Creed of Auril - Sample
Creed of Auril - Sample
Creed of Auril - Sample
The Goddess of Winter, Auril, is the manifestation of the bleak, cold, dangerous fury of winter on the
material plane. Similar to other deities who embody natural phenomena, her anthropomorphic
description gives her the characteristics of the conditions she represents. Haughty, overbearing,
mercurial, uncaring, and fickle, Auril is not a benevolent goddess waiting to shower the world with
warmth and compassion. Like the winter she ushers in and controls, the Frostmaiden is cold,
dangerous, and unpredictable. She is an evil goddess who allows, and even finds joy in, her most
devout followers sacrificing, tormenting, and persecuting her enemies. Despite this, if you want to
ensure a bearable winter in your settlement, Auril is the Deity you seek to mollify.
It’s a Church not a Cult! Church of Auril at a Glance
Goddess: Auril is a lesser deity representing
An important aspect of the worship of Auril in the the manifestation of bleak, cold winter.
Forgotten Realms is that Auril is a true deity – a lesser Motto: Beauty kept in all its grace.
one, but a true one none‐the‐less. What that means is Prayers: Priestesses and acolytes travel from
that there are followers of Auril, supplicants and town to town spreading the word of Auril and
petitioners, who attend rituals and ceremonies at a eliciting vocal, obvious support from those
temple or shrine but would not be considered cultists by
the general population. In a pantheistic society it is not
abnormal for people to worship multiple deities at the
suffering the wrath of winter. These
representatives of the church often talk about
only two of the tenets of Auril’s faith –
Endurance and Preservation.
same time. Which god or goddess they turn to depends
Temples & Shrines: While support for the
upon the domains overseen by each deity and the Frostmaiden swells in arctic regions and those
situation being experienced by the populace. These are that experience extreme seasons, there are
people who will, yes, be visiting a temple or shrine to also temples or shrines in Iriaebor, Calimport,
Auril, but also praying and sacrificing to other gods in the Luskan, Port Nyanzaru, Phlan, and Waterdeep.
pantheon even as they try to appease the Frostmaiden. Holidays: Midwinter Night is the holiest night
Icewind Dale residents might worship Lathander to ask for Icedawn worshipers and those born on this
for a rebirth of spring, pray to Mystra to grant the day are said to be blessed by the Frostmaiden.
knowledge to increase comfort during the cold seasons, The first frost is often celebrated as Auril’s
exhort Chauntea to provide a good food crop, implore Blesstide.
Selune to cast more light upon the Dale, request Malar Public Rituals: The Coming Storm is a
ritualized observance of the first day of winter,
make the herds healthy to hunt, entreat Torm to grant
denoted by the priests calling forth an
the Ten‐Towners the courage to continue through yet icestorm as the first storm of the season. The
another blizzard, appeal to Helm for protection from the Last Storm is a similar commemoration
ever‐present elements, and beg Ilmater for the strength marking the last day of winter and calling forth
to endure another month of ice and snow. Not every the last icestorm.
citizen of the Forgotten Realms will be attending drawn‐
out, extensive ceremonies to pay respects to every deity,
nor does every household have a shrine devoted to each deity – that would take much too much time
and not allow for typical daily tasks to be completed – but the citizens of the Realms do try to appease
and satisfy the deities who oversee specific aspects of the world. As such, it is important to note that a
priestess walking around in ceremonial vestments emblazoned with Auril’s symbol will not
It’s a Cult!
Cult of Auril at a Glance
On the other hand… there are many people who
exclusively worship Icedawn to sometimes fanatical 4 Tenets of Faith: The four pillars of the
extremes. The Cult of Auril exists to exalt, placate, and Frostmaiden’s Creed are Cruelty, Endurance,
strengthen the Frostmaiden’s influence and power. In Isolation, and Preservation.
Icewind Dale the cult has been consistently gaining
members and increasing their activities in Ten‐Towns Motto: Only we can preserve the unspoiled
for several years. There has been a spike in beauty of the world.
membership since the beginning of the Frostmaiden’s
Secondary Motto: Loyalty to winter will
nightly flights across the sky two years ago. The Rime
preserve the world.
has isolated the area and created the perfect
conditions in which to recruit new members and grow
the cult into a regional power. Auril’s main goal is to
cover the entire world with ice and snow and thereby
preserve the beauty of all that she considers her
property. The cult supports this through various
Goals: Survival in isolation, domination of
others by forcing them to sacrifice their own
piece of mind, and the preservation of beauty.
Icebringer 5
is the only act that can redeem the world. The cult is
Fury/Anger/Wrath 3
aware of two major sects in the region, the Zhentarim
and the Knights of the Black Sword, both of which they Friends of Auril: Auril often recruits winter
actively work to infiltrate and discredit. Low level wolves, frost giants, and winter hags to
cultists often use bribery, violence, and blackmail support her cult’s activities.
behind the scenes to keep residents in line. Members
have also begun to take positions in the town militia Typical Cult Activities: infiltrate city
or city watch. Meanwhile, icebringers and coldwinds watch/militia, use bribery to gain support from
attempt to curry favor with the speakers of Ten‐Towns town leaders, gather information regarding
through manipulation and political pressure. This rival groups, run protection rackets, punish
naysayers, convince town to increase
focus at both ends has squeezed the middle into an
sacrificial rituals, undermine confidence in
uneasy public acceptance of the Creed of Auril.
