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General Biology Reviewer

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General Biology Reviewer

Plants and animals are living 1. Stolon

organisms that feed, respire, 2. Tuber
excrete, grow, move, and 3. Rhizome
4. Buds on Leaf
reproduce. Animals consume
other organisms for energy, while Sexual Reproduction in Plants
plants use photosynthesis.  Angiosperms, or flowering
Animals usually reproduce plants, are common
sexually, whereas many plants worldwide and primarily
can reproduce both sexually and reproduce sexually through
asexually. their flowers.
 Sexual reproduction takes
place in the sexual organs
of the flower.
Reproducti Reproducti Stamen- Male reproduction
on on organ in plants
No. of 2 1 Anther – Makes ting grains called
parents “pollen”
involved Filament- holds the anther
Gamete Sperm has No gamete
s to fertilize union FEMALE FLOWER REPRO:
the egg Carpel- female repro.
Genetic Hybrid of Geneticall Stigma- sticky surface to trap
composi Parents y identical pollen
tion of (kaliwat) (clone) Style- joins stigma and ovary
offsprin Ovary – contains female sex cells
g (ovules)

Pollination- pollen transfer from

Reproduction is what’s anther to stigma
unconsciously goal of every Double Fertilization- other way,
organisms do. fruits with seeds
Monocot- one cotelydon
Asexual Reproduction in Dicot- two cotyledon
Asexual Reproduction in
 Genetically identical to their Animals
parent plants.  Common among simpler
 Through vegetative organisms like protists,
reproduction. New plants cnidarians, hydra, and
grow from modified stems amoeba, as well as some
or specialized structures complex animals.
 Offsprings are identical to
(e.g., runners, tubers,
the parent in
corms, and rhizomes). characteristics.
Types of Asexual
Sexual reproduction in
Reproduction in Plants:
General Biology Reviewer

 Sexual reproduction 2. Spawning or mating-

involves the formation of bringing gametes together
new individuals from sex 3. Fertilization- fusion of
cells or gametes produced gametes (external fertilization or
by parents in their sexual internal fertilization)
organs. Animals like cnidarians develop
 The majority of these temporary reproductive organ
animals are dioecious, known as gonads during fall
meaning they have (mating season).
separate sexes.
Human Reproduction
Why asexual reproduction is also
called as ‘clonal reproduction’? -  Consists of two components
Because offspring are identical to – main reproductive organs
the parent cell. and accessory organs.
 Both have a pair of gonads
Three mechanism how asexual (testis and ovaries)
reproduction mitosis occur to containing germ cells that
unicellular organism showing will give rise to mature sex
the exact copy of the parent: cells or gametes.
1. Fission – involves the division  Three weeks after
of body into two or more equal fertilization, about one-
parts. fourth of the inner surface
of the uterus becomes a
2. Budding – a new individual spongy tissue made up of
arises as an outgrowth (bud) from endometrium and
its parent. embryonic membranes,
3. Fragmentation – the body known as the chorion.
breaks into two or more parts, Male Reproduction System
with each
• Testis – produce sperm cells
Parthenogenesis - This modified
process of sexual reproduction • Scrotum– pouch-like sac that
holds the testis
results in a complete offspring
from unfertilized eggs. • Penis – places sperms into the
vagina during mating
• Vas deferens - transports
mature sperm to the urethra, the
tube that carries urine or sperm
Sexual reproduction in to outside of the body, in
animals occurs in three preparation for ejaculation.
fundamental steps:
• Glands - Provide liquid in which
1. Gametogenesis - production sperm can swim
of gametes
General Biology Reviewer

a. Seminal vesicle -
Secretes one of the
components of the semen Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

b. Prostate gland - 1. MENSTRUATION

Secretes a milky fluid that is
discharged into the urethra  The uterus lining sheds and
as part of the semen. flows out through the
vagina, containing blood,
c. Bulbourethral gland -
mucus, and cells.
Mucous secreting glands
located at the base of the  Average duration: 3 to 7
penis. days.

