From Crisis to Recovery
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
HC445.5.M36 2001
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recycled paper
Preface VII
I Overview 1
Olin Liu
4.1. Fiscal Policy in Malaysia, 1997-2000 41
4.2. Fiscal Policy Responses to the Business Cycle 44
5.1. Singapore: Reconciling Policy on the Internationalization
of the Singapore Dollar and Financial Development
Objectives 62
5.2. Korea: Gradual Liberalization with a Focus on Control of
Won Lending to Nonresidents 63
5.3. Thailand: Relatively Liberal Policy in Normal Times,
Temporary Capital Controls to Limit Currency Speculation 64
5.4. Japan: Toward the Internationalization of the Yen 65
6.1. Danaharta: Asset Management and Recovery 73
6.2. Danamodal: Bank Recapitalization 77
6.3. Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee 77
7.1. The Insider and Outsider Systems of Corporate Governance 85
2.1. Exchange Rate Developments 3
2.2. Bank Lending 4
2.3. Domestic Investment in Selected Asian Countries 6
2.4. Investment and Real GDP Growth 6
2.5. Market Capitalization in Selected Asian Countries 7
2.6. Private Sector Credit in Selected Asian Countries 7
2.7. Cumulative and Net Portfolio Flows 9
3.1. Comparing Estimates of Output Gap (Adj. SP) and Without (SP)
the Interpolated Point in 1998 30
3.2. Inflation, 1992-2001 33
3.3. Inflation, 1995-2001 33
4.1. Fiscal Indicators 39
4.2. Fiscal Budget and Actual Balance 40
5.1. The Evolution of Capital Controls 54
5.2. Sovereign Bond Spreads of Selected Asian Countries 55
5.3. Net Portfolio Flows 56
5.4. Volume of Interbank Spot and Swap Transactions in Kuala
Lumpur Foreign Exchange Market 58
5.5. Selected Asian Countries: Stock Market Composite Indices 58
5.6. Average Daily Trading Volume at the KLOFFE and the COMMEX 59
This occasional paper draws on staff background studies prepared for the 2000 and
2001 consultations between the International Monetary Fund and Malaysia. The
paper takes stock of economic developments since the crisis and investigates various
aspects of economic performance, policy, and reform that contributed to the strong
recovery. The individual studies include the estimation of potential output and the im-
plications for inflation; fiscal policy and key challenges for fiscal management; capi-
tal controls, their effects, and medium-term policy considerations; and performance
and reform in the financial and corporate sectors.
The paper is the product of a team effort led by Kanitta Meesook. The team of au-
thors comprised Il Houng Lee, Olin Liu, Yougesh Khatri, Natalia Tamirisa, Michael
Moore, and Mark Krysl. Also central to the production of this paper was the research
assistance of Janice Lee, and the coordination and assistance of Margaret Tan and
Lisa Vassou.
The authors would like to thank the Malaysian authorities for their excellent coop-
eration and support during policy discussions and technical meetings, and for the ex-
tensive provision of data and background materials. The authors would also like to
thank—without implication—Kalpana Kochhar for reviewing drafts of the entire
paper at an early stage, Mark O'Brien for reviewing Section VI, and Jenifer Piesse for
contributing to the empirical work in Section VII. The authors are also indebted to the
External Relations Department and to Gail Berre who edited the paper and coordi-
nated its production and publication.
The opinions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily re-
flect the views of the International Monetary Fund, the Executive Directors, or the
Malaysian authorities.
Except where otherwise indicated, the paper reflects information available through
1Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Anwar Sources: IMF Information Notice System and Asia and Pacific
Ibrahim, was Malaysia's key contact with the IMF at that time. Department database.
He was removed from office the day after the capital and ex-
change controls were introduced.
After Thailand was forced to float the baht in July not require a large official financing package or debt
1997, Malaysia's exchange and stock markets came rescheduling.2 In addition to overall financial pru-
under severe pressure. Large capital outflows that had dence, the credibility of the financial system bene-
started in April that year continued, inducing a rapid fited from a widespread bank restructuring under-
adjustment in the current account and a significant taken in the 1980s. These strong features protected
depreciation of the ringgit along with other regional the country's external position and may have less-
currencies (Appendix Figure A.2.3). Arbitrage be- ened the extent of the overall output decline. The
tween domestic and offshore ringgit markets became magnitude of domestic unemployment and potential
more active; in anticipation of further weakening of social disruption was moderated further by a signifi-
the currency, the premium on offshore ringgit interest cant migrant workforce that acted as a buffer.
rates increased sharply, exacerbating outflows of
ringgit funds and the domestic liquidity shortage.
Capital Account Regime and Reserve
Moreover, domestic demand collapsed because of
negative wealth effects from falling equity and prop- Management
erty prices and uncertain economic prospects (Ap- Malaysia's initial low level of short-term external
pendix Figure A.2.4). External demand also de- debt enabled it to maintain foreign reserves at a rea-
clined, consistent with financial difficulties and sonably high level, and this contributed to relatively
falling demand in other crisis countries. As a result robust external and domestic confidence early on in
of the ringgit's depreciation, higher borrowing costs, the crisis. As a consequence of financial vigilance
declines in equity price, and the drop in demand, exercised through prudential regulation of capital
corporate balance sheets deteriorated further. Thus, movements,3 the exposure of the financial and cor-
the financial system came under increasing stress porate systems was contained. Management of for-
(Figure 2.2), reflecting in part high corporate lever- eign exchange reserves has been cautious, entailing
age, and signs of bank runs emerged in late 1997. As no forward sales or other off-balance-sheet liabili-
the market recognized that the asset quality of both ties, so that all reserves have been usable.
the banks and corporations was worse than it ap- The capital account was nevertheless liberal in
peared, confidence eroded further. ways that left Malaysia vulnerable to contagion.
Malaysia's relative strengths going into the crisis Like the other countries, portfolio flows were free of
nonetheless helped contain the severity of its impact. restrictions; in Malaysia, these were the main chan-
Although Malaysia suffered serious currency and fi- nel for capital outflows in mid- and late 1997. Fur-
nancial crises, it was spared from an external debt thermore, cross-border activities in ringgit were
crisis. Thus, unlike the other countries, Malaysia did treated liberally, permitting the use of the currency
in trade and financial transactions with nonresidents,
and in offshore trading of securities listed on local
exchanges. As a consequence, an offshore ringgit
Figure 2.2. Bank Lending
market developed and became more active than
those in other affected countries.
5 2
1997 1998 1999 2000 Malaysia was the only one of the five Asian countries severely
affected by the crisis that did not resort to use of IMF resources.
Source: CEIC Data Company Limited. Such regulation included limits on banks' net foreign currency
open position and monitoring of liabilities of domestic corpora-
tions to ensure their foreign exchange earning potential.
Openness, sum of exports and imports as percent of GDP, 1996 148 54 69 63 42
Share of exports to Japan and other crisis countries, 1996 23 21 25 27 38
Export growth in U.S. dollars, second half of 1995-second half
of 1996 1 -3 -5 16 6
Openness, sum of exports and imports as percent of GDP, 2000 186 70 93 98 64
Share of exports to Japan and other crisis countries, second
half of 1999-first half of 2000 22 19 23 24 34
Export growth in U.S. dollars, 1999-2000 13 22 11 15 19
Banking system
Nonperforming loans as share of total loans, end-19971 6 6 23 5 7
Credit to private sector annual growth, average of 1993-96 21 20 31 40 22
Credit to private sector, in percent of GDP, 1996 141 150 135 52 59
Loan-to-deposit ratio (M2-based), end-1997 1.0 1.6 1.4 1.0 1.2
Nonperforming loans as share of total loans, end-20001, 2 15 7 18 15 26
Impaired assets as shares of interest-earning assets, end-20003 22 23 38 23 61
Credit to private sector annual growth, 20004 6 -2 1 8 17
Credit to private sector, in percent of GDP, 20004 139 133 125 46 23
Loan-to-deposit ratio (M2-based), end-20005 0.9 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.4
Corporate sector
Corporate debt/equity ratios, 19976 88 425 440 174 334
Market capitalization in percent of GDP, 1996 317 28 56 98 41
Stock price changes, 1990-96 145 -6 36 385 53
Corporate debt/equity ratios, 20006 114 235 280 186 277
Market capitalization in percent of GDP, 2000 131 35 26 79 21
Stock price changes, mid-1997-end-2000 -37 -32 -49 -41 -43
Sources: IMF, International Financial Statistics;World Economic Outlook; IMF staff estimates and CEIC database.
1Definitions of nonperforming loans vary among different countries, and caution should be applied in making any comparison.
Data cover only loans that remain in the banking system, that is, not including nonperforming loans transferred to asset management agencies. Korea
refers t o end-September.
Data include nonperforming loans transferred t o asset management agencies.
Unadjusted for transfers of nonperforming loans t o asset management agencies.Thailand data refer t o end-October.
Korea and Philippines refer to end-November, and Indonesia refers to end-August.
Nonfinancial companies. Malaysia,Thailand,and Indonesia are listed companies only.
velopments in the period ahead, especially in regard investment ratio for Malaysia was the highest among
to the technology sector. the crisis countries (Figure 2.3). This strategy was
successful in generating one of the highest precrisis
Investment-Based Growth Strategy
growth rates and elevating the income and wealth of
the bumiputras.
For two decades prior to the crisis, Malaysia pur- Although much of the investment went into elec-
sued a policy strategy aimed at raising economic tronics and other export-oriented industries, a large
growth and eradicating poverty by promoting invest- portion went into capital-intensive infrastructure and
ment in priority sectors and equipping the bumipu- the real estate sector. Investment quality, measured
tras with capital and opportunities to engage in vari- by the incremental capital output ratio and estimated
ous economic activities. For a number of years, the total factor productivity growth, eroded significantly
Figure 2.3. Domestic Investment in Figure 2.4. Investment and Real GDP
Selected Asian Countries Growth
(In percent of GDP)
50- 15
(four-quarter moving average,
30 - left scale)
10 —15
1992 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000
1994 95 96 97 98 99 2000 01
Source: CEIC Data Company Limited.
Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook.
between 1990-97.4 As the Malaysian economy un- Stock market capitalization in Malaysia grew to an
derwent an adjustment in response to the crisis, pri- extremely high level prior to the crisis, reflecting
vate investment declined sharply in 1998 and has re- both the fast expansion of the capital market and lib-
mained subdued (Figure 2.4). This adjustment eral capital account regime. At the same time, the
dampened short-term domestic demand during the level of corporate bank (short-term) indebtedness
recovery process, but reallocation from overinvested was among the highest of the crisis countries (Figure
sectors would be desirable to improve the invest- 2.6). As the crisis emerged, sharp declines in the
ment efficiency and achieve higher total factor pro- stock market led to relatively greater losses of wealth
ductivity growth over the long term. In this connec- in Malaysia than in other countries. This had negative
tion, the planned move to a knowledge-based implications for corporate ability to roll over or ser-
economy (K-economy) is intended both to raise the vice debt, because the value of stockholdings used as
productivity of investment and to diversify exports, bank collateral fell abruptly and income streams from
although its effects will not be immediate. them diminished. Multiple leveraging—made possi-
ble by cross-holding structures—exacerbated the
negative impact on corporate wealth and cash flows,
Capital Market Development and consequently on the extent of financial distress.
Beginning in the early 1980s, a rapidly growing This may explain, in part, the relative worsening of
capital market emerged as a major funding source for Malaysia's corporate performance in 1997-98. Low
higher investment (Figure 2.5). Its development was rates of return on capital, stemming from overinvest-
supported by a number of measures to strengthen, ment in the past, have likely contributed as well.
broaden, and deepen the market, which improved the
regulatory framework, as well as the trading and set-
tlement infrastructure. Legal and Regulatory Framework
Malaysia's well-developed legal and regulatory
frameworks, which provided reasonable protection
For total factor productivity growth estimates, see Michael to creditors and noncontrolling shareholders, permit-
Meow-Chung Yap, 2000, "Potential Output of the Malaysian ted relatively speedy but orderly settlement of prob-
Economy: Evaluating the Production Function Approach," lem loans early on. Furthermore, priority had been
paper presented at the Malaysian Institute of Economic Re- given to strengthening and modernizing prudential
search, November (Kuala Lumpur). The incremental capital out-
put ratio reversed in 1998-99, which was attributed largely to safeguards even before the crisis. This, compared
falling investment. with the weaker systems (including the absence of
160 Korea Malaysia
1994 95 96 97 98 99 2000 1994 95 96 97 98 99 2000
Source: CEIC Data Company Limited. Source: CEIC Data Company Limited.
Figure for 2000 refers t o October.
enforceable bankruptcy laws) and lack of supervi- labor was concerned, retrenchment was limited, as
sory personnel in some other countries, helped main- employers implemented other practices (also used in
tain confidence in and facilitate the recovery process other crisis countries), such as part-time, flexi-time,
of Malaysia's economy. and pay cuts, before resorting to layoffs. These "labor
Still, as in the other countries, close connections hoarding" practices were reversed as the economy re-
between large corporations and the Malaysian gov- covered. Importantly, progress in poverty reduction
ernment masked the extent of deterioration in the over the past two decades has helped preserve overall
asset quality of financial and corporate systems be- social and political stability.
fore the crisis, and this situation appears to have con-
tinued even after the crisis. Implicit government
guarantees associated with privatized infrastructure Policy Responses and Performance
projects undertaken prior to 1998 may have deferred
debt and operational restructuring by the concerned The capital controls and the ringgit peg introduced
corporations even as they became financially illiq- in September 1998 were key policy measures that
uid. The government also influenced bank lending to distinguished Malaysia from the rest of the crisis
certain projects that it deemed of social importance. countries.6 At that time, it was difficult to tell
These practices could have potentially adverse im- whether financial instability in the region was likely
plications for future claims on the government.5 to intensify or abate. Some measure of stability had
by then begun to return to the regional financial mar-
Social and Political Cohesion
kets (Appendix Figure A.2.5). From late August
1998, local currencies and stock markets had
The bumiputra policy, the presence of temporary broadly calmed down, and forward exchange rate
migrant workers, and smooth relations between labor forecasts showed expectations that the ringgit—as
unions and employers help explain the low unem- well as the won and the baht—would stabilize.
ployment in Malaysia even at the depth of the crisis. Short-term interest rates had declined to levels
Cost reductions in sectors facing output contraction below 10 percent. Sovereign bond spreads had
were brought about through nonrenewal of contracts peaked for Thailand, Korea, and the Philippines. In
for migrant workers. However, as far as domestic
See, below, the time frame of Malaysia's policies in response
See Section III for further discussions of fiscal issues. to the crisis and economic performance that ensued.
both Thailand and Malaysia, the offshore swap dif- There were also delays in implementing fiscal
ferential was trending down; nevertheless, the differ- stimulus measures in Malaysia. Fiscal restraint was
ential was in a high range and financial market pres- pursued at the early stage of the crisis, consistent
sures also remained high. with the policy recommendations of the IMF. Once
Given the relative stability experienced by the re- fiscal expansion was adopted, the delays arose from
gion, Malaysia's approach seems to have made little reliance on increased capital expenditures, which
difference to the monetary policy outcomes or produced slower effects than higher current spending
structural reforms. Crisis countries that did not in- or the tax cuts applied in some other countries. This
troduce these measures have been just as able to approach in turn reflects the policy of maintaining an
carry out accommodating monetary policy and operating surplus each year. The impact on private
maintain stable exchange rates. Boosted by rising domestic demand of the 1998-99 fiscal impulse—
export demand for electronic goods, especially from estimated to be the largest among the crisis coun-
the United States, economic recovery has been tries—was not fully felt until late 1999, reflecting
broadly similar across the Asian crisis countries the lags in carrying out capital spending. This may
(Appendix Figure A.2.6). Malaysia entered the cri- explain the lag in the recovery. Fiscal analysis is
sis later, however, and the resumption of domestic complicated, however, by the use of off-budget pri-
demand also came later. All countries embarked on vatized infrastructure projects to stimulate the econ-
structural reforms, but Malaysia's progress in finan- omy, the magnitude of which is not transparent.
cial restructuring with active involvement of the In the early stage of the crisis, Malaysia did not
government has been more rapid. Malaysia's pru- defend domestic currency as aggressively as the
dential regulation and supervision, already reason- other countries. Nominal and real interest rates were
ably well developed prior to the crisis, also seems to raised, but reached lower peaks in Malaysia, and
be superior, contributing to a relatively robust finan- very high interest rates (reaching 35 percent) per-
cial system that could help cushion Malaysia's vul- sisted for only a few days. The situation contrasted
nerability against future crises. with those in Korea and Thailand, where high inter-
The imposition of capital controls led to higher est rates were maintained for some months without
costs of external borrowing for Malaysia, but only interruption. The difference reflects two factors in-
temporarily. Bolstered by the pegged exchange rate herent in the initial conditions of the three countries.
at an undervalued level, the controls provided a safe- First, Malaysia's financing gap, if any, was modest,
guard to policymakers and domestic market partici- and the maintenance of high interest rates to attract
pants at a time of financial volatility. Overall, the ad- capital inflows was less critical. Second, the
verse impact of capital control measures was Malaysian corporate sector relied more on domestic
contained (Appendix Figure A.2.7).7 borrowing than external borrowing; therefore,
Malaysia's strategy helped mitigate the impact of the
crisis on the sector's financial distress, whereas the
Fiscal and Monetary Policies
strategy used in the other countries helped in the sta-
Macroeconomic policy responses were broadly bilization of the exchange rates that was needed to
similar in all the crisis countries. Sharp hikes in inter- contain external debt-service burden.
est rates and fiscal tightening aimed at restoring con- As monetary policy eased, real interest rates in
fidence were implemented initially. As the severity of Malaysia were brought down to a level slightly lower
output declines became evident, the strategy shifted than in the other crisis countries (Appendix Figure
to fiscal expansion supported by accommodating A.2.9), but the interest rate structure in Malaysia re-
monetary policies. The magnitude, timing, and de- mained rigid (as in Thailand). Slow credit growth was
gree of flexibility of policy responses in Malaysia, observed in all countries and does not appear to have
however, were different from the other countries to constrained the recovery because demand for large
some extent. Later implementation of macroeco- investments was small. Interest rate rigidities, in par-
nomic stimuli, consistent with the delayed output ticular, ceilings on banks' lending rates, could have
weakening and combined with rigidities in both the nevertheless hindered productive—but higher risk-
budget system and interest rate structure, may have activities and prevented faster output growth.
led to relatively slow responses in domestic demand. To counter the slow credit extension, Malaysia set
In 2000-01, Malaysia continued to pursue fiscal ex- nonbinding, minimum targets for loan growth, gave
pansion, whereas the other countries had moved to a tax incentives, and made use of directed lending to
more neutral stance (Appendix Figure A.2.8). target specific sectors. In the environment of sub-
dued domestic demand and excess liquidity that pre-
vailed through 2000, these measures appeared inef-
See Section V for further discussions of the capital controls fective. Government involvement in negotiations to
and their impact. restructure bank debt of some privatized infrastruc-
centralized process. The agency's mandate in- major step to enhance the soundness of the fi-
spired confidence that all domestic financial in- nancial system, especially if financial innova-
stitutions in Malaysia would be recapitalized to tions are to be increasingly embraced by the
the required standards and that necessary opera- country's banking system.
tional restructuring would be imposed through
the exercise of control over their managements. Corporate Reforms
• The special legal power vested in Danaharta, the Progress in corporate sector reforms in Malaysia
centralized asset management company, helped has been mixed.10 Institutional frameworks have
ensure that banks were left with a manageable been upgraded, especially standards for corporate
level of problem loans and that acquired assets governance. The promotion of active bond markets
were rehabilitated; this contrasts with the more is expected to help gradually rebalance the maturity
decentralized nonperforming loan workout in profile of corporate debt and diversify system risks.
Thailand. The use of independent auditors to de- However, like in the other crisis countries, improved
termine the value of assets acquired by Dana- corporate balance sheets have largely been a result
harta avoided the subsidies required in Indonesia of economic recovery and debt restructuring,
and in Korea. The emphasis placed on the man- whereas progress in operational restructuring has
agement of assets implies their disposal at a been slow. Furthermore, a few incidents of poor
more measured pace, unlike the quick disposal governance despite the upgraded standards have
of acquired assets by Danaharta's counterparts in raised doubts about the government's commitment
other crisis countries. The agency succeeded in to adhere to best practices and protect minority
the early closure of its window for acquiring shareholders. Such incidents have in turn under-
nonperforming loans and achieved a relatively mined confidence and stock market performance,
high recovery rate of disposed loans, but the risk and weakened the ability of corporations to raise eq-
of its becoming a nonperforming loan ware- uity to support the restructuring process.
house is greater under the current strategy unless
assets are upgraded and sold before long.
• The bank consolidation program, tightly coordi- Time Frame of Malaysia's Response
nated by Bank Negara Malaysia, aimed at creat-
ing larger and more efficient financial institu- to the Crisis
tions ready to compete globally as new foreign Initial Policy Response
competition is allowed. This contrasts with the
strategy elsewhere, which entails bank closures From the time the Thai baht was floated in July
and takeovers of existing banks—including by 1997 until February 1998, Malaysia's policies (Table
foreign investors—thereby imposing market dis- 2.2) broadly aimed at addressing external imbal-
cipline and requiring financial institutions to be- ances, alleviating pressures on the ringgit, and
come internationally competitive rapidly.9 restoring market confidence. For a few days in July
Malaysia's approach has been less disruptive, 1997, the authorities intervened in the exchange
but the government's reluctance to close banks market and raised interbank interest rates sharply,
could create moral hazard. Limited foreign eq- but they quickly let the ringgit depreciate and low-
uity participation in local banks could also slow ered the interest rate to near precrisis levels. In Au-
the diffusion of technology transfers and the gust 1997, administrative measures were introduced
adoption of international best practices. to regulate foreign exchange swap transactions11 and
restrict trading of blue chip stocks in the Kuala
• Malaysia moved ahead of the other crisis coun- Lumpur stock exchange.
tries to strengthen prudential supervision and As output expansion continued to be brisk through
regulation. Bank Negara Malaysia's move to- end-1997, macroeconomic policies during this
ward internal risk management by banks, includ- period showed considerable restraint. Fiscal policy
ing for cross-border transactions, and toward was tightened through sharp spending cuts. Steps
risk-based and consolidated supervision is a were introduced to reduce loan growth through lend-
ing targets and directives to banks to cut credit for
The share of foreign-owned banks in Malaysia was relatively
high before the crisis, although their activities are more restricted 10
See Section VII for further analysis of the corporate sector
than local banks. The approach to not allow foreign takeovers of and recent reform efforts.
banks may partly explain the low level of foreign direct invest- 11
In May 1997, Thailand imposed partial restrictions on off-
ment flows into the country in 1998-2000, relative to recent his- shore activities in order to stabilize the foreign exchange market
tory, in comparison with such flows into the other crisis countries. and stem speculative attacks on the baht.
