Anemia in The Pediatric Patient
Anemia in The Pediatric Patient
Anemia in The Pediatric Patient
Departments of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
KEY POINTS The World Health Organization estimates that approximately a quarter of the world’s
population suffers from anemia, including almost half of preschool-age children. Globally,
Age (mo)
RBC count (31012/L, 4.9 6 0.03 4.3 6 0.03 3.7 6 0.02 4.3 6 0.06 4.7 6 0.05 4.7 6 0.04 4.7 6 0.04
mean 6 SE), (22 (3.9-5.9) (3.3-5.3) (3.1-4.3) (3.5-5.1) (3.9-5.5) (4.0-5.3) (4.1-5.3)
SD 1 2 SD)
MCV (fL, mean 6 SE), 105.3 6 0.6 101.3 6 0.3 94.8 6 0.3 86.7 6 0.8 76.3 6 0.6 77.7 6 0.5 77.7 6 0.5
(22 SD) (88) (91) (84) (76) (68) (70) (71)
MCHC (g/dL, 314 6 1.1 318 6 1.2 318 6 1.1 327 6 2.7 350 6 1.7 349 6 1.6 343 6 1.5
mean 6 SE), (22 SD) (281) (281) (283) (288) (327) (324) (321)
Values at the ages of 0.5, 1, and 2 mo were obtained from the entire group, and those at the later ages were obtained from the iron supplemented infant group after exclusion of
iron deficiency.121
*These values were obtained from a selected group of 256 healthy term infants followed at the Helsinki University Central Hospital who were receiving continuous iron
supplementation and who had normal values for transferrin saturation and serum ferritin.
Both sexes
180 180
145 Minus 2SD (females)
140 140 140 140 140 141
135 135
130 130
120 120 120 120
118 116
115 115 115 114
112 110
95 95
Figure 1. Mean Hb concentrations by age and sex (22 SD values). Compiled from data from the United States, Europe, and White populations. Used with permis-
sion from Chaparro and Suchdev.1
Retic decreased or normal Retic increased Retic decreased or normal Retic increased Retic decreased or normal Retic increased
Iron deficiency Thalassemia syndromes Chronic disease Immune hemolysis Vitamin B12 deficiency Active hemolysis with
Thalassemia trait Hb E Acute inflammation Membrane disorders Folate deficiency brisk reticulocytosis
Lead poisoning Hb C Acute hemorrhage Metabolic defects Bone marrow failure
Sideroblastic anemia Transient erythroblastopenia Unstable hemoglobins Aplastic anemia
Microangiopathic hemolysis Diamond-Blackfan anemia
Figure 2. An approach to anemia based on mean corpuscular volume and reticulocyte count.
gene capture, gene panels, and whole-exome sequencing, have hemolysis is typically inherited. Extrinsic hemolysis is associated
been used as effective tools for identification of disease-causing with disorders outside the erythrocyte, such as autoimmune
mutations. Genetic testing has allowed new mechanistic insights hemolytic anemia (AIHA), most cases of microangiopathic hemo-
into many inherited anemias and provided the answer in many lysis such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), infec-
previously undiagnosed cases. Current molecular genetic analy- tion, mechanical injury, toxins such as lead or copper, and drugs
ses have potential pitfalls, including detecting variants of such as penicillins, quinine, quinidine, methyldopa, and clopi-
unknown significance, making genetic diagnosis uncertain in dogrel. Most cases of extrinsic hemolysis are acquired.
some cases, and the inability to detect mutations in distant regu-
latory elements, deep intronic splicing mutations, and intragenic Interestingly, infectious causes of hemolysis may be due to
deletions.9 Whole genome sequencing, employed primarily on direct action of toxins on the erythrocyte, such as by Clostridium
a research basis to date, has provided the precise genetic diag- perfringens, by direct invasion and destruction of the erythrocyte
nosis in some cases.10 by the organism, such as malaria, or by antibody production
after viral infection.
