International Study of The Prevalence and Outcomes of Infection in Intensive Care Units
International Study of The Prevalence and Outcomes of Infection in Intensive Care Units
International Study of The Prevalence and Outcomes of Infection in Intensive Care Units
NFECTION IS A COMMON PROBLEM FOR lococci, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas species, and Candida species. The ICU mortal-
patients in intensive care units ity rate of infected patients was more than twice that of noninfected patients (25%
(ICUs) and is associated with con- [1688/6659] vs 11% [682/6352], respectively; P⬍.001), as was the hospital mortal-
siderable morbidity, mortality, and ity rate (33% [2201/6659] vs 15% [942/6352], respectively; P⬍.001) (adjusted odds
costs.1-4 Infection and related sepsis are ratio for risk of hospital mortality, 1.51; 95% confidence interval, 1.36-1.68; P⬍.001).
the leading cause of death in noncar- Conclusions Infections are common in patients in contemporary ICUs, and risk of
diac ICUs, with mortality rates that reach infection increases with duration of ICU stay. In this large cohort, infection was inde-
60% and account for approximately 40% pendently associated with an increased risk of hospital death.
of total ICU expenditures.1,5 Impor- JAMA. 2009;302(21):2323-2329
tantly, the incidence of sepsis is increas-
ing, as is the number of consequent in-
facilitate adequate and appropriate re- METHODS
fection-related deaths.3,6
source allocation, and to assist in the An international steering committee
Most large epidemiologic studies of in-
design of multicenter interventional was established in 2006 and selected the
fection and sepsis have been conducted
studies. study date, May 8, 2007. Intensive care
in North America, Europe, and Austra-
The European Prevalence of Infection units were invited to participate in a
lia,1,6-11 with limited data from other
in Intensive Care (EPIC) study,14 con- 1-day, prospective, multicenter point
countries.12,13 Differing definitions and
ducted on April 29, 1992, included data prevalence study of ICU infection.
different study populations make it dif-
from 1417 ICUs in 17 Western European Methods for recruitment of participat-
ficult to compare study results. Interna-
countriesandprovidedvaluableinforma- ing institutions included direct mail-
tional data related to the prevalence, risk
tion regarding the prevalence and epide- ings to members of the European
factors, causative microorganisms, and
miology of infection in critically ill Eu- Society of Intensive Care Medicine, an-
outcomes of infection are necessary to
ropean patients. Fifteen years after that
increase and maintain awareness of the
successfulinternationalcollaboration,the Author Affiliations are listed at the end of this article.
impact of infection, to help in the devel- Corresponding Author: Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD,
Extended Prevalence of Infection in In-
opment of local and international guide- Department of Intensive Care, Erasme University Hos-
tensive Care (EPIC II) study was con- pital, Route de Lennik 808, B-1070 Brussels, Belgium
lines for diagnosis and treatment, to
ducted to provide an up-to-date picture (
Caring for the Critically Ill Patient Section Editor: Derek
of the extent and patterns of infection in C. Angus, MD, MPH, Contributing Editor, JAMA
For editorial comment see p 2367.
ICUs around the world. (
©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 2, 2009—Vol 302, No. 21 2323
nouncements at international meet- The presence of the following comor- analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis
ings and symposia, and mailings to con- bid conditions was noted: chronic ob- test, t test, Mann-Whitney test, 2 test,
tacts and collaborators of each steering structive pulmonary disease; metastatic and Fisher exact test, as appropriate. A
committee member. Participation in the cancer (metastases confirmed by sur- Bonferroni correction was made for mul-
study was entirely voluntary, and the gery or imaging techniques); liver cir- tiple comparisons.
