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Krishna Concept of Infinity English

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Krishna Concept of Infinity

Empirical Evidence 1 – Perfect

Section 1 design
Story of Newton’s Solar System
One of the five topics discussed in Bhagavad
Gita is God. This lesson is all about God – Does
God exist? Those who do agree that He exists
also say that God is great! How great is He?
That is something that very few people know.
God is infinite! Everybody knows. What is the
measure of this infiniteness? Hardly one
knows. In this lesson, we will provide some
empirical evidence to establish the existence
of God. Then the authority of holy scriptures
and holy seers will be invoked further A friend of Sir Isaac Newton came over for
substantiating the existence of God. In the dinner. His friend was an atheist while he was
process of understanding the concept of a monotheist (raised a Christian, but
infinity, we will establish how the Krishna denounced the trinity as it opposed one god).
concept of God (Infiniteness) is Absolute. They often got into debates. While Newton
These topics will be dealt with in this lesson
was preparing dinner, his friend noticed an
based on the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.
extraordinary model of the solar system Isaac
had in his library book shelf. His friend was
Does God exist? amazed and asked him who made it and where
Whether God exists or not is a fundamental it came from. Sir Isaac Newton responded
question facing mankind today. What was coyly that nobody had made it and that it just
accepted commonly as a fact in bygone ages is happened to appear. His friend, confused and
now being increasingly questioned. In the irritated, retorted, “You must think I am a fool!
following presentation we will discuss some of Of course somebody made it, and he is a
the logical reasons proving the existence of genius.” Newton then spoke to his friend in a
God. polite yet firm way: “This thing is but a puny
imitation of a much grander system whose
laws you know, and I am not able to convince
you that this mere toy is without a designer or
maker; yet you profess to believe that the
great original from which the design is taken
has come into being without either designer or
maker! Now tell me by what sort of reasoning
do you reach such an incongruous
The Precision of the Solar System cognitive function of a human brain is far
The solar system itself is a perfect example of beyond the abilities of present day
amazing order and design. The movements of supercomputers. We do not have a machine
planets around the sun in their distinct orbits that can properly understand language.
are so precise that we can even set our watch
against these movements. Earth is located at a
right distance from the sun as shown in the
Figure. If it were to move a little closer, earthly
life forms would get extinct because of high
temperature, and if the earth were to go a
little away from the sun, again these forms
would not survive because of freezing
temperature. Given this delicate yet persistent
equilibrium, how can we deny the existence of
a designer and assembler behind the universe? A small boy can learn to understand a few
languages but no machine is capable of this.
Similarly, the eye has the ability to
discriminate millions of colors. The
combination of three primary colors – Red,
Green and Yellow – can provide millions of
color shades and the eyes have the power to
differentiate them. There must be a creator
who has created all these wonderful things.

The E. coli bacterium: A Classic

Everything in this universe is perfectly Case of Perfect Complex Design
designed. Let us examine in this section some E. coli is a common flagellate bacterium.
facts around us that can help us keenly Flagellum is a thin filament that rotates and
observe some distinct patterns. helps the bacteria in moving. The scientists are
astounded by the immense complexity of this
The Complex Living Body
simple structure of a common bacterium.
Every living body starts with a single cell. That
single cell multiplies and gives rise to gigantic Flagellum is driven by a reversible rotary
bodies like elephant, whale, humans, etc. and motor located at its base. It is powered by an
also to tiny insects and microbes. Every organ
of our body is very intricate and more complex
than a computer. If a computer cannot come
about by some random event (chance factor),
how can a living body, which is a perfect
working assembly of complex organs, come by
Similarly, the human brain processes
information at a speed that cannot be
simulated by the best of supercomputers. The
ion flux. The motor is about 45 nm in diameter microbes in the soil that eat the soil, and make
and is assembled from about 20 different kinds it porous. If we provide for their fast growth
of parts. When the motor at the base of then they help us to make the land light and
flagella rotates at a very high speed, it causes fertile. The plants in turn grow better when the
bacteria to swim in the water. Even a single soil becomes light and fertile naturally as they
cellular organism is so complex in its design. If can now consume the elements of the soil
you look at the research community, there are better. Thus we see that there is everything in
thousands of people doing PhDs to understand nature designed perfectly to co-exist. Also
this nano-motor. So if E. coli bacteria motor is cows eat grass and give us milk. We drink milk
so complex what to speak of other living and if we take care of cows a perfect symbiotic
beings from reptiles to birds to animals to relationship is harnessed – A perfect design!
human beings.
Everything in nature inspires us because of the
The Self- Restrained Water perfect design. When we observe the wonders
Bodies of creation around us closely, then there is
hardly a chance to miss the beauty and
aesthetics of perfect design at all levels