Normocytic anemia Laboratory hallmarks of hemolysis include anemia and reticulocy-
Many pediatric anemias are associated with normocytic erythro-
tosis. In cases where there is concomitant nutritional deficiency,
cyte indices, MCV 80-100 fL.
marrow dysfunction, toxin exposure, or infection, particularly par-
vovirus infection, the reticulocyte response may be blunted. The
Normocytic anemia with elevated
blood smear shows polychromasia, schistocytes, and fragmented
reticulocyte count
forms, which are particularly prominent in cases where there is
This large group of pediatric anemias includes inherited disor-
shear stress or toxin-induced hemolysis. Unconjugated bilirubin,
ders of the erythrocyte membrane, cellular metabolism, and
lactate dehydrogenase, and aspartate aminotransferase levels
unstable Hbs, as well as acquired disorders including immune
may be elevated. Haptoglobin is often decreased. If hemolysis is
hemolysis and microangiopathic disorders such as hemolytic
intravascular, hemoglobinuria may lead to a positive urine dip-
uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and
stick without red blood cells on microscopy.
disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Membrane defects
Abnormalities of
Unstable hemoglobins
Sideroblastic anemia
dyserythropoietic anemia
Diamond-Blackfan anemia
Fanconi anemia
Hemolytic uremic
thrombocytopenic purpura
Disseminated intravascular
Chronic inflammation
Neonatal alloimmune
hemolytic disease
Primary autoimmune
hemolytic anemia
Secondary autoimmune
hemolytic anemia
Aplastic anemia
Iron deficiency
B12 deficiency
Folate deficiency
Hereditary spherocytosis The hereditary spherocytosis (HS) syn- anemia. Severely affected patients may be transfusion-
dromes are associated with qualitative or quantitative defects in dependent, often exhibiting autosomal recessive inheritance.
major erythrocyte membrane proteins, including ankyrin-1, Diagnosis of HS is straightforward in the child with a positive
b-spectrin, band 3, a-spectrin, and protein 4.1R.11 Clinical sever- family history and nonimmune spherocytic hemolytic anemia. PB
ity ranges from asymptomatic patients with well-compensated smear shows variable numbers of spherocytes (Figure 4). Diag-
HS to severe, transfusion-dependent patients. In about three- nostic testing includes eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) flow cytometry
quarters of cases, inheritance is autosomal dominant. Most HS or osmotic fragility (OF) testing. In some cases, EMA binding or
patients exhibit mild to moderate hemolytic anemia, with some OF may be normal. Diagnostic molecular testing is gaining
mild cases exhibiting well-compensated hemolysis without in popularity.
Figure 4. PB smears. PB smears from (A) hereditary spherocytosis. Dense, spherical-shaped erythrocytes are seen. (B) b-Thalassemia major. Hypochromic, microcytic erythro-
cytes, anisocytosis, and a nucleated red blood cell are seen. (C) Sideroblastic anemia. Polychromasia, anisopoikilocytosis, and basophilic stippling are seen in a case of X-linked con-
genital sideroblastic anemia. (D) Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Anisopoikilocytosis and marked schistocytosis are seen on the smear of an infant with Upshaw-Schulman
syndrome. (E) Iron deficiency. Significant anisocytosis, hypochromia, and microcytosis are seen. (F) Vitamin B12 deficiency. Macro-ovalocytes, microcytes, and hypersegmented
neutrophils are seen. Erythrocyte basophilic stippling is shown in inset. These images were originally published in the ASH Image Bank. (A) Teresa Scordino, Hereditary
spherocytosis, 2016, #00060308. (B) Girish Venkataraman, b-thalassemia major, 2018, #00062081; (C) Katherine Calvo, Congenital sideroblastic anemia peripheral blood, 2015;
#00060064; (D) Helle Borgstrøm Hager and Mari Tjernsmo Andersen, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, #00061402; (E) Iron deficiency anemia moderate, 2015, #00060219.
