(FREE PDF Sample) Real Analysis 1st Edition N.P. Bali Ebooks
(FREE PDF Sample) Real Analysis 1st Edition N.P. Bali Ebooks
(FREE PDF Sample) Real Analysis 1st Edition N.P. Bali Ebooks
Statics 1st Edition N. P. Bali
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N.P. Bali
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dedicated to my GURU
(Late) Prof. Anand Porkash Choudhary
Symbol Meaning
A closure of A
f:X^Y /“is a function from X to Y
s (-1) Un, >0
n=l alternating series - Ug + “3-“4 +
1.1. SETS
A set is a well defined collection ofdistinct objects.
By a‘well-defined’collection ofobjects we mean that there is a rule(or rules)by means
of which it is possible to say, without ambiguity, whether a particular object belongs to the
collection or not. The objects in a set are ‘distinct’ means we do not repeat an object over and
over again in a set.
Each object belonging to a set is called an element(or a member)of the set. Sets are
usually denoted by capital letters A,B,N,Q,R, S etc. and the elements by lower case letters o,
6, c, X etCi
The symbol e is used to indicate ‘belongs to’ or ‘is an element of’. Thus jc e A => jc is an
element ofthe set A.
The s5rmbol g is used to indicate ‘does not belong to’ or ‘is not an element of’. Thusjc € A
=>x is not an element ofthe set A.
Given a set S and an object p, exactly one of the following statements should
be true:
(i) p e S Hi) p S
Illustrations,(i)Let V be the set ofvowels in English alphabet,then the elements of V
are a,c, i, o, u.
0 6 V, U 6 V, V, t^ Y,
Hi) Let E be the set ofeven natural numbers, then
6e E, 5126 E, 3 {E E, 127 € E.
(Hi) Let P be the set of prime numbers,then
26 P, 7 6 P, 6«s P, 15 « P.
Theorem IV.If a set has n elements, then the number of its subsets is 2". Let a set A
have n elements. The number ofsubsets of A having r elements is the same as the number of
groups(or combinations, because the order ofthe elements is immaterial in a set)ofr elements
which can be formed out ofthe n elements of A and this can be done in ways. Thus,there
are "C,. subsets of A having r elements.
.*. No. of subsets of A having no element ="Cq
No. of subsets of A having one element ="Cj
No. of subsets of A having two elements ="Cg
On the same lines, we can define the union of more than two sets. If Aj, Ag, ,A„be
n given sets, then their union is denoted by Aj u Ag u Ag u vj A„ or u A; and defined as
t=i ‘
the set of all elements of these sets. Thus u A- = {a::x e A.for at least one
Properties of Union of Sets
(a)For any two sets A and B,(i) A c A u B (it) B c A u B.
Proof,ii) Let x be any element of A. Then
xeA => xeAuB I V A u B is the set of all elements of A and B
AcA uB
(ii) Please try yourself.
(6)For any set A,A u (j) = A
Proof. Au(j)= {x:jce Aorxe (j)}
= {a;: a: e A} ['.* <j> has no element]
(c) Union of sets is idempotent Le,, for any set A,A 0A es A.
Proof. A u A = {x ; a: e A or jc e A} = {at:* € A)= A
(d)Union of sets is commutative i.e., for any two sets A and B,AuB = BuA
Proof. A u B = {x :a: e A or jc e B)
= {jc: 3C e B or X 6 A)
= BuA
(e) Union of sets is associative te,, for any three sets A,B and C,
Proof. A u(B u C)= {x :a: e A or a: e B u C} = {jc: a: € A or (rc e B or e C))
= {x :(jc e A or jc e B)or jc e C} s= {jc: jc € A u B or a: e C}
if) AcB => AuB = B
is) e AuB =» jc e A or ic e B,
ic g Au B => X (£ A and x ^ B.
II. Intersection of sets. The intersection oftwo sets A and B is the set of all elements
which belong to both A and B.
The intersection of A and B is denoted by A n B and read as‘A intersection B’.
Symbolically, AnB = {3c:a:G A and x e B)
For example,ii) if A = {1, 2, 3, 4) and B = {2, 4,6,8}, then A n B =(2,4}
(Common elements)
(ii)ifP is the set of all prime numbers and E,the set of all even natural numbers,then
P n E = {2} because 2 is the only even prime number.
(Hi)if A = {ac: jc is an odd natural number}
and B = {a:: is an eyen natural number}
then A n B = <|) because no natural number is both odd and even.
On the same lines, we can define the intersection of more than two sets. If Aj, Ag, ,
be n given sets, then their intersection is denoted by
(ii)In any study ofhuman population, all the people in the world constitute a universal
Let U be the universal set and A c U. Then the complement of A is the set of those
elements of U which are not in A. The complement of A is denoted by
Symbolically, A® = U- A={x:a;e U and a: 2 A} = {x : «£ A}.
For example,(i) if U is the set of all natural numbers and A,the set of even natural
A‘= = U-A
= the set of those natural numbers which are not even
= the set of odd natural numbers.
Hi)If U is the set of all letters of English alphabet and A is the set of consonants, then
= the set ofletters of English alphabet which are not consonants
= the set of vowels in English alphabet
Clearly,(i) A u =U
Thus X e A => x€ and x g A'^ => x e A.
Hi) AnA^ = (|).
(Hi) Complement of complement of a set is the set itself i.e., (A‘=)‘" = A.
Proof. (A‘=)‘= = {x:a:g A^}
= {x:xe A)= A
Hu) A-B = AnB‘=
A-B = {x:x€ A and x(^ B} = {x:xe A and xg B‘=) = A n B^
Statement. All the laws of algebra of sets remain true if we interchange union and
intersection as also the imiversal set and the null set.
For example,(i)ifthe law is(Au B)*^ = n B% then its dual is obtained by interchang¬
ing union and intersection i.e., dual will be(A n B)*^ = A® u B'".
(«)if the law is A n A*" = (j), then its dual is obtained on replacing n by u and 0 by U.i.e.,
dual will be A u A® = U.
A^nB’^ciAuBy ..XU)
Combining (j) and (ii),(A vj B)*^ = A^ n
In words. Complement of the union is the intersection ofthe complements.
(6)Let X be any element of(A n B)*^. Then
3c 6 (A n B)*' =» X g A n B
jc e A or jc g B X e A'^ or X e B*^ => X e A*^ u B'^
(A n B)*^ c A'^ u B'^ ...ii)
Again, let x be any element of A'^ u B*^. Then
X € A*^ u B'' xe A orx ^ B'^
X e A or X g B => X 6 An B => X e (A n B)^
A*^ u B‘^ c(A n By ...iXi)
Combining (i) and Hi), (A n B)*^ = A^u B*^.
In words. Complement of the intersection is the union of the complements.
Example 3.IfA cB and B<~.C, then A c C.
Sol. Let X be any element of A. Then
X 6 A => X e B [V AcB]
XG C [V BcC]
A c C.
Example 4.IfA czB,B<zC and CcA,then A = C.
Sol. AcB and BcC AcC (See Ex. 3)
Also CcA (given)
A = C.
Example 5.IfA and B are any two sets, then prove that B czA <;=> A^ ciB^.
Sol. Let B c A.Let x be any element of A^^. Then
X G A*^ Xg A => X g B [v BcA]
XG B'^ A‘=cB‘^
BcA A^^cB^^ ...ii)
Let A*^ c Let x be any element of B. Then
XG B X g B® =» X g A*^ [v A^^cB^^]
A‘=cB‘= BcA ...(«)
Combining(i) and (a), BcA o A'^ c B*^.
Example 6.For any three sets A,B and C,prove that
Sol.(a)Let x be any element of A -(B u C). Then
XG A-(BuC)=»xg a and x g B u C
X G A and (x g B and x g C)
(x G A and x g B)and (x g A and x g C)
X G A - B and xgA-C =» xG(A-B)n(A-C)
A -(B u C)c(A - B)n(A - C) ...d)
i.e. An B = A => AcB ...(ID
Combining(I) and (II), we have A c B iff A n B = A.
Example 16.Prove that AuB=AnB<=>A=S.
