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Lab - 5 Manual

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Lab 5 - Mathematical Functions and Strings

Chapter: 3. Mathematical Functions and Strings Lab

Time: 80 Minutes 5
 To familiarize students how to solve practical problems programmatically.
 To solve mathematics problems by using the functions in the math module.
 To represent and process strings and characters.
 To represent special characters using the escape sequence.
 To invoke the print function with the end argument.
 To convert numbers to a string using the str function.
 To use the + operator to concatenate strings.
 To read strings from the keyboard.

Current Lab Learning Outcomes (LLO)

By completion of the lab the students should be able to
 Convert a simple mathematical equation into a Python expression.
 Use the eval function to evaluate and convert a string to a numerical value.
 Use the import keyword to load a module into a program.
 Use the constants of the math module such as pi.
 Use the functions of math module such as the sqrt and sin functions.
 Use the round function.
 Use the special character (\n) for inputting a new line into a string.
 Use plus sign (+) to concatenate strings.

Lab Requirements
 PyCharm (IDE).

Version 1.1
Practice Activities with Lab Instructor (20 minutes)

Problem 1 Programming Exercises (3.1)

Write a program that prompts the user to enter the length from the center of a pentagon
to a vertex and computes the area of the pentagon, as shown in the following figure.

The formula for computing the area of a pentagon is , where s is the length
of a side. The side can be computed using the formula , where r is the length
from the center of a pentagon to a vertex.

Enter the length from the center to a vertex: 5.5 <enter>

The area of the pentagon is 108.61


Phase 1: Problem-Solving Phase:

1- Ask the user to enter the length from the center to a vertex (r).
o r = eval(input("message…"))
2- Calculate the length of the side (s).
o Use the sin function in the math module to compute ( )
o Use the PI constant in the math module to get the value of
o s = (2 * r) * math.sin( math.PI / 5 )
3- Calculate the area.
o Use the sqrt function in the math module to compute ( √ )
o Use the pow function ( pow(s, 3) ) or ( s ** 3 ) to compute ( )
o area = ((3 * math.sqrt(3)) / 2) * pow(s, 2)
4- Display the result (area).
Phase 2: Implementation Phase:
1. Create a new project and name it “Lab 5”.
2. Create a new file and name it “activity_1.py”.
3. Write the following code in the file:
1 import math
3 # Get the length from the center to a vertex
4 r = eval(input("Enter the length from the center to a vertex: "))
6 # Calculate the length of the side
7 s = 2 * r * math.sin(math.pi / 5)
9 # Calculate the area
10 area = 3 * math.sqrt(3) * s * s / 2
12 # Display the result
13 print("The area of the pentagon is", round(area, 2))

Problem 2 Programming Exercises (3.1)

Write a program that reads the following information and prints a payroll statement:
Employee’s name (e.g., Smith)
Number of hours worked in a week (e.g., 10)
Hourly pay rate (e.g., 9.75)
Federal tax withholding rate (e.g., 20%)
State tax withholding rate (e.g., 9%)
A sample run is shown below:

Enter employee's name: Smith <enter>

Enter number of hours worked in a week: 10 <enter>
Enter hourly pay rate: 9.75 <enter>
Enter federal tax withholding rate: 0.20 <enter>
Enter state tax withholding rate: 0.09 <enter>

Employee Name: Smith

Hours Worked: 10.0
Pay Rate: $9.75
Gross Pay: $97.5
Federal Withholding (20.0%): $19.5
State Withholding (9.0%): $8.77
Total Deduction: $28.27
Net Pay: $69.22


Phase 1: Problem-Solving Phase:

1- Ask the user to enter the employee's name (name).
o the name is a string value, so you shouldn’t use the eval function.
o name = input("message…")
2- Ask the user to enter the number of hours worked in a week (hours).
o hours = eval(input("message…"))
3- Ask the user to enter the hourly pay rate (payRate).
o payRate = eval(input("message…"))
4- Ask the user to enter the federal tax withholding rate (fedTaxWithholdingRate).
o fedTaxWithholdingRate = eval(input("message…"))
5- Ask the user to enter the state tax withholding rate (stateTaxWithholdingRate).
o stateTaxWithholdingRate = eval(input("message…"))
6- Calculate the gross Pay (grossPay).
o grossPay = hours * payRate
7- Calculate the federal Withholding (stateTaxWithholding).
o fedTaxWithholding = grossPay * fedTaxWithholdingRate
8- Calculate the state Withholding (stateTaxWithholding).
o stateTaxWithholding = grossPay * stateTaxWithholdingRate
9- Calculate the total deduction (totalDeduction).
o totalDeduction = fedTaxWithholding + stateTaxWithholding
10- Calculate the net pay (netPay).
o netPay = grossPay - totalDeduction
11- Store, prepare and format the output into a string (out).
o You can concatenate strings using plus sign (+).
o You can write this (out += "appended string") instead of this (out = out + "appended
o You can convert a numerical value to a string by using the str function.
o You can use the "\n" special character to insert a new line to a string.
o You can use the int function to convert a float or string value to integer.
o You can use the “\” continuation symbol to write a statement in multiple lines.
o percentage = rate * 100
12- Display the result (out).
Phase 2: Implementation Phase:
1. Open the project “Lab 5” if it was not opened or create it if it was not existing.
2. Create a new file and name it “activity_2.py”.
3. Write the following code in the file:
1 # Get the employee's name
2 name = input("Enter employee's name: ")
4 # Get the number of hours worked in a week
5 hours = eval(input("Enter number of hours worked in a week: "))
6 # Get the hourly pay rate
7 payRate = eval(input("Enter hourly pay rate: "))
8 # Get the federal tax withholding rate
9 fedTaxWithholdingRate = eval(input("Enter federal tax withholding rate: "))
10 # Get the state tax withholding rate
11 stateTaxWithholdingRate = eval(input("Enter state tax withholding rate: "))
13 # Calculate the gross Pay
14 grossPay = hours * payRate
15 # Calculate the federal Withholding
16 fedTaxWithholding = grossPay * fedTaxWithholdingRate
17 # Calculate the state Withholding
18 stateTaxWithholding = grossPay * stateTaxWithholdingRate
19 # Calculate the total deduction
20 totalDeduction = fedTaxWithholding + stateTaxWithholding
21 # Calculate the net pay
22 netPay = grossPay - totalDeduction
24 # Store, prepare and format the output into a string
25 out = "Employee Name: " + name + "\n\n"
26 out += "Hours Worked: " + str(hours) + '\n'
27 out += "Pay Rate: $" + str(payRate) + '\n'
28 out += "Gross Pay: $" + str(grossPay) + '\n'
29 out += "Deductions:\n"
30 out += " Federal Withholding (" + str(fedTaxWithholdingRate * 100) + \
31 "%): $" + str(int(fedTaxWithholding * 100) / 100.0) + '\n'
32 out += " State Withholding (" + str(stateTaxWithholdingRate * 100) + "%):" + \
33 " $" + str(int(stateTaxWithholding * 100) / 100.0) + '\n'
34 out += " Total Deduction:" + " $" + \
35 str(int(totalDeduction * 100) / 100.0) + '\n'
36 out += "Net Pay:" + " $" + str(int(netPay * 100) / 100.0)
38 # Display the result
39 print(out)

Individual Activities (60 minutes)

Problem 3 Programming Exercises (3.4)

The area of a pentagon can be computed using the following formula (s is the length of a

( )

Write a program that prompts the user to enter the side of a pentagon and displays the
area. Here is a sample run:

Enter the side: 5.5 <enter>

The area of the pentagon is 52.04444136781625

Problem 4 Programming Exercises (3.11)

Write a program that prompts the user to enter a four-digit integer and displays the
number in reverse order. Here is a sample run:

Enter an integer: 3125 <enter>

The reversed number is 5213

Extra Exercises (Homework)

From the Textbook

 Programming Exercises:
o 3.2
o 3.3
o 3.5
o 3.8

From MyProgrammingLab (https://pearson.turingscraft.com)

 3.3
o 51835
o 51755
o 51756
o 51839
o 51869
 3.6
o 51028

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