study was not funded. Local ethical rhosis; heart failure (New York Heart As- Multivariate logistic regression analy-
committee approval at each participat- sociation class III-IV); hematologic sis was used to determine risk factors for
ing center was expedited or waived ow- malignancy (lymphoma, acute leuke- infection and hospital mortality. The fol-
ing to the purely observational nature mia, or multiple myeloma); human im- lowing variables were investigated as in-
of the study. munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection dependent risk factors for infection: type
Demographic, physiological, bacte- (HIV-positive patients with clinical com- of admission, source of admission, co-
riological, and therapeutic data were col- plications such as Pneumocystis jirovecii morbid conditions, age, sex, mechani-
lected from all patients present in a par- pneumonia, Kaposi sarcoma, lym- cal ventilation, hemofiltration or hemo-
ticipating ICU between midnight on May phoma, tuberculosis, or toxoplasmo- dialysis, and SAPS II score. The same
7 and midnight on May 8, 2007. Sim- sis); chronic renal failure (need for variables plus infection were investi-
plified Acute Physiology Score II (SAPS chronic renal support or history of gated as risk factors for hospital mortal-
II)15 and Sequential Organ Failure As- chronic renal insufficiency, with a se- ity. The multivariate analysis with hos-
sessment (SOFA)16 scores were calcu- rum creatinine level greater than 3.6 g/dL pital mortality as the dependent variable
lated for the study day. Data were re- [300 µmol/L]); immunosuppression (ad- was repeated for infected patients, in-
corded using preprinted case report ministration of steroid treatment in the cluding type of microorganism as an ad-
forms and submitted via a dedicated 6 months prior to ICU admission [at least ditional risk factor.
Web site (90% of centers), by fax, or by 0.3 mg/kg per day of a prednisolone Odds ratios were adjusted for hospital-
mail. Data were not monitored. Partici- equivalent for at least 1 month], severe andorganizational-relatedfactors,includ-
pating ICUs were asked to provide pa- malnutrition, congenital immunohu- ing type of ICU (closed vs open, commu-
tient follow-up until hospital discharge moral or cellular immune deficiency nity vs university, surgical vs medical),
or for 60 days (until July 9, 2007), and state); chemotherapy/radiotherapy (in number of ICU beds, number of nurses,
ICU and hospital outcomes were re- the 6 months prior to ICU admission); number of physiotherapists, presence of
corded. Any decision to withdraw or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 24-hourICUphysiciancoverage,percent-
withhold therapy during the ICU stay (need, prior to ICU admission, for insu- age of gross domestic product spent on
was also noted. A dedicated telephone lin administration to control blood glu- health care (obtained from the World
hotline was available for any queries dur- cose levels). Health Organization [http://www.who
ing the study follow-up period. Cen- .int/whosis/whostat/EN_WHS09_Full
ters with missing data were contacted Statistical Analyses .pdf], generated using the World Health
regularly in an attempt to obtain com- All data were analyzed in the Depart- Organization Statistical Information
plete data, but any data still missing at ment of Intensive Care of the Univer- System and based on data from 2006),
closure of the database were simply sity of Brussels, Belgium, in collabora- length of ICU stay prior to study day, and
noted as absent; there was no imputa- tion with the University of Jena, geographical region. A Cochran-
tion of missing data. Germany. Statistical analyses were per- Armitage trend test was used to analyze
Infection was defined according to formed using SPSS version 13.0 (SPSS the association between the rate of in-
the definitions of the International Sep- Inc, Chicago, Illinois). For the pur- fection and percentage of gross domes-
sis Forum17 and adjudicated by the at- poses of this article, only data from adult tic product spent on health care, SAPS
tending physician. Patients who had (⬎18 years) patients were analyzed, and II and SOFA scores, and duration of ICU
undergone surgery in the 4 weeks pre- the world was divided into 7 geographi- stay before study date. Data are pre-
ceding admission were considered sur- cal regions: North America, Central and sented as mean (95% confidence inter-
gical admissions. Elective surgery was South America, Western Europe, East- val), median (interquartile range [IQR]),
defined as surgery scheduled more than ern Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa. or number (%) as appropriate. All sta-
24 hours in advance, and emergency The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was tistics tests were 2-tailed, and P⬍.05 was
surgery as that scheduled within 24 used,andhistogramsandnormal-quantile considered statistically significant.