Empirical Evidence 2–Perfect

“I can do that better than the robot”
Once there was a young scientist who received
a national award in robotic science. The
institute where he studied proudly announced
a display of his work. Many came
Water must continuously flow to remain to see the genius and his robots.
unpolluted. Good flow of water in rivers keeps One robot which especially
it in pure condition. Similarly, the vast body attracted everybody’s attention
that supplies water is the ocean. The moon is was designed to walk and pick a
at a perfect distance from the Earth and it ball that was kept 6 feet away.
creates important ocean tides and movements Seeing this and seeing all the
so that the ocean waters do not stagnate and people who were in awe, a little
this water is always in motion because of the girl screamed “But I can do this much faster
moon’s gravitational pull. But the pull is only and better than the robot!”
so much that there are tides in it, had it been
Perfect design in nature also implies a perfect
little more, it would have inundated the land.
order. And this in turn also means a perfect
Thus the massive oceans are restrained from
controller who not only designs complex
spilling over across the continents. What a
orders but also controls them. We may design
perfect design!
many complicated robots but God has
Natural Symbiotic Living Order designed us and unlimited other creatures that
When we observe in nature we see that there are astounding in their complexity and
is a harmonious symbiotic relationship functions
between different living entities. There are
In this section we will discuss how there is everything that is needed for survival is
perfect order maintained in nature through fulfilled by nature. The sunlight and moonlight
certain unchangeable laws, physical and that are so essential for our maintenance and
natural and thus come to the conclusion that sustenance are also given to us by Mother
that expert designer and controller must be Nature. Most importantly, every living entity,
God. from insects to humans, is given parents, who
have a natural instinct to go at lengths caring
Physical Laws
for their offspring. This instinct and other sorts
Law of Gravity: Most of the observable of intelligence are also given to us.
phenomena we see around us are governed by How far can one go to protect one’s offspring?
definite laws. For example, the acceleration
due to gravity, g has a definite value of 9.8
m/s2. This acceleration due to gravity does not
change with time for a specific location.

Speed of Light: The speed of light does not

change in a given medium. In Rig Veda there is
a mantra for Sun God and it says, sun rays
travel at the speed 2202 yojanas in half a

The Female Octopus: A Touching Story of Motherly


Can we starve ourselves to death in order to

protect our babies? The Giant Pacific female
octopus does just that. She lays her eggs in
nimisha. Yojana and nimisha are ancient units thousands and divides them into different
of length. Calculations give the speed of light groups based on size, shape and likeliness of
as 189547 miles per second. This is given in Rig survival. She then dedicates the next two
Veda which is thousands of years of old months of her life in protecting them from
literature. predators and ensuring they get enough
oxygen supply by constantly pushing water
The modern estimate of the speed of light is
current towards them. She is so busy keeping
186281 miles per second. Earth spins in 24 hours
them alive that she doesn’t have time to feed
causing day and night. It perfectly follows the
herself. Once the eggs hatch, Pacific female
order of rotation and revolution. Even a slight
octopus is totally exhausted and in a matter of
change in this order will create catastrophe in the
minutes, dies.
climatic condition. Such a perfect order we have
in nature. It is evident that an invisible hand always
guides us, particularly in difficult times. All
Empirical Evidence 3 – arrangements have been made for our survival
Maintainer here. It is not that we were thrown in some
In nature everything is provided to us. Water kind of isolated place and that we have to start
to drink, air to breathe, food to eat and
everything from scratch. This again signifies
towards an intelligent universal maintainer.

Empirical Evidence 4 - The Law

of Karma

these laws. But sometimes we are cognizant

and reflect on them.
One might surely question after reading the Fill in the blanks
above section that though much of what we 1. The Solar System is a perfect example
need is provided by in nature itself, why is the
of amazing __________and
world full of disparities? Some are rich, some
are poor. Some are born healthy some drag
2. Even the E coli bacterium has a
with sickness. Bad people seem to flourish.
___________________ design.
Good people seem to suffer. Without
committing any apparent mistake I seem to be 3. Only because the moon is at a perfect
suffering. distance from Earth, huge water bodies
Why is it so? This brings us to the law of Karma 4. If we take care of cows that eat grass
that is summed up in the adage - “As you sow,
and give milk then we are a part of the
so shall you reap”.
natural ______________________
Not just in terms of reactions, but we also see order.
the Law of Karma at work in terms of 5. Seeing the perfect design and perfect
inspiration that comes from within. You will order in nature, we can come to the
see that all of our scientific discoveries, artistic
conclusion that there must be a perfect
discoveries etc. happen because of sudden
designer and that must be
inspiration. If that inspiration is not there, you
will not be functional. Some inspiration must
Read the following statements and explain
come from within.
them briefly
And sometimes this inspiration is so profound
1. Environmental pollution is a result of
that it impacts generations. It impacts the going against the Laws of nature.
nation, it impacts the world. And whatever 2. We have been provided with
may happen, finally you can see always virtue everything in nature and that includes
wins and evil is defeated in the long run. For a set of parents who care for
example, it appeared like Hitler had been us.Sometime bad things can happen to
conquering the world but ultimately he was good people.
vanquished. There is the law of karma and the 3. Enumerate empirical evidence with
law of nature. Many times we can experience examples, as per your understanding
that reveals God’s existence. bonafide holy books are there to let us know
God. These holy books are NOT man-made.
These books descend to this world through
Section 2 divine revelations. Thus God reveals Himself
through scriptures.
Seers of Truth
God Does Exist: What Next?
The sages who have seen the Truth reveal the
In the previous section we have provided all same Truth unto the other seekers who are
the empirical evidence that help us sincere and faithful. Adi Sankaracharya, Sri
understand that there must be God. However, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Prophet Mohammad,
accepting the existence of God alone does not Jesus, Arjuna, Bhisma deva, Vyasadeva and
help us understand the details about God.
Where is He? What does He do? What is the
purpose of the universe? These questions
cannot be answered through empirical
evidence. What is then the method to know
God? Divine revelation is the ONLY way. Srila
Prabhupada gives a very apt analogy in this
regard. How does one know about his father? Srila Narada are some of the seers who have
The ONLY authority is one’s mother. Just as a guided humanity towards God Consciousness.
mother alone can reveal the identity of the These seers of Truth left behind many
father, the process of divine revelation alone literatures such as vedas, Mahabharata,
can help us understand or know God as He is. Puranas, and Narada Bhakti Sutra for our

Incarnations of God
Supreme Lord Krishna appears time and again
in this world in His many beautiful incarnations
as Lord Rama, Lord Nrsimha, Lord Varaha,
Parasurama, and Lord Buddha to endear
humanity towards Him. His places of
appearance such as Vrindavana, Ayodhya,
Jagannatha Puri, Kurma Kshetra, Varaha
Kshetra, and Tirumala etc. reminds us about
His divine activities and pastimes. These places
Divine Revelation
are like transcendental touchstones that
Divine revelation is the process by which impregnate the hearts of devotees with
things become self evident. This may occur in devotion for the Lord.
four different ways:
Self-Realization – Ultimate Divine
The Holy Books
God is revealed through Holy books. Bhagavad We may have all the empirical evidence and
Gita, Vedas, Bible, Koran, Srimad Bhagavatam, the various sources of divine revelation may
Ramayana, Guru Grantha Sahib and other also facilitate. Yet, is it possible to see God face
to face? This enquiry leads us to the ultimate free from unnatural pride that might have
realization. arisen from his good education, riches, beauty,
aristocracy and so on. He was not agitated
You need a special eye. You need special
when put into danger, and he was neither
qualifications. You should be able to see God
directly nor indirectly interested in the fruitive
using your transcendental senses – not by
activities described in the Vedas. Indeed, he
physical senses. Using your divine eye, using
considered everything material to be useless,
your divine ears, using your divine touch you
and therefore he was completely devoid of
should be able to experience God. You should
material desires. He always controlled his
be able to see Him directly. But how is it
senses and life air, and being of steady
intelligence and determination, he subdued all
We need to acquire this qualification and that lusty desires.
is explained clearly in Chapter 12 of Bhagavad
Gita. Chapter 12 enumerates spiritual qualities
of those who seek Krishna. A seeker of Truth,
when engages himself in the loving devotional
service of the Lord, becomes blessed.
Ultimately, it is the divine grace of Sri Guru and
Krishna that enables a seeker with
qualification to see Krishna face to face - as a
direct perception.

How a five year old boy, Prahlad, could

feel and see God face to face:
Prahlad was a five year old little boy who was Because of being fully absorbed in thoughts of
born in the family of demons. His father was an Lord Krishna, Prahlad felt oneness with the
atheistic king with extraordinary powers. In Lord. In this way he could sometimes feel the
the Srimad Bhagavatam, his qualities are touch of the Lord’s lotus hands. It is described
described as follows: that because of his highly advanced
consciousness, Prahlad could see the Lord and
“He was completely cultured as a qualified
cry out, sing and dance in ecstasy.
brāhmaṇa, having very good character and
being determined to understand the Absolute Krishna Concept of God
Truth. He had full control of his senses and In the previous sections, we saw how God
mind. Like the Supersoul, he was kind to every indeed exists and how His greatness is
living entity and was the best friend of confirmed through divine scriptures, divine
everyone. To respectable persons he acted seers, His incarnations or Avatars and also
exactly like a menial servant, to the poor he through direct perception. In this section we
was like a father, to his equals he was attached will focus on the Krishna concept of God. There
like a sympathetic brother, and he considered are various concepts of the Absolute Truth -
his teachers, spiritual masters and older but Krishna concept is the supreme. We will
Godbrothers to be as good as the Supreme attempt at understanding how Krishna is truly
Personality of Godhead. He was completely

infinite and the original infinity, from where different for different persons as per their view
other ideas of infinity emerge. of this Universe.
On Infinity Scientists, in general, are interested in
There are varieties of concepts of infinity. For mathematical or physical concepts that can be
example, if you go and walk along the bank of realized in the real world using the laws of
the ocean and when you see the sand finites. Since infinity as an entity is not
particles, they appear to be infinite. Then you accessible in their domain, the subject has
hardly any relevance to them. It is important
to point out some of the popular misuses of
this term in scientific literature. For example,
many would consider the following
mathematical entities to be correct:
=0 (1);

