Kac - 1977 - Lie Superalgebras
Kac - 1977 - Lie Superalgebras
Kac - 1977 - Lie Superalgebras
Lie Superalgebras
Finally, in Section 5.4 & attempt to extend Cartan’s results on the clas-
sification of complete i&rite-dimensional primitive Lie algebras to Lie super-
algebras. In this direction we have only obtained a partial result (Theorem 10).
This also makes clear the reason for the appearance of finite-dimensional
Lie superalgebras of Cartan type: Lie superalgebras of Cartan type are Lie
superalgebras of vector fields in commuting and anticommuting variables,
and also their subalgebras defined by the action on the volume, Hamiltonian,
and contact forms. If there are no commuting variables, then the superalgebra
is finite-dimensional, and so there is no finite-dimensional analog for the contact
Lie algebra.
Here is a brief account of the contents of the paper.
Chapter 1 is introductory. In.it we give the basic definitions (Section l.l),
establish the simplest properties of gradings and filtrations (Sections 1.2 and 1.3),
and quote the necessary information on finite-dimensional representations
of semisimple Lie algebras (Section 1.4).
Chapter 2 is devoted to a description (Section 2.1) and classification (Sections
2.2-2.4) of Lie superalgebras with a nondegenerate Killing form (Theorem 1)
and of the classical Lie superalgebras (Theorem 2). In Section 2.5 we describe
the root systems of the classical Lie super-algebras and find all up to equivalence
systems of simple roots. We classify the simple finite-dimensional contragredient
Lie superalgebras (Theorem 3); their properties are very close to those of
simple Lie algebras.
In Chapter 3 we introduce and study two algebras of differential forms
(Section 3.2) with anticommuting and commuting differentials; it is curious
that the second algebra has all the properties that one would naturally expect
of an algebra of differential forms. In Sections 3.1 and 3.3 we construct the
finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras of Cartan type and study their properties.
In Chapter 4 we classify Z-graded Lie super-algebras that arise in the con-
struction of filtrations in simple Lie superalgebras for which the representation
of Gd on C; is reducible (Section 4.1, Theorem 4), and then, on the basis of
this classification, we complete the classification of simple Lie superalgebras
(Section 4.2, Theorem 5).
Theorems 1,2,4, and 5, and also partially Theorems 6 and 7, were announced
by the author in the note [16] (Theorem 4 even earlier in [13]).
In Chapter 5 we discuss the following problems. In Section 5.1 we give a
description of the finite-dimensional semisimple Lie superalgebras in terms
of the simple ones (Theorem 6) and we find the Lie superalgebras of derivations
of all simple Lie superalgebras. As in [21], Theorem 6 is a consequence of a
general result on differentially simple superalgebras (Proposition 5.1 .I).
Section 5.2 is concerned with the theory of finite-dimensional irreducible
representations of solvable and simple Lie superalgebras (Theorem 7 and 8).
In Section 5.3 we treat the classification of simple finite-dimensional Lie super-
algebras over nonclosed fields (Propositions 5.3.1-5.3.3). We also give a
12 V. G. KAC
classification of the simple real Lie superalgebras (Theorem 9). In Section 5.4
we introduce infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebras of Cartan type and
formulate the theorem on Z-graded Lie superalgebras that arise in the clas-
sification of infinite-dimensional complete primitive Lie superalgebras
(Theorem 10). Finally, in Section 5.5 we discuss some unsolved problems.
All spaces and algebras are regarded over a ground field k, which is assumed
to be algebraically closed and of characteristic 0 unless the contrary is stated.
The symbol (M) denotes the linear span over K of a subset M of a linear space,
the symbol @ the direct sum of K-spaces, and @ the tensor product of k-spaces.
Here, I would also like to express my deep indebtedness to F. A. Berezin,
E. B. Vinberg, and D. A. Leites for numerous conversations and constructive
help. I also thank Professor I. Kaplansky for his interest in my work; having
become acquainted with his preprint on root systems of simple Lie super-
algebras with a nondegenerate invariant form I could remove some errors that
had slipped into the original version of the article.
16 V. G. KAC
see that for any P1 ,..., P,, En(n) there is one and only one derivation D E der /l(n)
for which D(&) = Pi E A(n).
In particular, the relations a/a&(&) = & define the derivation a/a& ,
i=l ,..., 71. The derivation DE der d(n) for which D(&) = Pi can now be
written as a linear differential operator:
It is equally easy to find the automorphism group of /l(n) [3]. Observe that
there is a unique homomorphismv: cl(n) -+ K; we agree to write f(0) instead
of P(f), f E -q4. If now @ is an automorphism of n(n), then deg @(ti) = i
and det(a/a&(@(&))(O)) # 0; any map & t-+ @(&) ~fl(rz), i = I,..., n, having
these two properties extends uniquely to an automorphism of A(n).
Any automorphismCDof cl(n) induces an automorphismof der cl(n) according
to the formula
PROPOSITION 1.1.l. Let 29 and S,, be the connected components of the identity
in the automorphism groups of superalgebras A and A, , and let S? be the subgroup
of ‘3 consisting of the automorphisms that act identically on A, . Then the restriction
induces an epimorphism 29 + Y,, with kernel &‘. In particular, if A is a Lie super-
algebra, then every inner automorphism of A, extends to an inner automorphism of A.
elements have the form [g 3, and those of odd ones [t 8. Here Z, consists
of the matrices of the form c 3 and Z-r of the form c 3. Hence it is clear that
the Zrmodules 4 and I-, are contragredient and the Is-module 4 isomorphic
to g&n @g&a *
Now we come to the definition of the supertrace. Forthe matrix a = [; $1E ltrnSn)
thii is the number
str(a) = tr (Y - tr 6.
Observe that the supertrace of the matrix of an operator a E Z(V) does not
depend on the choice of a homogeneous basis. Therefore, we have the right
to speak of the supertrace of a, meaning the supertrace of this operator in any
homogeneous basis.
To state properties of the supertrace (and for other purposes) it is useful
to introduce the following definitions. Let G = GG @ G be a Zs-graded space
and f be a bilinear form on G. Then f is called consistent if f (a, b) = 0 for
a E Go, b E G , and supersymmetric if f (a, b) = (- l)(desa)(d@)f(b, a). If G
is a Lie superalgebra, f is called inwatint if f ([a, b], c) = f (a, [b, c]).
PROPOSITION 1.1.2. (a) The bdinear form (a, b) = str(ab) on Z(V) is con-
sistent,supersymmetric,and inwariant.
(b) str([a, b]) = 0 for any a, b EZ(V).