hours of operation. Trauma admis- plotswereexamined,toverifyiftherewere
sions were defined as ICU admissions significant deviations from the normal- RESULTS
directly related to, or occurring as a ity assumption of continuous variables. Characteristics of Total Study Group
complication of, a traumatic event in Nonparametric tests of comparison were EPIC II recruited 1265 ICUs in 75
the 30 days preceding admission. All used for variables evaluated as not countries: 667 ICUs in Western Eu-
other admissions were considered normally distributed. Difference testing rope, 210 in Central and South America,
medical. between groups was performed using 137 in Asia, 97 in Eastern Europe, 83
2324 JAMA, December 2, 2009—Vol 302, No. 21 (Reprinted) ©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
in North America, 54 in Oceania, and ship between the number of days spent pre–study day ICU stay of 0 or 1 day
17 in Africa (see eAppendix at http: in the ICU before the study day and the to more than 70% for patients with a
// for list of participat- rate of infection: the infection rate in- pre–study day ICU stay of more than
ing ICUs). The greatest number of pa- creased from 32% for patients with a 7 days (P ⬍ .001, Cochran-Armitage
tients came from Western Europe. Sixty
percent of the participating ICUs were Table 1. Basic Characteristics of Adult Patients in the EPIC II Study
in university hospitals, 66% were mixed No. (%)
medical-surgical ICUs, and 94% had 24-
All Patients Not Infected Infected P
hour ICU physician coverage. Charac- Characteristic (n = 13 796) a (n = 6709) b (n = 7087) c Value
teristics of the ICUs are presented in Age, mean (95% CI), y 60.7 (60.4-61.0) 60.5 (60.1-60.9) 60.9 (60.5-61.3) .21
eTable 1. Men 8587 (62.3) 4130 (61.7) 4457 (63.0) .12
On the study day, 14 414 patients Severity score on study day, mean (95% CI) d
SAPS II 35.1 (34.9-35.4) 31.3 (30.9-31.6) 38.7 (38.4-39.1) ⬍.001
were present in 1 of the participating
SOFA 6.3 (6.2-6.4) 5.2 (5.1-5.3) 7.2 (7.1-7.3) ⬍.001
ICUs; 13 796 were older than 18 years,
Type of admission
and their demographic characteristics Elective surgery 3209 (23.3) 2297 (34.4) 912 (12.9)
are presented in TABLE 1. Sixty-two per- Medical 3878 (28.2) 1584 (23.7) 2294 (32.4)
cent of the patients were men, 62% were Emergency surgery 5298 (38.5) 2070 (31.0) 3228 (45.6)
surgical admissions, and 52% had at Trauma 1365 (9.9) 725 (10.9) 640 (9.0)
least 1 comorbid condition. Reason for ICU admission
Respiratory 3091 (22.4) 845 (12.6) 2246 (31.7)
Prevalence and Characteristics Cardiovascular 3041 (22.0) 1541 (23.0) 1500 (21.2)
of Infections Surveillance/monitoring 2592 (18.8) 1968 (29.3) 624 (8.8)
Neurologic 2010 (14.6) 994 (14.8) 1016 (14.3)
Of the 13 796 adult patients, 7087 ⬍.001
Digestive/liver 1306 (9.5) 478 (7.1) 828 (11.7)
(51%) were classified as infected on the Trauma 1119 (8.1) 593 (8.8) 526 (7.4)
day of the study. Seventy-one percent Renal 324 (2.3) 119 (1.8) 205 (2.9)
of all patients were receiving antibiot- Other e 313 (2.3) 171 (2.5) 142 (2.0)
ics (as prophylaxis or treatment). Of the Source of admission
infected patients, 16% were being Operating room/recovery 3510 (25.7) 2178 (32.9) 1332 (18.9)
treated with antifungal agents. In- ED/ambulance 4010 (29.3) 1980 (29.9) 2030 (28.8)
fected patients had more comorbid con- Hospital floor 3789 (27.7) 1503 (22.7) 2286 (32.5) ⬍.001
Other hospital 1921 (14.1) 751 (11.3) 1170 (16.6)
ditions and higher SAPS II and SOFA
Other 435 (3.2) 212 (3.2) 223 (3.2)
scores on admission than noninfected
Comorbid conditions
patients (Table 1). The lungs were the COPD 2303 (16.7) 872 (13.0) 1431 (20.2) ⬍.001
most common site of infection, ac- Cancer 2086 (15.1) 975 (14.5) 1111 (15.7) .06
counting for 64% of infections, fol- Heart failure f 1342 (9.7) 604 (9.0) 738 (10.4) .005
lowed by the abdomen (20%), the Diabetes mellitus 1336 (9.7) 605 (9.0) 731 (10.3) .01
bloodstream (15%), and the renal tract/ Chronic renal failure 1250 (9.1) 494 (7.4) 756 (10.7) ⬍.001
genitourinary system (14%) (TABLE 2). Immunosuppression 587 (4.3) 176 (2.6) 411 (5.8) ⬍.001
Seventypercentofinfectedpatientshad Cirrhosis 460 (3.3) 195 (2.9) 265 (3.7) .006
positive microbial isolates: 47% of the Hematologic cancer 282 (2.0) 73 (1.1) 209 (2.9) ⬍.001
positive isolates were gram-positive, 62% HIV 96 (0.7) 18 (0.3) 78 (1.1) ⬍.001
No. of comorbid conditions
gram-negative, and 19% fungal. In pa- 0 6686 (48.5) 3629 (54.1) 3060 (43.2)
tientswithpositiveisolates,themostcom- 1 4434 (32.1) 2076 (30.9) 2358 (33.3)
mon gram-positive organism was Staphy- 2 1829 (13.3) 719 (10.7) 1110 (15.7) ⬍.001
lococcus aureus (20%); the most common 3 626 (4.5) 227 (3.4) 399 (5.6)
gram-negative organisms were Pseudo- ⬎3 218 (1.6) 58 (0.9) 160 (2.3)
monas species (20%) and Escherichia coli Treatment on admission
(16%) (Table 2). Mechanical ventilation 7694 (56.2) 2932 (44.1) 4762 (67.5) ⬍.001
Hemodialysis/hemofiltration 1247 (9.1) 322 (4.8) 925 (13.1) ⬍.001
Factors Associated With Higher Risk Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ED, emergency department; EPIC
II, Extended Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ICU, intensive care unit; SAPS
of Infections II, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.
