Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Key Terms
formative assessment
placement assessment
diagnostic assessment
summative assessment
traditional assessment
portfolio assessment
performance assessment
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the chapter, the students should be able to:
1. define the terms: assessment, evaluation, measurement, test, testing, formative
assessment, placement assessment, diagnostic assessment, summative assessment,
traditional assessment, portfolio assessment, performance assessment;
2. discriminate the different purposes of assessment;
3. differentiate the different types of assessment;
4. identify and discuss the general principles of assessment;
5. discuss the different guidelines for effective student assessment; and
6. differentiate norm-referenced interpretation from criterion-referenced interpretation.
Assessment of Learning focuses on the development and utilization of assessment tools
to improve the teaching-learning process. It emphasizes on the use of testing for measuring
knowledge, comprehension and other thinking skills. As part of overall evaluation process, we
need specifically to find out if the learners are actually learning (changing their behavior) as a
result of the teaching. This will show us whether the teaching has been effective, which is
ultimately the most important issue. Assessment is a means of finding out what learning is taking
place. As well as specific knowledge and skills, we might also like to measure other changes in
behavior related to “personality”, social skills, interests, learning styles, among others.
There is a lot of debate about how to assess learning and especially about how to evaluate
performance. Our objectives give us guidance on what to assess, because they are written in
terms of what the learners should be able to do. Based on these objectives, it is very useful to
identify all the activities and skills which the learners will carry out, the conditions under which
they will perform these tasks and activities, the possible results which might be obtained, and the
standards by which their performance will be measured.
Once again, we need to stress the importance of participation, and this is especially
important in assessment and evaluation. Learners should be actively involved in both the
development of learning objectives, and as much as possible in their own assessment. In many
education systems, assessment is used as a tool for 'sorting' students for selection purposes
(progression to higher level education, higher rewards, among others). Assessment where
students are compared with each other is known as norm-referencing. It is much better if learners
are aware of what they need to learn and what they have learned, so they can set their own
targets and monitor their own progress. Of course, teachers and trainers should advise the
learners, and guide them in order to help them learn; this is the key role of the teacher.
Assessment of learners in relation to a particular target or level of performance is called
criterion- referencing
Assessment, measurement and evaluation mean many different things. These terms are
sometimes used interchangeably in the field of education. In this section, we shall point out the
fundamental differences of the terms assessment, testing, measurement and evaluation.
The term Assessment refers to the different components and activities of different
schools. An assessment can be used to student learning and in comparing student learning with
the learning goals of an academic program. Assessment is defined as an act or process of
collecting and interpreting information about student learning. Another source expands this
statement by adding that it is a systematic process of gathering, interpreting, and using this
information about student learning. It is a very powerful tool for educational improvement. It
emphasizes on individual student or groups of individuals and on the academic program of a
certain educational institution. There are different purposes of assessment such as: to provide
feedback to students and to serve as diagnostic tool for instruction. For this purpose assessment
usually answers the questions, "Was the instruction effective?" and "Did the students achieve the
intended learning outcomes?"
Assessment is a general term that includes different ways that the teachers used to gather
information in the classroom. Information that helps teachers understand their students,
information that is used to plan and monitor their classroom instruction, information that is used
to a worthwhile classroom culture and information that is used for testing and grading. The most
common form of assessment is giving a test. Since test is a form of assessment, hence, it also
answers the question, "how does individual student perform?" Test is formal and systematic
instrument, usually paper and pencil procedure designed to assess the quality, ability, skill or
knowledge of the students by giving a set of question in uniform manner. A test is one of the
many types of assessment procedure used to gather information about the performance of
students. Hence, testing is one of the different methods used to measure the level of performance
or achievement of the learners. Testing also refers to the administration, scoring, and
interpretation of the procedures designed to get information about the extent of the performance
of the students. Oral questionings, observations, projects, performances and portfolios are the
other assessment processes that will be discussed later in detail.
Evaluation refers to the process of judging the quality of what is good and what is desirable. It is
the comparison of data to a set of standard or learning criteria for the purpose of judging the
worth or quality. Example, in judging the quality of an essay written by the students about their
opinion regarding the first state of the nation address of Pres. Benigno C. Aquino, evaluation
occurs after the assessment data has been collected and synthesized because it is only in this time
where teacher is in the position to make judgment about the performance of the students.
Teachers evaluate how well or to what extent the students attained the instructional outcomes.
Classroom assessment procedures can be classified according to the nature of assessment, format
of assessment, use in the classroom instruction and methods of interpreting the results (Gronlund
and Linn, 2000),
Nature of Assessment
1. Maximum Performance
It is used to determine what individuals can do when performing at their best. Examples of
instruments using maximum performance are aptitude tests and achievement tests.
