Entrenando Entrenadores 4
Entrenando Entrenadores 4
Entrenando Entrenadores 4
And we're off and running. Welcome everyone again to our Train the Trainer. We have an exciting,
once again, presentation to provide to you. This presentation is going to discuss day four of our
Training Academy Agenda. It's a continuation of the CAC, a little different from what we did last week.
Last week we had a focus on the CAC director, the impact a managing director can have for those
directors and assistant directors. This week, we're going to cover an important piece of the CAC that I'll
cover in a few seconds. But we're also going to talk about the CAC structure in general, the whole
blueprint that goes into the thinking of each of us, when it comes to planning for a CAC. And so we've
got quite a bit to go over. Again, I mentioned last week that this is two days’ worth of discussion for
our directors and for you when you come to the Academy. And so there's quite a bit to go over. And
why is that? It's because that we want to show the impact of what the CAC will do in the community.
And the impact that by having a CAC, supporting the rest of Ron's programs and the Alliance's
programs, that we are able to really provide a tremendous support to the people everywhere. And that
support can only turn into a community that will thrive and will grow and will be abundant and will be
happy and will be joyful, will be in gratitude. And we've got to start with the first brick. That first brick
is the most important one to get started with. But as we build this CAC community, it's going to be
tremendous. And it's going to be a lot of work, but that's okay. Because we're okay to tack on that
challenge with all the other challenges we'll have. We'll have the solution to each challenge that we
have. As long as we're able to move forward, there won't be anything to stop us from supporting and
providing help to our communities. And so thank you for being here. We will spend a little bit of time
discussing this. Hopefully we'll have some time to get some questions answered. Ron, did you have
anything to say before we get started?
Well, I would like to just open up from my remarks that we have some many things in the CAC that
need to be covered. The actual directors training will be intensive because the major part of what Love
Won Society can do will be in the environments that are created with the CAC’s. It's hard to say how
important they are because once you get into it, you'll see for yourself. Everybody will see for yourself
that this kind of information, the CAC’s, came directly from our Father in Heaven. And from Him
through us to what we created in the spirit world. And it was brought down through me. But we all
created it before we came here to the earth. So this is yours as much as it is mine. I'm just the overseer.
And I'm hoping that in doing this, we'll have a greater understanding, a functional understanding of
what the CAC can do. It's the boots on the ground. This is where it happens. And so this is important
information. That's what I have to say.
Thank you, Ron. And we appreciate your telling us and reminding us this. And I think it's an important
piece to lead off with because as I cover just the opening comments of what we're going to present
tonight, I'm also going to talk about something that I think is going to be very important for each of us
to listen to. And I hope you do. I mean, you'll choose whether to resonate with it or not. So, Ron, thank
you for that. Mr. and Mrs. Mouse, how are you tonight?
Mrs. Mouse
We are stupendous. We're so glad to be here with all of our family and Ron, yourself, and all of our
admins. It's such a blessing. So thank you.
Mr. Mouse
And we're so excited our tails are all tied up in knots.
Okay. Tied together, that's good.
Yeah, we're gonna let that go so you can untie the knots.
Mrs. Mouse
Yeah. There you go.
We're going to jump right into our training. Okay. So again, tonight we're going off of day four of the
training agenda for the training academy. And once again, if you are new in this zoom call, you'll know
that these Train the Trainers that we have done are a preparation for you more than it is for the
directors. Okay. And this is very important because we want you to be as prepared as possible so that
then when the time comes that we're getting close to doing the actual training academy, you have some
material that you can provide and present to directors to prepare them so that when they come to the
training, their eyes, their hearts are going to be wide open to the intense creativity that we're going to
give to them in this training. And Ron is correct that we will do a more in-depth training with you and
with the directors coming to the academy because we're going to spend five days doing this. And we've
done this in five weeks, but we've only really taken about an hour at each time, whereas we're going to
go six maybe seven hours on some days to cover the material that we are condensing for you in the
Train the Trainer here. So that's what we're doing. That's what our plan is and we'll continue to move
forward with it. So this managing director's preview that we're doing tonight is day four, and that is
developing this CAC action plan. And not only the structure that supports the community, but also
whatever programs within the CAC that you will do, any projects that would need to be done, any
people that need to be served. So the CAC will provide an entire element of that. That's going to be
most of our discussion tonight. But we're also going to spend a few minutes talking about one of the
most important things in a CAC that we're going to be able to do. And that's the offering of these
agreements to the local businesses, to both the business owners and to the community employees. And
we'll come back to that when we get to that slide. But let me go ahead in advance and say, thanks again,
Ron, for your comments. I did want to provide another video song for you to listen to. And so let me
give you a preface of this song first. This song is basically to tell you to not give up. During this
process of train the trainer, you have thought, some of you have thought, that this is just way too
overwhelming for me, way too much for me. Some of you have thought, nope, I am resonating with
this, I'm excited. I can't wait to get ready and going on my project. And then there are some of you that
are in between. And wherever you fall, wherever it is that you land, just know that you are here for this
exact reason. And that no matter how you feel, you will be prepared when the time comes. And so I just
say to you, as I pull up the screen for this song, is to just not give up. No matter what it takes, and even
if it's just by merely keeping up with the preparation, don't give up. Keep moving forward. And with
that, let's just take a listen.
Okay folks. We're never giving up and this is just the beginning of what is to come. You don't need to
have fear. You just need to step in to what you've been brought here to do and every one of us can do it.
And so just don't give up.
Let me add my presentation back on the screen. Actually, let me do something real quick. If it's all right
with you, I want to find somebody I have to add. Give me 10 seconds here. Okay, we're ready to go.
Now I can bring that back up. Okay. So in our presentation tonight, this evening, today, this afternoon,
we're going to discuss the CAC, but from a different perspective. Well, first we're going to talk about
one of the most important things in the CAC that can be done for people in communities. Ron has
given us the information on the RSS action plan. We've discussed it on a previous day. It is going to be
an important piece of getting things started in this abundance building for every person. And it's going
to be relatively simple for everyone to do because you just sign a beneficiary up and then just let it go.
And so we've gotten that action plan done and understood. We've talked about the PHF, which is going
to be a tremendous addition to the action plans of providing homes and rentals for people. So what we
don't want to forget about is this piece for the CAC’s. And that is the CAC’s will be offering the
opportunity to pay employees in local businesses. And so that is probably an unknown opportunity
success that can be for your community, because we only think of the other two programs.
But I want you to think for a moment, and I've actually heard this a number of times over the years, and
actually most recently, where a person has said to me that, “Well, Dominic, when we get a chance to
get the benefits and abundance of the RSS program and the PHF and Nesara/Gesara, and recouping
debt and everything, well, why would people want to work?” And so it's a good question, but at the
same time, we understand probably the simplest of answers. And that is, you can't, no matter what kind
of abundance you have, and whatever kind of money that you have received, you can't do anything
with it if you don't have products. You can't build a house if you don't have the builders to do it.
We are going to be given a landscape of rebuilding the entire planet. And so the only way to do that is
to offer employment or help support individuals and businesses in communities so that they can
employ the people they need to then support the community in growing. And that's everywhere. And so
if we don't have that support, then what we have in abundance really doesn't matter. And so it's been
said a lot that people will just come flowing in to want to help. And why is that? Because we have
taken this element of enslavement where people needed to to earn money in order to pay bills, whether
they liked the job they were working or the business that they owned or not, they were doing it in order
to cover their expenses. Well, we're going to take care of that in the LWS programs that will cause the
person to change their mentality to abundance and not ever have to worry about money again to the
point then that they will want to do things that they love to do, instead of things that are out there now
that they need to do. That in itself will be the igniting of our communities. But we have an opportunity
through this discussion tonight, and then your presentation to each of your directors, to impact the
community by supporting them with setting up agreements with local businesses. And there are two
types that we're talking about here.