(𝑙𝑖𝑚)┬(𝑥 → 0) 1/𝑥 = ∞ (2)
In equation (1), ∞ is not a natural number. By
feel the vastness of the ocean - you have definition, if 𝑛 is a natural number, then 𝑛 + 1
another experience of the infinity. You ponder is also a natural number which is not true at
over the limitless sky - then you have another the infinity. Hence the division operation as
idea of that infinity. Someone, (say a physicist) given in (1) is not mathematically valid unless
who has dedicated his whole life on one assumes that the infinity is a very large
contemplating on the gigantic nature of this natural number.
Universe, will have another understanding of
Equation (2) is often used in mathematics as
this infinity. A mathematician will encounter
well as in other scientific disciplines, and is
this concept of infinity from another angle.
accepted as a valid operation. However, a
What is an Infinity? careful examination of this operation will lead
us to understand that the right hand side is
1099999 and 99999! are very big natural
simply a very large natural number, but not the
numbers, but not infinity. Sometimes one may
actual infinity. Here, our argument is that
assume that the number of sand particles in operations involving infinity are not amenable
the entire earth planet may tend to be infinite, to current mathematical operations. In other
but a scientist very well knows that the total words, mathematical operations within finite
number of sand particles is a finite quantity domain cannot generate infinity.
just as the number of molecules that this earth
consists of.
In the pre-Cantor era (Prior to 1850 AD),
Let’s ask this question: is the number of mathematicians looked at infinity as potential
photons emitted by all luminaries within this but not actual. It was accepted that infinity is
Universe infinite? Then one would wonder if simply a very big large number [Gauss 1831].
this Universe has a closed boundary or open Interestingly, Georg Cantor figured out infinity
as an actual mathematical object, and not just
boundary. Thus the answer will remain
a very large number.
Consider a set of natural numbers {N = 1, 2, 3, readers will be able to see that at the level of
4, …..}. This sequence is potentially infinite as infinity, the super set (set of natural numbers)
every natural number has a successor even and subsets such as the sets of odd numbers,
after many enumerations as the process of perfect squares, primes and so on are all of
enumeration can only remain finite. Consider same size.
a set of integers as I = {…. ,−3, −2, ,−1, 0, 1, 2, Let’s consider the set of rationals, which is far
3, 4, ….}. This set can also be written as I = {0, dense, compared to the natural numbers. It is
1, ,−1, 2, −2, 3, ;−3, ….}. Once one looks at the known that between any two rationals,
set as a whole, then the set becomes actual however close they may be, we can find
infinity. Cantor thus argued that there exists a another rational number. Still, Cantor showed
full-fledged mathematical object that is infinity that the set rationals is of the same size as that
using set theoretic approach and of the set of natural numbers, and is countably
demonstrated that this object does not follow
the mathematical laws observable at the finite
scales. His argument for the existence of such
an object was supported by the well proven
existence of irrational numbers like√2 and 𝜋.
If one does not accept the existence of infinity
as a real mathematical object, then these
irrational numbers will cease to exist.
Consider a set of natural numbers as shown in
Figure 1. If one takes out the set of even
natural numbers, what remains is the set of
odd natural numbers. One can notice that that infinite. The set of rational numbers is shown
which is subtracted, that which is the net result in the Figure.
as well as the original set are all infinite. Readers can see that every sequence both in
rows and columns is an infinite set. However,
by indexing the rationals along the arrows as
shown in this Figure (first horizontal
movement, then diagonal movement
Given one set of natural numbers, one comes downward, then vertical downward
across three different infinite sets as shown in movement, then horizontal movement and
the Figure. Interestingly, Cantor found a then diagonal upward movement and repeat),
method to compare these sets using the starting from the origin, and skipping the
principle of one-to-one correspondence. For repeated entries, one will be able to generate
example, the sets {A, B, C} and {1, 2, 3} have the sequence of natural numbers N = {1, 2, 3,
