SSRN Id910806
SSRN Id910806
SSRN Id910806
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Gilles Hilary on 21 May 2014.
Department of Accounting
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong
We are grateful for the research assistance of Fenny Cheng and for helpful comments
received from two anonymous reviewers, Mary Barth, Jean de Bettignies, Donal Byard,
Songnian Chen, Dan Dhaliwal (the editor), Clive Lennox, Steve Orpurt, Douglas Skinner,
Guochang Zhang and workshop participants at Baruch College, Cass Business School,
University. Biddle and Hilary thank the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong for
Abstract: This study examines how accounting quality relates to firm-level capital
investment efficiency. Our first hypothesis is that higher quality accounting enhances
suppliers of capital. Our second hypothesis is that this effect should be stronger in
compared with countries where creditors supply more capital. Our results are consistent
with these hypotheses both across and within countries. They are robust to alternative
Accounting Quality and Firm-level Capital Investment
1. Introduction
quality and financial market characteristics, yet little prior research exists that analyzes
For example, Bhattacharya et al. [2003] find that accounting opacity is associated with a
higher cost of publicly traded equity capital across 34 countries. However, institutional
features may be related to firm-level capital investment differently than to equity market
operations. For instance, private financing from banks in Germany (e.g., Gorton and
Schmid [2000]), keiretsu in Japan (e.g., Hoshi et al. [1991]), and families in East Asia
(e.g., Claessens et al. [2000]) may obviate or alter the effects of institutional features
from their operational roles in public equity markets. Hence, how accounting quality
fundamental importance.
In the neoclassical setting, managers (i.e., firms) endowed with capital invest until
the marginal return is zero, allowing for adjustment costs (e.g., Tobin [1969], Hayashi
[1982]). In this baseline setting, we should not observe an association between internally
generated cash flows and investment. But several frictions contradict this efficient result.
and investors. Since at least Myers [1984], it has been shown that if managers can exploit
to cash. A second friction arises from agency problems, when managers pursue perquisite
consumption and “empire building” rather than returning excess cash to investors (e.g.,
Jensen [1986], Blanchard et al. [1994]).1 This behavior also may increase the sensitivity
of investments to cash flows but, in this case, the sensitivity is due to an excess of cash.
Certain institutional features may serve to mitigate these deviations from the
optimal investment policy. For example, Rajan and Zingales [2000] observe that “to
function properly, a financial system requires clear laws and rapid enforcement, an
infrastructure that protects consumers and controls risk.” Transparent accounting should
reduce both adverse selection (i.e., the tendency to issue securities at an inflated price)
and moral hazard (i.e., perquisite consumption using assets in place) by improving
contracting and monitoring. 2 Thus, higher quality accounting may serve to enhance
accounting quality both at the country level and at the firm level within countries. To do
so, we first estimate investment-cash flow sensitivities for firms from 34 countries. We
then consider how the average investment-cash flow sensitivity across countries varies
with accounting quality. We measure accounting quality using three proxies for earnings
Note that the existence of the agency problem ex post may lead to rationing of capital ex ante.
See Healy and Palepu [2001] for a review.
timeliness from Bushman et al. [2004]. We also are careful to control for the confounding
effects of other institutional features, such as disclosure quality (CIFAR index), legal
origin, creditor and shareholder rights, judicial efficiency, and economic conditions (e.g.,
associated with lower investment-cash flow sensitivity. We also find that other
institutional features, particularly creditor rights and disclosure quality, play a similar but
incremental role. These results persist after allowing for the possibility that operating
cash flows convey additional information about short-term profitability (e.g., Alti
how sources of financing (debt versus equity) affect this relation. A priori, we expect
provided through arm’s-length transactions, for example, where stock exchanges are the
dominant sources of capital, since here, investment decisions rely more heavily on public
accounting disclosures. On the other hand, in economies where creditors play a more
dominant role, banks may be able to obtain information through private channels
(mitigating adverse selection problems), and they may be in a better position to directly
monitor managers once capital is supplied (mitigating moral hazard). Thus, in credit-
accounting quality is improved in credit-dominated economies than in public equity-
dominated economies.
We test this hypothesis in two ways. Initially, we regress cash flow sensitivity on
based on the prevalence of public equity versus debt financing. We find that higher
that depend more on public equity financing compared with those more reliant on debt
the firm level in two selected countries. We do this for several reasons. First, it allows us
to determine whether accounting quality operates similarly across and within countries.