a Totals may not sum to 13 796, owing to missing values.
The infection rate was related to dis- b Totals may not sum to 6709, owing to missing values.
c Totals may not sum to 7087, owing to missing values.
ease severity as expressed by the SAPS d Range of possible scores, 0-163 for SAPS II and 0-24 for SOFA.
e Metabolic, hematologic, obstetric/gynecologic.
II score and the degree of organ fail- f New York Heart Association class III-IV.
ure (FIGURE). There was a relation-
©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 2, 2009—Vol 302, No. 21 2325
trend test) (eFigure 1). This was par- of chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- tients) and 24.2% (3143/13 011 pa-
ticularly true for infections with meth- ease, cancer, HIV, immunosuppres- tients), respectively. Infected patients
icillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, sion, mechanical ventilation, and re- had higher ICU and hospital mortality
Acinetobacter species, Pseudomonas spe- nal replacement therapy on the study rates (25.3% vs 10.7% and 33.1% vs
cies, and Candida species (eFigure 2). day; and greater SAPS II scores were in- 14.8%, respectively; P⬍.001 for both)
Multivariate logistic regression analy- dependently associated with a higher and longer ICU and hospital lengths of
sis showed that medical admission; ad- risk of infection (eTable 2). stay (16 [IQR, 7-34] vs 4 [IQR, 1-14]
mission after emergency surgery or days and 29 [IQR, 14-57] vs 13 [IQR,
trauma; referral from the hospital floor Mortality and Morbidity 7-31] days, respectively; P ⬍ .001 for
or other hospital (with referral from the Intensive care unit and hospital mor- both) than those not infected. Deci-
operating room as referent); presence tality rates were 18.2% (2370/13 011 pa- sions to withhold or withdraw life-
Table 2. Infection Rates and Types of Organisms in Culture-Positive Infected Patients According to Geographical Region
No. (%) a
Western Eastern South North
All Europe Europe America America Oceania Africa Asia
No. (%) 7087 (51.4) 3683 (49) 426 (56.4) 1290 (60.3) 607 (48.4) 285 (48.2) 89 (46.1) 707 (52.6)
Site of infection
Respiratory tract 4503 (63.5) 2332 (63.3) 305 (71.6) b 851 (66) 345 (56.8) b 165 (57.9) 41 (46.1) b 464 (65.6)
Abdominal 1392 (19.6) 778 (21.1) 93 (21.8) 228 (17.7) b 101 (16.6) 50 (17.5) 16 (18) 126 (17.8)
Bloodstream 1071 (15.1) 546 (14.8) 53 (12.4) 139 (10.8) b 157 (25.9) b 49 (17.2) 16 (18) 111 (15.7)
Renal/urinary tract 1011 (14.3) 411 (11.2) 84 (19.7) b 222 (17.2) b 135 (22.2) b 33 (11.6) 15 (16.9) 111 (15.7) b
Skin 467 (6.6) 242 (6.6) 37 (8.7) 73 (5.7) 26 (4.3) 30 (10.5) 8 (9.0) 51 (7.2)
Catheter-related 332 (4.7) 171 (4.6) 21 (4.9) 73 (5.7) 16 (2.6) 15 (5.3) 4 (4.5) 32 (4.5)
