Billet-Influence of Secondary Cooling Mode
Billet-Influence of Secondary Cooling Mode
Billet-Influence of Secondary Cooling Mode
Kun Dou, Zhenguo Yang, Qing Liu*, Yunhua Huang and Hongbiao Dong
Abstract: A cellular automaton–finite element coupling As an important type of high-carbon steel, solidification
model for high-carbon continuously cast bloom of GCr15 structure and macro-segregation of GCr15 steel in
steel is established to simulate the solidification structure continuous casting process have obvious influence on
and to investigate the influence of different secondary the quality of the final rolled products [1]. Desired
cooling modes on characteristic parameters such as solidification structure can be obtained by optimization
equiaxed crystal ratio, grain size and secondary dendrite of solidification parameters, for which numerical
arm spacing, in which the effect of phase transformation simulation is an economic and desirable way.
and electromagnetic stirring is taken into consideration. Over the past decades, several models for predicting
On this basis, evolution of carbon macro-segregation for the solidification structure formation have been devel-
GCr15 steel bloom is researched correspondingly via oped, including stochastic models such as the Monte
industrial tests. Based on above analysis, the relationship Carlo method [2] and cellular automaton (CA) method
among secondary cooling modes, characteristic para- [3, 4] and deterministic models like the phase-field
meters for solidification structure as well as carbon method [5, 6] Many attempts have been carried out to
macro-segregation is illustrated to obtain optimum sec- simulate solidification structure formation of alloys using
ondary cooling strategy and alleviate carbon macro-seg- these methods. However, applications of these models
regation degree for GCr15 steel bloom in continuous are mainly focused on ingot casting [7, 8] and few
casting process. The evaluating method for element attempts have been made in simulating solidification
macro-segregation is applicable in various steel types. structure formation in continuous casting. Two reasons
account for this. First, forced flow in melt during
Keywords: carbon macro-segregation, cellular automaton– solidification is too complex to be simulated, such as
finite element method, solidification structure, secondary electromagnetic stirring (EMS), bulging, soft reduction
cooling mode, continuous casting and so on. Second, complex transformations such as
peritectic reaction occur during the solidification of
steel, which make modeling of solidification structure in
continuous casting very difficult. The formation mechan-
ism of carbon macro-segregation is closely associated
*Corresponding author: Qing Liu, State Key Laboratory of Advanced
Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing with solidification structure for continuous casting of
10083, China, E-mail: steel while the variation of secondary cooling mode
Kun Dou, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, University of would have obvious impact on the solidification structure
Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 10083, China, such as columnar-to-equiaxed transition (CET), dendrites
orientation, grain size (GS) [9, 10]. Hence, it would be
Zhenguo Yang, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy,
necessary to illustrate the impact of various secondary
University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 10083, China;
Special Steel Plants, Laiwu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Laiwu 271104, cooling modes on solidification structure characteristics
Shandong, China, E-mail: and describe the formation mechanism of carbon macro-
Yunhua Huang, Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology, segregation in GCr15 steel continuous casting process.
University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, In this paper, the cellular automaton–finite element
China, E-mail:
(CA–FE) coupling model [11, 12] is used to simulate the
Hongbiao Dong, Department of Engineering, University of Leicester,
Leicester LE1 7RH, UK, E-mail: solidification structure of GCr15 steel bloom under
742 K. Dou et al.: Influence of Secondary Cooling on Solidification and Segregation
different secondary cooling modes in continuous casting process. The CA–FE model simulating the solidification
process, in which the variation of thermophysical para- structure mainly includes heat transfer model, nucleation
meters during solidification and the effect of EMS are model and dendrite tip growth kinetics.
taken into consideration. On this basis, industrial tests
under the same casting condition are conducted to obtain
specimens for carbon segregation and solidification Heat transfer model
structure analysis. Finally, the relationship between car-
bon macro-segregation and solidification structure evolu- A two-dimensional unsteady state heat transfer equation
tion under different secondary cooling modes is is available as eq. (2) [14]:
∂T ∂ ∂T
ρc ∂T ∂
∂t = ∂x k ∂x + ∂y k ∂y (2)
Steel C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Cu Al Mo Ti
GCr . . . . . . . . . . .
K. Dou et al.: Influence of Secondary Cooling on Solidification and Segregation 743
Figure 1: Calculated
thermophysical proper-
ties of GCr15 steel.
Nucleation model
vðΔTÞ = a2 ΔT 2 + a3 ΔT 3 (7)
Composition C Si Mn P S
Effect of EMS
Table 4: Casting parameters used for model validation. tion structures include three parts: outer chill zone, inter-
mediate columnar zone and central equiaxed crystal
Parameters Value zone. It can be seen from Figure 6 that the simulated
Steel grade GCr solidification structures by CA–FE model are compatible
Casting speed . m/min with the actual results and the experimentally observed
Superheat K and simulated ECR are about 23 %. This result indicates
Mold water amount m/h that the selected nucleation parameters are reasonable
Mold EMS status A/ Hz
and the present model can be used to simulate the
Secondary cooling water flow rate . L/kg
solidification structure during continuous casting of
GCr15 steel.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 8: Morphologies of solidification structure for GCr15 steel bloom at various secondary cooling modes (one-fourth cross section):
(a) super weak cooling, (b) weak cooling, (c) mild cooling, (d) strong cooling and (e) super strong cooling.
Figure 9: Equiaxed crystal ratios and average grain diameters of GCr15 steel bloom under different secondary cooling modes.
K. Dou et al.: Influence of Secondary Cooling on Solidification and Segregation 749
On this basis, the ECR and the carbon segregation index at increasing to 1.18 under super strong cooling mode.
different locations (seen in Figure 16) of the above five Moreover, under certain cooling mode, Kc increases from
samples are measured as in Figures 17 and 18, respec- bloom side to center, which explains the formation of
tively. When the secondary cooling intensity transforms central segregation of solute elements.
from weak to strong mode, the measured ECR drops from Considering above results, it is evident that when the
33.2 % to 10.05 % and the carbon segregation index cooling intensity becomes stronger, the ECR decreases
decreases to some extent but then gradually increases. while Kc decreases first and then increases. Apparently,
For instance, at point C0, Kc under super weak cooling there exists the optimum secondary cooling mode in the
mode is 1.27 then it stabilizes at about 1.109 before transformation process of cooling intensity for the bloom
752 K. Dou et al.: Influence of Secondary Cooling on Solidification and Segregation
In order to determine the optimum cooling mode for
improving the quality of GCr15 steel continuous casting
bloom, the evolution of ECR, GS, SDAS as well as car-
bon segregation index at typical sample position with
the change of secondary cooling intensity is summar- Figure 19: Summary of characteristic parameters under different
ized as in Figure 18. secondary cooling mode.
K. Dou et al.: Influence of Secondary Cooling on Solidification and Segregation 753