LP 4 Prof. Ed. 7
LP 4 Prof. Ed. 7
LP 4 Prof. Ed. 7
4.1 Introduction
Basic Education is defined as the whole range of educational activities that are
taking place in either informal or non-formal setting with the goal of meeting the
learners’ basic learning needs. It is a fact that no country will achieve rapid economic
growth without investing in education. Basic education in developing countries is
essential to build stable training partners with developed countries especially that
quality education is afforded to learners to become knowledgeable, skillful, and
competent ready for global economy. In coming years, the establishment of ASEAN
Economic Community composed of 10 member states will commence for the free flow
of goods and services including education services. This will change the educational
landscape as a result of the changing world, transformed by advances in technology,
knowledge revolution and global perspectives.
2 years of middle school or junior high school, but those without middle or junior
high school have elementary until Grade 8. In Quebec, grade school is 6 years
and their students proceed immediately to High School.
Secondary High School with middle school or junior high school, begins
in Grade 7 to Grade 12 and those without begin Secondary High School in
Grade 9.
Post-secondary education includes career college or vocational school,
community college or university.
D. Korea
Their school system follows the 6-3-
3-4 education ladder which is 6 years of
elementary, 3 years of middle school and 3
years of high school and 4 years of either
junior college or university to complete
higher education.
High School are in two categories: Source:
(1) General High School and (2) Vocational https://premierskillsenglish.britishc
High School although there are limited ouncil.org/fans/country-profile-
numbers of schools, which offer both south-korea
general and vocational training which is
known as “Comprehensive High School”. Korean Kindergarten provides
nurturing learning environment through various pleasant activities and diverse
teaching pedagogy. The Kindergarten or Early Childhood curriculum includes
physical, social, expression language and inquiry life areas.
Elementary education in Korea is geared towards the acquisition of
fundamentals necessary for a productive civic life through nine principal
subjects: Moral Education, Korean Language, Social Studies, Arithmetic,
Natural Science, Physical Education, Music, Fine Arts and Practical Arts.
The Middle School curricula are a combination of 11 basic or required
subjects, elective subjects and extra- curricular activities. Blending of education
and readiness for occupation is reflected in the technical and vocational
courses which are elective subjects. Korean students may combine to High
School and admission to High School depends upon the results of High School
entrance examination.
E. Malaysia
Malaysian education begins with
Preschool where the medium of instruction
is both Malaysian and English. Preschools
that use Tamil or Chinese as medium of
instruction also conduct teaching-learning Source:
process using Bahasa Malaysia and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_
Learning Packet 4 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum 57
English. They offer a 2 year optional preschool for learners ages 4-5.
Standards-based preschool curriculum for personality development of young
learners is being followed in Malaysia.
Elementary education is 6 years with a requirement of passing the public
examination as determining factor of the students’ readiness to secondary or
high school level.
Malaysia has 2 level category for Secondary or High School: Lower
Secondary (level 2) and Upper Secondary (level 3). Lower secondary program
offers general and undifferentiated curriculum for 2-3 years. In the upper
secondary 2 years, students take subjects according to their appropriate
streams (Arts, Science, Technical and Religious).
F. Singapore
Their educations begins with
Kindergarten or Preschool at the age of 4-6
years old. In Kindergarten, although not
compulsory, a 3-4 hour provision of
language development, literary skills, basic
number concepts, social skills, creative
skills and appreciation of music and
movement is being provided to the young
learners. Mother tongue is also part of the
kinder curriculum. Mother tongue language
includes Chinese, Malay, Tamil and Indian.
Preschool is followed by 6 years of ed).svg
Primary Education, English
Language, Mathematics, Mother Tongue Language are the significant subjects
in the primary education curriculum. Primary school has two stages: Foundation
and Orientation Stages. During foundation stage (Primary 1-4) students are
provided with strong foundation in English, Mother Tongue and Mathematics.
Orientation stage (Primary 5-6) is the stage where the students are taught
Mathematics and Science appropriate to their level.
At the end of Primary 6, all students are assessed on their academic
abilities through the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). The results
of the PSLE will place the students in secondary school courses that suit their
academic learning pace and aptitude. At the secondary level, students may
either go to Special (Secondary 1-4 years). Express (Secondary 1-4 years),
Normal (Academic- Secondary 1-5 years) courses depending on the measured
academic ability of the PSLE scores. These four streamed courses offer highly
differentiated curriculum. Special and Express are four year courses which lead
to Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of (GCE ‘O’) Education (Ordinary
Level) examination.
