Nucleum Rulebook ENG LowInk
Nucleum Rulebook ENG LowInk
Nucleum Rulebook ENG LowInk
(2X SIZE 2, 2X SIZE 3)
Components Limitation: Uranium, Thaler, Achievement tokens, and Milestone markers are considered unlimited.
If you run out, use any suitable alternative(s). All other components are strictly limited to what is provided in the game box.
Thaler and Achievement tokens have denominations of 1 and 5 - you may make change any time as necessary.
Return the remaining Milestone tiles to the box.
G 9D
2 9E
F. 6 Milestone markers. Place 3 of them on the three indicated
PLAYER BOARD Milestone spaces near the bottom of the side board and
the other 3 into a reserve next to the side board. (The
12. Each player takes: a player board (placing it in the middle stacking order between players does not matter.)
of your player area), a player aid, VP token (100/200) and G. 1 Victory Point marker, placing it on the “0” space of
4 Thaler from the supply. Choose a color, and take all the the scoring track around the edge of the board.
components in that specific color: H. Place the Initial Contract you received earlier during
the setup on the bottommost Contract space on your
A. 3 Income markers, placing one on the first space of each player board (without receiving the benefit).
income track (so that the starting income of 4 Thaler, 13. Starting with the last player and proceeding counterclockwise,
2 Workers, and 0 VP is visible to their left). each player selects one of the four Experiments. Take
B. 12 Urban Building tiles, placing them on the spaces that the Experiment board, all the technology tiles, the depicted
match their level (Roman numeral) and type with the side Turbine Effect tile, all Starting Action tiles, and Experiment
showing their level face up. player aid belonging to that Experiment. (all marked with the
C. 4 Turbine tokens, placing them on the indicated spaces on Experiment letter)
your player board.
D. 4 Mine tiles, placing them on the indicated spaces on your A. Place your 5 Starting Action tiles face up next to your player
player board in the following order from top to bottom: board, creating your tile pool.
Mine tile with 3 Uranium spaces, Mine tile with 2 Uranium B. Place your Turbine Effect tile in its dedicated space below
spaces, Mine tile with 3 Uranium spaces, then Mine tile the second Turbine token on your player board. Also, place
with 2 Uranium spaces. your Technology tiles in ascending order in their spaces on
E. 18 Worker meeples. Place 2 of them in your personal supply the Experiment board, not fully slid.
and the remaining 16 meeples into a reserve. (For your first C. If any player chose Experiment B, give them the 2 Special
few games, we strongly recommend starting with 3 Worker Action tiles to stack face down below the Experiment
meeples in your supply instead.) Board. Otherwise, return these tiles to the box.
The game is ready to begin, with the first player taking their turn.
12C 12D
12B 13B
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
Starting with the first player and moving clockwise around
GOAL OF THE GAME the table, play continues in this fashion until two (or three in
a 2-player game) of the five endgame conditions are triggered
(see page [20]).
You are an industrialist trying to succeed during the economic and
technological boom of 19th-century Saxony, fueled by the invention
and spread of the Nucleum (what—in another timeline—people of
another century would call a nuclear reactor) and its immense power- GAINING RESOURCES
generating capabilities. You will strive to earn victory points (VP) by
building and powering Urban Buildings, securing Contracts, and Thaler and Achievement tokens are gained
meeting milestones dictated by King Frederik Augustus. from and spent to the common supply.
Workers are gained and spent from your
personal supply. You may always spend
GAMEPLAY AND TURN STRUCTURE 1 Worker to gain 1 Thaler but not vice
versa. If you ever must gain a Worker and
no Workers remain in your reserve, you
Gameplay is continuous; players take turns one after another immediately gain 1 Thaler instead.
with no rounds or phases. On your turn, you must do one of Uranium is typically gained when building a Mine. Whenever
the following: you gain Uranium, you must either place it on one of your
A. Play an Action tile from your pool to the leftmost free slot Mines or spend it to gain 1 Worker. You may always spend
at the top of your player board. Then, resolve one or both 1 Uranium to gain 1 Worker but not vice versa.
actions shown on the played tile. You may not choose this
option if there are no free spaces available at the top of your
player board or if you have no tiles remaining in your pool.