2. Typical Performance
Format of Assessment
1. Fixed-choice Test
An assessment used to measure knowledge and skills effectively and efficiently. Standard
multiple-choice test is an example of instrument used in fixed-choice test.
2. Complex-performance Assessment
An assessment procedure used to measure the performance of the learner in contexts and on
problems valued in their own right. Examples of instruments used in complex-performance
assessments are hands-on laboratory experiment, projects, essays, oral presentations.
Teaching and Learning are reciprocal processes that depend on and affect one another
(Swearingen 2002 and Kellough 1999), “the assessment component of the instructional processes
deals with the learning progress of the students and the teacher's effectiveness in imparting
knowledge to the students.
When planning assessment, it should start when teacher plans his instruction. That is,
when writing learning outcomes up to the time when the teacher assesses the extent of achieving
the learning outcomes. Teachers made decisions from the beginning of instruction up to the end
of instruction. There are four roles of assessment used in the instructional process. The first is
placement assessment, a type of assessment given at the beginning of instruction. The second
and third type of assessment are formative assessment and diagnostic assessment given during
instruction and the last is the summative assessment given at the end of instruction.
1. Beginning of Instruction
2. During Instruction
During the instructional process the main concern of a classroom teacher is to monitor the
learning progress of the students. Teacher should assess whether students achieved the intended
learning outcomes set for a particular lesson. If the students achieve the planned learning
outcomes, the teacher should provide a feedback to reinforce learning. Based on recent
researches, it shows that providing feedback to students is the most significant strategy to move
students forward in their learning. Garnison and Ehringhaus (2007), stressed in their paper
"Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom”, that feedback provides students with
an understanding of what they are doing well, links to class room learning, and gives specific
input on how to reach the next step in learning progression. If it is not achieved, the teacher will
give a group or individual remediation During this process we shall consider formative
assessment and diagnostic assessment.
3. End of Instruction
1. Norm-referenced Interpretation
2. Criterion-referenced Interpretation
Other types of descriptive terms used to describe tests in contrasting types such as the non-
standardized versus standardized tests; objective versus subjective tests; supply versus fixed-
response tests; individual versus group tests; mastery versus sur- vey tests; speed versus power
Non-standardized Test versus Standardized Test
1. Objective test is a type of test in which two or more evaluators give an examinee the
same score.
2. Subjective test is a type of test in which the scores are influenced by the judgment of the
evaluators, meaning there is no one correct answer.
1. Supply test is a type of test that requires the examinees to supply an answer, such as an
essay test item or completion or short answer test item.
2. Fixed-response test is a type of test that requires the examinees to select an answer from
a given option such as multiple-choice test, matching type of test, or true/false test.
1. Individual test is a type of test administered to student on a one-on-one basis using oral
2. Group test is a type of test administered to a group of individuals or group of students.
1. Mastery test is a type of achievement test that measures the degree of mastery of a
limited set of learning outcomes using criterion-reference to interpret the result.
2. Survey test is a type of test that measures students' general achievement over a broad
range of learning outcomes using norm-reference to interpret the result.
1. Speed test is designed to measure number of items an individual can complete over a
certain period of time.
2. Power test is designed to measure the level of performance rather than speed of
response. It contains test items that are arranged according to increasing degree of
There are different types or modes of assessment used by a classroom teacher to assess
the learning progress of the students. These are traditional assessment, alternative assessment,
performance-based assessment, and portfolio assessment.
Traditional Assessment
It is a type of assessment in which the students choose their answer from a given list of
choices. Examples of this type of assessment are multiple-choice test, standard true/false test,
matching type test, and fill-in-the-blank test. In traditional assessment, students are expected to
recognize that there is only one correct or best answer for the question asked.
Alternative Assessment
Performance-based Assessment
Portfolio Assessment
Portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts,
progress and achievements in one or more areas over a period of time. It measures the growth
and development of students. Further details about portfolio assessment will be discussed in
Chapter 7.
Improvement of student learning is the main purpose of classroom assessment. This can
be done if assessment is integrated with good instruction and is guided by certain principles.
Gronlund (1998) provided the general guidelines for using student assessment effectively.
1. Define the terms: assessment, evaluation, measurement, test, testing, formative assessment,
placement assessment, diagnostic assessment, summative assessment, traditional assessment,
portfolio assessment, and performance assessment.
8. Present and discuss the different guidelines for effective student assessment.
10. What are the different issues related to the assessment of students' learning?