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Practical Research 2 FINAL OUTPUT 4real

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Study Habits and Lifestyle of Grade 12 HUMSS

Students in ICENHS Sta. Filomena: Effects on Submission

of Learning Modules

A Research Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School Iligan

City East National High School

Sta. Filomena, Iligan City

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for

Practical Research 2

Van Hillaire Augusto,
Vincent Bontilao
Angelia Lacuna
Nylmar Paculba

January 2022



In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Practical Research 2, this study entitled, Study

Habits and Lifestyle of Grade 12 HUMSS Students in ICENHS Sta. Filomena: Effects on

Submission of Learning Modules has been prepared and submitted by, Van Hilaire B.

Augusto, Vincent M. Bontilao, Angelia B. Lacuna, and Nylmar B. Paculba who are hereby

recommended for Oral Examination.


Approved by the Creative Research committee on oral examination with a grade of


___________ ____________ ___________

Panel Member Panel Member Panel Member


Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Creative Writing Grade 10.

Date of defense School ICENHS Principal


This work would not have been possible without the unending support of our faculty

staffs and teacher who burnt the candle with us throughout our whole journey of collecting

knowledge and information concerning the Study Habits and Lifestyle of Grade 12 HUMSS

Students in Submission of Learning Modules during the Covid-19 crisis. We are especially

indebted to our Practical Research teacher, Mrs. Florebel Calimbayan for giving us an extensive

personal and professional guidance and assistance that she gave us in order for us to gain enough

knowledge to effectively complete our study. As our mentor, you provided us the every possible

help that you can give us. You made us understand the how important time management in your

very own way.

We are also humbly grateful to our research participants for the time that they spared for

us and for their patience and cooperation. Their help will never be forgotten.

Lastly, we would like to thank our families for their support and assistance. We wouldn’t

have completed our study without their help. They provided us the every possible help that they

can think of. They’ve been our strength and inspiration throughout our journey. Most

importantly, we would like to thank God for the direction and guidance that he gave us. Thank

you so much for answering our prayers and giving us a sign of hope behind our trials in life.

Table of Contents
Title Page 1
Approval Sheet 2
Acknowledgement 3
Table of Contents 4
List of Tables 5
List of Figures 6

Introduction 8
Statement of the Problem 9
Significance of the Study 10
Scope and Limitation 11
Theoretical Framework 12
Conceptual framework 13
Definition of terms 15
Related Literature and Studies 16



1 Scaling of the Respondents 24

2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents 25

3 Study habits of the Respondents in Terms of Time Management 27

4 Study habits of the Respondents in Terms of Internet Exploration 29

5 Study habits of the Respondents in Terms of Academic Stress 30

6 Study habits in Terms of Concentration in Answering Modules 31

7 Lifestyle of the Respondents in Terms of Sleeping habits 32

8 Lifestyle of the Respondents in Terms of Attitude 34



1 Research paradigm 12

2 Map of Iligan City 21

3 Profile of Respondents in Terms of Sex 26



A Sample Questionnaire 41

Chapter 1

The Problem and It’s Setting


Education holds a clear path to a better future. Because of this, we gambled a lot of only

50 percent chance of success behind anyone’s possession of a college degree. However, due to

the occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic, the access to education got narrower.

The grade 12 HUMSS A (Humanities and Social Sciences) students of Iligan City East

National High School have to be dependent on self-learning modules and eLearning platforms to

be able to continue their studies. However, with the majority of the students using the modular

learning, cases concerning the late submission of modules and changes of lifestyle and habits

have become a big concern for the student’s way of learning.

Cramming also became part of the student’s habit when dealing with their modules due to

the lack of supervision from the teachers and parents which causes the students to get unhealthy

sleeping habits. Modular learning brought massive changes to the students of Grade 12 HUMSS

–A and most of it caused them their mental health to be greatly affected due to the struggle in

adopting the new way of learning during this pandemic.

This research reports the findings of a thorough study to come up with solutions to the

factors concerning the Study Habits and Lifestyle of Grade 12 HUMSS Students in Submission

of Learning Modules during the Covid-19 crisis. The researchers aims to unravel the reasons

behind the students' missing of the deadline with their submission of modules in Iligan City East

National High School, grade 12 HUMSS A to present effective ways for the students to meet the


Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the effects of study habits and lifestyle of the

purposively selected 43 grade 12 HUMSS A students on the effects of their submission of

learning modules, specifically seeking to answer the following questions:

These are the following important questions that are needed to be answered:

1. What is the demographic profile of the Grade 12 HUMSS A students in terms of age and sex.

2. What are the study habits of the Grade 12 HUMSS students in terms of:

a. Time Management

b. Internet Exploration

c. Academic Stress

d. Concentration in Answering Modules

3. What kind of lifestyle do the Grade 12 HUMSS students have in terms of:

a. Sleeping habits

b. Attitude

Significance of the study

During this pandemic, many students have been struggling with studying using modular

platforms at home. Most of them have also developed a new lifestyle and habit that greatly

affected their learning. This study focuses on addressing the common problems that the students

are facing through the process of adapting to the modular learning. This study will be beneficial

to the following:

Leaners - they would be guided on their awareness on health habits and lifestyle and the

possibilities that these may affect their performance in school.

Parents – their awareness on their children‘s need to maintain good and health habits and

lifestyle to perform well in school and to have a good life in general would be augmented.

