Salazar2012 TG - HDL Valor de Corte Insulino Resistencia Con HOMA
Salazar2012 TG - HDL Valor de Corte Insulino Resistencia Con HOMA
Salazar2012 TG - HDL Valor de Corte Insulino Resistencia Con HOMA
Plasma triglyceride (TG) and high-density lipoprotein and non-Hispanic blacks have shown that the “best” ratio
(HDL) cholesterol concentrations are independently related will vary as a function of racial group.9 Epidemiologic
to insulin-mediated glucose disposal,1 and the plasma TG/ studies have conventionally taken gender differences into
HDL cholesterol concentration ratio is significantly related account,10 and a recent editorial in The Lancet11 reminded
to this measure of insulin action, as well as to plasma insulin investigators of the importance of “analyzing data by sex,
concentration, a commonly used surrogate estimate of in- not only when scientifically appropriate, but also as a matter
sulin action.2,3 Because measurements of TG and HDL of routine.” Given differences in TG and HDL cholesterol
cholesterol are standardized, whereas there is no standard metabolism between men and women,10,12 it seemed impor-
assay of plasma insulin concentration,4 we suggested that tant to see if the “best ratio” might vary as function of
the plasma concentration ratio of TG to HDL cholesterol gender as well as racial group. Because we were unaware of
might be a useful surrogate estimate of insulin action.2,3 any study in which that has been done, the present analysis
However, recent studies addressing this issue have come to was performed, in which the ability of the plasma concen-
disparate conclusions as to the utility of this ratio as a tration ratio of TG to HDL cholesterol to identify insulin-
surrogate estimate of insulin resistance, with particular em- resistant subjects was analyzed separately for men and
phasis on the impact of differences in racial background of women.
the populations being studied.5–9 Whether subsequent evi-
dence will establish the TG/HDL cholesterol concentration
ratio as a useful surrogate estimate of insulin resistance and Methods
associated cardiometabolic risk remains to be seen, but As part of community intervention programs on car-
comparisons in non-Hispanic whites, Mexican Americans, diovascular risk factors, epidemiologic studies on hyper-
tension, renal disease, and other cardiometabolic risk
factors were conducted in Rauch, in the province of
Hospital Universitario General San Martín, La Plata; bHospital Mu-
Buenos Aires, Argentina (the RAUCH project), and San
nicipal de Rauch; cHospital Municipal de San Andrés de Giles, Buenos
Aires, Argentina; and dStanford University School of Medicine, Stanford,
Andrés de Giles, also in the province of Buenos Aires
California. Manuscript received December 23, 2011; revised manuscript (the PROCER project). According to the last national
received and accepted February 5, 2012. census available, there were 8,246 and 13,922 inhabitants
*Corresponding author: Tel: 54-221-4242625; fax: 54-221-4129164. aged ⱖ15 years in the urban areas of Rauch and San
E-mail address: (M.R. Salazar). Andrés de Giles, respectively. The methods of the sam-
0002-9149/12/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1750 The American Journal of Cardiology (
Table 1
Characteristics of the sample according to gender and origin
Variable Rauch San Andrés de Giles Both Samples
ples, the socioeconomic features, and the prevalence of avoid the potential confounding impact of extreme outliers,
cardiovascular risk factors of the 2 populations have been subjects with TG concentrations ⬎500 mg/dl and/or HDL
published previously.13,14 cholesterol concentrations ⬎100 mg/dl were excluded from
In brief, the surveys were performed on simple random the analysis,7 as were participants with positive histories of
samples of subjects aged 15 to 80 years who lived in the diabetes or fasting glucose concentrations ⱖ126 mg/dl. The
chosen blocks (RAUCH n ⫽ 1,307, PROCER n ⫽ 1,591). remaining 1,102 women (mean age 45 ⫾ 1 years) and 464
Blood pressure was measured sitting, after a minimum rest men (mean age 46 ⫾ 1 years) were those included in the
period of 5 minutes, using a mercury sphygmomanometer. analysis.
Phase I and V Korotkoff sounds were used to identify Men and women were divided into quartiles on the basis of
systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, respec- their TG/HDL cholesterol concentration ratios, and mean ⫾
tively, and values were averages of 3 different measure- SD values and ranges were estimated. Values of TG/HDL
ments separated by 2 minutes from one another. Weight was cholesterol concentration ratios were compared between
determined with subjects wearing light clothing and no women and men using Student’s t tests for independent
shoes. Height was also measured without shoes, using a samples. Values for age, FPI, HOMA-IR, systolic blood
metallic metric tape; waist circumference was measured pressure, diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, waist
with a relaxed abdomen using a metallic metric tape on a circumference, glucose, HDL cholesterol, TG, and TG/HDL
horizontal plane above the iliac crest. Body mass index was cholesterol ratio were compared between the quartile with
calculated, and concentrations of plasma glucose, TG, HDL the highest TG/HDL cholesterol ratio and the remaining
cholesterol, and fasting plasma insulin (FPI) were deter- quartiles using analysis of covariance with age and study
mined after an overnight (12-hour) fast. Plasma for the site (Rauch and San Andrés de Giles) as covariates.
