Mix Design For A Concrete Canoe
Mix Design For A Concrete Canoe
Mix Design For A Concrete Canoe
Recommended Citation
Christensen, Ryan Thomas, "Mix Design for a Concrete Canoe" (2006). Undergraduate Honors Capstone
Projects. 833.
Logan, UT
Each year the American Society of Civil Engineers sponsors a concrete canoe competition.
This paper details the work performed by Ryan Christensen for the 2006 concrete canoe
competition. His primary focus was on formulating a concrete mix to be used for the Utah State
University canoe. Basic information regarding the building and design of concrete canoes is also
presented. Finally, general competition results for 2006 are presented for the Utah State
suppose it’s fortunate for me that my scholastic experience has been good. Over the years I have
had many good teachers and they have shaped my view of learning and the hard work that is
necessary to excel. Dr. Michael Johnson, Dr. Loren Anderson, and Dr. Laurie McNeill are a few
of my favorites. I also owe a great deal to Steve Barfuss for giving me the opportunity to work
with him. The greatest thanks of all goes to my wife Amy for love, support, and patience. She
has helped me to be a better person than I ever could have been on my own.
Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ i
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Mix Requirements................................................................................................................... 3
Mix Design.............................................................................................................................. 4
Challenges/Lessons ......................................................................................................................... 9
References ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 14
List of Tables
List of Figures
Figure 1: Sil-Cell............................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 4: Swamp Test in South Dakota (That is snow in the background) ................................. 11
Each year the American Society of Civil Engineers sponsors a unique event known formally as
the ASCE National Concrete Canoe Competition. Engineering students across the United States
are given the opportunity to design, build, and compete with a concrete canoe. Not surprisingly,
most people have never heard of, nor considered the possibility of making a concrete canoe. All
the same, there are a number of dedicated individuals who just can’t seem to get enough. The
author, Ryan Christensen was a member of the 2006 Utah State University concrete canoe team.
His assignment was to develop the concrete mix to be use in the 2006 USU concrete canoe.
competition. The 2006 USU concrete canoe team was composed of six members: Jared Bates,
Ryan Christensen, Russell Funk, Michael Jardine, John Pace, and Justin Woffinden. Russell
Funk was chosen to be the team leader. Russell Funk, Justin Woffinden, and John Pace focused
primarily on the construction of the canoe. Jared Bates and Michael Jardine focused on the
design of the canoe’s hull. Ryan Christensen focused on designing the concrete mix.
Design Constraints
It is no small task to build a concrete canoe. Adding a 76 page rulebook only adds to the
intimidation. Because the end goal of this project was to compete in the 2006 western region
concrete canoe competition, a brief description of the competition rules will be presented.
Additionally, the major points of the rules regarding the concrete mix will also be explained.
Last of all, the process of designing the concrete mix will be described.
The Competition
The 2005 ASCE National Concrete Canoe Competition was made up of four main sections.
Each section was worth 25% of the overall score. The first section was the Design Paper. The
main portions of the design paper were hull design, analysis of the canoe, testing and
presentation. The second portion of the competition was the oral presentation. The oral
presentation was judged on the demeanor of the presenters, the presentation quality, and the
answers given to the judge’s questions. The final academic section of the competition was the
judging of the final product. The final product judging was based on following the guidelines
and regulations established for building the canoe, a flotation test, and a final product display.
Last but not least, were the concrete canoe races. There were two categories of canoe races:
sprint and endurance. There were men’s, women’s, and coed categories for the sprint races. The
Concrete Explained
Concrete is made up of a mixture of several different types of materials. The following is a brief
The first category is made up of cementitious materials. Portland cement, fly ash, and a few
other products fall into this category. Cementitious materials are defined in the 2006 National
Concrete Canoe Competition rules as “cements and pozzolans used in concrete masonry and
construction” (ASCE 2005). These are the materials that react with water to form a binding
agent. Another material used in concrete is aggregate. Aggregates are inert granular materials
such as sand, gravel, and crushed stone (Portland Cement Association, 2006). Cement,
aggregate, and water are combined to form the most basic type of concrete.