(F) Volodymyr Shponka and Maria Proytcheva, Megaloblastic anemia caused by severe B12 deficiency in a breastfed infant. 2017, #00061082. © The American Society of Hematology.
acute hemolytic episode and do not typically detect female het- Defects in enzymes of the Embden-Meyerhof glycolytic path-
erozygotes. Direct functional assays and DNA diagnosis can way, except for X-linked phosphoglycerate kinase, are inherited
confirm the diagnosis. in an autosomal recessive manner. Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) DIC is a common Approximately a third of pediatric TTP cases are associated with
cause of anemia in critically ill infants and children. It is often USS, with the remainder of pediatric cases being acquired. The
associated with sepsis, meningitis, necrotizing enterocolitis, first episode of TTP in USS typically occurs in infancy or early child-
respiratory failure, pancreatitis, severe liver failure, as well as hood with variable disease severity correlating with genotype and
Body iron stores and iron available for erythropoiesis Body iron stores
Inadequate Adequate
Body iron stores
Iron available
for erythropoiesis Body iron stores
and iron available
for erythropoiesis
Haemoglobin Normal Normal Normal or Reduced Mild to moderate Mild to moderate Reduced
low-normal (anaemic) anaemia anaemia (anaemic)
Mean cell Normal Normal Normal or reduced Reduced Normal or mild Reduced Reduced
volume and reduction
mean cell
Ferritin !30–60 Pg/L 15–30 Pg/L 15–30 Pg/L 15–30 Pg/L Normal or 70–100 Pg/L Typically
increased depending on 20–50 Pg/L
depending on degree of
inflammation and inflammation
body iron stores
Transferrin !20% Usually !20% 20% 15% Usually 20% 20% 20%, usually 5%
Hepcidin* Normal Low-normal Low Very low Increased relative Normal or High relative to
to transferrin reduced transferrin
saturation saturation
Bone marrow Normal Detectable or Absent Absent Detectable Absent Absent or trace
stainable iron absent
Figure 5. Markers of iron deficiency. *Diagnostic thresholds for reticulocyte Hb content vary between the type of blood cell analyzer as well as for hepcidin and
soluble transferrin receptor assays. Reprinted with permission from Pasricha et al.120
leaded gasoline and lead-based paints are the most common The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
causes of lead poisoning in the United States. Other sources of American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend targeted
lead include contaminated drinking water, imported food in sol- screening of all Medicaid-enrolled and -eligible children, as well
dered cans, imported chocolate and candy, and ceramic pot- as those who were born outside of the United States.59 Studies
tery. There is no lead poisoning-specific signs or symptoms, have shown an association between low iron levels and elevated
only nonspecific findings such as abdominal pain, constipation, blood lead levels in infants and children, supporting theories
nausea, vomiting, decreased growth, delayed sexual maturation, that iron deficiency increases a child's susceptibility to lead poi-
increased dental caries, and impaired neurologic development. soning and sufficient iron stores reduce the risk of lead poison-
A high index of suspicion is required. Associated anemia is ing. Treatment includes removal of the child from the offending
hemolytic as lead poisoning is accompanied by an acquired environment or removal of the cause of the exposure. In more
deficiency of erythrocyte pyrimidine 59 -nucleotidase. severe cases, chelation is required. With these measures, anemia
resolves. The CDC recommends all lead-intoxicated children be elevated RDW, PB smear with microcytosis, marked hypochromia,
tested for concomitant iron deficiency. The association between anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, target cells, and occasional sidero-
iron deficiency, pica, and lead intoxication has been known for cytes (Figure 4). Bone marrow (BM) aspirate shows abundant ring
centuries. sideroblasts. Anemia is normocytic or macrocytic in females as
skewed X-chromosome inactivation in hematopoietic stem and
Hb disorders Microcytosis with mild to no anemia and minimal progenitor cells leads to predominantly nonviable erythroid pre-
reticulocytosis may be due to a- or b-thalassemia trait or hetero- cursors carrying a mutant ALAS2 allele that undergo intramedul-
zygous gdb-thalassemia. Determining the etiology of microcytic lary hemolysis while circulating erythrocytes represent the
anemia includes assessment of iron stores and Hb electrophore- progeny of erythroid precursors carrying the normal ALAS2 allele.
