Grade: 10 th
Concept Map On –
Digital Documentation
Database Management System
Electronic Spreadsheet
Digital Documentation
Mail Merge :
Word Processor : It lets you create a batch of
Software used for creation of documents documents personalised for each
Eg- OpenOffice Writer receipt
Adding Images :
Image makes document more attractive Templates :
It can be added by inserting from It is a model that you use to create other
gallery documents
Electronic Spreadsheet
Subtotal :
Listed in mathematics category in
Data Consolidation : functional wizard
Allows to gather data together from
separate worksheets
Cell Reference :
Refer to a cell or a range of cells in a
Goal Seeking : worksheet
Process of finding correct input value
Macro :
Hyperlink : Saved sequence of commands
It can be used to jump to different
locations from within a spreadsheet to Solver :
websites It can deal with multiple variables
Database Management System
Fields :
User : These are used to maintain
User is a person who needs relationship in tables
information from the database
Records :
SQL Commands : Records are composed of fields
They are set of instructions used to containing data
interact with database
Report : DBMS based on relational model
It allows to present data from one or
more tables
Query :
It refers to retrieving data from the database