Teachers - they would be guided to become not only as a sole provider of knowledge but also

as facilitator and second parent able to determine how much the health habits and the lifestyle of

students affect their performance in school and decide to take actions to address the learners‘


School administration - they would be given a guide in making decisions to implement or

develop necessary programs for learners to be more active and productive in their performance in


Future researchers – To be guided in conducting a follow-up study similar to this research

undertaking with increased number of respondents from other schools.

Scope and Limitations

This study was conducted in 43 Grade 12 HUMSS A students from Iligan City East

National High Santa Filomena, Iligan City. It focuses only on the lifestyle and study habits of the

Grade 12 HUMSS A students during pandemic. This will addressed the problems that they

encounter during modular learning.

Theoretical Framework of t he Study

The researchers of this study are working on ideas that will assist students in their Study

Habits and Lifestyle. The researchers discussed the various possibilities or causes for this issue.

The researchers believe that there is a solution to this issue that will help many students.

Many students submits their module late due to lack of time because of their new Habits

and lifestyles Objective: To help us students struggling this problem. Question: How to end the

negative Study Habits and lifestyles? The importance of this study is that we'll find solutions that

may help our fellow students/classmates. The researchers came up with 4 theories on why some

students get used to a new habit/lifestyle.

The four theories why students adapts this new habits and lifestyles are: laziness,

searching answers through online, doing unnecessary things, and doing the Mañana Habit.

The researchers believed that these are the possible reasons why some students adapts

this new Study Habit and Lifestyle.

1. Laziness- Some students usually say that "I'll do my modules tomorrow" but ended up not

doing it because of laziness.

2. Searching answers through online- Instead of learning through books or the given module it

became a habit to search answers through online due to lack of knowledge.

3. Doing unnecessary things- Common reason why students are unable to pass their module on

time or they only do their module when the deadline is tomorrow.

4. Mañana Habit- instead of doing their school activities, they will say/comes to their mind that

"I'll do it later" that's why it became a habit to them because they won't worry much due to the

Pandemic situation.

This research began when the researchers came up with this topic, they noticed that many

students are experiencing this problem. A researchers responsibility are to find: clues, answers,

and theories so that they can help and answer this problem.

Conceptual Framework




Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Figure 1 shows the relationship between study habits and lifestyle to the productive

learning of the students of Grade 12 HUMSS A of Iligan City East National High School in

submitting their learning modules under pandemic period. Independent variables were the study

habits of the learners namely; time management, internet exploration, academic stress and

concentration in answering modules. The other independent variables were the lifestyle of the

learners in terms of their; sleeping habits and attitude. The dependent variables were the modular

learning of the learners.

Moreover, High school students have delayed bed and wake-up times and shifted

chronotype toward eveningness during the COVID-19 pandemic. The worsening of the physical

and psychological World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire domains and

improvement in the environmental domain highlight the conflicting experiences that high school

students are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. ( Genta, Rodriguez, Sunfeld, 2021)

An existing association between studying in isolation at home and an inappropriate

learning environment and lack of self-discipline. Several studies indicate that a lack of ICT

equipment (e.g. printers) at home and limited knowledge on its use, and even the lack of a quiet

place to study are among the negative impacts of Covid-19.(Bao, 2020)

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the research work, the following terms are defined operationally:

Academic performance - is the outcome of education or the extent to which the students have

achieved their educational goals. The academic performance this research is concerned about the

current grading period to when the study was conducted.

Academic stress - Defined as the body's response to academic-related demands that exceed

adaptive capabilities of students. It is usually associated with the frustration and fear of the

possibility or perception of failure.

Covid-19 Pandemic - A global pandemic that occurred last December, 2019 that is still

happening until today.

Lifestyle — way of living among students: set of attitudes, habits, or possessions associated with
the students.

Study habits — students study behaviours and practices.

Self-Learning Module - A hardcopy learning material for the students’ distance learning.

Time management -The ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.

"time management is the key to efficient working"

Chapter II


This chapter presents the literature and studies related to the current study.

Related Literature

School, colleges and universities do exist because there are students. They are the

essential assets in any educational institution thus the social and economic development of the

country is directly linked with students‘ academic performance (academic achievement) playing

an important role in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and

manpower for the country thus responsible for the country‘s economic and social development

(Ali et.al, 2009).

Academic performance measurement has received considerable attention in previous

research, it is challenging aspects of academic literature, and science student performance are

affected due to social, psychological, economic, environmental and personal factors. These

factors strongly influence on the student performance, but these factors vary.

Healthy lifestyles depend on the early adoption of healthy living habits; unhealthy

lifestyles among youths are strongly linked to unhealthy habits in adulthood (Lowry et al., 2000).

Health-related behaviours in early stages of life affect the disease risks related to lifestyle in later

periods of life. Although it is 18 difficult to change unhealthy habits that adults have adopted in

their youth, many effects of health risk factors among adults are avoidable.

Health-related behavior plays important role as critical stages of brain maturation occur

early in life, the development of certain structures and higher cognitive functions (e.g. abstract

thinking, deductive reasoning and problem solving) takes place in adolescence and continues

during early adulthood (Petten,2004) therefore, brain development is strongly influenced by

environmental factors, with nutrition playing a pivotal role, whereas the effects of nutritional

deficits on cognition are well known, the impact of over nutrition became the focus of research

in the past decade (Benton, 2008).