that could affect our cross-country results, such as correlations between accounting
quality, legal origins, creditor rights and administrative efficiency. Finally, as explained
In our within-country tests, we examine two polar cases – the US and Japan – for
several reasons. First, they are the two largest economies in the world with abundant
external financing available to firms. Second, they provide large and diversified firm
samples with long time-series data that enable us to estimate firm-specific parameters
with a reasonable level of confidence. Comparable datasets are generally not available for
other countries. However, the US and Japan differ along one important dimension. Public
equity capital plays a much more dominant role as a source of firm financing in the US
than in Japan. Thus, we expect accounting quality to play a more important role in the
largely arm’s-length transactions in the US. On the other hand, Japanese suppliers of
capital, such as keiretsu and banks, have non-public sources of information and thus the
quality of public accounting disclosures may be less relevant to their decisions to supply
capital. Our results are consistent with these predictions. Accounting quality matters both
with lower investment-cash flow sensitivity, but we do not observe such a relation in
Our findings contribute in at least two ways to the existing literature. First, they
provide empirical evidence that accounting and other institutional features relate to the
accounting quality is shown to reduce frictions in the investment process. We find that
this effect exists both across countries and within countries, even in the most liquid
capital market, the US. Second, our findings confirm that this effect is stronger in
economies where public equity capital plays a greater role in capital investment financing
compared with countries dominated by debt financing. This effect is observed in both our
our hypotheses. Section 4 describes our tests for relations between accounting quality and
the paper.
2. Related Research
Economists have long studied how financial frictions affect investment decisions
and economic growth. This literature is too extensive to review comprehensively here,
though we discuss selected results in Section 4.1 below. 3 More recently, scholars in
accounting, finance and law have focused their attention on the effects of institutional
features (such as legal structure or judicial enforcement) on market frictions and their
consequences for capital investment. For example, Bhattacharya et al. [2003] have shown
that the cost of publicly traded equity across 34 countries is related to three different
that dependence on external financing creates incentives for firms to undertake higher
levels of voluntary accounting disclosure. However, the implication of these findings for
firm-level investment is not straightforward. If equity financing were the only source of
capital, frictions in equity financing would probably lead to frictions in capital investing.
However, firms can access multiple sources of financing. Thus, if one channel is
inefficient (e.g., public equity financing), other sources such as debt, private financing,
state subsidies, and intra-group capital transfers, for example, can substitute. In
equilibrium, there may not be any differences in investment efficiency at the firm level,
but simply cross-sectional differences in financing patterns. Consistent with this view,
reliance on bank versus stock market financing affects firms’ access to external
Other studies have considered relations between institutional features and capital
investment at the industry level. For example, Wurgler [2000] measures cross-country
value added. He finds this measure to be positively related to the amount of firm-specific
See also Hubbard [1998] for a review and representative studies by Bagehot [1873], King and Levine
[1993], Rousseau and Wachtel [1998] and Beck, Levine and Loayza [2000].
information available in domestic stock markets when measured by synchronicity,
ownership. Rajan and Zingales [1998] show that industry growth is positively related to a
Our paper advances the existing literature in several ways. First, instead of
considering the effect of institutional features on industry growth (e.g., Rajan and
Zingales [1998], Wurgler [2000]) or on financial market development (e.g., LaPorta et al.
examined in many prior studies (e.g., LaPorta et al. [1997], Demirguc-Kunt and
between countries and between firms within a country. Third, our tests do not limit
capital market frictions to their effects on capital rationing exclusively (e.g., Fazzari et al.
[1988]). Rather, we allow accounting quality to reduce either the lack or excess of cash.
Finally, given the possibility that different sources of capital may substitute for each
other, we do not limit our attention to any specific financing channel (e.g., Bhattacharya
3. Hypothesis Development
Tobin [1969] theorizes that capital investment is a function of the ratio between
the stock-market valuation of existing real capital assets and their current replacement
cost. Yoshikawa [1980], Hayashi [1982] and Abel [1983] reconcile this theory with the
capital investment policy. For example, Hayashi [1982] summarizes the model by stating,
“once q is known […], the firm can decide the optimal rate of investment though the
baseline model by regressing the investment rate on q. Fazzari et al. [1988] challenge this
view and suggest that firms that are liquidity constrained (i.e., cannot externally finance
Hoshi et al. [1991] summarize two possible justifications for capital rationing. On
the one hand, moral hazard models suggest that outside financing can dilute
managements’ ownership stakes, thereby exacerbating incentive problems that arise when
managers control the firm but do not own it. This ex post incentive problem reduces the
amount of capital supplied ex ante. On the other hand, Myers and Majluf [1984] propose
an adverse selection model. They suggest that if managers are better informed than
investors about a firm’s prospects, they will try to sell overpriced securities. Rational
investors will, in response, increase the cost of capital, thus decreasing the amount
demanded. Therefore, in both cases, frictions operate to reduce the amount of external
capital supplied to the firm. Firms that can generate cash internally are able to mitigate
these effects, which causes capital investment to be correlated with the availability of
There is presently a debate (see, for example, Fazzari et al. [2000] and Kaplan and
implies that firms are more financially constrained. In this paper, we remain agnostic on
this issue since the problem may not be a lack, but rather an excess of cash. Capital
investment can be correlated with internally generated funds simply because managers do
not return to investors excess cash coming from rents (and quasi rents) and other assets in
place. Casual empiricism suggests the existence of such overinvestment by managers and
several theoretical explanations have been proposed. For example, Jensen [1986]
suggests that managers have incentives to grow their firms beyond their optimal size.4
providers, “financing projects internally avoids this monitoring and the possibility the
[1994] provide empirical support for this view. They consider what managers do when
they receive a cash windfall that does not change the investment opportunity set (i.e.,
Tobin’s Q). In perfect financial markets, managers should return the money to the capital
suppliers. Contrary to this expectation, Blanchard et al. [1994] find that managers tend to
could commit to revealing all of their private information, outsiders would not ration
capital for fear of buying at an inflated price. Similarly, if higher quality accounting
permitted perfect monitoring, no agency problem would arise (see, for example, Antle
and Eppen [1985] for a formal model of this idea). We would then be back to the baseline
neoclassical model and internally generated cash flows would play no role in investment
For simplicity, we use “empire building” as our main way to motivate overinvestment. However, there are
other models leading to a similar pattern such as overconfidence (e.g., Heaton [2002]), the “quiet life”
(Bertrand and Mullainathan [2003]) and reputation (e.g., Baker [2000]).