CNS 208 (2.9) 100 (2.7) 20 (4.7) 40 (3.1) 14 (2.3) 11 (3.9) 4 (4.5) 19 (2.7)
Others 540 (7.6) 289 (7.8) 31 (7.3) 87 (6.7) 62 (10.2) 22 (7.7) 14 (15.7) b 35 (5.0) b
Positive isolates 4947 (69.8) 2678 (72.7) 357 (83.8) b 719 (55.7) b 457 (75.3) 204 (71.6) 54 (60.7) 478 (67.6) b
Gram-positive 2315 (46.8) 1311 (49.0) 185 (51.8) 273 (38.0) b 252 (55.1) 104 (51.0) 27 (50.0) 163 (34.1) b
Staphylococcus aureus 1012 (20.5) 525 (19.6) 77 (21.6) 138 (19.2) 123 (26.9) b 56 (27.5) b 16 (29.6) 77 (16.1)
MRSA 507 (10.2) 233 (8.7) 37 (10.4) 79 (11.0) 80 (17.5) b 19 (9.3) 11 (20.4) b 48 (10.0)
S epidermidis 535 (10.8) 301 (11.2) 43 (12) 67 (9.3) 56 (12.3) 17 (8.3) 8 (14.8) 43 (9.0)
Streptococcus pneumoniae 203 (4.1) 127 (4.7) 16 (4.5) 24 (3.3) 20 (4.4) 5 (2.5) 3 (5.6) 8 (1.7) b
VSE 352 (7.1) 250 (9.3) 35 (9.8) 17 (2.4) b 24 (5.3) b 9 (4.4) 0b 17 (3.6) b
VRE 186 (3.8) 113 (4.2) 16 (4.5) 15 (2.1) b 22 (4.8) 10 (4.9) 0 10 (2.1)
Other 319 (6.4) 184 (6.9) 15 (4.2) 29 (4.0) b 48 (10.5) 19 (9.3) 4 (7.4) 20 (4.2)
Gram-negative 3077 (62.2) 1573 (58.7) 258 (72.3) b 510 (70.9) b 228 (49.9) b 122 (59.8) 31 (57.4) 355 (74.3) b
Escherichia coli 792 (16.0) 458 (17.1) 53 (14.8) 103 (14.3) 65 (14.2) 27 (13.2) 6 (11.1) 80 (16.7)
Enterobacter 345 (7.0) 184 (6.9) 29 (8.1) 62 (8.6) 37 (8.1) 7 (3.4) 4 (7.4) 22 (4.6)
Klebsiella species 627 (12.7) 261 (9.7) 76 (21.3) b 116 (16.1) b 41 (9) 24 (11.8) 10 (18.5) 99 (20.7) b
Pseudomonas species 984 (19.9) 458 (17.1) 103 (28.9) b 189 (26.3) b 59 (12.9) 30 (14.7) 8 (14.8) 137 (28.7) b
Acinetobacter species 435 (8.8) 149 (5.6) 61 (17.1) b 99 (13.8) b 17 (3.7) 9 (4.4) 8 (14.8) b 92 (19.2) b
Other 840 (17.0) 487 (18.2) 54 (15.1) 121 (16.8) 52 (11.4) b 42 (20.6) 11 (20.4) 73 (15.3)
ESBL-producing 93 (1.9) 47 (1.8) 7 (2.0) 21 (2.9) 1 (0.2) b 0 1 (1.9) 16 (3.3)
Anaerobes 222 (4.5) 142 (5.3) 12 (3.4) 10 (1.4) b 36 (7.9) 7 (3.4) 1 (1.9) 14 (2.9)
Other bacteria 76 (1.5) 33 (1.2) 7 (2.0) 14 (1.9) 4 (0.9) 4 (2.0) 3 (5.6) 11 (2.3)
Candida 843 (17) 495 (18.5) 66 (18.5) 92 (12.8) b 83 (18.2) 26 (12.7) 6 (11.1) 75 (15.7)
Aspergillus 70 (1.4) 44 (1.6) 1 (0.3) 5 (0.7) 12 (2.6) 3 (1.5) 0 5 (1)
Other 50 (1) 22 (0.8) 5 (1.4) 7 (1) 10 (2.2) 2 (1) 0 4 (0.8)
Parasites 34 (0.7) 18 (0.7) 2 (0.6) 6 (0.8) 3 (0.7) 2 (1) 0 3 (0.6)
Other organisms 192 (3.9) 122 (4.6) 9 (2.5) 15 (2.1) b 22 (4.8) 8 (3.9) 2 (3.7) 14 (2.9)
Abbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; ESBL, extended-spectrum -lactamases; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; VRE, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus;
VSE, vancomycin-sensitive Enterococcus.
a Percentages do not necessarily equal 100, because patients may have had more than 1 type of infection or microorganism.
b Significant at 5% (with Bonferroni correction) vs Western Europe.
