-Williams Wordsworth-
William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was a romantic poet. He wrote poetry with full of imagery,
usually based around the natural world. His poetry is mostly subjective like other romantic poets.
He lived during the era of French Revolution which he supported at start but became against later
on. Some scholars advocate that relationship of Wordsworth with his sister, Dorothy that was far
from plutonic love. But, Wordsworth did marry and lived with both his sister and wife. Samuel
Coleridge, a best friend of Wordsworth, was a great poet of the romantic era. He was
contemporary poet who accelerated his romantic vision. Both were true lovers of nature and they
The lyric poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" also known as 'Daffodils was written by
William Wordsworth. It is one of his best lyric poems in modern times. In the poem Daffodils,
William Wordsworth reports a scene which he got an opportunity to have a look at valley that
was full of huge number of daffodils. This lyric poem consists of four stanzas; each stanza
consists of six lines. Each line metered in an iambic tetrameter. The rhyme scheme "ABABCC"
is followed in the poem. As he loved nature so the main theme of the poem is also the beauty of
nature. The use of figurative language made it much appealing to the readers. The poem is
subjective because it expresses the feelings of the poet himself; one of the key characteristics of
Stanza 1
The poet narrates an incident that occurs when he was w cloud over the hills and valleys of the
mountainous Lake District in England. During wandering, he catch a sight of huge numbers of
daffodils that make him surprised. He was a lover of nature and such scene was fascinating for
him. He uses beautiful imagery to describe the scene. He uses word crowd for huge number of
daffodils and he himself calls a host. He personifies flowers and makes them able to dance like
human and uses word flutter as butterflies do. Actually that day, there was wind blowing that
was moving them as they were dancing and fluttering. He describes a landscape view in a
beautiful way that portraits valleys, lakes, tress, flowers and clouds.
Stanza 2
Second stanza opens with a simile. He compares flowers with stars and crowd of flowers like a
galaxy of stars. He says that flowers are looking like stars shining in the Milky Way. He
compares fluttering of flowers as a twinkling of stars. Poet uses word "never-ending line" means
the flowers were visible as far as the poet's eyes could see alongside the shore-line of the bay.
Using hyperbolic language, he tells us the quantity of flowers as they were ten thousand in one
sight. That shows that the he has never seen so many flowers at once. At the end of second
Stanza 3
The flowers in the bay were dancing and looking gleeful at the atmosphere. Being a lover of
nature, poet says that a poet like Wordsworth cannot help being happy with such cheerful
companion like the daffodils, so he was gazing continuously at the daffodils and enjoying their
beauty. He used word 'gazed' twice that indicates how flowers moved or charmed him. So poet
gazed at flowers for a long time, forgetting his surroundings. At present, poet did not think much
about the 'wealth' that the daffodils had brought to him but he realized it later. This 'wealth' is the
happiness he got from the scene of daffodils and the pleasant memory that he enjoyed for a long
Stanza 4
He starts fourth stanza with word 'For', to continue his logic for saying that the daffodils had
brought him 'wealth'. He explains that why the scene of the daffodils became so significant for
his life. Whenever, he goes to his bed in a free time or he is in thoughtful mood, the flowers
blaze upon his inner-eye and took him to imagination The flowers became an interminable
memory for Wordsworth. The poet calls it a bliss of solitude', a blessing of staying lonely.
Whenever, he sees daffodils in his imagination, his heart fills with happiness and dancing
daffodils makes his mind dancing in same way. This indicates the intense feelings of a romantic
poet. He has been able to portray the scenery and express his mind so brightly in vivid language
This poem is a depiction of beautiful nature. Daffodils is one of the most famous poems of
Romantic Movement written by William Wordsworth. Being a lover of nature, Poet reveals
feelings of a scene of huge number of daffodils by a lake that made him surprised. The imagery
in simple wording and couple of similes made it one of the best poems of romantic era. His way
of personifying flowers is most attractive way of writing poetry. The plot of the poem is very
simple and unified to a single theme. The memory of this beautiful scene comforts him whenever
he is lonely. The age in which he lived was the period of French Revolution. At start, he was in
of it but later on he became against it and became depressed by it. So he tries his best to keep
himself happy. So in this context, poet says that the memories of beautiful flowers keep his mood
fresh when he is lonely. This indicates the intense feelings of a romantic poet. The hyperbolic
language made it more attractive when poet says: "Ten Thousand I saw at a Glance"
The word ten thousand is used in hyperbolic sense. The word he used for himself "cloud" is also
much appealing to the readers. The word flutter, tossing, and dancing are also examples of
beautiful personification. So the entire poem is beautiful depiction of nature with full of
figurative language.
romantic era; he depicts beauty of nature in his poem using beautiful imagery and language full
of figurative tools. He personifies beauty and use couple of similes to make the wording
appealing. He, with his contemporary, Samuel Tailor Coleridge, started Romantic Movement
and this poem is the true example of his romantic love towards nature.
The poem Daffodils is full of figurative language. The poem opens with a simile by a
fluttering, and tossing. He used hyperbolic language by saying ten thousand flowers. In the
whole poem he describes flowers like living beings that dance and toss their head. He calls these