Attitude and behavior of students

According to Yilmaz, (2017). “The students in an online environment procrastinated

more on assignment submissions compared to their traditional face-to-face counterparts. This is

understandable as life events can affect one’s schoolwork. Due to its autonomous nature, the

online learning environment places a high demand of self-regulation from students.”

Furthermore, “Procrastinators in e-learning tended to perform worse than non-

procrastinators but also that the negative relationship between procrastination and achievement

in the e-learning environment was stronger than that in the traditional learning environment”

Yilmaz added (You, 2015, p. 66). In addition, students who post late into an online class have a

significantly higher rate of being unsuccessful overall as the onset of procrastination formed an

early habit (McElroy & Lubich, 2013). In addition to the article, the students who procrastinate

have a higher chance of failing and missing a deadline due to its bad habit of working on their

home works close to the time of submission. This being the case, procrastinating can be one of

the reasons why some students miss the deadlines. This can be a big obstacle that needs to be

overcome and solved to avoid further problems that concerns the students’ performance in his


Moreover, according to Falkner and Falkner (2012). “The assignment submission

patterns could be an indicator for identifying at-risk students and increased rate of course

withdrawals at an institution. Several studies show a correlation between student procrastination

and academic performance (Nordby et al., 2017).”

They also identified that students who procrastinates can end up missing their classes and

assignments that results to poor quality and accuracy of work. In which it leads to lower grades

due to the high pressure press on them.

Moreover, based on the article from Philstar (philstar.com).The Department of Education

in Central Visayas is giving students more time to answer their modules by allowing delayed

submission of accomplished modules. This method however, is reasonable due to the increasing

number of students who passed their modules late due to different reasons and difficulties that

they’ve faced. The student’s parents are also having difficulties in handing out the module due to

the lack of time and busy schedule with other activities that cannot be ignored. Most students

also lack knowledge especially in the activities that needed to be answered because of the

knowledge barrier that hinder them from learning due to the lack of assistance from their

respective teachers and the lack of resources in joining the e-Learning classes.

Study Habits of students

According to Penn state "Adjusting Your Study Habits during COVID-19 Things may

feel out-of-control right now. You may be facing a lot of unknowns and disruptions. Try to be

patient with yourself, your classmates, and your instructors during this time. Take care of your

well-being first. Making a plan and adjusting your studying may even help you feel a little sense

of control." Your study habits may need to change. In this guide: Staying organized, Avoiding

multitasking, Making the most of your classes, Setting a schedule, Trading old strategies for new

ones, Working with a group or team, and Staying connected to other people.

However, According to Hills (2000) study, a very good and conducive learning

environment encourages students study habit and might have positive impact on their academic

performances but students reading in an unfavorable environment might find it difficult to study

which may affect their academic achievements. Students with financial constraints might also

find it difficult to perform excellently well in their academics. Also, students study habit should

contribute to their academic performance. Some students do not attend classes, do not take down

notes, do not do their assignments, do not read their books or make use of the library. These

attitudes may negatively affect their academic performances especially in mathematics. This

study intended to identify various study habits used by the students and the relationship with

their academic performances. The distressing phenomena: scholastic underperformance and

failure have caused serious concern to educationists, guidance counsellors and educational

planners for several decades as this amount to colossal wastage of resources available for

education. This necessitates serious probe into the causes that underlie and factors that lead to

underachievement and failure, so that means could be devised to grapple with this enormous


Okon (2005) observed that students with structured and organized study habit performed

well during examinations. He went on to recommend that parents, government and teacher

should provide reading materials and a conducive environment for effective learning. In addition,

Siraj cited that study habits act as a strong weapon for the students to excel in life while as

Academic achievement is considered as a key criterion to judge one‘s total potentialities and

capabilities. Therefore it is more pressing for the individuals/ students to have high academic

achievement. Then, we can categorize an individual‘s strength and weaknesses about the

processes of learning from a number of different factors which affect the way we learn. It is

possible to refer to someone as a ―visual learner‖ or a person who prefers ―step by-step‖

directions, the relationship between length of study before break and GWA was significant,

where Waterworth (2003) found out an average of 8 - 9 hours per day creating fatigue and

overall exertion among students, which may lead to lower performance on examinations.

Lifestyle of students under pandemic period

COVID-19 leads to isolation because people have to remain at home to prevent infection,

but this is likely to have a detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of individuals .In

particular, previous research has demonstrated government actions related to spatial distancing as

being effective public health measures; however, they could also cause health problems other

than COVID-19 infection such as psychological distress and fear. Health must be considered in

these circumstances since there is no reliable cure for this disease yet, and apart from

vaccination, its resolution remains unpredictable. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the

preventive approach as practiced in Korea to stay protected and maintain health and wellbeing.

According to Park (2019), lifestyle can be classified according to people’s life patterns,

and can be defined as a complex concept that involves a person’s consciousness of life, values,

and character. Drinking, smoking, exercise, nutrition, and stress are also elements of lifestyle

according to the WHO’s definition of the term. Previous studies have highlighted the importance

of healthy lifestyles as they are crucial in maintaining and improving physical and mental health

and improving the quality of life. Previous research linking COVID-19 and lifestyle patterns

illustrated that an individual’s lifestyle is a crucial factor for preventing infectious diseases.