We further predict, based on the reasoning above, that this effect should be
transactions, for example, where the stock market is the dominant source of capital. On
the other hand, in economies where creditors play a central role in financing, banks may
be able to obtain information through alternate private channels (and thus mitigate
adverse selection problems). They also may be in a better position to monitor the
managers directly once the capital has been supplied (and thus mitigate the moral
hazard). In this case, accounting quality should be less relevant to their decisions to
supply capital and, as a result, we should observe a smaller effect of accounting quality
Notice that we do not form any prediction as to whether one type of economy is better
We employ both cross- and within-country tests, each with its own advantages.
country using firm-level data and then regressed on accounting quality and other
variables of interest. This testing approach is likely to enhance the power of our tests by
increasing both the cross-sectional variation and the magnitudes of financial frictions. It
also enables us to consider the effects of institutional factors, such as creditor rights and
legal origin, which cannot be easily studied in a single-country setting. As observed by
Francis et al. [2005], “the United States is generally viewed as having a frictionless
financial market with relatively easy access to external financing, and therefore it is not
clear if U.S. findings necessarily generalize to countries with different financial or legal
difficult to obtain sufficient time series data from multiple countries to estimate firm-
specific parameters. Second, different institutional settings and accounting rules make it
difficult to compare firm-based measures across countries. For example, since asset
revaluation is permitted in some countries but not in others, plant, property and
equipment and depreciation measures convey different meanings. To address these issues
and to provide corroborating evidence that the hypothesized effect of accounting quality
two contrasting countries: the US and Japan. Both countries have large economies with
ample sources of external financing. However, in the US, stock markets play a central
role in providing capital, while in Japan, keiredtsu and banks are the major source of
capital. As documented by Wurgler [2000], the ratio of stock market value to total credit
market value is 0.64 for the US but only 0.15 in Japan. Our focus on the US and Japan
allows us to assess whether the dominant form of financing influences the effect of
To enhance comparability with prior research, we utilize data from the same set of
accounting and financial data are obtained from Compustat Global Vantage for the entire
coverage period of the database (1993 to 2004). Accounting and financial data for the
within-country tests are obtained for the US from COMPUSTAT and for Japan from the
PACAP database (1975 to 2001). he longer time series for the within-country samples
We focus on industrial firms and, as is customary, exclude utilities and firms in the
financial, real estate, insurance and public administration sectors.5 Our resulting sample
includes only publicly traded companies with access to public sources of capital. As these
firms also can potentially access alternate sources of capital including bank loans,
governmental financing and private equity when public markets are inadequate, this
provides a lower bound for the effects of accounting quality and other institutional
features. Private firms with lesser access to capital and weaker outside monitoring would
benefit relatively more from enhanced institutional features than would firms with more
quality. Three of these measures are adapted from Bhattacharya et al. [2003] and a fourth
conservatism as defined by Ball et al. [2000]. Following Ball et al. [2000] and
practices to exhibit lower firm-level capital investment efficiency than countries with less
aggressive accounting practices. Loss avoidance is the ratio of the number of firms with
We focus on industrial and commercial companies and, following prior studies, exclude US firms with
SIC codes between 4900-4999, 6000-6999 and above 9000, and those trading as American Depository
Receipts. We exclude Japanese firms with INDID codes starting with 05, 06 and 08.