I'm not going to go into heavy detail about this because I promise you when we get to the academy, we
are going to pound this very hard so that people understand not only what they can do to impact the
communities in understanding this, but what they can do to go talk to people in sharing the benefits of
them doing this. And I've put a few on the screen here that I'll cover. And so first the CAC directors will
train directors and assistant directors to visit local businesses and operators in each community and
offer them a BOAA, which is a Business Owner Agreement Account, in order to support their business
growth. So in other words, CAC directors and assistant directors will go to local businesses and
discuss with the local business owner, one of the support services that are going to be provided;
support resources of being able to sign their employees up and themselves up on agreements. The first
one being the business owner agreement account. And so we will offer an agreement to the business
owner to take care of their wage or salary, might be as much as double what they're going to normally
get paid. We'll double it. Might even be that it gets tripled. I mean, that's entirely up to you because you
will have the funds to do so. And you can talk alongside the business owner and develop a relationship
to determine what's going to be a fair amount to do and what the business owner has in their mind is
what they would like to be done. And then along with that is that we will include raises for the business
owners. They'll get a penny per minute increase for every quarter. And so that adds up over a seven
year period if there's a seven year contract, which is negotiable, but that's what we're thinking that we
would like to ask.
During that seven years, just in the allocated bonus alone of a penny per minute per quarter, that's going
to add up to 28 cents per minute. And that is a tremendous amount. If you think about that, that's quite a
bit of funding for them. And what it does, it just adds to the piece of abundance to where they can
thoroughly enjoy their business, thoroughly enjoy their job and not be pressured by all the things that
can go on because they'll be able to handle it much better. The attitude of that business owner will be
tremendously changed.
Along with that, we might have health coverage and other benefits that can be discussed, but the
important piece of this is that the CAC director and assistant directors will work alongside each
business owner to get them to understand and come up with what they feel, in their their mind, is the
best for their business. And then interact and support that with whatever downloads they come up with
and are decided. So that's the first piece, is this business owner piece. So the second piece of this is the
employment ...
Let me just say a few things here before we move on.
Go right ahead.
A little bit of background, and you were approaching this in the beginning of what you were saying.
Many of our Love Won Society people are older. I'm 77. My body is not like it used to be, to be able to
get up and do things the way that I would like to do them. So we thought the idea that's generally
thought of is the med beds. So we were wanting to look for med beds so that we could heal our bodies
And there was some information from Q that he wasn't really sure that's the best process for us.
And his reasons for that is because we as humanitarians, we as children of our Father in Heaven, have
the ability to take care of these things ourselves. And I argued with him. Well, if I'm going to heal my
body, I've not been given any schooling, any ideas of how to do that, because I've lived underneath the
cabals’ training and conditioning for me to be not who I am really, but to be an artificial me. A very
small percentage of what I really am. Well, over the years, the thousands of years, perhaps, that we
have been under the control of these cabal people, we have been robbed of our evolutionary process of
becoming creator gods ourselves. Do you think the heavens are aware of this? Yes, they are. And when
the light wave comes, the light wave is what we would consider to be our med bed.
So what does that mean to us on an individual basis? That means that our bodies will be renewed to its
perfected blueprint that was given to us by the heavens for us to be using in a physical form,
physicality. And that body will not die. Death is part of the cabal organization. Do you think they're
good enough to do that? Yes, they are. They can come in and take away 10 of our 12 strands of DNA.
They can do that, and they did. It's called the karmic wheel of birth and rebirth, or death and rebirth.
That's been done to us. And God says, no, no, no, we're not doing that anymore. We're going to give
you what you would have evolved to over the period of time that the cabal has taken away from you.
This will be our perfected blueprint body. I'm not saying this the first time. If you ask me, I'll tell you.
Perfected blueprint body that was designed for us to have. That's where all of our cells in our bodies, as
they're recreated, will recreate it in its perfected form. Our bodies will not die. That's an interesting
concept. So here I am 77 years old, and my body is just kind of falling apart on its own because I
believed in things that the body will do over an aging period of time. That was controlled. And taught
to us. But that's no longer what's going to take place. We're going to have our perfected blueprint body
so that we have a fully functioning brain, a fully functioning body that's capable of doing things that we
never thought possible. So when you look at the idea of creating CAC’s all over the world in the
millions, perhaps, but you on an individual basis will be expanding your CAC’s because you will have
the body that will support you and what you want to accomplish. This is part of the plan.
And one of the things that we seem to do is that we seem to take where we are now and plan on that for
the future. Can our minds just reject all of that garbage and say I am the one that's going to create the
things in my life the way that I want them. I will have the power. I will be a creator God of the
experiences of my own life. I am the Lord God of this being. I have my sovereignty. What I'm creating
is my domain, my kingdom. Have we ever heard of a kingdom before? The kingdom of God? As
children of God, don't you think we get to create our own kingdom? We are. I can testify to you that
that is true. So you look at the CAC’s and you wonder how you're going to... Don't wonder you'll have
a person that's prepared, an agent from the alliance that will be your counselor. That will be your
counselor. Having knowledge of everything that is. That counselor will not take over for you. You can't
ask them to do your job for you. They will counsel you in doing the things that will be for your best
interest. This is what's coming for us. We just have to endure it through the darkness until we come into
the light. And I say to the heavens, there's light at the end of the tunnel, but there's a hell of a lot of
alligators between here and there. That we have to either walk over or whatever to be able to make it to
the light. He says that's part of the journey. That's part of experiencing all things. It's just part of it.
We are in hell right now. We are going through hell and going towards the light that will be the dawn of
a new day. You are special in the sight of our Father in Heaven. You are a unique individual. And that
uniqueness that is yours has been given to you by your Father in Heaven. That uniqueness is absolutely
essential for the oneness to exist. Not one person can be eliminated in the oneness to be whole. If one
person is eliminated, it's not whole. You're not going to get out of this. You're going to go through this.
You will not give up, like the song says. You will not give up because you are going to be who you
really are instead of the artificial crap that we've been taught by life's experience thus far. Your bodies
will be renewed. You'll start a new timeline in your life experience. That is what is coming for us. That
is what we wanted and we deserve and we have the right inherited from our Father in Heaven. We have
the right to do these things. We have the right to create the experiences of life that we want for
ourselves. And we give that opportunity to our children, to create what they want for themselves. And
this is what it's going to be like. We've never had this before. This is the golden age of mankind. We
will live for thousands and thousands of years if that's what we want to do. There's other things along
with it, but let's just let it be for right now as we talk about our participating in the CAC’s. Because our
bodies will be renewed and we will have the ability to do whatever we want to do and need to do in
service to our fellow man.
We will be the example. And they who are able to get through this light wave will follow that example
and will know from within that they are part of the whole and essential for their lives to be here.
Nobody is negated. We're all gods. And we will be acting like it in creating the things that God wants
us to do. I didn't mean to take this long. But I think that is essential for us to understand. Because we're
going to be building a brand new earth. A brand new economic system. We will have the tools that God
has given us to make that happen. Quantum financial system, quantum education, quantum internet.
All of these wonderful things that are being ours by God's command. So, okay, I think I'm finished with
that. Dom, let's go ahead and move forward.
