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DS Week 10 Lecture On Tree by DR Gaurav

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Subject: Data Structure

Using C++ (CSET243)

Week 10 Lecture

Tree Data Structure

What, Why and How?


Dr Gaurav Kumar
Asst. Prof, Bennett University
Quick Recap of Previous Weeks’ Learnings

• Understood the Concept of Structure and Pointers

• Discussed the Usage of Linked List and Its Applications

• Performed different operations on Linked List and its


• Polynomial Equation Representation using Linked List

• Understood the Different Types of Linked List

Assessment Time

Q: If the elements “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” are placed in a

queue and are deleted one at a time, in what order will they
be removed?

Output: A
Assessment Time

Q: If the elements “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” are placed in a Stack
and are deleted one at a time, in what order will they be

Output: B
Assessment Time
Let the following queue can accommodate maximum six elements with the following
front = 2 rear = 4
queue = _______; L, M, N, ___, ___
What will happen after ADD O operation takes place?

a) front = 2 rear = 5
queue = ______; L, M, N, O, ___

b) front = 3 rear = 5
queue = L, M, N, O, ___

Correct Answer is B c) front = 3 rear = 4

queue = ______; L, M, N, O, ___

d) front = 2 rear = 4
queue = L, M, N, O, ___
Assessment Time

Q: A circular queue is implemented using an array of size 10. The array

index starts with 0, front is 6, and rear is 9. The insertion of next element
takes place at the array index.

a) 0
b) 7
c) 9
d) 10

Correct Answer is A
Topics for Visualization

Understanding Different Trees with Real Life Applications

What and Why (Problem with Linear DS (Scope & Improvement))

Operations and Analysis

Problems with Linear Data Structure

Problem with Linear Data Structure

Won’t be able to tell the relationship between

Problems with Linear Data Structure
How will you store the academic relationship between people working in an institution?

Reference Image: www.hlcollege.edu

Understanding Tree Data Structure

Non-Linear Data Structure to

represent and organize data.
Root/Parent (Hierarchical relationship between
the nodes)

Reference Image: https://chercher.tech/images/kotlin/tree-data-structure-kotlin.png
Standard Terminology

• Parent Node: Predecessor of a node

• Child Node: Successor of a node

• Root Node: Topmost node of a tree

• Internal node: Other than leaf nodes

• Sibling:Children of the same parent node are called siblings

• Neighbour of a Node: Parent or child nodes of that node

• Subtree: Any node of the tree along with its descendant

Standard Terminology
• Level of a node: The count of edges on the path from
the root node to that node. The root node has level 0.

• Leaf Node or External Node or Terminal Node:

Nodes which do not have any child nodes

• Ancestor of a Node:Any predecessor nodes on the path

of the root to that node are called Ancestors of that node

• Descendant: Any successor node on the path from the

leaf node to that node
Standard Terminology
Number of edges:
Connection between two nodes. N nodes then it will
have (N-1) edges

Depth of a node: The length of the path from the

root to that node. Each edge adds 1 unit of length to
the path

Height of a node: The length of the longest path from

the node to a leaf node

Height/Depth of the Tree: Longest path from the

node to a leaf node

Degree of a Node: Total count of child node attached

to that node is called the degree of the node
Real Life Applications of Tree

File Systems
Directory structure used to organize subdirectories and files

Organization Structure
Real Life Applications of Tree

(Document Object Model (DOM) in HTML)
Real Life Applications of Tree

Decision Making
Real Life Applications of Tree

Natural Language Processing

Parsing Tree (Syntax Tree)
An ordered, rooted tree that
Dialogue tree (conversation tree)
represents the syntactic structure
of a string according to some
A gameplay mechanic that is used
context-free grammar.
throughout many adventure games including
action-adventure games and role-playing
video games.
Real Life Applications of Tree

Hierarchical clustering Genetic Programming

Implementing Heap

Database Indexing

Implement Efficient Searching

and Sorting Algorithms
Understanding Trees

Tree Binary Tree

Degree of Tree =3 Degree of Tree =2

Ref GIF Image: www.penjee.com
Characteristics of Binary Tree
• The maximum number of nodes at level ‘l’ of a binary tree is 2l.

• The Maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of height ‘h’ is 2h – 1.

• In a Binary Tree with N nodes, minimum possible height

or the minimum number of levels is Log2(N+1).

• A Binary Tree with L leaves has at least | Log2L |+ 1 levels.

• In Binary tree where every node has 0 or 2 children, the number of leaf
nodes is always one more than nodes with two children.

• In a non-empty binary tree, if n is the total number of nodes and e is the

total number of edges, then e = n-1

• In a Perfect Binary Tree, the number of leaf nodes is the number of

internal nodes plus 1
Types of Binary Tree
Types of Binary Tree
A Binary tree is a Perfect Binary Tree in which all the internal
nodes have two children and all leaf nodes are at the same

In a Perfect Binary Tree, the number of leaf nodes is the

number of internal nodes plus 1. (L=I+1, where I is the total
number of nodes and L is the number of leaf nodes.)

A Perfect Binary Tree of height h (where the height of the

binary tree is the number of edges in the longest path from
Perfect/Complete Binary Tree* the root node to any leaf node in the tree, height of root node
is 0) has 2h+1 – 1 node.

