Cost of Capital Emerging Markets
Cost of Capital Emerging Markets
Cost of Capital Emerging Markets
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Eduardo Walker**
1. Introduction
* The author is grateful for the support of CONICYT through the Anillo SOC-04 project. He is especially
grateful for the help of Marcos Antonio Cruz Sanhueza on tax issues, the comments of Salvador Valdés,
and the comments of two anonymous referees. Any potential errors are purely the author’s responsibility.
** School of Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 4860 Vicuña Mackenna, Santiago,
Chile. Email:
doi 10.7764/LAJE.53.1.111
1. For example, Keck et al. (1998) have reviewed the previous literature.
risk factors to have decreased over time, since recent evidence reveals
that capital markets are becoming increasingly integrated (Carrieri
et al., 2007; Bekaert et al., 2011; Avramov et al., 2012).2
For example, Bekaert et al. (2011) measured integration as the average
difference between the local and global earnings-price ratio for each industry.
Using a sample of 20 developed and 49 emerging countries, they found
that segmentation declined over time. The local segmentation determinants
are capital flow restrictions, political risk, and the development of the
local stock market. The investment-grade corporate bond spreads in the
United States are a global segmentation determinant.3 Meanwhile, Hau
(2011) studied integration using a revision of the MSCI ACWI index
(in December 2000), as changing the reference index changed the Betas.
Assets whose Betas increase (fall) suffer price drops (increases) because
the required returns or discount rates change. This study provides direct
or causal evidence of integration, showing that it is important to use a
global equity portfolio return as the first risk factor.
Previous studies find local risk factors to be relatively more important.4
In any case, according to Bansal and Dahlquist (2002), these studies
would be subject to a “peso problem” bias, that could be caused by a
lack of credibility with regard to their commitment to keep markets
open (or to expropriation risk). After adjusting for this bias, the
systematic risk of the international CAPM model (with a single Beta)
would explain the dif ferences between countries’ expected returns.
Avramov et al. (2012) determined that, in addition to exposure to a
global market portfolio, exposure to a global credit risk factor (measured
as the dif ference between the equity returns for countries with low
and high risk ratings) is significant for explaining the dispersion of
2. Note that integration is not the same as correlation with a global market portfolio. Correlation
relates two variables and loses its meaning when there is more than one risk factor. See Pukthuanthong
and Roll (2009).
3. A segmentation ranking from highest to lowest for the period 2001–2005 found that Chile is at position
47, for example (from a total of 69, with the United States in the 69th place). Its earnings-price ratio
is 1.7 percentage points above that of the U.S., 0.4 percentage points above the average for developed
countries, and 1.9 percentage points below the average for emerging countries. Other countries are Argentina
(16), Brazil (15), Colombia (31), Ecuador (24), Korea (22), Mexico (45), Peru (30), and Venezuela (3).
4. Rowenhorst (1999) found that risk factors in emerging markets are qualitatively similar to those in
developed countries but with a bias toward local factors. Fama and French (1998) found that the return
on a global portfolio and a value premium would explain the international cross-section of returns, but
Grif fin (2001) argued that the explanatory power of the second factor is due to its local component.
Karolyi and Stulz (2003) found that using local or international models only implies significant dif ferences
for emerging economies. Erb et al. (1996) only used an aggregate country credit risk indicator to explain
the observed returns. Furthermore, the change in country risk premia would be partially predictable
using conditional models for the covariance with the global portfolio return (Ferson and Harvey, 1994;
Harvey, 1995).
5. For example, towards the end of 2013 the ten-year CDS for Chile and Brazil were 100 and 230 basis
points, respectively (Bloomberg).
6. The covariance between the return of the industry or project and the market return, divided by the
variance of the market return.
7. The discount rate is expressed in the same currency as Rf.
8. For example, if the cost of equity capital is 8% and the cost of debt is 4%, and the company finances
its assets using 50% debt and 50% equity, the WACC is 6%.
as the interest rate for issuers with a similar credit risk. The possible
tax advantages of using debt are discussed below, which reduce the
WACC, if they exist.
S&P 500 Index as a reference. The two risk factors used for emerging
markets are market and credit risk. He proposed adjusting for country
risk using the CDS, given the depth of that market (US$60 trillion).
The cost of equity capital must be estimated as in equation (1), using
the CDS as a second risk factor. Abuaf estimated the parameters
in a multiple return regression measured in U.S. dollars against the
return on the S&P 500 Index and the CDS rate (Abuaf, 2011). Later
he used changes in the CDS and not its level as a second explanatory
variable (Abuaf, 2015).