Many different additives are used with concrete in order to enhance specific characteristics of the
concrete. One such additive is fibers. Fiber materials range from very common substances like
polyester to the more exotic Kevlar. Fibers help give strength, particularly tensile strength, to
concrete. Admixtures are the final common concrete ingredient. The American Concrete
Institute (ACI) defines admixtures as “a material other than water, aggregates, hydraulic cement,
and fiber reinforcement, used as an ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly
mixed, setting, or hardened properties and that is added to the batch before or during its mixing”
(ACI 2000). Due to the complex and varied nature of admixtures, an in depth discussion of
Mix Requirements
There were three primary limitations imposed on the design of concrete mix:
b. Minimum of 70% of cementitious maters must be portland cement and 25%
slag cement
2. Aggregate must fall within the range of “fine aggregate” as defined by Paragraph 6.1
Additionally, our mix needed to be very flowable in order to meet the needs of construction
Mix Design
In order to have a starting point in designing the mix for the canoe, concrete mixes developed for
canoes used in previous years were analyzed. Two canoes had been built by USU students for
the 2005 competition. The first, “Frank the Tank” utilized a new polymer based air-entrainment
admixture called Miracon (Miracon Technologies 2006). Miracon has an appearance similar to
shaving cream and allows a much higher degree of air entrainment because of the small size of
the air bubbles and the uniform distribution of the voids. Through the use of Miracon, very light
weight concrete was obtained even when using conventional concrete aggregates.
Unfortunately, the design group was unable to maintain satisfactory contact with the developers
of Miracon and subsequently was unable to utilize it as a design material. As a result, the canoe
team was required to select a different baseline canoe mix. The other USU entry in the 2005
competition was “Down Periscope”. The details for the mix design of Down Periscope are
included in Table 1.
Though not as strong or light weight as the Miracon based mix, this mix was still very good.
In developing the mix the 2006 canoe team started with these primary ingredients and then
adapted the mix through trial and error to obtain the necessary strength while still meeting the
construction guidelines. The light weight of the concrete was obtained by utilizing very fine
glass bubbles as the largest portion of the concrete by volume. After comparing the physical
properties of many different types of glass bubbles Sil-Cell 32 was selected to be used as the
light weight aggregate in the 2006 canoe. Though Sil-Cell 32 was not the lightest of the glass
beads considered, it was still very light with a unit weight of 12 lb/ft3. Sil-Cell 32 was one of the
strongest lightweight beads found with a compressive strength of 1800 psi. Perhaps the most
important reason Sil-Cell 32 was chosen for use as an aggregate was because of its shape. Figure
Figure 1: Sil-Cell
Source: Silbrico, 1998
It can be seen that the standard glass bubble has a very spherical shape. The Sil-cell is much
more irregularly formed. The irregular shape of the Sil-cell allows for mechanical interlocking
of the individual particles in addition to the cohesion provided by cement. The mechanical
interlocking increases the strength of the concrete as compared with a concrete using standard
glass bubbles.
Sand meeting the gradation requirements of ASTM C 33 was chosen for use as the remainder of
the aggregate. The main concern in meeting the ASTM C 33 gradation standard is a result of the
very small size of Sil-cell 32. Nearly 100% of the Sil-cell will pass the No. 100 sieve but the
maximum percent finer allowed is 10%. Pre-sifting of the sand to reduce the amount of sand
passing the No. 100 sieve was considered as an option for reducing the percent finer than 0.15
mm. However, tests indicated that the Sil-cell was light enough, and the sand was sufficiently
low in fines that removing the fines from the sand was found to be unnecessary.
Using a male-female mold to construct the canoe required a very flowable concrete mix. In
order to have a flowable mix and meet the requirement of a 0.5 water-cement ratio Glenium
3030 NS, a high range water reducer, was used to reduce the amount of water required. The
manufacturer’s recommended dosage is 6-18 fluid ounces per 100 pounds of cementitious
material. Exceeding the manufacturer’s recommendation results in a mix that will quickly lose
The second admixture used was Micro-Air, an air entrainment admixture. Micro-Air was added
in order to improve workability as well as decrease the unit weight of the concrete. The
recommended dosage for Micro-Air is 0.5-1.5 fluid ounces per 100 pounds of cementitious
material. In general, entraining air in concrete decreases the overall strength of the concrete
while increasing durability. The recommended dosage provides enough air entrainment to
provide better durability without sacrificing a large amount of strength. Increasing the dosage
beyond the manufacturer’s specifications will result in a relatively large reduction in concrete
Laticrete was the final concrete additive used. Laticrete was added in order to increase the
flexibility of the concrete. There was not a manufacturer’s recommended dosage available for
Laticrete. Laticrete is weaker then cement but much more flexible. Adding Laticrete can
increase the strength of the composite concrete mixture because of the added flexibility it
provides. However, when too much Laticrete is added to a concrete mix, strength will decline.
Two types of reinforcement were used. The first was Forta Fiber. Forta Fiber was dispersed
throughout the concrete mix. The second reinforcement used was composite metal rods. The
rods were located along each side and along the keel of the canoe. The reinforcement was
In summary, the final mix was similar to the baseline mix and is shown in Table 2.
Notwithstanding the similarity to the baseline mix several adjustments were made. The water
cement ratio was increased in order to allow for the use of the male-female mold. The admixture
proportions were also adjusted. A more detailed description of the 2006 canoe mix has been
included in the appendix. The final unit weight for the concrete mix was 66 lb/ft3 and the
compressive strength was measured to be 530 psi. It was difficult to further lower the unit
weight of the concrete as a result of the limitations on the water to cement ratio and the
The best canoe teams have built canoes together for several years. This was a learning
experience for each member of the canoe team because none had previous concrete canoe
experience. One of our primary difficulties occurred when the option to use Miracon was lost.