small positive earnings minus the number of firms with small negative earnings divided
by the sum of the two. This proxy is derived from Burgstahler and Dichev [1997] and
Degeorge et al. [1999] who employ a similar measure for US firms. Following
Bhattacharya et al. [2003], we expect countries with greater loss avoidance to exhibit
lower capital investment efficiency than countries with less loss avoidance. Earnings
smoothing is based on the cross-sectional correlation between the change in accruals and
the change in cash flows scaled by lagged total assets. Following Leuz et al. [2003] and
management to exhibit lower capital investment efficiency than countries with a smaller
the average ranking of “answers to the following interim reporting questions: frequency
countries with timelier reporting to exhibit higher capital investment efficiency than
countries without timely reporting. Because we are agnostic regarding which dimension
of accounting quality plays a more significant role, we aggregate the four accounting
quality measures into a summary index (AQ). In order to combine them meaningfully,
whether they have a better value than the median value in the cross-country sample. We
then create AQ by summing up these four binary variables. Combining the four measures
into an index has the advantage of reducing the effects of measurement errors in the
individual accounting quality measures. This index also is more comparable with the
index variables for creditor and shareholder rights developed by LaPorta et al. [1997]
Dechow and Dichev [2002]. Francis et al. [2005] find that this measure of accounting
quality is the most closely associated with their measure of the cost of capital. In Dechow
and Dichev [2002], accruals quality is measured by the extent to which working capital
inverse measure of accruals quality (with a larger unexplained portion implying lower
quality accounting). Details of the estimation procedure are provided in the appendix.
We predict that higher quality accruals will be associated with higher capital investment
mirror the prior literature (e.g., Fazzari et al. [1988], Hoshi et al. [1991]) by estimating
Tobin’s Q (proxied by the market-to-book equity ratio, MTB). Given the heterogeneity of
our cross-country sample, outliers could induce non-linear relations. A standard approach
AQ takes values between 0 and 4. Below, we also control for financial disclosure as measured by an
index created by the Center for International Financial Analysis and Research (CIFAR). The CIFAR index
can potentially take values between zero and one hundred. To make AQ and CIFAR more comparable, we
also normalize CIFAR by forming a variable that takes a value between zero and four based on quintiles of
the distribution of CIFAR. Our results (untabulated) are not affected by this transformation.
to alleviating this problem is to take the log of the variables, which we apply to market-
to-book ratios. However, operating cash flows and investments often have negative
values for which a log transformation is not defined. For them, we use an arctangent
transformation that in effect “logs negative values.”7 The following model is estimated
where Ii,t / Ki,t-1 is capital investment scaled by the beginning-of-period capital for
This specification has two appealing features. First, it does not require a long time
series for each firm to estimate the parameters, which allows us to use pooled cross-
sectional data to estimate an average investment-cash flow sensitivity for each country.
only 11 years of data. Second, this specification has been extensively used in the prior
literature. However, it relies on MTB to proxy for Q. To the extent that MTB does not
fully capture investment opportunities, cash flows may pick up measurement errors that
future cash flows (Alti [2003]) and we use an instrumental variables approach in some
specifications. In our within-country tests, we use two databases, COMPUSTAT for the
The arctangent function is approximately linear over the range [-1;1]. In cases where the absolute value
of investment or cash flows is less than net fixed assets, the data are changed little by the transformation.
However, when the absolute values of these scaled variables increase beyond 1, the transformed value is
bounded by π/2. This transformation provides a convenient way of winsorising the data.
US and PACAP for Japan, which provide longer time series. This allows us to use an
alternate test that does not rely on estimating Q. By doing so, we have a natural
robustness check for our cross-country estimations. We proxy for cash flow sensitivity of
investment (CFSI) using the measure recently proposed by Hovakimian and Hovakimian
average investment (CFWAI) of a firm and its un-weighted arithmetic time-series average
investment (AI):
CFSI0,i,t = CFWAI0,i,t - AIi,t =1/n Σs=1t [ (CFi,s / (Σs=1t CFi,s)) * Ii,s] - 1/n Σs=1t Ii,s (2)
where CF is a firm’s cash flow, I is the firm’s investments (where both are scaled
difference between the weighted and un-weighted average investments for firms whose
investment decisions are not affected by their available cash flows. On the other hand, the
value of CFSI should be higher for firms that tend to invest more in years with relatively
high cash flows and less in years with relatively low cash flows. Unlike the measure of
cash flow sensitivity in Equation (1), we do not have to estimate a regression coefficient
Equation (1) on our measure of accounting quality, other institutional features (disclosure
quality, creditor rights, shareholder rights, judicial efficiency and legal origin), and
Variable definitions are detailed in the Appendix.
control variables such as the gross domestic product (GDP), the average tangibility of
firm assets, and firm size, which are all standard in the literature (see Appendix for
control for auditing quality and analyst coverage as well as other control variables
both the US and Japan within-country tests, accounting quality, investment-cash flow
sensitivity and control variables are estimated using ten-year rolling windows. Standard
errors are corrected for heteroskedasticity and for clustering of observations by firm.
significant concern. In particular, the correlation between AQ and CIFAR is only 0.13,
suggesting that these two variables capture two related but differing constructs.
