Prelim Unit Test:quiz Reviewer
Prelim Unit Test:quiz Reviewer
Prelim Unit Test:quiz Reviewer
Geriatrics – is often used as generic term
To provide competent, current care to
relating to the aged, but specifically refers to
elders, nurses need to have gerontological
medical care of the aged.
nursing content in their basic undergraduate
Types of Gerontology nursing curricula and are encouraged to
1. Social Gerontology – is concerned mainly become certified in
with the social aspects of aging versus the gerontological nursing.
biological or psychological.
● Geropsychology– is a branch of Nurse Certification – is a formal process
psychology concerned with helping by which a certifying agency validates a
older persons and their families nurse’s knowledge, skills, and
maintain well-being, overcome competencies through a written examination
problems, and achieve maximum in a specialty area of practice.
potential during later life.
● Geropharmacology – is the study of Levels of Certification
pharmocology as it relates to older 1. Generalist Level – the generalist in
adults. gerontological nursing has completed a
basic entry-level program in nursing which
2. Financial Gerontology – is another can be a diploma in nursing, or an associate
emerging subfield that combines knowledge or bachelor of science degree in
of financial planning ang services with a Nursing.
special expertise in the needs of older
adults. Cutler (2004) defines financial 2. Advanced Certification – the ANCC offers
gerontology as “the intellectual intersection 2 separate advanced practice certification
of two fields, gerontology and finance, each exams in gerontological nursing.
of which has practitioner and academic • Clinical Specialist in Gerontological
components” Nursing
• Gerontological Nurse Practitioner
3. Gerontological Rehabilitation Nursing–
combines expertise in gerontological
Core Competencies – Skills, Knowledge 1975 – First Nursing Journal for the Care of
and Attitude Older Adults Published: Journal of
Gerontological Nursing by Slack, Inc.
NURSING 1976 – ANA Geriatric Nursing Division
changes name to Gerontological Nursing
1902 – American Journal of Nursing Division. ANA publishes Standards of
published the first Geriatric Article by an Gerontological Nursing.
1977 – KELLOGG Foundation funds
1904 – American Journal of Nursing Geriatric Nurse Practioner Certificate
published the first Geriatric Article by an Education. First Gerontological Nursing
RN. Track funded by the Division of Nursing at
The University of Kansas.
1925 – American Journal of Nursing
considered Geriatric Nursing as a potential 1979 – First National Conference on
specialty. Gerontological Nursing sponsored by the
Journal of Gerontological Nursing.
1950 – First Geriatric Nursing Textbook
(Geriatric Nursing, Newton), published 1980 – AJN publishes Geriatric Nursing
Journal Education for Geriatric Nurses by
1952 – First Geriatric Nursing Study Gunter and Estes suggests curricula for all
published in Nursing Research. levels of nursing education ANA establishes
Council of Long Term Care Nurses.
1961 – ANA recommends specialty group
for Geriatric Nurses 1980 – First Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ)
Foundation grants for health-impaired
1962 – ANA holds first National Nursing elders given (eight in the United States).
Meeting on Geriatric Nursing Practice
1981 – First International Conference on
1966 – ANA forms a Geriatric Nursing Gerontological Nursing sponsored by the
Division “First Gerontological Clinical Nurse International Council of Nursing (Los
Specialist Master’s Program begins at Duke Angeles, California)
2008 – Geriatric Nursing Journal Celebrates
1968 – First RN (Gunter) presents at the 30 years Journal of Gerontological Nursing
International Congress of Gerontology. 1970 Research emerges.
– ANA creates the Standards of Practice for
Geriatric Nursing.
1979 15. Which of the following year of the CONTINUITY THEORY 25. Which of the
First National Conference on Gerontological following Theory is a psychosocial
Nursing sponsored by the Journal of conceptual framework to study explaining
Gerontological Nursing. how people develop in old age.
HOSPICE 17-20. What are the places for SELF-ACTUALIZATION 27. What is the
gerontological nurse to care for? SATA ultimate goal that is achieved through the
progression of Maslow's Hierarchy of
• Assisted Living Needs?
• Short Term Care Facility
• Long Term Care Facility What motivates people to do the things
• Foster care they do 28. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of
• Hospice needs theory is about:
• Chronic Care Hospital
Which of the following theory is a
conceptual framework for exploring both
how individuals age over the life course and
what meaning is given to age in a society 1961 8. In what year was the ANA
recommends specialty group for
BIOLOGICAL THEORY 30. Which of the Geriatric Nurses
following theory used as an explanation for
phenomena pertaining to the life sciences or
1962 9. In what year was the ANA holds
study of living organisms.
first National Nursing Meeting on
Geriatric Nursing Practice
LEADER 10. The following are the
GERONTOLOGY 1. It is the broad term Roles of the Gerontological Nurse
used to define the study of aging and/or the EXCEPT:
aged. This includes the biopsychosocial Teacher
aspects of aging. Leader
GERIATRICS 2. It is often used as generic
term relating to the aged, but specifically
refers to medical care of the aged.
GEROPSYCHOLOGY 3. It is a branch of
psychology concerned with helping older
persons and their families maintain
well-being, overcome problems, and
achieve maximum potential during later life.
The Wear and Tear Theory of Aging: An Excessive wear and tear due to exercising
Exploration under Stochastic Theories may accelerate aging by causing increased
free radical production, which supports the
The Wear and Tear Theory, first proposed idea that no one theory of aging
by German biologist August Weismann in incorporates all the causes of aging, but
1882, suggests that aging results from the rather a combination of factors is
cumulative damage to body systems due to responsible.