sis (Figure 5). The RDW is elevated in over half the cases of iron Erythropoietin drives increase production of these normal erythro-
deficiency anemia but normal in the thalassemia trait. A Mentzer cytes with rapid release from the marrow leading to macrocytosis.
index (MCV/RBC) of ,13 suggests thalassemia trait, whereas
.13 suggests iron deficiency.60 Treatment of syndromic CSA is primarily related to the nonhe-
matologic features of the disease and their management. Treat-
Sideroblastic anemias The congenital sideroblastic anemias ment of nonsyndromic CSA revolves around the treatment of
(CSAs) are rare disorders of mitochondrial dysfunction due to anemia and prevention of iron overload.61 Vitamin B6, an essen-
defects in heme biosynthesis, iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis, gen- tial cofactor for the ALAS enzyme, supplements are prescribed
eralized mitochondrial protein synthesis, or abnormalities in spe- in cases of XLAS.
cific mitochondrial respiratory chain proteins involved in
oxidative phosphorylation.61 CSAs are classified into syndromic Microcytic anemia with increased
and nonsyndromic forms. reticulocyte count
Disorders of Hb Disorders of Hb, including thalassemia syn-
Syndromic CSAs include TRNT1 mutations manifest by sidero- dromes and SCD, are among the most common monogenic
blastic anemia, B-cell immunodeficiency, periodic fevers, and disorders worldwide.64 The thalassemias are disorders character-
developmental delay, mutations in PUS1, YARS2, LARS2 manifest ized by a decreased or absent globin chain production due to
by myopathy, lactic acidosis, sideroblastic anemia, and ABCB7 numerous point mutations or deletions in either the a- or
mutations associated with ataxia. Nonsyndromic CSA presents b-globin genes. Globin chain deficiency leads to ineffective
with isolated anemia without other clinical manifestations and erythropoiesis as excessive unpaired globin chains produce
includes X-linked sideroblastic anemia (XLSA) due to heterozy- insoluble tetramers leading to oxidant damage of erythrocyte
gous mutations in ALAS2, which encodes the erythroid-specific membrane lipids and proteins.
form of the heme biosynthetic enzyme 5-aminolevulinate syn-
thase,62 or less commonly, mutations in SLC25A38, HSPA9, Similar to G6PD deficiency, thalassemic-deficient erythrocytes
HSCB, NDUFB11, GLRX5, and FECH.63 demonstrate a selective advantage against P. falciparum infection,
leading to a high frequency of Hb disorders worldwide via natural
XLSA is the most common nonsyndromic CSA.62 Patients present selection. Other contributors to the high frequency of thalassemia
with microcytic anemia, which may be severe, requiring transfu- in southern Asia, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and North
sion support. Laboratory findings include microcytic anemia, and Central Africa are gene drift and founder effects. Mass
FA is diagnosed based on symptoms, clinical findings and Other disorders Other disorders that may present with pancy-
course, and laboratory testing. Blood counts may reveal neutro- topenia include congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
penia, thrombocytopenia, and macrocytic anemia with reticulo- and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
cytopenia. HbF levels are sometimes elevated. BM examination
is variable, ranging from normal cellularity to total aplasia, some- Aplastic anemia
times with dysplastic features. Clonal cytogenetic abnormalities Idiopathic acquired aplastic anemia is a rare, life-threatening BM
may be identified in marrow samples of older patients. The failure syndrome characterized by severe persistent pancytope-
chromosome breakage test demonstrates marked chromosome nia and hypocellular BM (Figure 7) in the absence of major dys-
breakage in lymphocytes or fibroblasts cultured with a DNA plastic signs or marrow fibrosis.97 It is more common in older
crosslinking agent such as mitomycin C or diepoxybutane due children and adolescents. Known associations include infection,
to the underlying defect in DNA repair. Genetic testing may be particularly viral infection, malignancies, autoimmune disease,
confirmatory. Treatment is variable and is based on disease medications, toxins, and after radiation or chemotherapy. The