Female Reproductive System 2. FOLLICULAR PHASE

The female reproductive  Begins on the first day of

system has the following menstruation, lasting 13 to
functions: 14 days.
 Hormone changes thicken
1. Production of female sex cells
the uterus lining and
2. Reception of sperm cells from
stimulate follicle growth;
the male.
usually, one follicle matures
3. Nurturing the development of,
into an egg.
and providing nourishment for,
the new 3. OVULATION
 A mature egg is released
from an ovary, typically
• Ovary - produces egg cells
occurring about 2 weeks
• Oviduct - passageway of eggs
before the next period.
from the ovary to the uterus (also
 Highest chance of
where the egg is fertilized).
pregnancy with unprotected
• Uterus - place where fertilized
sex around this time.
egg develops.
• Vagina - receives the penis of 4. LUTEAL PHASE
male during mating.
 The egg travels through the
fallopian tubes to the
MENSTRUAL CYCLE - a monthly uterus; the lining continues
process in a girl’s body that to thicken for potential
prepares for pregnancy. It pregnancy.
typically lasts about 28 days and  If pregnancy occurs, no
has four phases: period; if not, menstruation
begins again.
1. Menstruation
2. Follicular Phase Human and Growth
3. Ovulation Phase Development
4. Luteal Phase.
General Biology Reviewer

 Fertilization begins with the 2. Endometriosis: Condition

fusion of sperm and egg where endometrial tissue
cells to form a fertilized egg grows outside the uterus,
called a zygote. causing pain and potentially
 A series of cell divisions affecting fertility.
occurs as the zygote travels 3. Polycystic Ovary
down the fallopian tube to Syndrome (PCOS):
the uterus, taking about 6 Hormonal disorder affecting
to 7 days. ovary function and
 The zygote, resembling a menstrual cycle.
ball of cells, attaches to the 4. Prostate Disorders:
endometrium in a process Conditions like benign
called implantation. prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
 Once attached, the zygote or prostate cancer in males.
is referred to as an embryo.
 The embryo/fetus develops
in the uterus for about 9 5. Miscarriage: The
months until it is ready for spontaneous loss of a fetus
birth. before the 20th week of
Embryonic and Fetal
Development Top 3 Morbidity Related to the
Reproductive System
 Three weeks after
fertilization, about one- 1. Maternal Morbidity:
fourth of the inner surface Health conditions like
of the uterus becomes a anemia and preeclampsia
spongy tissue made up of that arise during pregnancy,
enometrium and embryonic leading to potential
membranes, known as the complications if not properly
chorion. managed.
 This tissue allows the 2. STIs: Infections like
placenta and the embryo to gonorrhea and chlamydia
receive nutrients and harm reproductive health if
oxygen from the mother untreated.
while also removing waste 3. Infertility: Fertility issues
products. caused by hormonal or
structural problems impact
reproductive health.
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Top 3 Mortality Related to the
Reproductive System
1. Infertility: Inability to
conceive after regular 1. Maternal Mortality:
unprotected intercourse. Pregnancy and childbirth
General Biology Reviewer

complications, like B. Diaphragm - an

hemorrhage and infections, attractive birth control
cause maternal deaths. alternative for women to
2. Neonatal Mortality: avoid the hormonal
Newborn deaths within 28 impact of injections or
days, often due to oral contraceptives. They
prematurity, asphyxia, or are approximately 90%
infections. effective in preventing
3. Stillbirths: Fetal deaths pregnancy.
after 20 weeks from C. Cervical cap- a birth
pregnancy or labor control (contraceptive) is
complications. a small plastic dome that
fits tightly over the
cervix and stays in place
I. Ovulation-suppressing by suction, that prevents
methods sperm from entering the
1. Oral contraceptives
(birth control pills) - are III. Chemical barriers-These
hormone-containing chemicals create an unfavorable
medications that are taken environment in the vagina for
by mouth to prevent sperm.
IV. Surgical methods-sterilize
They prevent pregnancy by the male or female.
inhibiting ovulation and by
A. Vasectomy- (putlon og Ii-
preventing sperm from
seal ang vas deferens)
penetrating through the cervix.
B. Tubal Ligation- (Hiktan
II. Barrier methods- ang fallopian tube)
contraceptives prevent sperm
V. Implantation- is placed under
cells entering the female
the skin of the upper arm. The
reproductive tract during sexual
implant releases a low, steady
intercourse, e.g., Physical
dose of a pregestational hormone
(Condom, Diaphragm, Cervical
to thicken cervical mucus and thin
the endometrium.
A. -Condom consists of a
thin latex or natural
membrane sheath VI. Others
placed over the erect
A. Abstinence-refers to
penis to prevent semen
voluntary prevention of
from entering the vagina
oneself from indulging in
upon ejaculation.
bodily activities that provide
General Biology Reviewer

pleasure. (iwas sa
bombayah og torjak)

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