Ambuja Cement LTD Vs Collector of Stamps WPC No 5638 of 2014
Ambuja Cement LTD Vs Collector of Stamps WPC No 5638 of 2014
Ambuja Cement LTD Vs Collector of Stamps WPC No 5638 of 2014
taking any coercive action against the petitioner. The petitioner has
prayed as under:
d) Grant costs.
company and did not undertake any business. ACIPL was a 100%
and the remaining 45% shares were held by the petitioner. The
time and the only movable property held by ACIPL was its
07.02.2011 and the merger came into effect from 06.01.2012. The
share exchange ratio and ACIPL was dissolved without winding up.
which was issued under the common seal of the petitioner signed by
Haryana. The requisite stamp duty as per the Indian Stamp Act, 1899
wherein it was stated that the respondent noticed that the petitioner
has filed a Form 21 dated 07.12.2011 vide SRN no. B-26545426 for
paid the stamp duty on the merger order and was directed to furnish
default. The show-cause notice also specified that it was being issued
that no stamp duty was payable on the merger order under the head
dated 03.06.2014 wherein it was stated that the petitioner had not
stated that both the transferor and transferee companies were wholly
less than 90 per cent of the share capital was in the beneficial
Act, the petitioner was liable to pay stamp duty on the merger order
upon the petitioner. The respondent also held that the petitioner was
2.2 The petitioner, being aggrieved filed the present petition and
impugned order. The respondent did not consider and appreciate that
scheme of amalgamation does not fall under the said category. The
section 2(10) of the Act. The respondent erred in treating the merger
for under either section 31 or 33 of the Act. The respondent did not
did not consider that the 1937 Notification is applicable to the present
case as Holderind held more than 90% of the share capital of ACIPL
The merger order was clearly covered under the 1937 Notification
and was exempt from payment of stamp duty. The respondent has
duly approved by the court under sections 391 and 392 of the
of the transferor company. This Court in Delhi Towers Ltd. has held
Companies Act which has the effect of transferring all assets and
upon sanction of scheme has all the ingredients of sale and that the
3.1 The petitioner has mixed the issue of chargeability of the order
Article 19 of Schedule IA. The petitioner did not take the plea of
3.2 Section 47A (3) which was inserted vide the Indian Stamp
amount. Section 47A (4) of the Act provides for an appeal before the
The petitioner has not availed these alternative remedies, hence the
impugned order.
3.4 The respondent did not carry out any roving enquiry beyond
the powers provided under the Act. There was no occasion for the
stamp duty. The power of the respondent to recover stamp duty is not
Act and as such, it is not necessary that unless the original instrument
petitioner is also liable to pay the stamp duty on the issue of share
liable to be dismissed.
were denied and the contents of the writ petition were reiterated. It is
stated that the present case is not filed for evasion and the petitioner
grounds which were not even considered while passing the impugned
order. The only premise on which the show-cause notice and the
impugned order were issued was the decision in Delhi Towers Ltd.
its misplaced reliance on Delhi Towers Ltd. The respondent does not
stamp duty only upon original documents produced before it and not
the Act. The respondent has not only exceeded its jurisdiction in
reasons for levying such a heavy penalty. The respondent did not
record reasons before imposing the penalty which shows that the
present case has not been passed under the said Chapters, hence the
order has not been passed under Chapter IV of the Act. The
stamp duty. This Court in Delhi Towers Ltd. while examining the
acted beyond the powers vested in him as the respondent does not
possession) of the Act. The Act does not empower or authorise the
the impugned order as well as its counter affidavit that the power
exercised in the present case was not under sections 31, 35, 38 or 40
which is not the respondent’s case. Section 31 of the Act does not
5.1 Sh. Batra further argued that section 47A is inapplicable and
section 47A (3) read with section 73 of the Act, however, section
47A (3) is not applicable to the present case as none of the conditions
precedent exist and section 73 of the Act has no connection with the
issues involved in the present petition. Section 47A (3) pertains only
exercise of suo motu power under section 47A (3) of the Act,
Sh. Batra further argued that even if it is assumed that section 47A is
the respondent could have exercised suo motu power within two
years from the date of registration i.e. till 06.12.2013. However, the
5.2 Sh. Batra primarily and forcefully argued that the scheme of
of each of which not less than 90% of the share capital is in the
case, more than 90% share capital of the petitioner and ACIPL is held
scheme of amalgamation and it was held that the stamp duty must be
shares in dematerialized form from stamp duty. Sh. Batra argued that
this Court. The learned Senior Counsel placed reliance in this regard
OnLine SC 21.