Proof. The consistency follows from the fact that ab E I( V)i for a EZ(V)‘),-,
Supersymmetry for a, b EZ(V),- follows from the corresponding property of
the trace, and for a EZ(V), , b E I( V)i from consistency.It remains to consider
the casea, b E Z(V)i. Let a = (B”i) and ZJ= (i 3) be the matricesof a and b in a
homogeneousbasis. Then (a, 6) = tr &3 - tr &, (6, a) = tr y/I - tr &Y, from
which it follows that (a, b) = -(b, a), as required.
(b) is simply another way of writing down supersymmetry.
We still have to verify invariance. By (1.1.2) we have [b, ac] = [b, a]c +
(- l)(deg@(degb)a[b, c]. Therefore, by (b):
as required.
For brevity we often say in this case that V is a G-module, and instead of
p(g)(w) we write g(v), g E G, o E V. Note that, by definition, GJVJ C V,+i ,
6.i EZ2, andkl pA(4 = gd&>> - (- 1)(deggl)(degsz)gs(g~(w)). Note also that
the map ad: G + Z(G) for which (adg)(a) = [g, a] is a linear representation
of G. It is called the adjoint representation.
A submodule of a G-module V is assumed to be &graded; a G-module V
is said to be irreducible if it has no nontrivial submodules. By a homomorphism
of G-modules Qb: V - V’ we mean one that preserves the &-grading in the
sense that @(Vi) = V,&, , where v is a bijection Za ---f Z, .
1.2.3. (a) A bitransitive Z-graded Lie superalgebra is minimal.
(b) A minimal Z-graded Lie superalgebra with bitransitive local part is
(c) Two bitransitive Z-graded Lie superalgebras are isomorphic if and only if
their local parts are isomorphic.
These two propositions are proved just as the corresponding assertions for
Lie algebras (see [l 1, Propositions 4 and 51).
PROPOSITION 1.2.4. Suppose that on the local part of a Z-graded Lie super-
algebra G = @ Gi a consistent supersymmetric invariant bilinear form ( , ) is
given (see Section 1.1.5) for which (Gi , Gi) = 0 when i + j # 0. If G-, @
G, @ G1 generates G, then the form can be extended uniquely to a consistent
supersymmetric invariant bilinear form with the same property on the whole G.
If, in addition,
(2) the representation of G, on Gi is irreducible,
then G is simple.
P~POS~ON 1.2.8. The fo#owitg cond~tiolls are necessary for a Z-graded Lie
superalgebra G = @Q-~ Gt to be simple:
(1) G is transitive and irreducible; [G-, , GJ = G, .
If, in aa%Xon,
(2) the kernel of the G,-module Gl is 0 and Gt = Gli for i > 0,
then G is simple.
1.2.5. Someproperties of Z-graded Lie superalgebras of the form @o-l G<.
The following assertion facilitates the work with Z-graded Lie superalgebras.
Proof. Since G-i = ([...[F,, e-J,..., e-,J> and G, = {[...[EM, e,J ,..., eJ>,
where yi ,,.., ylc > 0, we evidently have
Let us now prove (2) and (3) in (b). From (1.2.1) we seethat [GM1, GJ =
<[*.fe,, e,J,..., e/J) C p, where A is the simple component of the semisimple
Lie algebra [G,, , G,,] the root of which is 01.From Proposition 1.2.9 we seethat
[G-i , G-J = Z? = [G,, , Gs], which proves (2) and (3).
A Lie algebraL with a filtration is called transitive if for any a EL,\L++, , i > 0,
there is an elementb EL for which [a, b] #L, . This condition can alsobe written
Lf = {a E Ltml I [a, L] C Ltml}, i > 0. (1.3.1)
(a) Gr L is tramitive;
(b) the Z-grading of Gr L is consistentwith the Zz-grading;
(c) Gr L is irreducible;
(d) if the representationof Ls on Li is reducible,then Gr, L # 0.
Proof. (a) follows from the transitivity of L. The fact that L, contains Lc
implies that Gr-, L C (Gr L)i . By the transitivity of Gr L, we obtain (b) by
Let us now prove (c). Suppose the contrary; then there exists a Za-graded
subspace z of L containing L, but different from L and L, for which [L, , J?]_C z.
Then E = L, @ V, where V C Li and [V, V] CL, because L, > Lo . Therefore,
[z, z] = [L, @ V, L, @ V] = [L, , L,] + [L, , V] + [V, V] CL. But this con-
tradicts the maximality of L, .
Now we prove (d). If Gr, L = 0; then clearly Gr, L = Lb. Consequently,
by (c), the representation of L, on Li is then irreducible.
1.4.2. Diagrams of highest and dominant roots. A semisimple Lie algebra can
be represented by a Dynkin diagram. Let .Z = (01~ ,..., a,} by the system of
simple roots; then aij = -2(ori , c#ai , aj) are nonnegative integers. The
Dynkin diagram of G consists of Y circles correspondnig to the simple roots,
and the ith circle is joined to the jth by an airaji segment with arrows pointing
to the ith circle when aij < aii . An irreducible representation of G is represented
by a Dynkin diagram equipped with the nonzero numerical marks 2((1, ~~)/(a~ , aJ
of the highest weight (1 standing against the corresponding circles.
If G is simple, then its adjoint representation is irreducible; its highest weight
0 is the highest root of G. The diagrams of the highest roots of all simple Lie
algebras are given in Table I. Apart from the highest roots, the simple Lie
algebras also have the dominant roots given in Table II.
(a, 4” = &(a, 4, a, b E G,
El3 LO-O-O-L- ~,
o-o-...-O-0 1
A sl,, n-l n
-n(n - 1)
o-o-...-O-0 n-2
A%l, n-l -
2 2n
I n(n + 1) n+2
S%l, n-1 o-(J-...-O-0 - -
2 2n
AV, , 5, 6 1 o-o-o-...-0 1 20,35,56 $3 $9 %
n = 6, 7, 8
-n-l 1 1
B so, o-*-.-.-o =7 0 n
2 n-2
4?SP6 3 o-o-=;) 14 Q
n 1
@.-o-.*.-o-o ? 1
D so* n
? 1
spin, , 5, 6, 7 o-o--“.-o-o 16, 32, 64
n = 10,12,14
E J& 6 &-o-b-o-o 27
ET 7 &--o-o-b-o-o 56
F F, 4 LOGO-0 26
G G 2 LO 7
28 V. G. KAC
(1=-M (1.4.1)
From (1.4.2) it follows that if G is not simple, then the number of simple com-
ponents is 2 and the highest root of each simple component is a simple root.
Therefore, G = A1 @ A, , and V is isomorphic to so, = sl, @ sl, .