Sol. Let A u B = A n B. To prove that A = B,let x be any element of A. Then
a: e A =>., a: e A u B [v AcAuB]
a: e An B [v AuB = AnB]
a; € A and a; € B => a; e B
AcB ...(D
Again, let x be any element of B. Then
XG B => XG AuB Iv BcAuB]
X G An B A u B = A n B]
X G A and x g B XG A
BcA ..Xii)
Combining (i) and (ii), A = B.
AuB = AnB=>A = B ...(I)
Now let A = B. To prove that A u B = A n B.
AuB = AnA [V B = A]
<=> =A=AnA
<=> = AnB
A=B =» AuB = AnB ...(ID
From (I) and (II), AuB = AnB <=> A = B.
Example 16.Prove that{A-B)-C =\A -C)-{B - C).
Sol. Let X be any element of(A - B)- C. Then
xg(A-B)-C => X G A - B and x g C
(x G A and X ^ B)and x g C
=> (x G A and x g C)and(x g B and x g C)
X G A - C and x g B - C => XG (A-C)-(B-C)
(A-B)-Cc(A-O-(B-C) ...(D
Again,let x be any element of(A - C)-(B - C). Then
XG (A-C)-(B-C) ^ X G A - C and x g B - C
(x G A and x g C)and (x g B and x g C) => (x G A and x g B)and x g C
X G A - B and x g C => xg(A-B)-C
(A-C)-(B-C)c(A-B)-C ...(«)
Combining(i) and (w), we get(A - B)- C =(A - C)-(B - C).
Example 17.Prove thatA-B -AnB^ = B^-A^.
Sol. Let X be any element of A - B. Then
xgA-B <=> X G A and x g B
X G A and x g B'^ <=> X G A n B*'
A-B = AnB‘^ ...(D
Again** X G A- B <=> X G A and x g B
<=> i. X g A'^ and x g B® <=> X G B'^ and x g A'^ <=> X G B'^ - A*"
A-B = B‘=-A‘^ .Mi)
Combining (i) and («), we get A - B = A n B^' = B'"-
Let A be a non-empty set. Iffor each A, g A, we are given a set A-^, then we say{A;^^}J^^^ is
a family of sets indexed by the set A.
(i) Union. LetjA^jj^^g^ be an arbitrary family of sets. Then the union of this arbitrary
family of sets is denoted by u A,(read as ‘union of sets Aj^ for X g A’) and defined as
« AJ Hi) (n A^)‘'= u
Xe\ >.eA
X e (u A^r acE u A,
Xe A XeA ^
a: G n A? a: G A^ for every X, g A
A.e A ^
Ale ...(2)
Da or
« =1
Aj X Ag X Ag X X A^ = {(oi, Og,03, ., a„): a,, g A,., 1 < i ^ n]
ii)Def.IfA and B are two sets,then arelation R from A to B is a subset ofthe Cartesian
product A X B.
[A binary relation is a relation between two objects. In this book, we are only con
cerned with binary relations, therefore, onwards by a ‘relation’ we shall mean a ‘binary rela
If a is related to h under the relation R,then we write cR6.
Thus R = {(x, y): jc G A,y G B and jcRy)
The set of first entries of the ordered pairs in a relation is called the domain of the
relation.The set ofsecond entries ofthe ordered pairs in a relation is called the range ofthe
For example.If A = {2, 3, 4, 5,6), B = {2, 4,6,8} and
xRy => X divides y,then the relation R from A to B is given by:
R = {(2, 2),(2, 4),(2,6),(2, 8),(3,6),(4, 4),(4, 8),(6,6)}
Domain of R = {2, 3,4,6} I Dropping the repetitions
Range of R = {2, 4,6,8} I Dropping the repetitions
(ii)Relation on a set. A relation R from a set A to the set A itselfis called a relation on
the set A,i.e., R c A x A.
Thus R = {(x, y): JcRy and x,y e A)is a relation on A. ●
For example.If A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R is the relation ‘less than’, then'
R = {(1, 2),(1, 3).(1, 4),(2, 3),(2,4),(3, 4)}.
(iii)Identity Relation (or Diagonal Relation). An identity relation on a set A is the
set of all ordered pairs(x,y)of A x A such that jc = y. Identity relation on A is u^ally denoted
Thus Ia = A and3c=y}.