However, in the study of Banawa (2016) result showed that stress as independent variable

had bearing or significantly related to status as dependent variable, with independent variable

stress significantly correlated with the dependent variable health status, like in recent decades

where lifestyle has been recognised as an important determinant of health status and has become

a focus of increasing research interest worldwide.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that 60% of an individual's health-

related quality of life depends on his/her lifestyle (Ziglio, 2002) where numerous publications

have shown that healthy lifestyle practices reduce disease occurrence and mortality rates and

socio-demographic dimensions such as sex, age, marital status, economical level, and paid

employment correlate with healthy lifestyle (Kruger, 2008).

Chapter III


This chapter presents the method that was used in gathering data for this study. This

includes how data was obtained to answer the problem, present the locale and subjects of study,

research design, sampling method, data gathering procedures, instruments of the study, and

statistical tools.

A. Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in Iligan City East national High School of Sta. Filomena,

Iligan City.

Figure 2. Map of Iligan City

This figure shows the map of Iligan City which can be found in the province of Lanao del

Norte. A highly urbanized city in Northern Mindanao. The city is near the costal area where a lot

of schools can be found and one of them is Iligan City East National High School where the

study will be conducted.

B. Participants of the study

A total of 43 learners were purposively selected as the respondent of this study. The

chosen respondents were given questionnaires that they answered with regards to their personal

information, study habits and lifestyles.

C. Research Design and Sampling methods

Correlation research design method was used to correlate the relationship between

independent and dependent variables. Independent variables were the study habits of the learners

namely; time management, internet exploration, academic stress and concentration in answering

modules. The other independent variables were the lifestyle of the learners in terms of their;

sleeping habits and attitude. The dependent variables were the modular learning of the learners.

Mediating variables such as sex and age will also be collected to see if these variables can affect

the submission of modules of the learners. Purposive sampling was used. We gathered data from

a total of 43 learners.

D. Instruments of the Study

The materials used in this study were questionnaires that contained certain questions

regarding the problems of this study: the lifestyle and study habits of grade 12 HUMSS A

students and whether or not these factors would affect their modular learning of the learners. The

first part of the questionnaire contained information about the learners personal profile or data

that would be the basis for the results of their answers in the next part of the questionnaire. The

next part of the questionnaire contained information about the learners study habits and

lifestyles, which would also need their answers. The questions regarding study habits were

divided into subtopics: time management, internet exploration, academic stress and concentration

in answering modules. Meanwhile, the questions regarding lifestyles were also divided by

subtopic: sleeping habits and attitude. Questions were validated by an expert in the said field of

study then the data obtained from the answers of respondents would be used to analyze the

answers to the problem of this study.

E. Data Gathering Methods

This study will use the method of Quantitative research. It also made use of the

Information that will be gathered through online surveys questionnaire, interviews as well as the

data gathered from the HUMSS strand.

F. Data Gathering Procedure

Step 1: The authors identified and developed the topic

Step 2: Did a preliminary search for information

Step 3: Locate materials step

Step 4: Evaluate the sources

Step 5: Make notes

Step 6: Wrote the paper

Step 7: Cite sources

Step 8: Submit

G. Statistical Tool Used

Statistical Tool Used Relationships between variables presented were analyzed by

descriptive statistics where quantitative descriptions of study habits and lifestyles of respondent

were analyzed by the following statistical tools:

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution - this statistical tool was used to describe and

determine the ratio of the respondents personal profile in terms of gender and age.

2. Mean - to determine the level of performance of the respondents towards their study habits

and lifestyle.

3. Scaling - to determine the average description of each independent variable such as study

habits and lifestyles.

Average Mean Interval Equivalent Grade Description

3.25 – 4.00 4 Always

2.50 – 3.24 3 Oftentimes

1.75 – 2.49 2 Sometimes

1.00 – 1.74 1 Never

Table 1. Scaling of the Respondents



This chapter presents, interprets and analyses the data gathered which determined how

study habits and lifestyle affected the Grade 12 HUMSS Students in submission of Learning

Modules, mostly expressed in mean, frequency, and percentage. Independent variable (study

habits) are: time management, internet exploration, academic stress and concentration in

answering modules while sleeping habits and attitude fall under Lifestyle. Each was determined

whether they are affected or not in submission of their learning modules which was the

dependent variable. Presentations, interpretations and analyses were supported by corresponding

tables arranged in the same manner as they were presented in the statements of the problem in

chapter one. Textual, analysis, and interpretation followed each table presentation.

Table 2. Demographic Profile of Respondents

Age of the Grade 12 Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
HUMSS A Students

17 17 39.53

18 21 48.84
19 3 6.98
20 1 2.32
22 1 2.32
total 43 100

The table 2 shows the ages of the grade 12 HUMSS A students (respondents of this

study) who reached a total number of 43 respondents purposively selected. 39.53% were 17

years old; 48.84% were 18 years old. 6.98% were 19 years old, while 4.64% were 20 to 22 years

old, which could implied that majority were 18 years of age parallel to Abby (2020) citation that

incoming grade 12 students were usually 18 years old during the first day of classes.

Figure 3. Profile of Respondents in Terms of Sex

Figure 3 presents respondents profile in terms of sex by which 16 (37%) were male while

27 (63%) were females, which could imply that respondents were mostly females. Some

scientists had concluded that females had outnumbered males in terms of population worldwide

with males underperforming in school while women excel academically but got fewer

professorships, supported by McGuire‘s (2015) contention that males were 36 underperforming

in school, yet females were making big strides and achievements in education but massively

under-represented in senior work and third-level academia.