Table 2.2, Major Economic Policy Measures During Emergence of Crisis and Early
Stage of Contagion
March 1997: Kuala Lumpur stock Monetary:To slow credit growth • Limits on lending to the real estate sector and for the
exchange price began to fall purchase of stocks and shares
July 1997:Thai baht devalued Monetary:To defend the ringgit • Interbank rate raised, reaching 35 percent for a couple
of weeks, then lowered to around 10 percent
August 1997: Ringgit depreciation Monetary:To limit interest rate • Bank Negara Malaysia abandoned ringgit defense
continued;Thailand's program hikes and break links between • Limits imposed on ringgit swap transactions with
with IMF domestic and offshore rates nonresidents that were non trade related
Stock market:To stabilize and • Ban introduced on trading of blue-chip stocks
support Kuala Lumpur stock comprising Kuala Lumpur stock exchange composite
exchange price index
• Announcement of a large, publicly funded stock support
September 1997: Prime minister's Fiscal: To strengthen fiscal and • Government spending cut for 1997, and implementation
statement that currency trading external accounts of large privatized projects deferred
should be illegal
October 1997: Indonesia's Fiscal: To continue cautious plan • 1998 budget announced, targeting a surplus of21/2
program with IMF percent of GDP (corresponding to a real growth rate of
7 percent)
Monetary:To limit credit growth • Credit plan introduced to limit loan growth gradually to
15 percent by end-1998, but with loans to specified
sectors encouraged
• Base lending rates allowed to rise in response to higher
interbank rates
November 1997: Further fall in Corporate:To rescue Renong • Proposed takeover of Renong by United Engineers
stock prices which was in financial trouble Malaysia announced
December 1997: Evidence of Fiscal: To maintain broad fiscal • Major cuts (18 percent) in government spending plan
slowing activity; Korea's target for 1998 for 1998, offsetting lower revenue projections and
program with IMF corresponding to revised output growth of 4-5 percent
Monetary:To support the ringgit • Bank Negara Malaysia intervened in foreign exchange
interbank market
January 1998: Signs of bank runs Financial:To provide stability • National Economic Action Council set up as
and flight to quality consultative body to deal with the Asian crisis
• Government announced a guarantee of deposits at all
financial institutions
• Tighter restrictions imposed on stockbroking
companies including those on gearing ratios, margin
financing, and total exposure
Table 2.3. Major Economic Policy Measures, Initial Policy Responses, and Continued Turmoil
March 1998: Adoption of Fiscal and monetary:To rebalance • Revised fiscal plan implemented for 1998 aimed at a
macrostabilization and financial macroeconomic policy smaller surplus of1/2percent of GDP, allowing the
sector package reinstatement of previously cut social expenditures (of
1/2—1 percent of GDP) to protect most vulnerable
• Credit growth of 12-15 percent for 1998 reiterated
Financial:To safeguard banking • Strategy adopted for strengthening regulatory and
system soundness prudential framework, disclosure standards, and
monetary management
• Announcement of mergers of finance companies
•Announcement of planned improvement of monetary
management, with timetable
May 1998: Political and economic Monetary:To provide banks with • Bank Negara Malaysia began to provide daily reports on
turmoil in Indonesia flexibility in liquidity management its money market operations, including its forecasts of
financial system cash flows, its liquidity operations, and
money market tender results
June 1998: Increasing signs of policy Financial:To lessen the burden in • Danaharta established to purchase the nonperforming
divergence between prime dealing with nonperforming loans loans of financial institutions
minister and deputy prime
July 1998: Evidence of output Fiscal and monetary:To provide • National Economic Recovery Plan issued
collapse; equity markets in strong stimulus • Additional budgetary and off-budgetary expenditures
advanced countries began to introduced, aimed at achieving federal government
decline deficit of 21/2percent of GDP
• Statutory reserve requirement reduced to 8 percent
from 10 percent
financing purchases of real estate and securities. To cluded the upgrading of capital adequacy, prudential
forestall bank runs and "flight to quality," the gov- guidelines, and disclosure standards for banking in-
ernment announced a full deposit guarantee in Janu- stitutions, as well as a merger program for finance
ary 1998. companies. These were followed by a comprehen-
Additional policy measures were put into place sive approach to financial and corporate restructur-
between March and August 1998 (Table 2.3). In re- ing through the establishment of the asset manage-
sponse to signs of output slowdown, macroeconomic ment company, Danaharta, in June, and of the
policy was rebalanced in March when fiscal policy recapitalization agency, Danamodal, and the Corpo-
was relaxed, whereas the credit policy remained rate Debt Restructuring Committee in July. A new
tight relative to the previous trend. Also in March, liquidity framework for banking institutions was
the authorities adopted a strategy to safeguard the also introduced in July, requiring banks to manage
soundness of the financial system. Key measures in- assets and liabilities prudently and efficiently.
Table 2.4. Major Economic Policy Measures, Exchange and Capital Controls, and Aftermath
September 1998: Deputy prime Exchange and capital controls:To • Ringgit pegged at RM 3.8 per U.S. dollar
minister Anwar removed and deter speculation on the ringgit • Controls on transfers of funds from ringgit-
arrested; Bank Negara Malaysia and gain monetary independence denominated accounts for nonresidents not physically
governor and deputy governor present in Malaysia, in effect imposing a one-year holding
resigned; Malaysia removed period for repatriation of portfolio capital, with
from major investment indices retroactive effect
causing its sovereign bond
spreads to rise as those for • Prohibition of offshore ringgit transactions
other crisis countries fell Monetary:To further ease and • Reduction of Bank Negara Malaysia intervention rate to
encourage credit growth 8 percent from 91/2percent; modification of formula
to link base lending rate to policy rate; reduction in
statutory reserve requirement in two steps to 4
percent from 8 percent; reduction in liquid asset
ratio requirement to 15 percent from 17 percent
• Individual banks' minimum loan growth target set at 8
percent; relaxation of restrictions introduced in early
1997 on bank lending to purchase property and shares
• Prudential regulations regarding nonperforming loans
and disclosure requirements relaxed
October 1998-August 1999 Fiscal and monetary: To stimulate • Announcement of 1999 federal government budget
economic activity aimed at achieving deficit of 51/2percent of GDP
• Successive reductions of Bank Negara Malaysia
intervention rate to 71/2percent (10/98), to 7 percent
(11/98), to 61/2percent (4/99), to 6 percent (5/99), and to
5.5 percent (8/99)
January 1999 Monetary:To contain investment in • New lending for residential development above a
selected activities certain threshold was restricted by Bank Negara
January-March 1999 Corporate:To adopt best practices • Various measures to enhance disclosure for listed
companies and to restrict the number of directorships
held by an individual
• Report of High Level Finance Committee on Corporate
Governance released to the public
February 1999: After the easing Capital controls:To preempt • Easing of some controls, including replacement of 12-
of capital controls, spreads exodus of capital and reengage month holding period for repatriation of portfolio
narrowed and plans to include foreign investors capital by system of a graduated exit levy
Malaysia once again in
investment indices
April 1999 Financial:To strengthen supervision • Measures included intensified supervision, performance
and regulation reviews for bank CEOs, elimination of two-tier bank
classification, and disallowing of bank lending to
controlling shareholders
September 1999 Capital controls:To provide • Graduated exit levy on portfolio investment simplified
further relaxation and replaced by a flat 10 percent levy on repatriation of
• Some relaxation in swap and forward transactions for
the purpose of share purchases
November 1999: Malaysia Financial:To strengthen • Risk-based supervision initiated, with consultation
reincluded in Dow Jones/IFC management and supervision between Bank Negara Malaysia and banks regarding
investment indices minimum guidelines on credit risk-management
February 2000 Capital controls:To resolve • Resolution on Central Limit Order Book that froze
pending issue investors' Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange shares traded
in Singapore as from 9/98
April 2000: Malaysia reincluded Capital markets:To develop • Announcement of consolidation of stockbroking
in Morgan Stanley Capital companies, to 15 by end-2000 from 63 (deadline later
International investment index extended)
(May) • National Bond Market Committee established to
provide policy direction and rationalize regulatory
framework for bond market development
October 2000 Fiscal:To put in place another • Announcement of 2001 budget aimed at achieving
stimulus budget federal government deficit of 41/2percent
Capital controls:To provide further • Proposal to remove 10 percent exit levy on portfolio
easing capital profits repatriated after one year (effective 2/01)
fell. A large external current account surplus and re- of Danaharta, Danamodal, and the Corporate Debt
duced capital outflows allowed a buildup of interna- Restructuring Committee, which have allowed
tional reserves that continued until mid-2000. Al- banks to be rid of nonperforming loans and to
though the real effective rate of the ringgit has strengthen their capital base, and have allowed cor-
appreciated in recent months, it remained broadly sta- porate debt to be removed. There are indications that
ble throughout 1999-2000, as exchange rates of trad- Malaysia has moved ahead of other crisis countries
ing partners that had also been affected by the crisis in respect to formulation of prudential regulation,
began to stabilize at about the same time as the peg- resolution of nonperforming loans, restoration of
ging of the ringgit. Indications are that the ringgit has capital adequacy, and implementation of a bank con-
moved close to its fair value by March-April 2001. solidation program, all of which have helped rein-
Reflecting better market sentiment, the Kuala force investor confidence that the economy was un-
Lumpur stock exchange price index surged, after dergoing fundamental adjustment.
having bottomed out, also around September 1998. There are indications, however, that the perfor-
As in the other crisis countries, the index has contin- mance of Malaysian corporations, which had been
ued to fluctuate along with stock prices in major more profitable and under less financial stress prior
markets, especially in the United States, which have to the crisis than that of their counterparts in Korea
softened significantly since early 2000. Spreads for and Thailand, deteriorated to a greater extent during
Malaysian sovereign bonds declined from their peak the crisis and has recently fared no better than the
in September 1998, even if they have edged up in re- others. Similar to the other countries, operational re-
cent months. structuring of the corporate sector has been slow
Bank balance sheets have improved, reflecting and, reportedly, has not adhered fully to best corpo-
both the economic turnaround and the achievements rate governance practices.
2 Thailand 4
2 1991 93 95 97 1991 93 95 97
Fiscal positions strengthened over the period ... . . . with savings rates reaching high levels.
Budget Balance National Savings
(In percent of GDP) (In percent of GDP)
1991 95 97 1991 93 95 97
0 97
1991 93 95 97 1991 93 95
Sources: IMF, World Economic Outlook; International Financial Statistics; and Asia and Pacific Department databases.
-10 -5 -10
1991 93 95 97 1991 93 95 97
10 20
0 10
1991 93 95 97 1991 93 95 97
. . . and drove up prices in the property market . . . . . . and pushed the stock market to unsustainable
Property Price Indicators1 Stock Market Price Index
150 - (1994 = 100) __ (1991 = 100)
Korea Thailand
1991 93 95 97 1991 95 97
Sources: IMF, World Economic Outlook; International Financial Statistics, and Asia and Pacific Department databases; CEIC Data Company Limited;
Bloomberg; and Robert Deckle and Kenneth Kletzer 2001, Domestic Bank Regulation and Financial Crises:Theory and Empirical Evidence from East Asia,
IMF Working Paper 01/63 (Washington: International Monetary Fund).
1House price index for Malaysia, real estate price for Thailand, and construction value index for Indonesia. Data are not available for Philippines.
Thailand Philippine
50 Indonesia
1997 1998 1997 1998
Sources: IMF, Information Notice System and Asia and Pacific Department databases.
Domestic demand in Malaysia began to Output collapsed in the first quarter of 1998 and
weaken in the second half of 1997, and continued down through that year.
remained subdued until late 1999.
40 25
Real GDP Growth
Real Domestic Demand (Four-quarter percent change) 20
3 0 - (Percent change)
Philippines - 5
1997 98 99 2000 1997 98 99 2000
The weak domestic demand was consistent Credit growth also declined sharply, beyond credit
with tight fiscal policy in effect until late 1998. plans, in response to the weakening corporate
sector and rising nonperforming loans.
70 60 160
Fiscal Stimulus1 C r e d i t t o Private Sector
60 (Cumulative deficit from first quarter 5 0 — (Four-quarter percent change)
5 0 - of 1997; in percent of GDP) -
40 - Philippines
40 (left scale)
Thailand Korea
1997 98 99 2000 1997 99 2000
Sources: IMF, Asia and Pacific Department databases; and CEIC Data Company Limited.
1Data are not available for Indonesia.
Expectations of ringgit depreciation peaked in Sovereign bond spreads for Malaysia were negatively
April 1998, but continued to be volatile thereafter. affected by capital controls and peaked in
By November 1998, the market clearly viewed the September 1998, one or two months after those
ringgit as under valued. of other countries.
Consensus Forecast of the Three-Month Sovereign Bond Spreads
120 - Forward Exchange Rates (In basis points)
(Percent change, depreciation, +) 2000
100 Indonesia
80 1500
60 Korea
Thailand Thailand
Offshore swap differentials for both Malaysia . . . and, after Malaysia introduced capital controls,
and Thailand were already trending down from the differential for Thailand declined further to
July 1998 . . . close to zero.
90 45
Swap Premiums Swap Spread
80 - (One month forward) - (One month forward) 40
70 35
Thailand offshore
Malaysia onshore
Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec
Sources: Data provided by country authorities; Consensus Economics Inc., Asia Pacific Consensus Forecasts; and IMF staff estimates.
1Export-Import Bank of Korea global bond spread is used as a proxy from September 1997 through March 1998.
Figure A.2.6. Selected Asian Countries: Economic Performance During the Recovery Stage
Beginning in 1999, Malaysia staged a rapid Similar to other crisis countries, the inflation
recovery. rate fell.
50 16 120
Industrial Production Inflation
40 - (Four-quarter percent change) 14 - (Four-quarter percent change)
1998 2000
Sources: IMF, International Financial Statistics; and Asia and Pacific Department databases.
99 1997 98 99
1997 98 2000 01 2000 01
1997 99 2000 01
Sources: IMF, Information Notice System; Bloomberg; and Asia and Pacific Department databases.
1Export-Import Bank of Korea global bond spread is used as a proxy from September 1997 through March 1998.
2Sovereign bond issued September 19, 1990 that matured on September 27, 2000.
3Sovereign bond issued May 26, 1999 and maturing on June 1, 2009.
Fiscal stimulus in Malaysia began in 1998 and Malaysia's cumulative fiscal impulse during 1997-
continues into 2001. 2001 was the largest among crisis countries.
8- 14
Budget Balance Fiscal Impulse 1,2
6 - (In percent of GDP) (Cumulative from 1997, in percent of GDP)
Thailand Malaysia
Indonesia Korea
1995 99 2000 2001 1997 98 99 2000 2001
Prel. Proj. Prel. Proj.
Fiscal expansion in Malaysia relied largely on . . . whereas increased current spending was used
capital expenditure, which experienced delays, . . . more in some other countries, . . .
10 24
Capital Expenditure1,2 Current Expenditure1,2
9 - (In percent of GDP) (In percent of GDP) 22
Thailand Malaysia Malaysia
6 Philippines
Indonesia 14
5 Korea
4 10
3 8
2 6
1995 97 99 2000 2001 1995 97 99 2000 2001
Prel. Proj. Prel. Proj.
12 0
1995 97 99 2000 2001 1995 97 99 2000 2001
Prel. Proj. Prel. Proj.
Sources: IMF, World Economic Outlook; International Financial Statistics; and Asia and Pacific Department databases.
1For Indonesia, 1995 through 1999 are on a fiscal year basis (fiscal year ending March). Year 2000 contains data for three quarters. Figure for 2001
is on a calendar year basis.
Thailand is on a fiscal year basis (fiscal year ending September).
Interest rates in Malaysia were kept lower than in . . . both in nominal and real terms, mitigating
other countries for the greater part of the crisis, . . . corporate financial distress.
40 100 30 40
Nominal Interest Rates Real Interest Rates 1
(Percent per annum, end of period) _ (Percent per annum, end of period)
(left scale)
0 Thailand
0 - Malaysia
(left scale) Thailand (left scale) -40
Indonesia (right scale) (left scale)
-10 1998 1999 2000
1998 1999 2000
1998 1999 2000
Sources: International Financial Statistics; and Asia and Pacific Department databases.
Temporary capital controls introduced in September 1998.
techniques) and unobservable component methods technique, namely the cubic spline-smoothing method
(both univariate and multivariate approaches). Most of (CSSM), was chosen to estimate the potential output
these approaches derive the permanent component as for Malaysia. The main reason for selecting this ap-
a trend by minimizing the distance between the points proach was its simplicity, especially relating to data
on the trend and the actual value at prespecified inter- requirements. A production function approach was
vals, while penalizing frequent changes of the second also tried, but it did not indicate an improvement over
moments of the estimated trend in order to ensure results obtained from filtering techniques. The CSSM
some degree of smoothness of the estimated trend. Al- was preferred over other filtering techniques as it ren-
though these approaches are attractive, in that they re- dered the most plausible potential output path in terms
quire considerably less data than other methods, they of the implied output gap, especially in relation to ac-
become ill-defined at the beginning and end of sam- tual inflation.6
ples, or if there is a structural break in the data. There are two weaknesses that need to be ad-
The second group of methods is based on estimat- dressed using any of the smoothing methods: the
ing structural relationships, including production structural break in the GDP series, due to the sharp
functions, multivariate systems of equations, struc- decline in output in 1998; and the end-period prob-
tural vector autoregressions (VARs), and "demand- lems. Given the structural break in 1998, smoothing
side" models. The production function methodology methods tend to underweight the GDP growth in
represents the middle ground between a full-scale 1997, implying a positive output gap, even though
structural model and the various univariate ap- there was no evidence of overheating (e.g., no infla-
proaches (such as filters and unobservable compo- tionary pressures were noted in 1997). Furthermore,
nents). Even then, this approach is considerably the end-point of actual data, i.e., end-1999, which is
more demanding in terms of data requirements than still a point in the recovery path, tends to bring down
filtering approaches, and the nature of inputs data— the estimated potential output such that the esti-
particularly the capital stock calculations—implies mated output gaps in 1998-99 are small. In view of
significant potential measurement errors in inputs.4 the magnitude of output decline in 1998 with no ap-
The demand-side approach relates output directly parent physical damage or dramatic shift in the
to measures of spare capacity in the economy or structure of demand that would make existing capi-
supply-side measures. The structural VAR approach tal redundant on a permanent basis, the low output
combines aggregate supply (and supply shocks) and gap during the postcrisis period does not appear to
cyclical fluctuations with changes in aggregate de- be consistent with the actual unutilized productive
mand using a structural VAR with restrictions im- capacity of the economy.
posed on the long-run effects of impacts on output To address these issues, an interpolated point was
and unemployment. These long-run restrictions are used for 1998 (instead of actual), and the sample pe-
used to identify structural supply and demand riod was extended to 2002 using the 1998 IMF
shocks by allowing supply shocks to have a perma- World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast.7 Annual
nent effect on output, while demand shocks are as- data were used for the period covering 1970-2002.
sumed to have only a temporary effect on output.5 The estimated output gap, adjusted for these two
weaknesses (Adj. SP), is compared with the gap esti-
mated without the interpolated point (Figure 3.1) in
Estimating the Output Gap 1998 using the CSSM (SP), the HP filter (with val-
ues of X=7 (HP7) and X=100 (HP100)), the Kernel
Of the approaches outlined above (and described smoothing method (KN), and the production func-
more fully in the Appendix), a univariate filtering tion (PF). As is shown in Table 3.1, except for the
adjusted CSSM, other smoothing methods tend to
overstate the degree of overheating during the pre-
At the IMF, the production function approach has been applied
mainly to industrial countries (see De Masi, 1997). Relatively few
crisis period while understating the output gap dur-
empirical studies attempt to estimate potential output for develop- ing the postcrisis period. The degree of over- and un-
ing countries, mainly due to a lack of reliable data. Also, the con- derestimation is made worse by the extension of the
cept of potential output may be less relevant when a large fraction end-period through 2003.
of output relates to primary commodities, whose production is
supply-determined, or where there are large migration-related
flows of labor and ongoing structural change (associated with the
"catch-up" phase of development).
5 6
In multivariate unobserved component models or structural The X was determined according to the generalized cross-
VARs, the relationship between inflation and output implicit in validation criteria.
the definition of potential output can be imposed during the esti- The CSSM was first used to estimate the 1998 value, which
mation of potential output (Dupasquier, Guay, and St. Amant, was omitted from the series as missing and interpolated, then the
1999; Apel and Jansson, 1999; Scacciavillani and Swagel, 1999; CSSM was used on the new series with the interpolated 1998
and Cerra and Saxena, 2000). value to obtain potential output.
• ex: the nominal effective exchange rate index is Table 3.3 reports the result of VAR(1) on g, m,
defined as the log of the nominal effective ex- img, ex, and wp. As indicated by the Johansen maxi-
change rate and is derived from trading partners mal eigenvalue (Xmax) and trace eigenvalue (ftrace)
weighted by their relative trade share (IMF, statistics, the result rejects the null hypothesis of no
IFS). cointegration in favor of at least one cointegrating
• wp: foreign price is defined as the log of an relationship. The rows of the B matrix in Table 3.3
index derived as a composite of price indices of can be interpreted as long-run parameters and the el-
the United States (30 percent), Japan (20 per- ements in the matrix a as adjustment coefficients
cent), Singapore (20 percent), Germany (15 per- (see Charemza and Deadman, 1992).
cent), and the United Kingdom (15 percent) The first row of B, which is the estimated cointe-
(IMF, IFS). grating vector, represents a long-run relationship
between the variables estimated and can be ex-
• gap: output gap is defined as actual output di- pressed as:
vided by potential output. The potential output is
obtained using spline-smoothing allowing for p = constant - 0.0214 img - 0.1029 ex
the structural break during parts of 1998 and
1999 and using the same approach as elaborated + 1.8302 wp (2)
above, but using quarterly data. Hence, gap < 1
implies excess capacity. All of the estimated coefficients have the right
signs and explain that Malaysia's price index de-
Integration and Cointegration clines with larger imports as a percent of GDP and
with an appreciation of the nominal effective ex-
Statistical tests indicate that all variables are inte- change rate, but increases with higher world prices.
grated of order two or lower. In particular, according Having established a long-run relationship, a single
to the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) statistic, p equation model is used to assess the short-term be-
appears to be I(1), and the other three variables ap- havior of the price level.
pear to be I(2). However, their estimated coefficients
are numerically much less than unity, i.e., the coeffi-
cients of Aimg, Aex, and Awp are (-0.14=1-1.14), The Short-Run Dynamics of Inflation
(-0.04=1-0.96), and (0.33 = 1-0.67), respectively. An unrestricted error-correction model is used to
Thus, all four variables are treated below as if they examine the dynamics of inflation in the short run. It
are I(1).9 incorporates the long-run relationship obtained
The Johansen maximum likelihood estimation above as follows:
procedure for finite-order VARs is used to obtain the
long-run relationship between integrated variables. Apt =
As there was no a priori information on the lag order
of the VAR, a fourth-order VAR was used and sim- a2St + a2Dt + vt, (3)
plified to a first-order VAR on the basis of the results
presented in Table 3.2, below. where i = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) and j = (l, 2, 3); "res" is ob-
tained from p-p(est), where p(est) is obtained from
(2) above; S denotes the seasonal dummies; and D is
See de Brouwer and Ericsson (1998) for a similar approach. a dummy variable to capture the structural break
1The numbers represent F-statistics for testing the null hypothesis against the maintained hypothesis, and the tail
probability associated with that value of the F-statistics (in parentheses).