But this does not necessarily imply that they assume that there is no
exchange risk premium. It is tantamount to assuming that market and
credit risk span at least the same risk-return dimensions as market
and exchange rate risk. In fact, this paper presents estimates of the
possible magnitudes of the exchange rate risk premia for various
countries (Table 7).
Damodaran (2013, 2003) estimated the exposure to a second risk factor
using an ad hoc model. Avramov et al. (2012) provided a replicable
method, but their credit risk factor has not been updated and is
dif ficult to replicate. Therefore, it is useful and consistent with the
literature reviewed above to initially use each country’s credit risk
as a second factor. The equation for the cost of equity capital would
have the following form:
10. For example, to empirically determine a bond duration, we should regress the proportional change
in the bond price against changes in its yield and not against the yield level.
(λe) that should multiply the CDS spread or level. In fact, estimated in
this way the parameter should be negative, as an increase in country
risk would result in falling asset values. This point is explored below,
and we exploit the “replicating portfolio” concept in order to transform
in a consistent and useful way the sensitivity to changes in the CDS
spread into an additional risk premium.
The CAPM is a one-period model that does not address what the
relevant reference risk-free interest rate should be. Damodaran (2015)
recommended using a 20- or 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond’s nominal
interest rate (yield) in U.S. dollars. Koller et al. (2010) and Abuaf
(2011) proposed using a similar interest rate, but for a 10-year bond.
They justify using this rate as this bond is traded in significantly
more liquid markets than longer-term bonds. Curiously, Abuaf (2015)
changed his mind and proposed using a longer-term rate because it
would be “more realistic.”11
Conceptually, when we value a project or a company we should use the
spot interest rate and not an historical average, because the spot rate
reflects the opportunity cost for a risk-free project and incorporates
market expectations with regard to future interest rates. The Ef ficient
Market Hypothesis indicates that we should not expect a particular
11. “[The risk-free rate used is] … slightly higher than the current 30-Year Treasury bond, yet closer to
the long-term equilibrium rate that should theoretically approach growth rate of nominal GDP,” p. 76.
A source traditionally used for the equity risk premium has been
the Ibbotson and Associates Yearbook, which for certain periods has
estimated this premium (historical, since 1926) for the United States
at more than 8 (6) percentage points with respect to short-term (long-
term) fixed income.
12. See Cochrane and Piazzesi (2005), Ludvigson (2009), and Dimson et al. (2015) for conditional and
long-term estimates, respectively.
There is some consensus that the expected future value of the global
equity risk premium is overestimated, if we consider the past 50 years
or more to estimate it. Valuation multiples (such as price-earnings or
market-to-book ratios) have increased, and they cannot be assumed
to have a trend. Fama and French (2002) provided a milestone by
recognizing this, concluding that the expected risk premium is less
than half the historical average.
Koller et al. (2010) recommended using a premium with respect to long-
term bonds of between 4.5% and 5.5%. In their opinion, this parameter
is stable. To prove this, they transformed the median price-earnings
ratio of the firms within the S&P 500 Index into an expected return
by assuming a real long-term growth rate of 3.5% and a real return on
book equity of 13.5%, obtaining an inflation-adjusted average return
of 7%, which proves to be stable. This result obviously depends on
the assumptions for growth and the return on book equity.
Since 2001, there has been another important source of information
which is regularly updated. Dimson et al. (2015) incorporated 23
countries for the period 1900–2014 (115 years). They found a historical
geometric risk premium with respect to bills (bonds) for a global
portfolio of 4.3% (3.2%). The historical risk premium of long-term
bonds over short-term bonds is 0.9%. Dimson et al. (2013) arrived at
the premia presented in Table 1 after adjusting for expanding multiples
and other non-repeatable events.
13. This correlation with future returns is probably based on overlapping returns and is biased upward.
See Ferson et al. (2003).
For example, the standard deviation of the Dimson et al. (2013) global
equity portfolio return is 17.3%. This implies a dif ference between
arithmetic and geometric means of 1.5%.
Given the estimated risk premia found above (Tables 1 and 2), a
question is whether to use geometric or arithmetic means. This question
is technically complex. For example, Jacquier et al. (2003) proposed
using the following formula:
14. In the first case, the potential estimation error is found in the numerator, and in the second case,
in the denominator.