Ron, I'm sad. I’d like you to go on all night if you like. Thank you. Just such an amazing and such an
appropriate time to mention this, Ron. So thank you very much for that.
Thank our Father.
Absolutely. And with all of us, this is something that we are meant to do. And so for me, at least, my
attitude going forward, and has been this way for quite a while, is not to even think about the things I
can't do or the things that might limit me. But I'm thinking only of the things that I will do and the
things that won't limit me. And so this will give us an opportunity to do this in the CAC because the
RSS has its specific goals in mind. And so does the PHF and the ESS and the ICCH. They all have their
own purpose. But the CAC is going to build these communities. See, the roadmap is very simple. We're
going to give a landscape that's pretty blank. We're going to have to recreate and rebuild this world.
So we're going to have to offer ourselves a way to instruct our people, employees, to create products
and services, because we're also going to take away the restrictions of commerce. There's going to be
commerce available all over the world, if not beyond this world. And so that's going to require us to
employ many people loving the jobs that they do because they don't have to look over their shoulder
wondering if they have enough money in the bank. That's not a given any longer. That challenge will be
solved once we get started on our projects. And so when we talk about these agreements and I'll shift
back over to the employment agreement accounts in a second. I didn't want to forget this one screen in
the middle where it talks about the benefits.
You know, we're not going to necessarily be able to go right out of the chute and start knocking on,
have our directors knock on doors of business owners and say, “Hey, hi, I'm so-and-so, I've got this
great program and we're going to sign you up on a great program.” And the person may or may not
know who that other person is. I guess what I'm trying to say is we have to build a relationship. Part of
the relationship when we instruct, and this is our part, the managing directors, we instruct our directors
and assistant directors to go into these businesses and build a relationship with the people. And one of
the ways to do that is to talk about the advantages of services and resources that we have to offer. And
so for the business owners in their businesses or the industries, the advantage for doing the BOAA and
getting their employees to sign up on Employment Agreement Accounts as well, is that we alleviate
their labor costs.
So what does that mean? That means that they don't have to be concerned about paying labor, because
we're going to do it for them. We're going to set it up and we're going to operate it, and we're going to
keep it and manage it along with their input and their people there. So it's going to be a cooperative
effort. But the actual expense of that labor doesn't come from the business owner anymore. It comes
from the CAC. Can you imagine what a savings that's going to be for businesses? Because on an
average, I know in industries, large and small, it runs it runs about 30% of it for every dollar. 30 cents
of a dollar goes towards paying labor. It's quite a bit. You take that away and now you've provided this
abundance track for a business owner to take. There'll be no taxes to pay to anyone because taxes will
be gone. There'll be no taxes. So no taxes to add into that picture. What kind of savings will that be to a
business owner? They have to pay taxes on the employees that they have payroll for. That's going to be
gone and then the CAC, by allowing these employers to see what you're offering them, will be the
support to where every employer will want to come in and talk to the CAC about a new idea they have.
You can see how this is going to explode, if you think about it, and you prepare for it. So the final thing
is that with the CAC offering these employment agreements, it makes these other programs almost like
it's just icing on the cake. extra programs, extra funds, extra ability, extra joy, extra abundance to where
now people are all supporting the community to grow because nothing can stop them. They're not
inhibited by the amount of money that they're supposed to make. That is taken away from the picture.
We've taken that objection completely away. And so the other part of this responsibility for CAC
directors and assistant directors is the Employment Agreement Accounts. And basically what we'll do
there is allow the business owners to come in and discuss what would be a workable contract, a
constructed employment agreement to set up for their employees and then have the business owner, or
both the business owner and the CAC directors, work together to sign up employees on Employment
Agreement Accounts. And again, we're not going to go into detail of what that can mean, but in some
cases it could be significant for people. and much more in a way of increase that they've never seen
before. So now they'll be excited to go into work.
Something else about that. An employer could hire four people to do one person's job if they choose to.
Why? What if, in fact, a person only wants to work four hours in a day, or another person only wants to
work three, or they have family that they need to go get and take home and be around. And so you
provide extra employees to fill those roles, but there's not an issue of worrying about having to pay
them. So the CAC director will sit with the business owner and they'll have those discussions and
create this business plan for each business to support the employees that work there. Now, let me ask
this question and it doesn't require an answer. But what do you think an employee is going to feel like
when they work for a company that is offering them such a wonderful package of abundance? Do you
think that employee would ever want to leave that employer? Probably not. The whole joy factor of this
will keep employees in their jobs for quite a long time. And once again, we'll talk about this, but we'll
offer a seven-year contract for this employment agreement. There'll be some things to discuss so that
the employee understands what all that means. We won't talk about that tonight. It's available to go see
it up on the website, but we will go into detail about this when we get to the training academy. I
promise you that. So let's just say this in finality of employment. Employment is just going to be a very
important facet of a community's condition. And where the CAC is involved, the person's job will turn
into joy. The employer will have a tremendous amount of joy knowing that all they need to worry about
is in the development and the training of their employees to make them better people and better
workers, which will happen automatically when you satisfy the need for financial situations. When you
take that away, you've taken a big objection away. It makes it easier to train and develop people. But
employment is going to be a large, large process for us in the world, in our economies. If we're going to
do interstate commerce, we need employees to create products and services to cross the boundaries of
every country, which is going to happen. And that's what's expected. So we must be prepared to instruct
our directors so that they can be prepared to support those communities. And that's the playbook. That's
how it's going to work. And so directors will also be there to offer employees the RSS beneficiary
program, along with the employer, which will extend that abundance with the holding accounts and the
bonuses that are available. That will just create an abundance on top of abundance.
And so you can even include large organizations, clubs, and nonprofits to register people. The directors
will consult and support the area for local municipalities, the governance teams that are going to need
infrastructure grants, building playgrounds, equipment, new development, new businesses. And so that
CAC director and assistant directors will be extremely important as they work within the confines of
those communities. And the people will come to them. Once they start the relationship, it's going to be
easy to continue that relationship because it'll be ever going.
Okay let me just make one point here along with this. What is the CAC, Community Assistance
Centers. You have business owners that serve the community with the things that they do. You get in a
crash, you have a place you can go to get your car fixed. You want to go out for a lovely night having
dinner. There's restaurants. The most important thing is that these things or these businesses that serve
the community stay in business forever. That's why we go to the business owners; increase their value
or increase their income. And so they continue to serve. What if they don't get as many people as they
got last year and all that sort of stuff? It doesn't matter. They're still going to get their funds. They're
still going to stay in business forever. as long as there's businesses that need to serve the community.
This whole situation requires the farmers, the people who produce food, the people who distribute the
food and bring it to the restaurants. All of that chain of events or chain of people will have an
employment contract or a business owner contract. Excuse me, agreement. And so what we're doing
here now is we're supporting the community with the things that we're going to do. That opens a door
for us to do a whole lot more than we had anticipated. And just in closing with these remarks, I'm just
going to say that before we thought that the value of your projects was the value that you get at the
redemption appointments. That's not true. Your projects, they might be passionate and so forth. You
could do that within the confines of your activities with the CAC. But the most important part is that
the CAC is going to employ people to serve that community in which the CAC is found. And it's
opening up the CAC’s that will be the vehicle to help people with their private home funding and
buying and selling houses and rentals and people who own buildings they rent. They'll be a part of this.
So this is important for us to consider these things as we move along with our presentation tonight.
Thank you, Dom.
