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1 Basic link analysis

Design of the satellite link, first transmission formula , up link , down link. ... Communication
satellites bring the world to you anywhere and any time… ... User Link (MUL) Gateway Link
(GWL) MUL GWL small cells (spot beams) base station ... Objective of a link analysis • • • • • •
• Link analysis determines properties of satellite ..

EC8094-Satellite Communication

2 Basic Transmission Theory

 These will include all the parameters such as:
 Flux density
 power received
 power transmit
 System noise temperature
 Carrier to noise power ratio
The calculation of power received by an earth station from a satellite is
fundamental to the understanding of satellite communication.
— Consider a transmitting source, in free space, radiating a total power P Watts
uniformly in all directions
— Such source is called isotropic.

EC8094-Satellite Communication

— At a distance R meters from isotropic source, flux density crossing

the surface F= Pt / 4 πR2 (W/m2 )

 For a transmitter with output Pt watts driving a lossless antenna with

gain Gt , the f lux density distance R meters is
F= Pt Gt / 4 πR2 (W/m2 )
 The product Pt Gt is called effective isotropic radiated power or EIRP, it
describes the combination of
EC8094-Satellite Communication

transmitting power & antenna gain in terms of an equivalent isotropic source

with power Pt Gt watts
 If we had an ideal receiving antenna with an aperture of A m2
we would collect power Pr watts given by Pr = F * A watts
A practical antenna with physical aperture area of A m2 will not deliver
power as given in above equation.
Some of the energy incident on aperture is reflected away from the
antenna, some is absorbed by lossy components.The effective aperture Ae is
Ae = ηA A Where ηA aperture efficiency of the antenna.
For parabolic reflector For Horn antennas ηA = 50 to 75%
ηA = 90%
 Thus the power received by real antenna with effective aperture area Ae
m2 is
Pr = Pt Gt Ae / 4 πR2 (watts)……..(A)
 A fundamental relation in antenna theory is gain & area of an antenna are
related by G = 4π Ae / λ2
 Substituting above equation in equation (A) gives
Pr = [Pt Gt Gr/ (4 πR / λ) 2 watts
 This expression is known as link equation & essential in calculation of
power received in any radio link
 The term (4 πR / λ.) 2 is known as path loss Lp
 Collecting various factors, we can write Power received = (EIRP *
Receiving antenna gain / path loss)watts
 In decibel, we have Pr = EIRP + Gr – Lp ……………………..(B)
Where , EIRP= 10log10 (Pt Gt ) dBw
Gr = 10log10 (4π Ae /λ2 )dB
Lp = 10log10 (4 πR /λ) 2 dB

EC8094-Satellite Communication

 Equation B represents an idealized case, in which there

are no additional losses in the link.
 In practice, we need to take account of a more complex situation in
which we have losses in atmosphere due to attenuation by oxygen, water
vapor and rain, losses in the antennas at each end of the link.
 So equation B can be written as Pr = EIRP + Gr – Lp – La -Lta-Lra
where La = attenuation in atmosphere
Lta= losses associated with transmitting antenna
Lra= losses associated with receiving antenna
The received power, Pr is commonly referred to as carrier power, C.
 This is because most satellite links use either frequency modulation for
analog transmission or phase modulation for digital systems.
 In both of the modulation schemes, the amplitude of the carrier is not
changed when data are modulated onto the carrier, so carrier power C is
always equal to received power Pr.
System Noise Temperature & G/T ratio:
 Noise Temperature
 Noise temperature provides a way of determining how much thermal
noise is generated by active and passive devices in the receiving system.
 At microwave frequencies, a black body with physical temperature, Tp
degrees kelvin, generate electrical noise over a wide bandwidth.
 The noise power is given by
Pn = kTn B
k= Boltzmann’s constant= 1.38 *10-23J/K =-228.6 dBW/K/Hz
Tn = Noise temperature of source in K
B= noise bandwidth in which noise power is measured, in Hz.

