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背诵句式 hammered down.

” continuously at the other person, but

This freedom from the group has glances elsewhere every few seconds.
是非问题分析论证句式 enabled the American to become When the demand for something is
“Economic Man”-one directed almost greater than its supply, producers and
Whereas other societies look to the past purely by profit motive, mobile and suppliers will sense the possibility of
for guidance, we cast our nets forward unencumbered ( 不 受 阻 碍 的 ) by family or making a profit - the excess of revenues
(面向未来) community obligations. over expenses is the profit.
It is the belief in a brighter future that Equipped with the money, one can As the case illustrates, competition
gives us optimism. acquire the taste, style, and ideas that takes four general forms: pure
Even these days, when not all progress mark each class and launch a quick competition, monopoly, monopolistic
seems positive (nuclear weapons, air ascent of the social ladder. competition, and oligopoly(少数制造商对市
pollution, unemployment, etc.), the Actually, persons in status societies 场的控制).
belief remains that for every problem who are secure in their niches (适当的位 The classic example of pure
there is a rational solution. 置 ) are allowed more eccentricity than competition occurs with a commodity,
The job of the parents is to give the Americans, who rely heavily on signals like wheat or corn, that has so many
children every opportunity while they that other people like them. producers that no one of them can
are growing up and then get out of their When half the population goes to control its selling price.
way. college, one cannot expect the colleges A monopoly occurs when one company
What deference people in authority do to maintain the same standards as in alone offers a particular food or service
command is based on their actual countries where only the elite attend. and therefore controls the market and
powers rather than on their age, Just as not every Japanese is price for it.
wisdom, or dignity. hardworking and deferential to Private restaurants serve gourmet food
In a society that changes as fast as ours, superiors (长者、上司), not every Chinese for $70 per person; incentives boosted
experience simply does not have the is devoted to family, not every agricultural production 25 percent and
value that it does in traditional American is ambitious or patriotic - or industrial output 80 percent in just three
societies. even unsophisticated. years; farmers are encouraged to raise
It has taken a long time to convince the No one could seriously think that as much as they can on their own plots,
public that free enterprise does not anyone who grows up poor, lives in a and some become almost rich in the
mean that a company should be free to bad neighborhood, and attends an process.(注意本句中分号的使用)
pollute the air, foul the rivers, and inferior school has an opportunity equal All these changes in China’s economic
destroy the forests. to that of someone more favored. life have brought changes in China’s
The assembly line reduced workers to Americans may not have achieved social and cultural life as well, many of
cogs of machinery and made their jobs equality, but at least they aspire to it, which unwanted.
unutterably boring, but it produced which is more than many other nations If productivity measures the efficiency
goods fast. can claim. of an economy, a measure of what an
Food is prepackaged and shopping is In many countries, when jobs become economic system produces is its gross
impersonal, but the efficiency of the available for young people in distant national product (GNP), which is the
operation produces lower prices and cities, when television begins to current market value of all final goods
less shopping time. dominate home life, when ready - made and services that a nation produces
As an American is always striving to foods appear in the markets, the culture within a particular period.
change his lot, he never fully identifies appears more “American” - although Current wisdom says that (当前流行的看法认
with any group. the resemblance could be entirely 为 ) if you want a successful product,
In America, there are no such superficial. you need first to perform detailed
expressions such as in china where “the Someone who looks around or down market analysis, making sure that there
fat pig gets slaughtered,” or in Japan, appears shifty ( 不 可 靠 的 ) to Americans, are plenty of people who need the new
where “the nail that sticks out gets although in fact one doesn’t stare product and that your entry into the
market will be able to gain a significant emotion are more powerful tools than that are related to their life.
share of that market. arguments and reasoning for promoting Traditionally, saving is viewed as a
Started at the turn of the century, 3M ( a products. virtue, while borrowing is considered as
giant American company) has been Advertising is obviously the most a vice.
growing at a healthy rate of about 10 influential art form in this century; it is, However, just the opposite may be true
percent a year and it boasts of having therefore, tempting to think that it is the under certain circumstances.
45,000 products on the market. most important.