Thank you, Ron. Appreciate that. So, in closing again on the employment side, just know how very
important this is. And if you don't know, hopefully after this presentation, and you have a chance to
think through it a little bit, you'll realize that it is going to be crucial that we find as many qualified, as
many ready individuals and look in every single basket, we can turn over every single stone we can, of
an individual with a big heart to bring on to your CAC. And why? Because we're going to need that.
We're going to need the resources. We're going to need the employees. We're going to need the people.
And so past the employment piece, because as you can tell that's going to be a very big discussion
when we get to the academy, we wanted to shift gears and talk about some of the community resources
and the need assessments that are going to be out there. And what does that mean? That means that we
are going to be given again a blank sheet of paper. And we have to provide this rebuilding of resources.
And so to do that is going to require a bunch of conversations with a bunch of different people that
have experience in a bunch of different areas. And so to provide these assessments is going to take time
for us. And so here's something of a suggestion for everyone here. I thought about this a lot. And when
we have the opportunity to get started, it's going to take some time, you could probably tell, to build
this ship, to build this ship of a CAC. It's just going to have all the players in place, and all the
responsibilities understood, and all the plans we're going to follow through to then open the floodgates
to allow the people to come in to service them, that's going to take time to build that. And so what can
we do in the interim to get out amongst the community and support. Well, one of the things I thought
about with the CAC is for me and in any event is to just focus on five different areas of a community.
Until I get my CAC up to where I feel comfortable with, what my areas of responsibility will be for the
communities that I'm going to serve and the people that are going to serve them with me, I've kind of
done a triage of things to think about to get started with getting yourselves out into the community to
talk to people that then can lead to those people coming in and developing the needs of what the
community really needs. And so here are the five things. When you start your project, if you choose,
because this is what I will do, you start your project in a community based on the needs for food, water,
shelter, power source, and health. And so if you are addressing those five areas, there are plenty of
opportunities to support people in those communities, until you get the systems and the people in place
in your CAC the way you want it to be, and the way your CAC director wants it to be. Until you do
that, then act on the needs of the community when it comes to food, water, shelter. And I left one out.
We can add a sixth one. Clothing. Food, shelter, water, clothing, power source, and health. Think about
those six areas. And then when people have a need, generally speaking, it's going to be in one of those
And so you can provide these little small trails of support, and then build more people, and have more
discussions about the resources and support you'll give in your CAC. You'll add more people to the
fold. And before you know it, you'll be up and running and then the doors won't be just cracked open,
they'll be open all the way, ready to support.
Okay, so another part of this process of needs assessment is to consider the demographics that are
involved with it. You know, you want to understand the kind of area that you're going to be supporting
and every area is going to be somewhat different. A metropolitan area is not going to be the same as a
rural area. An area that is close to the coastline is going to be entirely different than an area that's in the
mountains. And so it's just going to be a little bit different. And so you have to acknowledge that and
then be understanding to how you're going to develop it. And so there'll be groups that you'll have to
consider. Homeless and displaced, people in public housing, veterans, seniors, families, singles, an
indigenous group and people from other countries. Children? Thinking about the children, etc. And so
the best way to support how to operate your CAC is to understand the area that you're going to be
supporting from and then developing relationships with people to come in with the expertise to support
you with ideas in growing those areas of the community. Something else that Ron did mention with the
light wave. We have a lot of seniors right now that are extremely wise. And I'll make a joke on myself.
I'm kind of a wise person. But we have a lot of seniors that are wise, but their health isn't doing very
well. When the light wave changes their body back to that perfected state, they're going to still have
that wisdom. So they can be your best employees because they have so much to offer, having been
around quite a long time to understand, witness, and be a part of working and living a life. And so they
could be some of your best hires. Keep that in mind. And so you want to evaluate and situate the CAC
in the best way you can to service that community. So just consider this. This slide presentation is for
you to take back and read through and then think how you would apply that in the CAC areas that
you're going to support. Okay. Let's see here.
Dom, there's something, just an idea, a little philosophy, whatever you want to call it.
The reason why we do a seven-year agreement with people is that after the seven years, if they're
young people, they may want to stay in that business or they may want to create one of their own. And
they'll have the income to do that. And so it's a processing of people to mature and grow and develop.
And to the wise people that have been around for a lot longer than others, I'm not referring to myself
that way, everybody will have the spirit to be with them. But they can work for seven years or even 15
years. Offer them a 15-year contract. It doesn't matter. They can stay in that job for 15 years, and then
they can pass it on to somebody else and go start something else. After 15 years, they might have a
better idea of what they want to do in service to mankind. And that's open for anybody that really wants
to get in there because there's no limit to service. And so we're just preparing people to have the money
in their older age that they can support themselves and start new businesses. Let's go on.
Okay. And Ron, if I'm not mistaken, correct me if I'm wrong, in the agreement process, if they satisfy
the seven or 15 year contract, the money that they have received during that time, the download per
minute, continues after they leave.
If they decide to move into a new business and want to do something on their own, all they have to do
is satisfy the seven year agreement and they can start a business. And the money that they earned
during that time working continues after they leave. If they don't satisfy the agreement that's agreed
upon, that will end. But if they do satisfy it, it continues. We continue to pay for it. Why? Because we
can afford to.
There was somebody that said something. How do we know if we're going to have enough money to do
this? Well, I would just like to give you an idea. Here in America, there's $52 trillion worth of homes,
condominiums, whatever. And the whole world just…. I don't know if that's an indicative thing, but
we're talking about trillions. We're not talking about quadrillions yet. We're not talking about
quintillions yet. Quadrillion is a thousand trillion. A quintillion is a thousand quadrillions. And it goes
right on up. And when we start talking about the things that are going to happen, virtually one of us
managing directors will have enough money to do most everything that we are talking about here. Just
one of us. There will never be a lack of money for the things that God wants to have done. It's not
going to happen. So don't ever worry if you're worried about, oh, I don't have enough Zim bonds or
whatever. Just talk to your counselor and see what would be appropriate as far as a rate. Because it
doesn't matter what your ZIM are. It depends on your rate. Some people are in the $10 million. Some
people are in the $100 million. There's no limit to the rate. Okay? So don't put a limit on the amount of
money that you're going to get. Just raise the rate. Let's go on.
Thank you.
Keep in mind, we've talked about the inner structure of the CAC, but also keep in mind that there'll be a
consideration for the exterior look of the facility too. And so does that facility follow the core values
and the mission statement you've stated? And that'll be for each of us to decide. Let me say that again.
That's going to be for each of us, managing directors, to decide. That's not for Ron to decide. That's not
for Mr. and Mrs. Mouse to decide for you. That's for each of us to take the responsibility for that. And
the time to take that responsibility is now in this preparation of how to present this to directors before
the academy. That's our part right now. This is what we're giving you, is this Train the Trainer, so that
you have the resources available to start the conversations with directors, that then leads them and
yourself potentially to come to the training academy.
But back to the exterior part of this, you want to have the CAC, the image of that CAC to just be
expressive in the mind, in the heart center, in the impression that you want to leave, in the energy that it
will create internally, in the physical outlook for it so that it is a place that people will want to come to,
will love to come to, and know that when they come, that they will always have something of a
solution when they leave. And so not only do you think about the interior of it, think about the exterior.