The second risk factor is, in principle, each country’s credit risk. The credit
risk can be measured as the spread between the interest rate of a sovereign
bond in U.S. dollars (or Euros) and a reference interest rate for a low-risk
country, such as the United States or Germany. It can also be measured
using Credit Default Swaps (CDS). Both alternatives (sovereign spreads
and CDS) should give similar results due to arbitrage considerations, as
argued below. However, in practice these approaches can give different
results. The main reason is that the CDS market is significantly more liquid
than the sovereign bonds market. A second reason may be the absence of
sovereign bonds for the term sought, such as 10 years.
Given the greater liquidity and availability, we also measure the second
risk factor building upon the CDS of an individual country or upon
an average of several countries.
Figure 1 displays CDSs for various countries. It is the premium paid
by the purchaser of insurance that protects against an insolvency
event or issuer default. In the absence of transaction costs, selling
such insurance is equivalent to a long position in a risky bond financed
with a short position in a risk-free bond.
Basis points
United Kingdom
New Zealand
South Korea
WACC = kd (1 − τC ) + ke (6)
D +E D +E
WACC = kd (1 − τC (1 − γ)) + ke (7)
D +E D +E
Here, γ is the fraction of the marginal investors that have the right to a
tax credit. In Chile, these were all investors except pension funds, until
2013. In the other countries mentioned above, γ is close to 1, because
there are no new personal taxes (or downstream taxes) on income from
equity capital, whereas there are taxes on income from debt.
One last point that deserves discussion in order to implement equation (7)
is the dif ference between the bond yield and its expected return. One
15. The Chilean tax reform introduced in 2014 means that this does not change when companies are
owned by other (investment) companies, but individual investors may only use 65% of the corresponding
corporate income tax as a credit for their personal taxes. (See note 17).
16. The tax codes for each country can be found here, (Chile); (Argentina); (Brazil); (Colombia); (Peru). I appreciate
the help of tax expert Marcos Antonio Cruz Sanhueza for this point.
17. When there are corporate taxes (τC) in addition to personal taxes (or downstream taxes) on capital
gains (τPS) and income from owning company debt (τPD), Miller (1977) shows that the value of a company
with debt is equal to the value of a company without debt, plus the tax advantages arising from the
debt as follows: GL = [1 − ((1 − τC)(1 − τPS)/(1 − τPD))]D. For example, if τPS = τPD we are back to
the original formula (6), which justifies the use of the formula even when there are personal taxes. But
if τC is a tax credit on behalf of τPS, as in Chile and Australia, then τC disappears from the formula. In
addition, if τPS = τPD, there is no tax advantage for using debt, and the asset’s discount rate should not
be reduced with leverage. If taxable income is subject to tax only once, as in Brazil, then τPS = 0. In
addition, if the marginal tax rate for companies and individuals is similar, once again using debt creates no
tax advantages. After the Chilean tax reform of 2014, there will be double taxation on 35% of corporate
taxable income, and as τPS = τPD, the expression for the tax advantage of using debt is GL = [0.35τC/
(1 − τPD)]D. As the maximum personal income tax rate will be 35% and the corporate income tax rate
27%, the tax advantage will be 14.54% of the amount of debt. But if net income is not distributed to
individuals but to investment companies, the tax advantage from using debt will continue to be nil.
reason for such difference is the default probability. For example, taking
a Credit Default Swap of 200 basis points for an investment-grade
instrument (Baa) as a reference, using Moody’s (2008) non-payment
statistics, with a recovery rate of 37% over an investment term of five
years, the bond risk premium is 176 basis points, which is 24 basis
points less than the CDS. For example, if the WACC assumes 50%
debt, the dif ference between the bond yield and its expected return
on debt is only 12 basis points. So, for investment-grade debt, the
difference between the CDS and the risk premium may be unimportant.
However, these results may be very dif ferent for non-investment-grade
bonds. For example, Koller et al. (2010) reported that this adjustment
is only important for low-grade investment bonds.
The proposed method to estimate the coefficients β and λ for the risk
factors in equation (3) are as follows, along with applications for this model.
The returns on local asset classes are measured in U.S. dollars (USD),
from a global investor’s perspective. We use weekly data in order
to estimate the parameters based on a recent period with suf ficient
degrees of freedom. This is also consistent with industry practices
(Abuaf, 2011, 2015; Damodaran, 2003).18
The first risk factor is the weekly return on the S&P 500 Index in excess
of the return (Holding Period Return, HPR) of investing in 10-year
U.S. bonds. This factor is called market risk (MR). The correlation
between the S&P 500 Index and the MSCI All Country World Index
is typically greater than 0.95, with similar volatilities, so estimates
should be similar if we used the latter index as reference.
