administrator role navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
Example: “_customer_controller” where Customer is the company name of the customer and Controller is
the role
8. On the Dashboard Tab select the appropriate Published Dashboard for the role
Role Alias
The [Customer] custom roles are labelled with global standard role names. Rename the “Customer” custom
roles to the region-specific aliases according to the table below.
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
Role Update
The Custom roles delivered with the edition are set with different access to organization subsidiaries. Adjust the
Edition Roles according to the table below.
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
This edition comes delivered with the Cash 360 Dashboard SuiteApp. Authentication access must be granted to
the newly created customer version of the roles by following the steps below.
FF STD - Controller
FF STD - Executive
This edition comes delivered with custom Dashboard Tiles which should be shared with the newly created
[Customer] roles by following the steps below.
In the Administrator role navigate to Setup > Dashboard Tiles > Roles Update
Target Role: This is the role created based on the default role that is part of SuiteSuccess implementation.
Example: [Customer] - Controller
Source Role: This is the default role that is part of the SuiteSuccess Edition. Example: FF STD - Controller
Role Permission
This edition is delivered with the below SuiteApps that require modification to the roles’ permissions. These
permissions should be granted to the [Customer] roles. However, more role(s) may be given access following
the personalization session with the customer.
In the Administrator role navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
Minimum Permission Example: If the permission calls for View and the role has Create, Edit, or Full level,
no change is needed. If the role does not have a permission set, add it at the level listed below.
Custom Record Bill EFT Payment Information Full Electronic Bank Payments
Custom Record Mexico SAT Customs Unit Code Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Payment File Template Request Edit Electronic Bank Payments
Custom Record Mexico Foreign Trade Sched. Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Task Summary
Custom Record Mexico SAT Customs Unit Code Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Mexico SAT Reason for Transfer Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Mexico SAT Tariff Item Code Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Bill EFT Payment Information Full Electronic Bank Payments
Custom Record Cash 360 Account Category Full Cash 360 Dashboard
Custom Record Mexico Foreign Trade Sched. Full Mexico Foreign Trade
Task Summary
Custom Record Mexico SAT Customs Unit Code Full Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Mexico SAT Reason for Transfer Full Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Mexico SAT Tariff Item Code Full Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Payment File Template Request Edit Electronic Bank Payments
Custom Record Cash 360 Account Category Full Cash 360 Dashboard
Custom Record Mexico SAT Customs Unit Code View Mexico Foreign Trade
Reporting Framework
Custom Record Item 360 Criteria Configuration Full Item 360 Dashboard
Custom Record Item 360 Criteria Grid Full Item 360 Dashboard
Custom Record Mexico Foreign Trade Sched. Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Task Summary
Custom Record Mexico SAT Customs Unit Code Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Mexico SAT Reason for Transfer Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Mexico SAT Tariff Item Code Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Item 360 Criteria Configuration Edit Item 360 Dashboard
Custom Record Item 360 Criteria Grid View Item 360 Dashboard
Custom Record Mexico SAT Customs Unit Code View Mexico Foreign Trade
Payments,Mexico Bill of
Reporting Framework
Custom Record Item 360 Criteria Configuration Edit Item 360 Dashboard
Custom Record Item 360 Criteria Grid View Item 360 Dashboard
Custom Record Mexico Foreign Trade Sched. Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Task Summary
Custom Record Mexico SAT Customs Unit Code Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Mexico SAT Reason for Transfer Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
Custom Record Mexico SAT Tariff Item Code Edit Mexico Foreign Trade
In the Administrator role navigate to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs
1. Edit each custom Center Tab and include the appropriate newly created roles as listed in the Role and
Center Tab Mapping below
The screenshots above are just an example of the center tab screens and do not show the edition specific
center or roles, use the table for those details
Administration and Accounting Center [Customer] - Controller Adjust for Custom Roles
Board Metrics Executive Center [Customer] - Executive Adjust for Custom Roles
Sales Audit Accounting Center [Customer] - Controller Adjust for Custom Roles
Script Deployments
Grant access to the script deployments below for the Customer roles; more roles may be given access following
the personalization session with the customer.
In the Administrator Role, navigate to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments
[Customer] - Controller
[Customer] - Controller
[Customer] - Inventory
[Customer] - Sales
[Customer] - Inventory
[Customer] - Sales
Form Creation
This edition comes with delivered custom forms. Customize the forms as required by the Customer following
the steps below.
In the Administrator role, navigate to Customization > Forms > Entry or Transaction Forms
Customizing the SuiteSuccess provided form will preserve the original form. Ensure to mark any new
forms as “Preferred”.
Transaction Form FF STD - Credit Card Charge [Customer] - Credit Card Charge
Form Translation
1. In the General tab, in the section localization, identify the field Language
2. Set the Default Language
3. Click "Save"
In the Administrator role Navigate to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms/Transaction Forms
1. Click Edit
2. Identify the field “Name”
3. Change the name to the Default language name based on the table below
4. Click "Save"
NOTE: The above set of steps should be performed for all forms
In the Administrator Role Navigate to Setup > Company > General Preferences
Accounting Preferences
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences
This edition is delivered with Custom fields that are required to be added and/or moved to the [Customer]
Forms edit each of the forms listed below and make the appropriate changes.
In the Administrator Role Navigate to Customization > Forms > (Entry Forms OR Transaction Forms)
Add Fields
Move Fields
1. Move the field(s) to the appropriate field group as indicated by the table below
2. Click "Save"
Save Form
1. Once all of the changes for a particular form are made, save the form.
Entry Forms
Transaction Forms
Refund Template
This edition comes delivered with custom Plug-Ins. Activate (Release) SuiteSuccess delivered Plug-Ins as
required by the customer by following the steps below.
In the Administrator role navigate to Customization > Plug-Ins > Manage Plug-ins
For a successful generation of E-Document, manual sending of E-Document and sending of E-Document for
certification, follow the steps below for the following roles:
FF STD - Controller
FF STD - A/R Analyst
FF STD - A/P Analyst
FF STD - Inventory Manager
FF STD - Sales
In the Administrator role, navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
This edition is delivered with saved search(es) which must be duplicated and updated with customer specific
criteria obtained during the personalization sessions by following the steps below.
In the Administrator role perform a global search for each Saved Search above
1. Click "Edit"
2. Update the search to include the [Customer] name
3. Navigate to the "Save" button
4. From the dropdown list click "Save As"
During the personalization session the customer specific criteria will be added.
This edition is delivered with KPI Scorecards that require modification. Edit the listed KPI Scorecards as follows.
In the Administrator role navigate to the Customization > Centers and Tabs > KPI Scorecards > Select the
indicated KPI Scorecard
1. Select Edit
2. Make the appropriate Change as indicated below
3. Save the KPI Scorecard without changing the name (this ensures the Scorecard remains on existing
Financials Overview Modify Custom KPI "Tax, Amortization, Replace with: "Customer -
Interest and Tax, Amortization, Interest
Depreciation expense" and Depreciation expense"
Next Steps
Once all the steps in the APPENDIX have been completed, go to Section 7 to finalize the
implementation of the edition