Interactive System
Interactive System
Interactive System
0 0 3
1 2 5
2 4 4
3 6 1
4 8 2
At time 0, The Process P0 arrives with the CPU burst time of 3 units. Since it is the only process
arrived till now hence this will get scheduled immediately.
P0 is executed for 3 units, meanwhile, only one process P1 arrives at time 3. This will get
scheduled immediately since the OS doesn't have a choice.
P1 is executed for 5 units. Meanwhile, all the processes get available. We have to calculate the
Response Ratio for all the remaining jobs.
RR (P2) = ((8-4) +4)/4 = 2
RR (P3) = (2+1)/1 = 3
RR (P4) = (0+2)/2 = 1
Since, the Response ratio of P3 is higher hence P3 will be scheduled first.
P3 is scheduled for 1 unit. The next available processes are P2 and P4. Let's calculate their
Response ratio.
RR ( P2) = (5+4)/4 = 2.25
RR (P4) = (1+2)/2 = 1.5
The response ratio of P2 is higher hence P2 will be scheduled.
Now, the only available process is P4 with the burst time of 2 units, since there is no other
process available hence this will be scheduled.
0 0 3 3 3 0
1 2 5 8 6 1
2 4 4 13 9 5
3 6 1 9 3 2
4 8 2 15 7 5
Average Waiting Time = 13/5