the same size because we can form a one-to- 4, …..}. This implies that even a set of rational
one pairing as {A,1}, {B,2} and {C,3}. numbers is also countably infinite as that of
Using the above argument one can establish the set of natural numbers. This discovery
one to one correspondence between the set of made Cantor to say:
Natural numbers and the set of even numbers
“ I see it but I can’t believe it.”
as shown in Figure 2. Using these principles,
Cantor made many other discoveries regarding gigantic cosmos. Thus it is imperative that the
infinity, but the interesting feature of his process of understanding the natural
discovery is that at infinity, the whole is not phenomenon is not to control it but to be
greater than the part. The infinite does not aware of the infinite beauty of the infinity
follow the same laws as the finite numbers do. through His creations.
Infinity in Vedanta Krishna - The Original Infinity
Vedanta talks about infinity - the Absolute Every sense of our infinity concept is just a
Infinity - in many ways. For example, the reflection of the original Infinity - Lord Krishna.
nature of the infinity is spoken in one of the He says so in Bhagavad Gita 7.7:
Upanisads known as Sri Isopanisad as an
mattaḥ parataraḿ nānyat
invocation mantra:
kiñcid asti dhanañjaya
oḿ pūrṇam adaḥ pūrṇam idaḿ mayi sarvam idaḿ protaḿ
pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate sūtre maṇi-gaṇā iva
pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya Translation: “O conqueror of wealth, there is
pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon
Translation: “The Personality of Godhead is Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.”
perfect and complete, and because He is
completely perfect, all emanations from Him, Any faithful person who approaches Bhagavad
such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly Gita accepts Lord Krishna as the Absolute
equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is Truth. He is the greatest. How great is our Lord
produced of the Complete Whole is also Krishna?
complete in itself. Because He is the Complete In Bhagavad Gita 10.2 Krishna Himself says:
Whole, even though so many complete units
emanate from Him, He remains the complete na me viduḥ sura-gaṇāḥ
balance.” prabhavaḿ na maharṣayaḥ
aham ādir hi devānāḿ
This explanation is quite remarkable as we can
maharṣīṇāḿ ca sarvaśaḥ
observe that infinity is hidden even within His
Translation: “Neither the hosts of demigods
creation that makes this world to be self-
nor the great sages know My origin or
organized. Simultaneously, the infinite
opulences, for, in every respect, I am the
remains the same even after infinite
source of the demigods and sages.”
emanations come out of Him. Consider the
example of the original cell that comes into Thus Krishna is saying that nobody can
being by the combination of the half the understand Him. Because if you can
mother cell and half the father cell. This cell understand God it implies that you become
has all information hidden within it that makes superior to God, by simple logic. That is why He
it grow through the process of cell division to (Lord Krishna) is saying that neither the hosts
become a very complex biological body of demigods, nor the great sages (rishis) know
consisting of hair, nails, skin, nerve cells and so Krishna’s origin or Krishna’s opulence, for in
forth. Even after years of research and every respect Krishna is the source of all of
endeavors, life-science researchers are unable them (both demigods and sages). So Krishna
to comprehend a single cell. Rather, the concept of infinity is the ultimate concept of
mystery of a cell remains as complex as the infinity. There is no bigger concept than that.
He is the Absolute Truth. He further confirms universe and causal principle of universal
this in Bhagavad Gita 10.8: ingredients that make up this Universe.
ahaḿ sarvasya prabhavo
mattaḥ sarvaḿ pravartate
iti matvā bhajante māḿ
budhā bhāva-samanvitāḥ
Translation: “I am the source of all spiritual
and material worlds. Everything emanates
from Me. The wise who perfectly know this
engage in My devotional service and worship
Me with all their hearts.”
That means Krishna is wholly and solely the
source of everything that exists.
After hearing Lord Krishna, Arjuna made a
pertinent statement regarding the Absolute
Position of Lord Krishna as the ultimate form
of Infinity - the Absolute Truth in Bhagavad
Gita 10.12-13
arjuna uvāca
paraḿ brahma paraḿ dhāma
pavitraḿ paramaḿ bhavān
puruṣaḿ śāśvataḿ divyam
ādi-devam ajaḿ vibhum

