5.3 Social Networks as Graphs, Clustering of Social -
Network Graphs, Direct Discovery of Communities in a social graph A Model for Recommendation Systems A recommendation system is also called as Recommender system. A recommender system is really an automated system to filter some entities can be any products, ads, people, movies or songs. we see this from all over on a daily basis from Amzon, Netfix, Youtube, FlipKart etc. A recommender system captures the pattern of people's behaviour and use it to predict what else they might want or like. For example, we watch a movie and then later on we get a recommendation for a different movie based on the power of previous viewing history. It could also be a product that we bought and then we get a recommendation for another product based on the previous product viewing or purchase history. For example, if you've recently purchased a book on Machine Learning in Python and you've enjoyed reading it, it's very likely that you'll also enjoy reading a book on Data Visualization. People also tend to have similar tastes to those of the people they're close to in their lives. Recommender systems try to capture these patterns and similar behaviours to help predict what else you might like. Applications What to buy? E-commerce, books, movies, shoes, etc. Where to eat? Which job to apply to? Who you should be friends with? LinkedIn, Facebook Personalize your experience on the web News platforms, news personalization Recommender systems function with two kinds of information: Characteristic Information. This is information about items (keywords, categories, etc.) and users (preferences, profiles, etc.). User-item interactions. This is information such as ratings, number of purchases likes, etc.
Why the Recommendation system?
A. Benefits users in finding items of their interest. B. Help item providers in delivering their items to the right user. C. Identity products that are most relevant to users. D. Personalized content. E. Help websites to improve user engagement.
Advantages of Recommender system
1. Broder exposure 2. Possibility of continual usage or purchase of products 3. Provides better experience Applications for Recommendation System (1) Entertainment: recommendations for movies, music, and IPTV.
(2) Content : personalized newspapers, recommendation for
documents, recommendations of Web pages, e-learning applications, and e-mail fil
(3) E-commerce: recommendations for consumers of products to
buy such as books, cameras, PCs etc.
4) Services: recommendations of travel services,
recommendations of experts for consultation, recommendation of houses to rent, or matchmaking services Types of Recommendation System
Collaborative filtering focuses on collecting and analyzing data on
user behavior, activities, and preferences, to predict what a person will like, based on their similarity to other users. To plot and calculate these similarities, collaborative filtering uses a matrix style formula. An advantage of collaborative filtering is that it doesn't need to analyze or understand the content (products, films, books). It simply picks items to recommend based on what they know about the user. Content-based filtering 1. Content-based filtering works on the principle that if you like a particular item, you will also like this other item. 2. make recommendations, algorithms use a profile of the customer's preferences and a description of an item (genre, product type, color, word length) to work out the similarity of items 3. The downside of content-based filtering is that the system is limited to recommending products or content similar to what the person is already buying or using. 4. It can't go beyond this to recommend other types of products or content. 5. For example, it couldn't recommend products beyond homeware if the customer had only brought homeware. Hybrid model
A hybrid recommendation engine looks at
both the meta (collaborative) data and the transactional (content-based) data. Because of this, it outperforms both. ⚫ In a hybrid recommendation engine, natural language processing tags can generated for each product or item (movie, song), and vector equations used calculate the similarity of products. ⚫ A collaborative filtering matrix can then be used to recommend items to users depending on their behaviors, activities, and preferences. ⚫ Netflix is the perfect example of a hybrid recommendation engine. ⚫ It takes into account both the interest of the user (collaborative) and the descriptions or features of the movie or show (content-based).