insulin measurements was extracted by centrifugation (15 To define insulin resistance, the sample was divided into
minutes at 3,000 rpm) and frozen at ⫺20°C until assayed. FPI quartiles and HOMA-IR quartiles, and subjects in the
FPI concentrations in the Rauch population were deter- upper quartiles of the 2 variables were classified as insulin
mined using an immunoradiometric assay, with 2 monoclo- resistant on the basis of a prospective outcome study.16 To
nal antibodies against 2 different epitopes of the insulin evaluate agreement between the 2 definitions of IR, we used
molecule. The inter- and intra-assay coefficients of variation coefficient of concordance (). The sensitivity and specific-
were 8.0% and 3.8%, respectively, with the lowest detect- ity of TG/HDL cholesterol ratio to identify insulin resis-
able level of 1.4 pmol/L. FPI concentrations in the San tance were calculated using as a cut-off point the value that
Andrés de Giles population were determined using a solid- separated the upper 25% of the TG/HDL cholesterol ratio in
phase chemiluminescent assay, using commercially avail- women and men, separately.
able kits (Immunolite Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles, All significant tests were 2 tailed, and p values ⬍0.05
California), with an analytic sensitivity of 1.4 pmol/L, inter- were considered statistically significant. All statistical anal-
and intra-assay coefficients of variation ⬍8%, and proinsu- yses were performed using SPSS (SPSS, Inc., Chicago,
lin cross-reactivity ⬍8.5%. The homeostasis model assess- Illinois).
ment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated using
the formula {[insulin (U/ml) ⫻ glucose (mg/100 ml)/18]/ Results
22.5}.15 FPI was measured in 1,174 women (mean age 46 ⫾
1 years, range 15 to 80) and 501 men (mean age 47 ⫾ 1 Table 1 lists the demographic and metabolic character-
years, range 15 to 80). As in previously published studies, to istics of the experimental population, divided on the basis of
Preventive Cardiology/Plasma TG/HDL-C Ratio and Cardiometabolic Risk 1751
Table 2
Mean, standard deviation, and range of the plasma triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration ratio quartiles by gender
TG/HDL Cholesterol Ratio Women (n ⫽ 1,102) Men (n ⫽ 464)
Table 3
Comparison of the cardiometabolic risk profile in women with triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration ratios ⬎2.5 and ⱕ2.5 and
in men with triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration ratios ⬎3.5 and ⱕ3.5
Variable TG/HDL Cholesterol Ratio
Women Men
Table 4
study site and gender. In general, the values in the 2 pop- Triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration ratio
ulations were comparable, although the Rauch group was sensitivity and specificity to identify insulin-resistant subjects
somewhat older, with higher blood pressures. Given the
Insulin Resistance Women, TG/HDL Men, TG/HDL
relative comparability of the values at the 2 sites, the ex- Estimate Cholesterol Ratio ⬎2.5 Cholesterol Ratio ⬎3.5
perimental data are combined in the tables. It should be
noted that the men and women were not different in terms Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity
of age, FPI, HOMA-IR, and body mass index, whereas every (%) (%) (%) (%)
other experimental variable varied as a function of gender. FPI 43 82 43 81
The study population was divided into quartiles on the HOMA-IR 44 82 42 80
basis of the TG/HDL cholesterol concentration ratios, and
the comparison between men and women is listed in Table
2. It can be seen that the TG/HDL cholesterol ratios were significance. Most experimental variables were relatively
higher in men (p ⬍0.001), irrespective of quartile. How- similar in the women and men in the highest TG/HDL
ever, the magnitude of the difference between the 2 genders cholesterol quartile (Table 3). Furthermore, the FPI and
became greater as the TG/HDL cholesterol concentrations HOMA-IR values were almost identical between women
increased. Finally, the cut points separating the upper quar- and men who were in the TG/HDL cholesterol top quartile
tile from the other 3 were different, with values of about 2.5 (FPI p ⫽ 0.963, HOMA-IR p ⫽ 0.584).
and about 3.5 in women and men, respectively. Table 4 lists the sensitivity and specificity with which
Table 3 compares the cardiometabolic risk profiles of TG/HDL cholesterol ratios of 2.5 and 3.5 identified insulin-
men and women in the highest TG/HDL cholesterol quartile resistant women and men, respectively, using either FPI or
with those of subjects in the lowest 3 quartiles. In women, HOMA-IR values to define insulin resistance. There was a
every experimental variable was significantly worse in those high level of concordance with the 2 estimates of insulin
whose TG/HDL cholesterol ratios were ⬎2.5. The findings resistance ( ⫽ 0.88 in women and 0.85 in men). The
in men were comparable in that all the cardiometabolic risk sensitivity and specificity were essentially identical in men
factors were worse in those with TG/HDL cholesterol ratios and women when the gender-specific TG/HDL cholesterol
⬎3.5, although the increase in SBP did not reach statistical ratios were used.
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