155e-BM/HR/HDCV/FSOFT- @FPT SOFTWARE - FPT Software Academy - Internal Use
Content ▪ Introduction to Taiga tool
▪ Setting Up a New Project
▪ Product Backlog
▪ Sprint Planning
▪ Issues management
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Section 1
Introduction to Taiga tool
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Introduction to Taiga tool • Taiga is a versatile and powerful project management tool designed to help teams manage their projects efficiently, especially those following Agile methodologies such as Scrum.
02. Sprint orking
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Register account 1. Access the Taiga tool of FSA: https://taiga.fa.edu.vn/register 2. Fill in Account Information Please note that you must use a valid email for verification: you can use an FPT email or a personal email. 02. Sprint orking 3. Accept Terms and Sign Up 4. Verify Email 5. Log In to Taiga: https://taiga.fa.edu.vn/login
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Section 2
Setting Up a New Project
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Setting Up a New Project ▪ Create new project
▪ Invite member
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Create new project 1. Click to “+ NEW PROJECT” button
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Create new project 2. Choose the “Scrum” project type
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Create new project 3. Fill the project information and click “CREATE PROJECT”
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Create new project 4. Project created successfully
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Invite member 1. Click the “Setting” > “Members” item in the bottom left menu
2. Click the “+ New Member” button
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Invite member 3. Enter the member’s email and invite
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Section 3
Product Backlog
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Product Backlog The product backlog has major blocks: The Burndown chart & The Backlog
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User story 1. To create a user story, we click “+ User story” button in Backlog screen
2. Fill the information and click “Create” button.
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Epics Prerequisite: Ensure that this module is enabled in the Product Owner's settings screen.
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Epics 1. In the left menu click to the “Epics” item
2. Click “+ Add Epic” button
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Section 4
Sprint Planning
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Create Sprint 1. Click in the “Add a sprint” in the Sprints box
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Create Sprint 2. Enter information and click “Save” to create new a sprint
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Pick up user story for Sprint Drop Stories from backlog to start a new sprint
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Scrum Sprints Click on the Sprint name in the left menu to view Sprint taskboard
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Section 5
Issues management
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Create issue You can use issue management to manage questions, bugs, and enhancements.
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Create issue Fill the information and click “Create” button
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