Number of unrestricted parameters.
Schwartz criterion.
Standardized a coefficients
P -0.236 0.016 0.001 0.009
img -0.554 -0.051 0.011 -0.186
ex 1.609 0.164 -0.008 -0.108
wp 0.166 0.001 0.001 0.004
during 1998. Again, using OLS, the order of lags are t_3, Aext.-2,
reduced in sequence, and the following variables t-l, and rest_
were retained:10
Using the estimated coefficients as reported in
Table 3.4, inflation is forecast for the 12 months
10 through 2001Q1. The projection indicates an upward
Although not reported here, the F and SC statistics were used
to test the null hypothesis during the sequence of eliminating trend in inflation, reaching31/2percent to 4 percent
variables. The latter are selected according to the lowest t-values during 2000Q1. The result is presented in Figures
at each stage of the OLS estimations. 3.2 and 3.3, below.
4.9 0.06
The main attraction of using a simple time trend mines the "window" of data used to calculate
or variants thereof is its simplicity. Since the publi- the trend; the larger the smoothing parameter,
cation of an influential paper by Nelson and Plosser the broader this window of data used and the
(1982), however, which suggested that output series smoother the trend.
are best characterized as integrated series, there has • The HP filter can induce spurious cyclically in
been increasing recognition that measuring the per- the smoothed series when the series are inte-
manent component of output, i.e., potential output, grated or nearly integrated13 (see Harvey and
with any degree of accuracy is a difficult task. In Jaeger, 1993; and Cogley and Nason, 1995).
particular, the existence of a stochastic permanent
component implies that potential output cannot be • Probably the most serious drawback of filtering
treated as a deterministic trend (Dupasquier, Guay, methods for policymaking purposes is that they
and St.Amant, 1999).11 become ill defined at the beginning and end of
samples; see, for example, Baxter and King
(1995), who recommend discarding three years
The Hodrick-Prescott (HP) and Other Filters of quarterly data at both ends of a sample. This
Filters and smoothing methodologies can be as is a significant drawback for those policymak-
simple as a moving average. More complex smooth- ers wishing to use the measure of the current
ing techniques include the HP filter, which chooses output gap and thus focus on the most recent
trend output, y*, such that, for a given parameter X observations.14
(which determines the degree of smoothness), the • The HP and other such filtering methods also
sum of squared deviations of y from y* plus X times tend to neglect structural breaks and regime
the sum of the rate of change of y* is minimized. shifts (Scacciavillani and Swagel, 1999).
Mathematically, trend output, y*, is derived for a
given X by:
The Coe-McDermott Method
T-\ Coe and McDermott (1997) use a nonparametric
(4) (Kernel) smoothing technique, essentially similar to
the HP filter but where the degree of smoothness (in
the case of the Kernel estimator, determined by the
where A2 indicates twice differencing. The larger the bandwidth (h), similar to the HP X in determining
parameter X, the more weight given to smoothness the "window" of data used for the smoothing) is de-
(determined by the second term) versus fit (deter- termined by the data, hence addressing one of the
mined by the first term). For a discussion of the sta- major problems associated with the HP filter. Details
tistical properties of the HP filter, see Cogley and of the methodology can be found in the appendix to
Nason (1995), Harvey and Jaeger (1993), and Soder- Coe and McDermott (1997), and a general discus-
lind (1994). sion of nonparametric techniques is provided by
• The HP and other such filters are attractive be- Hardle (1990). The method, however, is still likely
cause considerably less data are required than to share the other problems of the HP filter.
for other methods such as the production func-
tion, unobservable variables, or structural VARs, Running Median Smoothing (RMS)
discussed below. Use of these filters, however,
has certain disadvantages. A simple form of the RMS filter uses a running
window on the data, the smoothed value in each pe-
• The resultant measure of output depends criti- riod being set equal to the median of the values in
cally on the choice of the smoothing parameter, the window. The method can be extended to apply
X.12The smoothing parameter, in effect, deter- multiple passes and to use different sizes of data
The time trend was traditionally included in equations ex- monthly data, X might be set to 7 and 126400, respectively (see
plaining output as a measure of exogenous technical change. Microfit 4 Manual). For annual data, setting A=100 has the effect
With growing awareness of the importance of the time series of removing output cycles from the data with frequencies less
properties of variables being modeled (and particularly of the re- than eight years (Scacciavillani and Swagel, 1999).
gression residuals in the case of cointegrating regressions), the Guay and St. Amant (1996) find that the HP filter performs
use of the time trend has diminished. Some studies use direct poorly in identifying cyclical components of time series that have
measures of factors affecting technical change, such as research a spectrum or pseudo-spectrum with Granger's typical shape,
and development or human capital proxies, to account for techni- which is that of most macroeconomic time series.
cal change (see, for example, Adams and Coe, 1990). 14
In practice, we can use forecasts for a number of periods past
The choice of A, depends on the frequency of the data. For the end of the sample, which should improve the reliability of the
quarterly data, HP set A = 1600. Correspondingly, for annual and potential output measure toward the end of the sample period.
output and the output gap.17 The requirement of an To derive potential output from the production
explicit specification of these relationships, how- function specification, the inputs and TFP have to be
ever, means that the measures of potential output set at their trend levels, consistent with full employ-
and output gap are contingent on this specification. ment and full capacity utilization. Labor input con-
Also, the method requires explicit assumptions on sistent with NAIRU (L*) could be derived by multi-
the form of the data-generating process for the ob- plying the labor force by (1-NAIRU). The trend
servable variables. For the univariate approach, component of TFP is also required and can be de-
Quah (1992) has shown that "without additional ad rived in a number of ways, including using smooth-
hoc restrictions, those characterizations are com- ing techniques described above.
pletely uninformative for the relative importance of Extensions to the basic methodology include the
the underlying permanent and transitory compo- refinement of inputs through quality-adjusting capi-
nents." The multivariate representations have fol- tal and labor; the use of more flexible functional
lowed, partly in response to this criticism, but they forms for specifying the production function; and
still maintain the assumption that the permanent the explicit modeling of productivity by including
component of output behaves like a random walk, technology-determining variables such as research
while in reality the dynamics of output are likely to and development, education, and spillovers (see
be much more complex (see Dupasquier, Guay, and Adams and Coe, 1990).
St. Amant, 1999). Furthermore, the results of the un- The production function approach has the attrac-
observable components method are often sensitive tive feature of determining potential output in a
to the initial "guesses" for the parameters. framework that can explicitly account for the contri-
butions of capital, labor, and TFP to output growth.
The production function, however, runs into a num-
Methods Employing Structural Relationships
ber of difficult conceptual and data problems, well
The Production Function Approach documented in the literature (see Griliches and
Mairesse, 1995, and references therein).
The production function methodology represents
the middle ground between a full-scale structural • The most basic criticism stems from the fact that
model and the various univariate approaches, such the production function may not be identified
as filters and unobservable components (De Masi, because of simultaneity problems.19
1997). The methodology in its simplest form in-
volves the estimation of a production function, most • The production function specification typically
often using the Cobb-Douglas form with two inputs, relies on an overly simplistic and probably re-
capital (K) and labor (L), and constant returns to strictive representation of the technology.
scale. Thus, the production function is specified as: • The method requires the estimation of NAIRU
lnYt = At + alnK + (1 - a)lnL, or some NAIRU-consistent level of labor (L*).
If smoothing techniques are used to derive (L*)
where At is the level of total factor productivity and for the trend TFP growth, then the problems
(TFP) and a and (1-a) are the output share of cap- of trend estimation for GDP have shifted to trend
ital and labor, respectively. The production function estimation of inputs (and TFP).
can either be estimated (e.g., as a cointegrating equa-
tion), or the value of a can be imposed (guided by • Smoothing techniques for L* and TFP also have
historical data on capital's or labor's share in out- the problem of unreliable endpoints, which will
put).18 The level of TFP can be derived residually thus affect the reliability of production function-
(Solow's residual) from (6). based estimates of potential output at endpoints,
and, importantly, for the most recent observation.
• The production function approach is consider-
ably more demanding in terms of data than fil-
Apel and Jansson (1999) argue that, although most econo- tering approaches, and the nature of the inputs
mists would agree that there is a close relationship between the data—particularly the capital stock calcula-
output gap and the unemployment gap and between these gaps
and the development of inflation, most studies disregard at least
one of these two conditions. They propose a multivariate unob- possibly even if using a system cointegration test (see Scacciavil-
servable component model that includes the first (Okun's law) lani and Swagel, 1999). Estimates of a might be obtained from es-
and the second (Phillips curve) relationship in the estimation of timating the production function in first differences.
potential output and NAIRU. If producers choose inputs to maximize profits after observ-
18 ing output and input prices, then the production function distur-
If the production function is specified as a cointegrating regres-
sion, and output, labor, and capital have unit roots, then the resid- bances will feed through into the choice of variable inputs; thus
ual-based TFP, if nonstationary, implies that a lack of a cointegrat- the exogeneity assumption required for estimating the production
ing regression will be obtained if using the Engle-Granger test, and function will not hold, and OLS estimates will be biased.
Finally, although the approach is not demanding Dupasquier, Chantal, Alain Guay, and Pierre St. Amant,
in terms of data, the method is less straightfor- 1999, "A Survey of Alternative Methodologies for
ward to apply than many of the other approaches, Estimating Potential Output and the Output Gap,"
as it requires some nontrivial programming. Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 21, pp. 577-95.
Granger, Clive, and Paul Newbold, 1974, "Spurious Re-
gressions in Econometrics," Journal of Econometrics,
Vol. 2 (July), pp. 111-20.
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and Practice," IMF Working Paper 97/177 (Washing- tion," Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 44 (Octo-
ton: International Monetary Fund). ber), pp. 293-335.
Following the initial stage of tighter fiscal policy at Fiscal policy in Malaysia shifted to an expansionary
the outset of the crisis, the government rebalanced its stance in 1999 in support of economic recovery. The
approach through policy easing in response to a sharp fiscal stimulus provided through the budget and off-
decline in domestic demand that became evident by budget operations helped to offset in part a continued
mid-1998. Targeted budget surpluses were reduced, decline in private demand. The fiscal impulse, includ-
some previously announced cuts in social expenditures ing off-budget stimulus and estimated at about 31/2per-
were reinstated, and additional capital spending was cent of GDP, was less than the budget target of 41/4per-
implemented. Off-budget spending, most notably cent of GDP and was backloaded to the second half of
through privatized infrastructure projects, also pro- the year. On a cumulative basis, the fiscal impulse in
vided additional fiscal impetus. Malaysia during 1997—99 became larger than in the
However, the countercyclical fiscal policy was other Asian crisis countries (see figure, below).1
adopted later in Malaysia than in other Asian crisis
countries. Fiscal policies, which had been contrac-
tionary at the eve of the crisis, were eased in Korea Cumulative Fiscal Impulse of
and Thailand and subsequently shifted to expansion- Selected Asian Countries
ary stances in late 1997 (in Thailand) and early 1998 (In percent of GDP)
(in Korea). In Malaysia, by contrast, the fiscal stance
remained significantly contractionary throughout
most of 1997 (i.e., a negative fiscal impulse of 1.3
percent of GDP); this was consistent with the advice
of the IMF at that time. The shift in fiscal policy took — Malaysia
place in mid-1998. Even then, the actual fiscal im- — Thailand
pulse was smaller than the budgetary target (by about • Philippines
2 percent of GDP on average during 1998—99), owing • Korea
in part to traditionally conservative revenue projec-
tions in the budget and insufficient flexibility in fiscal
management (see figure, below).
1997 99 2000
1995 96 97 98 99 2000
1Ingeneral, the fiscal impulse is used for analyzing the fis-
cal stance under a stable economic environment; therefore,
this information should be interpreted with care.
ensure medium-term fiscal sustainability and bility in the context of a medium-term fiscal strat-
growth prospects. The remainder of this section re- egy, and that explores operational guidelines to im-
views policy options that would provide such flexi- prove policy effectiveness.
Fiscal Policy Rules and Recent on discretionary measures, which can exert pressure
Experience on the implementation capacity. Procedural bottle-
necks, insufficient financing, and long implementa-
Malaysia follows an explicit fiscal policy rule that tion periods for new projects also reduce the timeli-
disallows an operating deficit in any given year. This ness of the intended fiscal impact.
rule aims at making a credible commitment to long- The government has made various adjustments to
term fiscal sustainability by applying discipline to overcome these constraints during the course of the
annual budgets. Other fiscal rules that have a longer crisis. Monitoring of both revenue and expenditure
time horizon are also at work and are predetermined in particular was stepped up through monthly meet-
in the medium-term framework of Malaysia's five- ings of the high-level Cash Flow Committee. In
year development plan to ensure broad consistency order to speed up spending, ministries were given
with the rule on the operating balance. These are the flexibility to move funds within the same eco-
nomic categories. Contingency reserves were used
• a balanced budget rule under the seventh five- for capital spending with the approval of the finance
year development plan (1996-2000), revised in minister. The midterm review of the seventh five-
mid-1998 in the context of the fiscal stimulus year development plan (completed in mid-1998) was
plan, that targets an overall federal government particularly timely in redirecting fiscal policy to-
deficit of no more than 6 percent of GNP by the ward stimulating the economy in the wake of a sharp
end of the plan period; contraction.
• a spending rule that places an aggregate ceiling The government also used off-budget operations
on capital expenditure during the seventh five- and quasi-fiscal activities to reinforce the fiscal im-
year plan period; and petus. A specialized fund was established to provide
• a borrowing rule that sets a ceiling on the total financing to "privatized" infrastructure projects.
outstanding stock of federal government debt During 1997-99, a total of 16 large projects (mostly
during the seventh five-year plan, with a subceil- for infrastructure development) were selected by the
ing on external federal debt. government for implementation through the
Malaysia Infrastructure Development Bank. Addi-
Overall, the rules are well defined as to the target tional loans were obtained mostly from quasi-
variables and compliance criteria, which are ap- government entities and bilateral external borrowing
proved by the parliament and are broadly enforce- (under the Miyazawa initiative) with explicit guar-
able. Internal consistencies of the fiscal rules with antees from the government (Appendix I).
other macroeconomic policies—such as low infla-
tion, sustainable government debt, and noninflation-
ary financing—are safeguarded by the medium-term Enhancing Fiscal Policy Responsiveness
policy framework. Compliance with fiscal rules is
enforced mostly through administrative means, al- to Business Cycles
though deviation from the rules requires parliamen- Fiscal policy can be effective and countercyclical
tary approval. There is no financial penalty for if the rules are so designed and institutional arrange-
nonobservance. Nevertheless, a violation of the rules ments are in place to enforce them. The key issue in
could entail loss of credibility of the government in designing fiscal rules is the balance between the
the eyes of parliament and financial markets, as well short-term need for growth and employment and the
as the public. long-term desire for fiscal sustainability. To achieve
Notwithstanding fiscal discipline, the rules pre- an appropriate balance, flexibility is critical in the
clude the use of cyclical indicators and escape formulation and application of these rules, while
clauses, thereby constraining fiscal policy from be- clearly defined guidelines and escape clauses will
coming an effective countercyclical tool. Further- safeguard the credibility of the authorities in pursu-
more, the rules are assessed against fiscal targets that ing fiscal prudence over the medium term.
do not cover off-budget and quasi-fiscal operations,
which lead to nontransparency in accounting and fis-
cal forecasting, as well as difficulty in assessing the Formulation of Fiscal Rules
total impact of fiscal policy and in estimating future Flexibility can be incorporated into fiscal rules by
government obligations. the following methods:
While effective in imposing fiscal discipline,
these rules have proved to be procyclical during the • Expanding the horizon for budget formulation,
recent economic downturn. Conservative forecasting including the application of fiscal rules, to cover
of tax revenues constrains the effectiveness of fiscal the course of a business cycle would provide the
planning. Capital spending on projects tends to rely economy with improved shock-absorptive ca-
pacity. For instance, the fiscal rule on the annual triggered during budget execution if actual bud-
operating budget could be modified to allow an get performance deviates significantly from the
operating deficit during an economic downturn planned path.
while observing the balance (on average) over
the course of a business cycle. This would re-
quire a medium-term fiscal framework for plan- Greater Flexibility in Fiscal Policy
ning, analysis, and forecasting (Box 4.2). Management
• Setting fiscal targets on the basis of a structural Fiscal consolidation over the medium term will
balance concept would allow revenue and ex- require a shift from fiscal stimulus to a significant
penditure to adjust automatically for deviations scaling back of development expenditure. It is a
in output. Given the authorities' commitment to challenge to withdraw the stimulus without major
fiscal consolidation over the medium term, there disruption to economic activities. Capacity for pol-
is merit to considering the use of the aggregate icy analysis and forecasting will need to be strength-
budget deficit as a target variable, supplemented ened, taking into consideration the linkages between
by a subceiling on the operating budget. The fiscal and monetary policies, desired rate of growth,
pace of fiscal consolidation should follow a inflation, and other macroeconomic variables that
carefully mapped convergence plan to a struc- influence budget preparation and execution. Shifting
tural balance. gears with minimal disruption to the economy could
involve several initiatives.
• Enhancing the role of built-in stabilizers would
help to strengthen the countercyclical influence • Developing a medium-term fiscal framework as
of fiscal policy while limiting the use of discre- an integral part of the macroeconomic frame-
tionary measures.2 More realistic revenue pro- work. This fiscal framework should include an
jections can also facilitate assessment of the ef- analysis of the budget sensitivity to exogenous
fects of built-in stabilizers. On the expenditure shocks and help identify major fiscal vulnerabil-
side, the introduction of a well-targeted social ities. It should also incorporate forward-looking
safety net and provision of unemployment bene- estimates on resource constraints based on actual
fits could greatly improve the responsiveness of and projected macroeconomic variables. Cycli-
fiscal policy. cal indicators should be identified to reflect busi-
ness cycle behavior. Contingency measures
• Establishing safeguards and escape clauses (e.g., increases in current and capital expendi-
would allow fiscal policy to respond to large un- tures or tax measures) could be formulated in the
foreseen shocks. The choices of cyclical indica- context of this medium-term framework, which
tors and conditions that would invoke the escape would be regularly updated and applied on an
clauses need to be defined in advance and as pre- annual rolling basis.
cisely as possible. The criteria should be trans-
parent so that the timing for triggering the es- • Assessing the fiscal policy stance based on con-
cape clauses are known to the public. Choices of solidated public accounts. Provision of fully
cyclical indicators should be sensitive to the consolidated details of off-budget and quasi-
business cycle (such as the level of private in- fiscal activities for both revenue and expendi-
vestment) and should be able to be monitored. tures would greatly enhance transparency and
To be effective, the coverage of the budget allow the full impact of fiscal policy to be ana-
should include all off-budget and quasi-fiscal lyzed. The netting of certain expenditures should
operations. be replaced by transactions on a gross basis.
• Introducing contingency measures during the • Improving the quality and reliability of revenue
budget process, either to add stimulus or with- forecasts by adopting a more systematic,
draw it as required, could include the elimination model-based approach. A simple structural
(or imposition) of a surtax and introduction of a model can be developed to cover as many dif-
stabilization fund. An across-the-board increase ferent components of revenue as feasible, par-
(or cut) in capital spending, although effective, ticularly the major taxes. In this connection,
should be used only as a last resort. These and there are two basic forecasting methods: the ef-
other measures, specified in advance, can be fective tax rate method and the revenue elastic-
ity method. Time series on various taxes, par-
ticularly income taxes for individuals and
Although Malaysia recently took measures to enhance the sta- corporations, need to be updated with a view to
bilizers on the revenue side by shifting to current year income tax developing a microsimulation model for in-
assessment, stabilizers on the expenditure side remain absent. come tax forecasting purposes.
There are two schools of thought. In line with the oped a tendency to underestimate revenues in the bud-
Keynesian theory, one group argues that the formulation get. The procyclical nature of the fiscal policy was re-
of fiscal policy should be responsive and countercycli- versed in 1998-99 through the provision of ad hoc
cal. Hence, one would observe a positive correlation be- countercyclical fiscal stimulus (see figure, lower right-
tween tax revenues and output, but a negative correlation hand side).
between government spending and output. During an
economic slowdown, the government should lower taxes
and increase spending to stimulate the economy. The
counterargument inspired by Barro (1979), however, Real GDP and Real Private
says that fiscal policy should be neutral over the business Consumption
cycle and respond only to unanticipated shocks that af- (1991 = 100)
fect the government's budget constraint.
A study by Vegh and Talvi (2000) finds that fiscal
policy in Malaysia follows neither the countercyclical
nor the neutral-response views. In fact, based on a sam-
ple of 56 countries (1977-94), the study shows that in
developing countries (including Malaysia) government
spending and taxes are highly procyclical. The authors
consider this as the outcome of the variability of the tax
base. They find that the tax base fluctuations along
with the business cycle are much larger in developing
countries than in the G-7 countries. This would imply
that, if the Barro prescription were followed, full tax 60 -
smoothing would result in large budget surpluses in a
boom and large budget deficits in a bust. Vegh and 40 -
Talvi argue, however, that the political economy could 20 -
make it costly to run large fiscal surpluses, owing to the
pressure to increase public spending in particular on 0
1991 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
government consumption and nonproductive invest-
ments. Thus, developing countries may choose pro-
cyclical fiscal policy as their optimal fiscal response to
favorable shocks in their tax base. Their argument is in
contrast with the standard explanation for procyclical
fiscal policy in developing countries that builds on the
imperfect access to international credit markets during
unfavorable times. They suggest that it is the inability Real GDP and Real Government
of the government to generate large enough surpluses Revenue
during expansion that forces it to borrow less during re- 1991 = 100)
cession (see figure, upper right-hand side).
The study suggested that in Malaysia the budget rev-
enue, government consumption, and private consump- 180
Real GDP
tion are procyclical.1 Their correlation coefficients with
output are estimated at 0.64, 0.54, and 0.77, respec- 160
tively (corresponding averages for the Asian crisis 140
countries were 0.66, 0.56, and 0.62, respectively). The
procyclical nature of fiscal policy is also found in other 120
developing countries in the sample, although the de- 100
grees of correlation are nonhomogenous. Evidence Real government expenditure
tablished in 1998 to provide off-budget fiscal ernment guarantees, and thus implicit contingent
stimulus through the implementation of large in- government liability related to certain privatized
frastructure projects; projects, is very limited.