This is the definition of infinity. Here Krishna āhus tvām ṛṣayaḥ sarve
says - aham sarvasya prabhavo - He is the devarṣir nāradas tathā
ultimate source of everything that exists. You asito devalo vyāsaḥ
can see in Figure, Krishna as Mahavishnu lying
svayaḿ caiva bravīṣi me
in the Karanodaka Ocean and from every pore
of His body comes out one seed of the universe Translation: “Arjuna said: You are the
and it grows to become gigantic in size. Krishna Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate
says that He is the source of all spiritual and abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth. You are
material worlds. the eternal, transcendental, original person,
the unborn and the greatest. All the great
Everything emanates from Him. Lord Krishna sages such as Nārada, Asita, Devala and Vyāsa
not only conceptualizes each of these confirm this truth about You, and now You
Universes, but also He alone supplies all Yourself are declaring it to me.
ingredients (upadana) to give shape and
Upon being requested by Arjuna, Lord Krishna
structure to these universes. He is
further elaborates His multifarious energy by
simultaneously the efficient cause in terms of
which He pervades His entire creation. This
conceptual construct and purpose of this
knowledge would help us to remember

Krishna always: Krishna says in the 10th inconceivable nature of Lord Krishna:
chapter, “I am the Supersoul, O Arjuna, seated Bhagavad Gita 11.12, 11.16.
in the hearts of all living entities. I am the divi sūrya-sahasrasya
beginning, the middle and the end of all bhaved yugapad utthitā
beings.” He further says, “Among the Ādityas yadi bhāḥ sadṛśī sā syād
He is Viṣṇu, among the luminaries He is the bhāsas tasya mahātmanaḥ
radiant Sun, among the stars He is moon, Translation: “If hundreds of thousands of suns
among the Vedas He is Sama Veda, among the were to rise at once into the sky, their radiance
demigods He is Indra, among the Rudras He is might resemble the effulgence of the Supreme
Lord shiva, among the priests He is Brihaspati, Person in that universal form.
and among the mountains He is Meru. He is
the Supersoul situated in every spiritual and aneka-bāhūdara-vaktra-netraṁ
material atom. He is the ability of men.” After paśyāmi tvāṁ sarvato ’nanta-rūpam
such narrations, He unequivocally declares in nāntaṁ na madhyaṁ na punas tavādiṁ
Bhagavad Gita 10.42: paśyāmi viśveśvara viśva-rūpa
atha vā bahunaitena Translation: “O Lord of the universe, O
kiḿ jñātena tavārjuna universal form, I see in Your body many, many
viṣṭabhyāham idaḿ kṛtsnam arms, bellies, mouths and eyes, expanded
everywhere, without limit. I see in You no end,
ekāḿśena sthito jagat
no middle and no beginning.”
Translation: “But what need is there, Arjuna,
for all this detailed knowledge? With a single It is very clear that Infinity has no end and no
fragment of Myself I pervade and support this beginning. Infinity must be beyond
entire universe.” mathematical constructs like openness or
closed, bounded or unbounded. For example,
By His mere will, Lord Krishna manifests a house is a finite object, hence we can define
millions of Universes effortlessly. This is His the inside and outside of the house. But for
Absolute Infinite nature where any so called infinite, there cannot be any inside or outside,
wondrous activity is just like raising eye-brows. as we can see in the following incident
Krishna effortlessly creates, sustains and described in Srimad Bhagavatam.
maintains every aspect of all Universes. It is
not that He has to work very hard to do this. Once, mother Yashoda looks into the mouth of
God doesn’t have to take any stress for Krishna (the Absolute Infinite) as she wanted
maintaining and sustaining His creation. That’s to verify if Lord Krishna has eaten mud. At this
why Lord Krishna is advising Arjuna that this time He is less than 3 year old.
detailed knowledge of Him in terms of His “When Kṛṣṇa opened His mouth wide by the
opulence will not help anyone to comprehend order of mother Yaśodā, she saw within His
Krishna - The Infinity. mouth all moving and nonmoving entities,
Upon requested by Arjuna, Lord Krishna outer space, and all directions, along with
showed His Universal form - the way He mountains, islands, oceans, the surface of the
pervades this entire creation. We will just cite earth, the blowing wind, fire, the moon and
two verses that are sufficient to recognize the the stars. She saw the planetary systems,

water, light, air, sky, and creation by
transformation of ahaṅkāra. She also saw the
senses, the mind, sense perception, and the
three qualities, goodness, passion and
ignorance. She saw the time allotted for the
living entities, she saw natural instinct and the
reactions of karma, and she saw desires and
different varieties of bodies, moving and
nonmoving. Seeing all these aspects of the
cosmic manifestation, along with herself and
Vṛndāvana-dhāma, she became doubtful and
fearful of her son’s nature.” (Srimad
Bhagavatam 10.8.37-39)
Is it not inconceivable to see that Mother
Yashoda sees herself within the mouth of her
son? She is simultaneously inside and outside
of Krishna.

CONCLUSION: At the Infinity

This human life is very precious. The beauty of
this human life is that ONLY in the body of a
human we can understand God. Animals do
not discuss the subject matter of God. Lord
Krishna is that Absolute Truth which includes
every possible concept of God. Let's use this
human life to understand this Krishna concept
of infinity. Seers have described Him in
thousands of ways as if having thousands of
mouths. It requires the grace of Krishna to
appreciate Him and in the process, our
consciousness transcends from imperfection
After Lord Krishna married the 16000 to perfection. In that transcendental
princesses in Dwaraka, sage Narada once consciousness, that infinity (Krishna) reveals
decided to visit Dwarka and see how the Lord Himself with all His grandeur as well as
was maintaining all His wives. To his
compassion. Such revelations have been made
astonishment, he saw that Lord Krishna by various saints from various traditions like
expanded Himself into sixteen thousand forms Suradas, Meera, Purandar, Tygaraj,
and entered into each of the sixteen thousand
Ramanujacharya, Madhvacharya, Chaitanya
palaces! He was seen in each of the palace with Dev and many others. These descriptions are
a different engagement. This incident like sand particles in the sand-bank along the
beautifully illustrates the wondrous opulence sea-beach kept for the benefit of all jivas
of Krishna that we discussed above.
(mortals) who inhabit this world.

