Media 2
Media 2
Media 2
The Media is one form of technological advance in the field of information and
communication. It is a way of communication which is became a most important
part of our daily life in present context. Each and every Media have some different
importance according to social position and situation. The Media can help to
spread the spirit of self-reliance and national development among the people which
is helpful for nation building. It is also encourage to fight against some oppressive
social practice like untouchability, child marriage, caste restriction etc. Media can
play an important role in the process of create public opinion and provide towards
the people to raise their voice against corruption and monopoly rule by the ruling
party. Now-a-days various changes are coming in our society due to the increasing
rate of media. Some of them are positive and some are negative. Rapid political,
social, cultural, and economic changes have been occurring in our society due to
the active role of Media. So, Media is regarded as the fourth estate of democracy.
There is no denying the fact that Media has become an essential part of our
personal and public life. In present days media established many new milestone in
different aspects including in society.
The term “Social Change” is used to indicate the changes that take place in human
interactions and interrelations. Any change that alters basically the established
form of social relationships, thus transforming in some measure, the social
structure, is social change. It includes alterations in the structure and functions of
the society.
Media is one of the most useful hearts of human life. In modern society, people are
influenced by Media. We are living in a fast- changing environment. Media is the
most powerful tool of communication. Nothing is possible without media. Media
brings to millions of homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and
educational programs. The Media is an important social institution which caters
social and economic needs of wider social groups and it has been playing vital role
in developing countries like India. Especially in the post globalization era, media
has to educate people for changing their traditional attitude to suite the modern
progressive needs. Media is a term used for dissemination of information, ideas
and entertainment by uses of technological media such as radio and television,
cinema, press and advertising.
They continue to coexist with important traditional media such as folk song and
dance, drama, puppetry, etc. These all are referred to as Media, because it
communicates to a mass audience comprised of very large numbers of people.
Media has bring a process of digital revolution, in which a society prior to its
traditional form of communication mode, changes rapidly in various forms and
modes like socio-cultural, psychological, economic, political, etc. It is an agent of
social change.
Media has been introduced in India through the process of westernization. Media
is a device that can spread the requisite knowledge and attitudes quickly and
He further says that the electronic media tends to create a global village in which
people throughout the world see major events unfold and hence participate in them
together. We have been witnessing a process of convergence in production,
distribution, consumption, etc. of information. Newspapers can be read online,
mobile phones use is exploding, and digital television with satellite broadcasting
services allow an unprecedented diversity of choice for viewing audiences. With
expansion of technologies such as voice recognition, broadband transmission, web
casting and cable links, the internet threatens to erase distinction with traditional
media and to become primary conduct for delivery of information, entertainment,
advertising and commerce to media audiences.
Other functions
It has transformed the kids into smart tech bros where they can connect with
world history, animal world and planets, scientific discoveries, etc.
Dysfunctions The Frankfurt School saw modern Media as part of the culture
industry which threatened to stifle creativity and reduces the quality of cultural
products. Especially with the effect of consumer culture industry, the local
languages and their indigenous part is getting ruined. For e.g. The vulgarization
of Bhojpuri through popular songs.
Because of monopoly of big corporate agencies and MNCs, which are holding
the news channels, the quality and authenticity of the news is getting affected.
For e.g. the heavy cost of sacrificing social issues for the sake of paid news.
T.V. channels for the sake of T.R.P. (television rating point) are producing fake
and sometimes superstitious believes which creates sensation in the mindset.
For e.g. one hour episodes on daily horoscopes, chamatkari baba, ghost, gods
and goddesses, etc.
Jean Baudrillard argues that the news media, particularly television, creates a
new hyperreality which comprises both the real world and its representations.
Thompson argues that Media have created a new form of social interaction,
i.e. mediated quasi-interaction, that is more limited, narrow and one way than
everyday social interaction. For e.g. addiction of messaging and chat through
Facebook and Watsapp sometimes by creating fake id accounts.