5.5 Sh. Batra argued that present case is covered under section 8A
of the Act as it stood prior to the amendment made in the year 2019.
has an overriding effect over other provisions of the Act and over
merger order. Sh. Batra in light of above arguments prayed that the
Delhi Towers Ltd. and also cited decisions given by different High
6.1 Sh. Tripathi stated that remission in stamp duty was extended
Schedule IA which does not contain any Article remitting the stamp
6.2 Sh. Tripathi also referred that the petitioner has contended that
orders under section 394 of the Companies Act have not been
Delhi Assembly. However this Court in Delhi Towers Ltd. has held
amendment for Delhi does not exempt orders under section 394 of
provisions of the Act and the Supreme Court in McDowell & Co. V
CTO, (1985) 3 SCC 230 held that it is incumbent upon the judiciary
The merger order in the present case was publically accessible on the
respondent also has the power to call for and examine any instrument
and determine the duty payable thereon. Sh. Tripathi further argued
that the Collector of Stamp has sufficient power under section 47A(3)
read with section 47A(2) to call for and examine any instrument to
section 47A of the Act provides that the value of any property shall
the power to do a thing also carries the power to regulate the manner
petitioner has not availed the statutory remedy of appeal before the
District Court provided under section 47A (4) of the Act and cannot
6.5 Sh. Tripathi also addressed issue i.e. value at which stamp duty
shares shall be the basis for calculation of stamp duty. The individual
Bom 67 which was relied upon by this Court in Delhi Towers Ltd.
The learned Senior Counsel for the petitioner countered the said
argument by stating that sections 56 and 47A (4) of the Act do not
8. The learned Senior Counsel for the petitioner argued that the
not been passed under the said provisions. Sections 31 and 33 of the
counter the said argument argued that section 47A (3) of the Act
confers suo motu power upon the respondent to determine the duty
documents available in his office and the merger order in the present
applicable to the present case and even if section 47A of the Act is
not pertain to the issues involved in the present petition and this
ground has been taken by the respondent for the first time in the
(3) The Collector may, suo moto, within two years from the
date of the registration of any instrument not already
referred to him under sub-section (1), call for and examine
the instrument for the purpose of satisfying himself as to
the correctness of its value or consideration, as the case
may be, and the duty payable thereon, and if after such
examination, he has reason to believe that the value or
consideration has not been truly set forth in the instrument,
he may determine the value or consideration and the duty
aforesaid in accordance with the procedure provided under
sub- section (2), and the deficient amount of duty, if any,
shall be payable by the person liable to pay the duty and, on
the payment of such duty, the Collector shall endorse a
certificate of such payment on the instrument under his seal
and signature.
case, the petitioner filed Form 21 with the Registrar of Companies for
Counsel for the petitioner that the exercise of power conferred upon
and therefore chargeable with duty under the relevant entries of the
section 2(10) of the Act and argued that this is an inclusive definition
under section 394 of the Companies Act comes within the definition
has all the trappings of a sale. Sh. Tripathi further argued that an
estate, were proposed to be merged with the Delhi Towers Ltd. which
without payment of stamp duty. The issue for consideration was that
therefore exigible to stamp duty. It was argued before the court that
also observed that the thing which is liable to stamp duty is the
struck at. The Court also observed that merely because the
held as under:-
9.3 Sh. Batra, the learned Senior Counsel for the petitioner tried to
10. Sh. Batra, the learned Senior Counsel for the petitioner laid
much emphasis and referred the 1937 Notification and argued that
subsidiary companies of each of which not less than 90% of the share
i.e. Holderind.
xxx xxx xxx
the Union Territory of Delhi. Section 3 of the Act provides that stamp
Delhi, the stamp duty has to be paid only as per Schedule IA which
does not contain any Article remitting the stamp duty in terms of the
1937 Notification. Sh. Tripathi argued that the merger order is not
981 (Delhi) wherein the question was whether stamp duty is leviable
1937. It was held in said case that no stamp duty would be leviable in
any case to the transfer of assets between the transferor and transferee
for the respondent that the Notification no. 13 dated 25.12.1937 has
been repealed and is not applicable, does not have any legal force and