However, shareholder rights (SR) is highly correlated with both AQ and CIFAR, as is
legal origin (LO) with AQ, CIFAR, SR, and CR. We take these high correlations into
sensitivities at the country level from Equation (1) on accounting quality (AQ) and other
only AQ. In columns 2 and 3, we control for other institutional features. Column 2
excludes LO, out of the concern that this variable is highly correlated with several other
features. Finally, column 4 introduces controls for economy-wide factors. Results are
consistent with our predictions. They indicate significant negative relations between AQ
and the cash flow sensitivity of investment. When we turn our attention to the other
institutional features (CIFAR, JE, CR, SR, and LO), we see that while most are associated
with lower investment-cash flow sensitivity, only CIFAR and CR are consistently
significant at conventional levels. This may be explained by a lack of power due to small
sample size and it is not entirely unexpected given related findings in prior studies (e.g.,
DeFond and Hung [2004], Bushman et al. [2004]). 9 Among the economic control
variables, size has the strongest effect. Our results also appear to be economically
significant, with the specification including all institutional factors (column 5) explaining
Equation (1) (we also include AQ in this specification). An advantage of this approach is
that countries with larger economies comprise a larger share of the sample, so our sample
errors in Tobin’s Q from driving our results, we estimate the model using a two-stage
least squares (2SLS) procedure, whereby MTBi,t is instrumented by MTBi,t-2 and Kinti,t-3,
lagged two and three periods, respectively, where Kint is the capital intensity defined as
the ratio of net fixed assets to sales. Specification tests indicate that our instruments are
both relevant and valid. We also apply ordinary least squares (OLS) techniques to ensure
that our results do not hinge on a particular 2SLS specification. Standard errors in our
DeFond and Hung [2004] report that international variations in shareholder rights do not affect CEO
turnover. Bushman et al. [2004] find no relation between legal origin and their measure of financial
pooled 2SLS specifications are adjusted for unspecified heteroskedasticity and serial-
(Hayashi [2000]).10 Results are consistent with our results from the indirect specification.
The z- (or t-) statistics range from -3.81 to -9.98 for the interaction between cash flows
and our accounting quality index, and from -4.71 to -13.08 for the interaction with
CIFAR. As expected, the z-(or t-) statistics are positive and range from 8.37 to 28.13 for
cash flows. Finally, Alti [2003] suggests that there could be cash flow sensitivity even in
an economy without frictions, because contemporaneous cash flows may better reflect
information about short-term profitability than would the market-to-book equity ratio
(MTB). To control for this possible effect, we add operating cash flow (OCF) at time t+1
and t+2 (scaled by fixed assets) or the difference in operating cash flows. Although this
specification reduces the sample size (since we need two future years to estimate future
profitability), results are qualitatively similar. Thus, our cross-country tests support the
Our second hypothesis predicts that higher quality accounting should reduce
sample based on whether the ratio of stock market value to credit market value in the
country is above or below the median in the sample. Consistent with our hypothesis,
Alternatively, we remove the year dummies and allow for clustering of observations by year to control
for cross-correlation in the error term. Untabulated results are qualitatively similar.
(the t-statistic equals -2.06) but less than significant at conventional levels in the credit-
Results for the US within-country tests reported in Table 3 are consistent with those for
the international cross-sectional tests above. Column 1 reports the results for our panel
specification where CFSI0 is the dependent variable and AQFS is the only independent
variable. In column 2, we introduce the set of control variables described above and in
CFSI0 into a binary variable that takes the value of one if CFSI0 is greater than 0.05 and
zero otherwise, then use a logit specification with firm fixed effects to estimate the
coefficients. All of the specifications consistently indicate that AQFS is associated with a
average cash flow sensitivity.12 Thus, higher accounting quality is associated with higher
investment efficiency even in the most liquid market in the presence of predominant
public equity financing. Our results (untabulated) also hold under alternate specifications,
for example, when we use boot-strapped standard errors, add year dummies, use
observations from the last year only, control for the analyst coverage, and measure CFSI0
using cash flows lagged by one year. Auditing quality (BigSix) and analyst coverage
The magnitudes of the coefficients also are different (-0.15 for the equity-based sample and -0.09 for the
credit-based sample). The small sample size prevents us from testing if these coefficient estimates differ
significantly; pooling the two samples is also not feasible because of the high collinearity between the
variable of interest in such a pooled sample. One should not necessarily conclude that accounting quality
plays no role in credit-based economies for the same reason.
We obtain this estimate by multiplying the value of the coefficient (1.62) by one standard deviation of
AQFS (0.014) and then dividing by the average CFSI0 (0.076).
variables become insignificant in some multivariate specifications. The other control
variables generally have the expected signs and are generally consistent with Hovakimian
and Hovakimian [2005]. For example, we would expect that larger, more profitable and
more stable firms would be more transparent (see, among others, Lang and Lundholm
[1993]). Hence, these firms should exhibit less investment-cash flow sensitivity than
small and unprofitable and unstable firms. Consistent with these expectations, the
coefficients on Size, ROA, Z-score, and CFO are negative, as expected, while the
Untabulated results for the Japan within-country tests indicate that, contrary to the
quality and investment-cash flow sensitivity. Although the Japanese sample size is
smaller than the US sample size (approximately 15,000 observations versus 30,000 for
the US), it is still sufficiently large to rule out statistical power as an explanation. This
lack of statistical significance is consistent with our second hypothesis that accounting
quality should have a smaller effect on investment efficiency in countries where bank
financing and keiretsu are important sources of capital than in countries where equity is a
The mean and the standard deviation of the winsorized investment-cash flow sensitivity estimates are
0.03 and 0.13, respectively, for Japanese firms versus 0.07 and 0.20, respectively, for US firms. This
suggests that homogeneity does not explain the Japanese results.