Now suppose that G is simple. Now (1.4.2) means that (1 = i(e + U) is a
dominant linear function. If the circle corresponding to a is not at an end
of the diagram, then it has at least two negative marks, so that t9 has at least
two positive marks. From Table I we see that in this case G is of type A,,
moreover, that I = 3, a = aI, and V is isomorphic to /PSI., = so, . But if
the circle is at an end of the diagram and Y > 2, then the mark of (Yis negative,
therefore, the positive mark of 0 is not at an end. From Table I we see that
in this caseG is of type B, or D, , a = 011,and V is isomorphic to so, with
n > 6, or G is of type Bs , a = ua, and V is isomorphic*to spin, . Finally,
the caser < 2, asis easyto see,gives the G-modules so, with n = 3,5 and G, .
The proof of the lemma is now complete.
0 11 0
i Is
11 0 0
0 0 1
0 1,
-1, 0
a b u x x1 1
C -a= Y Yl
-$ -,$- ;; z z1
ylT xlT zlT d e
-yT -xT --xT f -dT
In particular, we see that osp(m, n)a is a Lie algebra of type BI @ C, , and
the osp(m, n)a-module osp(m, a)~ is isomorphic to SO, @ sp, .
m = 21. In some basis the matrix of F can be written as
[ 01,
1 -1, 0
from which we see that a matrix in osp(m, n) has the same form as in the first
case, with the middle row and column deleted.
In particular, we find that osp(m, n)a for 12 2 is a Lie algebra of type
D1 @ C, , and that the osp(m, n)a-module osp(m, a)~ is isomorphic to SO, @ sp,, .
By analogy with Cartan’s notation we set:
The representations of C(n), on G-r and Gr are contragradient, and the C(n),
module Gi is isomorphic to cspan-s .
32 V. G. KAC
These brackets define brackets on f.t”V,, and S2Vl in the usual way:
osp(m, ?Z) = S2Vi’ @ ( VG@ Vi’) @ (Vi’ @I V! @ A”VJ @ (Vb @ Vf) @ S”Vf .
Clearly, G,, =gZ, @ so, , the representations of G, on Gi and G-, are con-
tragredient, the G,-module G1 is isomorphic to gl, @ so, , and G, to Sag&. .
2.1.3. The Lie superalgebra P(n), n >, 2. This is a subalgebra of sZ(n+ 1, n+ 1),
consisted of the matrices of the form:
a b
--- ,
b I a 1
PROPOSITION 2.1.l. (a) There is one aud only one 40-dimmsimal ckzssical
Lie superalgebraF(4) fir whd~ F(4)G is a Lie &ebra of type BsQA, and its
represmtatbn on F(4)i is spin, @ ~1, .
(b) There is one and only one 31-dimensionalclassicalLie superalgebra
G(3) for which G(3)G is a Lie algebra of type G2 @ A1 and its representation
WI G(3)i is Gs @ SZze
(c) There is a one-parameterfamzly of l’l-dimensionalLie superalgebras
D(2, 1; a), a Ek*\{O, -l}, con.&ting of all simpleLie superalgebras
for which
D(2, 1; 0~)~is a Lie algebra of type A1 @ A1 @ A1 and its representationon
D(2, 1; a)1 is sZ, @ sZ2@ S& .
PROPOSITION 2.1.2: (a) All the ‘Lie supera&ebrasA(m, n), B(m, n), C(n),
D(m, n), D(2, 1; a), F(4), G(3), P(n), Q(a) me ckzssical.
(b) For the Lie superakebrasB(m, n), D(m, n), D(2, 1; a), F(4), G(3),
and Q(n) the G+aodule Gi is irreducibleand isonwrphix to the modulesin the
(c) The Lie superalgebrasA@, n), C(n), and P(n) admit a unique con-
sistentZ-grading of the fnm G+ @ G, @ GI . Here the Go-modulesGI and Gmz
are itreducible and for A(m, n) and C(ts) contragredient; they are zbmorpkic to
the modulesin tke foL?owi;nglist:
34 v. G. KAC
2.1.3. Let G = Go @ Gi be one of the Lie superalgebras
A@, n), B(m, 4, C(n), D(m, n), D(2, 1; 4, F(4), G(3), P(n), or Q(n). Then
the G,-module S2Gi containsGOwith multiplicity 1.
This is not hard to prove, by using the table in [9]. Here we can also exploit
the fact that in the tensor product of two irreducible G6-modules, of which
one has a simple spectrum, the multiplicity of any simple submodule is at
most 1.
of Gr, L on Gr, L is faithful, then all the conditions of Proposition 1.2.8 are
satisfied, and therefore, GrL is simple.
According to Lemma 2.2.1 it only remains to show that the case dim L, = 1
is impossible. Now G = V @ G6 @L, is a decomposition into the direct
sum of Go-invariant subspaces, [V, L,] = Gn and [V, I’] C G,- , from parity
arguments, and [G6 , L,] = 0. Hence, it follows that V @ Gfi is an ideal in G,
which contradicts simplicity.
Thus, Case II leads us to a classification of the simple Z-graded Lie super-
algebras G = G-r @ G, @ Gr , with G,, = G, , where the representations of G,,
on Gr and G-, are faithful and irreducible.
2.3.1. Definition and properties of the Killing form. The Killing form on a
Lie superalgebra G is the bilinear form
From the properties of the supertrace (see Proposition 1.1.2) we obtain cor-
responding properties of the Killing form.
Just as for Lie algebras (see [lo], for example), we can prove the following
two propositions.
(a, 6)s = tr(ad a)(ad b)lo,- and (a, b), = tr(ad a)(ad 6)loi. (2.3.1)
Therefore, the Jacobi identity [[a, b], c] + [[b, c], Q] + [[c, a], b] = 0 gives us:
h, = (1 - 1J hi (2.3.6)
In particular,
(A, A) = ; py = 0.
(A, CL) = T pp = 0.
Let us prove (a). Let h E .V. We set a = c = wA , b = wpA , where (wA , w-,J = 1
(by (2.3.5) such a vector exists). Now we write the identity (*) for the chosen
bases {Us} and {We} and the vectors a, b, c. Taking (2.3.4) into account, we have
Since (4 1-4 = Cd Q4 I&> and (A, do = C Wd) &> for any h P E H+,
when (2.3.6) is taken into account, it can be rewritten in the form
as required.
(b) is proved similarly, but in (*) we must put a = w, , b = wmA, c = wU .
This proves Lemma 2.3.8.
Proof of Proposition 2.3.7. If G is simple, and A is the highest weight, then
and by Lemma 2.3.8(a) it follows that 211 E A. From Lemma 1.4.1(a) it therefore
follows that Grmodule Gi is isomorphic to sp, . By Proposition 2.1.4, we now
see that G is isomorphic to B(0, n/2). Since Z, = l/(n + 2) (see Table III),
by virtue of (2.3.7) the Killing form on B(0, n/2) is nondegenerate.
