Comfort Rooms RRL
Comfort Rooms RRL
Comfort Rooms RRL
This study aims to provide the better environment and cleaning facilities in
comfort rooms for the maritime students. According to (Amabelu,2021)
Sustainable access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services in schools is
essential to promote health and positive educational outcomes of students. As
the researcher said that its best to sustain the access of water, sanitation, and
hygiene to promote health and positive education of the student to maintain
their best environment in the comfort room in schools. Maintaining the
cleanliness of the comfort rooms there is a positive effect by maintaining the
cleanliness of the comfort rooms; it would help the school comfort rooms to look
decent and comfortable to everyone who wants to use the toilet (Dizon,2020).
In foreign studies, According to (Abney,2021) Cleaning with soaps and detergents
without the use of disinfectants in public restrooms may spread bacteria and
viruses throughout the restroom. Odours in restrooms are largely controlled by
ventilation and flushing volume in toilet/urinals. However, this results in
increased energy and water usage. Students and school staff reported that the
amount of toilets was insufficient and that their conditions were often inadequate
because they were plugged or dirty. The impact on girls is greater as toilets do not
offer a clean and healthy environment for menstrual hygiene management
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Philippines -Senior High School Students: Basis for Improvement. Ascendens Asia
Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary
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3. S.E. Abney, K.R. Bright, J. McKinney, M. Khalid Ijaz, C.P. Gerba, Toilet hygiene—
review and research needs, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Volume 131, Issue 6,
1 December 2021, Pages 2705–2714,
4. Coswosk, É.D., Neves-Silva, P., Modena, C.M. et al. Having a toilet is not
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