If you choose this option, you may complete one Contract USEFUL, BUT REMEMBER THAT YOU MOSTLY GAIN URANIUM
(before or after either of your actions). WHEN BUILDING A MINE—AND YOU HAVE ONLY FOUR MINES.
B. Play an Action tile from your pool to an empty railway
space on the main board—placing one of your available
Workers on it—to become a Railway tile. Then, you and
Whenever you gain an income advancement of any kind
possibly other players may perform one or more actions,
(Thaler, Workers, Victory Points), move the corresponding
depending on the color matches made by your placement.
Income marker the indicated number of spaces to the right
You may not choose this option if you have no suitable tiles
on your player board. If the Income marker is already on the
remaining in your pool or if you have no available Worker.
last space of its income track, receive 1 VP instead for each
C. Perform a Recharge, allowing you to gain income and
advancement you were unable to gain.
retrieve all Action tiles from the top of your player board.
This may trigger a King’s Day Scoring (see page [19]).
ELEMENTS OF THE MAP connected empty railway spaces. During the game, you will place
Action tiles on these spaces, creating railways that serve both as
means of transporting Coal and Uranium and relaying electricity
(the latter primarily being because the power lines required
The main board shows cities which have a color (green, white, to transmit electricity are built along railway lines). A link
orange, purple, and the multicolored Praha, which is a special becomes a completed rail line if it has no empty railway spaces.
case) and a name. In these cities, you will find urban sites (black A completed rail line is owned (equally) by every player who owns
squares), mining sites (black hexagons), turbine spaces (black at least one railway within it, as indicated by their Worker on top
circles), and power plants. On the urban sites, you will be able of the Action tile. Completing a rail line consisting of more than
to place Buildings. On the mining sites, you will be able to build one railway space grants an inauguration reward to players who
Mines, and each of these Mines will store 2 or 3 Uranium. During participated in its completion which will be explained later in the
setup, some of the building and mining spaces may be completely rules.
blocked (depending on player count), while other building spaces
will contain Neutral Buildings. On the map, you create networks. A network is defined as a
grouping of one or more cities connected with each other by
Nearly all power plants (the exception being the one in Riesa) completed rail lines. A city belongs to your network if either: it
have a dedicated space for a Nucleum and up to five spaces is adjacent to your railway or is connected to a completed rail
dedicated to Turbines (black circles), which you and other line with at least 1 railway you own or contains your building.
players will build throughout the game. The function of The size of a particular network is the number of cities in that
the Nucleum and Turbines will be explained later in the rules. group (not the longest path between two cities in the group).
Therefore, a single city with your Buildings, Mines or Turbines
NOTE: Some urban sites, mining sites, and turbine spaces are present but not connected to another network counts as a
red; these indicate a higher cost of construction, as explained network of size 1, and a single railway (even if it’s not part of a
under their respective actions. completed rail line) that touches a city also forms a network of
size 1. You may have one or more networks at any given time,
and you may possibly connect two or more of your networks
later in the game, creating a bigger network instead. Networks
are relevant when constructing Buildings, Mines, or Turbines.
There are two coal production areas: Ruhr to the west and
Silesia on the northeastern side of the map. These represent
coal-rich areas (in western Germany and southern Poland,
respectively) outside of the map. They are connected to some Before resolving an action, between the two actions, or after
cities via long-distance rails. Players may import coal from completing both actions, you may fulfill one Contract per
the respective production areas into the connected cities (Plauen turn. You can fulfill either any of the Contracts on the right side
and Leipzig in the west, and Riesa and Gӧrlitz in the east on of your player board or one of the three Purple Contracts on the
the 3/4-player map and Dresden on the 1/2-player map). side board. Important: Purple Contracts do not get replaced!