Measuring the excess returns over the HPR on 10-year bonds does
not generate significant dif ferences in the estimated Betas compared
with using total returns (and not excess returns) instead. However,
this is important for the interpretation presented below.
18. The professional computer terminal and services provided by Bloomberg by default use the same
The second risk factor is the credit risk factor (CRF). It is constructed
as follows.
In the absence of transaction costs, by arbitrage a CDS is equivalent
to a short position in a risk-free bond that finances a long position in
a risky bond (both in the same currency). Therefore, the reverse path
is followed: the yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury bond (TB10Y) is
taken as a basis, plus the 10-year CDS for each country, resulting in
the yield for synthetic 10-year bond in U.S. dollars, with the same
credit risk as the country analyzed. As explained, this yield should be
similar to that of the corresponding sovereign bond in U.S. dollars, but
there may be dif ferences due to liquidity. The equivalent investment
strategy is to buy a 10-year Treasury bond and sell the country credit
risk insurance, receiving the spread in the absence of default.
Figure 2 shows the yields of our synthetic bonds for several countries
together with the yield for 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds.
Yields (%)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Source: Based on the author’s calculations with CDS and Treasury Yields from Bloomberg.
synthetic bond and so on. This is very similar to estimating the return
as the change in the yield multiplied by the duration of the 10-year
bond. The weekly HPR of investing in 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds
is subtracted from that series of returns, resulting in a dif ference or
excess return. This excess return is the credit risk factor (CRFk) for
each country (k). Part A of Table 3 shows variances, co-variances,
and correlations between the estimated CRF for various countries.
These CRFs are highly correlated between countries, especially among
those with less risk. As presumed, the resulting CRF is almost identical
to minus the change in the CDS multiplied by a constant, which is
similar to the (Macaulay) duration of our synthetic bonds. Therefore,
if instead of using the country’s CRF as a second risk factor we use
the change in its CDS, the results will be qualitatively identical.
The estimated multiples are presented in Part B of Table 3. Table
3B shows the result of using the change in the average CDS of each
country in the sample, in addition to the average that excludes
Argentina and Venezuela. Using the latter measure gives virtually
the same results (in terms of correlation, not in the magnitude of
the coef ficients) compared to using the country’s own CDS, which
suggests the existence of a second risk factor that is common to all
countries in the sample.
Table 4 shows the sensitivity of each country’s CRF to the average
CRF for the countries included in the sample. We observe that the
constants are not significant and that the explanatory power of the
average CRF is significant in all cases, with lower explanatory power
for Argentina and Venezuela.
Results not shown indicate that each country’s CDS is very similar to
multiplying its sensitivity to changes in the average CRF (third row of
Table 4A) with the average CDS. The greatest dif ference occurs with
Argentina, which may reflect that the CDS is a poor risk premium
indicator for countries with high credit risk.
ARG_FRC Cov 0.0060
Corr 1.00
BRL_FRC Cov 0.0006 0.0004
Corr 0.38 1.00
CHL_FRC Cov 0.0004 0.0002 0.0002
Corr 0.41 0.90 1.00
COL_FRC Cov 0.0006 0.0004 0.0002 0.0004
Corr 0.39 0.97 0.89 1.00
MEX_FRC Cov 0.0007 0.0004 0.0002 0.0004 0.0005
Corr 0.39 0.97 0.89 0.98 1.00
PAN_FRC Cov 0.0006 0.0004 0.0002 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004
Corr 0.39 0.97 0.89 0.98 0.98 1.00
PER_FRC Cov 0.0006 0.0004 0.0002 0.0004 0.0005 0.0004 0.0004
Corr 0.39 0.97 0.88 0.97 0.97 0.98 1.00
VEN_FRC Cov 0.0019 0.0005 0.0003 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0019
Corr 0.56 0.55 0.63 0.56 0.54 0.54 0.55 1.00
The estimated model for any asset class (j) based on an emerging
country is:
RjUSD − HPRTB10Y is the excess return in U.S. dollars of assets j over the
return on investing in 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds, RS&P500 − HPRTB10Y
is the excess return of these assets over the S&P 500 Index, and
HPREME − HPRTB10Y is the credit risk factor (CRF) for the excess
return on investing in a synthetic bond portfolio in emerging countries.
