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Binary Tree Lecture

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Binary Tree Is an abstract data type that is hierarchical structure.

It is a collection of nodes which are either empty or consists of a root and 2 disjoint binary tree called the left and the right subtrees. It is similar to a tree in the sense that there is the concept of a root, leaves and branches. However, they differ in orientation since the root of a binary tree is the top most element, in contrast to the bottom most element in a real tree. It is not most commonly used in searching, sorting, efficient encoding of strings, priority queues, decision tables and symbol tables.

Related Concepts A binary tree (T) has a special node, say (R) which is called the root. Each node (V) of (T) that is different from (R) has a parent node (P). Node (V) is said to be a child or son of a node (P). A node can have atleast zero (0) and at most two (2) children that can be classified as a left child/right child. The subtress of (T) rested at node is the tree that has node children as its root. It is a left subtree if it is rooted at the left son of node or a right subtree if it is rooted at the right son of node. The no. of non- null subtrees of a node is called its degree. If a node has degree zero, it is classified as a leaf or a terminal node. Level of a node refers to the distance of the node from the root. Hence, the root of the tree has level 0, its subtrees at level 1 and so on. The height or depth of a tree is the level of the bottommost nodes, which is also the length of the longest path from the root to any leaf.

A node is external if it has no children, otherwise it is internal. If two nodes have the same parents, they are said to be siblings. Ancestor of a node is either the node itself or ancestor of its parent. Conversely, a node u is a descendant of a node v if v is an ancestor of node u. A binary tree could be empty. If a binary tree has either zero or two children, it is classified as a proper binary tree. Thus, every proper binary tree has internal nodes with two children.

Properties of a Binary Tree The maximum number of nodes at level i is 2i , i 0. The number of nodes is at least 2k + 1 and at most 2k+1 1. The number of external nodes is at least h+1 and at most 2k. The number of internal nodes is at least h and at most 2k 1. If no is the number of terminal nodes and n2 is the number of nodes of degree 2 in a binary tree, then no = n2 + 1. The following figure shows different they different types of binary tree: (a) shows an empty binary tree; (b) shows a binary tree with only one node, the root; (c) and (d) show trees with no right and left sons respectively; (e) shows a left-skewed binary tree while (f) shows a complete binary tree.

Types of a Binary Tree A Right ( Left ) Skewed Binary Tree is a tree in which every node has no left (right)subtrees. For a given number of nodes, a left or right-skewed binary tree has the greatest depth.

A Strictly binary tree is a tree in which every node has either two subtrees or none at all.

A Full Binary Tree is a strictly binary tree in which all terminal nodes lie at the bottommost level. For a given depth, this tree has the maximum number of nodes.

A Complete Binary Tree is a tree which results when zero or more nodes are deleted From a full binary tree in reverse-level order, i.e. from right to left, bottom to top.

Representation of Binary Tree The most 'natural' way to represent a binary tree in computer memory is to use link representation. The following figure shows the node structure of a binary tree using this representation:

Binary Tree Nodes

Linked Binary Tree

Binary Tree Traversals Computations in binary trees often involve traversals. Traversal is a procedure that visits the nodes of the binary tree in a linear fashion such that each node is visited exactly once, where visit is defined as performing computations local to the node. There are three ways to traverse a tree: preorder, inorder, postorder. The prefix (pre, in and post) refers to the order in which the root of every subtree is visited. Preorder Traversal In preorder traversal of a binary tree, the root is visited first. Then the children are traversed recursively in the same manner. This traversal algorithm is useful for applications requiring listing of elements where the parents must always come before their children. The Method: If the binary tree is empty, do nothing (traversal done) Otherwise: Visit the root. Traverse the left subtree in preorder. Traverse the right subtree in preorder.

Inorder Traversal The inorder traversal of a binary tree can be informally defined as the left-to-right traversal of a binary tree. That is, the left subtree is recursively traversed in inorder, followed by a visit to its parent, then finished with recursive traversal of the right subtree also in inorder.

The Method: If the binary tree is empty, do nothing (traversal done) Otherwise: Traverse the left subtree in inorder. Visit the root. Traverse the right subtree in inorder.