severity. In some cases, growth factors or androgens may be pathophysiology is unknown. One model suggests a dysregu-
administered. HSCT is the only curative therapy. lated immune system leads to autoreactive T-cell destruction of
Figure 7. BM examination. (A) Diamond-Blackfan anemia. BM aspirate shows a marked myeloid predominance. (B) Acquired aplastic anemia. High-power image of a
hematoxylin and eosin-stained BM biopsy section from a teenage girl showing profound hypocellularity. The few remaining hematopoietic cells are lymphocytes,
plasma cells, and macrophages with pigment in their cytoplasm. (C) Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA) type II. BM aspirate shows binucleated and
multinucleated erythroid precursors. (D) Neuroblastoma. BM biopsy shows clumps of metastatic neuroblastoma cells. These images were originally published in the
ASH Image Bank. (A) Amy Duffield, Diamond Blackfan Anemia Aspirate, 2015, #00060078. (B) Kristian T. Schafernak, Acquired Aplastic Anemia, 2016, #00060876.
(C) Kristian T. Schafernak, Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia, Type II, 2016, #00060891. (D) Suzanne Vercauteren. Neuroblastoma Bone Marrow, 2015, #00060131.
© The American Society of Hematology.
hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in a genetically suscep- distinct chromatin bridges between erythroid cells, and binucle-
tible host. When considering the diagnosis, inherited BM failure ated normoblasts. Inheritance is autosomal recessive due to
syndromes should be excluded. Patients with acquired aplastic mutations in most cases in condanin-1, CDAN1, or rarely
anemia are typically treated with immunosuppressive therapy or CDIN1. In a few cases, the genetic cause is unknown. Treatment
HSCT.98,99 includes supportive care, interferon administration, and in severe
cases, HSCT. Iron overload may occur.
Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA) Type II CDA is characterized by moderate to severe macrocytic
CDA syndromes are a group of disorders characterized by anemia anemia with relative reticulocytopenia.102 Presentation in the
with ineffective erythropoiesis and reticulocytopenia relative to the neonatal period with anemia and jaundice occurs in about one-
degree of anemia.100 The CDAs are heterogeneous in their clinical quarter of cases. In childhood, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly,
and laboratory manifestations as well as their genetic etiologies. and gall stones are common. Nonhematologic manifestations
are rare. Marrow examination shows marked bi- and multi-
Type I CDA is characterized by mild to moderate macrocytic nucleated erythroblasts (Figure 7). Marrow iron is typically
anemia with relative reticulocytopenia.101 Jaundice and hepatos- increased. Inheritance is autosomal recessive due to mutations
plenomegaly may be present. Nonhematologic manifestations in SEC23B, a protein involved in vesicle transport. Treatment
include poor growth and syndactyly of the fingers or toes. Mar- includes supportive care, splenectomy, and in some cases,
row examination shows megaloblastoid erythroid hyperplasia, HSCT. Significant iron overload often requires therapy.
Medication- or toxin-induced suppression Splenic sequestration Several disorders are associated with
BM suppression is associated with the administration of numer- significant splenomegaly, which may lead to hypersplenism and
ous medications, particularly chemotherapeutic and antineoplas-
pancytopenia. A combination of hemolysis, sequestration, and
tic agents and medications affecting the immune system. Other
premature destruction of blood cells contributes to pancytope-
implicated medications include azathioprine, chloramphenicol,
nia. BM examination reveals normal cell number and prolifera-
meclofenamic acid, phenylbutazone, quinidine, trimethoprim-
tion. When pancytopenia is caused by splenic sequestration,
sulfadiazine, and albendazole. Anticonvulsant medications, par-
splenectomy may be curative.
ticularly carbamazepine, phenytoin, and valproic acid, have
been associated with an aplastic anemia-like picture. In most
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