• activities of Khazanah—an entity initially cre-
ated with the capital from privatization proceeds Privatized Infrastructure Projects
of public enterprises—that acts as an investment Most off-budget operations were associated with
arm of the government for strategic development the implementation of large privatized infrastructure
projects and other activities of national interest;4 projects. Sixty-eight such projects were implemented
• financial restructuring of banks, which com- during 1996-98, with a total cost of RM 67 billion.
menced in 1998, through the operations of Dana- Financial support from the federal government in
harta (to acquire nonperforming loans) and terms of advances for land and loans was provided
Danamodal (to recapitalize banks); for major infrastructure projects.5 Initial seed capital
was provided from the budget for these projects to
• provision of explicit government guarantees of help secure long-term commercial loans at favorable
loans extended by the Employees' Provident terms,6 with the objectives of improving operating
Fund, a public pension fund, and various state- efficiency, saving budgetary resources, reducing ad-
owned trust funds to nonfinancial public enter- ministrative burden, and promoting private sector
prises and some privatized projects; bonds is- participation in the economy. These projects involved
sued by Khazanah (up to RM 10 billion); and mainly the construction of highways, mass-transit
obligations of Danaharta; systems, sewage systems, and other utilities for so-
• provision of explicit government guarantees of cial sector development.
external loans undertaken by major nonfinancial The Infrastructure Development Fund was estab-
public enterprises that involve large projects of lished in 1998 and was aimed at assisting with the
national interest, and other bilateral and multilat- financing of those privatized infrastructure projects
eral external loans to public entities, including whose implementation was significantly delayed in
the state-owned financial institutions (e.g., the aftermath of the crisis. The Infrastructure De-
Malaysia Infrastructure Development Bank); velopment Fund had an initial capital of RM 1 bil-
lion and is managed by the Malaysia Infrastructure
• extension of subsidized loans by Bank Negara Development Bank. The government provided ex-
Malaysia for the operation of the informal social plicit guarantees for both domestic and external
safety net, including low-cost housing; and loans undertaken by the Malaysia Infrastructure
• potential government burden sharing in resolv- Development Bank, which amounted to nearly
ing the financial troubles of certain privatized RM 6 billion in 1999. Most of these loans are from
projects as well as other quasi-fiscal operations the Employees' Provident Fund (RM 4.5 billion)
associated with the activities of financial public and bilateral sources (RM 1.3 million, under the
enterprises. Miyazawa initiative).
Off-budget capital spending was stepped up in
Among the above-mentioned operations, financial 1999 to provide additional fiscal stimulus to the
information is mostly available on (i) the operations economy. The government handpicked 16 major
of Danaharta and Danamodal; (ii) explicit govern- projects (mainly in infrastructure, utilities, and so-
ment guarantees of the external loans of major non- cial services), amounting to about RM 9 billion (3
financial public enterprises undertaking large na- percent of GDP), to be financed by the Malaysia In-
tional projects; (iii) explicit government guarantees frastructure Development Bank as part of the off-
of domestic loans extended by the Employees' Prov- budget fiscal stimulus. Two-thirds have been final-
ident Fund (and other trust funds) to major nonfinan- ized, and about RM 1 billion is expected to be dis-
cial public enterprises; and (iv) Bank Negara bursed annually during 1999-2001.
Malaysia operations associated with the informal so- More recently, some of these large projects are
cial safety net. Information related to the operations facing financial difficulties that may have implica-
of Infrastructure Development Fund and Khazanah,
however, is partial, and information of implicit gov-
Most of the new and major projects were privatized through
the build-operate-transfer method.
4 6
As of end-1999, Khazanah's portfolio included its interests in Interest rates were in the range of 6-8 percent with an average
Tenaga (36 percent of equity); Telekom Malaysia (37 percent); grace period of 6 years and a repayment period of 15-18 years.
Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd. (23 percent); and Putrajaya These are in line with the terms of the government loans for these
Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (40 percent). projects.
Sources: Data provided by the Malaysian authorities; and IMF staff estimates.
1Excluding Danamodal bond issue of RM 7.7 billion (about21/2percent of GDP) as of February 15, 2000.
tions to the budget. The issue has caught the atten- Contingent Liabilities of the Government
tion of the public, who has questioned the viability
of these projects, as well as the governance issue Provisions of explicit guarantees to off-budget
related to government subsidies (both explicit or capital spending and operations of Danaharta have
implicit) in the form of budget spending or soft raised government contingent liabilities7 in recent
loans. years. Although data on these activities are not sys-
There are no explicit government guarantees as- tematically reported in a consolidated manner, some
sociated with these projects. Given the nature of information has been identified (Table 4.1).
these projects, however, the government has indi-
cated that it may consider some form of financial
support, depending on the merit of each case. Appendix II. Fiscal Measurement:
Modalities could include a third-party takeover, buy Methodology Note
back at discounts, and/or a rescue operation through
cash injection. In the event of a government Definition of Cyclically Neutral Balance,
takeover, outstanding loans of the government Fiscal Stance, and Fiscal Impulse
would be automatically converted to equity holding Cyclically neutral balance measures the fiscal
in the project. Liquidation is not likely, as these pro- position relative to a base year; it is defined as the
jects involve national infrastructure and social ser- difference between the cyclically neutral revenue
vices. The manner in which the government handles and expenditure. Cyclically neutral revenue repre-
these projects, including the extent to which best sents a constant revenue-to-nominal-GDP ratio,
practices are followed, is likely to have significant while cyclically neutral expenditure represents a
implications for public finances and development constant expenditure-to-potential-GDP ratio (ex-
programs in the future. cluding unemployment benefits), both relative to
The government is working on improving the the base year.
framework within which privatized projects are
regulated particularly with respect to operating Fiscal stance measures the difference between the
standards and quality of services, to ensure adher- actual balance and the cyclically neutral balance. A
ence to terms and conditions stipulated in the priva- positive fiscal stance (i.e., a situation where the ac-
tization agreements. One proposal is to establish tual deficit is larger than the cyclically neutral
sectoral regulatory bodies, initially to cover energy deficit) indicates that fiscal policy is adding stimulus
and gas, transportation, telecommunications, and to the economy.
water supply and sewerage systems. Under such a
framework, the emphasis will be on penalties for
7Information on contingent liabilities of the government asso-
noncompliance with the terms and conditions of ciated with the provision of implicit guarantees is yet to be com-
the agreements. piled and consolidated.
Fiscal impulse is defined as the change in the fis- AR(t)* (Output Gap)t
cal stance; it provides a sense of direction and the SR(t) =
(Output Gap)Pt-1
magnitude of the new fiscal stimulus to the econ-
omy. While the fiscal stance depends critically on where AR(t) = actual revenue in year t; Output
the neutral balance and, thus, the selection of the gap = (potential output)/(actual output); a = rev-
base year, the fiscal impulse is not sensitive to this enue elasticity (weighted average) in time t;B=
problem, which makes it a more useful indicator revenue elasticity (weighted average) in time t-\.
than the fiscal stance.
• Calculating the structural expenditure, SE(t), in
year t:
Calculation of Cyclically Neutral Balance,
Fiscal Stance, and Fiscal Impulse
SE(t) =AE(t)-UB(t)* [1-Structural Unemployment(t)],
• Selecting the base year t0; R(t0) — E(t0) is the
cyclically neutral balance in year t0; Actual Unemployment
where R(t0)= cyclically neutral revenue in year t0;
E(t0) = cyclically neutral expenditure in year t0. where AE(t) = actual expenditure in year t;
• Calculating the cyclically neutral revenue for UB(t) = unemployment benefits in year t.
current year t: • Calculating the structural balance, SB(t), in
Neutral Revenue = Y(t)*r, year t:
where Y(t) = nominal GDP in year t; r = the GDP SB(t) = SR(t) - SE(t).
share of revenue in the base year t0.
The structural balance is often measured in
• Calculating the cyclically neutral expenditure terms of potential GDP.
for current year t:
AE(t0) - UB(t0),
Neutral Expenditure = References
where P(t) = potential nominal GDP in year t; Alesina, Alberto, and Tamim Bayoumi, 1996, "The Costs
Y(t0)— nominal GDP in year t0; AE(t0) = actual and Benefits of Fiscal Rules: Evidence from U.S.
expenditure in t0; UB(t0) = unemployment bene- States," NBER Working Paper No. 5614 (Cam-
fit in t0. bridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic
Calculating the fiscal stance, S(t), in year t: Research).
Backus, David, Patrick Kehoe, and Finn Kydland, 1995,
S(t) = [R(t0) - E(t0)] - [rY(t) - eP(t)], "International Business Cycles: Theory and Evi-
where R(t0) — E(t0) = the cyclically neutral bal- dence," in Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, ed.
ance in yeart0;rY(t) — eP(t) = the cyclically neu- by Thomas F. Cooley (Princeton, New Jersey: Prince-
tral balance in yeart;e — the GDP share of ex- ton University Press).
Bank Negara Malaysia, Annual Report 1999 (Kuala
penditure in the base year t0. Lumpur).
Calculating the fiscal impulse, I(f), in year t: Barro, Robert, 1979, "Second Thoughts on Keynesian
I(t) = [S(t)/Y(t)] - Economics," American Economic Review, Vol. 69
(May), pp. 54-59.
Chari, V.V., Lawrence Christiano, and Patrick Kehoe,
Definition of Structural Fiscal Balance 1995, "Policy Analysis in Business Cycle Models," in
Structural fiscal balance is the difference between Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, ed. by Thomas
the structural revenue and structural expenditure. F. Cooley (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Univer-
The structural revenue measures the actual revenue sity Press).
adjusted for the lagged impact in closing the output Cooley, Thomas F., and Gary Hansen, 1995, "Money and
the Business Cycle," in Frontiers of Business Cycle
gap. The structural expenditure measures the actual Research, ed. by Thomas F. Cooley (Princeton, New
expenditure adjusted for the provision of unemploy- Jersey: Princeton University Press).
ment benefits for cyclical unemployment (rather Dixit, Arinash, and Luisa Lambertini, 2000, "Fiscal Dis-
than the structural unemployment). cretion Destroys Monetary Commitment," IMF Semi-
nar Series No. 2000-26 (Washington: International
Monetary Fund), pp. 1-29.
Calculation of Structural Fiscal Balance
Economic Planning Unit, Malaysia, Mid-Term Review of
• Calculating the structural revenue, SR(t), in the Seventh Malaysia Plan, 1996-2000 (Kuala
year t: Lumpur).
January 17, 1994 A ceiling was placed on the net external liability position of domestic banks, excluding trade-related
Bank transactions and direct investment inflows. This was removed on January 20, 1995.
January 24, 1994 Residents were prohibited from selling the following Malaysian securities to nonresidents: banker's
Portfolio investment acceptances; negotiable instruments of deposit; Bank Negara Malaysia bills; treasury bills; government
securities (including Islamic securities) with a remaining maturity of up to one year; and Cagamas
bonds and notes (whether or not sold or traded on a discount basis) with a remaining maturity of up
to one year. This was removed on August 12, 1994.
February 7, 1994 Residents were prohibited from selling to nonresidents all forms of private debt securities (including
Portfolio investment commercial papers but excluding securities convertible into ordinary shares) with a remaining
maturity of one year or less.
The restriction on the sale of Malaysian securities to nonresidents was extended to both the initial
issue of the relevant security and the subsequent secondary market trade.
February 23, 1994 Forward transactions (on the bid side) and non-trade related swaps by commercial banks with foreign
Banking system transactions customers were prohibited to curtail the speculative activities of offshore agents seeking long
positions in ringgit. This was lifted on August 16, 1994.
August 12, 1994 Restrictions on the sale of Malaysian securities were lifted, and residents were permitted to sell to
Portfolio investment nonresidents any Malaysian securities.
December 1, 1994 Measures were implemented to control borrowing and lending activities in domestic and foreign
Borrowing and lending currency.
* Nonresident-controlled companies were allowed to obtain credit facilities, including immovable
property loans, up to RM 10 million without specific approval, provided that at least 60 percent of
their total credit facilities from banking institutions were obtained from Malaysian-owned banking
institutions. Short-term trade facilities, guarantees, and forward foreign exchange facilities were
excluded from the computation of the RM 10 million limit in December 1994, while the 60:40 rule
continued to apply to total short-term trade facilities.
* Nonresidents with valid work permits were permitted to obtain domestic borrowing to finance up
to 60 percent of the purchase price of residential property for their own accommodations.
* Residents were permitted to borrow in foreign currency up to a total of the equivalent of
RM 5 million from nonresidents and from commercial and merchant banks in Malaysia.
June 27, 1995 Corporate residents with a domestic credit facility were allowed to remit funds up to the equivalent
Portfolio investment of RM 10 million for overseas investment purposes each calendar year.
February 1, 1996 The threshold for the completion of the statistical forms for each remittance to, or receipt of funds
Payments for invisible from, nonresidents was raised to RM 100,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency from amounts
transactions exceeding RM 50,000.
August 4, 1997 Controls were imposed on banks to limit outstanding offer-side swap transactions in ringgit that were
Banking system transactions non-commercial related (i.e., forward order/spot purchases of ringgit by foreign customers) to
$2 million or its equivalent per foreign customer. Hedging requirements of foreigners for trade-related
and genuine portfolio and foreign direct investments were excluded.
August 8, 1997 A ban on short selling of the listed securities on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange was introduced to
Stock market transactions limit speculative pressures on equity prices and exchange rates.
October 15, 1997 The quota on sales to foreigners of high-end condominiums was raised to 50 percent from 30 percent,
Real estate transactions and foreigners were allowed to acquire two units of condominiums (compared with one earlier) to
reduce some of the impending supply in the high end of the property market.
September 1, 1998 A number of selective exchange control measures were introduced, aimed specifically at eliminating
Offshore ringgit market the offshore ringgit market and restricting the supply of ringgit to speculators.
transactions * A requirement was introduced to repatriate all ringgit held offshore, including ringgit deposits in
overseas banks, by October 1, 1998; these required Bank Negara Malaysia approval thereafter. An
approval requirement was imposed to transfer funds between external accounts and for the use of
funds other than permitted purposes (i.e., the purchase of ringgit assets). Licensed offshore banks
were prohibited from trading in ringgit assets, which had been allowed up to permitted limits
* A limit was introduced on exports and imports of ringgit by resident and nonresident travelers,
effective September 1, 1998. No prior limits existed.
* Residents were prohibited from granting ringgit credit facilities to nonresident correspondent banks
and stockbroking companies. This had been subject to a limit previously.
* Residents were prohibited from obtaining ringgit credit facilities from nonresidents.This had been
subject to limits previously.
*AII imports and exports were required to be settled in foreign currency.
* All purchases and sales of ringgitfinancialassets could only be effected through authorized
depository institutions.Trading in Malaysian shares on Singapore's Central Limit Order Book over-
the-counter market was prohibited de facto as a result of strict enforcement of the existing law
requiring Malaysian shares to be registered in the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange prior to trade.
September 1, 1998 A number of additional measures were introduced aimed at preventing heavy capital outflows by
Portfolio and other forms residents and nonresidents.
of investment * An approval requirement was imposed for nonresidents to convert ringgit held in external accounts
into foreign currency, except for purchases of ringgit assets, conversion of profits, dividends, interest,
and other permitted purposes. No such restrictions existed previously.There were, however, no
restrictions on conversions of ringgit funds in the external accounts of nonresidents with work
permits, embassies, high commissions, central banks, international organizations, and missions of
foreign countries in Malaysia.
* A 12-month waiting period was required for nonresidents to convert ringgit proceeds from the sale
of Malaysian securities held in external accounts.This excluded foreign direct investment flows,
repatriation of interest, dividends, fees, commissions, and rental income from portfolio investment.
No such restrictions existed previously.
* A prior approval requirement was imposed, beyond a certain limit, for all residents investing abroad
in any form. This was previously applied only to corporate residents with domestic borrowing.
* A specific limit was placed on exports of foreign currency by residents up to the amounts brought
into Malaysia for nonresidents. Previously there was no restriction on the export of foreign currency
notes and traveler's checks on the person or in the baggage of a traveler. Exports by other means
required approval, regardless of the amount.
December 12,1998 Commercial banks and finance companies were allowed to extend loans to nonresidents for the
Lending in ringgit purpose of purchasing residential, commercial, or industrial property, or office space in Malaysia for the
period from December 12, 1998 to January 12, 1999, subject to certain conditions.
January 13, 1999 Capital flows for the purpose of trading in derivatives on the commodity and monetary exchange of
Portfolio investment Malaysia and the Kuala Lumpur options and financial futures exchange were permitted for nonresidents,
without being subject to the rules governing external accounts, when transactions were conducted
through "designated external accounts" that could be created with tier-1 commercial banks in
February 15, 1999 The 12-month holding period rule for repatriation of portfolio capital was replaced with two
Portfolio investment measures:
* A graduated system of exit levy was applied on the repatriation on the principal of capital
investments—in shares, bonds, and other financial instruments, except property investments—made
prior to February 15, 1999.The levy decreased over the duration of the investment, and thus
penalized earlier repatriations; the levy was 30 percent if repatriated less than seven months after
entry, 20 percent if repatriated in seven to nine months, and 10 percent if repatriated in nine to
twelve months. No levy was imposed on the principal if repatriated after twelve months.
* A graduated exit levy was applied on the repatriation of profits from investments made after
February 15, 1999 in shares, bonds, and other financial instruments, except property investments. The
levy decreased over the duration of investment; the levy was 30 percent if repatriated in less than
twelve months after the profit was realized and 10 percent if repatriated after twelve months. No
exit levy was imposed on capital repatriation.
The aim was to preempt the potential exodus of funds in September when the holding period was set
to expire, and to encourage fresh inflows to facilitate the recovery.
February 18, 1999 The repatriation of funds relating to investments in immovable property was exempted from the exit
Portfolio investment levy regulations.
March 1, 1999 The ceiling on the import and export of ringgit for border trade with Thailand in selected areas was
Export and import of raised.
ringgit banknotes
April 5, 1999 Investors in the MESDAQ, where growth and technology shares are listed, were exempted from the
Portfolio investment exit levy introduced on February 15, 1999.
July 8, 1999 Commercial banks were allowed to grant overdraft facilities not exceeding RM 200 million in aggregate
Lending in ringgit for intraday transactions and not exceeding RM 5 million for overnight transactions to foreign
stockbroking companies.
September 21, 1999 The two-tier levy system was replaced with a flat 10 percent levy on repatriation of profits on
Portfolio investment portfolio investment, irrespective of when the profits were repatriated. Bank Negara Malaysia
explained there were complaints by foreign fund managers that the graduated system complicated the
pricing of their portfolios and that the complex calculation of the amount of the applicable levy raised
administrative costs.
September 21, 1999 To provide foreign investors with more flexibility in managing their portfolios and risks, Bank Negara
Swap and forward Malaysia relaxed controls on lending in ringgit to foreign stockbroking companies. Commercial banks
transactions were allowed to enter into short-term currency swap arrangements with foreign stockbroking
companies to cover payment for purchases of shares on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange and for
outright ringgit forward sale contracts with nonresidents who have a firm commitment to purchase
shares on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange, for a maturity period not exceeding five working days
and with no rollover option.
October 4, 1999 Commercial banks and finance companies were allowed to extend loans to nonresidents for the
Lending in ringgit purpose of purchasing residential, commercial, or industrial property, or office space in Malaysia for the
period from October 29 to December 7, 1999.This was to support official housing campaigns and was
subject to certain conditions.
March 14, 2000 Original nonresident holders of securities purchased on the Central Limit Order Book were allowed
Portfolio investment to repatriate all funds arising from the sale of these securities without payment of the exit levy.
April 24, 2000 In line with the objective of promoting the development of the domestic bond market, resident
Borrowing companies in Malaysia were allowed to issue private debt securities for permitted purposes without
prior written approval from Bank Negara Malaysia. Nonresident-controlled companies raising
domestic credit facilities by way of private debt securities were exempted from the RM 19 million
limit and the 50:50 requirement for issuance of private debt securities on tender basis through the
fully automated system for tendering.
June 29, 2000 Administrative procedures were issued to facilitate the classification of proceeds from the sale of the
Portfolio investment Central Limit Order Book securities as being free from levy.
June 30, 2000 Guidelines on private debt securities were issued.
July 27, 2000 Residents and nonresidents were no longer required to make a declaration in the traveler's declaration
Export and import of form as long as they carry currency notes and/or traveler's checks within the permissible limits. For
currency nonresidents, the declaration was incorporated into the embarkation card issued by the Immigration
September 30, 2000 Licensed offshore banks in the Labuan international offshore financial center were allowed to invest in
Borrowing in ringgit ringgit assets and instruments in Malaysia for their own accounts only and not on behalf of their
and investment in clients.The investments could not be financed by ringgit borrowing.
ringgit assets
December 1, 2000 Foreign-owned banking institutions in Malaysia were allowed to extend up to 50 percent of the
Lending by foreign- total domestic credit facilities to nonresident-controlled companies, in the case of credit facilities
owned banks extended by resident banking institutions. This is to fulfill Malaysia's commitment under the General
Agreement on Trade and Services. Previously, foreign-owned banking institutions could only extend up
to a maximum of 40 percent funding.
December 20, 2000 Licensed commercial banks and Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad in Malaysia were allowed to extend
Lending in ringgit intraday overdraft facilities not exceeding RM 200 million in aggregate and overnight facilities not
exceeding RM 10 million to foreign stockbroking companies and foreign global custodian banks.
February 1, 2001 The exit levy on profits repatriated after one year was abolished. Portfolio profits repatriated within
Portfolio and other forms one year remained subject to the 10 percent levy.
of investment
May 2, 2001 The 10 percent exit levy was removed altogether.
monitoring and enforcing the controls through close outlook and ratings were upgraded, and the sover-
collaboration with commercial banks, building on eign bond spread narrowed to a level comparable to
the preexisting relationship with the banks that re- those of Korea and Thailand. In May 1999, the gov-
flected the fact that many capital account transac- ernment issued a ten-year global bond of $1 bil-
tions had already been subject to Bank Negara lion—the first issue in almost a decade—to test in-
Malaysia approval. Bank Negara Malaysia's reputa- vestors' sentiment and set a sovereign benchmark in
tion as a strict regulator may have also prevented international capital markets. The bond spread was
foreign banks from exploring ways to circumvent wider than that prevailing at the time for comparable
controls, for fear of losing their local branches. South Korean and Thai sovereign bonds by about
The increase in the sovereign bond spread caused the govern-
ment to abandon its original plans to underwrite an international
issue for launching Danaharta in November 1998.
