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Chapter 4 SB Answers

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science

Chapter 4 Student Book Answers

4.1 What you should already know
1 a) monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard disk drive or solid state drive, microprocessor
b) Tablet or phone
 has a smaller screen
 has a virtual or small keyboard
 uses cellular network instead of WiFi connectivity
 requires different type of operating system
 uses instant messaging rather than emailing
 is fully portable … usually have it with you.
 processor speed
 size of screen
 screen resolution
 ease of operation
 is OS easy to use/interface easy to use
 what Apps are available
 type of I/O ports
 battery life
3 USB, HDMI, VGA, lightning connector (mobile phones) are the most common
 much faster performance (has increased by about 50% each year)
 faster clock speeds
 greater reliability
 smaller components allowing more components on the motherboard (for example)
 transistor dimensions have reduced by 30% every two years which results in doubling
transistor density; electric fields must also be kept constant therefore a reduction of supply
voltage from 12 V (in 1970) to 0.05 V (in 2018)
 in reality, reduction has been nearer 10% than 30% which has contributed to a slowdown in
recent performance increases
(Refer to website https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.05215.pdf for further information if this is to form a

Activity 4A
1 a) i) CIR – stores the current instructions being executed.
ii) MAR – stores the address of the memory location which is about to be accessed.
iii) PC – stores the address of the next instruction to be executed.
b) i) N = negative flag; set to 1 if result of calculation is negative
C = carry flag; set to 1 if there is a carry bit following a calculation
V = overflow flag; set to 1 if there is an overflow bit following a calculation

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© Helen Williams and David Watson 2020
Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science Answers

ii) two positive numbers added together give a negative result:

01011110 N 1

when two bytes are added together an arithmetic carry bit is generated from the most
significant bit position:
(Note: the carry bit is used for unsigned integers)
11001011 C 1

overflow occurs when 7 bits are used for the binary number and the 8th bit is a sign
bit; if +127 is the largest integer which can be stored then a sum > 127 will cause
01011110 V 1

2 a) address bus, data bus, control bus

Address bus
 carries addresses to memory controller, thus identifying memory location which is to be
read or written to
 bus is unidirectional between CPU and memory thus preventing an address being carried
back to the CPU.
Data bus
 bidirectional bus which carries data (address, instruction or numerical value) throughout
the processor
 data can be carried from CPU to memory (and vice versa) and to/from input/output
Control bus
 bidirectional bus which transmits signals from the control unit to other components of the
 this includes clock signals used to synchronise all operations.
 In general, a higher clock speed increases the performance of a computer.
 Using a wider address bus and data bus allows a larger range of memory locations to be
directly accessed or allows a larger word size to be handled by the computer.
 Both of the above speed up computer operations.
 However, it is not a simple matter of just increasing clock speed since …
 … If the processor doesn’t use wider buses (etc.), increasing the clock speed alone could
lead to problems such as overheating and non-synchronisation of operations.
 Risk of overclocking can occur.

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© Helen Williams and David Watson/Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science Answers

4 a) Fetch-execute cycle
 is the basic operational process of a computer system
 is the process whereby computer fetches (retrieves) a program instruction from memory
and determines what the instruction ‘means’
 once decoded, the instruction is executed
 makes use of buses and addresses to carry out the various functions/operations.
b) MAR [PC] (contents of PC copied into MAR)
PC [PC] + 1 (PC is incremented by 1)
MDR [[MAR]] (data stored at address shown in MAR is copied into MDR)
CIR [MDR] (contents of MDR copied into CIR)
5 fetches, immediate access store (IAS), program counter (PC), MAR, address bus, MDR, decoded,
executed, control signals, control bus, ALU, accumulator

4.2 What you should already know

1 a) Assembly language and machine code
b) Machine code
c) Writing instructions in binary is time consuming and can be error prone as codes need to be
exact and binary numbers are not easy to remember. Testing can only be done by executing
the code.

2 Examples include, Intel Pentium and X86, AMD and X86, ARM and A32 or A64 or T32

3 Examples include, Intel i7 and X86, Qualcomm Octo (ARM) and A64

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Activity 4B

1 a) i) 200
ii) 300
(iii) 50

b) i) CMP #5
ii) JPE 100

2 a)
Label Address

nomore 106

Number1 109

Number2 110

Number3 111

Number4 112

total 113

CIR Opcode Operand ACC total 113

100 LDD number1 30 0

101 SUB number2 -10 0

102 ADD number3 10 0

103 CMP #10 10 0

104 JPE nomore 10 0

106 STO total 10 10

107 END 10 10

c) Subtracts number2 from number1, then add number3. Only add number4 if the result of
the first calculation is not equal to 10. Store the answer in total

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© Helen Williams and David Watson/Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science Answers

3 a)

Label Opcode Operand Comment

LDM #0 Load 0 into ACC

STO counter Store 0 in counter

LDR #0 Set IX to 0

loop: LDX array Load the element of the array indexed by IX into ACC

OUT Output the ASCII character

INC IX Add 1 to the contents of IX

LDD counter Load counter into ACC

INC ACC Add 1 to ACC

STO counter Store result in counter

CMP #4 Compare with 4

JPN loop If ACC not equal to 4 then return to start of loop


array: #67 Array of 4 ASCII characters




counter: counter for loop

Label Address

loop 103

array 113

counter 117

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CIR Opcode Operand ACC IX counter Output