An entrepreneur is someone like Tom The lesson here is that advertising, in 逻辑问题分析论证句式
Monaghan, the man who after brushes itself, probably will not achieve as great
with bankruptcy turned Domino’s Pizza importance as art. The mere fact that ticket sales in recent
into the nation’s fastest - growing Requiring businesses to provide years for screenplay-based movies have
franchise chain. complete product information to exceeded those for book-based movies
The extent to which the broadcast customers promotes various consumer is insufficient evidence to conclude that
media should be censored for offensive interests, but at the same time imposes writing screenplays now provides
language and behavior involves a burdens on businesses, government, greater financial opportunity for
conflict between our right as and taxpayer. writers.
individuals to freely express ourselves While I doubt that buildings determine It is possible that fees paid by movie
and the duty of government to protect our character or basic personality traits, studios for screenplays will decrease in
its citizenry from potential harm. I argue that they can greatly influence the future relative to those for book
Although we may not have conclusive our attitudes, moods, and even life rights.
scientific evidence of a cause - effect styles. The argument fails to rule out the
relationship, ample anecdotal evidence Numerous psychological studies show possibility that a writer engage in both
establishes a significant correlation. that different colors influence behavior, types of writing as well as other types.
Moreover, both common sense and our attitudes, and emotions in distinctly In any event, the advertisement
experiences with children inform us different ways. provides no justification for the
that people tend to mimic the language Women differ fundamentally from men mutually exclusive choice that it
and behavior they are exposed to. in childbearing ability; related to this imposes on the writer.
Those who advocate unbridled ability is the maternal instinct - a desire The argument simply equates success
individual expression might point out to nurture - that is far stronger for with movie ticket sales, which is
that the right of free speech is intrinsic women than for men, generally unwarranted.
to a democracy and necessary to its speaking. The author assumes that physical
survival. In consumer - driven industries, capabilities are the only attributes
In sum, it is in our best interest as a innovation, product differentiation, and necessary to operate a motor vehicle.
society for the government to censor creativity are crucial to lasting success. Moreover, the author provides no
broadcast media for obscene and And in technology, when there are no evidence that the realism of color
offensive language and behavior. conventional practices or ways of photography is the reason for its
While individuals have primary thinking to begin with, companies that predominance.
responsibility for learning new skills fail to break away from last year’s This assumption presents a false
and finding work, both industry and paradigm are soon left behind by the dilemma, since the two media are not
government have some obligation to competition. necessarily mutually exclusive
provide them with the means of doing Whether an individual saves too little or alternatives.
so. borrows too much depends on the Common sense tells us that a
The suggested reason for buying the car purpose and extent of either activity. photographer can succeed by working
is obvious: it is the intelligent choice. The evidence suggests that, on balance, in both media.
(注意冒号的使用) people today tend to concern The argument ignores the factors - such
In conclusion, I agree that appeals to themselves with only practical matters as initiative, creativity, technical skills,
and business judgment - that may be possible differences between East and of agricultural technology that affect
more important than the choice of West Cambria that are relevant to how food pieces only indirectly or not at all.
medium in determining success in drivers react to speed - limit changes. In the first place, a great deal of
photography. In addition, while it is true that many empirical evidence shows that sequels
The major problem with the argument voters change their minds several times are often not as profitable as the
is that the stated similarities between before voting, and that some remain original movie.
Company A and B are insufficient to undecided until entering the voting However, unless the original cast and
support the conclusion that Company A booth, this is not true of everyone. production team are involved in making
will suffer a fate similar to Company Without knowing the extent and nature the sequel, there is a good chance it will
B’s. of the damage resulting from the bad not be financially successful.
Consequently, the mere fact that publicity or the reason for the violation, Since the difficulties inherent in this
Company A holds a large share of the we cannot accept the author’s process make it hard to predict whether
video - game hardware and software conclusion. the result will be a success or a failure,
market does not support the claim that The author’s proposal is inconsistent the conclusion that the sequel will be
Company A will also fail. with the author’s conclusion about the profitable is presumptuous(武断的)
Thus, the author unfairly assumes that consequences of adopting an ethics This assumption overlooks other
highly - rated public television code. criteria for determining a bridge’s
programs are necessarily widely To begin with, the author fails to importance - such as the number of
viewed, or popular. consider health threats posed by commuters using the bridge, the role of
While this may be true in some cases, it incinerating trash. the bridge in local emergencies and
is equally possible that only companies The author’s conclusion that switching disasters, and the impact that bridge
with products that are already best - to incineration would be more salutary closure would have on the economies
sellers can afford the higher ad rates for public health would be seriously of nearby cities.
that popular shows demand. undermined. Without such evidence, we cannot
Admittedly, the vice president’s However, this is not necessarily the accept the author’s conclusion that no
reasoning linking employee benefits case. government funds should be directed
with company profits seems reasonable The author’s implicit claim that toward maintaining the Styx River
on the surface. incinerators are economically bridge.