Capital Flows
The capital controls appear to have had a limited
impact on portfolio flows in 1999-2000. This was
largely due to the fact that a substantial amount of 1997 98 99 2000
capital—about $10.4 billion—had already left
Malaysia during 1997-98, before the controls were Source: Data provided by the Malaysian authorities.
imposed (Figure 5.3). Thus, outflows that occurred
following the easing of controls and the expiration
of the one-year holding period were relatively
Portfolio inflows increased starting in mid-1999, Despite the explicit exemption of foreign direct
with the market sentiment turning bullish in re- investment flows from capital controls and a more
sponse to Bank Negara Malaysia's monetary easing, liberal policy starting in July 1998,7 foreign direct
the upgrading of Malaysia's outlook and credit rat- investment declined during 1999-2000 to less than
ings, and the improvement in the overall regional half of precrisis levels (Table 5.3). As a share of
prospects. The inflows increased further in early GDP, foreign direct investment flows fell to the lev-
2000, as the rising equity market stirred up in- els observed in other crisis countries, after exceeding
vestors' interest and political uncertainty related to them significantly before the crisis. Several factors
the November 1999 general elections had dissipated. unrelated to capital controls may have contributed to
The prospects for Malaysia's reinstatement in the this decline, including slower growth in Japan and
Morgan Stanley Capital Indices also firmed up, and Taiwan Province of China, the worsening of investor
fund managers who benchmarked against these in- sentiment during the Asian crisis, and the decline in
dices raised the share of their portfolios allocated to overall investment in Malaysia. Capital controls,
Malaysia.6 Later in 2000, however, portfolio flows however, could have exerted an indirect negative ef-
reversed, discouraged by a weakening equity market fect on foreign direct investment in Malaysia. For-
that followed the trends in the United States. All in eign investors had reportedly become increasingly
all, portfolio flows during 1999-2000 seem to have concerned about a higher risk of investing in
been driven largely by factors other than capital con- Malaysia, changes in investment regulations, delays
trols. A preliminary empirical analysis shows that and administrative costs associated with additional
the tightening of controls on outflows and on inter- verification and approval requirements for transfers
national transactions in ringgit had insignificant ef- between external accounts, and more limited hedg-
fects on portfolio investment so far (Appendix). ing opportunities.
Nevertheless, drawing any conclusions regarding
the effect of capital controls on foreign direct invest-
The bond carried a coupon of 8.75 percent, and was priced to
yield 8.86 percent, about 330 basis points above the 30-year
benchmark U.S. Treasury yield. It was assigned a BBB senior un-
secured rating by Standard and Poor's. The relatively high pre- Measures introduced in mid-1998 to encourage foreign direct
mium induced the government to reduce the size of the issue by investment included allowing total foreign ownership of manu-
half. facturing (except in specified sectors), regardless of the degree of
Malaysia was reinstated in the IFC and Dow Jones investment export orientation; increasing the foreign ownership share limit in
indices in November 1999 and in the Morgan Stanley Capital In- the telecommunications, stockbroking, and insurance industries;
dices in May 2000. and relaxing curbs on foreign investment in landed property.
Policy Considerations
The Exit Levy
A key control on capital outflows in effect from
February 1999 to May 2001 was the levy related to
portfolio capital repatriated within a year. There are
several arguments for using such a levy to manage
capital flows. It is a market-based measure and thus
is less distortionary than an administrative control. It
targets nondebt, short-term capital flows rather than
portfolio flows in general. In principle, the authori-
Singapore Thailand ties could vary the rate to achieve the appropriate de-
20 Malaysia
gree of monetary policy autonomy and to alter the
level and maturity composition of portfolio flows.
0 As a side benefit, the levy facilitates Bank Negara
1997 1998 1999 2000
Malaysia in its monitoring of short-term portfolio
Sources:Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, flows.
Bloomberg, and CEIC Data Company Limited. Other things being equal, however, the levy in the
form introduced by Malaysia raises the pretax return
required by foreign investors. The levy generally
cannot be offset by double taxation treaties because
gion, the Kuala Lumpur equity market turned in it is collected at the time of conversion of ringgit
losses by end-2000, in correlation with U.S. financial into foreign exchange for repatriation rather than at
markets, particularly the NASDAQ, despite favor- the time of the transaction; therefore, the full burden
able domestic developments. of paying the levy, including higher transaction
Entry Exit
Availability of listed stocks Repatriation of interest, dividends,
Country to foreign investors profits, and capital
Sources: International Finance Corporation, Emerging Stock Markets Factbook; and IMF, Annual Report on Exchange
Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions.
1Unremunerated reserve requirement on debt and certain other flows. Repatriation of capital is free after one year.
The 12-month holding period for repatriation of portfolio capital from September 1998 to February 1999 and
an exit levy system from February 1999 t o May 2001. For more details, see Table 5.1.
Table 5.5. Taxation of Capital Gains on Portfolio Investment in Selected Emerging Markets, 19991
(In percent)
Source: IMF Fiscal Affairs Department, based on data from PricewaterhouseCoopers and DeloitteTouche,Johmatsu.
1The predominant tax treatment is indicated.
Rate applies t o sales value.
Table 5.6. A Summary of Controls on the International Use of Domestic Currency, end-1998!
Hong Kong
Type of Control China SAR India Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand
Controls on transfers of
domestic currency funds from
nonresidents' domestic
currency accounts Y N Y N N Y Y Y Y N
Controls on nonresidents'
issuing domestic currency-
denominated securities Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Source: \MF, Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (1999).
'"Y" indicates yes,"N" indicates no.
Except for member countries of the Asian Clearing Union arrangement, other than Nepal.
Only for export proceeds.
the international use of the ringgit is linked to con- nomic development and the degree of its integra-
trols on the settlement of trade transactions in ring- tion into the world economy are associated with a
git, on ringgit credit operations, and on the issuance gradual liberalization of international transactions
of ringgit-denominated instruments. Regulations in domestic currencies.
concerning Malaysia's offshore financial center in Experiences in select Asian countries suggest that
Labuan also come into play, as they determine the regulation of international transactions in domestic
extent of "seepage" between international and do- currencies is generally influenced by considerations
mestic markets through the offshore center. related to the effectiveness of monetary control, the
Most emerging markets control international scope for nonresidents to take large positions against
transactions in domestic currencies, albeit to a dif- the domestic currency, and implications for financial
ferent degree (Table 5.6). The controls are typically development (Boxes 5.1-5.4).
effected through approval and reporting require-
ments, quantitative limits, and sometimes outright Considerations Regarding the Liberalization
prohibitions. Financial transactions tend to be regu-
lated more intensively than trade transactions. In of Controls in Malaysia
particular, many countries restrict lending to non- In Malaysia, a liberalization of controls on inter-
residents in order to constrain their ability to take national transactions in ringgit requires policy
large positions against the currency. Industrial measures to minimize the associated risks. Clearly
countries, in contrast, generally have a more liberal such a policy should be implemented at a time of
approach to international transactions in their cur- relative market stability. Furthermore, in order to
rencies, suggesting that a country's level of eco- limit disintermediation of financial activities off-
Box 5.1. Singapore: Reconciling Policy on the Internationalization of the Singapore Dollar and
Financial Development Objectives
Since the late 1960s, Singapore has pursued a strat- pore dollars as part of financial reforms aimed at pro-
egy of developing the city-state into an international fi- moting the development of the financial sector. (i) Off-
nancial center, while strictly limiting the international- shore banks had, since 1973, been permitted to make
ization of the Singapore dollar to maintain control over limited Singapore dollar loans to residents; the relax-
monetary conditions. In the 1990s, controls on the in- ation was in response to the argument that restrictions
ternational use of the Singapore dollar were substan- on lending to loyal customers in the domestic market
tially relaxed to promote financial development and fa- might cost the banks offshore business. With a view to
cilitate regionalization efforts of the private sector. providing more flexibility to offshore banks, the gov-
Traditionally, Singapore's strategy has been to pre- ernment raised the limit on such lending in the early
vent the internationalization of the Singapore dollar by 1990s (i.e., the maximum amount in domestic loans
separating offshore from domestic financial markets that offshore banks may have outstanding at any given
and restricting the operations of offshore units. The au- time) in several steps: to S$100 million in 1993; S$200
thorities have been concerned that, given the high de- million in 1997 (binding the latter commitment in the
gree of openness of the economy, the internationaliza- 1997 Financial Services Agreement of the World Trade
tion of the Singapore dollar will increase the exchange Organization); and further to S$300 million in 1998.
rate volatility and the probability of speculative attacks, The limit is expected to be increased further. (ii) Since
and will complicate control over monetary conditions. 1992, banks—including offshore banks—have been al-
Accordingly, banks maintain distinct operations or lowed to make Singapore dollar loans overseas through
"units," with separate books and balance sheets, for their domestic banking units for Singapore-related
transactions in the domestic and offshore markets. Do- trade, performance bonds, and for hedging (for im-
mestic banking units may engage in transactions in both ports) purposes. (iii) In August 1998, the government
foreign and local currencies, and are subject to stringent further relaxed some of the restrictions on borrowing in
regulatory requirements and the standard corporate in- Singapore dollars for use abroad; the Monetary Author-
come tax rate of 26 percent. Offshore units, also known ity of Singapore indicated that the regulation requiring
as Asian currency units, enjoy a concessionary tax rate resident banks to consult them on the overseas use of
of 10 percent and are not subject to reserve and liquidity Singapore dollar credit facilities exceeding S$5 million
requirements. Asian currency units focus on operating and on financing of trading activities in Singapore
in the Asian dollar market and are not permitted to dollar—denominated assets applies only to nonresi-
transact in Singapore dollars. Offshore banks may ac- dents. (iv) More flexible guidelines have been adopted
cept fixed deposits in Singapore dollars only above to allow subsidiaries of Singaporean companies and
S$250,000 and only from nonresidents and other finan- joint ventures between Singaporean and foreign com-
cial institutions. There is a ceiling on lending to resi- panies to borrow in Singapore dollars for regionaliza-
dents in Singapore dollars. To limit the short selling of tion projects. (v) Finally, foreign entities are now per-
the Singapore dollar and the funding of portfolio and mitted to issue Singapore dollar-denominated bonds for
property investments by nonresidents, lending to non- use outside Singapore upon consultation with the Mon-
residents is subject to quantitative limits. Until 1998, etary Authority of Singapore and as long as the Singa-
loans to residents for use outside the country required pore dollars are first converted into foreign currencies.
approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. In In parallel with liberalizing international transactions
sum, the authorities facilitated the participation of Asian in Singapore dollars, the government proceeded with
currency units in regional banking activities but limited other financial reforms. More competition will gradu-
in domestic banking activities. ally be allowed in the domestic retail banking market
Over the last decade, the government has eased con- and, in particular, the 40 percent limit on foreign share-
trols on offshore banks' wholesale operations in Singa- holding in local banks will be lifted. Various measures
are being introduced to promote the fund management
industry. The focus of prudential policies will largely
Sources: Cassard (1994); Bercuson (1995); and Cardarelli, shift to supervision and, in particular, to the review of
Gobat, and Lee (2000). banks' risk management systems.
shore, it is important that the onshore financial in international interest rates to domestic rates and
markets—especially foreign exchange markets— complicate control over monetary conditions. Ad-
become more liquid and gain more depth and ditionally, in order to prevent seepage between the
breadth, and that domestic financial institutions be- domestic economy and the Labuan offshore finan-
come more efficient and resilient. Monetary man- cial center, the policy of limiting ringgit transac-
agement also needs to be strengthened because the tions of Labuan banks needs to be continued, and
easing of controls on international transactions in consolidated bank supervision must be further
ringgit may speed up the transmission of changes strengthened.
Policy considerations on this matter must also rec- strong incentives were to reemerge. In this case,
ognize that the effectiveness of controls on interna- leakages in capital controls may develop, for exam-
tional transactions in ringgit is not guaranteed in the ple through intercompany accounts, underinvoicing
future, particularly in times of instability. The suc- of exports and overinvoicing of imports, leads and
cessful experience of the 1998 controls so far is lags in transactions related to foreign trade, and
largely due to the appropriate macroeconomic policy small-scale exports of ringgit banknotes. Driven by
mix that prevailed at that time. Even wide-ranging fundamentals, such position taking against the ring-
controls, however, are likely to become inadequate git may occur illegally onshore, in the newly
in preventing both residents and nonresidents from emerged offshore market, or in the nondeliverable
taking positions against the ringgit if sufficiently forward market. To the extent that the offshore mar-
ket might offer more channels for arbitrage than the ment of asset prices, facilitate hedging and portfolio
onshore market, its presence may accelerate a specu- management, and generally promote financial mar-
lative attack; however, its absence is not a guarantee ket development. Pricing of financial instruments,
against position taking. Thus, key to preventing such that it becomes more reflective of returns and
destabilizing position taking is strong fundamentals, risks involved, will also be made easier, thereby pro-
especially consistent monetary and exchange rate moting the domestic bond market. In addition, more
policies, and effective prudential risk management. liberal regulation on credit operations and the in-
With an easing of controls on international trans- voicing of trade transactions in ringgit may facilitate
actions in ringgit, the liquidity of the foreign ex- the regionalization efforts of Malaysian companies
change market is likely to increase as speculators in the longer run.
enter the market as risk takers and counterparties of The presence of an offshore market could also im-
hedgers. The increased liquidity could facilitate prove financial intermediation, enhancing efficiency
portfolio rebalancing and unwinding of leveraged and investors' opportunities for risk management.
positions; this in turn would help smooth the adjust- Such a market tends to offer a narrower interest rate
Japan liberalized cross-border transactions in yen controlled. Residents were allowed to lend to and bor-
during the second half of the 1980s, in tandem with row from nonresidents in yen. Controls on the issuance
deregulating domestic financial markets and opening of yen bonds domestically by nonresidents and abroad
them to foreign participation, strengthening prudential by residents were relaxed. The market for euro-yen cer-
policies, and modernizing monetary policy manage- tificates of deposit was created, euro-yen credit opera-
ment. An offshore center was established to promote tions were liberalized, and the euro-yen market for
the international use of the yen. commercial papers was decontrolled. Foreign banks
Until the mid-1970s, Japan's policy was designed to were allowed to issue euro-yen bonds, and the with-
discourage the international use of the yen. The main holding tax on nonresidents' interest earnings on euro-
concern was that substantial yen holdings by nonresi- yen bonds issued by residents was removed. In parallel,
dents would jeopardize the Bank of Japan's control domestic financial deregulation continued, monetary
over money supply and increase exchange rate volatil- policy management was modernized, and prudential
ity.1 Capital flows and domestic financial activities policies were strengthened.
were tightly regulated. In addition to the liberalization of international trans-
In response to a slowdown in economic growth and actions in yen, the Japanese offshore market was cre-
widening budget deficits during the late 1970s-early ated in 1986 to promote the international use of the yen
1980s, Japan started to deregulate domestic financial and to attract euro-yen banking to Japan. Offshore
markets and the capital account. Interest rates were banks were allowed to accept yen deposits from non-
deregulated, and access of nonresidents to the Gensaki residents, and these deposits were freed from reserve
market for repurchase agreements on government requirements and other controls. By design, the off-
bonds and to fiscal bills was liberalized. The positive shore market was separated from onshore banking to
list system for regulating capital account transactions prevent "seepage" between them and to ensure the ef-
was replaced with the negative list system in 1980, al- fectiveness of domestic financial regulations.3 In par-
though many capital controls remained in place. ticular, residents were not allowed to participate in the
Cross-border yen transactions were decontrolled offshore market, transfers between domestic and off-
during 1984—89. Policy orientation concerning the in- shore accounts were restricted, and loans contracted in
ternationalization of the yen was changed in 1984, after the offshore market could not be used to finance do-
the Yen-Dollar Committee (a working group of Japan- mestic activities. In addition, securities transactions
ese and U.S. officials) and the Ministry of Finance ac- were restricted. Since its creation, the offshore market
knowledged the potential role of financial liberaliza- has grown rapidly, becoming a major international cen-
tion and the increasing internationalization of the ter for yen transactions.
Japanese economy and proposed a program of liberal- The deregulation of foreign exchange transactions
izing the international use of the yen.2 Subsequently, and the promotion of the internationalization of the yen
the conversion of foreign currencies into yen was de- continued in the 1990s. Regulations on securities in-
vestments and lending, as well as on residents' deposits
in foreign banks were liberalized. Withholding taxes on
Sources: Eken (1984); Tavlas and Ozeki (1992); Dominguez government papers for nonresidents were lifted in 1999
(1999); and Morsink and others (1999). as part of the "big bang" initiative.
1The loss of monetary control was expected to be less in
Japan than in other countries, however, given that the econ-
omy was relatively closed.
2 3
This was in part aimed at addressing U.S. concerns that the The model of the Japanese offshore market is similar to
closed nature of Japanese financial markets would artificially that of the international banking facilities, which were created
depress the value of the yen. in New York in 1981.
spread than the domestic market—where depositors ciency, the offshore market could be a convenient in-
can earn higher returns and borrowers can get access strument, especially for large corporations, for hold-
to cheaper financing—because it is not subject to re- ing excess corporate liquidity and obtaining short-
serve requirements and other regulations; it is a term financing for working capital needs.
wholesale market and can respond more quickly to All in all, the liberalization of controls on interna-
investors' needs. Therefore, reemergence of an off- tional transactions in ringgit needs to be approached
shore market could complement the onshore coun- cautiously as part of a well-sequenced medium-term
terpart and provide both domestic and foreign in- strategy of capital account liberalization and finan-
vestors access to diversified financial instruments at cial development. The liberalization of controls on
lower transaction costs and bid-ask spreads. This trade-related international transactions in ringgit
would allow investors to take advantage of high (e.g., on invoicing of trade transactions) could pre-
yields and safe, liquid investments. Owing to its effi- cede the liberalization of international financial
CoControls on
Controls on
0.9 portfolio inflows
stock market
Controls on bank
0.7 transactions and
foreign exhange
0.6 market operations \
Controls on Controls on
0.4 international . . . . .
portfolio outflows
0.3 in ringgit
1991 93 95 97 99
transactions in ringgit. Benefits and risks of the re- Dickey-Fuller (ADF) tests are used to determine
laxation of controls will need to be carefully as- the order of integration for the variables in question
sessed, and proper safeguards and supporting poli- (Table 5.8.). Portfolio assets, domestic prices, and
cies to control the risks associated with liberalization the real exchange rate appear as I(1). The domestic
will need to be put in place. In this regard, a interest rate and the foreign interest rate in real terms
strengthened financial market environment, the (FRR) are found to be stationary.
maintenance of internally consistent monetary and Cointegration is tested using Johansen's maxi-
exchange rate policies, and adequate prudential sur- mum likelihood procedure with six lags (Table
veillance are particularly important. 5.9). The null of no cointegration is rejected in
favor of one cointegrating relationship. The recur-
sively estimated eigenvalue is reasonably stable
Appendix: A Preliminary Empirical over time. Individual tests on the feedback coeffi-
cients imply that the real exchange rate is weakly
Analysis of Malaysia's Capital Controls exogenous, i.e., there is no feedback from the coin-
The effect of capital controls on portfolio invest- tegrating relationship to the real exchange rate.
ment is examined in a simple error-correction Portfolio assets, domestic prices, the real exchange
model. Portfolio investment is modeled as a func- rate, and the trend are all significant in the cointe-
tion of internal and external factors, including the grating vector.
domestic and foreign interest rates and prices, the With weak exogeneity restrictions, the cointegrat-
real exchange rate, and capital controls.13 The ing vector is given by:
study covers the period from January 1991 to Octo- CI = pfa - 3.13 rex - 7.43 p - 0.01 trend.
ber 2000, and the evolution of capital controls dur-
ing this period is shown in Figure 5.7. Table 5.7 de- The restricted feedback coefficients for pfa and p are
scribes the data.14 0.03 and 0.004, respectively. The positive relation-
ship between pfa and rex and p is consistent with
economic theory.
The analysis draws on the existing literature on the econom- Weak exogeneity implies that the cointegrating
ics of capital flows. See, e.g., Fernandez-Arias and Montiel vector can be analyzed in a two-equation conditional
(1995); Calvo, Leiderman, and Reinhart (1996); and Cardoso and error-correction model, whereby portfolio invest-
Goldfajn (1998). For surveys on capital controls, see Eichengreen
and others (1998); and Ariyoshi and others (2000). ment and prices are modeled as changing in re-
Data on government expenditures and budget balance are not sponse to a disequilibrium in portfolio assets,
available on a monthly basis and were not included in the model. changes in macroeconomic variables, and capital
PFA Net foreign portfolio assets in Malaysia, billions Estimated based on Bank Negara Malaysia
of U.S. dollars Cash Balance-of-Payments Reporting System
and IMF International Financial Statistics
REX Real exchange rate, index Calculated based on IMF International Financial
P Consumer price index IMF International Financial Statistics
FP U.S. consumer price index IMF International Financial Statistics
R Money market interest rate adjusted for expected Calculated based on IMF International Financial
depreciation, percent Statistics and Bloomberg
FR Eurodollar rate in London, percent IMF International Financial Statistics
CPFIN Controls on portfolio inflows, index
CPFOUT Controls on portfolio outflows, index
CRM Controls on international transactions in ringgit, Calculated based on the IMF Annual Report
index on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange
Restrictions and Malaysia's exchange control
CBNKFX Controls on bank transactions and foreign exchange
market operations, index
CSM Controls on stock market operations, index
ASIA Dummy variable taking the value of 1 for the period of
the Asian crisis, and 0 otherwise
1For more details on the methodology for constructing the capital control indices, see the footnote to Figure 5.1.
1ADF statistics are based on the highest significant lag. Constant and trend included.
2** (*) indicates significance at the 1 percent (5 percent) level. Lowercase denotes logarithm.
For the period from 1993(3) to 1997(1). Prior t o 1993(3) and after 1997(1) pfa also appears as I(1).
controls. An autoregressive distributed lag model is during January 1991-October 2000. The direction
reduced to the following parsimonious model and magnitude of these effects, however, varied by
through general-to-specific modeling (Table 5.10): the type of capital control. More specifically,
The model is fairly well specified. The goodness- • The regulation of portfolio inflows per se had no
of-fit, autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity statis- significant effects on portfolio investment. The
tics are acceptable. Normality holds. The Chow tests tightening of these controls, however, tended to
imply constancy. discourage portfolio investment.
The results suggest that capital controls (their level • Controls on portfolio outflows had no significant
and/or changes in them) generally had statistically effects on portfolio investment, neither in terms
significant effects on portfolio investment in Malaysia of their level nor changes in them.
* (*) indicates significance at the 1 percent (5 percent) level. Constant, trend, and a dummy for 1991 included.
• The regulation of bank operations and foreign tion, IMF Occasional Paper No. 190 (Washington: In-
exchange transactions tended to reduce portfo- ternational Monetary Fund).
lio investment. By influencing banks' risk- Bank Negara Malaysia, 2000, Annual Report 1999 (Kuala
taking incentives, regulatory measures pertain- Lumpur).
ing to bank operations apparently affected capi- Bercuson, Kenneth, ed., 1995, Singapore: A Case Study in
Rapid Development, IMF Occasional Paper No. 119
tal account transactions. Controls on swap and (Washington: International Monetary Fund).
forward transactions with nonresidents, in turn, Calvo, Guillermo, Leonardo Leiderman, and Carmen
directly constrained hedging and portfolio man- Reinhart, 1996, "Inflows of Capital to Developing
agement opportunities of foreign investors. Countries in the 1990s," Journal of Economic Per-
• The regulation of international transactions in spectives, Vol. 10 (Spring), pp. 123-39.
ringgit had a positive, albeit a relatively small, ef- Cardarelli, Roberto, Jeanne Gobat, and Jaewoo Lee, 2000,
Singapore—Selected Issues, IMF Staff Country Re-
fect on portfolio investment. This positive effect port No. 00/96 (Washington: International Monetary
may reflect the role of these controls in abating Fund).
speculative pressures on the ringgit. Changes in Cardoso, Eliana, and Ilan Goldfajn, 1998, "Capital Flows
controls on international transactions in ringgit to Brazil: The Endogeneity of Capital Controls," Staff
had no significant effects on portfolio investment. Papers, International Monetary Fund, Vol. 45
• The tightening of controls on equity market trans- (March), pp. 161-202.