(6) If A is the set of all straight lines in the Cartesian plane and R, the relation ‘is
parallel to’(or parallelism oflines), then R is an equivalence relation.(Prove it).
Example 1. Give an example ofa relation which is
(i) reflexive but not symmetric or transitive.
Hi)symmetric hut not reflexive or transitive.
{Hi) transitive but not reflexive or symmetric,
iiv) reflexive and symmetric hut not transitive.
(u) reflexive and transitive hut not symmetric
{vi)symmetric and transitive but not reflexive.
Sol. Consider A = {1, 2, 3, 4). A relation R on A is a subset of A x A.
(i) The relation R = {(1,1)(1, 2)(2, 2)(2,3)(3, 3,),(4, 4)} is reflexive but not symmetric
or transitive.
V a e A,{a, a)€ R => R is reflexive
(1, 2)€ Rbut(2, l)g R => R is not S5nnmetric
(1, 2) € R,(2,3)e R but(1, 3)sE R =» R is not transitive.
Hi) The relation R = {(1, 2),(2,1)} is symmetric but not reflexive or transitive.
HU)The relation R = {(1, 2),(2, 3)(1, 3)) is transitive but not reflexive or symmetric.
Hv)The relation R = {(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(1,2),(2,1)} is reflexive and S5nnmetric but
not transitive.
(u)The relation R = {(1,1),(2, 2),(3,3),(4, 4),(1,2),(2, 3),(1, 3))is reflexive and transi
tive but not symmetric.
H)i) The relation R = {(1,2),(2,1),(2,3),(3,2),(1,1),(1,3),(2,2),(3,1),(3,3)} is symmet
ric and transitive but not reflexive,
Example 2.Let S = {i, 2, 3, 4, 5} and R, the relation
R = {(L 3),(2, 4),(3, 5),(1, 1),(2, 2),(4, 2),(3, 1)}.
Is R an equivalence relation on S ? Give reasons in support ofyour answer.
Sol. For R to be an equivalence relation on S, R must be
(i) reflexive I.C., (a,a)e R V a e S
Hi) symmetric i.e., (a,6)6 R => (6, o) E R
HU)transitive i.e.,
(a, h)e R,(6,c)e R => (a, c) E R.
Now 3 E S but(3, 3)e R => R is not reflexive.
.■. The relation R on S is not an equivalence relation.
Example 3. A relation R is defined on the setN xN as follows :
(a, h) R (c, d) iff a + c? = 6 + c.
Prove that R is an equivalence relation onN xN.
Sol. N X N = [{a, b): a, h & N}, N being the set of natural numbers.
H) R will be reflexive if V (a, 6) e N x N, (a, 6) R (a , b)
I.e., if a + b = b + a which is true.
y = %)
Domain of Range of
f=x f = f(x)cY
i.e., the second entry of any ordered pair belonging to f gives the value off at the first
entry of the same ordered pair.
Sol.(i) Each element of X has an image in Y under fy Also all the ordered pairs in
have different first entry,
fj is a function from X to Y.
Range of = set ofsecond entries of ordered pairs
= {o,6,c} = Y.
Each element of Y has a pre-image underfy
fj is onto.
/i(l)= a,/i(2)= a
1,2 e X and 1 2 but fj{l)= f^(2). is not one-one.
fj is not one-one onto.
Hi)Each element ofX has an image in Y under/g- But the ordered pairs(1,a)and (1, b)
have the same first entry.
i.e., /g not associate a unique element ofY to 1 6 X.
fg is not a function from X to Y.
(Hi)Each element ofX has an image in Y under f^. Also all the ordered pairs in have
different first entry,
fg is a function from X to Y.
Range off^ = {b,c).
a e Y has no pre-image under/g. fg is not onto.
(iu)4 e X has no image in Y under fy
f^ is not a function.
Example 2.Prove that the functionf:R—¥R defined by f(x)= cos x is neither one-one nor
n n n
Sol. ± — 6 R and
3 ’"a ■
n 1
H-iJ = cos(^-3j = cos- = 2
JA n 1
Now lety e Z+, the co-domain off. Let x be its pre-image under/". Then
/(A)n/(B)= 10, 4]
Clearly, /(AnB)?i/(A)n/(B).
fiaf)=f{a^) => 61 = 62
.*. g is one-one.