Table 3. Study habits of the Respondents in Terms of Time Management

Time Management Mean Interpretation

1. Do you do your school works/modules in advance? 2.79 Oftentimes
2. Do you practice Mañana habit when doing your modules? 2.07 Sometimes
3. Do you let online games and social media distract you on your
2.05 Sometimes
school requirements?
4. Do you hang out with friends instead of doing your modules? 2.00 Sometimes
5. Do you answer your modules based on your free time? 2.67 Oftentimes
6. Do you follow the Weekly Home Learning Plan? 3.28 Always
7. Do you make a list of priorities in your schedule? 3.30 Always
8. Do your household chores or family problems affect your
3.21 Oftentimes
study/answering your modules?
9. Do you asks someone’s help in answering your modules? 2.40 Sometimes
10. Do you often feel satisfied on how you use your time in your
2.44 Sometimes

Overall mean 2.62 Oftentimes

Table 3 presents the respondents study habits in terms of Time Management. On the

average, the respondents always follow the Weekly Home Learning Plan in answering their

modules which is a good way in enhancing their knowledge and be a role model to others also

they always make a list of priorities in their schedule. They often do school works/modules in

advance, answer their modules based on their free time, but also often have problems in

answering modules because of their household chores. In another hand, sometimes they asks

someone’s help in answering their modules, they prefer to hang out with friends instead of doing

their modules, practice Mañana habit when doing modules, and let online games and social

media distract them in doing their school requirements.

Yilmaz, (2017) cited that “The students in an online environment procrastinated more on

assignment submissions compared to their traditional face-to-face counterparts. This is

understandable as life events can affect one’s schoolwork. Due to its autonomous nature, the

online learning environment places a high demand of self-regulation from students.”

In addition, the students who procrastinate have a higher chance of failing and missing a

deadline due to its bad habit of working on their home works close to the time of submission.

This being the case, procrastinating can be one of the reasons why some students miss the

deadlines. This can be a big obstacle that needs to be overcome and solved to avoid further

problems that concerns the students’ performance in his studies.

Okon (2005) also observed that students with structured and organized study habit

performed well during examinations. He went on to recommend that parents, government and

teacher should provide reading materials and a conducive environment for effective learning.

Siraj also cited that study habits act as a strong weapon for the students to excel in life while as

Academic achievement is considered as a key criterion to judge one‘s total potentialities and


A very good and conducive learning environment encourages students study habit and

might have positive impact on their academic performances but students reading in an

unfavorable environment might find it difficult to study which may affect their academic

achievements. Students with financial constraints might also find it difficult to perform

excellently well in their academics Hills (2000).

Table 4. Study habits of the Respondents in Terms of Internet Exploration

Internet Exploration Mean Interpretation

1. Do you think internet is very helpful in answering your
3.44 Always
2. Do you feel there is too much information online and don’t
2.60 Oftentimes
know which one to choose?
3. Do you copy and paste information on the internet without
2.79 Oftentimes
paraphrasing and citing the authors?
4. Do you trust information found online? 2.65 Oftentimes
5. Do you use the internet in academic purposes only? 2.40 Sometimes
6. Do you always find the information you need in the internet? 3.09 Oftentimes
7. Do you use the internet unrelated to your modules. 2.30 Sometimes
8. Do you find it hard to find some needed information needed in
2.95 Oftentimes
your modules?
9. Do you use a lot of references like books aside from the
2.65 Oftentimes
10. Do you apply the rules in browsing the internet? 2.30 Sometimes

Overall mean 2.72 Oftentimes

Table 4 shows the respondents study habits in terms of Internet Exploration. On the

average, the respondents respond always to internet that it has a big help to them in answering

their modules which provide extra information also as good reference, most of the response are

oftentimes in which student due to a lot information they struggle in what is best among of them

also the trust level on internet source which means they often trust those information they got,

oftentimes copy and paste without paraphrasing and have a hard time finding a needed

information, with the mean of 2.30 sometimes in terms of applying rules in browsing the

internet, doing things using internet for unrelated module task, for the overall mean which fall

into oftentimes which indicates that they oftentimes respond to those question in terms of

internet exploration.

Table 5. Study habits of the Respondents in Terms of Academic Stress

Academic Stress Mean Interpretation

1. Do you understand all the given lessons in the module? 2.05 Sometimes
2. Do you have confidence in answering subjects you are not good
2.19 Sometimes
3. Do you feel unmotivated when you cannot answer your modules
3.00 Oftentimes
due to lack of knowledge?
4. Do you feel depressed on the given different modules?
3.28 Always
5. Do you feel bored because of modular learning? 3.30 Always
6. Do you think modular is easy? 1.77 Sometimes
7. Do you feel you want to stop studying because of pandemic? 2.84 Oftentimes
8. Do you concentrate learning at home? 2.35 Sometimes
9. Do you prioritize your needs before answering the modules? 3.30 Always
10. Do you have the resources to answer the modules? 2.21 Sometimes

Overall mean 2.63 Oftentimes

Table 5 shows the study habits of students in terms of academic stress. Average shows

how the students understood the lessons in their modules. Students having the confidence to

answer the modules that they are not good at. It also shows how the students feel unmotivated

when they cant answer their modules due to the lack of knowledge. Oftentimes they feel

depressed on the modules, feels bored due to modular learning. Thinks modular is easy but

oftentimes get the feeling of wanting to stop studying. It also shows how students only

sometimes feel concentrate studying at home while they prioritize their needs before their

modules. Lastly the results shows how they can only sometimes get access t the resources of

answering their modules.