Cassard, Marcel, 1994, "The Role of Offshore Centers in
actions tended to discourage portfolio investment. International Financial Intermediation," IMF Work-
The regulation of trading in equities per se had no ing Paper 94/107 (Washington: International Mone-
significant effects on portfolio investment. tary Fund).
The results should be considered only preliminary. Cheong, Latifah M., 2000, "Evaluation of Capital Con-
Their interpretation is subject to a caveat because the trols: Financial and Economic Implications," paper
time series used in this study are relatively short to presented at the MIER National Economic Outlook
fully reflect effects of the capital controls introduced Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (January).
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli, and Harry Huizinga, 1995, "Barri-
recently during the Asian crisis. ers to Portfolio Investments in Emerging Stock Mar-
kets," Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 47
(August), pp. 355-74.
References Dominguez, Kathryn M., 1999, "The Role of the Yen," in In-
ternational Capital Flows, ed. by Martin Feldstein, a Na-
Ariyoshi, Akira, and others, 2000, Capital Controls: tional Bureau of Economic Research conference report,
Country Experiences with Their Use and Liberaliza- pp. 133-71 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
Eichengreen, Barry, and others, 1998, Capital Account Issues, World Economic and Financial Surveys
Liberalization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects, (Washington: International Monetary Fund).
IMF Occasional Paper No. 172 (Washington: Interna- -, 1999, Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements
tional Monetary Fund). and Exchange Restrictions (Washington: Interna-
Eken, Sena, 1984, "Integration of Domestic and Interna- tional Monetary Fund).
tional Financial Markets: The Japanese Experience," Johnston, Barry, and others, 1999, Exchange Rate
Staff Papers, International Monetary Fund, Vol. 31 Arrangements and Currency Convertibility: Develop-
(September), pp. 499-548. ments and Issues, World Economic and Financial
Errico, Luca, and Alberto Musalem, 1999, "Offshore Surveys (Washington: International Monetary Fund).
Banking: An Analysis of Micro- and Macro-Pruden- Kochhar, Kalpana, and others, Malaysia—Selected Issues,
tial Issues," IMF Working Paper 99/5 (Washington: IMF Staff Country Report No. 99/86 (Washington:
International Monetary Fund). International Monetary Fund).
Feldstein, Martin, ed., 1999, "International Capital Morsink, James, and others, 1999, Japan—Economic and
Flows," National Bureau of Economic Research con- Policy Developments, IMF Staff Country Report
ference report (Chicago: University of Chicago No. 99/181, Revision 1 (Washington: International
Press). Monetary Fund).
Fernandez-Arias, Eduardo, and Peter J. Montiel, 1995, Park, Yung C, 1998, "Gradual Approach to Capital Ac-
"The Surge in Capital Inflows to Developing Coun- count Liberalization: The Korean Experience," a
tries: Prospects and Policy Response," World Bank paper prepared for the seminar of the International
Policy Research Working Paper No. 1473 (Washing- Monetary Fund on Capital Account Liberalization,
ton: World Bank). Washington, March.
Frankel, Jeffrey, 1984, "The Yen/Dollar Agreement: Liber- Securities Commission, Malaysia, 2000, Annual Report
alizing Japanese Capital Markets," Policy Analyses in 1999 (Kuala Lumpur).
International Economics, Vol. 9 (Washington: Insti- Tamirisa, Natalia, 1999, "Exchange and Capital Controls
tute for International Economics). as Barriers to Trade," Staff Papers, International
International Finance Corporation, 1999, Emerging Stock Monetary Fund, Vol. 46 (January), pp. 69-88.
Markets Factbook (Washington: International Fi- Tavlas, George S., and Yuzuru Ozeki, 1992, The Interna-
nance Corporation). tionalization of Currencies: An Appraisal of the
International Monetary Fund, 1998, International Capital Japanese Yen, IMF Occasional Paper No. 90 (Wash-
Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy ington: International Monetary Fund).
n response to the Asian crisis, Malaysia undertook
a number of policy measures to curtail the deterio-
in the financial sector and assist in its recov-
in 1996 and 1997. As a result, the level of credit in re-
lation to GDP was high (160 percent), and financial
institutions were exposed to those vulnerable sectors.
ery. These actions were initiated early and, sup- There was, nevertheless, the sentiment that the bank-
ported by better domestic and regional economic ing sector in Malaysia was more sound than those in
conditions, have led to substantial improvement in the other crisis countries, because its financial institu-
the sector's performance. This section gives a brief tions had lower amounts of nonperforming loans and
background of the financial sector, discusses its per- higher capital, and there was a stronger banking cul-
formance up to end-2000, and examines key ele- ture, with a better supervisory environment, higher
ments of the reforms under way to strengthen its standards of accounting and auditing practices, and
structure and regulatory regime in the context of the superior prudential supervision.
Financial Sector Masterplan.1 Reform aspects that Three categories of financial institutions are au-
are highlighted include a bank merger program that thorized to take deposits: commercial banks, finance
aims at creating larger and more efficient domestic companies, and merchant banks (Table 6.1).2
institutions, and the upgrading of the prudential su-
pervision system. • Commercial banks engage in retail and corporate
banking, and are the only institutions authorized
to take demand deposits.3 Through subsidiaries,
commercial banks provide other financial ser-
Background vices, including merchant banking, stockbroking,
The financial crisis in Malaysia was compara- insurance, and finance company activities. For-
tively well contained, attributable in part to bank re- eign banks have operated in Malaysia prior to its
structuring efforts and the development of domestic independence in 1957. Current regulation limits
capital markets in the 1980s. The country's low for- to 30 percent new equity holdings by foreigners in
eign debt at the outset also placed it in a relatively domestically controlled banks4 and restricts exist-
good position to confront the crisis. The country's ing foreign banks from opening new branches.
traditional policies to limit short-term borrowing, • Finance companies are able to offer hire purchase
encourage foreign direct investment inflows, and lending and other types of installment credit to
rely on equity capital prevented the corporate sector consumers and small businesses, with funding
from building up excessive unhedged foreign ex- provided primarily from time and savings de-
change exposures and very high debt/equity ratios posits. Facing diminishing returns from tradi-
that were so damaging in the other crisis countries. tional business lines, finance companies went into
Like the other countries, however, a decade of riskier real estate and share purchase lending,
strong growth prior to the crisis lulled governments making them more vulnerable to an economic
and creditors, both foreign and domestic, into compla-
cency. Easy access to bank credit contributed to spec-
ulative price bubbles in the real estate and securities 2
This structure may change further following the completion of
sectors, and credit growth in the years leading to the the merger process.
Malaysia has two pure Islamic banks, Bank Islam and Bank
crisis rose substantially, reaching 25 percent annually Muamalat, with total assets of RM 14 billion at end-2000, repre-
senting around 2 percent of the banking system assets. They offer
Islamic bank products such as interest-free leasing, hire purchase
lending, profit sharing, and joint-venture financing. The total
1This section was prepared largely prior to the finalization of market share of Islamic banking assets increased to 6.9 percent in
the bank merger program and the issue of the Financial Sector 2000 from 5.5 percent in 1999.
Masterplan (March 2001), and includes only a brief outline of 4
Foreign banks have minority interest in ten domestic commer-
those initiatives. cial banks, three finance companies, and seven merchant banks.
Number of
Financial Percent Percent Percent Percent
Institutions of Total Assets of Total Loans1 of Total Deposits of Total
downturn. Because of the vulnerability, Bank Ne- • Following a pretax loss totaling RM 8.5 billion
gara Malaysia began consolidation of the finance during the 12-month period ending March 1999,
company sector early in the crisis, and the process the banking system began to generate profits in
is expected to be accomplished with the comple- line with the turnaround of the overall economy.
tion of the bank merger program. The system recorded an aggregate pretax profit
of RM 4.7 billion during 1999 and RM 9.7 bil-
Merchant banks are involved primarily in fee- lion in 2000, with major banking institutions
based activities, such as syndication of loans, turning profitable.
corporate advisory services, securities under-
writing, and portfolio management. They » The interest margin of the banking system also
can only accept time deposits greater than widened in 1999, reversing the trend of the pre-
RM 200,000. In past years, lending by merchant vious year, and leveled off in 2000. For the com-
banks grew to be a key—and at the time prof- mercial banks, the interest margin declined to a
itable—activity, but the diversion proved very low of 3.2 percent in September 1998, owing to
costly with a weakening economy. Bank Negara locked-in deposit funds in the face of more vari-
Malaysia has redirected merchant banks back to able loan rates. The margin improved as interest
the traditional fee-based activities by limiting rates began to fall, reaching 4.5 percent in the
their loan exposures. final quarter of 1999, but declined slightly to 4.3
percent by end-2000. The margin for finance
companies reached a low point of 1.7 percent in
Recent Financial Sector Performance June 1998, as deposit rates rose against a high
volume of fixed rates for hire purchase loans;
The financial sector, which suffered losses in since then, the margin grew substantially from
1998, has recovered along with the rest of the econ- the declining interest rates, to about 6.5 percent
omy. In 1999-2000, the banking system recorded in 1999 and 7 percent by end-2000.
pretax profits. The recovery can be attributed in
part to the restructuring of the banking sector that • Loan growth was flat in 1999 and picked up
took place (see below), and in part to a more stable slowly to 5.4 percent by end-2000. However,
interest rate environment that led to a sharp reduc- taking into account the large amount of loans
tion in loan loss provisions. Nonperforming loans sold to, or managed by, Danaharta,5 bad debts
were reduced to 15.3 percent of total loans at end- written off, and loans converted into private debt
2000 (Table 6.2). Although asset growth averaged securities, the increase in total bank financing
only 4 percent in 1999-2000, there is no evidence has been much larger.
of constraints on the supply of credit to the econ-
omy, as witnessed by information on loan approvals 5
See Box 6.1 for a description of Danaharta's role in the re-
and disbursements. structuring of the banking sector.
Danaharta, a wholly government-owned agency, was chased loans with face values totaling about RM 20.5
established in June 1998 to acquire and manage banks' billion at market value, as determined by independent
impaired assets. It has RM 1.5 billion in capital provided auditors, and averaging 45 percent of the face values
by the Finance Ministry, and is authorized to issue up to of the loans. Financial institutions were allowed up
RM 15 billion (face value) in zero-coupon bonds. RM to five years to amortize the difference between
11.4 billion in such bonds has been issued. the book value and the sale price, thereby avoiding
Danaharta was to purchase nonperforming loans with immediate recognition of the total loss. In addition,
face values of RM 5 million or more. Financial institu- Danaharta has been managing RM 26.2 billion worth
tions seeking recapitalization from Danamodal were re- of assets owned by the government in connection
quired to sell their nonperforming loans in excess of 10 with government-assisted bank mergers.
percent of total loans to Danaharta as a precondition. Resolution has been reached for 74 percent of
Legislation has vested Danaharta with special power the RM 46.7 billion worth of nonperforming loans
over borrowers, including insulation of the agency (and acquired or managed by Danaharta, involving various
of subsequent purchasers) from undisclosed claims workout processes. For viable loans, these include
made after the initial purchase of assets by Danaharta; loan restructuring, settlement, and special administra-
the ability to appoint special administrators without tion; for nonviable loans, these include sales
having to go to court; and the power to abrogate under- of collateral, sales of business, foreclosures,
lying contracts when it forecloses on collateral. liquidation, and special administration via a bid
In late 2000, when its window for acquiring non- process. The average recovery rate of the loans was
performing loans was closed, Danaharta had pur- 66 percent.
Barring severe external shocks, Malaysian banks ing system (Table 6.3). There are, however, potential
are expected to recover at a faster pace than from the vulnerabilities that could slow the recovery. Sub-
previous recession because of less erosion of their stantial increases in interest rates could trigger fur-
asset quality, and because of the authorities' rapid ther credit problems for weaker borrowers and cre-
support for, and proactive restructuring of, the bank- ate additional nonperforming loans.
Total Bad-Debt
Nonperforming Nonperforming Provision to
Loans2 Loans to Loans Nonperforming Loans3
3-month 6-month 3-month 6-month 3-month 6-month
Sources: Information provided by country authorities; Claessens and others, 1999, "Financial Restructuring in East Asia: Halfway There?" Financial Sec-
tor Discussion Paper No. 3 (Washington:World Bank); Lindgren and others, 2000,"Financial Sector Crisis and Restructuring: Lessons from Asia," IMF Oc-
casional Paper No. 188 (Washington: International Monetary Fund).
1Steeringcommittee chaired by the central bank.
Under consideration in Malaysia and Korea.
Between government-owned institutions in which the government has intervened.
Foreign banks are allowed to purchase up to 30 percent equity of domestic banks.
From 15 percent to 100 percent.
Approval required from Board of Investment.
Assets transferred; loans larger than RM 5 million and mostly loans secured by property or shares.
The powers and resources of a preexisting asset management company were substantially increased; worst assets were to be transferred.
Nonperforming loan workout is decentralized. Three banks have established private asset management companies and more are being considered.
Hybrid approach to reprivatization of banks subject to intervention is evolving.Thailand has announced that it will establish a centralized asset manage-
ment company.
Sources: Data provided by the country authorities; and IMF staff estimates.
1Nonperforming loans include those with interest in suspense and specific provisioning, and are defined as loans for which payments are overdue for
three months or more.
including Rp 254 trillion worth of nonperforming loans transferred t o the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency; nonperforming loans of the banking
system totaled 65.1 percent at end-March 2000.The capital ratio data are equity (as declared by banks) as a percent of total (unweighted) assets (data for
2000 relate t o October).
For nonperforming loans, commercial banks' data are used (based on delinquency); December 1997 data include past-due loans over six months and
bankruptcy loans; December 1998 data include past-due loans over three months and bankruptcy loans; December 1999 data include past-due loans
over three months and nonaccrual loans reflecting forward-looking criteria. Risk-weighted capital ratio for December 1999 also reflects the application
of new forward-looking criteria. Total outstanding bad-debt provisions of the banking system data show total provisions on balance sheet as a percent of
nonperforming loans.
Nonperforming loan data are commercial banks' data. Capital ratios of the banking system are not risk weighted, based on Basel guidelines. Regula-
tions are being drafted in order t o bring the practice into line with the guidelines, in accordance with recently passed legislation.The 2000 nonperform-
ing loan data are for September 2000.
Nonperforming loans include those for Thai private and state-owned banks. Capital ratios for Thailand are based on phased-in provisioning rules, as al-
lowed by Bank of Thailand, scheduled t o be fully met at end-2000.Total outstanding bad-debt provision data for December 1998 and December 1999 are
balance sheet loan-loss provisions, and do not include surplus capital in excess of the regulatory minimum.
meant that it would be managed as a private entity, accounts) meant that the process was manageable.
subject to normal auditing. The key issue in asset Furthermore, the emphasis on resolution of nonper-
purchases by Danaharta was realistic valuations to forming loans—and not simply their disposal—
ensure that it did not become a tool for indirect assisted in the restructuring of the corporate sector.
bailouts of existing shareholders, which would un- There are, nevertheless, risks of the agency becom-
dermine the incentives for private sector recapital- ing a warehouse for nonperforming loans unless as-
ization and proper governance of the agency and the sets are upgraded and sold before long.
banks. There are indications that loan valuations by The mandate of Danamodal inspired confidence
Danaharta were reasonable, although some latitude that all domestic financial institutions would be re-
was given to banks in that the losses on the sales of capitalized to the required standards, maintaining the
their assets to the agency could be amortized over safety and soundness of the banking sector. The re-
five years rather than recognized immediately. quirement that institutions seeking Danamodal's
Overall, the plan for Danaharta was well con- capital would have to sell nonperforming loans in
ceived, with nonperforming loans being taken over excess of the specified proportion to Danaharta gave
to ease bank operations. Concentration on larger banks the incentive to deal with their bad assets in a
nonperforming loans (involving only 2,000 to 3,000 timely and coherent manner. Danamodal achieved
Danamodal was established in July 1998 with the Institutions requesting capital injections must submit
main objective of recapitalizing the banking system. recapitalization plans and are subject to monthly re-
Capital injections from Danamodal were destined to porting of performance against a list of targets.
enable institutions to restore their capital adequacy ra- Danamodal exercises control over management by ap-
tios to 9 percent. To fund its needs, Danamodal raised pointing at least two members to the boards of direc-
RM 10.7 billion, comprising RM 3 billion in paid-up tors, of which one is to be an executive director or
capital from Bank Negara Malaysia, and RM 7.7 bil- chairman of the board.
lion raised through the issuance of zero-coupon bonds Ten institutions received a total capital injection of
to financial institutions. RM 7.1 billion, initially in the form of tier-two subordi-
Selection of candidates for recapitalization was nated debt that, per definitive agreement, is to be con-
initially guided by Bank Negara Malaysia's watchlist, verted into equity; irredeemable, noncumulative con-
based on stress tests of banking institutions. vertible preference shares; and/or subordinated loans,
Danamodal's participation was also determined by the depending on the cash flow characteristics of the in-
nonfeasibility of market solutions, the systemic impact strument and circumstances of the banking institution.
of the failure, and the future viability and competitive Eight of the ten institutions receiving assistance have
positioning of concerned institutions. The "first loss" fully repaid their loans. Danamodal's excess funding
principle, by which original shareholders' equity is has gone unneeded because undercapitalized institu-
written down, is applied strictly to all transactions. tions were able to restore capital on their own.
Loan classification: days elapsed before considered 180 days, with parallel Reduced to 90 days Reduced to 90 days
past due classification of 90 days from 180 days from 360 days
for supervision purpose
system with best practices, that supports and con- alization and technological advances; and to iden-
tributes positively to the growth of the economy tify the optimal supervisory philosophy to be
throughout the economic cycle, and has a core of adopted within the existing structure, where Bank
strong and forward-looking domestic financial insti- Negara Malaysia remains the sole regulatory au-
tutions that are more technologically driven and thority of the banking system. Two key components
ready to face the challenges of liberalization and of the plan are the bank merger program and signif-
globalization."7 The plan will be a blueprint for the icant changes to regulation and supervision, in line
financial sector for the next ten years and will focus with best practices.
on a series of best practices for the industry, as well
as initiating a process of corporate governance based The Bank Merger Program
on effective risk management. In addition, the capi-
tal market is to have a more important role in the al- For all crisis countries, the strategies for systemic
location of resources. restructuring have sought to restore the financial
The main thrust of the plan is to develop strong do- systems to soundness as soon as possible. The
mestic banking institutions that form the core of an ef- process involves the introduction of the legal, insti-
ficient, effective, and stable financial sector. They will tutional, and policy frameworks necessary for deal-
be expected to operate in an environment of emerging ing with nonviable financial institutions, strengthen-
new technological advances and more differentiated ing viable ones, and resolving value-impaired assets
and demanding consumers, and to provide a more di- in the system.
versified range of financial services. The banking sec- Malaysia has undertaken to deal with its banking
tor will not only serve a more internationally inte- problems through a comprehensive bank merger
grated and dynamic economy, it should also have a program, designed to take advantage of economies-
leading role within this economy. of-scale, to tap potential synergies, and to determine
The broad strategies for the banking sector an exit strategy for the weakest banks. In the
within the plan are to manage the process of liber- process, domestic banks were given broad flexibility
alization, including the positioning of domestic fi- to form their own merger groups, which total ten,
nancial institutions vis-a-vis foreign institutions; to each comprising a commercial bank, a finance com-
strengthen the financial sector in the wake of glob- pany, and a merchant bank (with the exception of
one group). Each group is required to have a mini-
mum capitalization of RM 2 billion by end-2001,
Bank Negara Malaysia, 2001, "The Financial Sector Master- implying the asset size of most banking groups to be
plan" (Kuala Lumpur), March. in excess of RM 25 billion (Table 6.7).
Assets of Post-
Commercial Finance Merchant Anchor Banks Merger Assets Percentage of
Anchor Banks Banks Companies Banks (in RM billion)1 (in RM billion)1 System Assets
Maybank Pacific Bank Mayban Finance Aseambankers Malaysia 106 145 28.2
PhileoAllied Bank Kewangan Bersatu
Sime Finance
Public Bank Hock Hua Bank Public Finance Public Merchant Bankers 33 52 10.1
Advance Finance
Affin Bank BSN Commercial Asia Commercial Perwira Affin Merchant 23 32 6.2
Bank Finance Bankers
BSN Finance BSN Merchant Bank
Southern Bank Ban Hin Lee Bank Perdana Finance Perdana Merchant Bankers 17 25 4.9
Cempaka Finance
United Merchant
Others not Bank Utama MBf Finance Utama Merchant Bank 13 2.5
yet merged
The merger and acquisition phase was largely com- timely manner. In this regard, strategic plans and inte-
pleted by end-2000, but much remains to be done. gration issues for each banking group are important.
Cultural adaptation alone could present barriers to a
quick and smooth progression of the process. Selec- • Integration plans. An important segment of inte-
tion of management teams will be critical where there gration is "cultural changes," namely, blending
is no clear choice of chief executive officer or chief the cultures of two or more entities.
operating officer already in place. Bank Negara • Strategic plans. Such plans are needed to pre-
Malaysia requires that each banking group employ an vent several banking groups from concentrating
independent consulting firm to advise and recommend on the same market sectors.
individuals best qualified to manage the company.
Bank Negara Malaysia will also closely monitor the • Staffing. This issue deals not only with over-
performance of the banks' management teams to en- staffing and retraining and/or early retirement of
sure that any identified weaknesses are addressed in a excess staff, but also with keeping and develop-
ing key individuals to manage the "new" bank- banking institutions to have formalized risk-
ing system for the future. management systems is most important in that it
will create an environment of self-supervision
• Information technology. The integration of two for the industry and enhance risk-based supervi-
or more data systems must be compatible and ef- sion. Stronger risk-management capabilities
ficient, resulting in little or no turmoil to internal of banking institutions, in turn, will render risk-
operations and consumer interests. based supervision more effective. Implementa-
The bank merger program in Malaysia, ambitious tion of formalized risk management at the hold-
in nature and timing, presents short- and longer-term ing company level will further improve the
challenges. The reduction to 10 groups from over 60 systems.
banks (precrisis) is significant, but the distribution in • Improvements of the systems' risk management
terms of asset size will initially be disproportionate. have so far included requirements related to de-
Three of the new banking groups will each comprise rivative products management and liquidity
5 percent or less of total banking assets, less than framework (implemented), and credit risk man-
one-fifth the size of the Maybank group. Some of the agement (scheduled to be formalized by mid-
smaller banking groups may not achieve the desired 2000). Internal risk-management systems would
efficiencies or economies-of-scale, creating compet- entail guidelines for other types of risks, in con-
itive mismatches with their larger counterparts. nection with interest rates, foreign exchange,
The possibility for additional mergers in the future transactions, strategy, reputation, prices, and
could also be triggered by a liberalization of the fi- other types of risks deemed significant to the
nancial services industry to allow for more foreign oversight of each bank's risk propensity.
competition and competitive factors, that is, for
larger companies to dominate specific segments.8 • A bank-by-bank early warning system currently
This possibility needs to be watched closely because being developed by Bank Negara Malaysia will
the improved ability to compete is a key goal of the provide leading indicators for supervisory atten-
bank merger program and the Financial Sector Mas- tion and allow for preventive measures against
terplan. There is also a concern regarding the man- the catastrophic deterioration of individual insti-
agement of some of the new banking groups, tutions and the overall financial sector. The sys-
namely, depth of experience and strengths to manage tem, based on an individual bank failure model,
a more complex and larger entity in a highly com- will serve to enhance confidence in the financial
petitive environment. sector.