2326 JAMA, December 2, 2009—Vol 302, No. 21 (Reprinted) ©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
sustaining measures were made in 1232 COMMENT rary ICUs, with 46% to 60% of ICU pa-
patients (8.9%) and were more com- The data from this large international tients classified by the attending
mon in infected than in noninfected pa- collaboration highlight the common oc- physician as infected on the day of the
tients (890/3256 [27.3%] vs 342/2442 currence of infections in contempo- study. Infected patients had more co-
[14.0%], P⬍.001).
In a multivariate analysis of all pa-
Figure. Relationship Between Rate of Infection and Disease Severity and Organ Failure
tients, with hospital mortality as the
dependent variable and adjusting for Disease severity Organ failure
possible confounders, infection was 100
Infection Rate, %
14.8%; adjusted odds ratio, 1.51; 95%
confidence interval, 1.36-1.68; P⬍.001).
Other factors associated independently 40
with a greater risk of in-hospital death 30
are shown in TABLE 3. In patients with 20
infections, factors independently asso- 10
ciated with a greater risk of hospital death 0
<25 25-33 34-43 ≥44 0-4 5-8 9-12 13-18 >18
were comorbid cancer, heart failure, im- SAPS II Score SOFA Score
munosuppression, or cirrhosis; infec- No. of patients 3492 3639 3198 3467 3529 3182 1584 708 68
tion with Pseudomonas, Enterococcus, or
P⬍.001 for both panels, by Cochran-Armitage trend test. Range of possible scores is 0-163 for SAPS II (Sim-
Acinetobacter species; older age; greater plified Acute Physiology Score II) and 0-24 for SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Asessment). Error bars indicate
disease severity; and treatment with me- 95% confidence intervals.
chanical ventilation or renal replace-
ment therapy on the day of the study Table 3. Multivariable Logistic Regression Analysis With Hospital Mortality as the Dependent Variable
(eTable 3). Variable OR (95% CI) a P Value
Type of admission
International Comparisons Elective surgery 1 [Reference]
Central and South America had the Medical 1.18 (0.99-1.41) .06
highest infection rate (60%) and Africa Emergency surgery 1.56 (1.34-1.82) ⬍.001
had the lowest (46%) (Table 2). There Trauma 1.34 (1.06-1.70) .01
was considerable variation in the types Source of admission
Operating room/recovery 1 [Reference]
of organisms isolated from the differ-
ED/ambulance 0.94 (0.80-1.11) .47
ent geographical regions; rates of in- Hospital floor 1.37 (1.18-1.59) ⬍.001
fection with Acinetobacter differed most Other hospital 1.01 (0.85-1.21) .91
markedly, ranging from 3.7% in North Other 1.14 (0.85-1.53) .39
America to 19.2% in Asia (Table 2). In- Comorbid conditions
fection rates were related to health care COPD 1.21 (1.07-1.38) ⬍.01
expenditure, with higher rates of in- Cancer 1.33 (1.15-1.53) ⬍.001
fection reported in countries that had Heart failure b 1.45 (1.25-1.70) ⬍.001
a lower proportion of gross domestic Diabetes mellitus 0.98 (0.83-1.15) .79
product devoted to health care (61.9% Chronic renal failure 1.02 (0.87-1.20) .81
infection rate in countries devoting Immunosuppression 1.83 (1.47-2.28) ⬍.001
⬍5% of gross domestic product to Cirrhosis 2.14 (1.68-2.74) ⬍.001
health; 53.8% in those devoting 5%- Hematologic cancer 1.05 (0.76-1.45) .75
9%; 48.0% in those devoting ⬎9%; HIV 0.90 (0.53-1.52) .69
P ⬍ .001 by Cochran-Armitage trend Age, per year 1.01 (1.01-1.01) ⬍.001
test). Intensive care unit and hospital Male sex 0.99 (0.89-1.09) .82
mortality rates were highest in ICUs Mechanical ventilation 1.90 (1.70-2.13) ⬍.001
from Central and South America and Hemodialysis/hemofiltration 1.58 (1.35-1.85) ⬍.001
Eastern Europe and lowest in ICUs SAPS II score, per point 1.06 (1.05-1.06) ⬍.001
from Oceania (eTable 4). There was a Infection 1.51 (1.36-1.68) ⬍.001
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ED, emergency department; HIV,
significant relationship between the per- human immunodeficiency virus; OR, odds ratio; SAPS II, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II.