Academic stress is a big factor that could change a students learning negatively. This

often results to the learners having a poor performance in their studies that could affect their

education. According to with technology comes new challenges that add to the pressures of

schooling. Especially in a more virtual setting necessitated by COVID-19 in some circumstances.

There’s more to track and know. Instead of just learning how to solve math problems, kids must

troubleshoot their WiFi connection or other technological problems. If a page reloaded and their

work was lost, which many of us can relate to, it can be a struggle to complete key assignments.

If there was trouble asking teachers questions as they present material, kids might scramble to

find answers online afterwards.

Table 6. Study habits of the Respondents in Terms of Concentration in Answering Modules

Concentration in Answering Modules Mean Interpretation

1. I prioritize my module first before others. 2.91 Oftentimes
2. I try to use different methods from what I learned from my module
2.79 Oftentimes
to solve problems.
3. I try to memorize as much as possible. 2.84 Oftentimes
4. I try to think on my own instead of counting on others. 2.93 Oftentimes

5. I organize what I’ve learned. 3.26 Always
6. I try to apply what I’ve learned. 3.16 Oftentimes
7. I proactively study without being told at home. 3.09 Oftentimes
8. I study while watching TV or listening music at home. 2.21 Sometimes
9. I study while using smart phone or cellphone at home. 2.12 Sometimes
10. I cannot concentrate in answering my module because I have to
2.93 Oftentimes
Work for my family.

Overall mean 2.82 Oftentimes

The table 6 represents the respondents in terms of concentration in answering modules. It

shows that the students prioritize their modules oftentimes than other things. It also shows how

that students often uses different methods in order to solve their problems in their modules. The

table also shows how the students still try to memorize the things that are needed to be

memorized in their lessons. Moreover, it shows how the students depend on themselves more in

order to do their modules. Furthermore the result shows how students frequently organize that

they’ve learned and applied it to themselves often. The students also studies at home without

being told often than expected. It also shows how very few students can study with music or any

kind of entertainment. Using their phone also barely helped them in studying. Lastly, the survey

shows how students oftentimes get distracted by their family matters at home, especially by their

house hold chores.

To be able to understand the lessons more, the students need to have the ability to

concentrate on their modules without being carried away by distractions to be able to study

efficiently. With that being said, having that determination to learn can help them be more

focused in their lessons. Without concentration, the students tend to be lured by distractions that

could threaten their education negatively. To sum it all up, having the ability to focus can help

the student memorize and get a faster comprehension that could help them with their studies.

Table 7. Lifestyle of the Respondents in Terms of Sleeping habits

Sleeping habits Mean Interpretation

1. Do you wake up early? 2.53 Oftentimes
2. Do you have trouble waking up early? 2.42 Sometimes
3. Do you stay up late at night because of answering modules? 2.93 Oftentimes
4. Do you feel sleepy, drowsy, and tired during the day? 2.34 Sometimes
5. Do you listen to music as you sleep? 2.49 Sometimes
6. Do you turn your lights off when you sleep? 2.65 Oftentimes
7. Do you have trouble sleeping? 2.47 Sometimes
8. Do you have interruption during your sleep? 2. 32 Sometimes
9. Do you get at least 8 hours of sleep at night? 2.65 Oftentimes
10. Do you have enough sleep everyday? 2.56 Oftentimes

Overall mean 2.74 Oftentimes

Table 7 presents the respondents lifestyle in terms of sleeping habits. On the average, the

respondents often woke up early; turned the lights off when going to sleep; got at least 8 hours of

sleep at night, though sometimes having trouble waking up early; stayed up late at night because

`of answering modules; took naps during the day; felt sleepy, drowsy, and tired during the day;

listened to music when going to sleep; had trouble going to sleep; and had interruptions during


If a good night sleep is beneficial to one‘s individual health, waking up early is also

beneficial by which, according to Health Fitness Revolution, the benefits of waking up early are

the following; it helps sustain a healthier diet, early risers are more proactive, gives better mental

health, increased productivity, more time to exercise, better sleep quality, accomplish more

goals, more time allotted in planning whole day activity, strong self-mastery, and lastly, peace

and quiet.

Therefore, a good night sleep is not just necessary in having energy to face the next day‘s

challenges. But good night sleep is important in maintaining good health in both physical and

emotional aspects especially for the students. It can also contribute to students performance at

school especially now we are facing an dangerous and deadliest virus. Previous research linking

COVID-19 and lifestyle patterns illustrated that an individual’s lifestyle is a crucial factor for

preventing infectious diseases.

Moreover, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 60% of an individual's

health-related quality of life depends on his/her lifestyle (Ziglio, 2002) where numerous

publications have shown that healthy lifestyle practices reduce disease occurrence and mortality

rates and socio-demographic dimensions such as sex, age, marital status, economical level, and

paid employment correlate with healthy lifestyle (Kruger, 2008).