• Consolidated supervision is expected to play an
Prudential Supervision and Regulation important role as the bank merger program is
completed, with the new banking groups be-
Malaysia moved rapidly to strengthen the frame- coming larger and more complex, and engaging
work of prudential supervision and regulation in more varied activities. It will help contain
(Table 6.8). In particular, the requirement that banks overleveraging by financial institutions. For
establish internal systems to manage risks, includ- consolidated supervision to be operative, Bank
ing for cross-border transactions, and Bank Negara Negara Malaysia will need to have supervisory
Malaysia's move toward risk-based and consoli- mandates over financial institutions' holding
dated supervision are major steps to enhance the companies and other subsidiaries and affiliates.
soundness of the financial system, especially as the An amendment to the Bank and Financial Insti-
merger program is completed and financial innova- tutions Act would be warranted to include the
tions are embraced by banks in Malaysia. scope of permissible activities for these entities,
• Risk-based supervision—with supervisory atten- their minimum capital requirements, approval
tion for weak institutions—will allow Bank Ne- of dividends by the authorities, and approval for
gara Malaysia to focus its resources on the most the publishing of reports and appointment of
critical areas in the individual institutions, as well directors.
as on the stratification of risk areas across the fi- • Increased transparency of macro- and microeco-
nancial sector. The impending requirement for nomic data and policies will help ensure more
effective supervision. Similar to the other crisis
countries, Malaysia is gradually implementing
The share of banking system assets controlled by foreign policies to foster improved corporate gover-
banks increased to 19 percent in 2000 from around 15 percent in
1997. The government's share of the banking system has also in- nance and lower corporate leverage. Ongoing at-
creased over this period, through increased government equity tention is also needed to improve protection for
holding and the recapitalization process. outside investors through stronger enforcement
©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution
Toward a More Resilient Banking Sector
of disclosure requirements and shareholder and and stockbroking companies or discount houses are
creditor rights. to be encouraged, with a view to developing mer-
chant banks into full-fledged investment banks. To
Other Initiatives
facilitate this process, the legal and regulatory
framework governing the banking and securities in-
In April 2000, the authorities announced a consol- dustries (supervised respectively by Bank Negara
idation plan for the stockbroking industry to reduce Malaysia and the Securities Commission) would
the number of companies to 15 from the present 63, need to be harmonized.
in conjunction with a reduction in transaction com- The Financial Sector Masterplan envisages that a
missions, although the stipulation of the final num- deposit insurance fund be established to replace the
ber of brokers was subsequently abandoned, and the current blanket deposit guarantee by the government
schedule revised. The objective of the consolidation that has been in place since January 1998. Contribu-
is to form a group of well-capitalized universal bro- tions to the fund would be risk adjusted. Such a pre-
kers that can provide efficient and cost-effective in- mium structure will avoid the moral hazard created
termediation for investors, and are robust enough to by a blanket guarantee and create an incentive for
withstand the pressures of the stockbroking busi- prudent management in line with the move toward
ness. Furthermore, mergers between merchant banks performance-based prudential regulation.
The 1999 amendment of the Labuan Offshore Fi- cation of the financial players in the center; the de-
nancial Services Authority Act provides the authori- velopment of Islamic banking; and the development
ties with the power to supervise offshore banking ac- of capital market, e-commerce, and the ancillary
tivities in Labuan. The agency is allowed to perform activities.
on-site work in the branches where necessary and to An efficient, progressive, and comprehensive
require the submission of any information relating to Islamic financial sector is also an element of the
specific activities within its supervisory mandate. long-run vision for Malaysia's financial system. To
The amendment also provides for home country su- achieve this, efforts will be needed to enhance insti-
pervisors, including Bank Negara Malaysia, to con- tutional capacity, and to develop financial infra-
duct on-site supervision of their country's branches structure and the appropriate regulatory framework.
in Labuan. Beyond supervisory matters, the govern- It is envisaged that by 2010, Islamic banking could
ment's objectives regarding the Labuan Offshore Fi- comprise 20 percent of the banking and insurance
nancial Center include the promotion and diversifi- market share.
1990 94 96 98 2000
100 Korea
Sources: IMF, World Economic Outlook; Asia and Pacific Department core database, and CEIC Data Company Limited.
the 1990-96 period. Market capitalization in privatization in the region (Harvey and Roper,
Malaysia grew by an average rate of over 40 per- 1999).3
cent in the 1990-96 period and by an average of While the amount of new equity raised was large
nearly 30 percent for the decade. This was not un- by regional comparison, Malaysia was still highly de-
usual for the region; Indonesia and the Philippines pendent on bank financing. New financial flows to
had more rapid growth rates but from a much lower corporations in the period prior to the crisis
base. (1995-97) were mainly from the domestic banking
The growth in market capitalization in Malaysia system, representing nearly 60 percent of net funds
was driven mainly by increases in stock prices, but compared to around 15 percent from equity, 11 per-
also by new equity issues and privatization. Stock cent from domestic debt markets, and 16 percent
prices increased by a factor of over 2.4 between raised through external borrowing (World Bank,
1990 and 1996, and by a factor of 5 for the Philip- 1999a). The authorities, however, are attempting to
pines, compared to between 1 and 1.5 for the other develop the domestic bond market and are encourag-
crisis countries. In the precrisis period, only Korea ing corporations to diversify their sources of funding.
raised more funds through the equity market in
absolute terms than Malaysia. Malaysia was at the
forefront of Asian privatization, and Malaysian 3
In early 1991, Malaysia released its privatization master plan,
privatizations, which accounted for a large portion which had the objective of privatizing key industries, and proceeded
with Tenaga Nasional, the national electricity company—one of the
of total new equity raised in the country, also largest privatizations to date in Asia at $1.2 billion. Between 1992
constituted around one-third of total revenue from and 1995, privatization revenue averaged 3 percent of annual GDP.
Corporate governance relates to ways in which in- also play an active role in management and have the de-
vestors and owners (principals) oversee managers who cisive vote in major decisions.
run the firms (agents). There are essentially two main To illustrate the contrast between the outsider
systems of corporate governance, referred to as the in- (mainly the United Kingdom and the United States) and
sider and outsider systems. insider systems (most other countries, including conti-
The outsider system refers to the Anglo-American nental Europe and Asia), Crama and others (1999) find
system where typically ownership of firms is widely that the largest owner in the median U.K.-listed com-
dispersed and control is delegated to professional man- pany in 1998 had a stake of less than 15 percent, and
agers; the number of listed companies is large; the less than 5 percent in the median U.S.-listed company;
process of acquiring control is market oriented (i.e., compared with over 80 percent of listed nonfinancial
there is a liquid capital market with frequently traded companies in continental Europe that had shareholders
ownership and control rights); there are few interlocked with a blocking minority (at least 25 percent) and where
patterns of ownership; and there are few major control- around half the companies had one shareholder with an
ling shareholders, which are rarely associated with the absolute majority. La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and
corporate sector itself. Shleifer (1998) find the average share of common stock
The insider system is characterized by the following owned by the largest three shareholders in the largest
features: there is a high concentration of ownership; the companies to be 54 percent in Malaysia, 46 percent in
corporate sector has controlling interests in itself; the Thailand, 20 percent in Korea, and 18 percent in Japan,
number of listed companies is relatively small; the capi- compared to less than 15 percent in the United King-
tal market is illiquid because controlling blocks are held dom and the United States.
by a few major shareholders, and these are held rather Both systems have relative strengths and weaknesses
than traded; there are a large number of holding or in- that are typically analyzed in a principal-agent frame-
terlocked companies acting to deter outsiders from work. Some of the main issues are summarized below
acquiring control; and major shareholders typically (mainly from Crama and others, 1999).
A: Dispersed ownership and dispersed voting power B: Dispersed ownership and concentrated voting power
(United Kingdom, United States) (Countries where a stake holder can collect proxy votes and
shareholder coalitions are allowed)
Advantages: Portfolio diversification and liquidity; takeover Advantages: Portfolio diversification and liquidity;
possibility monitoring of management
Disadvantages: Insufficient monitoring and free-riding problem Disadvantages: Violation of one-share-one-vote principle;
reduced takeover possibility
Agency conflicts: Management vs. shareholders Agency conflicts: Controlling block holders vs. small
C: Concentrated ownership and dispersed voting power D: Concentrated ownership and concentrated voting power
(Any company with voting right restrictions) (continental Europe,Asia, and any company after a takeover)
Advantages: Protection of minority holders' rights Advantages: High monitoring incentives; more focused strategic
direction, restructuring, and long-term commitment
Disadvantages: Violation of one-share-one-vote principle; Disadvantages: Low portfolio diversification possibilities; low
low monitoring incentives; low portfolio diversification liquidity; reduced takeover possibilities
possibilities; low liquidity; higher cost of capital; reduced
takeover possibilities
Agency conflicts: Management vs. shareholders Agency conflicts: Controlling block holders vs. small
The Asian crisis economies (which fall under Type D) are characterized by highly concentrated ownership and control, and thus the classic
agency problem (between management and shareholders) becomes irrelevant. Another agency conflict arises, however, between insiders (major
shareholders) and outsiders (small shareholders), and the main problem of corporate governance becomes how to ensure that the insiders do
not exploit (expropriate) the assets of outsiders.
Malaysia, like the other crisis countries, is charac- concentration of shareholding can lead to poor gov-
terized by the insider system of corporate governance ernance because a small group can exercise control
(Box 7.1), in which there is a high degree of owner- over a firm and pursue the objectives of the insiders
ship concentration, cross holdings, and participation at the cost of the outsiders or small shareholders
of owners in management. A few large corporations (Claessens, Djankov, and Lang, 1999; and Box
account for a significant proportion of financial assets 7.1). An interesting feature of corporate ownership
and productive capacity in the country.4 Concentra- in Malaysia was the prevalence of nominee ac-
tion also occurs at the level of stock ownership, counts. Nominee accounts at end-1997 were the
which, given the large capitalization, is in the hands largest type of shareholders in the top five share-
of relatively few institutional and corporate investors. holders of listed companies, and about half the ben-
Another layer of concentration occurs in terms of con- eficial owners of the nominee accounts were for-
trol, where "pyramiding" or cross-holding of share eigners. A recently issued set of rules by the Kuala
ownership magnifies the actual control of a few indi- Lumpur stock exchange requiring securities ac-
viduals or entities well beyond their actual level of counts to be opened in the name of the beneficial
ownership in each company. owner means that nominee accounts can be ex-
The development path of the corporate sector has pected to be phased out soon.
resulted in some innate vulnerabilities. First, the
development of the private sector under the activist
Legal and Institutional Structure
industrial policies of the government has resulted
in close ties between government and large corpo- The nonfinancial corporate sector in Malaysia is
rations. Second, the cross-holding structures can mainly governed by three acts: the Companies Act,
create incentives for double leveraging and thus 1965; the Securities Industry Act, 1983; and the Secu-
create a multiplier effect in the sensitivity of corpo- rities Commission Act, 1993.5 The Kuala Lumpur
rate wealth to changes in the equity market stock exchange's listing requirements and rules also
(Kochhar and others, 1999, Chapter IV). Third, the play an important role in regulating investors, brokers,
The International Finance Corporation produces an indicator 5
of this type of concentration derived from the ten largest stocks in Also relevant to the financial corporations and the broader
the IFC global indices for each country relative to the total Inter- legal and institutional environment in which corporations operate
national Finance Corporation Global market capitalization for are: the Futures Industry Act of 1993, the Banking and Financial
each country. At end-1998, this measure of concentration was Institutions Act of 1989, and the Malaysian Code on Takeovers
31.5 percent for Malaysia compared with 61.5 percent for In- and Mergers of 1987, all of which were supplemented by guide-
donesia, 37.9 percent for Korea, 55.4 percent for the Philippines, lines such as those of the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange (men-
and 45.8 percent for Thailand. tioned above) and the Foreign Investment Committee.
and issuers. The Companies Act deals with the pre-in- Corporate Sector and
corporation, incorporation, operations, and duties of Financial Crises
companies and their directors, as well as the rights and
obligations of shareholders and directors. The Securi- There are two main branches of economic litera-
ties Industry Act and Securities Commission Act ture that link the corporate sector with financial
make up the legislative and regulatory frameworks of crises. The main literature on crises has been at the
Malaysia's capital markets, under the authority of the macroeconomic level focusing on macroeconomic
Ministry of Finance. The powers of the Kuala Lumpur fundamentals or self-fulfilling crises (modeled on
stock exchange were recently strengthened through bank runs), and has only recently (in a model by
amendments to the Securities Industry Act, such that Krugman) included explicitly the corporate sector as
the exchange may now take action against directors a central element. The other branch of the literature
and any person involved with its listing requirements.6 is more microeconomic based, looking at either
Malaysia has comprehensive laws relating to cor- firm-level data to investigate the role of the corpo-
porate governance, and the laws governing creditor rate sector in the crisis or focusing on the role of in-
rights are comparable to those of OECD countries stitutional factors and corporate governance.
(Table 7.1). While accounting standards are also
good, enforcement and actual practice have been
weaker. The Financial Reporting Act of 1997 was Macroeconomic Approaches
designed to address this issue by giving the force of Standard Models of Financial Crises
law to (i.e., requiring all companies to comply with)
the accounting standards approved by the national The literature on financial crises has a long his-
accounting body, the Malaysian Accounting Stan- tory and extends well beyond the scope of this sec-
dards Board. Most of the accounting standards ap- tion.9 The main prevailing theories have been classi-
proved by this board are based on international ac- fied by Eichengreen as "first generation" and
counting standards. While progress with improving "second generation" models. First generation mod-
standards and adopting international best practices els are associated with the seminal paper by Krug-
has been notable, the accuracy of financial data man (1992) and generally explain crises as a result
needs to be improved by bringing financial disclo- of a deterioration in fundamentals. The main feature
sure requirements in line with international best of second generation models (following Obstfeld,
practices. The broader legal and institutional envi- 1986) is self-fulfilling speculative attacks, although
ronment is strong, although transparency and ac- even for these some perceived weakness in funda-
countability in the public sector need more attention mentals seems to be the key trigger for the specula-
(World Bank, 1999b). tive attack.10 The development of the second genera-
There are a number of alternatives for dealing with tion models followed the breakdown of the
distressed corporations. The Companies Act allows exchange rate mechanism in 1993 and the Mexican
creditors to petition the high courts to wind up a com- crisis in 1994, as aspects of these crises were hard to
pany if that company defaults on debt payments, and reconcile with the first generation models. This was
allows debtors to petition for court protection under mainly because the decisions to abandon pegs were
Section 176 until a group of creditors (representing not related to the exhaustion of reserves in defend-
three-fourths of the outstanding debt) agree to a reor- ing the currency and, in some cases, were not easily
ganization plan.7 Companies and creditors can also explicable at all from the point of view of economic
opt for voluntary out-of-court restructuring of the fundamentals.
debt or, for companies with debt exceeding RM 50 The Asian crisis seemed to consolidate the con-
million and having more than three creditors, the vol- sensus toward the second generation models as rep-
untary out-of-court restructuring can be done through resenting more recent crises. Krugman (1999) sug-
the Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee.8 gests, however, that for the major crises in the Asian
countries, neither of these models seems to have
For more details on the legal and institutional environment gov-
erning corporations, see the forthcoming publication, Malaysia: See, for example, the survey in Berg and others (1999) and the
Corporate Governance Assessment by the World Bank. references therein.
7 10
In response to certain weaknesses identified in the Companies A crude caricature of the first generation model is one in
Act, key provisions of Section 176 were tightened after the onset which a budget deficit is financed by "printing money," which re-
of the crisis in an attempt to prevent misuse of the Act as a means sults in the eventual collapse of a fixed exchange rate. In second
to delay adjustment. generation models, the crisis results from a conflict between a
For a fuller discussion of the problems with enforcement of fixed exchange rate regime and the desire to pursue a more ex-
laws, autonomy of regulators, transparency in exercising existing pansionary monetary policy; investors bet that the authorities will
regulation, and confusion over jurisdictional boundaries, see let the peg go rather than compromise on another front, such as
Kochhar and others (1999), Chapter IV. employment, and this bet is self-fulfilling.
much relevance.11 The fiscal positions, by conven- • balance sheet problems: Most descriptive ac-
tional measures, were strong, and there were not re- counts of the crisis place significant emphasis on
ally the clear trade-offs between employment and the role of firms' balance sheets, but this had not
exchange rate stability (e.g., as faced by the United been featured as a central element in the crisis
Kingdom in 1992). Krugman suggests the need for a literature.14
"third generation" of crisis models and is skeptical
about the current bank-centered candidates (Corsetti, The model is characterized by multiple equilibria,
Pesenti, and Roubini, 1998; or Chang and Velasco, where a loss of confidence, for whatever reason, can
1998).12 Krugman acknowledges that these models lead to a self-fulfilling collapse; the mechanism dif-
capture some aspects of the crisis, but outlines an al- fers from the Diamond-Dybvig approach in that the
ternative candidate that emphasizes factors not for- main mechanism is the transfer problem. Very
mally included in previous models, namely, the role roughly speaking, the loss of confidence leads to the
of companies' balance sheets in determining their transfer problem, and to achieve the required current
ability to invest and the role of capital flows in af- account reversal, the country must experience a
fecting real exchange rates. large real depreciation and/or output decline, either
of which adversely affects the balance sheets of do-
mestic firms. This validates the initial loss of confi-
Krugman's Proposed Third Generation Model dence, i.e., moving from the high expected invest-
ment equilibrium to the low expected investment
Reliance on the moral hazard argument, according equilibrium. According to the model, the factors that
to Corsetti, Pesenti, and Roubini, is discounted as a make such a crisis possible (i.e., reinforce the feed-
key feature by Krugman, who argues that there was back loop between investment, real exchange rates,
ample evidence of significant investment in the Asian and balance sheets) are high leverage, low marginal
crisis countries prior to the crisis, including in direct propensity to import, and large foreign currency debt
foreign purchases of equity and real estate, which relative to exports.
clearly were not protected by any form of implicit
guarantee. Krugman does, however, accept the exis-
tence of multiple equilibria as a necessary element in Microeconomic and Institutional Approaches
modeling the crisis, although not the mechanism im-
plicit in the Diamond-Dybvig type approach. The A number of studies have used firm level data to
Krugman model incorporates three key elements: investigate (in a comparative context) the corporate
performance of the crisis countries during the 1990s,
• contagion; including Claessens, Djankov, and Lang (1998),
Pomerleano (1998), Harvey and Roper (1999), and
• the transfer problem:13 A huge change is needed Claessens, Djankov, and Xu (2000). These studies
in the current account as a counterpart to the re- provide new evidence suggesting that the causes of
versal in capital flows, which is evidently central the Asian crisis may lie in firm-based decisions.
to the crisis yet has not been explicitly included Claessens, Djankov, and Xu summarize the litera-
in previous models; and ture on the role of the corporate sector, in both per-
formance and financing, in the Asian crisis and iden-
tify four main possible links, summarized briefly
Note that Krugman (1999) has a somewhat different view below.
from that of Krugman (1998).
First, the weak corporate performance after the
Two major views have emerged in the postcrisis literature. crisis was related largely to the shocks experienced
The first view (Corsetti, Pesenti, and Roubini, 1998) suggests that
the apparent soundness of macroeconomic policy was misleading
by the Asian countries, including declines in aggre-
because a large hidden subsidy via implicit government guaran- gate demand, reversal of capital flows, sharp depre-
tees to banks and corporations led to moral-hazard lending and ciations, and increases in interest rates (Furman and
implied a hidden government deficit. Thus the apparent sound- Stiglitz, 1998). As yet, there is little empirical work
ness of the macroeconomic policy was an illusion. The second assessing the importance of aggregate shocks to cor-
view, associated with Radelet and Sachs (1998), may be charac-
terized by the idea that there was not a major problem with the porate performance. There is some evidence from
policies pursued by the crisis countries and that investments were
basically sound; at most, the countries suffered from "financial
fragility" and were thus vulnerable to self-fulfilling pessimism on 14
The role of firms' balance sheets in the crisis has most often
the part of international lenders (see models by Chang and Ve- been related to the impact of massive exchange rate depreciations
lasco, 1998). on the domestic value of the foreign currency-denominated debt
The transfer problem—discussed by Keynes, among others— of these firms, which had been accumulating prior to the crisis.
refers to the difficulty in transferring large quantities of capital Balance sheets were further weakened by declining sales and
from one country to other countries. The problem relates to the high interest rates. These problems in turn led to the increase in
burden of making the transfer, but also to the burden associated nonperforming loans, but this view implies that the problem was
with the resultant change in exchange rates and relative prices. not, per se, a banking system problem.
survey data, such as the results of a survey of Thai 1981). The balance sheet problem (Bernake and
industrial firms reported in Dollar and Hallward- Gertler, 1995) may exacerbate the effect of a shock:
Driemeier (2000), 15 that indicates these shocks in the presence of asymmetric information and
played an important but not exclusive role in the per- principal-agent relationships, the corporation's net
formance of these firms during the crisis. worth or wealth becomes an important determinant
Second, the poor performance of the corporate of the amount it can borrow, as assumed in the Krug-
sectors during and after the crisis reflects previous man model, rather than the prospects of the project
fundamental weaknesses (Corsetti, Pesenti, and for which the borrowing is undertaken. Thus, a de-
Roubini, 1998). This view implies that the perfor- cline in the wealth of a firm (e.g., through deprecia-
mance of firms was not adequately monitored by tion that reduces the domestic value of foreign as-
shareholders and investors, and/or firms were not sets) can reduce the credit available even for viable
subject to sufficient competition, thus poor perform- new projects.
ers or riskier firms were not forced to fully adjust and Fourth, the efficiency of debt-resolution mecha-
increase their rates of return to compensate investors nisms will determine, in part, the extent of the im-
for higher risk. This view may also imply that prof- pact of financial and other shocks. It has long been
itability was overstated by firms: thus the lack of recognized that the institutional framework is impor-
transparency, relatively weak accounting practices in tant in avoiding and resolving systemic financial
the region, and weak corporate governance may have crises and that exceptional mechanisms, such as
hidden the extent of the problems and delayed the Fund programs, may be required during periods of
onset of the crisis.16 A number of studies indicate that systemic crisis. This broad area of literature spans
ownership structure may induce risky behavior. The economic principles for optimal workouts to the im-
insider system (Box 7.1) prevails in the Asian coun- portance of creditor rights to enforce claims and
tries: the extensive links and cross-holdings of seize collateral, both in the context of domestic and
shares, particularly between corporations and banks, external borrowing, as seen in the review by La
are likely to have distorted the market allocation of Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (1999).
resources and resulted in excessive and nontranspar-
ent risk. These ownership links clearly played a sig-
nificant role in Korea and Indonesia. Government in- Corporate Performance
volvement—through direct participation in bank
ownership and through links with corporations and Financial ratios, which are commonly used to ana-
banks—is also likely to weaken the allocation of re- lyze corporate performance, have the advantage of
sources because a political dimension is introduced being simple to compile and are broadly understood,
into the allocation decisions. but they have some major drawbacks. Simple finan-
Third, aggregate and financial shocks to the finan- cial ratios generally give a partial indication of perfor-
cial sector may result in a credit crunch, constraining mance in a particular dimension. Financial ratios can
lending to viable corporations with profitable invest- also be misleading (e.g., looking at rates of returns
ment and trading opportunities. Shocks—financial, rather than risk-adjusted rates of return). Economic
real, or regulatory—may cause a real or perceived measures based on concepts of efficiency—measured
shortage of capital for banks and lead to their curtail- relative to other firms—or total factor productivity—
ing credit for investment or trade, thus impairing the measured for a firm over time—provide more com-
performance of firms. A credit crunch may result prehensive measures of performance, but require de-
from weak financial institutions or from a change in tailed production (input-output) data. Generally, only
the regulatory and supervisory environment. In- accounting data are readily available on a consistent
creased uncertainty regarding whether and at what basis between firms and over time, and thus an analy-
price loans will be available may also result in a sis of corporate performance has generally employed
shortfall of loanable funds (Stiglitz and Weiss, a financial ratio analysis.