100 LDM #0 0

101 STO counter 0

102 LDR #0 0 0 0

103 LDX array 67 0 0

104 OUT 67 0 0 C

105 INC IX 67 1 0

106 LDD counter 0 1 0

107 INC ACC 1 1 0

108 STO counter 1 1 1

109 CMP #4 1 1 1

110 JPN loop 1 1 1

103 LDX array 79 1 1

104 OUT 79 1 1 O

105 INC IX 79 2 1

106 LDD counter 1 2 1

107 INC ACC 2 2 1

108 STO counter 2 2 2

109 CMP #4 2 2 2

110 JPN loop 2 2 2

103 LDX array 68 2 2

104 OUT 68 2 2 D

105 INC IX 68 3 2

106 LDD counter 2 3 2

107 INC ACC 3 3 2

108 STO counter 3 3 3

109 CMP #4 3 3 3

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110 JPN loop 3 3 3

103 LDX array 69 3 3

104 OUT 69 3 3 E

105 INC IX 69 4 3

106 LDD counter 3 4 3

107 INC ACC 4 4 3

108 STO counter 4 4 4

109 CMP #4 4 4 4

110 JPN loop 4 4 4

111 END counter 2 2 2

Activity 4C

1 a) i) B10010000
ii) B00000000

b) i) OR #B1000
ii) XOR #B1

2 a) Arithmetic shifts preserve the sign bit of the number and logical shifts always fill with zeros.

b) No bits are lost during a shift, bits shifted out of one end of the register are introduced at the
other end of the register, for example an 8-bit register containing the binary value 10101111
shifted left cyclically 3 places would become 01111101.

c) Shift left logical 3.

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End of chapter questions

1 a)
Stage Order
Instruction is copied from the MDR and is placed in the CIR 3
Instruction is executed 6
Instruction is decoded 5
Address contained in PC is copied to the MAR 1
Value in PC is incremented by 1 4
Instruction is copied from memory location in MAR and placed in MDR 2
b) i) Width of the data bus and address bus
 determines number of bits that can be simultaneously transferred
 hence wider bus improves processing speed as fewer transfers are needed
 double bus width = 2 × data transferred per clock pulse.
ii) Clock speed
 determines number of cycles computer can execute per second
 increasing clock speed increases number of operations per unit time
 limited by heat generated by higher clock speeds.
iii) Dual or quad core
 each CPU contains 2 cores or 4 cores
 CPU with 2 or 4 processors in the same integrated circuit; each processor has its own
cache and controller
 single computing component with 2/4 independent processing units (cores) which can
read and execute program instructions
 this gives processor double or four times the processing power of a single core
 however, this isn’t the case in reality since the CPU needs to communicate with each
core which reduces overall performance
 software frequently can’t take advantage of 2 or 4 core processors again reducing
potential overall performance.
c) Dangers are overheating and risk of going out of synchronisation causing errors and potential
computer ‘crash’ due to instructions no longer correctly synchronized.

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2 a HDMI
 allows output (audio and visual) from a computer to be connected to HDMI-enabled
 supports high definition and enhanced signals
 it is a digital system which can support high definition televisions which require more data
and at a faster data transfer rate
 can also protect against piracy by using authentication protocols
 supports a refresh rate of 120 Hz.
 supports 640×480 resolution with refresh rate of 60 Hz
 analogue system which makes it easier to split the signals between more than one device.
 allows computers to communicate with peripherals
 uses 4-wire shielded cables
 devices are automatically detected when plugged into computer USB port
 serial data transmission
industry standard to connect devices to a computer.
b Interrupts
 data sent to printer buffer from computer
 contents of buffer sent to printer and document starts to be printed
 processor carries on with other tasks while printing continues in background
 if printer runs out of paper, runs out of ink, paper jam (etc.) then it sends out an interrupt
 if interrupt sent out, message is displayed on computer screen requesting user to resolve
 once all the data from the buffer is printed, printer sends an interrupt signal to the processor
requesting more data
 depending on its priority, interrupt is serviced
 once interrupt is serviced, more data is sent to the printer buffer and the above stages are
repeated until all 1000 pages are printed out.
3 a i) ii) PC – stores address of next instruction to be executed
MDR – stores data in transit between memory and other registers
CIR – stores current instruction being executed
MAR – stores address of memory location which is about to be accessed

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4 Logical shift – bits shifted out of the register are replaced with zeros, for example an 8-bit
register containing the binary value 10101111 shifted left logically 3 places would become
Arithmetic shift – the sign of the number is preserved, for example an 8-bit register containing
the binary value 10101111 shifted right arithmetically 3 places would become 11110101.
Arithmetic shifts can be used for multiplication or division by powers of two.
Cyclic shift – no bits are lost during a shift, bits shifted out of one end of the register are
introduced at the other end of the register, for example an 8-bit register containing the binary
value 10101111 shifted left cyclically 3 places would become 01111101

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a) i) monitoring system
ii) there is no ‘control’ taking place
b) Pressure …If intruder steps on sensor, Infra-red …If beam cut by intruder
B00001010 0 1 B00001010
2 2
1 1
4 4
8 8
2 2
c) ii) #1
c) iii) CMP #8 instruction
CMP #128

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© Helen Williams and David Watson/Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

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