Table 8. Lifestyle of the Respondents in Terms of Attitude

Attitude Mean Interpretation

1. Do you like reading and answering your modules?
2.51 Oftentimes

2. Do you like spending your time doing activities in your module? 2.58 Oftentimes

3. Do you able to study subjects that you don’t really like? 2.44 Sometimes
4. Do you like working with others? 2.81 Oftentimes
5. Do you feel comfortable discussing others about your ideas in
2.95 Oftentimes
your module?
6. Do you enjoy doing performance task in your module? 2.63 Oftentimes
7. Do you like playing music while answering modules? 2.30 Sometimes
8. Do you rely on your parents/ siblings to answer your modules? 1.93 Sometimes
9. Do you do household chores while answering the modules? 2.40 Sometimes
10. Do you use time efficiently in answering your modules? 3.07 Oftentimes
Overall mean

2.56 Oftentimes

Table 8 shows the lifestyle of the students in terms of attitude. On average, the students

often reads and answer their modules; likes doing activities in their modules; were able to study

the subjects that they don’t like; oftentimes like working with others; are comfortable discussing

their ideas with others; enjoys doing their performance task; likes playing music while

answering; sometimes relies on their family member to answer their modules; does household

chores even when doing their modules; and often times use their times efficiently.

One important role in achieving something is attitude. When a person fails in one point of

his life, people would say that that person probably has a negative attitude towards things. In

school, the attitude of the students towards certain subjects often reflect on their performance.

The teachers often state that laziness, for example, a negative attitude, is directly proportional to

the students’ failure rate (A. Yahaya, J. Ramli and Y. Boon, 2009).

Positive attitude towards the subjects would encourage a person to learn the content much

better. According to Z. Zulkarnain, M. Saim and R. Abd Talib (2011), students ' attitudes has to

be nurtured all throughout the teaching and learning process in order to have a good and positive

result. Students’ ability to apply the knowledge and learning they gained is a positive result of

effective teaching and learning processes. A students’ active participation, critical thinking,

improved interaction and communication skills can be motivated by a positive attitude.



Summary of Findings

1. 37 % of the respondents were men and 63% were women.

2. Age range are 17 to 22 years old. Most of the respondents are 18 years old.

3. The students do their modules in advance; practice manana habit; get distracted by social

medias, online games, friends, house chores and family problems; practice their modules on free

time as well as making their schedules accordingly; sometimes depends on other with their

modules and feel satisfied with how they use their time.

4. They find internet helpful for their modules; they sometimes copy paste answers from the

internet without paraphrasing it; uses internet unrelated to their modules; find it hard to find

information needed for their modules; uses reference like books aside from internet.

5. The students oftentimes understand the given lessons from the modules; feel unmotivated if

they couldn’t answer the lessons due to the lack of knowledge; feel depressed and bored on the

given modules; get the feeling of wanting to stop studying due to the pandemic; sometimes gets

to concentrate learning at home.

6. 2.91% of the students oftentimes prioritize their modules; uses the methods learned from their

modules on their problems; tries to memorize as much as possible; depends on themselves;

organize what they learned and applied it to themselves ; does their modules without being told

at home; sometimes study while using gadgets; gets distracted by chores at home.

7. The students often woke up early; turned the lights off when going to sleep; got at least 8

hours of sleep at night, though sometimes having trouble waking up early; stayed up late at night

because `of answering modules; took naps during the day; felt sleepy, drowsy, and tired during

the day; listened to music when going to sleep; had trouble going to sleep; and had interruptions

during sleep.

8. The students often reads and answer their modules; likes doing activities in their modules;

were able to study the subjects that they don’t like; oftentimes like working with others; are

comfortable discussing their ideas with others; enjoys doing their performance task; likes playing

music while answering; sometimes relies on their family member to answer their modules; does

household chores even when doing their modules; and often times use their times efficiently.


Many students submits their module late due to lack of time due to their new Habits and

lifestyles. Although they always follow the Weekly Home Learning Plan in answering their

modules which is a good way in enhancing their knowledge and be a role model to others also

they always make a list of priorities in their schedule but at the same time they often have

problems in answering modules because of their household chores and usually procrastinate

because of boredom and new normal methods of learning and also easily get distracted by social

medias, online games, friends. Without the actual supervision of the teachers, the students

developed a bad habit such as rushing their modules the day before the deadline. Such habit

could cause the student a sense of lack of responsibility that they would carry in their journey to

their future. With or without the pandemic, the students must practice self-discipline starting

with passing their modules on time and fixing their schedules while putting importance to their

education. In other words, time management must be enforce to themselves to not only help

them with their classes but also help them have a healthy lifestyle even during the Pandemic.

The students oftentimes understand the given lessons from the modules but feel

unmotivated if they couldn’t answer the lessons due to the lack of knowledge; they easily feel

depressed and bored on the given modules; and get the feeling of wanting to stop studying due to

the stress and anxiety in the new normal due to the pandemic. In terms on their internet

exploration they find internet helpful for their modules but they also sometimes copy paste

answers from the internet without paraphrasing it. They use internet unrelated to their modules

and find it hard to find information needed for their modules; uses reference like books aside

from internet.

In conclusion, the new normal has given the students a big impact of changes which

made them overwhelmed and unable to recover from it. They have developed unhealthy lifestyle

and bad mental health which affected the way they deal with things. However, if such habits cant

change, this will affect the students future in a negative way. Time is gold and from this

pandemic comes a message which is to make every second matter.