One can infer from the survey’s results advantageous to landfills is poorly The fact that the nearby city has a
that a full one - third of the respondents supported. weakening economy does not prove
may have viewed the current benefits Consequently, unless the author can that the city will not contribute
package unfavorably. demonstrate that the city will incur significantly to tax revenues.
Lacking more specific information expenses that are not covered by the Substantiating this assumption requires
about how these other employees increased revenues from these projects, examining the proper duty of
responded, it is impossible to assess the the author’s concern about these issues government.
reliability of the survey’s results or to is unfounded. Accordingly, this assumption is simply
make an informed recommendation. First of all, while asserting that real an unproven claim.
It is unlikely that the brief one - week incomes are rising, the author provides The author is presenting a false
periods under comparison are no evidence to support this assertion. dilemma by imposing an either - or
representative of longer time periods. But no evidence is provided to show choice between two courses of action
If so, even though 3 percent more that this explanation is correct. that need not be mutually exclusive.
accidents occurred after the change, the Moreover, the author fails to consider It is equally possible that legislators can
author’s argument that changing the and rule out other factors that might address both areas of concern
speed limit increases danger for drivers account for proportional decreases in concurrently.
would be seriously weakened. spending on food. The argument relies on the assumption
The editorial fails to take into account The author ignores other likely benefits that the legislators in question ( 所 讨 论
的 ) have the opportunity to address weight than those of / are much greater (attention paid to / importance attached
urban crime problems. than) A. to) … may obscure (overlook / neglect)
Finally, the author unfairly trivializes Although it is commonly (widely / other facts…
the severity of rural crime by simply generally) held (felt / accepted / agreed) The danger (problem / fact / truth /
comparing it with urban crime. that …, it is unlikely to be true that… point) is that…
It is possible that the sales trend in a There is an element of truth in this What the arguer fails to understand
particular location is not representative argument (statement), but it ignores a (consider /mention) is that…
of sales in other regions. deeper and more basic (important / We don’t have to look very far to see
However, the author fails to essential) fact (reason) that… (find out) the truth (validity) of this
acknowledge and rule out other It is true that (True, / To be sure, / argument (proposition).
possible causes of such accidents. Admittedly,)…, but this is not to say (it However just (logical / sound / valid)
A third problem with the argument is is unlikely / it doesn’t follow / it doesn’t this argument may be, it only skims the
that the statistical evidence upon which mean / it won’t be the case) that… surface of the problem.
it relies is too vague to be informative. The main (obvious / great) problem
If the subjects for the study were (flaw / drawback) with (in) this 2. 正文
randomly chosen and represent a argument (view / remark) is that it is Although the popular belief is that…, a
diverse cross section of the population ignorant of (blind to) the basic (bare) current (new / recent) study (survey /
of shampoo users, the results will be fact that … poll / investigation) indicates (shows /
reliable regardless of the number of It would be possible (natural / demonstrates) that…
participants. reasonable) to think (believe / take the Common sense tells us that…
Experience alone is far from being view) that…, but it would be absurd The increase (change / failure / success)
enough to guarantee minimized (wrong) to claim (argue) that … in… mainly (largely / partly) results
processing costs. In all the discussion and debate over…, from (arises from / is because of)…
Given that Olympic Foods does benefit one important (basic) fact is generally The increase (change / failure /success)
from lowered processing costs due to overlooked (neglected). in … is due to (owing to / attributable
its years of experience, the prediction There is absolutely (in fact) no (every) to) the fact that…
about maximum profits is still in lake reason for us to believe (accept / resist / Many people would claim that…
of solid ground. reject) that… One may attribute (ascribe / owe) the
Logical (Valid / Sound) as this increase (decrease / change) to …, but
核心句型 argument and I wholeheartedly agree … is not by itself an adequate
with it, it appears insignificant (absurd) explanation.