a Adjusted for hospital and organizational factors and for geographical region.
centage of infected patients and hospi- b New York Heart Association class III-IV.
tal mortality rate (eFigure 3).
©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 2, 2009—Vol 302, No. 21 2327
morbid conditions and higher SAPS II werealsoassociatedwithanincreasedrisk lationship, perhaps considering also the
scores on admission. of in-hospital death, as has been reported percentage of gross domestic product
As in other recent epidemiologic in the SOAP study.2 allocated specifically to ICU spending
studies,2-4,9,12,18-23 the most common focus EPIC II was conducted 15 years after rather than to health care in general, but
of infection in patients in our study was the original EPIC study,14 which was lim- we were unable to locate these data for
the lung, followed by the abdomen and ited to Western Europe and included all countries. Clearly, multiple factors
bloodstream. Although studies have sug- slightly more than 10 000 patients. In can influence the relationship be-
gested an increasing incidence of gram- contrast to the EPIC study, in EPIC II we tween health care spending and infec-
positive organisms24 and the Sepsis Oc- did not focus our analysis on nosoco- tion rates, including national antibi-
currence in Acutely Ill Patients (SOAP) mial infections, because we were con- otic availability and policy, infection
study reported an equal frequency of cerned that it may be difficult to distin- control practices, vaccine availability
gram-positive and gram-negative organ- guish between community-acquired, and use, and public health strategies and
isms,2 in the present study gram-negative hospital-acquired, and ICU-acquired in- educational programs to prevent infec-
organisms were more commonly isolated fections. As in the EPIC study14 and more tion, which we were not able to con-
than gram-positive organisms. Patterns recently the SOAP study,2 there was a re- trol for in this study. There are few data
of infecting organisms were similar to lationship between the prevalence of in- available on this topic. One recent ar-
those in previous studies, with predomi- fection and mortality for the various ticle,30 although reporting only a weak
nant organisms being S aureus (the most countries. Importantly, this relation- correlation between ICU beds per
commonly isolated organism, despite the ship was present overall but also for 100 000 population and health care
overall predominance of gram-negative countries of Western Europe, which rep- spending per capita in 8 countries, did
organisms),Pseudomonasspecies,Entero- resent a more homogeneous region and note an inverse correlation between the
bacteriaceae (mainly E coli), and fungi.2 contributed most patients to this study. provision of ICU beds and the fre-
Interestingly, Acinetobacter was involved We also noted a significant relationship quency of sepsis and hospital mortal-
in 9% of all infections, similar to the rate between the time spent in the ICU prior ity using data from 2 large indepen-
reported in the first EPIC study25 but con- to the study day and the development of dent sources, the SOAP study2 and the
siderably higher than the 3.6% reported infection, particularly for infections due SAPS 3 database.31
in the more recent SOAP study.2 to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus au- Our study has advantages and limi-
There were significant regional differ- reus, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas spe- tations. An obvious strength is the in-
ences in the organisms isolated from mi- cies, and Candida species. ternational nature of the study, which
crobiological cultures, with a particularly The study also revealed important dif- collected data on patterns of infection
striking variation in the prevalence of Aci- ferences in outcomes in various parts of in a large and diverse group of pa-
netobacter. Importantly, local infection the world. For example, mortality rates tients across all geographic bound-
controlmeasuresmayalterinfectionrates, were lower in Oceania, both overall and aries. However, comparisons among
particularly with Acinetobacter, because in infected patients, than in other regions. geographic regions should be inter-
it is present in the water supply of many The reasons for this are not entirely clear, preted with caution, because clearly
hospitals, and simple infection control although differences in patient character- there are large differences in health care
measures such as not flushing nasogas- isticsarelikelytobeatleastinpartrespon- systems, ICU facilities, and regional
tric tubes with tap water and separating sible. It is also possible that lead-time bias policies for infectious disease manage-
clean from dirty ventilator circuits can in- may play a role, because patients may be ment. Nevertheless, such a worldwide
fluenceinfectionrates.26,27 Thatdifferences admittedtotheICUearlierinsomeregions study has the advantage that the ap-
exist in rates of Acinetobacter infection thaninothers.Thehugevariabilityincriti- parent differences in practice patterns
from one country to the next suggests an cal care services among North American can be used to probe independent in-
opportunity for preventive control mea- and European countries, with wide dif- fluences of patient and management fac-
sures directed at the ICU environment. ferences both in numbers of beds and in tors on epidemiology and outcome. To
Moreover, this finding also emphasizes volumes of admissions, has also been re- avoid any possibility of industry influ-
theimportanceofusinglocaldatatoguide cently highlighted30 and is likely respon- ence, the study was not funded. The size
empirical antibiotic therapy.28 In multi- sible for some of the regional differences of this collaboration stresses the im-
variateanalysis,infectionwithAcinetobac- in our data. portance of the topic and the desire to
ter was associated with an increased risk Interestingly, the rate of infection was contribute to international projects
of hospital death. Given the high level of related to the proportion of gross do- without financial incentive.