7. Summary and Conclusion
prior research and two different methods for estimating investment-cash flow
sensitivities. Our first hypothesis captures the intuition that higher quality accounting
asymmetry can generate liquidity constraints (for example, as investors ration capital to
protect themselves against adverse selection) or excess cash (for example, when it is
generate inefficiencies in the investment process that accounting quality should mitigate.
Our test results are consistent with this prediction both across and within countries under
numerous alternative specifications. We find that the link between internally generated
cash flows and investment is weaker when accounting quality is high. However, our tests
do not address whether higher quality accounting operates primarily to mitigate the effect
largely provided through arm’s length transactions, for example, where stock markets are
capital, banks may be able to obtain information through alternative private channels and
may be better positioned to monitor managers directly once capital is supplied. Thus, we
predict a stronger (weaker) relation between accounting quality and capital investment
efficiency in countries with predominant equity (bank) financing of firm-level capital
investment. Our test results support this second hypothesis both across and within
countries. Overall, our findings lend support to the argument that accounting quality is an
mitigating investment-cash flow sensitivity, and that this effect is stronger under
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Appendix: Details of Variable Estimation
1) Accounting quality.
Cross-country sample
Bhattacharya et al. [2003] and Bushman et al. [2004] as described in Section 4.3 above.
US sample
where TCAj,t = ∆CAj,t – ∆CLj,t – ∆Cashj,t + ∆STDEBTj,t = total current accruals in year t,
CFOj,t = NIBEj,t – TAj,t = firm j’s cash flow from operations in year t, NIBEj,t = firm j’s net
income before extraordinary items (Compustat #18) in year t, TAj,t = (∆CAj,t – ∆CLj,t –
∆Cashj,t + ∆STDEBTj,t – DEPNj,t) = firm j’s total accruals in year t, ∆CAj,t = firm j’s
change in current assets (Compustat #4) between year t-1 and year t, ∆CLj,t = firm j’s
change in current liabilities (Compustat #5) between year t-1 and year t, ∆Cashj,t = firm
j’s change in cash (Compustat #1) between year t-1 and year t, ∆STDEBTj,t = firm j’s
change in debt in current liabilities (Compustat #34) between year t-1 and year t, DEPNj,t
= firm j’s depreciation and amortization expense (Compustat #14) in year t. We multiply
the variance by minus one, so that a higher value of AQ corresponds to higher accounting
In addition, we follow Francis et al. [2005] and use the model modified to include
plant, property and equipment (PPE) and change in revenues (scaled by average assets).
McNichols [2002] proposes this extension, arguing that the change in sales revenue and
PPE are important in forming expectations about current accruals, over and above the
effects of operating cash flows. She shows that adding these variables to the cross-
sectional Dechow and Dichev [2002] regression significantly increases its explanatory
power, thus reducing measurement error. However, the drawback of using this
specification for our purpose is that it may include a mechanical link with our right-hand
TCA2j,t = ψ0,j + ψ1,j CFOj,t-1 + ψ2,j CFOj,t + ψ3,j CFOj,t+1 + ψ4,j ∆Revj,t + ψ5,j PPEj,t + ηj,t
where ∆Revj,t = firm j’s change in revenues (Compustat #12) between year t-1 and year t,
PPEj,t = firm j’s gross value of PPE (Compustat #7) in year t. To conserve space, we only
tabulate the results from the first specification but results are very similar when we use
Japanese sample
following items from PACAP: INC9 and INC8 for NIBE; BAL6 for CA; BAL13 for CL;
BAL1 for Cash; JAF34 for STDEBT; JAF74 for DEPN; INC1 for Rev; and the sum of
Cross-country sample
Ii,t/Ki,t-1 = βi0 + β1 OCFi,t /Ki,t-1 + β2 MTBi,t + εi,t
where Ii,t is the investment in fixed assets for firm i in year t, defined as the change in net
fixed assets (Global Vantage data76) plus depreciation expense (data11). Ki,t-1 is the total
fixed assets for firm i in year t-1. MTBi,t,, our proxy for the Q ratio, is measured as the
ratio of the sum of the market value of equity (data13 multiplied by data3) and the book
value of debt divided (data106, data136 and data137 minus data138 and data139) by the
book value of total asset (data89). One advantage of using the (quasi) market value of
assets instead of their book value is that we do not drop from our sample firms with a
negative equity book value. Consistent with prior literature (e.g., Hoshi et al. [1991]), Q
calculated as the sum of net income (data32) and depreciation expense (data11).