1. 开头 when … is taken into consideration One of the reasons given for … is
(account). that…
The arguer may be right about …, but To assume (suggest) that … is far from What is also worth noticing is that…
he seems to neglect (fail) to mention being proved (to miss the point). There are many (different / several / a
(take into account) that fact that… A close (careful) inspection number of / a variety of) causes
As opposed to (Contrary to) widely (examination / scrutiny) of this (reasons) for this dramatic (marked /
(commonly/generally) held (accepted) argument would reveal how flimsy significant) growth (change /decline /
belief (ideas/views), I believe (argue (groundless / fallacious) it is. increase) in .. First,… Second,…
that… On the surface (At first thought), it Finally,…
Although many people believe that …, (this) may seem a sound (an attractive) There is no evidence to suggest that…
I doubt (wonder) whether the argument suggestion (solution / idea), but careful Why are (is / do / did) …? For one
bears much analysis (close weighing on the mind (on closer thing, … For another, …
examination). analysis / on second thought), we find Another reason why I dispute the above
The advantages of B outweigh any that… statement is that…
benefit we gained from (carry more Too much emphasis placed on It gives rise to (lead to / bring / create) a
host of problems (consequences). It is high time that we put an end to the phenomenon).
There are numerous reasons why …, deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable / It is hoped (suggested / recommended)
and I shall here explore only a few of deplorable) situation (tendency / that great (continuous / persistent /
the most important ones. phenomenon) of… sustained / corporate) efforts should be
It will exert (have / produce) profound We must look (search / all / cry) for an make to control (check / halt / promote)
(far-reaching / remarkable / immediate action (method / measure), the growth (increase / rise) of …
considerable / beneficial / favorable / because the present (current) situation It is hoped that great efforts should be
undesirable / disastrous) effect (phenomenon / tendency / state / directed to (expended on / focused on)
(influence) on… attitude) of …, if permitted (allowed) to finding (developing / improving)…
A multitude of factors could account for continue (proceed), will surely It remains to be seen whether…, but the
(contribute to / lead to / result in / (certainly) lead to (result in) the end prospect (outlook) is not quite
influence) the change (increase / (destruction / heavy cost) of… encouraging (that rosy).
decrease / success/ failure / There is no easy (immediate / effective) Anyhow, wider (more) education
development) in… solution ( approach / answer / remedy) (publicity) should be given to the
In 1999, it increased (rose / jumped / to the problem of …, but … might be possible (potential / grave / serious /
shot up) from 5 to 10 percent of the useful (helpful / beneficial). pernicious) consequences (effects) of…
total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). No easy method (solution / recipe / To reverse (check / control) the trend
By comparison with 1998, it decreased remedy) can be at hand (found / (tendency) is not a light task (an easy
(dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to guaranteed) to solve (resolve / tackle) job), and it requires (demands /
15 percent / by 15 percent). the problem of …, but the common involves / entails) a different state of
It account for 15 percent of the total. (general / public) recognition of main towards (attitude towards /
There were 100 traffic accidents in (realization of / awareness of / outlook on)…
April, and increase of 5 percent in a commitment to) the necessity For these reasons, I strongly
five-month period. (importance / significance) of … might recommend that…
By 1999, only (less than / more than / be the first step towards change (on the For the reasons given above, I feel
almost / about / over / as many as) three right way / in the right direction). that…
quarters (40 percent of / one out of Following these methods (suggestions)
five / one in four) college population may not guarantee the success in
(graduates / housewives) as against (as (solution to)…, but the pay-off will be 附录
compared with) last year (1998) worth the effort.