Okay, so then one of the things that I have been a proponent of and talked quite a bit about early a few
years ago was the strategy meetings that you had. And the building of the strategy teams and how those
teams can really support a community very quickly. It takes time to do all this. But as you build your
community, and you build the products and services for the community, and you build the employment
opportunities that will come with all of that, then what happens is you will have a select group of
people wanting to come in and be a part of continuing that growth. And so I see the areas that we will
service, the communities that we will provide services for, I see this as a revitalization. Once it starts
the revitalization, it turns into a stabilization where it stabilizes. And then it turns into a thriving
community, where it offers unlimited opportunities of growth. And so you got to start somewhere and
we have to just start to pick up the pieces and rebuild immediately. Think for a moment. A hurricane
comes through a town, or a tornado, or a fire that burns down a home in a community. Most likely that
this community is going to support the individuals or the things that occurred in the community to help
revitalize it and bring it back.They're gonna actually individually want to jump in and help just like
they will in this case. And so initial strategy meetings to discuss these assessments and these needs of
the community can then involve the interaction of the LWS action plans all across the board. The plans
that the Alliance has given us. Plans from our Father, that He has provided us, will be a source of
solutions for a lot of things that community leaders will want and will ask for. But we have to get those
people into a meeting comfortable enough to have discussions on how to move the communities
forward. So consider building strategy teams, strategy boards, advisory councils to advise and direct a
plan for growth in each community. You may only start out with one or two, depending on the size of
the community. That's okay. We start somewhere and then we build on it. Before you know it, you'll
have many people wanting to be involved with it. And then we talk about ways to make the community
support each other. And eventually it'll just support itself. Having trips, for example, plan a trip for the
entire community to all go away together. If you can make that work, plan it and put it out there. Why
not? A vacation trip for every community member to take advantage of in that community. It'll shut
down the community for a period of time, but that's okay. If the community is thriving, you'll be able to
shut it down. But whatever is decided here will be up to each of us working with those community
individuals and then develop them into teams. As I plan to do in my CAC, I have a strategy team for
every CAC and an executive one that overlooks those strategy teams. Same thing can happen with
those communities. And so having a determined focus on a startup or a CAC, this providing of
stabilization and growth. Again, it's going to take a little bit of time. But when the machine is rolling
and you're placing enough wood on the fire and you continually place more wood on the fire and keep
the machine going, it'll just automatically grow itself. But you have to have a plan to do so. And you
have to execute your plan. People can have the best plans in the world, but just don't have the ability to
execute. You cannot have a good plan if you don't have a plan to execute. And so the plan starts
basically. If it needs to be adjusted, you adjust it. If some things that you've experienced from your plan
caused a little bit of a problem or a challenge, it's okay. We just learned something. That's all. It's an
experience we went through that we learned from, but we can move on. We don't look behind us. We
only stay and look in front of us. So in other words, what I'm saying is for each of us and your CAC
directors to be the leaders of our team. To network with CAC’s from all areas. Any success out there
can be something of an advantage to help and support the community. And so you may consider doing
temporary satellite locations. If it's a rural area and you can't quite get to it, you may want to get to it
through the use of a satellite type of CAC. You may want to have a CAC that is a mobile CAC. So that
if the people can't come to you because of where they are, you can get to them. You just continue to
establish your plan and then allow the community to help support that plan. In essence then, they
become the plan, if that makes sense. Once you build the people's confidence to support the
community, they then take over because they know that whatever they want, we as the funding source
for that CAC will support it. As long as it's not nefarious or can cause harm, we will support it.
And so I spoke of the community stabilization, and it's critical because in order for the business to start
growing, you've got to stabilize the plan as to what things are going to look like in every avenue. How
many grocery stores do we need to have in this community? Where are the groceries going to come
from? What can we do in communication with farmers to discuss growing crops that then can be a part
of the ESS action plan? And so all those things will eventually help the community stabilize. That then
takes it to the next step,which is then community growth. There's nothing more impactful for a
community than to see a community consistently growing and willingness to keep growing. To not just
stand on laurels and say this is all we need. We don't need to grow anymore. We're totally grown. No.
You keep growing because there’s always going to be more and more opportunities. And with that there
will be more businesses started, more individuals wanting to get into industry and business, more
people that want to learn. And it's just going to be an amazing journey to then get to what I call that
working paradise or that community paradise of all these things that come together. And now you see
the community just grow on its own without any support or help.
And so the conversation that we're having here now is just an overall understanding of developing this
well-being within the community. And I'm just wondering through the people that are listening to this
on the recording or the people that are in this group tonight, how many of you can really feel the
excitement of what is about to happen with all of this, what will eventually happen, let's say? How
many of you are really excited for this? How many of you are ready for this challenge? How many of
you are really, really understanding what we're going to do in communities to help the people? I know I
am. I know Ron is. I know Mr. and Mrs. Mouse are. I know I can name many, many individuals that
are. How many of us are really ready to take on the challenge? And that's what we're here to do, is to
take on that challenge. And so whether it is a healing center that you want to build or re-purpose.
Whether it is a housing program that you want to have for the homeless or for children that are entering
into the working world. Whether it is activities and creative centers that you want to have for artistic
talents, for technical skills, whatever it might be. Those programs, those facilities that will be built will
be something of an important piece to that community, because the community will be involved in the
creation of it. Because I haven't talked about that very much.
All of this about what we're talking about is our creative energy to build this community, to open our
hearts and our minds to how our community will learn, because we will be in charge of that. We will be
creators of these communities. We, being the managing directors, and directors and assistant directors,
and the community members that are going to be involved. We are all going to build this together
through our creation and our creative talents. So a successful CAC is the result of basically everyone
coming together to help each other. That's what's going to make a CAC great. And it isn't not going to
happen in your area. It's just impossible. And so as we close the presentation for tonight, just keep in
mind that there is no one who will start this for you. Basically, when everything gets started and we are
starting our projects, LWS, Ron's going to be off running his projects. That's his base. That's his project.
And so we must be prepared to accept the responsibility to take on this opportunity. It is why we are
receiving the large funds and why we are here discussing this together. There's much time. There's
going to be much to learn and plenty of time to learn it and to implement it. And with any project...
those who are the most prepared and show the most determination to solving challenges and not trying
to create challenges, but solving everything you can, make as much lemonade out of lemons that you
can, they will be the best leaders for CAC’s. They will find the right people. They will communicate
those responsibilities. They will allow them to spread their creative wings, their creative talents,
because we'll all have that expanded creativity amongst us.
And then as far as we as managing directors are concerned, we just sit back and get the next CAC built.
When the one is running really good, you want to go find the next one to do because you see the
benefits of what one has done. Now think that one droplet of a CAC in your community turns into a
million around the world, doing all the same thing, for the same reason, and for the same purpose. It's
going to be beautiful And keep in mind, too, that the structure of the CAC doesn't necessarily have to
just follow a building structure of any kind. Keep in mind that there's also mobile units available.
Here's two side-by-side tractor trailers that when they disassemble, the trailer part of it comes to
looking like a facility like this. In a matter of a day, they create a CAC facility out of trailer pieces that
are then put together.
Maybe it looks like this. Your CAC has, depending on the area, you might only want to have a limited
space. This might be a CAC option for you. Or maybe you just decide to have it in a form of a bus
that's flowing around the community to advertise your CAC. Or to talk about what support services
you'll provide. Maybe you have a bus that you'll carry on. Or even if you're in an area that doesn't
support a very large population, maybe instead of having the construction of a building, maybe you just
have a satellite that's built for you. This product is available to unfold in a day. And when it unfolds in a
day, you have a building; you have an interior; you have everything you can have. Can this suit for a
housing project for the homeless people? I bet it can. And it's actually very reasonably. It'll be very
reasonably priced. What I say to everyone here is that there are going to be technological advantages to
us providing these services and resources to those communities. And so all we have to do is prepare
ourselves in this process of getting those directors to understand what it is that they're going to be
taking responsibility for and then just let them go. So I ask you in closing, what are you going to do to
take this information and give it to those directors? How are you going to present this to those
directors? Are you just going to give the information and tell them to look it over?