Long-distance rails cannot be used for any other purpose than To fulfill a Contract, you must first meet its requirements (see the
importing coal. They are not owned by any player and therefore Appendix for a complete explanation of requirements), then gain
they cannot connect or create networks. all of its benefits (VP, Technologies, etc.) and flip that Contract
tile face down, placing it in your player area. When you fulfill
Coal, Uranium, and electricity can be transported from one a Contract from your player board, that Contract spot is freed,
city to another using completed rail lines (i.e., links without becoming available once again for a new Contract.
empty spaces) owned by any player. The ability to transport
Action tiles placed at the top of your player board remain there
resources is relevant when power plants are activated.
until you perform a Recharge (see page [17]).
If you do not have (or cannot obtain) a Worker before placing
the railway, you may not choose this option.
Action tiles placed on the map remain here for the entirety of
the game.
This action allows you to place Urban Buildings on the map. Take
an Urban Building tile of your choice from your player board,
paying the cost shown to the left of its row (from top to bottom,
2 Thaler for the first row, 3 Thaler for the second, etc). Place it on
an empty urban site within one of your networks.
• If you have no networks due to having no pieces (Urban
Buildings, Turbine, Mine, Railway tiles) on the board at
the beginning of the game, you may build anywhere.
• Building at red urban sites cost an additional 2 Thaler.
• Regular (black) urban sites must show the icon of the Building
type you are placing.
• Friendly placement restriction: If possible, you must place
the Building in a single-type space in the chosen city. Red
urban sites do not affect and are not affected by this rule.
This action allows you to collect Contracts. Take one Silver
or Gold Contract from the offer, and place it on any empty
Contract space on the right side of your player board, then receive
the corresponding reward shown on that Contract space. If
the Action tile shows icon, receive the shown reward twice.
Gain 2 Thaler.
If you do not have an empty Contract space, you may not resolve
this action. You cannot remove or replace Contracts present on
your player board, nor can you keep a Contract in your hand or TIP: FULFILLING CERTAIN CONTRACTS IS ONE OF TWO MAIN
player area (i.e., to place it on your player board later). WAYS TO GAIN TECHNOLOGIES.
After taking a Contract, draw a new Contract of the same color
Ongoing abilities have a trigger depicted on their left side and a benefit
Ongoing or an action modifier in parenthesis depicted on the right side. From
abilities the moment you gain this Technology, every time you meet the condition,
[brown] you gain the benefit or apply the modifier to the triggering action.
Ultimate goal If unlocked, your 8th Technology provides victory points that are scored at
[purple] the end of the game if you meet its condition.
have to own any of these rail lines) and a long-distance rail. There
ENERGIZE is no limit to the amount of coal that you can import, and you
can import coal from all connected coal import areas at the same
time as long as they are connected to your selected power plant.
This action allows you to power up Buildings, gaining you
immediate benefits and VP at the end of the game. When you
choose to Energize, perform the following steps:
1. Select one power plant on the map (in Riesa, Zittau,
Glashütte, Grimma, or Plauen).
2. Transport coal and/or Uranium from any number of
locations via completed rail lines to this power plant. You
may use any completed rail lines—not just your own.
A. For coal: import any amount from either/both coal
import site(s) first, then transport it to the power plant.
B. For Uranium: transport up to the allowed amount from
your connected Mines to the power plant.
3. Determine the amount of electricity produced.
4. Select a connected Urban Building (yours or Neutral) that has
a requirement equal to or less than the amount of electricity
5. Receive Achievement tokens equal to the requirement of the
Building and any benefits printed on it.
