Income Tax Act
Income Tax Act
Income Tax Act
Tax is a fee charged by government on a product, income or activity. There are 2 types-direct
& indirect tax. If tax is levied directly on income or wealth of a person it is direct tax e.g.
income tax. If tax is levied on price of a good or service then it is indirect tax e.g. excise duty.
Tax, of which incidence and impact fall on the same person, is known as Direct Tax, such as
Income Tax. On the other hand, tax, of which incidence and impact fall on two different
persons, is known as Indirect Tax, such as GST, etc.
1. INCOME: No precise definition is attempted under the Act. The definition as given in
the Act starts with word includes therefore list is inclusive not exclusive. Income of the
previous year of a person is charged to tax in the immediately following assessment
year. Rate of tax is applicable as specified by the Annual Finance Act of that year.
Section 4 which deals with the charging section is the backbone of income tax law.
2. ASSESSMENT YEAR: Assessment year means the period of 12 months commencing on
the 1st day of April every year. It is the year (just after the previous year) in which
income earned in the previous year is charged to tax. E.g., A.Y.2024-25 is a year, which
commences on April 1, 2023 and ends on March 31, 2024. Income of an assessee
earned in the previous year 2023-2024 is assessed in the A.Y. 2024-25.
3. PREVIOUS YEAR: Previous Year means the financial year immediately preceding the
Assessment Year. Income earned in a year is assessed in the next year. The year in
which income is earned is known as Previous Year and the next year in which income
is assessed is known as Assessment Year. It is mandatory for all assessee to follow
financial year (from 1st April to 31st March) as previous year for Income-Tax purpose.
4. ASSESSEE: A person by whom any tax or any other sum of money (i.e., penalty or
interest) is payable under this Act; every person in respect of whom any proceeding
under this Act has been taken for the assessment of his income or loss or the amount
of refund due to him; a person who is assessable in respect of income or loss of
another person; every person who is deemed to be an assessee under any provision
of this Act; and a person who is deemed to be an ‘assessee in default’ under any
provision of this Act.
5. PERSON: The term person includes the following: an Individual; a Hindu Undivided
Family (HUF); a Company; a Firm; an Association of Persons (AOP) or a Body of
Individuals (BOI), whether incorporated or not; a Local authority; & every artificial
juridical person not falling within any of the preceding categories
(a) Bombay Municipal Corporation-Local authority (b) Corporation Bank Ltd.-Company
(c) Ms. XYZ-Individual (d) XYZ Corporation Ltd.-Company (e) A joint family of X, Y and
their son L and K-HUF (f) Mumbai University-Artificial juridical person (g) X and Y who
are legal heirs of Z-BOI (h) Sole proprietorship business-Individual (i) Partnership
According to Sec.14 of the Act, all income of a person shall be classified under the following
five heads:
1. Salaries;
2. Income from house property;
3. Profits and gains of business or profession;
4. Capital gains;
5. Income from other sources.
For computation of income, all taxable income should fall under any of the five heads of
income as mentioned above. If any type of income does not become part of any one of the
above mentioned first four heads, it should be part of the fifth head, i.e. Income from other
sources, which may be termed as the residual head.
Gross total income is the aggregate of income under all the five heads of income after
adjusting the set-off & carry forward of losses. Deductions under chapter VIA is provided from
GTI, to arrive at Total income or taxable income.
Residential status of an assessee determines the scope of chargeability of his income.
Whether a person will be charged to a particular income or not, depends on his residential
Return of income is the format in which assesse furnishes information of his total income and
tax payable. The format for filing returns for different assessees is notified by CBDT. In short
return of income is the declaration of income of assessee in prescribed format.
As per section 139(1) of the Act, it is compulsory for companies & firms to file return of
income/loss for every previous year on or before due date in prescribed format. In case of
person other than company/firm filing of return on or before due date is mandatory if his
total income(excluding deductions) during previous year exceeds exemption limit.
2. RETURN OF LOSS [Section 139(3)]:
This requires assessee to file return of loss in same manner as return of income. A return of
loss must be filed by an assesse who has incurred loss under head ‘Profits & gains from
business & profession’, ‘Capital gains’, ‘Income from activity of owning and maintaining race
horses taxable under head Income from other sources’.
1. SELF ASSESSMENT [Section 140A]:
In self-assessment, assessee itself is responsible to determine its taxable income, tax liability
and to pay tax accordingly. Where any tax is payable (after deducting relief, rebate, advance
payment of tax or tax deducted or collected at source or MAT or AMT credit, if any) on the
basis of return furnished the assessee is required to pay such tax before filing the return. If
an assessee fails to pay whole or any part of such tax or interest or both in accordance with
the provisions of sec. 140A, he shall be deemed to be an assessee in default.
The assessee is given a right of appeal by the Act where he feels aggrieved by the order of the
assessing authority. However, the assessee has no inherent right of appeal unless the statute
specifically provides that a particular order is appealable. There are four stages of appeal
under the Income-tax Act, 1961 after order is passed by Assessing officer as shown hereunder: