Steam Turbines Web 2020 03 Eng
Steam Turbines Web 2020 03 Eng
Steam Turbines Web 2020 03 Eng
— Fully DESIGNED and BUILT in Italy in Riva Trigoso, Fincantieri Riva Trigoso (GE)
Steam Turbines combine long experience, state-of-the-art technology and
the continuous feed-back and support of our worldwide customers for a
non-stop improvement.
It means:
project production after
and engineering quality purchasing sales
management & testing sales
main plus
_ STG set
erection activities
on site in USA
Mechanical Drive
Steam Turbine + Reduction Gear Revamping
— Fincantieri can also supply the power island complete
of the necessary mechanical and electrical components and
New Installation
STG set Revamping _ 3D design
of a power island
in Sweden
_ 200 kW
Biomass Plant
• Microgeneration
• Single Stage
• Multistage
• Overhung
• in a wide power range:
M from 10 MW to 25 MW
L from 25 MW to 50 MW
— Fincantieri is continuously investing large resources in Fincantieri turbines successfully combine the impulse • Compact turbine: multistage/multivalve/high efficiency Possible applications:
Research and Development. technology with the hybrid-reaction flow path concept. This • Condensing or Backpressure, with or without
combination provides very high performances, sustained bleeding/2nd admission • CHP (Waste/Biomass/HRSG)
Innovative blading, designed in –house by specialized efficiency over the time, and high reliability. • Rotor from forging with integral disks • Heat recovery plants (on/offshore)
engineers, allow to achieve efficiencies at the top level. The • API 611-612 versions available. for electricity production
design is carried out using state-of-the-art tools, validated Strong effort is addressed to upgrade the existing models and • Industrial projects
through extensive experimental testing carried out by to extend the production line in the field of XS and L power • Solar Plants
prestigious Italian and European facilities. range too. • Mechanical Drive.
state of the art design tools experimental validation of design main features:
main characteristics:
fan-compressor drive
The design guide lines, based on API 612, ensure the highest
New discharge bladings internally designed and tested inside
vacuum overspeed cell.
fincantieri provides its customers customised maintenance plans: — Fincantieri Steam Turbines Design and Manufacturing
with the following services: processes are carried out in compliance with ISO 9001 standard
— Our maintenance plans are diversified and tailor made requirements (RINA certificate n. 69/93).
• Predictive maintenance according to our customer requirements and each plants
• Preventive maintenance necessity. the quality system application
• Corrective activities allows:
• Diagnostic analysis This approach guarantees the maximum availability and
• Endoscopic inspection. • understanding customer needs and expectations
reliability of turbine/groups, matching our customers
• compliance with regulatory requirements
• Remote monitoring • design process control (inputs, outputs, verification and
• STG revamping to optimize the efficiency validation)
Customer satisfaction is achieved predictive inspections and
• Power plant redesign for thermal cycle improvement • suppliers’ selection
scheduled maintenance activities improvements on turbines
• Components or Turbine replacements • job planning and control
and auxiliares, allowing to minimize machine shutdown times
• Control and monitoring system upgrade. • manufacturing quality control
and unexpected failures, plus maximizing the effect of cost/
• customer satisfaction assessment.
taking care of our • the procured goods control (incoming and at site
customers worldwide inspections and tests)
• material mechanical characteristics checks
• heat stability tests
— We take care of our customers worldwide, answering in
24 h to any necessity, with our experience and know-how.
• cmm measurements
We operate on every kind of steam turbines for consulting,
• rotor balancing
mainenance, revamping or modification.
• runout and vibration analysis
Our people and consolidated partners can mobilize quickly to
• before shipment every ST is tested under steam in our
solve customer emergencies or technical necessities.
factory in Riva Trigoso. During the test our customer
can see its Steam Turbine running and check himself its
proper working.
Steam Turbines
Via Erasmo Piaggio, 161 - 16037 Riva Trigoso - Genova (Italy)
ph. +39 01854831 - fax +39 0185483393
This brochure has to be intended as a general description. The content should be adapted for specific applications.