Suppose now that Ga is semisimple, but not simple. We represent G, in
the form GG = G& @ Gf, where Gb* and # consist of all simple components
of G, for which 1 - 1, is positive and negative, respectively. As is clear from
Lemma 2.3.8(a), both these subalgebras are nontrivial. Let A = A1 + IIn be
the highest weight of the representation of GB on G (where I and II indicate
that the weight is restricted to the relevant direct summand). We consider a
weight of the form p = ~1 + A*], where ~1 # -&A’. Observe that, clearly,
A+P~A. (2.3.9)
40 V. G. ILK!
Next, (A, ,u) = ((11, ~1) + (An, An) = (A*, I(L*)+ (A, A) - (AI, AI). Since 24 4 A,
by Lemma 2.3.8(a),
This relation can be rewritten (see the proof of Lemma 2.3.8) in the form
where the summand is over the simple components occurring in G&. Since
A is the highest weight, (A, A)a(‘I > (CL,p)p’ for all s. Therefore, all the terms
in (2.3.11) are negative, by the Cauchy-Bunjakowskii inequality. Consequently,
(4 CL)f 0. (2.3.12)
Now we can use Lemma 2.3.8(b), according to which it follows from (2.3.9)
and (2.3.12) that A - p EAI. Thus, if p1 # -AI, then A1 - p1 EAI. Of
course, the same is true for Gf . Therefore, we find from Lemma 1.4.1(c)
that the linear representation of G, on Gi can only be equivalent to the tensor
product of two of the following linear Lie algebras: sp,, , n > 2; sl, , n > 3;
so, , n > 3; spin, ; Ga .
We recall now (Proposition 2.3.2) that the representation of Gr, on Gi admits
a nondegenerate skew-symmetric invariant bilinear form. This can only be
the case when one of the factors of the tensor product has a skew-symmetric
invariant and bilinear form and the other an invariant symmetric form.
Therefore, only the following possibilities remain:
(1) %n 0 SP, 3
(2) SP, 0 spin, ,
(3) SP, 0 6 -
In case (1) we obtain from Proposition 2.1.4 that G is isomorphic to
B(m - l/2, n/2) for odd m > 1, or D(m/2, n/2) for even m > 2. Since
I1 = n/m - 2 and I, = m/n + 2, (Table III), by (2.3.7) the Killing form is
nondegenerate on B(m, n) and also on D(m, n) when m - n # 1.
In cases (2) and (3) we use Lemma 2.3.8(a) again:
In cases (2) and (3), (2.3.13) yields that n = 2 and therefore we see from
Proposition 2.1.4 that G is isomorphic to F(4) and G(3), respectively.
This completes the proof of Proposition 2.3.7.
Let G,’ = @ @se’be the decomposition of G,’ into the direct sum of simple
components. We denote by ( , )i the restriction of ( , )s to Gk’ and by 1,
the index of the representation of Gt) in G1. Note that it is also the index
of the representation of Gt’ in G-r . Just as in Section 2.2, we choosea basis
h1 ,..., h, of H, its dual basis!ar ,..., A, with respect to ( , ) and K1,..., fi, with
respect to ( , )s .
From (2.3.3) it follows that
Proof of Proposition 2.3.9. We represent G,,’ in the form G,’ = GA’ @ Gin,
where Gi’ and Ga’ consist of those simple components for which 1 - 21,
is positive and negative, respectively. For definiteness, let Gi’ # 0. Let
(1 = /11 + (1” be the highest weight of the representation of G,’ in Gi . We
consider a weight of the form p = p1 + (1”. Just as in the proof of Proposi-
tion 2.3.1 we find that
From Lemma 2.3.10(b) it now follows that fir - pi E dr. So we see that if
p E 9, then (1’ - p E d’. Therefore, we obtain from Lemma 1.4.1(b) that the
G,,‘-module G1 can only be isomorphic to a linear Lie algebra sl, or sp, or to any
tensor product of them. So we have the following possibilities for the representa-
tion of G,, on G,:
(1) &L 0 4 3
(2) CSPn 3
(3) g&n 0 SP, , m z 2, n a 4,
(4) CsP, 0 sp, , * 3 2, n 3 4.
In case (l), Zi = n/(2m), I, = m/(2n) (Table III); hence, by (2.3.18) m # n.
But then we see from Proposition 2.1.4 that G is isomorphic to A(m - 1, n - 1).
In case (2), we derive from the same Proposition 2.1.4 that G is isomorphic
to C((n/2) + 1). From (2.3.18) it is clear that the Killing form for these Lie
superalgebras is nondegenerate.
That cases (3) and (4) are impossible we deduce from Lemma 2.3.10(a):
m-1 1 1
m(2m - 2n) +z(n+2-2m2nr) =2mn’
so that either m = 1 or n = 2.
In case (4), (2.3.19) yields
1 1 1
2(n + 2 - 2m) + 2(m + 2 - 2n) =21tll19
which is impossible.
Thus, cases (3) and (4) cannot occur. This completes the proof of Proposi-
tion 2.3.9.
2.4.2. ClassiJcation of the classical Lie superalgebras with zero Killing form
in Case I.
Let !r ,..., L$ be their indices. Then, clearly, the index li of the representation
of GF’ on Gi is equal to
where tr > 2 is an integer. If tf < 4, then &+( dim V, < 4 by (2.4.2); hence,
dim V, < 4 for s # i. From Table III (see Section 1.4.3) it is clear that if
dim V, < 4, then t, < 8, and by (2.4.2), then dim V, < 8. Thus, from tf < 4
it follows that dim Vi < 8. From Table III we can now see that only sl,, ,
spdo, , spin, , and Gs can occur in (2.4.1). We claim that the last two cases
are impossible. If Gp(Vr) = spin, in (2.4.1), then s = 2 and dim V, = 5.
But then Gr)(Va) = sZ6or so6. In the first caseZ, = &, and in the second
Z, = Q. If Gt’(V& = Ge, then GdGi) = Ga@ sZp or Gs @ sls@ sl, or
G8 @Jsp, . In the first case Z, = 8, in the second Z2= 3, and in the third
4 = s . Hence, only sl, , sp, , and so, can occur in (2.4.1):
where 2 < n, < *** < n,, 4 < r, < .-* < Is, 5 < m, < *** < m,.
Relations (2.4.2) can be rewritten in the form
From these relations it is evident that OL< 3, fi < 2, y < 1. If OL= 3, then
it is clear from (2.4.3) that G(Gi) = sl, @ sZz@ sl, , and we have D(2, 1; 8).