Let me remind you that some of this information, if not all of it, is for managing directors only.
What we would like you to do, if you choose, is to take the information, learn it, and then put it into
your own words for your directors, so that they can then be as excited about coming to the academy as
I am excited about presenting this to you. So you can give them that excitement by putting this
information that we have given you, and will be giving you, into your own words, and instruct and
educate and develop the heart mind of these so that when they come to the academy, I'm expecting
hundreds, if not thousands of questions. So let's be it. Let's do that. But that will be the result of our
preparation transitioning over to those directors to support them. So Ron, I'm pretty much done with
that part of the presentation. Did you have anything else?
Well, I would just like to say with these pictures,
Ron, go ahead and unmute yourself. For some reason, we can't hear you.
Mr. Mouse
I can hear you.
We can hear Ron.
Mr.. Mouse
We can hear Ron. Go ahead, Ron.
Yeah, it shows that your mic is open, Ron, but I couldn't hear.
Okay. Could you hear me now? Hello?
All right. Mr. and Mrs. Mouse, any comments on your end?
Mrs. Mouse
Well, we can hear Ron. So if you just want to mute, Dom, we can let you.
Ron, if you'd like to go ahead, we can all hear you.
Ron, I see that your mic is open and I see that you are speaking, but your volume is not... Your volume
is either really low or we can't, I can't hear you. I don't know if anybody else can. Give me a thumbs up
if you can hear Ron.
Mr. Mouse
Okay, we're calling Dom. I just muted him. Go ahead, Ron.
Okay. What I was looking at is the pictures that Dom has used to present this of the CAC’s. And that's a
very good example….
Mr. Mouse
I can hear you. Dom's just having a problem somehow. We're calling him on the phone. .
Okay. Well, what I wanted to say is you look at these pictures of the CAC’s.
Mr. Mouse
Sorry, sorry, Ron. Go ahead.
Some of these CAC’s are very modern, you know. One that you'd have an anti-gravity machine parked
in front of it or a parking lot for anti-gravity machines. And some of them are just more down to earth.
What we're trying to do with this project, with the CAC concept, is give you the basics of how it should
run. That's the beginning point of your creative uses for what you came here to the earth to do. The
CAC can be a place for your personal projects. You want to save puppies and you could build a
building that saves puppies. or whatever. My suggestion in the beginning, find a building in your area
that you want your CAC and either buy the building or lease it. And then you'll have plans that you
want to do and how to organize things. We'll be involved in that because we're going to start building
CAC’s. That's my desire and I've asked the heavens to provide the funds for us to do that. So not only
for the training of entrepreneurs, managing directors, but also for the CAC and begin.. what do we to
put into it? What do we need? And of course, every different location might have a different need. In
the inner cities or larger cities, there's going to be different than the farming communities. It's all going
to be according to what you want to do. This is just giving you some ideas on how to do that. The most
important thing is you need to show up for work. You need to show up and you need to let Father know
that you want to talk to me and that you're open to receive those confirmations that you are entitled to.
The only thing that's stopping you from doing that is your thought processes. Get to work. There's
nothing better that you can do as far as anything to do with our Love One Society program. There's
nothing better that you can do than learn how to talk to Father in Heaven and listen while He talks to
you. A two-way conversation. Absolutely essential for you. Now, we're going to have a new body.
That'll give you an opening. You'll understand why. That communication process will be very, very
easy for you. All of your DNA will be... Your DNA is just a structure for God to contact you and for
you to receive. Our bodies were built for this. So I hope you take it upon yourself to do that. And what
I'm talking about now is a critical point. And as you go ahead and do these kinds of things for yourself,
you will find such joy and happiness that you couldn't imagine it. You can't imagine it now because it'll
always be better than we thought we could have. I send my blessings and love to all of you. Now, Dom,
we have about 15 minutes. If you want to open up for a few questions, then I'm certainly welcome for
I apologize. I have no idea what happened. But I lost, it was on my end that I lost you. So I apologize
for that. And I would love to take a few questions here. But before we do, I just ask each individual
person, “Is it important to ask questions or is it important to start figuring out how you are going to take
the time to apply what it is that we're bringing to you for your use? For your abilities to instruct your
directors and prepare them? So I am all about having Ron answer questions, and I know Ron loves to
do it. And I'm all about your asking them, but we also have to start this understanding of preparation.
And each time that we just laid on the table is a time that we're going to get closer and closer to the
reality of not being ready and prepared for what it is to come. So think about that as we go forward. Mr.
Mrs. Mouse, do you want to take a few questions?
Mrs. Mouse
Absolutely. Thank you so much. Before we go to the questions, I just wanted Ron to know that the
Spanish chat has been listening and enjoying it immensely. They've had 220 people on their side. And I
just thought you might like to know that. And I will take a question from them real quick.
Mr. Mouse
And also with that, Juan had shared one of the songs we played this morning, which Carlos really did
enjoy. It was a blessing to all. And we are working about bringing in the different cultures because
we're all one and we'll work on that.
Mrs. Mouse
So Ron Franklin asks, “How will the payments to the people who work in my team regarding
schedules, the days, will it be like in the third dimension or will there be any change regarding this?
Greetings and a hug of light. Ron, did you hear the question? Did we lose you? Did we lose you, Ron?
Yeah, it looks like that Ron has left the building.
Mrs. Mouse
Ah, darn.
Yeah, He’s left the building. Let me, if I may, can I try to answer that for them?
Mrs. Mouse
Yeah, please do.
So it's a good question. The reasoning and the thoughts behind anything we do going forward is what
we choose it to be. Remember, I stated in the presentation we are the creator beings. We are the ones
that are going to create the new communities, the new ways of working, the new product designs. The
new way to approach this from an abundant side versus a lack and restricted side is that you decide
what it is, along with what the community says is it will be. You get to make those choices. There isn't
anybody else that will have funding restrictions. We are the funding source. So allow the people to
create their own reality of what it will be instead of what they've experienced it to be in the past.
So the answer of 3D is not going to exist as long as we want to move progressively forward out of that
3D into what we will create for the future. And that's how I would answer that.
Mrs. Mouse
Thank you, Dom. Yes, we've had that conversation many times about letting all of our teammates that
are going to be in the CAC to have counterparts, so that position will always be filled and people can
get the times that they need to be with their family and work the work schedule to benefit. So we'll go
to the next question. Okay. This question... we have one more question from chat and then we'll go to a
couple of raised hands.
Mr. Mouse
Okay, this question is from, I can't see the name. The question is, “Will there be language replicators
that will allow us to work and communicate with others on an international basis regarding CAC’s and
cross-teaming and other communities outside the US? If you'd like me to answer that, Dom, I can
answer that for him.
Sure, go ahead, Jim.
Mr. Mouse
That depending on where your heart is, that after the flash, we might even have telepathic abilities and
that we would be able to understand and communicate from our heart. That's part of the flow. But there
will be other tools available as people mature at their own rate and that will bring it to the point of
better communication. Would you like to add anything to that Dom?
No, actually, I was thinking the same exact thing. There will be technology that will be released that
has been suppressed to address situations of language. But don't think for a moment that we're not
going to have the abilities to communicate, not only with other cultures around the world, but we'll be
talking to animals. We'll be talking to many, many, many more people and many, many, many more
beings through telepathy and other sources. And just allow that to be true because our entire society,
our entire way of thinking is going to change. It's going to be opened up. The bloom of our entire
perfected body will open up. And when it does, we're going to have abilities that we didn't know that
we had.