Again,if a is any element of A,then
ogA => 36gB s.t.fia)= 6 =❖ 36 g B s.t. a = g(6)
.-. every a g A has pre-image under g.
=> g is onto.
Hence g =f~^ is one-one and onto.
Note.f~^ is one-one and onto f~^ is invertible => if~^)~^ exists.
Theorem V. The inverse ofthe inverse ofa function is the function itself i.e., =f
If a function g be the inverse ofa function f, then fis the inverse ofg.
Example 1. Let fbea function with domain X and range in Y and E, F be the subsets of
Y, then prove that
(i)E<zF=^f-KE)<=:f-HF) {ii)f-HE u F) = f-\E) u f-\F)
{Hi) /●-! {EnF)= f~HE) n f~HF).
Sol. (i) Let X be any element of /^~KE). Then
X G /-1(E) => /(x) G E => f{x)&¥ [v E c F]
=> .X G /-1(F)
/-1(E) c/-1(F).
{ii) Let X be any element of /-i (E u F). Then
X G /-I (E u F) => f{x) G E u F
=> f{x) G E or f{x) G F => X G /-1(E) orx G /-1(F)
=> XG/-1(E) u/-1(F)
/-i(E u F) c /-1(E) u /-1(F) ...(a)
Again, let x be any element of /“i (E) u /-i(F). Then.
XG /-I (E)u/-i(F) X G /-1(E) or xg /-1(F)
f{x) G E orf{x) G F => /(x) G E u F => X G /-I (E u F)
Let y be any element of R,the co-domain off. Let x be its pre-image under f.
Then fix)=y
ax + b = y X- G R.
Since every element of the co-domain has its pre-image under f.
f is onto,
/is one-one and onto => /is invertible.
Countability of Sets and
the2Real Number System
Two sets A and B are said to be equivalent if 3 a bijection i.e. a one-one and onto func
tion, from A to B.
A is equivalent to B is written as A ~ B.
For example, the sets N and E = {2, 4, 6, } of all even natural numbers are equiva¬
lent because the function.
/: N —> E defined by f(ji) = 2n, n. e N is one-one from N onto E.
Since A~B and B ~ C => A-C
is transitive.
From ii),(ii) and (Hi), is an equivalence relation.
Note. For m e N, - N,, <=> m-n.
A is finite and B c A => B is finite (Every subset of a finite set is finite)
(0 If B = (j), then B is finite [By def.]
(ii) If B = A,then B is finite because A is finite.
(Hi) Suppose B (|) and B A.
Since A is finite, there exists m g N such that A ~ N^.
Since B e A,B has k elements where k <m i.e. B ~
.-. B is finite.
A is infinite and B 3 A => B is infinite (Every super-set of an infinite set is
Proof. Let B be finite, then A c B and B is finite.
A is finite [Th. 2.9] which is a contradiction. Hence B is infinite.
If A and B are finite sets, then A o B is also a finite set
Proof. A n B c A and A is finite.
A n B is a finite set.
If A and B are finite sets, then A u B is also a finite set
Proof,(i)If A = 4> = B,then A u B = t|) is finite.
(ii)If A = (j) or B = (|), then A u B is either B or A, both of which are finite.
.-. A u B is a finite.
(Hi)If A (j), B 0, since A and B are finite, there exist natural numbers n and m such
that A ~ N„n and B ~ N„.fn
Every subset of a countable set is countable.
Proof. Let A be a countable set. Then A is either finite or denumerable.
Case I. When A is finite.
Since every subset ofa finite set is finite,every subset ofA is finite and hence countable.
Case II. When A is denumerable.
Here A ~ N,the set of natural numbers.
Let A = {cj, Ug,03, } and let B cz A.
Sub-case 1. If B is finite, then B is countable. (Bydef.)
Sub-case 2. If B is infinite, let be the least +ve integer s.t.o„j e B.
Since B is infinite, Let /ig be the least +ve integer s.t. /ig > anda„2 e B.
Since B is infinite, B (u„j, }.