As Lord Brahma prays in Srimad Bhagavatam God - Lord Krishna - pervades through His
10.14.7: creation, thus every aspect of creation will
remain elusive in spite of our best efforts. His
“In time, learned philosophers or scientists
footprints (infiniteness - inconceivability -
might be able to count all the atoms of the
indescribability) are imprinted in every aspect
earth, the particles of snow, or perhaps even
of His creation.
the shining molecules radiating from the sun,
the stars and other luminaries. But among Only those who are freed from the curtain of
these learned men, who could possibly count
the unlimited transcendental qualities
possessed by You, Lord Krishna, the Supreme
Person, who have descended onto the surface
of the earth for the benefit of all living
Lord Brahma is a great authority and he is
accepting the Krishna concept of Infinity as the
Absolute Truth. Such truth cannot be
ascertained by using finite logic. In this lesson,
we learned the ineffectiveness of arithmetic
laws on the infinite as against on the finite His illusory energy can perceive that Lord
domain, illustrated by the great Krishna is indeed the ultimate form of Infinity.
mathematician, Cantor. As in the words of Story of the Brahmin and the cobbler:
Lord Brahma, Krishna concept of infinity
There is an instructive story wherein the
overwhelms a person who is a seeker of Truth.
transcendental space sage Narada was passing
Not only, infiniteness of Lord Krishna is
to go to Vaikuntha, and on the way a very
inconceivable as observed by Lord Brahma and
learned scholar met him, and enquired from
Arjuna, His creation also manifests this
him where he was going. When Narada replied
inconceivability and indescribability.
that he was going to Vaikuntha to see Lord
We describe the world because the world is Narayana, the Brahmin requested him to ask
indescribable. That is why from poets to Lord Narayana when he would be liberated.
scientists to philosophers from the time of Sage Narada agreed and proceeded on his way
yore have been trying to describe various when he met a cobbler who also presented the
aspects of this world. In spite of all these same request to him As promised, Narada
efforts inquired from the Lord about both the
Brahmin and the cobbler to which Lord
● An atom has not yet been properly
Narayana said, “The cobbler will be liberated
● A biological cell has also not been in this life, and that Brahmin will take many
properly described. births”. Sage Narada was astonished and asked
● So also the cosmos…. the lord why and how a brahmin who was
● So also the consciousness regularly chanting prayers and performing
● The more one tries to understand the rituals would take many births to be liberated
more it becomes elusive. while a simple cobbler would be liberated after
the same birth.
Lord Narayana then gave him one needle and Infinity. Although one lives in this world, no
said to the puzzled sage, “When they enquire event in this world, including death can create
what Narayana was doing, tell them that fear within him as he has already taken shelter
Narayana was pulling an elephant through the of the lotus feet of his Master in love. The
eye of this needle”. mundane logic does not disturb him as he
knows that the Lord Infinite is beyond such
Thus when sage Narada returned, the Brahmin
mundane logic that follows the laws at the
offered his obeisances to the sage and Lord
finite level.
Narayana and enquired from him about what
the Lord was doing when Narada met Him. Although, infinite always will remain
When he heard the sage’s reply, the Brahmin inconceivable for the jiva, his consciousness
scoffed and refused to believe what Narda said becomes pure at the Infinity. He thus sees Him
accusing him of not ever having met the Lord everywhere and thus lives a life of fearlessness
at all. When it was the cobbler’s turn to meet without causing any harm to anybody, yet
the great sage and hear his reply, the cobbler remains very sensitive to other’s sufferings.
began weeping in great admiration for the
Narada was amazed at his conviction and Q1. Choose the correct word from the
enquired the basis of his faith. The Brahmin brackets:
said, “Oh, my Narayana is so powerful that He 1. Knowledge of God is factually obtained
can do everything. This banyan tree under through (sense perception/divine
which I am sitting bears many small figs, which revelation).
in turn have many tiny seeds. In each of this 2. Holy books like the Bhagavad-Gita are
tiny seed there is a huge banyan tree and if
written by (intelligent men/Lord
Lord Narayana can keep hundreds of banyan
trees within each fig fruit, why is it surprising
3. Krishna is the source of everything
that He can pull an elephant through the eye
(material/ spiritual/material and
of a needle!”
Thus the faith of the cobbler was not blind but 4. The Universal form of Krishna is infinite
he presented proof of the practical potency because (it has no end/it has no
and power of the Lord. And it is this faith in beginning, middle or end).
Vedic knowledge that will help one transcend
5. Absolute truth can be understood
the conscious plane.
through (finite logic/ surrendering to
Although Lord is infinite, the experience of His the Lord).
Grace and His magnanimity makes a sincere Q2. Answer the following Questions:
soul to attain true humility. Thus he surrenders