*Note: In the Complete Binary Tree, Last level may or may not full completely.
Types of Binary Tree

A almost complete binary tree is a special type of binary

tree where all the levels of the tree are filled completely
except the lowest level nodes which are filled from as
left as possible.

It can be represented using an array. If the parent is it

index i so the left child is at 2i+1 and the right child is
at 2i+2.
Almost Complete Binary Tree

Types of Binary Tree

A full Binary tree is a special type of binary tree in which

every parent node/internal node has either two or no

Full/Strict Binary Tree

(Not Almost Complete Binary Tree)
Types of Binary Tree

A degenerate or pathological tree is the tree having a

single child either left or right.

Degenerate or Pathological Tree

Types of Binary Tree

A skewed binary tree is a pathological/degenerate tree in which

the tree is either dominated by the left nodes or the right
nodes. Thus, there are two types of skewed binary tree: left-
skewed binary tree and right-skewed binary tree.

left right

Skewed Binary Tree

Tree Representation
Tree Representation

struct node
int data;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
Tree Representation
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Node
int data;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;

// New node creation

struct Node *newNode (int data)

struct Node *node = new Node;
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return (node);
Tree Representation

int main()
struct Node *root = newNode(1);
2 3 root->left = newNode(2);
root->right = newNode(3);
Tree Traversal
Pre-Order Tree Traversal

Pre-Order Traversal ( Root-Left-Right)

1.Traverse root node (Visit)

2.Traverse left subtree

3.Traverse right subtree

Pre-order (node visited at position red ●): F, B, A, D, C, E, G, I, H

Assessment Time

Pre-Order Traversal Output:

(A) 1 5 12 6 9
(B) 1 9 12 5 6
(C) 1 12 6 5 9
(D) 1 12 5 6 9
Correct Answer is D
Pre-Order Tree Traversal
// Preorder traversal

Pre-Order Traversal ( Root-Left-Right) void preorderTraversal(struct Node* node)

1.Traverse root node (Visit) if (node == NULL)

2.Traverse left subtree return;

cout << node->data << "->";
3.Traverse right subtree preorderTraversal(node->left);

In-Order Tree Traversal

In-Order Traversal (Left-Root-Right)

1.Traverse left subtree

2. Traverse root node (Visit)

3.Traverse right subtree

In-order (node visited at position green ●): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I;

Assessment Time

In-Order Traversal Output:

(A) 12 5 6 1 9
(B) 5 12 6 1 9
(C) 5 6 12 9 1
(D) 1 12 5 6 9
Correct Answer is B
In-Order Tree Traversal
// Preorder traversal

In-Order Traversal ( Root-Left-Right) void InorderTraversal(struct Node* node)

1.Traverse left subtree if (node == NULL)

2.Traverse root node (Visit) return;

3.Traverse right subtree cout << node->data << "->";

Post-Order Tree Traversal

Post-Order Traversal (Left-Right-Root)

1.Traverse left subtree

2.Traverse right subtree

3.Traverse root node (Visit)

Post-order (node visited at position blue ●): A, C, E, D, B, H, I, G, F.

Assessment Time

Post-Order Traversal Output:

(A) 5 12 6 1 9
(B) 5 6 12 1 9
(C) 5 6 12 9 1
(D) 6 5 12 9 1
Correct Answer is B
Post-Order Tree Traversal
// Postorder traversal

Post-Order Traversal ( Left-Right-Root) void postorderTraversal(struct Node* node)

1.Traverse left subtree if (node == NULL)

2.Traverse right subtree return;

3.Traverse root node (Visit) postorderTraversal(node->right);
cout << node->data << "->";

Time Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity:
In-order: O(n)
Pre-order: O(n)
Post-order: O(n)

Space Complexity
In-order: O(n)
Pre-order: O(n)
Post-order: O(n)

Data Structure: Stack

Scope of Improvement

Searching element in a Binary Tree takes O(n) Time

(Worst Case) In-order: O(n)/Pre-order: O(n)/Post-order:

Can we improve the time?

Scope of Improvement
Search 49 in a given Tree Search 27 in BST

O(n) times Can we improve the

searching time??

For 11 elements, max 11 number of

comparison for Searching 49 element in For 31 elements, searching 27 in Binary Search

Binary Tree. Tree takes max 4 comparisons (11 in LS)

Ref GIF Image: www.penjee.com

Assumption: Elements should be in sorted order
Analyzing Binary Search Trees
Search 27 Searching an element in Binary Search Tree takes
average logn comparisons.

Height of the Total number of

depend on the
hight of the Tree

For 31 elements, searching 27 in Binary Search Tree takes max 4 For n elements, h= logn
comparisons (11 in Linear Search)

Assumption: Elements should be in sorted order

Ref GIF Image: www.penjee.com
Binary Search Trees

Best Case
Searching the key element present
at the root of the tree

Best Case Time Complexity

Key Element = 10
Total Number of Comparision = 1

b(n) = 1 = Constant b(n) = O(1)

Binary Search Trees

Worst Case
Searching the key element present at
leaf node of a tree

Worst Case Time Complexity

Key Element = 8
Total Number of Comparision = 3
i.e. log 8 =3

for n elements w(n) = logn w(n) = O(logn)

Any Queries?
Office MCub311
Discussion Time: 3-5 PM
Mob: +91-8586968801

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