Mrs. Mouse
Very well said, Dom. Okay, let's take Zoom user number two. We will open your mic. Go ahead and
ask your question.
Mr. Mouse
You’re unmuted.
Can you hear me?
Mr. Mouse
Okay, I had a question for Ron. I hope he comes back. This is the question. Oh, good evening,
everyone. This is Kevin. Good evening, Don, Mr. and Mrs. Mouse. Good evening, Ron, wherever you
are, and LWS family. Okay, here's the question. In the event of Nesara/Gesara and everything being
completed in four to six weeks, will all the educational materials be readily available to the managing
directors immediately or are they still under development? And here's another question. Just have a
couple here. Some older souls might ask, “Can we just commit to two years then renew? I'm pretty sure
that should be a possibility. For people that aren't really sure or I don't know, just as an option for
elderly folks.
So Kevin, let me go to the second question first. What do you mean by two years to renew? What does
that mean?
Well, okay. Say we put them under initial contract of two years and they work, they're good workers
and they're happy. But they just wanted to take that two years to give it a shot and see what they wanted
to do. Maybe they wanted to do something after a couple of years. But then again, maybe after a couple
of years, they really were in love with what they were doing. And they just, yeah, sign me up for seven
this time because I enjoy what I'm doing so much. And you know, we are eternal now. So, yeah, for
sure. But so the initial the initial transition, they're a little nervous because everything's new. Right. So
they don't really know much.
Okay, so I got it. So if I can, everything is going to be a constant negotiation. And as you work with
those business owners in those areas, and I'll give you an example that's more pertinent, Kevin, to what
you're talking about. Let's just say that an individual decides that they're going to work in a community
and they start working. They signed a seven-year contract. They love what they're doing. But all of a
sudden they decide I want to move my family out of the area into another location, because we've
always wanted to live here. And so they go two or three years of working, but then decide, I want to
relocate into another area. Is that something that is negotiated in with the business owner and the CAC
to support that person wanting to relocate? And so the answer is going to be yes. Yes, absolutely. What
I will tell you is that it is a constant negotiation. Once the business owners understand that change will
be still inevitable, but yet that change won't be painful, because you can continually protect yourself by
always having enough employees. And that's why Ron says have enough directors and assistant
directors to do the work for you. Just don't limit it. Put as many as you want because there will be
changes. There'll be flex hours. There'll be people that only want to work one hour a day. Fine. We'll
support that. So I guess my answer would be to you is that there'll be a constant negotiation. And it'll
just be decided between the business owner with the support of the CAC director as to how to approach
that in the best way for not only them, but in the highest purpose for the employee. Does that make
So there'll be constant recruitment, recruitment constantly.
Well, you know, I would say-- initially. You know what I would say, Kevin? I'd say initially they
probably will be, but I think eventually there'll be constant people wanting to come in and work. And
that's what I see. When this all really does unfold, we'll have people that will want to work and come in
more than they'll be wanting to be recruited. And people can go and do what they choose and want to
do, no matter where it is.
They'll come from all these redundant places as well, like hospitals and government. Those people will
be gone and be looking for jobs and many of those people are very wise, and we can put them to good
use. Same with our seniors. I’'m contacting a lot of people through live chats on telegram, so I'm
gaining sources and resources .
Great, Kevin, that's really great. So what was that first question you had? I'm sorry i missed that.
Okay, here we go again. I wrote it down. In the event of Nesara/Gesara and everything being completed
in four to six weeks….
I got you. I got you. The educational material. And so the educational material you're talking about is
the educational material for LWS or is that the educational material through the quantum computer?
What are you asking there?
For the LWS managing directors.
Yeah, well, this is why, Kevin, we're preparing now. Again, we could have easily have waited until after
everything occurred and have to scramble and possibly take months to have the information readily
available. Now, as we're going through this process and we have this information, and behind the
scenes, we have the Train the Trainer team that have put this agenda together for us, we also have an
Academy Team that are finalizing the agenda for the training academy. All that's being done now. And
so, and so we're going to be ready. There may be some limits. We don't know. We just don't know, but
there may be a few challenges as to when we can get started, all dependent upon certain things like an
NDA. But we will have, we're working on what we are going to present in the academy now, and we
have the teams that are putting that together.
Oh, great. Okay. Thank you very much, Don. That's very helpful
You're welcome, Kevin. Thank you, my friend.
Mrs. Mouse
Okay, the next question is going to come from Jan and Chris. Your mic is unmuted. Please ask your
Jan and Chris
Hello, thank you all for raising the collective consciousness for the entire world. I just wanted to put
that out there because I can feel it and I know 500 of us working together on that is just instantaneously
raising the vibration everywhere. So thank everybody here for that. My question is mostly for Dom, but
anyone could answer. We have been visualizing being managing directors for quite some time. And we
have listened to several of the Zoom calls. And we listen to all the questions, of course. And we keep
hearing the words, managing director, managing director. And I know that I heard Dom in the past say
that we're not going to call ourselves managing directors. And so I'm kind of having a glitch as far as I
want to see myself as being able to... I want to visualize myself speaking to my directors. And that's
what I'm currently working on. So when I'm imagining this in my mind, I keep seeing the Blues
Brothers say we're on a mission from God, you know, so I know that you know, we are on a mission
from God, obviously. But I would like to know, Dom, what words will you be using to describe
yourself or how are you going to present yourself to the directors? Thank you.
You’re quite welcome, Jan. Let me say that I’ll cover this by saying, so there’s not any confusion by
others who heard your question. I have no problem if you call yourselves a managing director. That’s
entirely up to you what you should choose to do. We are using the terminology managing director right
now as a precursor for us getting to our training academy. So that it distinguishes us that have been
learning through this process from the directors that are going to be coming to learn. And so, if after
the training academy the people start their CAC’s, you want to be considered a managing director on
the outside of it, that’s fine. I will tell you this. On my cards, that I will hand out to the first grouping
of people, I have, I think 500 cards, that I have the RSS information on. When those cards run out, I
don’t have any more cards. But on that cards, I’m a liaison between the humanitarian funds that are out
there and the people that are equal to me, but working together to support the community. So, I’m like
a liaison for that person. I don’t really have a title and as far as being interactive with the directors in
the CAC I plan to allow, I have a layer in front of me that we will work together. And that’s my
executive strategy team. Because I see myself as a person as a person in the background that will
spend most of my time developing a CAC to the point where it can operate on its own on its own and
then going fine the next morning. And I actually will have a person that will be side by side with me as
my CAC developer to find new locations that are up and ready to run. So I’m not going to call myself
a managing director. I’m going to call myself a liaison for the humanitarian funds that are available for
supporting the communities, to the people that are supporting and working with the people in the
communities. Does that make sense?
It does. Excellent, excellent answer. I appreciate that. That’s what we’ve been envisioning for
ourselves as well and thank you for clarifying it. I’ve been wanting to ask the question for awhile, but I
sort of felt that it was a silly question, but you have really clarified it.
No, not silly at all. absolutely. And for everybody else just use the name that you want to use,
whatever you feel the most comfortable. Some people said about being an Executive Director and
that’s OK too. It’s whatever you choose it to be that gives you the most joy in doing it. So I don’t
really need to be on a pedestal, a certain level of directorship. I’m comfortable with just being a
liaison, a contact person, in between everybody else that’s doin all the work. So thank you, Jan.