IELTS 语法固定搭配(一)
preferred to (liked)… Obviously (Clearly / No doubt), if we
ignore (are blind to) the problem, there
abide by/in
3. 结尾 is every chance that… accede to
From what has been discussed above Unless there is a common realization of accuse of
(Taking into account all these factors / (general commitment to)…, it is very addicted to
Judging from all evidence offered), we likely (the chances are good) that…
adverse to
may safely draw (reach / come to / There is little doubt (no denying) that
arrive at) the conclusion that… serous (special / adequate /
afflict with
All the evidence (analysis) supports immediate /further) attention must be agree to/with/on
(justifies / confirms / warrants / points called (paid / devoted) to the problem agreeable to
to) a(n) unshakable (unmistakable / of … amazement at
sound / just) conclusion that … It is necessary (essential / fundamental)
amenable to
It is high time that we place (lay / put) that effective (quick / proper) action
great ( special / considerable) emphasis (steps /measures / remedies) should be
angry with/about
on the improvement (development / taken to prevent (correct / check / end / apologize for
increase / promotion) of… fight) the situation (tendency / appetite for
apply to/for enamored of stare at
appreciation of escape from stop from
approve of excel in subscribe to
argue with/about excuse for substitute for
arrive at forget about succeed in
aside from forgive for tamper with
blame for/on hide from thank for
believe in hope for vote for
blame for independent of wait for/on
capable of indulge in weary of
care about/for inferior to willing to
charge for/with insight into work with
chary of insist (up)on worry about
compare to/with jealous of
compatible with necessary to/for IELTS 语法固定搭配(二)
complain about object to 1. be found in
comply with objection to 2. be associated with
conform to/with oblivious to 3. be typical of
consist of outlook on 4. the use of
consistent with partake of 5. rely on
consult with partial to 6. be derived from
contribute to participate in 7. refer to
conversant with peculiar to 8. be known as sb
count (up)on pray for 9. be known for sth
cover with prefer to 10. be concerned with
decide (up)on preoccupation with 11. in relation to
depend (up)on prevent from 12. act on
desire for prior to 13. bring about
desirous of prohibit from 14. protect.... from
desist from prone to 15. together with
die of protect from 16. a number of
differ protest for/against 17. be able to
from/with/over/about provide with 18. be similar to
different from recover from 19. be dependent on
discriminate against relief from 20. with ease
disdain for rely (up)on 21. according to
distinguish from rescue from 22. specialize in doing
dream of/about respond to sth
23. serve as 60. at a time when sth/adj/doing
24. at one time 61. indicate /state 80. be known (1) for
25. tend to /believe sth;(2) as sb; (3) to do
/predict/show/demonstr sth; (4) to + 范围
26. interest in
ate / reveal that 81. descend from
27. due to
62. not only.... , but 82. on condition that
28. lead to
also..... ;
83. model.... after....
29. at least
not only.... , but as well
84. be based on
30. contrary to
63. relationship
85. look to sb to do sth
31. be equal to between A and B / of A
86. however much S +
32. contribute to doing to B
V; however many sth
sth 64. be responsible for
87. believe (1) that + 从
33. live in (doing) sth/to sb

34. be dedicated to 65. 句 首 表 “ 尽 管 ”
(2) sth to be sth
doing whereas/while
(3) adj
35. deal with 66. at a time when +从句
88. apply to
36. belong to 67. be likely to do sth/
that 89. attribute sth to ; be
37. it is estimated that
attributed to
38. be resistant to 68. the
possibility/likehood + 90. be consistent with
39. result from
(1) that 从句;(2) of doing 91. be worried about
40. consist of
sth; (3) of sth 92. before sth/doing/从句
41. in connection with
69. (1) use sth to do sth 93. associate with;
42. transform into √
be associated with
43. take place (2) use sth to be X
94. on account of;
44. excel at doing (3) use sth as X
because of sth/doing
45. be based on 70. be/give/have sth
46. play a key role grounds for
95. the same as
47. spread to 71. forbid sth/doing sth
96. benefit from
48. come from 72.
97. to (a great) extent
49. be related to prohibit./prevent/keep
98. range/vary (in 方 面 )
sb from doing sth
50. a minimum of from.... to....
73. depict.... as....
51. begin to 99. in danger of
74. in effect = in fact
52. begin doing 100. be founded on/in
75. not.... but....
53. start to 101. react with
76. not..... but rather....
54. start doing 102. allow/permit sb to
77. call for sth/ call for
55.cause/lead/enable/ do sth
A and B
force/order sb to do sth 103. a wide range of
78. prove (1) prove sth
56. attempt to do sth 104. be lack of; be
(2) prove (to be) + adj
57. expect sb to do sth; lacking in
59. appear/seem to do 105. amount to
106. be credited
107. between.... and....
108. collaborate with
109. claim to do/to
be/to sth/that +从句
110. order sb to do sth/
that +从句
111. from.... to....; until
112. owe.... to....
113. be
equal/equivalent to
114. regard/view....
115. account for
116. suggest doing sth/
that +从句
117. seek to do sth
118. persuade sb to do
119. be enrolled in
120. be subjected to
121. criticize sb for
doing sth
122. be fond of sth
123. admire sb for sth

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