US Sample
where n is the number of annual observations for firm i and t indicates the time period. I
denotes investment, defined as capital expenditures (Compustat Item 128) divided by the
beginning-of-period net capital. CF denotes cash flow and is defined as the sum of the
income before extraordinary items (Compustat Item 18) and depreciation and
See, among others, Morck et al. [1990], Hoshi et al. [1991], Whited [1992], Kaplan and Zingales [1997,
2000], Hovakimian and Hovakimian [2005]. We purposely do not correct our estimates of cash flows for
any “working capital” effect for two reasons. First, we want to be consistent with prior literature on cash
flow sensitivity of investment. Second, some firms lack the relevant information in our international
database; thus, correcting our estimates of cash flows would introduce a selection bias. Our approach also
has been used in prior international studies (e.g., Ball et al. [2000]).
amortization (Item 14), divided by the beginning-of-period net capital (Item 8). As an
untabulated robustness check, we also consider a cash flow measure from Bushman et al.
[2005] that excludes working capital accruals. Our results still hold. To avoid negative
and extreme weighted values, we follow Hovakimian and Hovakimian [2005] and set the
negative cash flows to zero. The variable is estimated using a ten-year rolling window.
This specification does not require the estimation of Q. By doing so, we have a natural
robustness check for the efficiency of our various statistical corrections in our cross-
country sample.
In addition, since investment and cash flow are measured over an annual period,
their exact timings may not coincide. In order to account for the possibility that
investment may be financed with cash flows from the previous fiscal year, we also
Japanese sample
following items from PACAP: change in PPE plus JAF74 scaled by beginning period
PPE for I and NIBE plus JAF74, divided by the beginning-of-period net PPE for CF.
Cross-country sample
consider financial disclosure, creditor rights (CR), shareholder rights (SR), judicial
efficiency (JE) and legal origin (LO). As in many previous studies (e.g., Battacharya et
al. [2003]), we measure financial disclosure quality using an index created by the Center
for International Financial Analysis and Research (CIFAR). CR and SR are based on the
summary measures of creditor rights (Cr5) and shareholder rights (Sr8) obtained from La
Porta et al. [1997]. Our measure of judicial efficiency, JE, is the sum of the five proxies
for judicial efficiency (Rl1 - Rl5) found in La Porta et al. [1997]. LO takes the value of
one if the country has a legal origin rooted in the Common law tradition (zero otherwise).
product per capita as reported by the World Bank [2003]; K-Intensity is the average
capital intensity for a given country defined as the ratio of net fixed assets to sales; Size is
the average firm size in the country measured as the log of the sum of the market value of
US sample
Compustat item 6), market-to-book ratio (item 6 plus the product of items 25 and 199
minus item 60 and item 35, scaled by item 6), ROA (a measure of profitability calculated
as the ratio of Compustat item 170 divided by item 6), dividend payout ratio (a dummy
variable that takes the value of one if item 21 or 127 is greater than zero, zero otherwise),
leverage (item 9 scaled by data 9 plus the product of items 25 and 199), Z-score (a
measure of bankruptcy risk defined as 3.3 times item 170 + item 12 + one fourth of item
36 plus one half of the difference between item 4 and item 5, scaled by item 6), the
standard error of CFO, tangibility (a measure of bankruptcy cost defined as the ratio of
item 8 and item 6), and R&D (a dummy variable that takes the value of one if item 46 is
greater than zero, zero otherwise). In addition, we include two measures of financial
slack, CFOsale (the ratio of CFO divided by item 12) and Slack (the ratio of item 1 and
item 8). Finally, we control for auditing quality by including BigSix, a dummy variable
taking the value of one if the firm is audited by a Big Six auditor (data # 159 between 10
and 89), zero otherwise. Generally, we expect bigger firms, with higher and more stable
cash flows, more tangible assets and fewer investment opportunities to be less sensitive to
internally generated cash flows. We also control for analyst coverage in an untabulated
robustness check. To measure analyst coverage, we use data obtained from the I/B/E/S
Historical Summary File. We use AnalCov, the log of the number of analysts (plus one
since the log of zero is not defined) reported by IBES as covering the firm, as our proxy
for analyst coverage. For each year, we set the number of analysts following a firm as
the maximum number of analysts who make annual earnings forecasts in any month over
a twelve-month period. We assume that firms not covered by I/B/E/S are not covered by
Japanese sample
following items from PACAP: log of BAL9 for size; the sum of BAL9 and market value
minus BAL21 scaled by BAL9 for market-to-book ratio; the sum of INC9, INC8 and
INC7 scaled by BAL9 for ROA; MKT1 for calculating dividend payout ratio; the ratio of
BAL14 divided by market value and BAL14 for leverage; 3.3 times the sum of INC9,
INC8 and INC7 plus INC1 plus 0.25 time BAL20 plus 0.5 times the difference between
BAL6 and BAL13, scaled by BAL9 for Z-score; the ratio CFO over INC1 for tangibility;
the ratio of CFO divided by INC1 for CFOsale; and the ratio of BAL1 scaled by the sum
Table 1: Correlations among summary measures1
CIFAR (0.48)
-0.17 0.04
CR (0.33) (0.83)
0.31 0.39 0.22
SR (0.08) (0.03) (0.20)
-0.16 0.44 -0.15 -0.08
JE (0.37) (0.01) (0.41) (0.66)
0.27 0.35 0.38 0.66 -0.11
LO (0.12) (0.04) (0.03) (0.00) (0.55)
AQ is a measure of accounting transparency calculated as the sum of Earnings aggressiveness, Loss
avoidance, Earnings smoothing (Bhattacharya et al. [2003]) and Timeliness (Bushman et al. [2004]).