Postorder Traversal Postorder traversal is the opposite of preorder, that is, it recursively traverses the children first before their parents. The Method: If the binary tree is empty, do nothing (traversal done) Otherwise: Traverse the left subtree in postorder. Traverse the right subtree in postorder. Visit the root.

Example: 1.

Ordered Tree An ordered tree is a finite set, say T, of one or more nodes such that there is specially designated node called the root and the remaining roots are partitioned into n 0 disjoint sets T1, T2, ... , Tn, where each of these sets is an ordered tree. In an ordered tree, the order of each node in the tree is significant.

The degree of a tree is defined as the degree of node(s) of highest degree. Therefore, the tree above has degree of 3. Oriented Tree An oriented tree is a tree in which the order of the subtrees of every node in a tree is immaterial.

In the above example, the two trees are two different ordered trees but the same oriented tree. Free Tree A free tree has no node designated as the root and the orientation from a node to any other node is insignificant.

Progression of Trees When a free tree is designated a root node, it becomes an oriented tree. When the order of the nodes are defined in an oriented tree, it becomes an ordered tree. The following example illustrates this progression:

Link Representation of Trees Link allocation can be used to represent trees. The figure below shows the structure of the node used in this representation:

In the node structure, k is the degree of the tree. SON1, SON2, ..., SONk are links to the k possible sons of a node. Here are some properties of a tree with n nodes and degree k: The number of link fields = n * k The number of non-null links = n-1(#branches) The number of null links = n*k - (n-1) = n (k-1) + 1 Link representation is the most natural way to represent trees. However, with the above properties, a tree of degree 3 will have 67% of the link space occupied by NULL while with a tree of degree 10, it is 90%! A lot of wasted space is introduced by this approach. If space utilization is a concern, we may opt to use the alternative structure:

With this structure, LEFT points to the leftmost son of the node while RIGHT points to the next younger brother. Forest When zero or more disjoint trees are taken together, they are known as a forest. The following forest is an example:

If the trees comprising a forest are ordered trees and if their order in the forest is material, it is known as ordered forest. Natural Correspondence: Binary Tree Representation of Forest An ordered forest, say F, may be converted into a unique binary tree, say B(F), and vice versa using a well-defined process known as natural correspondence. Formally: Let F = (T1, T2, ..., Tn) be an ordered forest of ordered trees. The binary tree B(F) corresponding to F is obtained as follows: If n = 0, then B(F) is empty. If n > 0, then the root of B(F) is the root of T1; the left subtree of B(F) is B( T11, T12, ... T1m ) where T11, T12, ... T1m are the subtrees of the root of T1; and the right subtree of B(F) is B( T2, T3, ..., Tn ). Natural correspondence may be implemented using non-recursive approach: 1. Link together the sons in each family from left to right. (Note: the roots of the tree in the forest are brothers, sons of an unknown father.) 2. Remove links from a father to all his sons except the oldest (or leftmost) son. 3. Tilt the resulting figure by 45 degrees. The following example illustrates the transformation of a forest into its binary tree equivalent: 1.


In natural correspondence, the root is replaced by the root of the first tree, the left subtree is replaced by subtrees of the first tree and the right subtree is replaced by the remaining trees. Forest Traversal Just like binary trees, forests can also be traversed. However, since the concept of middle node is not defined, a forest can only be traversed in preorder and postorder. If the forest is empty, traversal is considered done; otherwise: Preorder Traversal 1. Visit the root of the first tree. 2. Traverse the subtrees of the first tree in preorder. 3. Traverse the remaining trees in preorder. Postorder Traversal 1. Traverse the subtrees of the first tree in postorder. 2. Visit the root of the first tree. 3. Traverse the remaining trees in postorder. Forest preorder : A B C D E F G H I K J L M N Forest postorder : C D E F B A H K I L J G N M The binary tree equivalent of the forest will result to the following listing for preorder, inorder and postorder B(F) preorder : A B C D E F G H I K J L M N B(F) inorder : C D E F B A H K I L J G N M B(F) postorder : F E D C B K L J I H N M G A Notice that forest postorder yields the same result as B(F) inorder. It is not a coincidence.

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