Managing Operations
Managing Operations
Managing Operations
Learning Outcomes
18.1 Explain the role of operations
18.2 Define the nature and purpose of value
chain management. As your students have learned throughout this
18.3 Describe how value chain management course, organizational success in today’s highly
is done. competitive marketplace is based on effective and
18.4 Discuss contemporary issues in efficient management of all available resources. In
managing operations. their study of Chapter 18, students will have an
opportunity to gain a fundamental understanding
of important principles of operations management,
which encompasses both manufacturing and
Studying the operating system of an organization is essential to an understanding of how a
company’s efficiency, productivity, value chain management, e-manufacturing, and controls
contribute to its success in producing goods and delivering services.
Managing IT IT’s Role in Managing the
Value Chain
In today’s dynamic business world, rapid change has become a part of daily life. In order
to survive and to thrive in this volatile environment, companies must not only accept, but
also embrace change in realizing their organization’s vision for the future. As a basis for
class discussion of the role of IT in managing the value chain, ask your students who are
familiar with the term early adopter to share their understanding of the term with their
classmates. In being among the first to embrace and implement new technologies, early
adopters in IT serve as leaders for companies that follow their example.
After students have read about radio frequency identification (RFID) in their textbook,
divide the class into groups of four or five students and ask each group to do research
outside of class on one of the early adopters of this cutting-edge technology. Have each
group report their findings about the early adopter they chose in a group presentation to
the class. Each presentation should address topics such as the organization’s reasons for
becoming an early adopter, strategy employed in implementing RFID, obstacles incurred,
benefits and costs realized thus far, and strategic plans for the continued use of RFID by
the organization.