Other small actions that can be found on the Action tiles, but
cannot be done with Special Directive tile:
The income you gain (Thaler, Workers, and/or VP) is the highest This allows you to place your Milestone
value that is both to the left of the marker on the respective markers onto Achievement spaces for Final
income track and underneath an Action tile. Note that Scoring and occasionally placing a new 1
the income of the top two tracks (Thaler and Workers) will also Nucleum on the map.
include VP as you advance on them. 2
On the left side of the side board is
the Milestone track, which consists of
Achievement spaces that increase in
EXAMPLE: From top to bottom, Blue gains 10 Thaler and
value as you advance up the track. These
1 VP (because of the action tile), 4 Workers and 2 VP, and
Achievement spaces are grouped into 2
0 VP from their respective income tracks.
six different tiers (1-2, 3-6, 7-9, 10-14,
16-26, and 28-40, depicted in different 1
colors and showing different multipliers)
on the left and four Milestone segments
1 2
(1-6, 7-12, 13-22, 24-40, separated with
lines) on the right. When placing one of
your Milestone markers on the Milestone 1
track, you can only have one marker in
each tier, but multiple players can have
their respective marker in the same tier, 1 2
even on the same space. 3
At the end of the game, you will score additional VP for reaching
the last three spaces of each income track. These VP are shown To place your Milestone marker on the milestone track, follow
below the income tracks and are not gained when gaining these steps:
1. Determine the total value of Achievement tokens you have.
2. Choose an Achievement space on the track with a value equal
TIP: WHILE YOU CAN GET A LOT FROM YOUR INCOME TRACKS to or lower than the total value of Achievement tokens you
DURING A RECHARGE, FOCUSING ON ONE OR TWO OF THEM have to place your marker on, remembering that you can only
OF THE GAME. A. If you already have Milestone markers in all tiers equal to
or lower than the total value of Achievement tokens you
have (or your total is zero), you must place your marker on
the “0” Achievement space and gain the bailout bonus. You
may willingly choose to place your marker on “0” as well.
3. If you place your marker in a Milestone segment that still has
a Nucleum present, place it on a power plant on the map and
receive the depicted bonus .
4. If you placed your marker in the topmost Milestone segment,
gain a level 3 Technology.
5. If you placed your Milestone marker on the topmost space
(40 Achievement tokens), immediately gain 9 VP.
Your first three Milestone markers come from the Milestone
spaces at the bottom of the side board, from left to right. Once
you have used these three milestone markers, you will take any
additional ones from the three Milestone markers placed next to
the side board during setup. Placed Milestone markers remain the same amount. Second place is scored even if there was a tie
on the milestone track for the duration of the game. If you have for the first place.
no remaining Milestone markers when Recharging, use any 3. It is possible for you to score for both first and second place (for
suitable alternative. a total of 8 VP). Milestone markers on the “0” Achievement
The “0” Achievement space is not part of any tier or milestone space are not eligible for King’s Day Scoring.
segment on the milestone track. When you place a Milestone
marker on this space, you receive a bailout bonus of 2 Thaler and Emptying the third (last) Milestone space is one of the endgame
1 Worker. For each marker you have on the “0” Achievement conditions (see page [20]).
space, you will lose 3 VP at the end of the game.
EXAMPLE: Red placed their second Milestone marker on ‘22’
EXAMPLE: Teal recharges with 17 Achievement tokens. Even spot which caused King’s Day Scoring to happen. Since both
though they have enough tokens to place their Milestone Teal and Red are tied for first place, they both gain 6 VP.
marker in the “x5” and “x4” tiers, they already have one Second highest Milestone marker also belongs to Teal which
marker each in those tiers, so they cannot do that. Therefore means that they receive another 2 VP. Therefore for this
Teal has to place their Milestone marker in one of the lower King’s Day Scoring Teal gains 8 VP, Red gains 6 VP and
tiers. They decide to place it on the ‘9’ spot, so they will have Yellow gains 0 VP.
