Research+Software+Engineer+ +Further+Particluars
Research+Software+Engineer+ +Further+Particluars
Research+Software+Engineer+ +Further+Particluars
Key responsibilities…continued
Programming/software development
Accepts responsibility for creation of test cases
Takes technical responsibility across all stages
using own in-depth technical analysis of both
and iterations of software development. Plans and
functional and non-functional specifications (such
drives software construction activities. Adopts and
as reliability, efficiency, usability, maintainability
adapts appropriate software development
and portability). Creates traceability records, from
methods, tools and techniques selecting
test cases back to requirements. Produces test
appropriately from predictive (plan-driven)
scripts, materials and regression test packs to
approaches or adaptive (iterative/agile)
test new and amended software or services.
approaches. Measures and monitors applications
Specifies requirements for environment, data,
of project/team standards for software construction
resources and tools. Interprets, executes and
including software security. Contributes to the
documents complex test scripts using agreed
development of organisational policies, standards,
methods and standards. Records and analyses
and guidelines for software development.
actions and results, and maintains a defect
Methods and tools register. Reviews test results and modifies tests if
necessary. Provides reports on progress,
Provides advice, guidance and expertise to anomalies, risks and issues associated with the
promote adoption of methods and tools and overall project. Reports on system quality and
adherence to policies and standards. Evaluates collects metrics on test cases. Provides specialist
and selects appropriate methods and tools in line advice to support others.
with agreed policies and standards. Implements
methods and tools at programme, project and Release and deployment
team level including selection and tailoring in line
Assesses and analyses release components.
with agreed standards. Manages reviews of the
Provides input to scheduling. Carries out the
benefits and value of methods and tools. Identifies
builds and tests in coordination with testers and
and recommends improvements. Contributes to
component specialists maintaining and
organisational policies, standards, and guidelines
administering the tools and methods – manual or
for methods and tools.
automatic - and ensuring, where possible,
Specialist Advice information exchange with configuration
management. Ensures release processes and
Actively maintains knowledge in one or more procedures are maintained.
identifiable specialisms. Provides detailed and
specific advice regarding the application of their Research
specialism(s) to the organisation's planning and
Within given research goals, builds on and
operations. Recognises and identifies the
refines appropriate outline ideas for research, i.e.
boundaries of their own specialist knowledge.
evaluation, development, demonstration and
Collaborates with other specialists, where
implementation. Uses available resources to gain
appropriate, to ensure advice given is appropriate
an up-to-date knowledge of any relevant field.
to the needs of the organisation.
Reports on work carried out and may contribute
sections of material of publication quality.
Actively contributes to the University IT
Community in order to share knowledge, best
practice, and technical expertise.
University of Cambridge
Person Specification
Additional requirements
Behavioural Attributes
This section summarises the behavioural attributes (or competencies) that we expect the role
holder to be able to demonstrate, at what level and whether this is an essential or desirable
Full definitions are at:
Please review these and provide specific examples in your application of how you have
demonstrated these attributes in your work, education or other experience. It will assist your
application if you explain the situation, what you did and what the outcomes were.
Attribute Level
Valuing Diversity A
Achieving Results B
Communication B
People Development B
Relationship Building B
Strategic Focus B
Terms of Appointment
Tenure and probation If you do not have the right to recruitment process. We will
Appointment will be made on a work in the UK already, any make adjustments to enable
permanent basis and subject offer of employment we make applicants to compete to the
to satisfactory completion of a to you will be conditional upon best of their ability wherever it
9 month probationary period. you gaining it. is reasonable to do so and, if
successful, to assist them
Hours of Work and Working Health declaration during their employment.
Pattern Once an offer of employment
The hours of work for the has been made the successful Information for disabled
position are full-time. candidate will be required to applicants is available at http://
complete a work health
We welcome applications from declaration form. r/staff/ disabled/
individuals who wish to be
considered for part-time Qualifications We encourage you to declare
working or other flexible The person specification for this any disability that you may
working arrangements. position lists qualifications that have, and any reasonable
are essential and/or desirable. adjustments that you may
Pension Please note that if you are require, in the section provided
You will automatically be offered the post you will be for this purpose in the
enrolled to become a member asked to provide your relevant application form. This will
of USS (Universities original certificates of these enable us to accommodate
Superannuation Scheme) – a qualifications. your needs throughout the
defined benefits pension process as required. However,
scheme. For further References applicants and employees may
information please visit: Offers of appointment will be declare a disability at any time. subject to the receipt of
k/. satisfactory references. If you prefer to discuss any
special arrangements
Annual leave Equality and Diversity connected with a disability,
Full time employees are We particularly encourage please contact, the Department
entitled to annual paid leave of women and /or candidates from Administrator, who is
41 days inclusive of public a Black, Asian and Minority responsible for recruitment to
holidays. For new part-time Ethnic background to apply for this position.
employees, annual leave will this vacancy as they are
be pro rata’d based on days currently under-represented at
worked. this level within our University.