Below, performance is analyzed based on finan-
cial ratios, but also on approximations to the eco-
The survey found that 60 percent of firms said that the sub- nomic measures of efficiency and productivity using
stantial decline in domestic demand and higher input costs relat- accounting data. This provides evidence that perfor-
ing to the depreciation were the primary sources of difficulty.
Only one-third of the firms cited access to capital as a major mance in the Malaysian corporate sector, and in the
problem, although more cited the cost of capital as a problem. corporate sector of the other crisis countries, deterio-
Weak corporate governance and a lack of transparency are rated prior to the crisis, but deteriorated even more
the central factors in explaining the Asian crisis according to dramatically with the onset of the crisis. The evi-
Johnson and others (1998). But, as Furman and Stiglitz (1998)
point out, countries with few problems in terms of corporate dence is consistent with a number of the possible
governance and transparency have still experienced crises (e.g., links identified above, although no formal tests were
Sweden). conducted.
Profit (after tax)/Turnover (net profit margin) 10.5 10.1 7.5 -3.7 -I.I
Return on shareholder's funds 11.0 10.8 7.6 -4.9 -2.4
Return on assets 5.3 4.6 2.9 -1.8 -0.8
Earnings yield (equals 1/Net price-earnings ratio) 4.3 3.9 4.2 -4.4 -1.6
Net dividend yield 1.5 I.I 1.5 2.1 1.8
Current ratio (equals current assets/current
liabilities) 1.2 I.I I.I 1.0 1.0
Total debt-to-equity ratio 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0 I.I
1995 1996 1997 1998 (First half)
Hong Kong SAR 1.8 2.0 1.8 1.8 2.3 2.0 1.6
Indonesia — 1.9 2.1 2.1 1.7 2.1 1.9
Japan 2.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.4
Korea 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.8 3.5
Malaysia 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.2
Philippines — 0.8 1.2 1.2 I.I 1.2 1.3
Singapore 0.9 0.9 0.9 I.I 0.9 1.0 1.0
Taiwan Province of China — 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8
Thailand 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.4
after through 1996. Thus, return on assets—mea- returns would normally be required to justify this in-
sured in real terms and over a longer period— creased risk. In effect, accounting returns, although
seems to indicate declining corporate performance generally high, were declining, and implicit risk-ad-
in the precrisis period. justed returns were declining even more rapidly.
A number of risk indicators worsened prior to the
crisis. Measures such as the proportion of distressed
corporates (Table 7.3), leverage (Table 7.4), and the one-third for the period 1988-96. The ratios for the same period
maturity structure of debt clearly indicate that risk were 34.1 percent in Indonesia, 43.7 percent in Korea, 52.2 per-
was increasing in the run-up to the crisis.19 Higher cent in the Philippines, and 30.9 percent in Thailand. These are
low compared to the average U.S. and German long-term-to-total
debt ratios for the same period: 55.3 percent for Germany and
The ratio of long-term debt to total debt was relatively low in 75.9 percent for the United States (Claessens, Djankov, and Xu,
the region and declined steadily in Malaysia to average less than 2000).
Summary statistics on the distribution of firm- riod, while the U.S. Morgan Stanley Capital Index
level indicators of nonfinancial corporate perfor- had both a higher return and lower volatility (or risk)
mance reported by Harvey and Roper also suggest than all of the Asian countries (Table 7.5). Through-
that corporate performance in the Asian countries— out Asia, Harvey and Roper also find that returns in
but also in other emerging markets—deteriorated in individual markets deteriorated well before the onset
the run-up to the Asian crisis. Harvey and Roper re- of the crisis. Although the buy-and-hold investment
port statistics on the entire distribution of returns on strategy is a naive one, after considering alternative
equity and returns on invested capital from firm- dynamic strategies Harvey and Roper still find that
level ratios for a number of emerging markets. They Asian returns failed to outperform either U.S. or
determine that the median of these indicators had world dynamic strategies.
clearly declined in Indonesia and Thailand, and less A popular measure of liquidity, the current ratio
clearly so in Korea, the Philippines, and Malaysia.20 (see Table 7.2) indicates that liquidity in Malaysia's
More generally, the reported medians of a series of corporate sector declined slightly before and during
corporate performance indicators—namely return on the crisis. Negative profits during and immediately
equity, return on invested capital, total debt-to-com- after the crisis imply that cash reserves and other liq-
mon equity, and interest payments relative to earn- uid assets likely had declined. New borrowing for
ings before interest and tax—show a deterioration in investment declined significantly with the onset of
the main Asian and Latin American emerging mar- the crisis, and new investment was partly financed
kets between 1992 and 1996, with the clear excep- from retained earnings, further decreasing current
tion of Mexico, for which three out of four indicators assets relative to current liabilities.
improved. Leverage in the corporate sector, measured as the
A related form of return measure is that on stock ratio of total debt to equity, was rising rapidly in
market investment. Harvey and Roper estimate the Malaysia in the precrisis period, but has since
buy-and-hold returns accruing to investors between stabilized (Table 2.1 and Table 7.5). Harvey and
January 1990 and December 1996 for various coun- Roper note that the entire distribution of leverage
tries and conclude that returns in the Asian crisis ratios at the firm level shifted right or worsened
countries declined prior to the crisis and that risk- between 1992 and 1996. Reporting the distribution
adjusted returns were relatively poor in Asia. Only by quartiles, they find that in 1992, a quarter of the
Malaysia and the Philippines outperformed the firms had leveraged 2.1 percent of the common
World Morgan Stanley Capital Index over the pe- stock, half had reported a leverage ratio of 18.9 per-
cent or less, and three-quarters of the firms had
stated their leverage ratio was less than 50 percent.
For Indonesia, the median return on equity declined to 12.5 By 1996, the corresponding values for the first,
percent in 1996 from 15 percent in 1992, while for Thailand, it
declined more markedly to 7.7 percent from 19.4 percent over the
second, and third quartiles had increased to 12 per-
same period. cent, 58 percent, and 112 percent, respectively.
Economic Measures of Corporate Performance The Malmquist index 23 (Malmquist, 1953; and
Fare, Grosskopf, and Lovell, 1994) allows us to
Efficiency and productivity are the main eco-
jointly derive measures of technical efficiency (dis-
nomic measures of performance. Technically effi-
tance from the frontier) and exogenous change (i.e.,
cient firms use the least combinations of inputs, such
shifts of the frontier that are often attributed to tech-
as labor and capital, to produce a unit of output at a
nological change) (Figure 7.3). The derived indices of
given point in time and for a given environment,
technical efficiency and exogenous change, using the
such as technological and institutional infrastructure.
29 firms for which 1999 data were already available,
The firms using the least inputs to produce output
indicate that average efficiency declined during
define the production frontier, which relates output
1995-99, while exogenous factors, such as techno-
to inputs, or, equivalently, the efficient unit isoquant,
logical change, institutional and regulatory factors,
the efficient input combinations that can produce
and macroeconomic and international variables, dete-
one unit of output. Firms not on the production fron-
riorated somewhat but were strongly positive contrib-
tier (i.e., not on the unit isoquant) are said to be inef-
utors to total factor productivity in 1999. Figure 7.3
ficient; the level of inefficiency can be measured by
plots chained indexes of changes in average measured
the "distance" from the frontier.21 Shifts in the pro-
efficiency for firms and shifts in the frontier. Bearing
duction frontier—and, correspondingly, the unit iso-
in mind the significant reservations with respect to the
quant—can be thought of as technological change
data expressed earlier, there are indications that tech-
but will generally reflect changes in the exogenous
nical efficiency and, more strongly, total factor pro-
environment in the broad sense of all factors exoge-
ductivity, declined prior to the crisis. This provides
nous to the firm. Total factor productivity conflates
further evidence of a deterioration of fundamentals in
efficiency changes with technological change and
the corporate sector and in the environment in which
broader changes in the exogenous environment and
corporations operated prior to the crisis. The contin-
is thus a residual catch-all measure.
ued decline in efficiency in 1999 is consistent with
Ideally, to calculate efficiency economic measures the view that the benefits from any restructuring were
of inputs and outputs would be used, but as these are not likely to be manifested immediately because of
not available accounting data are used as proxies. transition costs and the dynamics of adjustment. The
Crude approximations of output (using total sales or deterioration in exogenous factors—a shift of the
turnover), capital (using total assets), and labor and frontier away from the origin—is consistent with the
other inputs (using total expenses = turnover - earn- initial deterioration in factors external to the firms,
ings before interest and tax) are derived from the such as increases in interest rates, the large real depre-
published balance sheets and income statements for ciation, and a decline in aggregate demand, because
the 29 largest nonfinancial corporates for the period these will have affected costs for all firms and thus
1995-99. 22 Dividing the two input measures (total will have shifted the efficient frontier. As these exter-
assets and total expenses) by output (turnover or nal factors improved, however, it is also possible that
total revenue), a scatter plot can be derived of the the initial pressure to improve efficiency diminished.
input combinations, of which the lower boundary
formed by the points furthest south and/or west is in- The deterioration in corporate sector performance
dicative of a unit isoquant. The larger the scatter, the is also evident from the aggregate data on listed nonfi-
less the implied relative efficiency, and thus the scat- nancial corporations. Aggregating total revenue, total
ter plots for the 1995-99 period (Figure 7.2) indicate assets, and total expenditure for the whole corporate
a worsening of relative efficiency for these large cor- sector in Malaysia (see Table 7.2 for the number of
porations between 1995 and 1998, but it is unclear firms included for each year) similar indicators of per-
from the scatter plots whether efficiency improves or formance, which combine efficiency and shift in the
worsens in 1999. efficient frontier, can be plotted at an aggregate level
over time (Figure 7.4). The aggregate indicators
clearly demonstrate a deterioration in the corporate
In addition, allocative efficiency requires that the firm not sector's use of total assets (i.e., an increase in the total
only be on the unit isoquant but also at the point where the budget assets/total revenue ratio) in the run-up to the crisis. In
line or surface determined by the relative input prices is tangen- 1997, performance in both dimensions is weaker, and
tial to the unit isoquant. in 1998 a major deterioration occurs in the dimension
The Kuala Lumpur stock exchange kindly provided account-
ing information on the top 40 firms, of which only 29—represent- of expenses relative to revenue, possibly due to a sig-
ing around 40 percent of total market capitalization—had com- nificant shift in the frontier relating to the various ex-
plete accounts through 1999. There are of course significant ogenous shocks that are discussed further, below.
problems in this analysis, not the least of which are the use of ac-
counting variables as proxies for economic variables, the problem
of comparing companies across industries, the aggregation of in- 23
The Malmquist indices of efficiency and total factor produc-
puts into only two groups, and the use of only a subset of firms. tivity reported here were estimated by Jenifer Piesse of Birkbeck
This analysis should thus be taken as indicative. College, University of London.
7 7
1995 1996
6- 6- -
5- 5- -
4- • - 4- -
3- -
3- -
2- - 2- -
1 - - 1 - -
0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5
Expenditure/revenue Expenditure/revenue
7 7
1997 1998
6- - 6- -
5- - 5- -
4- - 4- -
3- 3-
2- - 2- -
1 - 1 - -
0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5
Expenditure/revenue Expenditure/revenue
6 - 1999
5 -
4 -
2 -
1 -
0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5
Corporate Performance and Links deteriorate before the crisis, and there is thus support
to the Crisis for the fundamentals-based theories. The evidence,
however, is also consistent with Krugman's model if
The evidence of deterioration in corporate perfor- the deterioration in precrisis corporate performance
mance in Malaysia and within the region is consis- is considered insufficient to have warranted the ex-
tent with various aspects of the links discussed tent of the crisis. Contagion, together with the deteri-
above. What emerges from the returns measures, oration in fundamentals, could have acted as the trig-
particularly when adjusted for risk, and from the ger by causing the change in sentiment that resulted
economic performance indicators is that perfor- in a shift from high to low equilibrium and ulti-
mance in the Malaysian corporate sector did indeed mately in the full-blown crisis. This view provides
135 1.00 _ 98 •
0.98 _
125 0.96 - -
Exogenous change
115 0.94 - -
0.92 - -
c 0.90 - 97 -
0.88 - -
0) 95 96
0.86 - -
1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5
Total assets/total revenue
1995 96 97 98 99
but Malaysia took decisive and effective steps to Act. Of these, 18 percent of the applications relate
deal with the emerging problems by creating institu- to the first quarter of 2000; thus the rate of applica-
tions to deal with nonperforming loans and debt re- tions does not appear to be slowing. Firms in the
structuring, as discussed in Section VI and below. sectors described as finance, insurance, property, or
Overall, the country has fairly strong legal and insti- trading have dominated, representing nearly 40
tutional frameworks and laws relating to corporate percent of annual, as well as total, applications.
governance, and those governing creditor and share- Over 1,000 petitions to liquidate companies have
holder protection are comparable to those of OECD been submitted, and there has also been an increase
countries (La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer, in mergers and acquisitions.26
1998; Table 7.1). Of the Asian crisis countries, Korea and Malaysia
Malaysia is characterized by a high prevalence of have made the most progress in restructuring debt,
collateral-based bank lending, and thus the rapid achieved mainly out of court. By August 1999, the
asset and equity price inflation is likely to have con- two countries had completed restructuring of about
tributed to an increase in bank lending. The roles of one-third of the debt registered under their respec-
contagion, leverage (corporate balance sheets), and tive programs.
the transfer problem are clear in Malaysia, and all of
these are central to the Krugman model. The asset
Operational Restructuring
price collapse, with the reversal of capital flows and
its impact on net wealth, however, was probably a Operational restructuring of Malaysian corpora-
more important factor than the currency depreciation tions has proceeded partly through the resolution by
in the feedback loop that resulted in the crisis, but Danaharta of its acquired nonperforming loans ac-
such a collapse is not an explicit part of the Krug- complished by rehabilitation of businesses and liqui-
man model.25 dation and foreclosure of collateral, and through the
elimination of noncore businesses as part of debt-
restructuring agreements coordinated by the Corpo-
Progress with Corporate Reforms ration Debt Restructuring Committee. By end-2000,
Danaharta had appointed special administrators to
Corporate reforms can be classified as relating to oversee the management of more than 80 companies
debt restructuring, operational restructuring, and im- under its control to assist in their stabilization and
provements in corporate governance. The progress restructuring.
achieved by Malaysia with debt restructuring has Another important aspect of operational restruc-
been significant, and the proactive approach adopted turing in the crisis countries has been reductions in
by the authorities seems to have paid off. The extent labor, which have been the main source of improve-
of progress with operational restructuring is less ment in operational cash flows (Claessens, Djankov,
clear, and the adoption of measures to improve cor- and Klingebiel, 1999). Average labor shedding in
porate governance will need to be applied evenly be- publicly listed companies resulted in a 34 percent
fore their benefits become apparent. decrease in payrolls in mid-1999 compared to mid-
1997 for Korea, a 12 percent decrease for Thailand,
but only a 7 percent decrease for Malaysia. The use
Debt Restructuring of foreign workers in the latter meant that, although
Debt restructuring in Malaysia has taken a num- there was evidence of labor hoarding (Bank Negara
ber of forms. The Corporate Debt Restructuring Malaysia, 1999), the flexibility to dismiss foreign
Committee provides a platform—based on London workers helped to cushion the domestic labor force
rules—to achieve out-of-court corporate debt re- from the full impact of the crisis.
structuring (see Section VI). Restructuring is also
occurring on an out-of-court basis and outside of
the formal Corporate Debt Restructuring Commit- Corporate Governance
tee or Danaharta framework. As of end-March Significant progress has been made in imple-
2000, more than 192 companies had filed for court menting the recommendations of the Finance Com-
protection under Section 176 of the Companies mittee's Report on Corporate Governance. The re-
The number of company liquidations increased from 681 in
Kochhar and others (1999) estimate a relative wealth shock 1996 to 1,898 in 1997 (an increase of 179 percent) and to 4,800
due to changes in the stock market capitalization in Malaysia dur- in 1998 (an increase of 152 percent). Comparing liquidations
ing the financial crisis, of 155 percent of GDP, compared to the between January and September 1999 of 3,778, with those be-
impact on net wealth of the exchange rate depreciation (at its tween January and September 1998 of 3,438, we see a much
peak) of only 14 percent of GDP. smaller increase.
port was made public in March 1999, and the Fi- An assessment of corporate reforms shows that
nance Committee established an Implementation significant progress has been achieved with debt
Project Team, consisting of the Ministry of Finance, restructuring, and concerted efforts have been
the Securities Commission, the Registry of Compa- made toward improving corporate governance.
nies, the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange, the Federa- There is, however, less evidence of operational re-
tion of Public Limited Companies, Bank Negara structuring over and above labor shedding, and ef-
Malaysia, and Malaysian Exchange of Securities ficiency measures—adjusting for changes in ex-
Dealing and Automated Quotation. Implementation ogenous circumstances—suggest that the benefits
of the recommendations is taking the form of updat- of operational restructuring have not yet led to in-
ing of laws, regulations, and rules in line with inter- creases in firm efficiency.
national best practices; amendments to the listing While an analysis of corporate performance in
requirements of the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange; Malaysia finds a number of possible links between
and development of accreditation programs for ex- the corporate sector and the crisis, the failure of cor-
isting directors of listed companies. Malaysia also porate governance is an underlying theme. As in
led the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) other Asian countries, the net worth of a firm—
finance ministers' initiative on corporate gover- rather than the profit potential of a particular under-
nance; in May 1999, a report was submitted to the taking—is an important determinant of how much a
APEC finance ministers entitled "Strengthening firm can borrow in Malaysia. Such a mechanism is
Corporate Governance in the APEC Region." Most likely to lead to an inefficient allocation of funds and
recently, a monitoring body on corporate gover- to the balance sheet problem, both of which may ex-
nance was set up, the Minority Shareholders Watch- acerbate the effects of a shock that reduces the
dog Group, to monitor corporations, provide advice wealth of a firm. Also, evidence indicates that corpo-
on best practices, and eventually to offer other ser- rations in Malaysia, and in the other Asian countries,
vices like proxy voting. While there has been a con- were increasing leverage despite their declining
certed effort to improve the corporate governance profitability, referred to as the "Asia Bet" by Harvey
environment, a few high-profile cases of poor gov- and Roper (1999). Increasingly, corporations were
ernance relating to companies with political links tapping short-term and foreign debt markets, effec-
have undermined market sentiment. Thus it will be tively betting that exchange rates would remain sta-
important to apply the new code of governance ble: they lost both bets. The close links between the
evenly. corporate sector and the financial sector and the lack
of a well-developed corporate bond market also led
to overreliance on bank lending.
Summary and Conclusions Thus, it could be argued that the system of corpo-
rate governance led to inefficient allocation of funds,
The analysis indicates that corporate performance created innate vulnerabilities in the corporate sector,
in Malaysia deteriorated notably prior to the crisis and failed to discipline managers and contain the risks
and recovered somewhat in 1999. Some accounting they assumed. The importance of good governance is
measures of performance, such as financial ratios, clear, and to achieve it requires better monitoring of
indicate a relatively stable performance immediately managers, improved information quality and avail-
prior to the crisis. Increasing risk—indicated by ability, and transparency in corporate management.
higher leverage, an increase in the proportion of dis- Adoption of the recommendations of the Finance
tressed firms, and the lower proportion of long-term Committee's Report on Corporate Governance is pro-
to total debt—meant, however, that risk-adjusted re- ceeding well and, if fully implemented and adhered to
turns were deteriorating. Stock market returns in in- in spirit, will significantly enhance corporate gover-
dividual markets in the crisis countries declined as nance in Malaysia. These reforms will take time to
well in the run-up to the crisis. Measures of effi- implement and become effective, but momentum
ciency also indicate that corporate performance should not be lost because of improving or deteriorat-
worsened in the precrisis period. The indicators ing corporate and general economic performance.
point to some role for the decline to corporate-level There is significant evidence of a deterioration in
fundamentals, such as performance and sustainabil- corporate sector performance, but it does not appear
ity, in explaining the crisis, particularly in Korea and to be commensurate with the resulting crisis. If the
Thailand. More recently, the corporate sector in decline in corporate fundamentals did not justify
Malaysia has benefited from a strong economic re- the extent of the crisis in Malaysia, then the role of
covery and lower interest rates, and the accounting contagion, the balance sheet problem, and the trans-
measures of corporate performance show significant fer problem suggest the type of crisis described by
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184. Growth Experience in Transition Countries, 1990-98, by Oleh Havrylyshyn, Thomas Wolf, Julian Beren-
gaut, Marta Castello-Branco, Ron van Rooden, and Valerie Mercer-Blackman. 1999.
183. Economic Reforms in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, by
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bergo. 1999.
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Bazzoni, Alain Feler, Nicole Laframboise, and Sebastian Paris Horvitz. 1998.
164. MULTIMOD Mark III: The Core Dynamic and Steady-State Model, by Douglas Laxton, Peter Isard,
Hamid Faruqee, Eswar Prasad, and Bart Turtelboom. 1998.
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