Learning Packet 4 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum 58
Statement of Principle
Teachers in all Philippine schools are committed and accountable for providing
classroom instruction with results that are manifested in high performance levels in
terms of student learning outcomes. Teachers are dedicated to the well-being of the
students and communities they serve, taking into account their cultural diversity,
group aspirations and what is valued in education.
Domain 4. Curriculum
In this domain of the Curriculum, the prospective teacher will learn all the
elements of the teaching-learning process that work in convergence to help
student understand the curricular goals and objectives, and to attain high standards
of learning defined in the curriculum. These elements include the teacher’s
knowledge of subject matter and the learning process, teaching-learning
approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning resources
Strands of Desired Performance Indicators Tick
Teaching Performance (/)
4.1 Demonstrates 4.1.1 Delivers accurate and updated
mastery of the subject content knowledge using appropriate
Learning Packet 4 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum 63
Performance Rating
Domain 1
Social Regard for Learning
Acts as a positive role model for students.
Domain 2
Domain 7 The Learning
Personal Growth and Environment
Professional Statement of Principle • Creates an environment
Development that promotes fairness
• Takes pride in the • Makes the physical
nobility of teaching as a Teachers in all Philippine environment safe and
profession schools are committed and conducive to learning
• Builds professional links accountable for providing • Communicates higher
with colleagues to enrich learning expectations to
classroom instruction with
teaching practice each learner
• Reflects on the extent of results that are manifested • Establishes and
the attainment of learning in high performance levels maintains consistent
goals in terms of student learning standards of learners’
outcomes. Teachers are behavior
dedicated to the well-being
of the students and
communities they serve,
taking into account their
Domain 3
cultural diversity, group Diversity of Learners
Domain 6 aspirations and what is • Is familiar with learners’
Community Linkages valued in education. background knowledge
• Establish learning and experiences
environments that • Demonstrates concern
respond to the aspirations for holistic development
of the community learners
Domain 5
Domain 4
Planning, Assessing and Reporting
• Communicates promptly and clearly to learners,
• Demonstrates mastery of the subject
parents and superiors about the progress of
• Communicates clear learning goals for the lessons
that are appropriate for learners
• Development and uses a variety of appropriate
• Makes good use of allotted instructional time
assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate
• Selects teaching methods, learning activities, and
instructional materials or resources appropriate to
• Monitors regularly and provides feedback on
learners and aligned to the objectives of the lesson
learners’ understanding of content
Figure 2
Schematic Representation of the Integrated Domains of the
National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
Learning Packet 4 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum 69
Retirement DepEd
Entry to
In-Service Training
Training and (BEEd/BSEd/PGCEd)
Professional National
Development Competency-
Based Teacher
DepEd Teacher
Induction DepEd*/Civil Service
Teacher Human Resource
Planning, Recruitment,
Selection, Deployment and
Recognition System
Figure 1
3.3 Reference
Lourdes S. Lim, Ed.D., Rosalina A. Caubic. Ed.D., Luvimi L. Casihan,
Ph. D., The Teaching Profession pp. 70-78
3.4 Acknowledgement
The images, tables, figures and information contained in this
module were taken from the references cited above.
Learning Packet 4 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum 70
EXPLORE Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper and send it back to
your instructor through your LGU coordinator.
The K to 12 Curriculum Program of the Philippines is the country’s response
to address the Filipino graduates’ unpreparedness for work, readiness for college
and competitiveness in the global market relative to ASIAN 2015.
Given samples of the educational landscapes of other countries and the newly
enacted Philippine Enhanced Basic Education Program, do the following activities:
Country of Choice
Philippines Similarities
Learning Packet 4 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum 71
B. Description Cluster
Philippine K to 12 Program Country of Choice
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ Similarities ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ Differences ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
APPLY Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper and send it back to your
instructor through your LGU coordinator.
Description Cluster
Tabulate your significant finding on the K to 12 Curriculum of Various Countries.
Country Educational Ladder Important Features
Example 1 (Kinder) 6 (Elementary) - Mandatory
Philippines 4 (Junior High School) kindergarten
2 (Senior High School - Spiral approach in
teaching Science and
- Mother Tongue based
in Elementary
- Academic and
Technology Track in
Senior High School
United States