General information
Information if you have a
Pre-employment checks disability
Right to work in the UK The University welcomes
We have a legal responsibility applications from individuals
to ensure that you have the with disabilities. We are
right to work in the UK before committed to ensuring fair
you can start working for us. treatment throughout the
University of Cambridge
The University
The University of Cambridge is one of the Our capital investment projects include the
world’s oldest and most successful West Cambridge site, the North West
universities. We are a renowned centre Cambridge development and the growth of
for research, education, and scholarship the Biomedical Campus in the south of the
that makes a significant contribution to city. The North West Cambridge
society. The University is consistently development includes the opening of a
ranked amongst the top universities in
primary school – the first in the UK to be
the world. Our affiliates have won more
managed by a University. So we are deeply
Nobel Prizes than any other University.
embedded in, and committed to serving,
Our sustained pursuit of academic our local community. These are all
excellence is built on a long history of first- conspicuous signs of a University that is not
class teaching and research within a only adapting to new needs, but also
distinctive collegiate system. For eight anticipating the future.
centuries our ideas and innovations have
shaped the world. Our principal goal is to
remain one of the world’s leading
universities in an increasingly competitive
global higher education sector. Today the
University of Cambridge is at the centre of a Our mission is to contribute to society
cluster of over 4,300 businesses employing through the pursuit of education, learning,
58,000 people. and research at the highest international
levels of excellence. Our core values are:
About Us
The University is one of the world's The University awards degrees and its
leading academic centres. It comprises faculties and departments provide lectures
150 faculties and departments, together and seminars for students and determine
with a central administration and other the syllabi for teaching and conducting
institutions. Our institutions, museums research.
and collections are a world-class resource
Our instinct for seeking out excellence and
for researchers, students and members of setting up enduring and mutually beneficial
the public representing one of the collaborations has led us to establish
country’s highest concentrations of strategic partnerships across the globe.
internationally important collections.
Whether it is the successful Cambridge-
The University has an annual income of £2 Africa Programme involving universities in
billion. Research income, won competitively Ghana, Uganda and elsewhere on the
from the UK Research Councils, the African continent; or the close association
European Union (EU), major charities and with the government of India to pursue new
industry, exceeds £500 million per annum research in crop science; or the creation,
and continues to grow. with Germany’s Max Planck Institutes, of a
Cambridge-based centre for the study of
The Colleges and the University remain ethics, human economy and social change
committed to admitting the best students – international partnerships are now an
regardless of their background and to inextricable part of the University’s make-up.
investing considerable resources both in
widening access and financial support. The
31 Colleges are self-governing, separate
legal entities which appoint their own staff. “Cambridge graduates and researchers
Many academic staff are invited to join a have made – and continue to make – a
College as a Teaching Fellow, which colossal contribution to human knowledge
provides a further social and intellectual and the understanding of the world around
dimension. The Colleges admit students, us. Their work touches on the lives and
provide student accommodation and deliver livelihoods of everyone from patients
small group teaching. diagnosed with life-threatening diseases, to
residents of areas critically affected by
climate change, to children growing up in
conflict zones. It has a lasting impact on our
society, our economy and our culture: the
world is truly a better place thanks to their
Stephen Toope, Vice Chancellor 2019
University of Cambridge
Living in Cambridge
Cambridge is rich in cultural diversity. Relocation Support
From beautiful University and College The University recognises the importance of
buildings, museums and art galleries, helping individuals to move and settle into a
quaint gardens and punts on the River new area. We provide support and guidance
Cam, to a vibrant restaurant and café to those relocating internationally or
scene, our employees are surrounded by domestically to take up a post at the
the wonderful features of this unique city. University of Cambridge, liaising with other
You can find a wide-range of high street University offices and selected
shops and 3 shopping centres, with partners to ensure comprehensive relocation
independent alternatives at the historic support is available. This includes:
market and nestled within the passageways accommodation, childcare, schools, banking,
in the city centre. You will find a cinema, immigration and transport. If you would like
bowling alley, a nightclub and various live further information, please visit
performances At the Cambridge Leisure
Park, with further entertainment options at the ation. The Shared Equity Scheme and the
Corn Exchange, Arts Theatre and the ADC Reimbursement of Relocation Expenses
Theatre. Further information can be found on Scheme provide financial assistance to
the Visit Cambridge website. qualifying new members of staff with the
costs of relocating to Cambridge.
If you prefer the faster pace of life, London is
a 45-minute train journey away. For those
travelling from overseas, Stansted Airport is
just 45 minutes away and Heathrow Airport
Accommodation Service
under 2 hours away. The University is a short
distance from a host of other attractions such The University Accommodation Service
as Ely Cathedral, Newmarket Races and helps staff, students and visiting scholars
various wildlife parks and stately homes. who are affiliated to the University in their
Cambridge is also within easy reach of the search for suitable accommodation in
beautiful Broads and coastlines of Norfolk
Cambridge. The dedicated
and Suffolk.
accommodation team can provide access
to a wide range of University-owned
furnished and unfurnished properties, and
has a database of private sector
accommodation available for short and
long-term lets. For further information and
to register with this free service please
University of Cambridge
How to apply
Applications should be submitted online via the University of
Cambridge jobs page by clicking “Apply
online” in the job advert. You will need an email
address to register for our online system.