Continuing like this, B = {a„j, , } where < ng < <,
Define/: N ^B by f(k) \/k e N
Then/is one-one and onto.
. B~N
=» B is denumerable => B is countable.
Cor. 1. Every infinite subset of a denumerable set is demunerable.
[See Case II, Sub-case 2].
Cor.2. If A and B are countable sets, then A n B is also a countable set.
A n B c A and A is countable
A n B is countable.
Every infinite set has a coimtable subset.
Proof. Let A be an infinite set. Let g A.
Since A is infinite, A 9^ {ajl. => 3 ttg 5^ Oj s.t. Og 6 A.
Since A is infinite, A 5^ {a Og). 3 Cg Og 9* Oj s.t. Og G A.
Continuing like this as long as we please, we can have a proper subset
B = {Uj, 0,2, O3, } of A.
If B is finite, B is countable. (By def.)
If B is infinite, define /*: N B by /(^)= a;^VAG N
Then/*is one-one and onto.
B is denumerable => B is countable.
A is countable,B is countable => A u B is countable.
Proof. Case I.If A and B are both finite,then so is A u B.
=> A vj B is countable.
Case II. If one of A and B is finite and the other is denumerable.
Let us assume that A is finite and B is denumerable. Then we can write
A = {Uj, Og, Og,
B = {6j, 6g,6g, ,1
Let C = B - A,then C c B
Since A is finite, C is infinite.
C being an infinite subset of a denumerable set is denumerable,so we can express C as
C = {Cj, Cg, Cg,
Clearly, AuB = AuC = {oj, Og, » ®/n> ^1’ ^2’ } and A n C = (j)
ifife = 1.2,..
Define : N A u C by fik)=
Then/is one-one and onto.
AuC~N => AuB~N
A VJ B is denumerable => A u B is countable.
Case III. If A and B are both denumerable sets, we can write.
A = {Oj, Og, Og, } j B — {6j,6g, 6g,
Let C = B - A,then C c B and A u B = A u C.
If C is finite, then A u C is countable. (By case II)
a n *1 if n is odd
Define/: N^AuC by /(/i) = 0
2 if n is even
. 2
The union of a denumerable collection of denumerable sets is denumerable
“21, “12
“31, “22, “l3
“41.“32,“23, “14
From the above scheme it is evident that o^^ is theq^th element of (p + g - l)th row. Thus
all the elements of A, have been arranged in an infinite sequence as
{“ll> “21» ®12» “31» ®22» ®13» ®41> ^32> ®23» ®14 }
In fact, the map /: »eN
u A-‘ -> N defined by
(p + g-2)(p + g-l)
+q gives an enumeration of u A -
2 ie N '
u A. ~ N
j6 N *
Hence u A- is denumerable.
ieN '
The set of real numbers x such that 0 < x < 1 is not countable
The unit interval [0,1] is not countable.
*„ = 0-a„,O„2O„3O„4 ann
where each
a^j e (0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9}.
Consider the number b with decimal representation b = 0.b^b^ b^ bn
where fej is any integer from 1 to 8 s.t. 6j^
feg is any integer from 1 to 8 s.t. 62 a^2
The set of real numbers is not countable.
Proof. We know that every subset of a countable set is countable.
If R were countable, then [0, 1] which is a subset of R must also be countable.
But the unit interval [0,1] is not countable. [Theorem 2.17]
Hence R is not countable.
The set of all rational numbers is countable.
Proof. Consider the sets
-1 1-2 2
(Common denom. 1)
1 ’1’ 1 ’r
Jo -1 1 -2 2 (Common denom. 2)
2 ’2’ 2 ’2’
-1 1-2 2
n (Common denom. n)
n n n n
if r is odd
Consider a mapping /: N defined by f{r)= > - r
if r is even
Q is countable.
The set of all positive rational numbers is countable.
Proof. Let denote the set of positive rational numbers ; then c Q.
Since every subset of a countable set is countable, and Q is countable.
.-. is countable.
The set of irrational numbers is uncountable.
Proof. Suppose the set of irrational numbers is countable. We know that the set of
rational numbers is countable. Since R, the set of real numbers is the union of the set of
rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers, therefore, R is countable. But R is not
countable. We are,"thus, led tq a contradiction.