to Lord Krishna and acts as His instrument 1. Knowledge of God is factually obtained
through divine revelation. Why? What
voluntarily. The conscious plane gets
are the sources of these revelations?
transcended where the seeker sees his Master
2. What analogy does Srila Prabhupada
as his best friend. The beauty of the Truth give while advocating that the subject
overwhelms his scientific knowledge of the matter related to God can be
Infinite where he feels no fear from the ascertained through divine
revelations? Vedic knowledge and who disseminated Vedic
3. What are the laws of infinites? knowledge in the past.” Then again the
4. The world remains elusive no matter Nārāyaṇa Upaniṣad (1) says, atha puruṣo ha vai
how hard we may try to describe it. nārāyaṇo ’kāmayata prajāḥ sṛjeyeti: “Then the
Explain. Supreme Personality Nārāyaṇa desired to
5. God effortlessly sustains and maintains create living entities.” The Upaniṣad
all of creation. Quote the verse of the
continues, nārāyaṇād brahmā jāyate,
Bhagavad Gita where Lord confirms the
nārāyaṇād prajāpatiḥ prajāyate, nārāyaṇād
above statement.
6. How does Bhagavad Gita inform us indro jāyate, nārāyaṇād aṣṭau vasavo jāyante,
about the Krishna concept of infinity? nārāyaṇād ekādaśa rudrā jāyante, nārāyaṇād
7. Explain Krishna concept of infinity dvādaśādityāḥ: “From Nārāyaṇa, Brahmā is
through the event of mother Yasoda born, and from Nārāyaṇa the patriarchs are
looking into Krishna’s mouth. also born. From Nārāyaṇa, Indra is born, from
8. Absolute truth is never exhaustible. Nārāyaṇa the eight Vasus are born, from
Explain? Nārāyaṇa the eleven Rudras are born, from
9. Why is there scarcity in this world even Nārāyaṇa the twelve Ādityas are born.” This
if Krishna is infinite? Nārāyaṇa is an expansion of Kṛṣṇa.
10. How does Lord Brahma explain Krishna
concept of infinity? It is said in the same Vedas, brahmaṇyo devakī-
11. Quote verses from Bhagavad Gita that putraḥ: “The son of Devakī, Kṛṣṇa, is the
establishes that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality.” (Nārāyaṇa Upaniṣad 4)
Absolute Truth. Then it is said, eko vai nārāyaṇa āsīn na
Memorize following verses from Bhagavad brahmā neśāno nāpo nāgni-somau neme dyāv-
Gita (7.7, 10.2, 10.8, 11.12, 11.16). āpṛthivī na nakṣatrāṇi na sūryaḥ: “In the
beginning of the creation there was only the
Q3. The Bhaktivedanta Purport to BG 10.8
Supreme Personality Nārāyaṇa. There was no
is provided below. Please read this purport
Brahmā, no Śiva, no water, no fire, no moon,
carefully and answer questions.
no heaven and earth, no stars in the sky, no
A learned scholar who has studied the Vedas sun.” (Mahā Upaniṣad 1.2) In the Mahā
perfectly and has information from authorities Upaniṣad it is also said that Lord Śiva was born
like Lord Caitanya and who knows how to from the forehead of the Supreme Lord. Thus
apply these teachings can understand that the Vedas say that it is the Supreme Lord, the
Kṛṣṇa is the origin of everything in both the creator of Brahmā and Śiva, who is to be
material and spiritual worlds, and because he worshiped.
knows this perfectly he becomes firmly fixed in In the Mokṣa-dharma section of the
the devotional service of the Supreme Lord. He Mahābhārata, Kṛṣṇa also says,
can never be deviated by any amount of
nonsensical commentaries or by fools. All prajāpatiṁ ca rudraṁ cāpy
Vedic literature agrees that Kṛṣṇa is the source aham eva sṛjāmi vai
of Brahmā, Śiva and all other demigods. In the tau hi māṁ na vijānīto
Atharva Veda (Gopāla-tāpanī Upaniṣad 1.24) it mama māyā-vimohitau
is said, yo brahmāṇaṁ vidadhāti pūrvaṁ yo vai Translation: “The patriarchs, Śiva and others
vedāṁś ca gāpayati sma kṛṣṇaḥ: “It was Kṛṣṇa are created by Me, though they do not know
who in the beginning instructed Brahmā in that they are created by Me because they are
deluded by My illusory energy.” In the Varāha
Purāṇa it is also said,
nārāyaṇaḥ paro devas
tasmāj jātaś caturmukhaḥ
tasmād rudro ’bhavad devaḥ
sa ca sarva-jñatāṁ gataḥ
Translation:“Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, and from Him Brahmā
was born, from whom Śiva was born.”
Lord Kṛṣṇa is the source of all generations, and
He is called the most efficient cause of
everything. He says, “Because everything is
born of Me, I am the original source of all.
Everything is under Me; no one is above Me.”
There is no supreme controller other than
Kṛṣṇa. One who understands Kṛṣṇa in such a
way from a bona fide spiritual master, with
references from Vedic literature, engages all
his energy in Kṛṣṇa consciousness and
becomes a truly learned man. In comparison to
him, all others, who do not know Kṛṣṇa
properly, are but fools. Only a fool would
consider Kṛṣṇa to be an ordinary man. A Kṛṣṇa
conscious person should not be bewildered by
fools; he should avoid all unauthorized
commentaries and interpretations on
Bhagavad-gītā and proceed in Kṛṣṇa
consciousness with determination and
1. Enumerate all scriptural references
besides Bhagavad Gita that Lord
Krishna is indeed the Absolute Truth.
2. How can you learn about Lord Krishna
3. Who is a fool?
4. Indians do not differentiate among
different demigods (devatas). They
also club Lord Krishna in that category.
Is this understanding correct? How do
you explain to such people that Lord
Krishna indeed is the Absolute Truth.


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