CIFAR is based on a disclosure index calculated by the Center for International Financial Analysis and
Research. CR is a summary measure for creditor rights (as reported by La Porta et al. [1997]). SR is a
summary measure for shareholder rights (as reported in La Porta et al. [1997]). JE is a measure of judicial
efficiency based on the five measures found in La Porta et al. [1997]. LO is an indicator variable that takes
the value of one if a country’s legal system has as a Common law origin, zero otherwise (as reported by La
Porta et al. [1997]). The p-values are reported in parentheses.
Table 2: Investment-cash flow sensitivity – Cross-country sample1
Variable Dependent Variable: Investment-cash flow sensitivity
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Intercept (+) 0.527 1.725 1.558 1.994
(5.07) (3.66) (3.12) (3.69)
AQi (-) -0.120 -0.141 -0.129 -0.113
(-2.74) (-2.63) (-2.40) (-2.01)
CIFARi (-) -0.014 -0.013 -0.018
(-2.29) (-1.98) (-2.52)
JEi (-) -0.008 -0.010 -0.016
(-0.63) (-0.81) (-1.19)
CRi (-) -0.089 -0.071 -0.069
(-2.48) (-1.96) (-1.88)
SRi (-) 0.038 0.056 0.075
(0.92) (1.24) (1.52)
LOi (-) -0.126 -0.207
(-1.33) (-1.86)
Log(GDP/capita) (-) -0.000
K-Intensity (-) 0.002
Size (-) -0.030
Number of
34 33 33 33
R-square 13.96% 42.05% 43.94% 55.32%
AQ is a measure of accounting transparency calculated as the sum of Earnings aggressiveness, Loss
avoidance, Earnings smoothing (Bhattacharya et al. [2003]) and Timeliness (Bushman et al. [2004]).
CIFAR is based on a disclosure index calculated by the Center for International Financial Analysis and
Research. JE is a measure of judicial efficiency based on the five measures found in La Porta et al. [1997].
CR is a summary measure for creditor rights (as reported by La Porta et al. [1997]). SR is a summary
measure for shareholder rights (as reported by La Porta et al. [1997]). LO is an indicator variable that takes
the value of one if a country’s legal system has as a Common law origin, zero otherwise (as reported by La
Porta et al. [1997]). Log(GDP/Capita) is gross domestic product per capita. K-Intensity is the average
capital intensity for a given country defined as the ratio of net fixed assets to sales. Size is the average
firm size in the country. Regressions are estimated using ordinary least squares. The t-statistics with
standard errors adjusted for heteroskedasticity are reported in parentheses.
Table 3: Investment-cash flow sensitivity – US sample1
The dependent variable is a measure of cash flow sensitivity as defined by Hovakimian and Hovakimian
[2005]. AQFS is a measure of accounting quality as defined by Francis et al. [2005]. BigSix is a dummy
variable that takes the value of one if the firm is audited by a Big Six auditor (data # 159 between 10 and
89), zero otherwise. LogAsset is the log of Compustat item 6. Mkt-to-Book is item 6 plus the product of
item 25 and 199 minus item 60 and item 35, scaled by item 6. ROA is a measure of profitability calculated
as the ratio of Compustat item 170 divided by item 6. σ(CFO) is the standard deviation of cash flows from
operations. Z-score is a measure of bankruptcy risk defined as 3.3 times item 170 + item 12 + one fourth of
item 36 plus one half of the difference between item 4 and item 5, scaled by item 6. Tangibility is a
measure of bankruptcy cost defined as the ratio of item 8 and item 6. R&D is a dummy variable that takes
the value of one if item 46 is greater than zero, zero otherwise. K-structure is item 9 scaled by data 9 plus
the product of item 25 and 199. Mean K-structure is the mean of K-structure at the industry level. Slack
the ratio of item 1 and item 8. Dividend is a dummy variable that takes the value of one if item 21 or 127 is
greater than zero, zero otherwise. Columns 1 and 2 are estimated using ordinary least squares. Column 3
is estimated using a logit specification. All specifications use firm fixed effects. The t-statistics are
reported in parentheses.