Ethical principles
There are 4 ethical principles as discussed below:
a) Justice
The justice ethical principle states that decision makers should focus on actions that are fair
to those involved. This means that ethical decisions should be consistent with the ethical
theory unless extenuating circumstances that can be justified exist in the case. This involves
fairness and equality.
b) Beneficence Principle
The principle of beneficence guides the decision maker to do what is right and good. This
priority to “do good” makes an ethical perspective and possible solution to an ethical
dilemma acceptable. It stipulates that ethical theories should strive to achieve the greatest
amount of good because people benefit from the most good. This principle is mainly
associated with the utilitarian ethical theory as earlier discussed which states that we should
attempt to generate the largest ratio of good over evil possible in the world.
c) Autonomy principle
This principle states that decision making should focus on allowing people to be autonomous
— to be able to make decisions that apply to their lives to the extent that they do not harm
others or do not violate other people’s rights. This principle states that decision making
should focus on allowing people to be autonomous— to be able to make decisions that apply
to their lives to the extent that they do not harm others or do not violate other people’s rights.
According to this principle, each individual deserves respect because only he/she has had
those exact life experiences and understands his emotions, motivations, and physical
capabilities in such an intimate manner. In essence, this ethical principle is an extension of
the ethical principle of beneficence because a person who is independent usually prefers to
have control over his life experiences in order to obtain the lifestyle that he/she enjoys.
d) Non-maleficence
It is often referred to as ‘No harm principle’. In an organization, it’s involved with having
professional standards, licensure and codes of ethics and with an obligation not to place
employees at risk of harm without protection.