Hence the set ofirrational numbers is uncountable.
A finite set is not equivalent to any of its proper subsets.
Proof.Let A be a finite set.
If A = (j), then A has\po proper subset and we have nothing to prove.
If A ?£ <b then A ~ N„ for some me N.
Let B be a
proper ^ubset of A,then B has k elements, where k<m i.e., B ~ Nj^.
Since A and B do not have same number of elements, A cannot be equivalent to B.
Every infinite set is equivalent to a proper subset of itself.
Proof. Let A be an infinite set. Since every infinite set contains a denumerable subset.
[SeeTh. 2.14]
Let B = {Cp Og, Og, } be a denumerable subset of A.
Let C = A - B,then A = B u C
Let P = A -{a j} be a proper subset of A
Consider the mapping : A P
defined by f(a.)= for a. e B and fia)= a for o g C
Then fis one-one and onto. Hence A ~ P.
Note. If A is a denumerable set, then A ~ N and we can write A as the indexed set {a^: i g N|,
where a- ^ Oj for i ^j. The process of writing a denumerable set in this form is called enumeration.
The union of a finite set and a countable set is a countable set.
Proof. Let A be a finite set and B be a countable set.
If B is finite then A u B is a finite set and hence countable.
If B is denumerable then there are two possibilities :
(t) A n B = (|) and (ii) A n B <{)
Case ii) When A n B = (])
Let A = {aj, Og, ,op and B = {bj, ,bn’
Then AuB = {Oj, Og, ●> ^2» » ^n’ J
if 1 ^ /I < p
Define a function /‘:N-»AuBby/(o) =
n-p if o > p + 1
Clearly/is one-one and onto.
.*. A u B ~ N. Hence A u B is denumerable and so countable.
Case, (ii) When A n B (j)
Let C = B - A, then C c B
Since A is finite, C is infinite.
C being an infinite subset of a denumerable set is denumerable.
Clearly AuB = AuC = {Oj, Og, » Ctpj Cj, Cg, } and A n C = (|)
.●. By case (i), A u C is countable. Hence A u B is countable.
The set N x N is countable.
Proof. Consider the sets Ai = {Q, 1),(1,2),(1, 3),
Ag = {(2,1), (2, 2), (2, 3),
A3 = {(3,1), (3, 2), (3, 3), }
Clearly NxN= u A
Proof. (p . . . . 1
Q^ = i —; P, 9 are co-pnme positive integers ►
Let A= {(p, q) ;p,g are co-prime positive integers)
Clearly the elements of Q'*' and A are in one-one correspondence and therefore is
countable iff A is countable. Since Ac N x N and N x N is countable, therefore, A is countable.
Hence Q+ is countable.
The real number h is called the multiplicative inverse of a and is denoted by a~^ or —
which is the reciprocal ofa.
(Hi)Distributivity. Multiplication distributes over addition in R.
D. Va,6,ceR a.(b+c)= a.b+ a.c.
A non-empty set with at least two elements in it and with two binary operation satisfying
all the above eleven axioms Aj to Ag, Mjto Mg and D is called a field.
Thus(Q,+,.)is also a field whereas(Z,+ ,.) and(N,+,.) are not so.]
Ordered Field
! If a field satisfies all the four order axioms Ojto O^,then it is called an ordered field.
[Thus(Q,+,.)is an ordered field.]
Hence(R,+,.)is an ordered field.
I. Field Axioms
(i) The Addition Axioms
Aj. V a,6 e Q, a +6 G Q (Closure Law of addition)
A2. V a,6 G Q, a +6 =6 + a (Commutative Law of addition)
Ag. V a,6,c G Q, a +(6 + c)=(a + 6)+ c (Associative Law of addition)
A4. V a G Q,30 G Q s.t. o + 0 = 0 + o= a
This rational number ‘0’ is called the additive identity of Q.
Ag. V a G Q,36 G Q s.t. a + 6 = 6 + a = 0.
This rational number b is called the additive inverse ofa or negative ofa and is denoted
by- a.
Thus a +(- o)=(- a)+ a = 0.
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