Speakers of Ten‐Towns, stop flow of
information to Zhentarim, expose Knights of
the Black Sword, investigate presence of
Arcane Brotherhood in the Dale.
into wooden poles, walls, and the underside of tables in
areas they frequent. Some have been known to carve a
makeshift 6‐pointed snowflake into their own flesh,
creating a scar they display as a badge of honor to other
faction members. Higher ranked members of the cult
may bear a piece of black ice with Auril’s symbol carved
into it.
Tenets of Belief
The tenets of Auril’s faith has four parts: Cruelty, Endurance, Isolation, and Preservation.
Cruelty. In times of danger and stress, compassion only highlights weaknesses ripe for exploitation by
your enemies. Unnecessary vulnerability makes you a target for world. Cruelty is the armor you need
to withstand all the injustices and trials that await you. A common refrain for those meditating on
cruelty is, “Compassion makes you vulnerable. Let cruelty be the knife that keeps your enemies at bay.”
Endurance. Perseverance is a testament to itself. Stamina, forbearance, and staying power all illustrate
the fortitude necessary to remain in Auril’s service. During prolonged hardship, those who understand
Auril’s focus might chant, “Exist as long as you can, by whatever means you can. Only by enduring can
you outlast your enemies.”
Isolation. Count on no one else to complete your tasks. Only self‐reliance can lead to self‐actualization
and the fulfillment of your true potential. Seclusion with your own power can only increase your life
force. Most of the tasks assigned to cult members are meant to be completed alone in support of this
pillar of Auril’s faith. Those in the midst of isolation will stave off fear by repeating, “In solitude you can
understand and harness your full potential. Depending on others makes you weak.”
Preservation. Preservation is the bedrock of winter. Auril’s most devout followers know this tenet to
be the most important because it supports their goddess’ main goal – wrap all that is beautiful in a
blanket of preserving ice. Upon seeing a frozen item, witnessing a frostbitten limb, or sacrificing a
person via hypothermia, a pious cultist might utter, “Every flake of snow is unique, and that which is
unique must be preserved.” Townsfolk in the know will often recite this phrase under their breath as
the humanoid sacrifice is tied to a pole outside of town. This is also the phrase recited aloud to the
sacrificial victim and is often the last words heard by that person before death.
parting ways, cultists often utter an aspirational, “May her blessing chill you.”
The closest the cult comes to a motto are two statements used in initiations and celebrations: “Only
we can preserve the unspoiled beauty of the world,” and “Loyalty to winter will preserve the world.”
Cult Goals
Auril’s main goal is to cover the entire world with ice and snow and her cultists work to support those
ends. Individual cult members strive for survival in isolation, domination of others by forcing them to
sacrifice their own piece of mind, and the preservation of beauty. They believe the only way to redeem
Icewind Dale is to submit to the everlasting winter and praise Auril for preserving them.
Ranks for the Cultists of Auril
Those pledging themselves and rising through the ranks in the cult must meet specific prerequisites to
gain a title and certain benefits. The following table uses the optional organization and renown rules in
chapter 1 of the DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE on pages 21‐23. Ranks and associated renown are listed in
the following table:
Descriptions of each rank, including typical duties and behaviors along with a statblock for each of the
6 ranks of cult membership are listed starting pg page 8. Note that, because this is a religious
Cultists of Auril are organized into small clusters and dispersed throughout the Ten‐Towns region. The
members are distributed across the Ten‐Towns relative to population, with larger settlements having
relatively more cultists. One coldwind is permanently in charge of each of the Ten‐Towns, with 3 to 4
darkhands reporting to each coldwind. Darkhands themselves each manage 2 tempests, who
themselves oversee 2 or 3 spites. Icebringers generally maintain an area containing 2 to 3 settlements
and report to whichever of the nix mater is available at a given moment. By way of illustration, here is
a comparison of coldwind to spite organization in Easthaven versus Caer‐Konig:
Easthaven Caer‐Konig
Population 750 150
Auril’s Lair
Auril’s divine residence is known as Winter’s Hall and exists in the topmost layer of Pandemonium.
When she travels to the material plane, Toril is her favored land and she keeps a permanent lair in an
unverified location. The lair is rumored to be on the island of Solstice, located somewhere in the Sea of
Moving Ice. Only cultists of the icebringer rank and above know the exact location of the island. Cultists
seek the island to earn blessings and submit to the tests of Auril. Among cult members the island has
several names: Isle of Winter’s Glory, Flakehaven, Icehome, and Frostspite are among the most
Benefits of Cult Membership
Attaining ranks in the guild comes with increasing attention from the Frostmaiden herself. Lower
ranked members gain small benefits, which increase in power as the cultist moves up in rank. Several
benefits can be granted by the leaders of the cult or Auril herself, as listed below and in the statblocks
for each rank.
Cold Faith: Auril’s followers gain resistance to cold damage and they have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed or frightened.
Boon of Frost: Auril grants the gift of hardiness and NPCs in the Cult
strength to those who follow her. Cultists who pledge their Auril is cold and indifferent to the suffering of
lives and livelihoods to the Frostmaiden may gain a boon of others, believing they brought it upon
up to a +4 bonus to Constitution, Strength, or both.
Word of the Frostmaiden (Recharge after a long rest): The recipient of the word gains the following
ability: As a reaction, when the cultist takes damage, they can cast frost guardians or heat thief at the
end of the attacking creature’s turn.