If (Y= 2, the only possibility is G(Gi) = sZ,,=@ sZ,,,; but then n, = &,
na = 2nr , which is ‘impossible.If /I = 2, then by (2.4.4) the only possibility
k~GdG) = @r 0 %-+a, which clearly cannot be realized. If a! = /3 = y = 1,
then we have by multiplying (2.4.3), (2.4.4), and (2.4.5), ~Y~Z~Z =
WI + 2)(m, - 21, which is impossible. The casesCY= @= 1, y = 0 and
(Y= y = 1, p = 0, are also impossible. There remains the case GAGi) =
spr @ so, . Then of = Y + 2 (seeTable III).
Thus, the only remaining possibility for the representation of G on Gi is
%l+2 0 sP?i 9 n > 2. This is, in fact, realized for D(n/2 + 1, n/2). By Proposi-
tion 2.1.4, there can only be one superalgebrawith this representation of G6
on Gf . This proves the proposition.
2.4.3. CZa.wi$.cationof the cZassicaZ
Lie superalgebras
wilh zero KiZZiq form
in CaseII.
are faithful and irreducible, and the Killing form is zero. Then G is isomorphic
(even as a Z-graded superalgebra) to one of A(n, n) or P(n).
dh,) = 0, (2.4.6)
det(ari(hj));,+,, = 0. (2.4.8)
lb be their indices. Since contragredient representationshave equal
indices, the-index of the representation of Gi‘) on G1 is 8 (by Lemma 2.4.2).
Zi n dim V, = 4. (2.4.9)
If Gs is simple, then we seefrom (2.4.9) that Z, = 4 . From Table III it is
clear that there are only the two possibilities for Gs(G,): As& and ~%ps.
Both cannot occur according to Lemma 2.4.6.
Suppose now that G,, is not simple. From Table III it is clear that
2(dim V& > 1 and that equality holds for sl, only. Therefore, we see from
(2.4.9) at once that the only possibility for Gs(G,) is sl,, @ sl, . By Proposi-
tion 2.1.4, G is then isomorphic to A(n - 1, n - l), and the lemma is proved.
48 V. G. KAC
then G(A, T) splits into the direct sum of the algebras with the Cartan matrices
A, and A,.
Let H = (h, ,..., h,), let 0~~,..., 01~ be the linear functions on H defined
by the relations ori = aji , j = l,..., r, and let M be the free Abelian group
with the generators 01~,..., 01~. We set G, = ([...[ei, , ezz] ,..., e<J), G-, =
<P-Lfj, ,fiJ,...,fiJ>, a = c %, .
As m [ll], it is easy to show that G(A, T) = H @ (0 G,).
Many assertions about contragredient Lie algebras in [8, 111 remain valid
for Lie superalgebras (with the same proofs). Here we state only those that
are needed in what follows.
(a) For G(D,, ill), G(F,, U)), and G(G, {I)) the Grmdule G is
isomorphic to sl, @ sl, @ slz , spin, @ ~1, , and GB @ sl, , respectively.
(b) The G(D, , (1)) wchmrst all simple Lie superakebras G = G @ Gi
for which the Gmodule Gi is isomorphic to sl, @ sl, @ s18. Two members
D(2, 1; a) and D(2, 1; p) of this family are isomorphic ;f and only if a! and p
lieinthcsanreorbitbftAegroupVoforder6g~atedbyor~-l -~,ol~l/or.
Proof. (a) and the condition for isomorphy of members of the family
D(2, 1; CX)are established exactly as for [8, Proposition 3.61.
Now let G = G$ @ Gf be a simple Lie superalgebra for which the +
50 V. G. KAC
0 ~2(hl) ~3@1)
A=-1 2 0) 7 = (1).
[ -1 0 2
Gl - ‘8 ?% - 6 ,-**,%?a+1
- 81, s, - 8a ,a-*,48 - &l+ll.
B(m, n). The roots are expressed in terms of linear functions l 1 ,..., +,, ,
81 = %lnfl ,*-*,&I = Qam+o
if m > 0, and
v4 - 6, ,***, Ll - %I >u
ifm =O.
C(n). The roots are expressed in terms of linear functions E1 , 6, = l a ,...,
&a-l = %+1*
D(m, n). The roots are expressedin terms of linear functions or ,..., E, ,
6, = %n+17**.>
%a= %m+n.
D(2, 1; a). The roots are expressedin terms of linear functions or , c?P
and l a .
A,’ = {&2q}; 4 = k!51 i f2 i $1.
G(3). The roots are expressed in terms of linear functions 9 , e2, ~a,
corresponding to G2 , Er + r, + l 3 = 0, and 8, correspondingto A1.
@ + l l 9 62 , % - c21-
4 (2) 4 0 3
w, 1) (0) (11 0 3
WA 1) (2) (11 0 5
A, t-f -3 o-o 8
B2 ( 2-7-2 2
0-o 10
GZ 030 14
(2 3
W,O) O-O 8
c-: 3
AU, 0) O--o 8
( ; 2
BU, 1) O-0 12
c-i 3
B(1, 1) 0+-e 12
co-2 2‘1
W, 2) (4 3
0-e 14
The diagrams
0+0-o and o--o
PROPOSITION 2.5.6. Let G be one of A(m, n), B(m, n), C(n), D(m, n), D(2,l; a),
F(4), or G(3) und let G cx G(A, T)/C, where C is the center.Then C # 0 om’y
forA(n,n)andinth&caseclimC=l. Thedkgmnrofthepairs(A,~)cmbe
demibed as folkbws (eachpoint can be u white w a gray &CL%):
A . _ . _ . _ ... _ . _ .
B . _ . _ ... _ . _ . 5 0, .-.-...-.-.*a
CD ._._..._._. + 0,
.-.-...-.-oeo, .-a -...-. +@+O,
. _ . _ ... _ . _ . -69
D(2, 1; 4 o+o+o, A =D,, /3 = a, -(l + a), -a(1 + a)-’
o- 09 A =D,
F(4) o-o-=0-00, o-o+-c3+@,
o*o+o+o, 0~0-0,
where for the last two diagrars, subdiagram without the Ji*st circle correspond
to matrices D-s and D> , respectively.
G(3) O-Of 0.
56 V. G. KAC
Below (Table VI) we list the “simplest” diagrams, the coefficients of the
decomposition of the highest root into simple roots, the index s of the only
nonwhite circle, and the number r of the circles.
G Diagram s I
Ah 4
B(m, n), m > 0
W, 4
C(n), n > 2
D(m, n)
2.5.7. Z-grudings. It is not hard to show, just as in [12], that the relations
degei = -degf, = ki, degh, = 0, k,EZ, i = I,..., I, determine all possible
Z-gradings of finite-dimensional contragredient Lie superalgebras. In particular,
if (A, T) is a pair from Table VI, then for ki = 0, i # s, k, = 1 we obtain
the Z-gradings of A(nr, n), B(nr, n), C(a), and D(nr, n), as described in Section 2.1,
and for D(2, 1; a), F(4), and G(3) we obtain consistent Zgradings of the form
G-, @ Gml @ G, @ G1 @ Ga , where dim G&a = 1 and the G,,-modules G+1
are isomorphic, respectively, to so, @ k, spin, @ k, and Gs @ k. In the same
way, the Z-gradings are defined for Q(n) (as Q(n)a = A,, and we can naturally
identify spaces Q(n)i and Q(n)5 : gat) e, , hi t) hi).
deg Pr = k + 1, i = l,..., ?t .
