Without tolerable Controls with controls? Contaminated Food Borne Illness / High All Consumers, Purchase meat from reputable suppliers only (e.g. YES Meat Food Poisoning particularly any major supermarket or renowned chain.) vulnerable All meat to be “well-done” Burgers should be persons (minors checked in the middle to make sure they are / older persons) cooked through; burgers must not be served rare. (Ideally you would temperature probe the food if you had access to one; I’m assuming you don’t) If using coal then light well in advance of cooking so that coals are glowing rather than burning. Gas would be a better choice because this spreads the heat much more evenly across the cooking grid and allows the centre of the food to cook through. Dirty Utensils (e.g. Contamination of meat High All Consumers, All utensils to be cleaned (disinfected and sanitised YES dropped on floor) with harmful bacteria particularly any if dropped on floor) leading to food borne vulnerable Separate clean utensils to be available; Dirty illness / food poisoning persons (minors utensils to be washed at Meeting House when / older persons) collecting food or other means of washing utensils to be provided. Meat products Cross-contamination of High All Consumers, Meat and salads to be stored in separate YES coming into ready to eat food stuffs particularly any containers in the fridge. Salads and other ready to contact with ready with harmful bacteria vulnerable eat food stuffs should be stored above raw meats to eat foodstuffs leading to food borne persons (minors in the fridge to prevent contamination. during storage. illness / food poisoning / older persons) Raw and ready to Cross-contamination of High All Consumers, Separate (preferably colour coded) chopping YES eat foodstuffs ready to eat food stuffs particularly any boards and utensils to be used when preparing indirectly coming with harmful bacteria vulnerable meats and salads / ready to eat food stuffs. into contact during leading to food borne persons (minors Observe good hygiene standards; hands must be preparation. illness / food poisoning / older persons) washed between handling uncooked meats and Food handlers. ready to eat foods – you could overcome this by having separate people preparing the meat and salad and implementing regular hand washing. Sample Risk Assessment for Barbeques
Hazard Risk Risk To Whom Controls Risk
Without tolerable Controls with controls? Food handler Cross-contamination of High All Consumers, Food handlers to keep cuts etc. covered. Food YES borne pathogens. food stuffs by food particularly any handlers must not participate if they have had any handlers – e.g. with vulnerable food related illness, diarrhoea etc. in the last 48 bacteria etc. persons (minors hours. / older persons) Good hygiene practices to be observed – you will Food handlers. need to work out a hand washing regime. Dirt / mud on salad Ingestion of pathogenic High All Consumers, Purchase ready washed salads from reputable YES vegetables bacteria particularly any supplier. Supplies to be within use by dates. vulnerable All salads etc. to be washed thoroughly before persons (minors serving. / older persons) Electrical supply Shocks, Medium All Consumers, All electrical equipment used outside to be YES to??? Burns Food handlers. protected by a Residual Current device; Fires Fire extinguisher to be provided if necessary. All equipment including cables to be “in date” for PAT testing. Electrical supplies not to be used in wet weather conditions. Electrical cables Trips, slips and falls Medium All Trailing cables to be kept out of traffic routes YES Cables to be secured wherever possible.