Desktop\Timumiekka\src\com\example\warps] Loading BuildTools version: git-BuildTools-f901b6f-188 (#188) Java Version: Java 8 Current Path: C:\Users\dneet\Downloads *** Could not find PortableGit installation, downloading. *** Starting download of PortableGit-2.45.2-32-bit.7z.exe Downloaded file: PortableGit-2.45.2-32-bit\PortableGit-2.45.2-32-bit.7z.exe with hash: cfea9e414567d0c59c75ccc5a0e58feeef4dcfc0ea8bfd76efb5e4e22813f5d0 Extracting downloaded git install *** Using downloaded git PortableGit-2.45.2-32-bit\PortableGit *** *** Please note that this is a beta feature, so if it does not work please also try a manual install of git from *** git version java version "1.8.0_431" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_431-b10) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.431-b10, mixed mode, sharing) Attempting to build version: '1.21.3' use --rev <version> to override Found version { "name": "4380", "description": "Jenkins build 4380", "refs": { "BuildData": "0c5ebabcb4ce41f69a7d2319b468b6faee434038", "Bukkit": "36b11391a2c0213669acfa9b863a3a3704374fbc", "CraftBukkit": "5bc0a094b31b6dc5c2fa28c6ec5bc549becdef1e", "Spigot": "e65d67a7a97d6502296109d5c295255ecbc04575" }, "toolsVersion": 181, "javaVersions": [65, 67] }
Starting clone of to Bukkit