‘x3’ multiplier for the Milestone tile “Score for every city
(including Praha) in which you have an energized Urban
Building.” On top of that, since there is still a Nucleum in
that segment, Teal gets to place it in a power plant of their
choice, gaining the bonus.
each play one more turn. It is possible to trigger and score
RETRIEVING ACTION TILES additional endgame conditions after the end of the game has
been triggered—this has no effect on the end of the game.
Retrieve all tiles from the top of your player board (not from the Afterwards, proceed to Final Scoring.
map), and return them face up to your tile pool. These Action
tiles are now available for you to use again.
TIP: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TAKE A RECHARGE WITH 0 If a player has one or more Achievement tokens left at this
ACHIEVEMENT TOKENS; AN EXTRA WORKER AND SOME MONEY stage, they may place a Milestone marker on the Milestone
CAN SERIOUSLY BOOST YOUR EARLY GAME. track as described under “Recharge” but without triggering
any effects (King’s Day Scoring, Nucleum placement, gaining
Technologies, etc.) nor gaining any income. The limit of
1 Milestone marker per player per tier still applies.
NOTE: The last two conditions can only be met by one player
- the first to do so.
For each of your energized Buildings, score the depicted number
of VP. Energized Buildings in Praha score double.
Most Buildings indicate a flat VP amount. Government
Buildings , however, show a scoring condition indicating
a Building type (Residence, Factory, or Laboratory); for each
energized Government Building, score the indicated amount of
points for all Buildings of the shown type — including itself,
and those belonging to other players and regardless of whether
they are energized or not — that are in the same network of
yours as the Government Building in question. The player with the most VP is the winner. If there is a tie, tied
players share the victory.
(C16) Have an Urban Building (energized or not)
(C27) Have 13 Achievement tokens.
in 2 cities of different color, excluding Praha.
Gain 8 VP.
Gain 3 VP and 2 Thaler.
(C38) Have 3 Government Urban Buildings on
the map (energized or not).
Gain 6 VP and a Level 3 Technology. Score for every 2nd Urban Building tile (energized
or not) you have on the map.
(C39) Have 4 Mines on the map.
Gain 6 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
Score for every Residential Urban Building
(energized or not) you have on the map.
(C40) Have 8 Uranium cubes on the map.
Gain 6 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
Score for every Factory Urban Building
(C41) Have a total of 6 Urban Buildings, Mines, (energized or not) you have on the map.
and/or Turbines in purple cities.
Gain 7 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
Score for every Laboratory Urban Building
(C42) Have a total of 6 Urban Buildings, Mines, (energized or not) you have on the map.
and/or Turbines in orange cities.
Gain 7 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
(C43) Have a total of 6 Urban Buildings, Mines, Score for every Mine you have on the map.
and/or Turbines in green cities.
Gain 10 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
(C44) Have a total of 6 Urban Buildings, Mines, Score for every Turbine you have on the map.
and/or Turbines in white cities.
Gain 7 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
(C45) Have 4 Factory Urban Buildings on the Score for every 2nd Railway tile you placed.
map (energized or not).
Gain 5 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
Score for every city (including Praha) in which
(C46) Have 4 Laboratory Urban Buildings on the
you have an energized Urban Building.
map (energized or not).
Gain 7 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
(C47) Have 4 Residential Urban Buildings on the
map (energized or not).
Gain 6 VP and a Level 3 Technology.
2 (B5, D4) Whenever you place a Railway tile, gain 2 Thaler. Experiments B & D
(B4) Whenever you gain a Contract, also receive the reward of one
other Contract space (regardless if that additional Contract space
2 Experiment B
is empty or occupied). If the Action tile used shows , it does
not double this second reward.
(C5, D5) Immediately take a tile from the offer with an additional
2 discount of 2 Thaler, then you may perform a “Place a Railway” Experiments C & D
turn using that tile.
(A7) Urbanize actions have a discount of 2 Thaler, and ignore any
3 Experiment A
network requirement (i.e. you can build anywhere).