resistance of Acinetobacter to many anti- mestic product allocated to health care However, the voluntary nature of the
biotics, including carbapenems, and the expenses, because countries with lower study can be a potential source of bias.
high associated mortality,29 this pathogen health care expenditures had higher Moreover, the high proportion of uni-
presents a continuing challenge in today’s rates of infection. It would have been versity hospitals may have led to a pa-
ICU.InfectionswithPseudomonasspecies interesting to further explore this re- tient case-mix that is not representative
2328 JAMA, December 2, 2009—Vol 302, No. 21 (Reprinted) ©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
of all ICUs. Another disadvantage is that Acquisition of data: Vincent, Rello, Marshall, Silva, versity hospitals in China. Crit Care Med. 2007;
Anzueto, Martin, Moreno, Lipman, Gomersall, Sakr, 35(11):2538-2546.
there was no data monitoring, and re- Reinhart. 14. Vincent JL, Bihari D, Suter PM, et al; EPIC Interna-
sults relied on the correct interpreta- Analysis and interpretation of data: Vincent, Rello, tional Advisory Committee. The prevalence of nosoco-
Marshall, Silva, Anzueto, Martin, Moreno, Lipman, mial infection in intensive care units in Europe: results
tion and use of the various definitions Gomersall, Sakr, Reinhart. of the European Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care
provided. A prevalence study has the ad- Drafting of the manuscript: Vincent. (EPIC) study. JAMA. 1995;274(8):639-644.
vantage of requiring a relatively limited Critical revision of the manuscript for important in- 15. Le Gall J-R, Lemeshow S, Saulnier F. A new Sim-
tellectual content: Vincent, Rello, Marshall, Silva, plified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) based on a
data set while including a large number Anzueto, Martin, Moreno, Lipman, Gomersall, Sakr, European/North American multicenter study. JAMA.
of patients; however, prevalence stud- Reinhart. 1993;270(24):2957-2963.
Statistical analysis: Vincent, Sakr. 16. Vincent JL, Moreno R, Takala J, et al. The SOFA
ies can overestimate the number of pa- Administrative, technical or material support: Vincent. (Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment) score to de-
tients with diseases of long duration, such Study supervision: Vincent. scribe organ dysfunction/failure. Intensive Care Med.
Financial Disclosures: None reported. 1996;22(7):707-710.
as sepsis. Lastly, although the study date Additional Information: The eAppendix, eTables 1 17. Calandra T, Cohen J; International Sepsis Forum Defi-
was chosen to minimize seasonal ef- through 4, and eFigures 1 through 3 are available at nition of Infection in the ICU Consensus Conference. The International Sepsis Forum consensus conference on defi-
fects as much as possible, there is no way Additional Contributions: We thank Hassane Njimi, nitions of infection in the intensive care unit. Crit Care
to be completely sure that such effects MSc, PhD, Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Uni- Med. 2005;33(7):1538-1548.
did not influence the results. versity Hospital, Brussels, Belgium, for his help with 18. van Gestel A, Bakker J, Veraart CP, van Hout BA.
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©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 2, 2009—Vol 302, No. 21 2329