EC8094-Satellite Communication

 System noise temperature Ts , is the noise temperature of noise source at

the input of noiseless receiver, which gives same noise power as the
original receiver, measured at the output of receiver Calculation of
System noise temperature:

The noisy devices in the receiver are replaced by

equivalent noiseless blocks with the same gain and
noise generators at the input to each block such that
the block produce same noise at its output as the
device it replaces.
 The total noise power at the output of the IF amplifier of the receiver is
given by

EC8094-Satellite Communication

This equation can be written as

The single source of noise shown in above figure with

noise temperature Ts generates the same noise power
Pn at its output

EC8094-Satellite Communication

So the system noise temperature is

Noise Figure
Noise figure is used to specify the noise generated within a device.
The operational noise figure is
NF = (S/N)in /(S/N)out

Noise Temperature
Noise temperature is more useful in satellite communication systems, it is
best to convert noise figure to noise temperature, T
T = T0 (NF- 1)
NF is a linear ratio, not in decibels
T0 is the reference temperature (290 K)

G/T Ratio for earth stations:

The link equation can be rewritten in terms of (C/N)
at the earth stations

EC8094-Satellite Communication

3 Downlink Design:
The design of any satellite communication is based on two objectives: a)meeting
a minimum C/N ratio for a specified percentage of time, and b)carrying the
maximum revenue earning traffic at minimum cost.
Any satellite link can be designed with very large antennas to achieve high C/N
ratios under all conditions, but the cost will be high. The art of good system design
is to reach the best compromise of system parameters that meets thespecification
at the lower cost.

Link Budget :
C/N ratio calculation is simplified by the use of link budgets.A link budget is a
tabular method for evaluating the received power and noise power. Link budgets
invariably use decibel units for all quantities so that signal and noise powers can
be calculated by addition and subtraction.Since it is usually impossible to design
a satellite link at the first attempt, link budgets make the task much easier because,
once a link budget has been established, it is easy to change any of the parameters
and recalculate the result.

EC8094-Satellite Communication

EC8094-Satellite Communication

3.4 Uplink Design:

The Uplink design is easier than the downlink, since an accurately specified
carrier power must be presented at the satellite transponder and it is often
feasible to use much higher power transmitters at earth stations than can be used
on a satellite.
The cost of transmitters tend to be high compared with the cost of receiving
equipment in satellite communication system.

Earth station transmitter power is set by the power

level required at the input to the transponder.
Analysis of the uplink requires calculation of the
power level at the input to the transponder so that
uplink C/N ratio can be found.
The link equation is used to make this calculation.
Let (C/N)up be the specified C/N ratio in the
transponder, measured in an noise bandwidth Bn Hz

EC8094-Satellite Communication

At frequencies above 10 GHz, propagating disturbances in the form of fading in

rain causes the received power level at the satellite to fall. This lowers the
uplink C/N ratio in the transponder ,which lowers the overall (C/N)o ratio in the
earth station receiver.
Design for Specified C/N:
When more than one C/N ratio is present in the link, we can add the
individual C/N ratios reciprocally to obtain overall C/N ratio denoted as (C/N)o
The overall (C/N)o ratio is
(C/N)o = 1/ [1/(C/N)1 + 1/(C/N)2 +_ _ _ _ _]
This sometimes referred as reciprocal C/N formula.
The C/N values must be linear ratios, not decibel values.
(C/N)o = C/(N1 + N2 + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
In dB units :
(C/N)o = C dBW – 10log10 (N1 +N2 + _ _ _ _ _ ) dB
C/N ratio at the receiver always yield (C/N)o , the combination of transponder
and earth station C/N ratios.
Satellite Communication Link Design Procedure:
1.Determine the frequency band in which system must operate. Comparative
designs may be required to help make the selection.
2.Determine the communications parameters of the satellite. Estimate any
values that are not known.
3.Determine the parameters of the transmitting andreceiving earth stations.
4.Start at the transmitting earth station. Establish an uplink budget and a
transponder noise power to find (C/N)up in the transponder.
5.Find the output power of the transponder based on transponder gain or output
6.Establish a downlink power and noise budget for the receiving earth station.
Calculate (C/N)dn and (C/N)o for a station at the edge of the coverage zone.

EC8094-Satellite Communication

7.Calculate S/N or BER in the baseband channel. Find the link margin.
8.Evaluate the result and compare with the specification requirements. Change
parameters of the system as required to obtain acceptable (C/N)0 or
S/N or BER values. This may require several trial designs.
9.Determine the propagation conditions under which the link must operate.
Calculate outage times for the uplinks and downlinks.
10.Redesign the system by changing some parameters if the link margins are
inadequate. Check that all parameters are reasonable, and that the design can be
implemented within the expected budget.

EC8094-Satellite Communication

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