The 2006 canoe team invested time in developing a mix based on Miracon. When that option
was lost it became necessary to develop a completely new mix in a very short period of time.
One of the results was that the canoe team was not able to perform the testing necessary to
ensure that the canoe mix was optimized for the design constraints. The primary result of this
was that the canoe mix experienced separation while it cured. This separation can be seen in
Figure 3.
Cracking in the canoe
cell that separated out of the concrete mix during the process of curing. Also notice the crack.
Separation of the mix resulted in weak areas that were particularly susceptible to cracking. More
time spent in testing the canoe mix could have eliminated this difficulty.
Competition Results
In spite of the difficulties, the cracks were repaired and the canoe was transported to Rapid City,
South Dakota to compete in the regional concrete canoe competition. Figure 4 is a picture taken
the morning of the swamp test. The canoe had to be fully submerged and still float.
Figure 5: Preparing the Canoe for Racing
The 2006 canoe team finished 5th overall out of the nine competing teams. Their highest ranking
was achieved in the oral presentation category where they finished in 3rd place. The 2006 canoe
generally finished in the middle of the pack for the races. It was just too long and heavy to
maneuver and accelerate with the best canoes. Much was learned through the course of building
and competing. Perhaps most importantly, lessons were learned that will provide a foundation
ACI (2000). “Cement and Concrete Terminology,” ACI 116R-00 (Reapproved 2005), American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
ASCE (2005). “2006 ASCE National Concrete Canoe Competition Rules & Regulations,”
American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
ASTM (2003). “Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates,” ASTM C33-03, American
Society of Testing and Materials International, West Conshohocken, PA.
3 3
Batch Size (ft ): 1.5 ft Proportions as Batched Yielded
Designed Proportions Proportions
Specific Amount Volume Amount Volume Amount Volume
Cementitious Materials 3 3 3 3
Gravity (lb/yd ) (ft ) (lb) (ft ) (lb) (ft )
1. ASTM C150 Portland Cement Type: I/II 3.15 660 3.36 36.7 0.186 651 3.31
2. Fly Ash 2.20 141 1.03 7.86 0.0572 140 1.02
Total of All Cemetitious Materials 801 4.39 44.5 0.244 790 4.33
1. Forta Fiber 0.90 0.0684 0.00122 0.00380 6.77E-05 0.067494 0.00120
1. ASTM C 33 Sand
Absorption, 2.7 % 2.40 376 2.51 20.9 0.140 371 2.48
Batched Moisture Content, 4.3 %
2. Sil-Cel 32
Absorption, 0% 0.18 109 9.67 6.03 0.537 107 9.54
Batched Moisture Content, 0%
Total of All Aggregates 485 12.2 26.9 0.677 478 12.0
Batched Water 1.00 355 5.68 19.7 0.316 350 5.61
Total Free Water from All Aggregates 1.00 5.87 0.0940 0.326 0.00522 5.79 0.0928
Total Water from All Admixtures 1.00 108 1.73 5.99 0.0960 106 1.70
Total Water 468 7.51 26.0 0.417 462 7.40
Water in Water in Water in
Amount Amount Amount
Admixtures % Solids Admixture Admixture Admixture
(fl oz/cwt 3 (fl oz) 3 (fl oz/cwt 3
(lb/yd ) (lb/yd ) (lb/yd )
1. Air Entrainment: Micro-Air 12.6 4.82 2.147 4.82
2. Glenium 3030 NS 20.3 33.8 14.0 15.026 0.780 33.8 13.9
3. Laticrete 330 31.0 260 93.8 115.876 5.21 260 92.5
Cement-Cementitious Materials Ratio 0.823 0.823 0.823
Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio 0.585 0.585 0.585
Slump, in. 11.0 11.0 11.0
Air Content, % 7.97 9.00 9.20
Density (Unit Weight), lb/ft 67.0 66.1 66.1
Gravimetric Air Content, % 9.20
Yield, ft 27.0 1.52 27.00
Author’s Biography
Ryan Christensen grew up on a potato farm in Firth, Idaho. He performed well scholastically
while attending Firth High School. He graduated Valedictorian of the class of 1999 while being
President of the National Honor’s Society and on the State Champion basketball team. His work
ethic and accomplishments continued throughout college at Utah State University where he was
Ryan spent two years in the Philippines serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. He married his wife, Amy in 2003 and has an adorable 3 month old boy
named Thomas.
Ryan enjoys the outdoors, particularly hunting and fishing. His other hobbies include basketball,