58 V. G. KAC
a a a a
--=---s (3.1.1)
ah a& 6 6
Formula (3.1.l) is one of the standard facts of analysison a Grassmannalgebra,
as developed in [2].
We now list someproperties of W(n).
Proof. Properties (a)-(c) are easily verified directly. (d) follows from
Proposition 1.2.8 and (e) follows from (c) and Proposition 3.1.2 below.
i = l,..., n.
= F & (fib) @i ,
as required.
(c) We now define a height h on Q(n) by putting h(dtJ = 1, h([J = 0,
i = l,..., n. We conduct the proof of (c) by induction on h.
as required.
(e) is proved rather like (d) (b esi d es, as is easy to see, it follows from (d)).
The proposition is now proved.
Note that (d) gives us an action of W(n) on Q(a), commuting with d in the
sense of the bracket. There is also an analog to Poincare’s lemma.
Note that e(n) is commutative (in the sense of the bracket); in particular,
ut, = -uvx, .
62 V. G. KAC
Among these subalgebraswe single out two: S(n) = S(L)& A ... A &) and
S(n) = S((1 + & ... 5,) et1 A ... A 08,) for n = 2K.
The condition for an operator C Pi(a/@,) to belong to S(w) can be written
On S(W) a filtration is induced from W(n), and on S(n) clearly even a Z-grading.
(a) Gr S(w) N S(n) = @iI?1 S(t& .
(b) port of S(w)a is isolnorpliic to sl, .
The semiw’mple
(c) The S(n),-mod& S(n), is iwmorphic to sl,, .
(d) The S(n),,-mod&s S(n)k are irreducible and isomorphicto the h&hest
componentof the??mddsl, @An-k-lsl~ .
(e) S(n), = S(n): , K > 1.
(f) The Z-graded Lie suMalgebra S(n) is transitive. The S(w) are simple
for n 2 3.
(g) Ewy automorphismof S(w), n > 3, is induced by an automorph
of A(n) under which the d#erention four w is multiplied by an elementof k.
(h) If G = %>-I ‘5 is a transitive Z-graded Lit superalgebrafor which
the Go-moduleGml is &morph to sl, , then G -N S(n).
Proof. Properties (a)-(e) are easily derived from the description of the
elements of S(w). The fact that S(w) is simple now follows from Proposition
1.2.8; therefore, (f) is true by (a).
To prove (g), we note (aswas done in [15]) that if wr and ws are not propor-
tional, then S(UJJ # S(ws) and that the filtration in S(w) for n > 3 is invariant
under automorphisms. (For n > 3 this is proved as in Section 3.1.3, and for
n = 3 it is obvious.)
Finally, (h) is obtained by embedding G in W(n); clearly, then Gf = S(n)i
for i = -1, 0, and we can then use Proposition 3.3.2 below.
WesetDs =C &@/a&), T,(n) ={fD,,f eA(n),}C W(a), ,R = O,..., n - 1.
The next proposition is easyto obtain, for example, by dimensionarguments.
64 V. G. KAC
Gr-, L rv T,-,(n).
3.3.2. Hamiltonian forms and the Lie superalgebras H(n) and R(n). A
Hamiltonianform is a closed differential form in Q(n) of the kind
We set H(w) = [I%(W), R(w)], R(n) = fi((d[,)” + .** + (d[,J2), and H(n) =
lRn>, W41.
It is not difficult to see that the condition for C P,(a/a&) to belong to B(W)
can be written as follows:
fe 49, f(O)= 0,
and that [D, , D,] = Db,#) , where
A filtration is induced on R(w) from W(n), and on R(n) and H(n) even Z-
f. Md2.
Then a, = a2 = 0.
and, using Lemma 4.1.3, we look for restrictions on the weight n and the root a.
From (4.1.1), (4.1.2), and the lemma we deduce at once the next result.
We have yet to show that 2(11, /I)/@, Is) = 1. We know that ((i, p) -
(a, /I) - (j?, p) = 0 and (ri, 8) + (a, /I) = 0. Adding, we see that 2(11,8) =
(p, ,9), as required.
(c) Suppose that (rl, r) # 0. Then it is easy to see that [[[[EM, e,], es],
4, PM y41 Z 0 and W n , e-J, e-,I, FJ # 0, which proves the lemma.
LEMMA 4.1.6. (a) Only one numerical murk of A is different from 0, and
that is equal to 1; in partkdar, G,, is simple.
(b) a is the h&hest root of one of the parts of the Dynkin diagram of G,
into which it is divided by the numerical mark of A.
Roof. (a) Since (/i, a) = 0, clearly there is a simple root p for which a + p
is a root, but a - B is not. If there is a simple root y # /3 for which (/1, r) # 0,
then a - y is not a root and by applying Lemma 4.1.5(c) we arrive at a con-
(b) Suppose the contrary. Then there is a simple root /3 for which 01+ p
is a root and (A, 8) = 0. Multiplying both sides of (4.1 .l) by e+ we have
[[FA , e-J, EM] = eparp8, from which it follows that [FA , e-J # 0; therefore
(/l, /3) # 0, which is a contradiction.
We denote by s the number of the circle in the Dynkin diagram of G,, against
which the only nonzero numerical mark of fl is placed.
LEMMA 4.1.7. Either the sth circle of the Dynkin diagram of GO is at an end,
or it is joined to an end circle with the number t, and then OL= ut is a simple root.
Proof. Suppose that the sth circle is joined both to the (s - I)th and
(s + 1)th. Applying Lemma 4.1.5(c) to fi = 01~ and y = o~,-r + 01~+ OL,+~
(where oli is a simple root corresponding to the ith circle), we see that 01is a
simple root. Lemma 4.1.7 now follows from Lemma 4.1.6(b).
Conclusion of the proof of Proposition 4.1 .I. Unfortunately, I have not
succeeded in avoiding case distinctions.
Let /3 = 0~~be the unique simple root for which (A, cy,J # 0.
By Lemma 4.1.5(b):
(1) The representations of [G-, , Gy’] on G-, and Gp’ are contragredient.
According to Proposition 1.2.10(a), G(S) = G-, @ [G-, , Gp’] @ Gp’ is
classical. Propositions 2.3.9 and 2.4.4 now show that G(@ is isomorphic as
Z-graded algebra to one of A(m, n) or C(n).
(2) The representations of [G-, , Gp’] on G-, and Gp’ are not con-
tragredient. According to Proposition 1.2.10(b), [G-, , Gp’] = G,,’ is then
simple. If the representation of [G-, , Gp’] on Gp) is not faithful, that is,
dim Gp) = 1, then, as is easy to see, GcS) = G-, @ [G-, , Gp’] @ Gp’ is
isomorphic as Z-graded algebra to (G,,‘)E. If the representation of G,’ on Gy’
is faithful, then according to Proposition 4.1.1 (G(@ is bitransitive, by Proposi-
tion 1.2.13), G(S) is isomorphic as Z-graded Lie superalgebra to one of S(n),
H(n), or P(n).
Thus, when G1 = G:S’ is an irreducible Go-module, then Lemma 4.1.8
below and Propositions 3.3.1 and 3.3.6 show that G is one of A(m, n), C(n),
S(4, I-W), R(n), P(n), H', or of type IV. (In Lemma 4.1.8 the case A(1, 1)
is excluded; however, A(l, 1) N H(4).)
We claim that in (4.1.7) all the G,-modules are pairwise inequivalent. Let
FA be the highest weight vector of the Go-module G-, , and EM, the lowest
weight vector of Gp). Suppose that in (4.1.7) there are two isomorphic G,-
modules, say Gil’ and Gf’. If they are contragredient to G-, , then by Proposi-
tion 2.1.6, G(1) and Gt2) are isomorphic. Therefore, the vectors [FA , EMI]
and [FA , E,J are proportional; consequently, [FA , EMI - cEMJ = 0 for some
c E k. But then, clearly, [G-, , EM, - cEMt] = 0, which contradicts the fact
that G is transitive. If Gy’ and Gr’ are not contragredient to G-, , then [FA , EMJ
are root vectors of G,,’ corresponding to one and the same root and are, therefore,
proportional. Again, this contradicts the transitivity of G.
When we now compare the possibilities for G@) obtained above, we see that
the G,,-module G1 can be reducible only if the Go-module Gel is isomorphic
to gl, or the G,,‘-module G-, to A%l, E so6 . In the first case, Propositions
3.3.2 and 3.1.1(e) show that G is isomorphic to W(n). In the second case it
follows from Proposition 3.3.6(j) that G is isomorphic to one of H(6), R(6),
H(6)“, or R(6)“.
The proof of Theorem 4 is now complete.
(4 H?
(b) A@, 4 for Cm, 4 f (1, 1) 0~ C(n);
(4 P(n).
Then G = G’.
By Proposition 2.5.5(e) there is a root vector e--h+8E G-1 for which [e-A+\+s, e,+.J =
hAPB. Multiplying both sides of (4.1.8) by eml+s , we have
4.2.1. The main theorem. The following theorem is the central result of
the paper.
P, rsl = r,(s) .
We denote by T(A) the associative subalgebra of l(A) (all the endomorphisms
of A) generated by all the 1, and Y,?, s E A.
n > 1, S(n), or P(n), then der G = inder G @ (z) is a semidirect sum, where
z is an even derivation of G such that [z, g] = kg for g E Gk .
(c) If G N Q(n) = Q(n)6 @ Q(n)i , then der G = inder G @ (D) is a
semidirect sum, where D is the (within proportionality unique) endomorph&m of
Q(n) for which D(Q(n),) = 0, D(Q(n)i) = Q(n),=, , and D: Q(n)i -+ Q(n)a is an
isomorphism of Q(n)-,-modules.
(d) If G N H(n), n > 5, then der G = inder G @ T, where
[I%*, &*I C [Bo*-, Boil, Po v(G&d = (%>a 2 and G,, generates Nk.
G k b
JW, n) 1Pa, 0
B(m, n), m > 0 a, - ant1 - ... - am+n-l - lPa,+, m
D(m, 4 a, - a,,, - ... - am+n-2 - ~/wn+,-l + %+n) m
D(Z 1; 4 (1 + oI)-1(2a, - u2 - olus) 2
F(4) 1/3(2a, - 3a, - 4a, - 2a,) 4
G(3) 1/2(a, - 2a, - 3a,) 3
(3) for k < b (in the table) there are the supplementary conditions:
B(m, n): a ntktl -- ... =a w-n = 0.
D(m, n): a niki1 -- ... = a mtn = 0, k < m - 2 arntn-l = am+,, ,
D(2, 1; a): alla~=Ozfk=O;(a,+l)or=~(a~+1)zfk=l.
F(4): alla,=Oifk=O;k#1;a,=a,=Oifk=2;
G(3): allai=Oifk=O;kfl;a,==Oifk-2.
(it is well known that these relations generate the annihilator of vA).
(b) If G 1 Q(n), then 17, = (01~ ,..., oln}, where etii = ei ; hence ai EZ, _
It is easy to see that the supplementary conditions only arise when ai = 0:
This condition gives the equality 8*fpA = 0, which is equivalent to the second
equality in (b).
(c) If G = A( m, n) or C(n), then Q, = {ar, , i # s}, and condition
(5.2.1) is equivalent to condition (1). For the remaining contragredient Lie
superalgebraa, n, = {ari , i # s, /?}, where p is the maximal root among the
roots of the form xi>* &a, . By the same token, condition (52.1) shows that
conditions (1) and (2) are necessary. It is also clear that (1) is sufficient for
(5.2.1) when a = ai. However, condition (2) turns out not to be sufficient
for (5.2.1) when a = 8. When a = /I, using direct computations from (5.2.1),
we can show that condition (3) is necessary. It is also not hard to verify that
(1) and (2) are sufficient for (5.2.1), when G = B(0, a).
It remains to show that conditions (2) and (3) are sufficient for (5.2.1) when
a = #?. To do this, it suffices to find a set of highest weights A of finite-
dimensional modules I’, with the property 2(A, /Q/(/3, B) Q K which generates
the plane defined by the equations in (3). It is clear that for B(m, n) and D(m, a)
without loss of generality we may assume that II = 1; then for B(m, 1) and
D(m, 1) the desired set is the exterior powers of the standard representation.
For D(2, 1; a), F(4), and G(3), we must take the exterior powers of the adjoint
representation; then we need only verify that (3) is sufficient for (5.2.1) when
a =/I, c = 2.
The theorem is proved.
Let G be a simple finite-dimensional contragradient Lie superalgebra, and
let ( , ) be an invariant nondegenerate bilinear form on G. We let p denote
the difference between the half-sums of the positive even roots and the positive
odd roots. It is not hard to show that p(k,J = (a(, aq)/2. We define the Casimir
operator in the center of the enveloping superalgebra by the formula: r =
C (- l)de*uii(iu~, where {ai> and {u’> are dual bases of G relative to the form ( , ).
