Chapter1 Part 2
Chapter1 Part 2
Chapter1 Part 2
Chapter 1 (part 2)
Presented by:
Boolean algebra
Boolean algebra
1. Some definitions
Logic gate : a basic logic element (electronic circuit) that can have
one or more inputs and a single output, allowing the execution of a
logical operation.
Boolean algebra
1. Some definitions
Truth table : the truth table of a logical function F with n Boolean
variables is a table of m columns and k rows such that :
m=n+1 : each column is associated with a variable and the last
column is reserved for the function value.
k=𝟐𝒏 : each row represents a combination of n variables.
Boolean algebra
Basic operators
Boolean algebra
Basic operators
Boolean algebra
Compound operators
e. NAND operator
Binary operator that negates the logical AND operator.
Example : 𝐴. 𝐵 = A ↑ B
Boolean algebra
Compound operators
f. XOR operator (OR exclusive)
Binary operator that checks if the two input variables are different.
Example: 𝐴 ⊕ 𝐵
Boolean algebra
Compound operators
g. XNOR operator
Binary operator that checks if the two input variables are the same.
Example : 𝐴 ⊕ 𝐵
Boolean algebra
2. Logical operations and their properties
Logical sum
Logical multiplication
Boolean algebra
2. Logical operations and their properties
Boolean algebra
2. Logical operations
Duality theorem
Every property P corresponds a property P*, called dual.
The dual property P* of a property P is obtained by reversing the operators and
swapping the neutral elements.
Example :
Property P Dual property P*
A+A.B=A A.(A+B)=A
A+0=A A.1=A
Boolean algebra
3. Logic functions
Boolean algebra
3. Logic functions
Algebraic form
We can represent a Boolean function using the logical operations already seen.
Example :
𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)= 𝑥.y+
ҧ x. 𝑦ത + 𝑥. 𝑦
ҧ x. 𝑦ത and x. 𝑦 are called Algebraic terms
Boolean algebra
3. Logic functions
1. We assign the value 1 to each logical variable and the value 0 to each
complemented logical variable.
2. In the truth table, we put ones in the cells corresponding to the different
combinations appearing in the Boolean function.
3. For the other combinations that do not appear in the Boolean function, we put
Boolean algebra
3. Logic functions
1. We only consider, in the truth table, the combinations for which the
Boolean function is equal to 1.
2. In the combination, we replace the 1s by the variables and the 0s by their
complements. Thus each combination will correspond to the logical
multiplication of its variables or their complements.
3. The Boolean function will be the logical sum of all the logical
multiplication already found in 2.
Boolean algebra
3. Logic Functions
Boolean algebra
3. Logic Functions
Boolean algebra
3. Logic Functions
Generalization :
With N variables, we can define 22 Boolean fonctions.
Boolean algebra
3. Logic Functions
Example :
Y(A,B,C) = ((𝐴 + 𝐵 .C) + ഥ𝐶
Boolean algebra
4. Canonical Forms
Canonical term
An algebraic term is canonical if it includes an occurrence of each logic variable
involved in the Boolean function.
Boolean algebra
4. Canonical Forms
Canonical function
A logic function expressed in canonical form if it is composed only of canonical
Boolean algebra
5. Simplification of Boolean functions
Simplifying a logic function means reducing the number of its terms or the number
of logical variables in the same term.
Boolean algebra
5. Simplification of Boolean functions
B. Karnaugh table
Presentation of the truth table in the form of a table whose input variable values are
represented in Gray code.
For a logical function with one variable, the table will contain a single cell that can take the
value 0 or 1.
For a logical function with n variables, the table will contain 2𝑛 cells.
Let the logical function :
S(a,b,c) = 𝑎. ത 𝑐ҧ + 𝑎.𝑏.
ത 𝑏. ത 𝑐 + a.𝑏. 𝑐ҧ + a.b. 𝑐
ത 𝑐ҧ + 𝑎.𝑏.
Boolean algebra
5. Simplification of Boolean functions
B. Karnaugh table
The transition from the truth table to the Karnaugh table consists of :
1. The function must be in its 1st CF.
2. For each minterm of the logical function, a 1 is placed in the corresponding
cell in the table.
3. Once the table is completed, we can proceed with the simplification.
Boolean algebra
5. Simplification of Boolean functions
B. Karnaugh table
Boolean algebra
5. Simplification of Boolean functions
Each cell will have five adjacent cells. As you can see in the following figure, cell 𝑚7 has
five adjacent cells, four of which are located in the same quadrant, while the fifth cell is
located in the adjacent quadrant.