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Solucio Parcial 2018 2019 Q2.eng

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Solution Midterm Exam EDA 25/04/2019

Proposed solution to problem 1

(a) The answers:

(1) f = O( g) : if α > 1.
(2) f = Ω( g) : if α ≤ 1.
(3) g = O( f ) : if α ≤ 1.
(4) g = Ω( f ) : if α > 1.

n √ n
(b) T (n) = Θ(2 2 ) = Θ( 2 )

(c) T (n) = Θ(n log n)

(d) Θ(n log n)

(e) Θ(n log n)

Proposed solution to problem 2

(a) A call mystery(v, 0, v. size ()−1, m) permutes the elements of v so that (at least)
the m first positions of v contain the m smallest elements, sorted in increasing

(b) When one makes a call mystery(v, 0, n−1, n), first int q = partition (v, l , r)
is executed with l = 0 and r = n−1, with cost Θ(n). Moreover, as the vector
contains different integers sorted in increasing order and the function partition
takes as a pivot the leftmost element, we have q = 0. Hence we have that the
call mystery(v, l , q, m) is made with q = l = 0 and so takes constant time.
Besides, p = 1. If n > 1 finally a recursive call mystery(v, q+1, r , m−p) is
made, where q+1 = 1, r = n−1 and m−p = n−1.
In turn, when executing this call the cost of int q = partition (v, l , r) is Θ(n −
1), again the cost of mystery(v, l , q, m) is Θ(1), and if n − 1 > 1 again a
recursive call mystery(v, q+1, r , m−p), is made, where q+1 = 2, r = n−1 and
m−p = n−2.
Repeating the argument, we see that the accumulated cost is
Θ ( n ) + Θ ( n − 1) + . . . + Θ ( 1) = Θ ( ∑ i ) = Θ ( n 2 ) .

Proposed solution to problem 3

(a) A possible solution:

vector <bool> prod(const vector<bool>& x, const vector<bool>& y) {

if (x. size () == 0 or y. size () == 0) return vector <bool>();

vector <bool> z = twice(twice(prod( half (x ), half (y ))));

vector <bool> one = vector<bool>(1, 1);

if (x.back () == 0 and y.back () == 0) return z ;

else if (x.back () == 1 and y.back () == 0) return sum(z, y );
else if (y.back () == 1 and x.back () == 0) return sum(z, x );
else {
vector <bool> x2 = twice(half(x ));
vector <bool> y2 = twice(half(y ));
return sum(sum(sum(z, x2), y2 ), one );
Let T (n) be the cost of prod(x,y) if n = x.size() = y.size(). Only one recursive
call is made, over vectors of size n − 1. The non-recursive work has cost Θ(n).
So the cost follows the recurrence
T ( n ) = T ( n − 1) + Θ ( n ) .

According to the Master Theorem of Subtractive Recurrences, the solution of

this recurrence behaves asymptotically as Θ(n2 ). Hence, the cost is Θ(n2 ).
(b) Karatsuba algorithm, which has cost Θ(nlog 3 ).

Proposed solution to problem 4

(a) A possible way of completing the code:

bool search1 (int x, const vector <vector<int>>& A, int i, int j , int n) {
if (n == 1) return A[i ][ j ] == x;
int mi = i + n/2 − 1;
int mj = j + n/2 − 1;
if (A[mi][mj] < x) return
search1 (x, A, mi+1, j , n/2) or
search1 (x, A, mi+1, mj+1, n/2) or
search1 (x, A, i , mj+1, n/2);
if (A[mi][mj] > x) return
search1 (x, A, mi+1, j , n/2) or
search1 (x, A, i, j , n/2) or
search1 (x, A, i , mj+1, n/2);
return true;

We note that the result of calling search1 (x, A, 0, 0, N) is true if and only if x
occurs in A.
To analyse the cost of this call, first of all we study the general case of calling
search1 (x, A, i , j , n) as a function of n. Let T (n) be the cost in the worst case
of this call. As in the worst case 3 calls are made with last parameter n/2 and
the cost of the non-recursive work is constant, we have the recurrence:

T (n) = 3T (n/2) + Θ(1)

Applying the Master Theorem of Divisive Recurrences, we have T (n) = Θ(nlog2 3 ).

Hence, the cost of calling search1 (x, A, 0, 0, N) is Θ( N log2 3 ).

(b) It is correct. Let us see that the loop maintains the following invariant: if x oc-
curs in A, then the occurrence is between rows 0 and i (included), and between
columns j and N − 1 (included). At the beginning of the loop, the invariant
holds. And at each iteration it is preserved:

• If A[i ][ j] > x then x cannot occur at row i: by the invariant we have that
if x occurs then it must be in a column from j to N − 1. But if j ≤ k < N
then A[i ][k] ≥ A[i ][ j] > x.
• If A[i ][ j] < x then x cannot occur at column j: by the invariant we have
that if x occurs then it must be in a row from 0 to i. But if 0 ≤ k ≤ i then
A[k][ j] ≤ A[i ][ j] < x.

Finally, if the program returns true with the return of inside the loop, the
answer is correct as A[i ][ j] = x. If it returns false with the return of outsi-
de the loop, then i < 0 or j ≥ N. In any case, by the invariant we deduce that x
does not appear in A.

(c) At each iteration either i is decremented by 1, or j is incremented by 1, or we

return. Moreover, initially i has value N − 1, and at least has value 0 before
exiting the loop. Similarly, at the beginning j has value 0 and at most has va-
lue N − 1 before exiting the loop. As in the worst case we can make 2N − 1
iterations and each of them has cost Θ(1), the cost is Θ( N ).

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