Let V be a finite-dimensional irreducible G-module with highest weight A.
The action of r on V can be written in the form: r(wJ = (A, h + 2p)o?, +
c ax e-da . In particular, I’@,) 4 (A, A + 2p)vA, and, by Schur’s lemma,
r is a scalar operator; hence, r(w) = (A, A + 2.p)v, v E I’. We define the
supertruce form in the usual way: (a,.6), = str(ab). Since invariant forms on G
are proportional, we have (a, b)” = Zy(u, b), where IV E k is the index of the
representation V. We have: str(r) = C (-l)des”c str(u#) = &(dim Gs -
dim q). On the other hand, SW(~) = (dim Ve - dii Vi)(A, A + 2~).
Thus, Z,(dim G-6 - dim (;) = (dim V, - dii V&l, A + 2p), from which we
88 V. G. KAC
(h) The Lie superalgebras P(n; R), Q(n; R), W(n; R), S(n; R), and
S(n; R). These are P(n), Q(n) ,..., defined for k = R.
The differentials d and 0 are extended from Q(n) and O(n) to Q(m, n) and
O(m, n) in the natural manner, namely, d = d @ 1 + 1 @ d, 8 = d @ 1 +
1 @ 0. It is not hard to establish their properties, which are similar to those
in Chapter 3.
We set A(m, n) = k[x, ,..., x,,] @ A(n). The relations deg & = deg xj ‘= 1
determine on A(m, n) a Z-grading (which is not consistent with the Za-grading).
Every derivation D of degree s of A(m, n) extends uniquely to a derivation of
O(m, n) and Q(m, n), subject to the conditions [D, 0]f = [D, d]f = O,~E A(m, n).
The other five series consist of Lie algebras inside W(m, n), which are
characterized by the following action on the differential forms
The relations deg x, = deg t, = 1, deg B/ax, = deg a/at, = - 1 also deter-
mine on W(m, n) a Z-grading W(m, n) = &-r W(w, n), , which corresponds
in the canonical way to a filtration; the appropriate died subalgebra
is ad>0 W(w #If. The filtration and the distinguished subalgebra induce on
every subalgebra L a filtration and a distinguiied subalgebra L, = L n
Of&o W(m, 4 *
The Lie superalgebra S(nr, n) consists of the operators of the form (5.4.1)
satisfying the condition
Hence we see that S(m, n) is the linear span of the elements of the form
aa a aa a
i f -----9
ax, ax, ax* ax,
Here [Da , G,] = D{a,a) , where
{a, b} = (-l)des=
Finally, the Lie superalgebra K(m, ti) consists of elements of the form
92 V. G. KAC
Z(m, rz) for W(m, n) and CS(m, n), sZ(m, n) for S(m, n), osp(n, m) for H(m, n),
cosp(n, m) for CH(n, m) and cosp(n, m - 1) for K(m, n).
The superalgebras of all six series are transitive and irreducible, and those of
series I, II, III, and IV are even simple.
5.43. On the classification of primitive Lie superalgebras. Let L be an
infinite-dimensional primitive Lie superalgebra and L, be the distinguished
subalgebra. Let L-i be some minimal (Zs-graded) subspace of L that contains
L, and is different from L, and ad Lo-invariant. We construct a filtration in L
of the form
5.5. SomeUnsolvedProblems
5.5.1. Chjlcatti Lie mperalgebas. Apropos
of injFnite-dimmciorurlprindr;p/c
this topic, see Conjecture 1 and Theorem 10.
5.5.2. Form&s for the charactersand dimenkmsof iweducihlerepresentations.
The moat urgent task is to prove a formula for the characters in the caseof
contragredient Lie superalgebras.For contragredient Lii algebras(including
94 V. G. KAC
these of infinite dimension) this is done in [14]. However, the proof in [14]
only works for B(0, n).
5.5.3. Cohomology. For the definition of the cohomology group Hk(G, V)
of a Lie superalgebra V with coefficients in a G-module V, see [17]. As usual,
it is shown that if V is a finite-dimensional irreducible G-module and r is the
Casimir operator (the existence of an invariant bilinear form is assumed),
then Hk(G, V) = 0 for T(V) # 0. In the case of contragredient Lie super-
algebras, the latter condition is equivalent to (A, rl + 2~) # 0, where (1 is
the highest weight (see Section 5.2.3), and it is not violated in any nontrivial
representation only for B(0, n).
Now some questions arise at once: the cohomology of the simple finite-
dimensional Lie superalgebras with trivial coefficients, and the cohomology
of the infinite-dimensional complete primitive Lie superalgebras.
Closely connected with the problem of the triviality of H1(G, V) is the full
reducibility of representations and the theorems of Levi and Mal’tsev. A counter-
example to Levi’s theorem is sZ(n, n), and one to full reducibility is the adjoint
representation of A(n, n). As we have already mentioned, full reducibility
always holds for B(0, n). It is not hard to show that if G is a classical Lie super-
algebra, then Hl(G, V) = 0 for all irreducible representations, with the excep-
tion of a finite set S. It would be interesting to find this S and also to classify
all indecomposable representations of the classical Lie superalgebras.
5.5.4. Infinite-dimensional representations. Undoubtedly, Kirillov’s orbits
method extends to Lie superalgebras. (In particular, Theorem 7’ on infinite-
dimensional representations of solvable Lie algebras points to this.) We mention
that Kirillov’s differential form W(X, y) = I([%, y]) on an orbit of the co-adjoint
representation of a Lie superalgebra is a form in dx and df (see Section 5.4).
On infinite-dimensional representations of the simple Lie superalgebras almost
nothing is known. First in line is, of course, the dispin algebra B(0, 1).
5.5.5. GeneralizedLie superalgebras. We consider the ring M = 2, 0 .. @Z,
(s times). An M-graded algebra is called a generalized superalgebra. If 01=
(011,***, a,) EM, we set (--l)o: = (-I>“1 ... (- 1)~. Now all the definitions and
assertions of Section 1.1 carry over to generalized superalgebras, in particular,
the definitions of a Lie superalgebra, of the supertrace, and the Killing form.
Just as in Section 2.1, we can define series of generalized Lie superalgebras
d(n, ,..., nd, osp(n, ,..., 7ts”), Q(n), and as in Chapter 3, the series W, S, s, H.
The same problems arise here as for Lie superalgebras, first and foremost,
the problem of classifying the simple generalized Lie superalgebras.
Additional remarks. To Section 5.2. In my recent article, “Characters
of Typical Representations of Classical Lie Superalgebras” (Commun. Algebra 5,
NO. 8,889-897(1977)), the formulas for the character and supercharacter of finite-
dimensional irreducible representations in “general position” (so-called typical
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