Note that if αj is not significantly dif ferent from zero, the equation
can be reordered, and taking the expected value, it becomes:
Const. 0.02% -0.58% -0.36% -0.18% -0.40% -0.14% 0.08% -0.08% 0.03% 0.05% -0.06% 0.06%
t-test 0.05 -2.31 -2.22 -0.79 -1.36 -0.81 0.40 -0.43 0.20 0.33 -0.23 0.61
ER_SP500 (β) 1.05 0.93 0.54 0.52 0.49 0.83 0.82 0.99 0.62 0.60 0.60 0.85
t-test 7.94 10.17 8.31 5.23 3.86 11.02 11.79 13.68 10.82 10.77 6.81 18.85
AVG_FRC (λ) 0.65 1.33 1.29 1.01 0.84 1.30 0.74 1.10 0.60 0.62 1.00 1.16
t-test 1.67 5.85 7.80 4.04 0.34 5.23 5.68 6.73 4.15 4.46 7.05 11.94
R2 adjusted 0.31 0.56 0.60 0.42 0.22 0.63 0.59 0.74 0.61 0.58 0.49 0.86
DW 1.73 1.86 1.83 1.61 1.71 1.88 1.95 2.17 1.97 2.10 1.73 1.93
Const. 0.00% -0.54% -0.40% -0.18% -0.41% -0.15% 0.06% -0.07% 0.05% 0.04% -0.05% 0.06%
t-test 0.01 -2.17 -2.56 -0.77 -1.36 -0.85 0.34 -0.37 0.29 0.26 -0.20 0.59
ER_SP500 (β) 1.09 0.96 0.51 0.52 0.48 0.85 0.96 0.99 0.62 0.59 0.62 0.87
t-test 9.46 11.38 6.79 5.28 3.62 11.90 13.58 14.12 11.36 10.71 7.16 19.44
AVG_FRC (λ) 0.07 1.25 2.01 0.92 0.74 1.13 0.13 1.05 0.93 0.60 0.81 1.02
t-test 2.74 6.01 8.61 3.77 2.18 5.28 3.81 6.81 5.72 4.40 6.22 11.23
R2 adjusted 0.34 0.59 0.60 0.42 0.22 0.62 0.58 0.74 0.62 0.59 0.49 0.86
DW 1.73 1.85 1.93 1.58 1.68 1.85 2.02 2.18 1.94 2.10 1.71 1.95
Risk free rate (1) 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9%
Risk free rate adj. to arithmetic (2) 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2%
Notes: (1) Yields on 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds, Dec. 13, 2013. Source: Bloomberg; (2) Adjusted by 1/2 of the annualized weekly HPR variance of the 10-year bond;
(3) Average of estimations by Dimson, Marsh & Staunton (2013), Table 1. Corresponds to arithmetic premia with respect to bonds; (7) Each country’s CDS as of Dec.
13, 2013. Source: Bloomberg; (8) Ajusted by 1/2 the annualized variance of each country’s FRC, period 2008−2013; (9) Difference between estimations with average
and individual credit risk factors. t-tests adjusted for autocorrelation an heteroskedasticity.
136 LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS | Vol. 53 No. 1 (Dec, 2016), 111–147
The results obtained from various samples and models are similar,
with proportionally small dif ferences. An exception may be the case
of Chile, where using the most recent sample results in a discount rate
1.4% greater than that obtained using the full sample. In addition,
apart from the relatively low discount rate for Argentina,19 the cost
of capital ranking among countries using the most recent sample is
perhaps puzzling. This may be due to the corporate leverage of firms
in each country’s stock market, as explained below.
βU = βL/(1 + d) (10)
19. When the country credit risk is high, such as for Argentina, there is segmentation; see Bansal and
Dahlquist (2002).
20. In fact, the result of equation (10) should be βU = βL/(1 + d) + βD(d)/(1 + d), where βD is the
Beta for the debt. Re-leveraging equation (10) with a debt-equity ratio objective of d * results in
βL* = βL(1 + d *)/(1 + d). Re-leveraging the result without the approximation of assuming that βD = 0
results in βL** = βL(1+d *)/(1+d ) + βD(d )(1 + d *)/( 1 + d ). Thus, the error for assuming that the Beta
for the debt is zero is approximately βD(d * − d )d, which presumably will be small.