Appreciate it.
Perfect. Thank you
Mrs. Mouse
OK, Dom, we’re going to take another question from the Spanish chat. And this is from Jose Ruelo.
From my central base, which would be the first CAC, expanding later by developing them in the four
regions of the country, and implementing them in departments, municipalities, and communities, it
would be feasible to work in that direction to make the work of the CAC’s effective. You know what,
I'm sorry, that was more of a statement. Let me go to this other one. Hello, I would like to ask, will the
salaries for the same job performed be at the same level everywhere?
Yeah. And that is a question for everybody to want to know, almost to the extent I wonder through this
question, if everybody thinking about it right now, would prefer Ron to just say to you, you should
charge, everybody should pay 10 cents a minute to every employee that should work in every location
around the world. And it's just really not possible. Why? Because in every area, it's a matter of the
individual conversations you're going to have with the individual people and business owners in those
communities. And so it's going to be different, depending on where you are, but I guarantee you it's
going to be different depending on the area that it's going to support. And so it's really just determining
on what you and those businesses and business owners decide is the most equitable for those areas.
And we really shouldn't worry about setting any kind of limit or parameters around that, because each
of us will have more than the necessary funding. I hope you all heard Ron when he said that one
individual managing director can fund everything in the world. And what he didn't say was more than
just one times. I can tell you, he probably could have said a hundred times with one individual, and that
still wouldn't be enough depending on the funding and the rate of of ZIM that that person is asking for.
So one person can cover that around the world. So it's just a matter of negotiations. And one business
may decide they want to pay their employees this amount, and the business right next to them decides
they want to pay this employee that amount. That's entirely up to each individual in support with the
CAC directors to come up with. And so I don't see it as being a limit of doing the same thing in all
areas. I think it'll be different because I think it'll be directly the responsibility of each individual
community to work together to come up with what makes sense, what makes the most sense.
Mrs. Mouse
Thank you, Dom. That's great. Now, based on our time frame, Dom, it's 6:39, but we only have two
more questions. Are we good? Three, three more. Are we good with that?
Yeah, let's go with it as long... Hey, let's just keep it to one question.
Mrs. Mouse
One question per person
If you could get one question, that'd be awesome.
Mrs. Mouse
Okay. All right. We're going to open the mic for John D. Go ahead and ask your question.
All right, thanks very much. Thanks guys for all you do, as per usual. One quick question is kind of
really an admin question. I remember faintly long ago there was some talk about letting you guys know
where we were going to establish a cap at CAC. Is that still operable? Is it still needed? Or is it a good
idea to start one for you guys?
Yeah, it's a good question. And I'm thinking that you're talking about the CAC map. Is that what you're
talking about?
Exactly. Yeah. The points on a board thing. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, so it's a great question because I want everybody to hear the answer here. We've had a lot of
members ask the question, what's happened to the CAC map? Why is it not active? Can we get it
reactivated? Does it matter necessarily where it is? So basically the CAC map was taken down because
we didn't have the funds to continue having it operating and Ron felt that it was good to be able to see
where everything's located. But it was not necessarily that important; that no matter where your CAC is
going to be located, it's going to be fine. And depending on how many people are in your area that want
to also operate CAC’s, that's also going to be okay, John, because you work together. The more people
you work with, the more people you can support. And so it's not necessary to exactly know where your
CAC is going to be located. But a lot of people wanted to have it for reference purposes, to see who are
in the areas that they might be interested in, then communicate and coordinate with them to work
together. But it's not going to be something that is going to be available so that people can contact
anyone until after we've crossed this threshold and into the new earth. Then we'll know for sure. But I
wouldn't let any of that stop anybody. If you have an area you want to put a CAC in, put it in. We're
going to need to help the people. That's what matters. Eight, over 8 billion people, at least on the top of
the earth that we're going to need to take care of. And so that in itself is just a requirement that says, if
you have an opportunity to put out a CAC somewhere, just do it.
And exactly for that reason, it's a question of knowing where we can go to be more sufficient. That was
kind of my thought as well.
Great. That's great.
Thanks for everything, guys.
All right. Much love to you. Thanks for the question.
You too.
Mrs. Mouse
Okay, the next question will come from T. Coom. Open your mic and ask your question.
T. Coom
Hello, people.
Mrs. Mouse
There you go.
T. Coom
Excuse me, I don't speak in English and I need to go to the forum in Spanish. Is possible?
So, T. Coom, would you like to go to the forum in Spanish?
T. Coom
I don't understand.
Does it need a Spanish group?
T. Coom
Yes. Yes. I need.
Mrs. Mouse, can we write her name down?
Mrs. Mouse
Yes. I will write it down and send a personal message to Juan.
And we have a few people here in this group that are part of the Spanish group, so they can
communicate with you. Okay.
T. Coom
Okay. Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much.
De nada, de nada.
Mrs. Mouse
Yeah. All right, Dom, I think we could take one more question from Justine or Justum, I apologize. J-
U-S-T-M, go ahead and open your mic. Oh, they're gone now, where'd they go?
Mrs. Mouse
Okay, we lost that person. I think that's it and I guess oh uh muchas gracias; um adios.
T. Coom
Gracias. Gracias. para ustedes. No escribir, puedo escribirles. (?)
Mrs. Mouse
Family, is there anyone that can translate that real quick for us and then we will hand it over to Juan.
Go ahead and raise your hand.
Mr. Mouse
Perfecto, Tikkun. We will communicate to you. Gracias. Thank you very much.
Mrs. Mouse
Okay, so we are at the end of our presentation family. Thank you so much. In the future, I just want to
remind everybody if we do not get to your question, you can always send them to myself, Wiley
Coyote or Mr. Mouse or Dom, and we will make sure we include them into the five minute audios. And
again, thank you so much for coming tonight and participating in Train the Trainer Day 4. It was
amazing. Congrats to Dom. It was a lovely presentation with him and Ron. And I think everybody got a
lot out of it. So we're very thankful for tonight. Mr. Mouse, anything?
Mr. Mouse
Thank you. It's been amazing. It's been very interesting with some of the little steps we've had. And I'm
sure Ron had dropped his internet and he's really missing all of this. But he will catch up with us and
we'll have it on the next Zoom with everybody. Much love to everybody. And thank you very much for
And let me just say that I actually think it's okay that Ron stepped out, although I have a feeling he's
probably listening in somehow because he has that ability. I think we all know that. But it's okay that
Ron's not with us. Why? Because ultimately, it's going to be our responsibilities anyway. So if nothing
else, we can do this in service and support to Ron. Ron doesn't have to be here for us to do what it is
that we need to do, what it is that we're being called to do, and most especially what it is that we're all
going to be capable of doing. We'll get a little bit of help here in the future with the light wave. And
then we're off and running. So be thinking about all this information that we've provided and then how
expansive the information will be. And I'm speaking to not only the people that are here tonight, but the
people that are going to be listening to this recording so that, you know, we've had since we've done
these train the trainers, we've had an average of 4000 members view the You Tubes. And so that's quite
a bit of support. And as a result of that, that just means that more and more people have an interest to
prepare. Well, let's just for ourselves, take this information and decide how we are going to best use it
to prepare those that are going to come to our academy. And then we're going to... nothing's going to
stop us. And as the song that came out earlier in the presentation said, don't give up. Just don't give up
because it's right in front of us for our taking when the time comes and we will all do it perfectly.
Perfecto, T. Coom, Perfecto. So thanks to everyone for being here tonight. We thank you. I'm going to
stop the recording and then I'll open it up to just say goodnight.