Newspapers particularly the tabloid press, have become less focused on
providing news and more oriented towards reporting, creating and sustaining
modern celebrity culture through huge coverage of page three parties, affairs,
gossiping, etc.
Cyber-crimes and hatred nationalism can be easily communicated through
Media and with the help of fake viral videos.
Too much T.V. viewing can act as a drug and can create physical and mental
problems like disordered personality and sometimes cases of hallucinations are
related with too much attachment with idiot box.
Internet has also opened the gate for porn industry, online sex, stalking, etc. ·
Cyber world sometimes promote fake identities with the result of which, real
identity and world get sidelined.
Crime related T.V. serials, movies, etc. can create attraction towards the crime
and mafia world.
For e.g. the famous Virginia Tech University case, imitation of stunt of W.W.F.
by children at home which causes accident, etc.
Generally social change indicate, change in the social relationship and social
interaction among the people. In this manner, Media has play an important role,
but it may good or bad. So, now we are emphasisabout the various changes, which
are coming because of Media. We know that Indian culture is based upon ancient
traditions, customs and some of its other aspects. Even we can find shadow of
ancient culture over modern culture. But different means of Media have brought a
revolutionary change in our culture. Today’s culture is very much influenced by
means of Media. We can see the impact of Media over different aspects of our
culture, our value, traditions etc are changing rapidly. Changes are coming in both
aspects of our culture i.e. material and non-material. Media is one of the features
of social change in modern world. Press collects every types of information and it
passes to general masses. Today news papers are one of the very important parts of
our daily life. We need newspaper when we wake up early in the morning.
Newspapers are not only popular in the cities but also popular in village as well.
There are printed everywhere in the world. Media also called as the guard of
democracy. People can express their opinion with the help of media. Media plays a
very important role in public awareness. For example in present “Lok Sabha”
election in India media is play a key role to create awareness among the people
especially in rural masses. Press and T.V. not only raise their voice against
corruption but also they do constructive work for society as well. They do welfare
works at the time of any natural calamity and media tells the people about equal
status of both male and females. Media plays a very important role in maintenance
and continuation of the culture. Culture lives itself only because of cultural
continuation. But modern means of Media gave rise to new cultural challenges.
Increasing globalization has greatly affected the cultural globalization instead of
economic and political globalization. Now, people like to adopt the western
culture. Indian classical music has lost its importance because of „vulger‟ and
„pop‟ songs, People hardly like their traditional dance. Different companies are
using obscene scenes of women to sell their products. In this way Television has
exerted a wrong impact on our society and culture.
Due to increasing rate of Media, backward classes are conscious about their rights.
Now backward classes are raising their voice against their exploitation. Another
impact is that, T.V. as a part of media has inspired the youth and children to
commit violent. Children become violent if they watch any violent scene on the
T.V. Children or youth are start to imitate their ideal heroes and like to live their
lives according to their characters of film. This type of behavior can grow in
children through constructive programme of Media. Restriction of child marriage,
sati system, widow remarriage, caste restriction, dress pattern, life style, food
habits and some other changes bring take place in India due to the Media.
Now we are going to observe the positive and negative impacts of media in our
Now-a-days Media is an essential part of our personal and public life.These is the
helpful tool for social interactions among the masses of society. It is so much
important for society, because it can make public awareness and public opinion
against the corruption and monopoly role by the ruling party. Social change has
been occurring in different aspects of our society due to increasing rate Media. But
sometime it has misleading the people, which is very harmful for whole society. In
this regard public awareness is very much important. So we can conclude that if
the Media can lead the people in right way then positive social changes will
definitely occurs in our society. Relations are getting more commercial, cyber,
fake, practical, etc. because of this effect of Media. For e.g. serials like Emotional
Atayachar, How to steal your girlfriend, Splits villa, etc. create condition of
cheating and deception with partners. Media is a double edged weapon. It has pros
and cons. It depends on the rational outlook of masses how to use it for the
betterment of society.
Paletz DL, Robert ME, Media, Power Politics. New York: Free Press, 1981.