We must also obtain λU, which is sensitive to the credit risk factor of
the un-leveraged company. λU is the weighted average of the sensitivities
of debt (λD ) and equity (λL ). In this case, it is inappropriate to
assume that λD = 0, because we consider assets or companies that have
inherited their own country’s risk. For the purpose of un-leveraging
these parameters, we assume that λD is equal to the sensitivity of the
country’s credit risk factor to the average credit risk. This parameter
was estimated and presented in Table 4. For example, this sensitivity
is 1.13 for Brazil and 0.61 for Chile. Thus,
21. The resulting cost of capital for Argentina proves to be abnormally below the average of other
countries, which is surprising given its risk rating. This result is due to the local stock market having
a low estimated sensitivity to the average credit risk of Latin American countries. This may reflect
segmentation in this market. Pricing models that assume integration understate the cost of capital in
segmented markets. See Bansal and Dahlquist (2002).
This premium is clearly less than the average CDS, given that βCRF is
positive. We would need to subtract between 80 and 160 basis points
from the CDS levels (adjusted by convexity), depending on the sample
period considered, which results in an incremental risk premium of
between 180 and 90 basis points, respectively.22 Only this incremental
premium (and not the total CDS spread) must be multiplied by the
exposure to the second risk factor λk and added to the cost of capital
for an equivalent company or project in a developed country.
If an estimate of λk for the specific industry is not available, the
average exposure for the country can be used as an approximation,
whose levered and un-levered estimates are presented in Table 6.
Argentina 5.40 1.05 0.65 0.84 1.62 10.6% 1.21 -0.06 7.8%
Brazil 1.13 0.93 1.33 0.55 1.25 8.5% 0.79 1.30 9.6%
Source: The original data for aggregate debt (Agg Debt), aggregate cash (Agg Cash), market capitalization (Agg Mkt Cap), and Assets. Data Page of Aswath Damodaran
(, corresponding to data updated to December. 2013. Numbers in millions of USD. (1) Debt minus cash over market cap; (2)
Obtained as the slope coef ficient of regressing each country’s credit risk factor against the average risk factor (see Table 4, sample 2012-2013); (3) See Table 5, sample
2012-2013; (4) Assumes Beta of Debt equal to zero and is obtained as (Leveraged Beta)/(1+D/E), where D/E net debt to equity; (5) Obtained as: (Country Debt
Lambda)*(D/E)/(1+D/E) + (Leveraged Lambda)*(1/(1+(D/E)); (6) Uses the premia from Table 5; (7) Beta and Lambda are re-leveraged assuming an average D/E
equal to 0.44; (8) Calculated with re-leveraged parameters and uses premia from Table 5.
140 LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS | Vol. 53 No. 1 (Dec, 2016), 111–147
Argentina 16.9 24.9 8.0 -0.00 -0.05 -0.01 -0.10 -0.0 8.0
Brazil 5.2 12.8 7.6 0.11 2.27 0.75 6.15 2.3 5.3
Chile 3.9 5.2 1.3 0.03 0.70 0.97 7.99 2.6 -1.3
Colombia 4.5 6.8 2.3 0.00 0.08 0.65 5.33 1.7 0.6
Mexico 4.2 6.4 2.2 0.13 2.75 1.14 9.38 3.4 -1.2
Peru 4.6 5.7 1.0 -0.04 -0.96 0.41 3.38 0.9 0.2
■■ There are dif ferences between debt yields and their expected
returns. The latter, and not the yields, should be used to estimate
the cost of capital, but the adjustment is important only for
non-investment-grade companies or countries.
■■ Assuming tax advantages of using debt when estimating the
weighted average cost of capital is inappropriate in several
emerging countries.
■■ We explain how risk factors should be “un-leveraged” and then
“re-leveraged” in the context of the proposed multifactor model.
■■ Sensitivity to the global risk factor (or Beta) for some applications
is derived from similar industries in developed countries. We
discuss the relevant issues for this case, which essentially comes
down to avoiding a double counting of the same risk source.
■■ Finally, we explain how to convert discount rates to local currency.
The following results are of interest.
First, applying the two-risk-factor model to Latin American stock indices
to obtain the discount rates gives similar results across various samples
and specifications. For example, there are no significant dif ferences
when we use the specific country credit risk or the average credit risk
of investment grade countries as the second risk factor.
Second, the cost of capital tends to align itself with the country risk
measured by the CDS when the effect of aggregate leverage for the listed
companies included in the indices for each country is considered. The
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greater sensitivity to credit risk (λ), based on un-leveraged estimates.
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when estimating market β’s in a univariate regression, that parameter
will be overestimated with respect to the simultaneous estimation
of two risk factors. In this case, the additional credit risk premium
should be adjusted downwards by between 80 and 160 basis points.
In summary, this paper presents a methodology that suggests a step-
by-step process to estimate the cost of capital for emerging countries,
in a manner consistent with theory and practice.
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