Based on the results of this study, the following recommendations are presented:

1. Time management must be enforce to students during their modular learning.

2. Implement practical activities related to their strand other than giving reading materials.

3. Come up with activities for the whole class for the students to socialize.

4. They must be urge to follow the Learning Plan for them to practice responsibility.

5. The teachers must engage in friendly communication with the students to enhance a good
connection with them.

6. The students mental health must be addressed and fixed by giving the student the help that it

7. Enforce a parents-teacher meeting to address the students’ needs and guidance for their
modular learning.



Assignment Essay Help ( 2016 ) 5 reasons why students are late in their assignment submission


Bergeson (2003) Helping Students Finish School: Why Students Drop-out and

How to Help Them Graduate, cited on 7/10/2006


Good Reasons for Late Assignment Submission Your teacher won’t Refuse ( 2019 )


Keith Gregory , BSc, MSc, PhD, MIET (Senior Lecturer) &Sue Morón-García , BA

(Hons), PGCE, MSc, PhD (Senior Lecturer in Higher Education Research and

Development) (2015). Assignment submission, student behaviour and experience




Santelli, B., Robertson, S.N., Larson, E.K., & Humphrey, S. (2020). Procrastination

and delayed assignment submissions: Student and faculty perceptions of late point policy and

grace within an online learning environment. Online Learning


TEK NARAYAN MARASENI / GEOFF COCKFIELD. Analysis of ‘On-time’ and ‘Late’

Assignment Submitter Students https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/11035612.pdf



Study Habits and Lifestyle of Grade 12 HUMSS

Students in ICENHS Sta. Filomena: Effects on Submission
of Learning Modules

Direction: Fill up the blanks and check the parenthesis with the necessary information.

Part 1: Profile of the Respondent

Name: __________________________________________ Age: ___ Sex: ____
School: ________________________________________________________

Type of family:
( ) Nuclear family ( ) Extended family ( ) Single parent
How many siblings do you have?
( ) Only child ( ) One to two ( ) Three to five ( ) More than five
Father‘s educational attainment:_______________________________________
Father‘s occupation: ________________________________________________
Mother‘s educational attainment: ______________________________________
Mother‘s occupation: _______________________________________________
Monthly income of the family: ( ) 1,000 below ( ) 1,000-10,000 ( ) above 10,000

Table 1. Family background and involvement of parents/guardian in the child’s education

Questions Yes No
1. Are you living with your parents?

2. Are you the eldest?

3. Are you supported by your parents in your financial needs?

4. Do your parents monitor your studies or performance at school?

5. Do your parents attend PTCA meeting/class programs/school activities?

Table 2. Study habits

A. Time Management Always Oftentimes Sometimes Never
1. Do you do your school works/modules in advance?
2. Do you practice Mañana habit when doing your modules?
3. Do you let online games and social media distract you on your
school requirements?

4. Do you hang out with friends instead of doing your modules?
5. Do you answer your modules based on your free time?
6. Do you follow the Weekly Home Learning Plan?
7. Do you make a list of priorities in your schedule?
8. Do your household chores or family problems affect your
study/answering your modules?
9. Do you asks someone’s help in answering your modules?

10. Do you often feel satisfied on how you use your time in your
B. Internet Exploration
1. Do you think internet is very helpful in answering your modules?

2. Do you feel there is too much information online and don’t know
which one to choose?
3. Do you copy and paste information on the internet without
paraphrasing and citing the authors?
4. Do you trust information found online?
5. Do you use the internet in academic purposes only?
6. Do you always find the information you need in the internet?
7. Do you use the internet unrelated to your modules.
8. Do you find it hard to find some needed information needed in
your modules?
9. Do you use a lot of references like books aside from the internet?
10. Do you apply the rules in browsing the internet?

C. Academic Stress Always Oftentimes Sometime Never

1. Do you understand all the given lessons in the module?
2. Do you have confidence in answering subjects you are not good at?
3. Do you feel unmotivated when you cannot answer your modules due
to lack of knowledge?
4. Do you feel depressed on the given different modules?

5. Do you feel bored because of modular learning?

6. Do you think modular is easy?

7. Do you feel you want to stop studying because of pandemic?

8. Do you concentrate learning at home?

9. Do you prioritize your needs before answering the modules?
10. Do you have the resources to answer the modules?
D. Concentration in Answering Modules
1. I prioritize my module first before others.
2. I try to use different methods from what I learned from my module
to solve problems.
3.I try to memorize as much as possible.
4. I try to think on my own instead of counting on others.
5. I organize what I’ve learned.
6. I try to apply what I’ve learned.
7. I proactively study without being told at home.
8. I study while watching TV or listening music at home.
9. I study while using smart phone or cellphone at home.
10. I cannot concentrate in answering my module because I have to
Work for my family.

Table 3. Lifestyle
E. Sleeping habits Always Oftentime Sometimes Never
1. Do you wake up early?
2. Do you have trouble waking up early?

3. Do you stay up late at night because of answering modules?

4. Do you feel sleepy, drowsy, and tired during the day?

5. Do you listen to music as you sleep?

6. Do you turn your lights off when you sleep?

7. Do you have trouble sleeping?

8. Do you have interruption during your sleep?

9. Do you get at least 8 hours of sleep at night?

10. Do you have enough sleep everyday?

F. Attitude

1. Do you like reading and answering your modules?

2. Do you like spending your time doing activities in your module?

3. Do you able to study subjects that you don’t really like?

4. Do you like working with others?

5. Do you feel comfortable discussing others about your ideas in your

6. Do you enjoy doing performance task in your module?

7. Do you like playing music while answering modules?

8. Do you rely on your parents/ siblings to answer your modules?

9. Do you do household chores while answering the modules?

10. Do you use time efficiently in answering your modules?


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